Hi Team, Ref: Oakleigh Cannons FC

Hi Team,
Ref: Oakleigh Cannons FC – NPLV Juniors Trials for season 2015 Part “A” and Part “B” Trial process
Part “A” – Football (Soccer) Specifics
(Based on the U12-U13 Skill Acquisition Program/Basic Movements and U14-U18 Game Training
Principles/Positional Attributes)
The “3” day trial process is as follows:1. On Day 1. (Players are mixed)
a. The Registration desk – Players check their details with Helen Kraloglou
i. Helen will give out a “ID number” and “Training Bib”
1. Example: Training Bibs received may be a “Red 7” or a “Green 20”
a. If the number of players (Trailing) exceeds 40 then an orange
bib with ID number is given. .e.g. Orange 131
b. Warm-up (All players assemble and together do a warm- up routine)
c. A 4v4/5v5 Game - (Players are mixed); Players play a small sided game in each
corner of the field.
d. Small Sided Game (SSG) Teams are “split up” in 2 teams “A green team and a red
e. Duration of each SSG is 7-10 minutes; after each game the “Red” team shuffles over
to the next corner and the Green team remain
i. This process continues until the reds have done a full circle.
f. (11v11) A short Full Sided Game or Half ground Game (Depending on numbers)
i. the “Greens” v “Reds” inter-club match. (Players are mixed)
g. Cool down
h. At the end of the night – The Selection Panel meet to discuss results
i. The following day players who have been unsuccessful receive an email.
Special Note: At this stage all we are doing is observing all the players; writing down number will like,
maybe’s and the unsuccessful.
2. On Day 2. (Inter-Club Match) 11v11 (Green Team v Red Team)
a. The Head Coach selects 11 players to play in the “Green Team”
i. The Head Coach provides Helen a list of the strongest 11 players names
chosen who will become the “Green Team”
ii. All other players receive a “Red” or “Orange” Bib
b. The Registration desk – Players receive a “Green Bib” or a “Red Bib” from Helen
i. Helen will give out 11 “Green Bibs only to the selected players chosen by the
Head Coach”
ii. Check details
c. Warm-up (All players assemble and together do a warm- up routine)
d. (11v11) Full Sided Game or Half ground Game
i. The “Greens” v “Reds” inter-club match
e. Cool down
f. At the end of the night – The Selection Panel meet to discuss results
g. The following day players who have been unsuccessful receive an email.
Special Note: At this stage we make the “Green Team” the strongest team and now we are trying to
find the next best players from the “Red” team
3. On Day 3. (Inter-Club Match) 11v11/or 9v9 (Green Team v Red Team) or Competition
Match v another NPLV Team
a. The Head Coach selects 11 players to play in the “Green Team” – This must be the
strongest Team
i. The Head Coach provides Helen a list of the strongest 11 players names
chosen who will become the “Green Team”
ii. All other players receive a “Red” or “Orange” Bib
b. The Registration desk – Players receive a “Green Bib” or a “Red Bib” from Helen
Kraloglou as per the list
i. Helen will give out 11 “Green Bibs only to the selected players chosen by the
Head Coach”
ii. Check details
c. Warm-up (All players assemble and together do a warm- up routine)
d. (11v11) Full Sided Game or Half ground Game
i. The “Greens” v “Reds” inter-club match or “Competition Match”
ii. If we play “Competition” then it will be up to the Head Coach to manage the
Green/Red players selected and manage the changes
e. Cool down
f. At the end of the night – The Selection Panel meet to discuss results
g. The following day players who have been unsuccessful receive an email.
h. The following day players who have been successful receive an email.
Special Note: At this stage we have selected the Final 18 player list. We have made up our mind on
the best players from the “Red Team” and joined them with the “Green Team”
All players and Parents are invited to Part B.
Part “B” – Workshop to discuss “Our Club Values”, “Our Education System” & “Our Safety
Policies and Procedures” explained
At this stage there should not be any hiccups and signoff must be completed by all “Parents/Players”
in order to continue; Signoff is basically an understanding and agreement between “Club, Parents &
Players” that all parties have acknowledged, understood and will abide our club rules.
Hold their position:All successful selected players must pay a “non-refundable deposit of $880”
to hold their
position. This amount will come off their final payment of $2,200.00 (This includes GST).
The deadline for the 1st instalment (Deposit) of fees is: Friday the 31st of October, 2014
Direct Deposit Details:Bank: Delphi Bank
BSB: 941301
Account No: 201667021
Description: Please enter the Age Grp and your child’s name. .e.g. U18 John Kokki
John “Kokki” Kostopoulos
Position: OCJFC Chief Junior Officer/ Head of OCJFC Junior Football Operations
Club: Oakleigh Cannons Juniors Football Club
Mobile: 0449 252 169
E-mail: jkostopo@optusnet.com.au
Postal Address: PO BOX 167, Oakleigh, 3166 Map: Melways Map 69 H9