FREE FREE October 2014 KENO CONNECTIONS Connecting People, Creating Community DOWNTOWN NEWS! Do you own a business in Keno or Round Lake? Would you like to start a business in Keno or Round Lake? The Ford Family Foundation has announced the following opportunity to all members of the Greater Keno Area. One of the two priority areas of focus that came out of the Great Basin Economic Vitality Summit was to revitalize downtowns. We are reaching out to you to assist in the targeted recruitment process as we prepare to send out invitations to the follow up session: the Economic Vitality Downtown Revitalization Call to Action workshop. The Downtown Revitalization workshop is scheduled for November 17, 2014 from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 the Butte Valley Community Center in Dorris. At this workshop, we will work with the communities of Chiloquin, Dorris, Keno, Malin, Merrill and Tulelake to identify strategies and tools to improve your downtown areas. In a future session, the second focus will be on regional branding in which we will invite interested persons within the entire region. We are requesting your assistance in recruiting key stakeholders from your community to invite them to the Downtown Revitalization Call to Action workshop. We are seeking teams of4-6 stakeholders from each of these six communities (Chiloquin, Dorris, Keno, Malin, Merrill and Tulelake) who can assist with revitalization efforts in their downtown areas. At the Call to Action Workshop, community teams will participate in small FREE Vol. 6 No. 10 group discussions about their downtown areas, receive feedback from a First Impressions visit, review the Assets, Challenges & Opportunities homework, brainstorm and prioritize strategies, and discuss next steps. If you, or someone you know might be interested in participating in this workshop, please contact Lisa Anglin no later than October 9, 2014, so she can send out the necessary information. Lisa can be reached by phone at 541-885-7387 or by email at This workshop will be a wonderful opportunity to learn how to bring new business and better economic opportunities into the Greater Keno Area. The Ford Family Foundation has been part of providing development assistance to the Klamath Basin for over ten years, and to Keno, specifically, for over eight years. Keno has hosted two Ford Family Leadership Institute cohorts and been the recipient of two Ford Family Foundation grants. PAGE 2—,KENO KONNECTIONS—October 2014 KENO LIBRARY Come join the Library staff for the exciting events happening at the Keno Library, located in the Keno Mercantile at 15555 Oregon Highway 66, Suite 1, in Keno. Every Wednesday, the Keno Library hosts a book sale. Hardcover books, VHS/DVDs, and music are available for only one dollar. Children's books are only fifty cents. Paperbacks are twenty-five cents each. What a deal! Donations for the book sale are always welcome! Proceeds benefit the local library. Join the “River Readers Adult Book Club” on the second Saturday of every month at noon, and come broaden your horizons, meet new friends, and enjoy a new book. The Library also hosts story time and crafts every Thursday morning at 11:00 a.m. Join the staff on October 30, 2014, for the Halloween Festivities. Don't forget to wear your costume! Library Hours: Tuesday: 12:30-4:30 Wednesday: 12:30-4:30 Thursday: 10-4:30 Saturday: 10-2 DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENTS There have been some big improvements taking place in the downtown Keno area this past month. Thanks to Brandon at Max’s Family Café, Eric Nystrom of Keno Tractor, and the Keno Water Company, the "Triangle" has been renovated! We appreciate their beginnings, but please tell us; what would you like to see in the “Triangle"? Native plants? Old wagon items? Be a part of your community and voice your opinion! In the meantime, drop us a note and let us know what you think about the new improvements. Another new addition to the downtown area is a new park bench built by Keno resident, Greg Mitchell. The bench sits outside the Keno Library. Would you like to see old Keno artifacts displayed with the bench? If so, contact Eric at Keno Tractor or call 541-850-8193. PAGE 3—,KENO KONNECTIONS—October 2014 Project Spirit Project Spirit has been busy, busy, busy. Nine new horses were taken in after the police declared them in trouble at a ranch in Sprague River on August 30th, 2014. All were in appalling condition, very thin, with untrimmed feet and most were in dire need of dental care. Chuck and Nadine Hoy and their wonderful volunteers have been rehabilitating them and all have survived and are doing very well. “The cost of such a herd has been very heavy on the rescue but people are donating food and money to keep us going. We send huge thanks to you all. We could never do this without you,” said Nadine Hoy. One three year-old palomino filly, Perfect, has been adopted to a young lady as a senior project. One yearling paint stud went to a fabulous home near Highway 39. One older black mare has been adopted by the receptionist at East Ridge Veterinary Clinic. Thank you, Cathy! One bay thoroughbred gelding and one yearling colt are going to a great home in Klamath. A three year-old palomino gelding, a yearling thoroughbred/Arabian colt, and a fourteen year-old Quarter horse mare are still available. There is a fourteen year-old Tennessee Walker who is going to a trainer on Friday. These horses are available for adoption. Also in September, the folks at Project Spirit received a call from Nevada Fish and Wildlife (Keno's own Megan Solus!) in Denio, Nevada, about a wild baby burro who was dying because his mother had no milk and he needed long-term care. Chuck and Nadine drove out and picked Continued: him up and fed him milk several times a day (and night...sigh) and he came back to life like a little fighter. Two days later, Nevada Fish and Wildlife sent another infant burro and these two little wild loving babies have become celebrities in their own right. “They have come back with all of the love we could give them, and visitors have been donating to their care,” Nadine said. A message on the Project Spirit Facebook page was left by a friend of the Hoy’s who lives in New York City and she asked if she could adopt them (they have a farm in New Jersey). In October, the two little baby “donks,” who have become quite famous, and two miniature horses will make the long trek back to the East Coast to their new home at “Harleys and Horses Farm,” where they will live a wonderful life with the Hoy’s friend, Shelby. On the last Saturday of September, the Farm held a “Donkey Shower” as a fundraiser for the rescue, raising $425.00. If you want to follow the escapades of the burros, or just want to see what their new home looks like, look up “Harleys and Horses Farm” on Facebook. Chuck and Nadine have promised to post news of their trip as they travel to the East Coast to deliver the babies to their new home. On another note, hay is still very much in need for the winter. If you’d like to donate hay or make a monetary donation, a PayPal link is available on the Project Spirit website,, or you can send a check to: Project Spirit 13910 Hwy 66 Klamath Falls, OR 97601 PAGE 4—,KENO KONNECTIONS—October 2014 FROM THE BADGER DEN Fall is upon us, and snow is not far behind (hopefully! we REALLY need the water!)’ but, snow covered ground means fewer rodents out and less food for the Badger Run raptors. Mature, seasoned birds know how to handle this, but first years often get into trouble and can’t find enough food. Please be alert for hawks, owls, and eagles that seem to be hanging around, acting weak or lethargic. Please call Badger Run if you have concerns. Liz Burton, wants to take advantage of the cooler weather and put together a “fencing and raking” day at Badger Run. She needs help to fill rock jacks, run fence, and rake the abundance of pine needles and cones into the burn piles. The T-posts are in, so the “hard part” is done, but she needs help with finishing these projects! Call 541-891-2052 or email Liz at if you are willing to help! For more information or for your tour of Badger Run Wildlife Rehab, please Email or call 541-8912052. FLU SHOTS Flu shots will be available at the Keno Elementary School on Wednesday, October 8, 2014, from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Medicare will be billed. If paying by cash, the cost is $40.00. For more information, call 541-883-5055. OEBB/ODS Insurance and Blue Cross/Blue Shield of OR Insurance will be billed. Ask the nurses about billing other insurance plans. COMMUNITY ACTION TEAM APPOINTED KCAO is a volunteer organization that serves the communities of Keno, Round Lake, Bear Valley, and Lakewoods Village. The KCAO is an acknowledged Citizen Advisory Committee for land use issues and, as such, gives residents of the Greater Keno Area the opportunity to have a voice in local land use issues. It provides a public forum for discussion and development of advice to the Klamath County Planning Commission on issues that affect the Greater Keno area. On September 23, 2014, the Klamath County Commissioners, in a unanimous vote, appointed the Keno Community Action Organization (KCAO) as the official Community Action Team for the greater Keno Area. KCAO holds monthly meetings on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the Keno Open Bible Church. All interested area residents are welcome and encouraged to attend. KCAO also provides a forum for discussion of other issues of interest or concern to local residents. Please contact the Secretary/ Treasurer, Dave Depweg, at 541-882-0027 if you would like to have a topic placed on the agenda, or if you need further information, send an email to The Board members of the KCAO welcome comments, suggestions, and ideas from all residents of the Greater Keno area. KCAO members are currently planning to participate in the 2014 Keno Tree Lighting ceremony, the 2014 Klamath Snowflake Festival, and are also planning a living history event to take place in the fall of 2015. If you would like to help with any of these events or want more information, please contact Lisa Anglin at 541-885-7387 or email PAGE 6—,KENO KONNECTIONS—October 2014 IN OTHER NEWS Are you a Female Veteran or woman currently serving in the military? Would you like to be involved in a social group for current and prior military women? Come join the group at Mia’s and Pia’s Pizzeria every second Monday at 12:00 p.m. to socialize and hear information about benefits and Veteran legislation. Mia’s and Pia’s Pizzeria is located at 3545 Summers Lane, Klamath Falls. The meeting is held in the dining area. For additional information, please contact Bev by phone at 541-591-8482 or Angela’s phone at 541-882-1620. You may also reach Angela via email at: SEEKING Do you know anyone having a birthday or anniversary in September? Would you like to wish them well? If so, please email the Editor, Lisa Anglin, at and we’ll put the announcement in next month’s newsletter. Do you know anyone that has been ill? Send them a “Get Well Soon!” message in the August newsletter. Did you receive a promotion at work, have a child or grandchild, get married? Send us the good news and we’ll print it here! This is a community newsletter and we’d like you to know that your news is important to us, too! KLAMATH SNOWFLAKE FESTIVAL The Klamath Snowflake Festival is under new management this year and the organizers are looking for greater participation. The theme for this year’s Festival is “United We Stand.” In that spirit, the organizers are inviting people and groups from all of the outlying communities in Klamath County to participate. The Snowflake Festival managers have asked the residents of the Greater Keno area if they would like to enter a float in the annual Snowflake Parade. If you’re interested in participating, please attend the Keno Community Action Organization (KCAO) meeting on Tuesday, October 7, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. at Keno Open Bible Church. If you would like more information, call 541-885-7387 and ask for Lisa.
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