Ordinary Time - Year A (September- November 2014) Sunday's Great Challenge By Fr Paul Turner The great challenge of Sunday morning is so subtle you probably ignore it. It doesn't come from the alarm clock, which asks you to begin your life. It doesn't come from family or friends, who ask you the meaning of life. It doesn't come from the homilist, who asks you to reform your life. No, it comes from the song leader, who says, "Please join in singing the opening hymn". The book of songs lies heavy in the rack. "They want me to find #59? They want me to sing? There are many excuses not to sing. Perhaps you've used some of these yourself: 1) I never sing. This is like, "I don't do windows." In an age of specialization, you have to set limits. You get along perfectly well at work, in the marketplace, and at home without singing the refrain of "You Are There," so why start in church? 2) I don't know that song. This excuse is popular with people at home with the familiar. They exhibit withdrawal symptoms when their TV shows get cancelled, and they never try to cook with a recipe that calls for more than three ingredients. 3) I can't stand that song leader. Ad hominum arguments are never logical but always popular. Have you sworn off shopping at a store because of a rude clerk? Have you written off a restaurant with a sloppy waiter? This excuse might appeal to you. 4) I can't read music. This argument holds that musicians live in a secret world and speak with their own vocabulary. Since musicians are eccentric anyway, you may not want to be mistaken for one. However, there are also many reasons for taking the Sunday challenge from your local song leader. Consider the following: 1) Singing expresses our community. Any song - a hymn, a psalm, an acclamation -- achieves what we come for: expressing our faith in community. Only music can draw our many voices together in one common voice, united in rhythm, pitch, and feeling. 2) Singing enhances religious experience. Like the rhythms on a dance floor, like the sounds of a live concert, music touches the spirit. To give ourselves over to singing is to let go of what keeps us selfish, and to involve our spirit with others. 3) Singing is beautiful. Yes, even your singing. People find God in beauty: in sunsets, in oceans, in fresh baked bread, in the beloved. Music is art, and its beauty reveals God. 4) Singing is prayer. Have you felt an emotion you couldn't put into words? Music may help. Even as we sing the words, the music itself is a prayer without words. Music has emotion, spirit, depth, and life. If you find singing at Mass difficult, here are some practical suggestions: 1) Understand what you sing. Take some time to reflect on the words of the songs: They are our prayers, too. When you know the meaning you will sing with understanding. 2) Wonder why we're singing this song. Liturgists take time to choose the songs they invite us to sing. Ask yourself why this music may have been chosen for today's celebration. It will enrich your prayer. 3) Feel the spirit of the music. Composers write music to express how they feel about the text. Feel the spirit of the music beneath the words. 4) Listen as you sing. The sound of others singing will inspire you to sing, too. The song of the assembly is a unique religious event in our week. Next time you walk into church, beware the song leader. You will soon hear the great challenge of your day. It's a challenge to love your neighbour with your voice, a challenge to let yourself go, a challenge to create something beautiful, a challenge to pray. Accessed from http://paulturner.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/sunday1.htm Used with permission. For more articles by Paul Turner, visit http://paulturner.org Paul Turner is pastor of St. Anthony Parish in Kansas City, Missouri. A priest of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, he holds a doctorate in sacred theology from Sant’ Anselmo in Rome. He is a former President of the North American Academy of Liturgy, a member of Societas Liturgica and the Catholic Academy of Liturgy. He serves as a facilitator for the International Commission on English in the Liturgy and was featured on the Roman Missal Resource DVD Becoming One Body One Spirit in Christ. Fr Paul was the keynote speaker at the August 2014 Australian National RCIA Conference. Fr Paul is giving presentations for several Australian dioceses during his visit to Australia. Missionary Disciples of Christ In virtue of their baptism, all the members of the People of God have become missionary disciples (cf. Mt 28:19). All the baptized, whatever their position in the Church or their level of instruction in the faith, are agents of evangelization, and it would be insufficient to envisage a plan of evangelization to be carried out by professionals while the rest of the faithful would simply be passive recipients. The new evangelization calls for personal involvement on the part of each of the baptized. Every Christian is challenged, here and now, to be actively engaged in evangelization; indeed, anyone who has truly experienced God’s saving love does not need much time or lengthy training to go out and proclaim that love. Every Christian is a missionary to the extent that he or she has encountered the love of God in Christ Jesus: we no longer say that we are “disciples” and “missionaries”, but rather that we are always “missionary disciples”. If we are not convinced, let us look at those first disciples, who, immediately after encountering the gaze of Jesus, went forth to proclaim him joyfully: “We have found the Messiah!” (Jn 1:41). The Samaritan woman became a missionary immediately after speaking with Jesus and many Samaritans come to believe in him “because of the woman’s testimony” (Jn 4:39). So too, Saint Paul, after his encounter with Jesus Christ, “immediately proclaimed Jesus” (Acts 9:20; cf. 22:6-21). So what are we waiting for? Pope Francis in Evangelii Gaudium – The Joy of the Gospel #120 http://www.vatican.va/evangelii-gaudium/en/ 24th November 2013 AUSTRALIAN PASTORAL MUSICIANS NETWORK www.apmn.org.au The Australian Pastoral Musicians Network Inc. (APMN) promotes the art of Religious Music in the service of the Catholic Church in Australia through education, support, networking and advocacy, with a special focus on supporting the use of Australian compositions. The Australian Pastoral Musicians Network, Inc., (APMN) is a Not-for-Profit association of pastoral musicians involved in liturgical, catechetical and religious music. APMN comprises clergy and other pastoral leaders, musicians and singers, teachers and educators, parishes and dioceses, composers and publishers, and many other organisations involved in developing pastoral music ministry in the Church. The APMN hosted a very successful National Liturgy Conference Lift Up Your Hearts in Wollongong in January 2014. Membership is $60 per annum. The Network publishes an e-newsletter several times a year. There is also a discussion board on the website and links to podcasts, blogs and other resources. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PASTORAL MUSICIANS Based in the USA, the NPM website has some useful resources and indexes. Http://www.npm.org NPM is providing free access to the first thirtythree volumes of Pastoral Music, extending from October-November 1976 through August 2009. Each issue of the magazine is posted here in PDF format for the use of pastoral musicians and others doing research on liturgical and musical issues. http://www.npm.org/pastoral_music/archives.html Chants of the Roman Missal – click on the link to the feast or Time of the Liturgical Year to access PDF music sheets and mp3 audio tracks. http://www.npm.org/Chants/index.html Articles on Liturgy and Bulletin inserts on a range of topics http://www.npm.org/Articles/bulletin.htm Documents on the Liturgy http://www.npm.org/Membership/documents.html Liturgical Decoder - a useful glossary of liturgical terms http://www.npm.org/Articles/liturgicalcodebreaker.html Archive of resource articles http://www.npm.org/Articles/index.html Fresh Opportunities God’s job, I think, is to keep lovingly disrupting our lives, and our job is to see if there are fresh opportunities for faith hidden within those disruptions. Startled by God: Wisdom from Unexpected Places by Joe McHugh (Franciscan Media, 2013) Catholic Australia Website Relaunches Church Resources, the publisher of Australia’s CathNews and CathNews Perspectives has relaunched a fresh new look and updated content on it Catholic Australia website This website has been created to be both informative and user-friendly, if you want to know more about the Catholic faith, or the activities of the Church in Australia. Information on knowing more about the Catholic faith, links to prayer and spirituality and access to church documents are easy to find. There is also attractively presented information on the celebration of the Church’s Sacraments and other liturgy as well as some helpful parish resources for planning funeral liturgies. http://www.catholicaustralia.com.au/ Parishes who need a template for funeral liturgies can access an outline from http://www.catholicaustralia.com.au/the-sacraments/funerals Eternal Spirit -- Earth-Maker, Pain-bearer, Life-giver; Source of all that is and that shall be; Father and Mother of us all. Loving God, in whom is heaven. The hallowing of your name echoes through the universe! The New Zealand Prayer Book LITURGY PLANNER – ORDINARY TIME Year A (September – November) 2014 SUNDAY SCRIPTURE 23rd Sunday Ordinary Time Ezek 33:7-9 If you have not warned the wicked man, then I will hold you responsible for his death 7th September 2014 Rom 13:8-10 Love of neighbour is the answer to every one of the commandments Mt 18:15-20 When two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Psalm 95 If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. Psalm Settings (As One Voice) http://www.asonevoice.com.au /sing-the-responsorial-psalms AOV 2-72 CWB 415 GA 55 G 43 PFAT PFS PSYA RPA Or use seasonal psalm (below) Gospel Acc (2 Cor 5:19) God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation Plainchant Alleluia (GA 142/CWB 545) Celtic Alleluia – God brings the world to himself; now through his Christ reconciling (GA/SS/AOV1) Mass of Glory & Praise (Paul Mason) CWB 545 ff GA 138-144 MUSIC SUGGESTIONS * Hymn based on scripture of the day Gathering For the Beauty of the Earth (GA/AOV1/CWB) Gather Us In (AOV1/CWB/GA) Lord of All Hopefulness (CWB/TIS) Praise My Soul (AOV/CWB/GA) Seek O Seek the Lord (CWB/GA) Prep Gifts *Where Two or Three Are Gathered (GS/SSSL/CTTA) A New Commandment (GA/CWB/ NLP) Here Am I (GA/Iona) Be Reconciled As One (AOV1) Earthen Vessels (GP1) Forgive Our Sins (CWB/TIS/NLP) Open My Eyes, Lord (AOV1/SS) Return to God (GA) Ubi Caritas (GA/G) Where Charity and Love Prevail (G) Communion *When We Eat This Bread (AOV1) Bread for the World (AOV1) Christians Let Us Love One Another (CWB/GA) Hosea (CWB/GA/AOV1) I Am the Bread of Life (AOV1/GA/CWB/ TIS) Prayer of St Francis (AOV2/CWB/GA/SS) Ps 42: As the Deer Longs (GA/TIS) Refresh My Heart, Lord (TIS) Song of the Body of Christ (AOV1/GA) Thirsting for God (GA) This Is My Will (GA/CWB) Where There is Charity and Love (CWB/GA/TIS) Will You Love Me? (GA/AOV1) Worthy Is the Lamb (BTD) Sending Forth *Take Christ to the World (GA) For the Fruits of This Creation (GA) The Voice of God (CWB/GA/TIS) We Are Called AOV2/GA/G) The Exaltation of the Holy Cross 14th September 2014 NATIONAL CHILD PROTECTION SUNDAY Liturgy Kit emailed to Diocesan parishes http://mediablog.cath olic.org.au/?p=1269 25th Sunday Ordinary Time Num 21:4-9 Gathering The Israelites spoke against God *Come, Now Is the Time to Worship (ANG) and Moses. *Glory in the Cross (GIC/SS2) Phil 2:6-11 *We Should Glory in the Cross (BTD) Jesus’ state was divine but he Gather Us in (GA/G/AOV1/CWB) did not cling to his equality with What Is This Place? (GA/AOV1) God. A New Heart for a New World (AOV1/GA) Jn 3:13-17 Gather Your People (GA) God loved the world so much Prep Gifts that he sent his only Son. *At the Name of Jesus (SS1) *His State Was Divine (EW) Psalm 77 Do not forget the *Song of Jesus Christ (GP3) works of the Lord! *To Know Your Forgiveness (CTTA) *Tree of Life Psalm Settings (As One Voice) God Is Rich in Mercy (AOV2) http://www.asonevoice.com.au/sin God of Mercy and Compassion g-the-responsorial-psalms (CWB/GA) CWB 467 Lift High the Cross (TIS) PET Love Divine All Loves Excelling RPA The Cry of the Poor (GA/AOV1/ G) Or use seasonal psalm (below) There’s A Wideness in God’s Mercy (CWB) Gospel Acc Communion We adore you, O Christ, and we *Goodness Is Stronger than Evil (LA) praise you, because by your *Glorious in Majesty (GA/CWB) cross you have redeemed the Bread for the World (SS1/AOV1) world. Bread of Life, Hope for the World (GA/AOV1) Plainchant Alleluia (GA Keep In Mind (AOV1/GA/CWB) 142/CWB 545) Song of the Body of Christ (GA/AOV1) Celtic Alleluia (GA/AOV1) This Body (GA) Mass of Glory & Praise (Paul We have Been Told (GA/G/AOV1) Mason) We Have No Other Boast (GA) CWB 545 ff When I Survey the Wondrous Cross GA 138-144 (GA/CWB) Wondrous Love (NTY/WL) Sending By Your Kingly Power (GA/CWB) Hail Redeemer (GA/CWB) Stand Up Friends (GA) The Old Rugged Cross Though the Mountains May Fall (GPI/GA/G/ AOV1) Choral: God So Loved the World (Stainer www.cpdl.org) Is 55:6-9 My thoughts are not your thoughts, my ways are not your ways. Gathering *Come to the Water (EW/AOV1) *Seek the Lord (GP1) 21st September 2014 Phil 1:20-24 Avoid anything in your everyday lives that would be unworthy of Christ Mt 20:1-16 “Why are you jealous when I am generous?” The parable of the vineyard owner Psalm 145: The Lord is near to all who call him Psalm Settings (As One Voice) http://www.asonevoice.com.au /sing-the-responsorialpsalmsCWB 421, 307 GA 82 G 59 PFAT PFS PSYA RPA Or use seasonal psalm (below) Gospel Acc (Acts 16:14) Open our hearts, Lord to listen to the words of your Son Plainchant Alleluia (GA 142/CWB 545) Celtic Alleluia - verses 1,2 (GA/AOV1/SS) A Lamp for Our Feet (GA) Mass of Glory & Praise (Paul Mason) CWB 545 ff GA 138-144 *Seek O Seek the Lord (NLP/GA/CWB/TIS) Seek Ye First (AOV1/GA) All Creatures of Our God and King (CWB/GA) Christ Be Our Light (GA/AOV1) Gather Us In (GA/G/AOV1) Gather Your People (GA/AOV1) Glory Be to God in Heaven (GA/CWB) Lord of Creation (CWB/GA) Seek Ye First (SS/AOV1) Wait for the Lord [Refrain only] (GA/G) We Walk By Faith (GA/G/AOV1) Prep Gifts *For as High as the Heavens (CTTA) *Open My Eyes, Lord (AOV1) *The Lord Is Near (SS2/NTY) *The Lord Is Near/May the Angels (Use 1st refrain with verses)(GA) Gifts (OP/WIG) All That Is Hidden (AOV1) All That Is Hidden (AOV1) Bless the Lord, My Soul (GA/AOV2) For the Beauty of the Earth (TIS/AOV/G/NLP/GA) O Lord Hear My Prayer (GA/G) Something that We Have Seen (EW) There’s A Wideness in God’s Mercy (CWB/TIS) Thy Word is A Lamp (SS) We Shall Rise Again (G) You Are Near (GA/GP1/ AOV1) Communion Christ Be Our Light (AOV2/GA) Come to the Water (EW/AOV1/ GA/G/GP2) Eat This Bread (AOV/G/GA/TIS) Gift of Finest Wheat (GA/CWB) Lord to Whom Shall We Go? (GA/AOV1) Loving and Forgiving (Soper) One Bread, One Body (AOV1/GA/G/GP2) We Come To Your Table (OP) Your Words Are Spirit and Life (SS) Sending Forth *Bring Forth the Kingdom (AOV2/ GA/G) *For the Fruits of This Creation (GA) A New Heart for a New World (AOV1/GA) Here I Am Lord (AOV1/GA/G) Let Justice Roll Like a River (GA) Sing Of the Lord’s Goodness (AOV1/GA/G) Though the Mountains May Fall (GP1/GA/G/AOV1) 26th Sunday Ordinary Time Ezek 18:25-28 The Lord spoke through Ezekiel: “Hear now, House of Israel….” 28th September 2014 AUSTRALIAN SOCIAL JUSTICE SUNDAY http://www.socialjustice.c atholic.org.au/publication s/social-justicestatements Phil 2:1-11 His state was divine but he emptied himself to assume the condition of a slave Mt 21:28-32 Jesus said that outcasts will enter the kingdom of God before the righteous who lack repentance Psalm 25: Remember your mercies, Lord DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE SYNOD OF BISHOPS ON THE FAMILY TO BE HELD AT THE VATICAN 5th -19th OCTOBER . Psalm Settings (As One Voice) http://www.asonevoice.com.au /sing-the-responsorial-psalms CWB 424, 850 GA 26 G 21,22 PSYA http://www.news.va/en/n RPA ews/presentation-of-theOr use seasonal psalm (below) instrumentum-laboris-forthe-n Gospel Acc (Jn 10:27) My sheep listen to my voice says the Lord; I know them and they are mine Plainchant Alleluia (GA 142/CWB 545) Celtic Alleluia (GA 141/AOV1/SS1) Mass of Glory & Praise (Paul Mason) GA 138 - 144 CWB 545 ff Gathering All Are Welcome (Haugen) Alleluia, Alleluia, Give Thanks/ Alleluia No.1 (GA/AOV1) Amazing Grace (GA/AOV1/NLP) At the Name of Jesus (SS) Come, Now Is The Time to Worship (ANG) Gather Us In (GA/G/AOV1/CWB) Hail Redeemer (CWB/GA/TIS) Lift Up Your Hearts (GA/GP3) Lord of Creation (CWB/GA/TIS) Micah’s Theme (GA/CWB) This Day Was Made (GA/AOV1) Prep Gifts *At The Name of Jesus (SS) *Christ became obedient for us, even to death (Good Friday chant) *Put On Then the Mind of Christ (CTTA) *Remember Your Mercies (GA) He Took Away My Sin; I Know that My Redeemer Lives (AOV2) I Lift Up My Soul (GP1) Jesus the Lord (G) Lift High the Cross (TIS) Loving and Forgiving (Soper / www.ocp.org ) O Breathe on Me (GA/NLP/CWB/TIS) The Suffering Servant (GP2) Communion *His State Was Divine (EW) Adoro Te Devote/God With Hidden Majesty (CWB/NLP/SS/GA) Christ Be Our Light (AOV2/GA/SS) Hymn to Christ (EW) I Lift Up My Soul (AOV1/GP1) I Say Yes, My Lord (GA/AOV1) Keep In Mind (GA/AOV1/CWB/NLP) One Bread, One Body (GP2/G/GA/AOV1) Taste and See (G/GA/SS/AOV1&2) The Summons (GA) To You O Lord, I Lift Up My Soul (SS/CWB/GA) You Are All We Have (WCN) You Are Mine (AOV2/WCN) Sending Forth A New Heart for a New World (AOV1/GA) Bring Forth the Kingdom For the Healing of the Nations (GA) Give Thanks to the Lord (FUR/AOV2) Great Is Thy Faithfulness (AOV2) Hail Redeemer (CWB/GA/NLP/TIS) Here I Am, Lord (GA/G/AOV1/SS) In Christ There Is No East or West (CWB/TIS) Let Justice Roll Like a River (GA) Send Down the Fire (GA/AOV2) Take Christ to the World (GA) This Is the Day (AOVK) 27th Sunday Ordinary Time Is 5:1-7 The vineyard of the Lord is the house of Israel 5th October 2014 Phil 4:6-9 Do these things and the God of peace will be with you Mt 21:33-43 The parable of the owner who leased his vineyard to tenants Psalm 80: The vineyard of the Lord is the House of Israel Psalm Settings (As One Voice) http://www.asonevoice.com.au /sing-the-responsorial-psalms CWB 427 GA 47 G 37 PSYA RPA Or use seasonal psalm (below) Gospel Acc (Jn 15:15) I have chosen you from the world, says the Lord, to go and bear fruit that will last. Plainchant Alleluia (GA 142/CWB 545) Gathering *Christ is Made the Sure Foundation (GA/CWB/TIS) *Christ the One Foundation (GA) Celebrate (AOV1) *The Church’s One Foundation (CWB/GA/TIS) *This Day Was Made (GA) Canticle of the Sun (AOV/G/GA) Come Together, Let’s Celebrate (LCT) I Sing the Mighty Power of God (TIS) Lord of all Hopefulness (CWB) Stand Up, Friends (GA) This Day God Gives Me (GA/CWB) Prep Gifts Act Justly (AOV1) Christ Be Beside Me (St Patrick’s Breastplate) Gifts (OP/WIG) Nada Te Turbe/Nothing Can Trouble (AOV1/GA) Communion *Sing A Song of Love (CTTT) I Am the Vine (Tony Wheat) Lord to Whom Shall We Go? (GA/ AOV1) One Bread, One Body (GP2/G/GA/ AOV1) This Body (GA/CWB) Our Supper Invitation (GA/AOV1) Peace Prayer of St Francis (AOV2/GA/CWB/TIS) The Harvest of Justice (AOV2) 28th Sunday Ordinary Time Celtic Alleluia (GA 141/AOV1/SS1) Mass of Glory & Praise (Paul Mason) GA 138 - 144 CWB 545 ff To Be Your Bread (AOV1) I Want to Walk As A Child of the Light (G) We Belong to God/When We Are Living (OIB) We have Been Told (AOV1/GA/G) Sending Forth *The Peace of the Lord (ANG) Bring Forth the Kingdom (AOV2/GA/G) God Has Chosen Me (GA/AOV1) God of Day and God of Darkness (AOV1/G/GA) Journeying Together In Hope (OP) Lord of Creation (GA/CWB/TIS) Now Thank We All Our God (GA/TIS/CWB/AOV1/NLP) Send Down the Fire (GA/AOV1) Sing to the Mountains (GP1/G/GA/ AOV1) Tell the Good News (WIG) Is 25:6-10 On this mountain the Lord God will prepare a banquet of rich food Gathering All People That on Earth (CWB/GA/TIS/ NLP) Come to the Feast (GA/AOV1) Gather Us In (AOV1/GA/G/CWB) Gather Us In (GA/G/CWB/AOV1) Gather Your People (GA/SS) Praise to the Lord (AOV2/GA/CWB) Table of Plenty (AOV2/SS) To Know, Worship and Love (AOVK) We Come Together (LCT) What is This Place? (GA) Prep Gifts *Crimond/The Lord’s my Shepherd (CWB/GA/AOV1) *I Shall Dwell in the Lord’s House (AOV2) *Shepherd Me O God (AOV1/GA/G) *The Fullness of God (EW) *The Lord Is My Shepherd (ANG/GA/AOV1/CWB)) Do Not be Afraid (GA/CWB/AOV2) God Gives His People Strength (MMS) Seek Ye First (SS/AOV1/GA) Your Hand O Lord Has Guided (CWB/NLP/TIS) Communion *You Invite Us O God (CTTT) Bread of Life, Hope of the World (GA) Christ be Our Light (GA/AOV2) Come to the Water (EW/AOV1) 12th October 2014 Phil 4:12-14,19-20 There is nothing that I cannot master with the help of the One who gives me strength. Mt 22:1-14 The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a feast for his son’s wedding Psalm 23: I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life Psalm Settings (As One Voice) http://www.asonevoice.com.au /sing-the-responsorial-psalms CWB 430 GA 23, 24, 25 G 20 PFAT PSYA RPA Or use seasonal psalm (below) Gospel Acc (Eph 1:17-18) May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our hearts so that we may know what is the hope that belongs to our call Plainchant Alleluia (GA 142/CWB 545) Celtic Alleluia (GA 141/AOV1/SS1) Mass of Glory & Praise (Paul Mason) GA 138 - 144 CWB 545 ff 29th Sunday Ordinary Time Is 45:1, 4-6 I have called you by your name. There is no other God besides me. 19th October World Mission Day http://www.catholicmis sion.org.au/wmm/abou t-wmd “If there is a special celebration of Mission Sunday, the“Mass for the Spread of the Gospel” may be used, even on a Sunday in Ordinary Time.” - Ordo 1Thess 1:1-5 We are mindful of your faith, hope and love. Mt 22:15-21 Give to Caesar the things that belong to Caesar and to God the things that belong to God Psalm 96: Give the Lord glory and honour Psalm Settings (As One Voice) http://www.asonevoice.com.au /sing-the-responsorial-psalms CWB 433 PSYA RPA Or use seasonal psalm (below) Gospel Acc (Phil 2:15,16) Shine on the world like bright stars; you are offering it the word of life. Jesus You Are Bread for Us (AOV1) Let Us Go Rejoicing: Ps 122 (CWB 338/GA 72) Now In this Banquet (GA/G Only A Shadow (GP1) Our Supper Invitation (GA/AOV1) Shepherd Me O God (GA/CWB/AOV1/SS) Table of Plenty (AOV2/SS) The Lord’s My Shepherd /Crimond (CWB/GA/NLP/ TIS) Sending Forth City of God (GA/G/AOV) Companions on the Journey (AOV1) For the Fruits of This Creation (GA) Sing to the Mountains (GA/G/AOV1/GP1) Glory and Praise (GP1/GA/G/AOV1) God has Chosen Me (GA/AOV1) How Great Thou Art (AOV1/TIS) Lord of Glory (GP1) Rise Up! (OP) Now Thank We All Our God (GA/CWB/TIS/AOV1) We Are Called (GA/G/AOV2) We Are Called to Serve (SS) Gathering *Gather As One (ANG) All the Earth Proclaim (GA/AOV1/CWB) In Faith and Hope and Love (GA/CWB/ NLP/TIS) In Faith and Hope and Love (GA/CWB/TIS) Ps 100: We Are His/God’s People [Cry out with Joy](CWB/GA 59) Sing A New Song (GA/CWB/ AOV1/NLP/TIS) Sing of the Lord’s Goodness (GA/G/AOV1/TIS) Prep Gifts *I Have Loved You (GA/AOV1/G) All That We Have (GP2/GA) I Thank Me God (EW) I Will Choose Christ (FUR/SS Immortal Invisible (TIS) We Walk by Faith (GA/G/AOV1) Communion *You are Mine (WCBN/AOV2) Bread for the World (AOV1/SS) Bread of Life, Hope of the World Do Not Be Afraid (Ps 27) Eagle’s Wings (EW) I Want to walk as A Child of the Light A Lamp for Our Feet (GA) Plainchant Alleluia (GA 142/CWB 545) Celtic Alleluia (GA 141/AOV1/SS1) Mass of Glory & Praise (Paul Mason) GA 138 - 144 CWB 545 ff 30th Sunday Ordinary Time 26th October 2014 Ex 22:20-26 You must not be harsh with the stranger or the widow or orphan. 1Thess 1:5-10 It was with the joy of the Holy Spirit that you took to the Gospel Mt 22:34-40 You shall love the Lord your God and your neighbour as yourself Psalm 18: I love you, Lord, my strength Psalm Settings (As One Voice) http://www.asonevoice.com.au /sing-the-responsorial-psalms CWB 436 PSYA RPA Or use seasonal psalm (below) Gospel Acc (Jn 14:23) All who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love (G) Jesus Christ is Waiting (GA) Lord to Whom Shall We Go? (GA/AOV1) On Eagles’ Wings (AOV1/G/GA) Refresh My Heart, Lord (TIS) The Power of Your Love (TIS/AOV2) The Summons (GA) Will You Love Me? (GA/AOV1) You Are All We have (WCBN) Sending Forth *How Great Is Our God (ANG) *May the Grace and Peace (CTTT) City of God (GA/G/AOV) Cry the Gospel (SS/FUR) Glory and Praise (GP1/GA/G/AOV1/SS) Glory Be to God in Heaven (GA/CWB) Holy God We praise Your Name (AOV2/GA/CWB/TIS) How Great Thou Art (AOV1/TIS) Sing a New Song,Sing a New Song (GA) Sing to the Mountains (GA/G/AOV1/GP1) Thuma Mina (GA/AOVK/AOV1) Gathering All People Clap Your Hands (SS/GA) All People That On Earth Do Dwell (GA/ CWB/TIS/AOV1) All the Earth Proclaim (GA/AOV1/CWB/) Christ Be Our Light (GA/AOV2/SS) Gather Your People (GA/AOV1/SS) Glory Be to God In Heaven (GA/CWB) Prep Gifts *The Greatest Commandment (CTTT) *A New Commandment (GA/CWB/AOV1) All That We Have (GP2/G) Centre of My Life (GA/G/AOV2) God Is Love (GA/G) God Of Peace (AOV2/GA) The Cry of the Poor (GP2/GA/G) Ubi Caritas (GA/G) Communion An Upper Room (GA/CWB) Christians Let Us Love One Another (GA/CWB) Eat This Bread (AOV1/GA/G) Love Is His Word (CWB/GA/NLP/TIS) Only A Shadow (GP1/ AOV1) Search for the Lord (GA) them, and we will come to them. Plainchant Alleluia (GA 142/CWB 545) Celtic Alleluia (GA 141/AOV1/SS1) Mass of Glory & Praise (Paul Mason) GA 138 - 144 CWB 545 ff All Saints Day Saturday 1st November 2014 Solemnity: Gloria, Creed, Preface of All Saints Rev 7:2-4, 9-14 I saw an immense crowd of people from every nation, race, tribe and language. 1 Jn 3:1-3 We are already children of God. Mt 5:1-12 The Beatitudes Psalm 23 Lord, this is the people that long to see your face. Psalm Settings (As One Voice) http://www.asonevoice.com.au /sing-the-responsorial-psalms CWB 468 GA 66 PET 52 RPA 98 Or use seasonal psalm (below) Gospel Acc (Mt 11:28) Come to me all you that labour and are burdened; and I will give you rest. Plainchant Alleluia (GA 142/CWB 545) Celtic Alleluia (GA 141/AOV1/SS1) Mass of Glory & Praise (Paul Take Bless Break Give (WIG) The Harvest of Justice (AOV2/G) Whatsoever You Do (CWB) Where There Is Charity and Love (GA/CWB) Will You Love Me? (GA/AOV1) Sending Forth As A Fire Is Meant for Burning (GA) Go Now You Are Sent Forth (CWB) God Has Chosen Me (AOV1/GA) He Came Down (GA) Rise Up! (OP) Hearts on Fire (SHOF) Lord You Give the Great Commission (GA) They’ll Know We Are Christians (AOV1) Thuma Mina (GA/AOV1/AOVK) We Are Marching /Siyahamba (AOV2/SS/ AOVK) Gathering Diverse in Nation Culture Race (GA) For All the Saints (CWB/GA) Hymn of Abiding Love (SNC) Let Us Go Rejoicing (GA/CWB) Prep Gifts *Come to Me All Who Labour (AOV1/GA) Litany of the Saints (CWB 280/GA) We Are All Saints (SC) Communion *The Beatitudes (GA/CWB) *Blest Are They (GA/G/AOV1/GS) *Blessed Are You Poor (GA) *Heaven Shall Be Yours (TCS) Eye Has Not Seen (AOVI/GA) Be Not Afraid (GP1/GA/ AOV1) Everyday God (RIH) God of Abraham (GA/AOVI) Only A Shadow (AOV1/ GP1) Sending Children of the Light (COTL) God Has Chosen Me (GA/AOV1) Holy God We Praise Your Name (GA/CWB/ AOV2) Let Heaven Rejoice (AOV1/ GP1) Lord the Light of Your Love (TIS/AOV2) St Theresa’s Prayer (SHOF) We Walk By Faith (GA/G) Mason) GA 138 - 144 CWB 545 ff All Souls Day (Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed) Sunday 2nd November 2014 Mass of All Souls, Gloria, Creed, Preface of Christian Death I-V Is 25:6-9 The Lord will destroy death forever Rom 5:5-11 Christ justifies us through his death for us Mt 11:25-30 You have hidden these things from the learned and have revealed them to mere children Psalm 27: The Lord is my light and my salvation Psalm Settings (As One Voice) http://www.asonevoice.com.au /sing-the-responsorial-psalms CWB 469, 593, 837 GA see Ps 27 response II AOV2-73 PET 54 PFAT PFS RPA 100 Or use seasonal psalm (below) Gospel Acc (Jn 6:39) This is the will of my Father, says the Lord, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given to me, and that I should raise it up on the last day. Plainchant Alleluia (GA 142/CWB 545) Celtic Alleluia: V3 Father of all, you are blessed (GA 141/AOV1/SS1) Mass of Glory & Praise (Paul Mason) GA 138 - 144 CWB 545 ff Preface of Christian Death I-IV Solemn Blessing Gathering Age to Age (SS) Amazing Grace (NLP/GA/AOV1) For All The Saints (GA/CWB) Gather Us In (AOV1/CWB/G/GA) In Faith and Hope and Love (GA/CWB/NLP/TIS) Lord of All Hopefulness (CWB/TIS) Strong and Constant (EW) Prep Gifts *I am Sure I Shall See (ANG) *The Lord Is My Light (ANG) *You are the Light (FIWS) Centre of My Life (GA/G/AOV2) Come Lord Jesus (SSSL) Come to Me All Who Labour (CWB/GA/AOV1) Come to Me All You Who Labour (CWB) I Have Loved You (GA/G/AOV1) I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (GA/AOV1/TIS) Jesus, Remember Me (GA/G/AOV1) Prayer of Trust (SOP/SSSL) There’s A Wideness in God’s Mercy (CWB/TIS) Wait for the Lord (GA/G) Communion *I Am the Bread of Life (AOV1/GA / CWB /TIS) *This Is My Will (GA/CWB) Because the Lord is My Shepherd (G/AOV1) Be Not Afraid (GP1/GA/G/AOV1) Eat This Bread (AOV1/GA/G) I Am the Light of the World(AOV1SS1) I Am the Resurrection (G) I Know That My Redeemer Lives (AOV2/SS) Keep In Mind (GA/AOV1/CWB/NLP) Now The Green Blade Rises (CWB/HA) The Lord’s My Shepherd (CWB/GA/NLP /TIS) This Is My Will (GA/CWB) You Are Mine (AOV2/WCN) Sending Forth Blest Be the Lord (GP1/GA/G/AOV1) Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 9th November 2014 Ezek 47:1-2 I saw water flowing from the temple and all who touched it were saved. 1Cor 3:9-11,16-17 You are the temple of God Jn 2:13-22 Destroy this sanctuary and in three days I will raise it up. Psalm 45 The waters of the river gladden the city of God. Psalm Settings (As One Voice) http://www.asonevoice.com.au /sing-the-responsorial-psalms CWB 471 PET 56 RPA 101 Or use seasonal psalm (below) Gospel Acc (2 Chron 7:16) I have chosen and sanctified this house, says the Lord, that my name may remain in it for all time. 33rd Sunday Ordinary Time Plainchant Alleluia (GA 142/CWB 545) Celtic Alleluia (GA 141/AOV1/SS1) Mass of Glory & Praise (Paul Mason) CWB 545 ff GA 138-144 Prov 31:10-13,19-20,30-31 A perfect wife is far beyond the price of pearls 16th November 2014 1Thess 5:1-6 The Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night Mt 25:14-30 Because you have been faithful over a few things, City of God (GA/G/AOV1/SS) How Great Thou Art (AOV1/TIS) Lord of Creation (GA/CWB/TIS) Though the Mountains May Fall (GP1/GA/G/AOV1) We Walk By Faith (GA/G) Gathering Come to the Water (EW/GA/AOV1) * Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation (CWB/GA/TIS) *Church of God (CWB/GA) *City of God (G/GA/AOV1/SS1) *Let Us Go Rejoicing /PS 122 (CWB/GA) *The Church’s One Foundation (CWB) Preparation Gifts *From Living Stones (CH) *Let Us Drink from the River (ANG) *Springs of Living Water (SSSL) Peace is flowing like a River (GP1/G) Water of Life (GA/G) Communion *We are God’s Work of Art Come to the Feast (GA/AOV1) Table of Plenty (AOV2) Let Us Drink From the River (ANG) I am the Bread of Life (GA/CWB/AOV1) Bread Broken, Wine Shared (AOV2) Bread of Life and Cup of Blessing (GA) Ps 116: The Name of God (GA/WCN) Sending Holy God We Praise Your Name (GA/CWB/SS1/AOV2/TIS) Shine, Jesus, Shine/Lord, the Light of Your Love (TIS/SS1/AOV2) Take Christ to the World (GA) God Has Chosen Me (GA/AOV1) Glory and Praise (GP1/GA/AOV1/G) Gathering Christ Be Our Light (GA/AOV2/SS) Gather Us In (GA/G/AOV1/CWB) In Faith and Hope and Love (GA/CWB/TIS) Lord of Creation (CWB/GA/TIS) Lord of Creation (GA/CWB) Seek Ye First (AOV1/GA) Stay Awake Be Ready (Walker) This Day God Gives Me (GA/CWB/TIS) enter into the joy of the Lord Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 23rd November 2014 Prep Gifts All That Is Hidden (G/AOV1)In the Lord Psalm 128: Happy are those I’ll Be Ever Thankful (AOV2/GA/G) who fear the Lord O Lord Hear My Prayer (GA/G/AOV1/TIS) Psalm Settings (As One Voice) Wait for the Lord (GA/G) http://www.asonevoice.com.au Wait In Hope (AOVK) /sing-the-responsorial-psalms Communion AOV1-138 Bread for the World (AOV1/SS1/G) CWB 445 Christians Let Us Love One Another GA 75 (CWB/GA) G 55,54 I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light PSYA (G/TIS) RPA Now We Remain (AOV1/GA/G/SS) Or use seasonal psalm (below) Song of the Body of Christ (GA/AOV1/ SS) Gospel Acc (Jn 15:4,5) Table of Plenty (AOV2/SS1) Remain in me as I remain in you, The Harvest of Justice (AOV2/G) says the Lord. Whoever remains Unless a Grain of Wheat (GA/AOV1) in me bears much fruit. We Have Been Told (GA/G/AOV1) Sending Forth Plainchant Alleluia (GA *So Filled With Good News 142/CWB 545) *Soon and Very Soon (G/NTY) Celtic Alleluia (GA *Tell the Good News (WIG) 141/AOV1/SS1) Bring Forth the Kingdom (GA/AOV2) Mass of Glory & Praise (Paul City of God (GA/G/AOV1) Mason) For the Beauty of the Earth GA 138 - 144 (GA/AOV1/CWB) CWB 545 ff Now Thank We All Our God (GA/TIS/AOV1/CWB) Rise Up (OP) We Are Called (GA/G/AOV2) We Are Walking in the Light (G) Ezek 34:11-12, 15-17 The Lord Gathering will look after his flock and keep *By Your Kingly Power (GA/CWB) all of his sheep in view All The Ends of the Earth (GA/G/AOV2/ SS) 1Cor 15:20-26,28 Christ is the Alleluia, Sing to Jesus (GA/CWB/AOV1) first fruits of all who have fallen Daughter Of Zion; asleep Glorious in Majesty (GA/G/AOV1) Jesus Is the Light (SHOF) Mt 25:31-46 The King will Lord of Glory (GP1) answer, “As often as you did this Lord, the Light of Your Love/Shine, to the least of one of these, you Jesus, Shine (TIS/AOV2/SS) did it to me.” Praise to the Holiest (GA/CWB/TIS) Sing Our God Together (GA/AOV2) Psalm 23: The Lord is my Prep Gifts shepherd; there is nothing I shall *Because the Lord Is My Shepherd want (AOV1) *Crimond Psalm Settings (As One Voice) *The Lord Is My Shepherd http://www.asonevoice.com.au /sing-the-responsorial-psalms CWB 448 GA 23,24,25 AOV2-69 PFAT PSYA RPA 23, 24, 42, 44 Or use seasonal psalm (below) Gospel Acc (Mk 11:9-10) Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that is to come! Plainchant Alleluia (GA 142/CWB 545) Celtic Alleluia (GA 141/AOV1/SS1) Mass of Glory & Praise (Paul Mason) GA 138 - 144 CWB 545 ff Preface of Christ the King HYMNAL CODES ANG –As One Voice Next generation (Willow) AOVK – As One Voice for Kids (Willow) BTD – Beyond the Days – Ricky Manolo (OCP) CBL - Christ Be Our Light -B Farrell (OCP) COL – Children of the Light –M. Mangan (Litmus) CTTA- Come to the Table Year A (M Herry/Willow) EOA – Enemy of Apathy (Iona Community) FIWS – Forever I Will Sing – Michael Mangan G – Gather (USA edition) – (GIA Publications) GBU – Go Before Us – Bernadette Farrell (OCP) (AOV1/GA/CWB) *The Face of Christ (GBU) *The King of Love My Shepherd Is (TIS) *You Are My Shepherd (FIWS) Bless the Lord My Soul (GA/AOV2) Here Am I (GA) Jesus Christ, Yesterday, Today and Forever (GA) Communion *A Touching Place (GA) *Like A Shepherd (GA/GP2/AOV1) *Lord, To Whom Shall We Go? (GA/AOV1) *Whatever You Do (ANG) *Whatsoever You Do (CWB/SS) *When We Eat This Bread (AOV1/ANG) At The Name of Jesus (SS) Bread For the World (SS/AOV1) Christ Be Our Light (GA/AOV2) Lord I Lift Your Name on High (SS) Lord, To Whom Shall We Go? (GA/AOV1) The Servant King (TIS/AOV2) We Are the Body of Christ (GA/AOV1/SS) Sending Forth Bring Forth The kingdom (AOV2/GA) Christ Is The King! O Friends Rejoice (GA/CWB) The Servant King/From Heaven You Came (TIS/AOV2) Hail Redeemer (GA/CWB/TIS/NLP) Jesus Christ Is Lord (SJ) Lord of the Dance (SS/AOV1/GA) Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (GA/AOV1/CWB/TIS) Rejoice, the Lord Is King (CWB) Sing A New Song (GA/G/AOV1/GP1) The Coming of Our Lord (CWB) AOV – As One Voice (Vol. 1 & 2) (Willow) BTC – Behold the Cross – Bob Hurd (OCP) CAYP – Come All You People (Wild Goose /Iona) CH – Come ZHome –Carey Landry (OCP) CTS – Celebrating the Sacraments -John Burland CWB - Catholic Worship Book EW – Eagle’s Wings – Frank Andersen FUR – Find Us Ready – Tom Booth (OCP) GA – Gather Australia (GIA/NLMC) GIC – Glory in the Cross (OCP)- Dan Schutte GP – Glory & Praise (Vol. 1, 2 & 3) (OCP) GS – God of Surprises – Michael Herry fms (Spectrum) LA – Love and Anger (Collection by Iona Community) LC – Let’s Celebrate! By John Burland (Ovation) LCT – Let’s Celebrate Too! By John Burland LEW – Lifted – Emmanuel Worship, Brisbane LGO – Love Goes On. Bernadette Farrell (OCP) MB – Monica Brown’s music collections MCLW – Music for Children’s Liturgy of the Word Years A,B,C. (Christopher Walker (OCP) MMS- Medical Mission Sisters MROJ – Many Roads One Journey. Andrew Chinn NLP – New Living Parish Hymnal NTY – Never Too Young (Spirit and Song/OCP) OF – One Family – John Burland (Ovation Music) OIB – One Is the Body (Iona Community http://www.ionabooks.com/one-is-the-body-songbook.html) OP – Ordinary People -Jane Mitchell http://www.janemitchell.com.au/ PET – Psalms for Easter Triduum & Other Feasts. Jenny O’Brien (Garratt Publishing) PFAT - Psalms for All Time -Paul Mason (Willow Publishing) PFJ – Psalms for the Journey - Chris Willcock (OCP) PFS – Psalms for Feasts & Seasons- Chris Willcock (OCP) PSYA – Psalms for the Liturgical Year A – Jenny O’Brien (Garratt Publishing) RIH – Restless is the Heart – B. Farrell (OCP) RM – Rising Moon, Scripture in Song – F. Andersen RPA – Responsorial Psalms Year A - C Smith (Willow) RR – Renew and Rejoice - Michael Mangan (Litmus) SC – Saints and Celebrations – Michael Mangan SHOF – Setting Hearts on Fire - Michael Mangan SJ - Sing Jubilee – Michael Mangan (Litmus) SM – by D Simmons/K Morehu (Eclipse Music) SNC – Sing A New Church- Dolores Dufner (OCP) SSSL – Sing Spirit, Sing Life – Br Michael Herry fms SS – Spirit and Song – Vol 1 &2 (OCP) SYJ – Sing Your Joy – Michael Mangan (Litmus) TCS – True Colours Shine – M Mangan (Litmus) TH – These Hands by A Chinn (Butterfly Music) TIS – Together in Song (Harper Collins) TTT – This Is The Time -Michael Mangan (Litmus) UFW – Up From the Waters. Marty Haugen (GIA) WCN – Who Calls You By Name. David Haas (GIA) WIG – Wherever I Go - A Chinn (Butterfly Music) WL – Wondrous Love. Marty Haugen (GIA) YATW – You Are The Way –Steve Agrisano (OCP) Other Feasts & Memorials 8th September Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 13th September John Chrysostom, bishop & doctor th 15 September Our Lady of Sorrows 16th September Cornelius, pope & martyr & Cyprian, bishop & martyr 20th September Andrew Kim Tae-gŏn, priest & martyr Paul Chŏng Ha-seng & companions, martyrs 23rd September Pius of Pietrelcina, priest 27th September Vincent de Paul, priest th 29 September Michael, Gabriel & Raphael, archangels 30th September Jerome, priest & doctor 1st October Therese of the Child Jesus (Lisieux), virgin & doctor nd 2 October The Holy Guardian Angels 4th October Francis of Assisi 7th October Our Lady of the Rosary th 15 October Teresa of Jesus (Avila), virgin & doctor 17th October Ignatius of Antioch, bishop th 18 October Luke, evangelist 28th October Simon & Jude, apostles 4th November Charles Borromeo, bishop th 10 November Leo the Great, pope & doctor 11th November Martin of Tours, bishop 12th November Josaphat, bishop & martyr th 17 November Elizabeth of Hungary,religious 21st November Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 22nd November Cecilia, virgin & martyr th 24 November Andrew Dũng Lac, priest & martyr FEAST MEMORIAL MEMORIAL MEMORIAL MEMORIAL MEMORIAL MEMORIAL FEAST MEMORIAL MEMORIAL MEMORIAL MEMORIAL MEMORIAL MEMORIAL FEAST FEAST FEAST MEMORIAL MEMORIAL MEMORIAL MEMORIAL MEMORIAL MEMORIAL MEMORIAL MEMORIAL Seasonal Psalms for Ordinary Time Settings of these psalms can be used for any Sunday in Ordinary Time. Some parishes may prefer to use one or two different psalm that can easily be learned, in preference to singing a different psalm every week. Psalm 18 (19) OR Lord, you have the words of everlasting life Your words, Lord are spirit and life. CWB 328, 329 / GA 20, 21 / PFAT/ PFS/ FIWS Psalm 26 (27) The Lord is my light and my salvation CWB 330 / GA 27, 28 / FIWS / PFAT/ PFS Psalm 33 (34) OR I will bless the Lord at all times, I will bless the Lord. Taste and see the goodness of the Lord CWB 331, 332 / GA 33, 34, 35 / PFAT/ /PFS/ FIWS Psalm 62 (63) My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord, my God. CWB 333 / GA 42 / PFAT / PFS Psalm 94 (95) If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. CWB 334 / GA 55 /PFAT / PFS /RPA Psalm 99 (100) We are his people: the sheep of his flock. CWB 335 / GA 59 /PFAT /PFS /RPA Psalm 102 (103) The Lord is kind and merciful. CWB 336 / GA 61 / PFAT / PFS /RPA Psalm 121 (122) Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord. CWB 338 / SPS / GA 72 / PFAT /PFS /RPA Psalm 144 (145) I will praise your name forever, my king and my God. CWB 337 / GA 82 / FIWS / PFAT / PFS /RPA Living Liturgy is a publication of the Catholic Diocese of Sale, Victoria, Australia. It can be downloaded in pdf version from the diocesan website http://www.sale.catholic.org.au/liturgy/living-liturgy.html Editor: Sophy Morley, Diocesan Pastoral Coordinator PO Box 1410 Warragul Victoria 3820. Ph: +61 3 5622 6677 Email: smorley@sale.catholic.org.au
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