GOVT. OF NATIONAL CAPITAL TERRITORY OF DELHI DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION: SPORTS BRANCH CHHATRASALSTADIUM: No. DE.41fSportsf2014f MODEL TOWN: DELHI -110009 {;:r S\ - 68 CJV Dated 31/°1 \7 CIRCULAR Sub: Selection trial for the admission I induction of trainees in SAl National Swimming Academy. Please find enclosed herewith a letter No. SAlfSPMSPCfSAINSAf16f2014-15 zs" September, 2014 from the Director General, Sports Authority of India regarding selection trial for the admission I induction of trainees in SAl National dated Swimming Academy. It is requested that the information contained in the above referred letter may be brought to the knowledge of all the desirous sports persons of your school, (V~.~\\.\, Additional ~, (SATPAL) Director oTEfu.cation (Sports) All Heads of Schools. (Through Del E) DIe. of Education. Govt. of NCT of Delhi Copy to:1, 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. 9. All Add!. DEs All RDEs All DDEs AIiADEs All Eos All SPEs PS to Pr. Secy, (Edn.) PS to Director (Edn.) OS (IT) with the request to place the circular on website. F. No. SAIISPMSPC/SAINSAlI6/2014-15 { I JIJI THOMSON, lAS Director General }! ~ ~ 251h September, 2014 "'-~ Dear Shri Majumdar, It is with great pleasure that I inform you that the SAl National Swimming Academy was Q\'\"'cstablished on 141h May 2014 at Dr. SPM Swimming Pool Complex, New Delhi. The regular ~ ,-:\: training of the selected trainees commenced from 161h June 2014. The selection trial for the admission/induction of trainees in SAfNSA is to be held every year. The National Selection trials programme has been planned in the month of October, 2014 in such a way that representation of ~ ~e children having talent from all the states could be ensured. The States/UTs covered for the t \.-/ selection trials are enlisted in Annexure-I. The details of the National Selection Programme including eligibility/qualifying criteria for Round -I, Round -U and Round III{linal selection trials} etc. is enclosed as Annexure-II. A , statement showing States/UT's being covered under the SAl Regional Centres concerned where elections are to be held is enclosed as Annexure-III. Details like dates, places and Nodal Officers along with the Officers In-charge of respective SAl Regional Centres under which the selection trials (Round-I & II) are to be held for admission in. SA I NSA is also enclosed as Annexure-Tv. /\\ ' 0 1\~ ~ All the Heads of the Regional Centres of SAl, Principal, LNCPE, Trivandrum and Vice Chancellor, LN1PE, Gwalior under whose jurisdiction selection trials of Round -I & IT are scheduled have been requested to ensure the following arrangements :I. 11. Ill. IV. v. VI. VII. Adequate publicity to the selection trials in the respective state in the local news paper both in English and regional language at least 10 days in advance. It should be done multiple (minimum three times) both for Round I and Round !1. The publicity should be done also through display or banners at the Regional centre! city! areas next to the selection trial venue and educational institutions in the city. Publicity through hand bills also should be made and regional television channels 1 radio stations should also be contacted for publicity. Necessary arrangements like adequate Registration Counters at the side of selection trials for providing registration number to the participants and issue of registration forms. Tent age, if required at the side ofselection trials. • Payment of TA to selection committee members who are attending the trials from out station. Boarding and lodging arrangement of selection committee for the selection trials. Contd .... 21 'IffiIl1I <tr "Ill~'"' ~. ",,,,n,,,,,. '!'IT ~ ~ <tr ~). ~ m. ~ 'lflm. 'I!l im. ~ m. <i1t<1\-110003 SPORTS AllTlIORITY OF INDIA (Ministry of Skill Development, Entrepreneurship, Youth Affairs a Sports), Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium Complex. East Gate, lodhi Road, New DPIhi . 11000] Ph.: 91-11-24162720 (0), 24162721 (fax) E-mail: jijithom5Ol1.sai@gmail.cOOl -2- vtu. Arrangement of required stationary items, printing/photocopies adequate number of registration forms and Performance Analysis. Where the SAl swimming pool is not functional due to repairs/not available, the Heads of the Regional Centres will conduct trials in the pool available nearby in consultation with the Swimming Federation of India. Local Transportation and refreshment for the selection committee members. All logistical support for the selection trials should be made available. Heads of Regional Centres, LNCPE, Trivandrum will ensure that the overall expenditure on selection trial should be as per defined SAl nOnTIS for selection trials & DA VP rates for publicity for both Round-T&II IX. x. xi. XII. SAr is likely to provide the following support/ facilities for Swimmers who qualify for the Round III {FINAL} at Dr SPMSPC. 1. 11. 111. Hostel acconunodation at J.N. Stadium on first cum-first serve basis, subject to availability which does not include boarding facility. Non AC buses for commuting of the swimmers and their guardian / escort from J.N. Stadium to Dr. SPMSPC and back for trials/tests. Cost of travel {To and Fro: second class sleeper only} for the successful candidate plus one guardian / escort of the Round II duly recommended by the concerned Regional Director / Academic Centre In-charge for final trials at New Delhi from 2ih -31 st October 14 will also be borne by SAl. shall be grateful if you could kindly issue necessary instructions to the Director (Sports) of your State and District Sports Officers to kindly extend their corporation in giving vide publicity so as to ensure participation of the talent swimmers by giving them equal opportunity to excel. With this initiative, I firmly believe that Sports Authority of India will be successful in broad basing Aquatic Sports, specially swimming across the country and achieve excellence in course of time with continued support ofthc State Govts. and you in particular Yours sincerely, / ( Jiji Thomson) Enel: As above Shri Anindo Majumdar, lAS Principal Secretary Education & Sports Dte. of Education, Room No.76, Old Secretariat, Civil Lines Delhi-ll0054 Annexure -I STATES/UTS COVERED FOR THE SELECTION TRIALS Ih[('.I:: Place 01' S~lcoiolL T"ials RUllnd n7'" 10 n!!'" October 2nl~ Nrc I Nanw otStntcs I)ale ,I(, I'l:Ir~ ufSd~rlion l'r;:,ls Round -II 12'" ,I(, IJ'" Ocroucr 201~ CUH"cd a) 51\1 N5 hi SAl, NSNE. Sub-cLnlre. NL'\\' Fi<:ld Sports Complex. 1\-1011(1. Shah Road. Pnlron Bazar Guwahati ASS""I. /\nLl"ll,,:h:LI. Sikkilli. lripuru. Mcgbaluya -d0- 01 SA I NS nc. Salt Lake City, Sector -III. Kulkala W~SI 1J~llgal. ()I'issa, -do- dl Port I3I"ir AIllI,II11:1Il&. Nicob.rr -do- e) Rnnchi nihar, Jhurkhand ·un· K~r,II'I.LlIllil Puduchcn-v. S,\I Netaji Subhus South Centre. University Campus. Kaugcri. BanglUril "I LNCPC Takycl. Jl.-l;1llip"I',Mi/lll'nlll, lmphal Kariavounm. Post 130,\ NO.3. Tnvandrum Nngal:11ll1 Nadu, SAl Ndaji Subhas Eastern Centre. Salt Lake Cily. Kolkata Lukxhadwccp h, SAl N SSe. Baugluru c) Campus. Kaugcri. Knrnataka -do- 1-I'Jnub~IJ SAL nns Melita, Central C.'I1lI'C Village Gram Cora. Hishaukcri Bh~Lhdnn" Road. Sura] Nagar. 8hop~I-462U'I'1 Audhru I'r udesh. Tclaneanu Madhya Pradesh. Chhauisg.n-h do- b) Lrxun 13ai Nutionnl Educntion. Gwalior .du- ,I) Ahmadabud Laxmi Bai NationalInstitute 01" l'hvsica I Education. Gwalior -10 he decided by Director NS\VC. u) University un.o lnstitutc "I Phyxicul Gnjnrsu. Goa. Drunan ,,( Diu (SI-'I) S.\I. Udho r», ~\-'lchlu,Central Centre Village Grum Gara. Bishaukcri Bbahdanu Road, Surej Nngur Bhopal ·4h21J.:i4 G"IlJhilla~"t Maharushtru, llaveli bl MlJlllb,li c) J~iIJlJI' Netaji Subhush Nnuon.rllnstiuur or SI'OI1S (NIS). Old MOli n~gll. Pruialn "' bl S/\1. o. I)~\i LII Northern Dadal' &. Nag"r Rajusthnn PlLnj"b. Hi,nach'll. Knsh",ir Regional lamllLlI& Knnpur.-' LIL~kIlUw a) 1), SI'M Swimming Uclhi 1'001 Complex. N,'w ·Iu be dl'l'itlcd by Director NSWC. Gundlunng.uNctaji Subhnsh Nmional InSlitlLlc 01' Sports (NIS), Old Moti B<lgh. Prnin!a Huryanu SAL en De\'i Lal Northern Centre. Soncpar -1.11021 Utl,II' Pradesh (I X<:LplNuid" ) UI1"I'n~l.nlld Delhi & NCR ul' o-n: -I,) be decided C~nlr~, SO"<'IWI -13 I021 c] -Ie! be decided by Director NSWC. Gandhinagnr by IH) Concerned D, SPi\~ Swiuuuing I\'cw Delhi Rcgiorml PDnl Complex. .e f'-i',-P "'(nOIO SPORTS AUTUORITY or INI)IA NATIOi'lrr:ALSWI,\IMING ACADEMY Dr. SPM Swimming Pool Complex, ,\Iothl'r Teresa Crescent Road, New Ddhi-IIOOOI NATIONAl. SELECTION Swimmers who qualify as per timings mentioned below ill round -I will qualify for round -II. Swimmers who dear round -II will automutirully qualify for round: III. which is the final selection scheduled (1\Dr. SI'MSrc. Nell' Delhi Filial Swimming Iri,ils 27'" w30 Del 2UI!I. Sports Sciences & Sporls Medicine I,,~IS_2S'1110 31" October 2014 Huvs crolll' Sl. No. Strokes/Events I. I fAgc: rs Distance in Meters It! 17 / nllrs nfhie-th: OS' Od.2014) "osition Times 0" achieved in JUllior Nnrioual [Round -I) ( 12' & 13' Oct. 2014) 06' Pusiliun Times achieved in .Junior Nalional [Round -II) 00:2J:67 00:57:00 02:07:17 04:40:06 09:32:2 [ I !U6:33 OO:3(J:98 0[:04:95 02:30:96 00:33.2 [ 01: 14:JO 02:45:26 00:27:79 01:01:21 02:16:26 02:27:15 OJ:03:71 00:25:24 00:56;30 02:02:[K 04:26:79 09:[6:95 17:56:80 OO:2\j:7S o [:OJ:07 02:2 [:62 00:32:31 01·11 :97 02:35:76 00:27:20 00:J9:41 02:14:95 02:23:01 05:00:00 07"& 50 100 '00 Free Slyle 400 800 ,. 1500 50 100 Back Stroke 200 50 J Bn:aSIStroke 100 200 4. Buttcrtlv 5. Individual Medley ,0 100 200 200 400 Girls GruU!! I Al/:l': II:; 51. No. 10 Strokes I. 17 I vcars or lrirth: 1997-98-991 Distance in i\1i'Ii'r~ 50 100 Free Style ')00 400 800 ,. 1500 Back Stroke 3. Breast Srrokc 50 100 200 ,0 100 200 'I. 50 Buttcrtly 100 200 5. Individual Medic)' 200 400 GrOllI' -I 1')')7-989'») os" Position Times nchievcd in .Juulor i'lalional [Rnundcl} 00:29:57 01:06:98 02:")0:49 08:24:86 11:02:40 ) 1·13:86 00:37:58 01:)3:71 01:J8:99 00:39:36 01:)6:08 03:09:57 00:33.17 01:13:29 03:06:53 02:51:73 06:22:98 06" i'osiliun Times achieved ill .luuiur NntionulfRumnl -I [I O(J:28:<)9 01:03:33 02: 18:42 05:03:01 10:30:72 20:35:25 00:35:26 01.18:10 02:43:20 00:37:75 01:24:iJ 02:59:80 00:32:0'[ 01: 12:62 02:5}:8<) 02:45:25 06:01 :27 Page No.-I u()VS Gunuu SI. No. II (\ file: JJ Strnkes/Events ", - 14 I vears o fJ')II"] I1: 2tJOU 2001 Distance in Meter-s I OS' , Position achieved ill Junior (Round 50 100 200 400 800 Free Style 1500 2 J\Ult<:rtly 50 100 200 50 100 100 ,0 100 Individual fvkdlcy 200 400 Back Stroke J Br':<lS1 Stroke 4 200 5 C" firsI G,roup 51. ", A::e: 13 to 14 I vears Strokes/Even IS Distance Nu. m Meters I. ,0 10. Free Srvre 200 <00 800 1)00 2. Hack Stroke ,. 50 100 200 50 Hrcust Stroke (01) 200 'I. 50 111111~ll1y 5. Grooil-li lndividual Medley 100 ZOO ZOO 400 Times Na+iunul 06' , 00:27:52 00:59:62 Position Tunes nchicved in Junior NMion:11 (Round -II) 00:26:84 OU:58:91 02: 17: 17 02:13:88 04:48:[9 10:00:31 19:08:87 00:32:34 01:13:22 02:37:86 00:35:0[ 01: 18:14 02:5 I :11 00:30:13 01:06:50 02:36:80 01:30:70 05:33:5] 0'1:31;:56 09:58:96 18:34:39 00:3 [:90 01:10:68 02:32:38 00:34:73 -1\ 0 fb" rrt II; 08' I 2000200J - 01.16:29 02:48:05 00:29:69 01:05:24 02:30:42 02:30:30 05:28:68 I Pusitiun Timcs achieved in .Innior National (Round -I) 00:30:32 01 :07:68 02:26:33 05:03:58 10:46:62 20:38:64 00:35:27 01:18:10 02:49:73 00:40:84 01 :29.12 OJ: 12:05 OO:.12:5.~ OI:14JI 02:50:01 02:57: Iii 00:14:~J 06' Pusition Timcs achieved in Junior National (Round -II) 00:29:63 01:06:93 02:24:35 05:00:39 10:32:48 20:26:30 00:35:) 1 01: 15:94 02:46:2l! 00:39:32 01:27:37 0.1:03:30 OilJ2:21 01: 1J:6l! 02:46:62 02:41i:76 05:55:04 Page No. -2 " ()V~ 51. G,I'OUII III !A gC: Strokes/Events No. Free Style I 11 to 12 / vearx Distance in Ml'lcrs SO 100 200 2 Back Stroke 3 IIrCliSI Stroke 4 Butterfly 5 50 100 ,0 100 ,0 100 200 ru-t I: 0 fl·t2(H220~ I IJ.) OS" Position TillH'S achieved Sub-juninr in National [Round -J) 00;]0:47 01:09:]4 02:26:32 00:35:19 0]: 1);75 00:40:34 01:27:98 00:33:15 01 :14:70 02:5[:111 0(,' Posilioll Times achieved in Sub-junimNational (Round II) 00:30:06 01:06:04 02:25:70 00:34:41 01 :15:52 00:38:84 01:25:91 00:32:00 01:11:36 02:41 :95 Individual Medlev C'I .II' S'- S Genan III/A, :;:1': II to IZI vears 0 fh'u-t I1: _'002 Strokes/Events No_ Fr.x Slyk I 2 B'L<.:kStroke 3 I3re~1 Stroke 4 Butterfly 5 Distance In Meters 50 100 200 50 11)(1 50 100 50 100 200 08' Position in 'QOJI -. Thill'S Sub-junior (Round -I) 00:32:50 01 :10:15 02:.38:20 00:.37:78 01 :21:'J7 00:'11:.33 01:.34:06 00:35:24 01 :29:91 03:07:81 achieved National 06' Times Position achie ved in Sub-junior Nalion:IIIRound -II) 00:31 :62 01:08:62 02:28:64 00:.36:97 01:21 :.31 00:39:99 01:28:48 00:3<1:16 01 :19:08 02:57:88 lndividuul Mcdlcv GrOOII-1I1 Page 1'0'0.-3 B urs SI. ,rmll) [VIA gl:: 08t Strokes/Events N". 1 2 J 4 5 Free Style Back Stroke Breast Stroke Buncrtlv " 101 ven rs Distance in Meters 50 100 50 50 50 200 0 fl' HI" II " 2004 - 200S1 Position Times uehieved in Sull-junior National (Round -II' 00:)2:90 01:13:90 00:39:21 OO:44:0X 00;35:70 03:01:71 08" 06" Times Position achieved in Sub-junior Nlitional mound -II) 00:31 :88 01: II :78 00:37:88 00:41:96 00:35:06 02:59:41 Individual Medlev C' IsG rolll! - IV(\ t I:e: 08t o " SI. No. Strokes/Events , 101 vea rs of hlrth Distance m Meiers I 2 Free Style Hack Stroke J I3r':<I$1Stroh' 4 Butterfly 5 50 100 ,0 50 50 200 - - . '004 - 'ODS) OS' Position Times achieved in Sub-junior National (Round -1\ 00:35:19 01:2:1:16 00:42:58 00:48:25 00:39:76 03: 13:09 06' Position Times achieved in Sob-junior National ((Round-II 00:34:87 01:16:59 00:40:66 00:<15:94 00:37:93 03:05:70 Individual Medley I'age Nu. -4 Scnitlr Group Men (Age: 18 to 20 & 21-23 \'Cars e.\Tl'ptional abilitv: ,,("trsofbirth-199J . SL Strokes/Events 08'h Distance No. Position achieved (Round -J) 6 50 100 400 800 1500 7. 50 100 Back Stroke 200 ,0 100 8. Breast Stroke ?OO 9. 50 100 Bunerfly 10. 200 200 400 Individual Mcdlev Girls Group Women (Age: 181020 birth- 1991 - 19(6) 51. Strokes/Events Free Style ,0 100 200 400 800 1500 50 2 Back Stroke - 100 '00 50 .t Breast Stroke 100 200 50 4. Buucrfly 100 200 5. Individual Medley ?OO 400 1\lcn & women Times Nntionn! U6'" Position OS'h Position Times achieved in Sr. Natiunul [Rnuntl -I) 00:28:82 01 :05:GS 02:21:47 05:01:94 10:44-89 20: 16: 10 00.35:40 Ol.l2.&0 02.55:42 00:39:20 01:27:24 03:01:22 00:32:94 01: 12:13 02:49::P 02:5:UJ 06:02:68 Tirncs achieved in Sr. Nnuunnl (Round -II) 00:2::1:14 00:53:98 01 :51):05 04:11:46 08:) 1:8) 17:04:05 00:28:05 01:00:57 02:11: II 00:31: 12 01 :07:69 02:27:05 00:26:46 00:58:62 02: 13:38 02: 17:83 04:50:87 & 21-23 ,rcars cn'cplional Distance No_ I. '" Sr. 00:25:32 00:56:04 02:01 :05 04.15:32 09:14:88 17:27:71 00:29:21 01:03:37 02:21 :76 00:31 :36 01 :09:58 02:41 :58 00:27:09 00:59:54 02: 17:72 02:24:27 05:06:46 100 Free Style , - 1996) :lbilit"/"cars of 06' Position Timcs achieved in Sr. National (Round -II) 00:2X: 18 . 01:03:13 02 18:21 04.5587 10:08:39 20:11.14 00:33:43 01.11 :G] 02:41 :.""1.) 00:37:72 01:24:73 03:00:05 00:30:50 01:06:90 02:39:)0 02:41 :87 05:42:99 Page No. -:- Annexure States & UT's being covered under SAl Regional Centres concerned - III where selections are taking place Place of Selection Tr-ials Ruundc-I 07'10to 08[h October 2(114 Date& u) SAl NS NEC. Tal)'e!. Il11pl1:11 Name of States .'i: UT's Covered Date L'i.: !'lace or Selection Tr-ials Round -II Mauipur. Nagaland ~vli7.(lI'i1I11_ 12'1'& 13,1,October 20 [4 SAl Ncraji Subhas [8S1~1"Il Centre. Salr Lake Cily. o} SAL [\ISNE. Sub-centre. New Field Sr)(lrlS Complex, Mohd. Shah Road. l'uhon Bazar, Guwahau c) SAl usrc, Salt Lake City, Sector -III. kouura Name ufSAI Regional Centre who will Organize the Selection trials !\SS'llll. Arun.mchul, Sikkirn, TripIII"'I. Mcghnlaya -do- West Bengal, -do- Oy Dir~<":lol, luchurgc. SAINERC huphal K(lIJ..:<lla Director lnchargc. GlI\\,ilhali centre. Guwahati R~gi()Ii31 Director, SAl NS[C Salt Lake City. Sectorc-Hl Orissa. Sub- Kolkata <lJ ron c) Rnuclri l3ih,lI ;1) LNCI'L Karinvottam. Post Box No.3, Trivandrum Kcrala. Tamil Nadu. Puducherry. Lakshndwccp SAl N~lii.ii Subhas South Centre. University Campus. Kangcri, Bungluru b} NSSC. Universuy SAl Campus. K:1I1gCI-i, Baugluru Karumnkn -do- -elu- c) II ydcrubad -do- -do- <I) 5/\1. Udho Das Mehta. Centre Village Grar» Cora. Bishunkcri Bhahdnna Road, Suraj Nugw-, Bhopal 4(,2044 Laxrni Bat National Institute of I'hysi<:,li Education. Gwalior Andhra Pradesh. Tclaneanu Madhya Pradesh. Chhartisgarh SAl. Udhu Da~ Director lncluuge. SAl. U D [\it Central Centre Village Gram Gara. Bishankcri Road. Surai Nagar. Bhopal -461044 BI,lil' Central b) Andamau & Nicobar lharkhand -do- 1'011 Blnir -do- -do- -do- Mehta, Central Centre Villag~ Gram Gara. Bishankeri Bhnhdanu Road. Suraj Nagar. Hhopal -462044 Regional Director. SAl NSSC. Campus, Kungcti. Hangfuru University Laxmi 13:1iNational lnstinnc ul Physical Education. Gwalior Laxmi Bai National luxtitute 0[' Physical Education. Gwulior <I) Aluuudabad (SFI) Director lncluuge. NSWC. S~C1(lI"- Gujarat. Go:1. Daman & Dill 15, Gandhi Nagar (Guplat) -rtob) Mumbui Maharashtra. Dadar & Nagnr 11:IVdi c} Jui )UI' Nctaji Suhhash National lnsutute ufSports (NIS). Old Moti Bagh, Patialn J{:llilsth<tn -do"J Punjab. Himachal. Jammu & Kashmir Netaii Subhash (NIS)_ Subhash National lnsuune o! 1~~gioI1C1IDirector Spurts (NIS), Old [vloti [kwh. Putiu!a Old MOli 13agh.I';rtidla Nttaii National lnxlilulv UI'SPOIlS b) SA 1. Ch. D..:vj Lal Northern Regional Centre. Soncpar . Hnrvanu 131021 ci a) Kunpur I Lucknow Dr. SPiV! Swimming Complex. New [klhi Pool ce. Dcyi L11 Northern Regional Centre. Soncpar 131021 SAL Uttar Pradesh [Except Noid.r I, Utunukhand Dclhi & NCR or Dr. SI'rvl Swimming Ddhi Pool C"11lPi.:x. N,'\\' Delhi SAL en. Dcvi Loll Northern Regional Centre. Scncpat -131021 SAl NS Sub-C~lllrc. Sarojini Nagar. Kiln lUI' Road. Lucknow Administrator. Dr. SYillll;l Pruxnd Mookcrjoc Swimming Pool Complex. Mother Teresa CrCSCCIl! Road. N..:w Delhi -1100 01
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