State Eligibility Test for Telangana and Andhra Pradesh (SET- TS & AP) Conducted by Osmania University, Hyderabad-500007. INFORMATION BROCHURE OSMANIA UNIVERSITY: Osmania University, established in the year 1918, is the seventh oldest university in the country, third oldest in South India and the oldest in the Telangana State. It was founded by His Exalted Highness Mir Osman Ali Khan, the Seventh Nizam of Hyderabad State. It was the first university to impart higher education through Urdu as the medium of instruction. It is the largest affiliating university in Asia with about 800 affiliated colleges spread over 3 districts of Telangana State (Hyderabad, Ranga Reddy and Medak) providing academic and research facilities for nearly five lakh students. It was accredited with a ‘FIVE STAR’ rating by the NAAC in the year 2001, and reaccredited with the highest grade ‘A’ in 2008. It has been ranked 7th among the top Indian Universities as per the recent survey done by India Today–Nielson. Osmania University is a multi-faculty and multi-campus university offering comprehensive education with 12 faculties and 53 academic departments spread over eight campus and eight constituent colleges. It offers 21 academic courses at the UG level (with125 combinations) and 72 at the PG level in addition to M.Phil and Ph.D. programmes in 27 and 54 disciplines respectively. It has the strength of nearly 1000 teaching and 3500 non-teaching staff. Prof. G. Ram Reddy Centre for Distance Education offers around 48 UG, PG and professional courses to nearly 50,000 students in the different disciplines approved by Distance Education Council. The campus is also a home away from home for nearly 4000 international students from about 80 countries. It has forged academic collaborations with 20 national and 12 international organizations. The university has introduced several measures to achieve a paradigm shift from a teacher-centric approach to a learner-centric education. The University has launched several new initiatives in teaching, learning and research to keep pace with global trends in higher education. These initiatives are aimed at empowering the students with knowledge and skills, of improving their academic performance, and increasing their employability. The University established linkages with industry for promotion of sponsored research and consultancy, and also academic and research collaboration with many national and international organizations through MoUs. The University has established a Technology Development Centre to promote incubation facilities for high-end research in Engineering and Technology and has commissioned Central Instrumentation Facility to provide high-end analytical and other research instruments with state-of-the-art modular and computing labs catering to research needs. ABOUT SET – TS & AP: The Government of India as per its New Educational Policy, 1986 envisaged that in order to maintain uniform standards of teaching in the country the candidates besides possessing minimum academic qualifications are required to qualify in a comprehensive test specifically conducted for the purpose of obtaining eligibility for appointment as Lecturers/Assistant Professors. Accordingly UGC, New Delhi has been conducting the UGC-NET Examination regularly. It was felt that an eligibility test at the national level may not be completely able to represent the subjects which are regional in their character. Moreover, there was a demand from the aspiring candidates to appear for the test in their own mother tongue, wherever applicable. Therefore, the State Governments and Union Territories were given an option of conducting their own test for eligibility for Lectureship at the state level. Thus was born the concept of State Eligibility Test, which will be conducted both in English and the vernacular. The State Eligibility Test (SET) is based on the pattern of the National Eligibility Test (CSIR/UGC-NET) conducted by UGC/CSIR. The State Governments and Union Territories, who wish to conduct the SET are supposed to obtain accreditation from UGC from time to time. 1 As the State Governments were given an option to conduct their own State Level Eligibility Test (SLET), the Andhra Pradesh College Service Commission was identified as the Nodal Agency to conduct SLET for eligibility for Lectureship in colleges in Andhra Pradesh. Accordingly, APCSC conducted SLET thrice from February, of 1997 to February, 1998. Later, the Government of Andhra Pradesh abolished the APCSC and subsequently UGC has withdrawn accreditation in 2005. In the year 2011 the Andhra Pradesh Government has seriously contemplated to conduct SET Examination in the interest of large number of aspirants for recruitment as Assistant Professors/Lecturers through direct recruitment or by promotions in universities and degree colleges in the State and also to facilitate the candidates to appear for the test in Telugu medium, wherever applicable. After careful consideration of the matter, the UGC, New Delhi has identified the Osmania University as the State Agency for Andhra Pradesh to conduct the State Eligibility Test (SET) in Andhra Pradesh for 24 subjects for the year 2012. Later, UGC Expert Committee has reviewed the whole process of conduct of APSET-2012 and appreciated the Osmania University for meticulous and efficient conduct of the APSET Examination. Further, the Committee has given re-accreditation for another three consecutive years to Osmania University as a nodal agency to conduct the APSET Examination for the years 2013, 2014 and 2015 and has approved the following twenty seven (27) subjects for the conduct of SET Examination. Accordingly, APSET – 2013 has been conducted. In view of bifurcation of erstwhile Andhra Pradesh, the SET examination will be conducted for the states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh for 2014. 1. SUBJECTS APPROVED BY UGC TO CONDUCT SET Examination for the years 2013, 2014 and 2015: i. The SET – TS & AP, 2014 will be conducted in the following subjects: Subject Code 01 Subject Geography Medium of Question Paper English Chemical Sciences (which includes): 02 I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. Analytical Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Physical Chemistry Medicinal Chemistry Applied Chemistry Nuclear Chemistry Environmental Chemistry Marine Chemistry Pharmaceutical Chemistry Bio-inorganic Chemistry Other Related Subjects English 03 Commerce English & Telugu 04 Computer Science & Applications English 05 Economics English & Telugu 06 Education English & Telugu 07 English English 2 Earth Sciences (which includes): 08 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Geology Applied Geology MS Geology Geophysics Meteorology Marine Geology Petroleum Geology Geo-Informatics Applied Geochemistry Oceanography Other Related Subjects i. English Life Sciences (which includes): 09 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. Botany Biochemistry Biotechnology Genetics Microbiology Zoology Fishery Science Animal Biology Marine Biology Applied Genetics Other Related Subjects English 10 Journalism & Mass Communication English 11 Management English 12 Hindi Hindi 13 History English & Telugu 14 Law English Mathematical Sciences (which includes): 15 i. Mathematics ii. Applied Mathematics iii. Statistics iv.Applied Statistics v. Mathematics with Computer Science vi.Other Related Subjects English Physical Sciences (which includes): 16 i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. Atomic & Molecular Physics Classical Dynamics Condensed Matter Physics Electromagnetics Experimental Design Electronics Nuclear, Space & Particle Physics Quantum Physics Thermodynamics Astronomy Astrophysics Other Related Subjects 3 English 17 Physical Education English 18 Philosophy English 19 Political Science English & Telugu 20 Psychology English 21 Public Administration English & Telugu 22 Sociology English & Telugu 23 Telugu Telugu 24 Urdu Urdu 25 Library & Information Science 26 Sanskrit 27 Social Work English Sanskrit English & Telugu However, the Andhra Pradesh state has been bifurcated into two states namely Andhra nd Pradesh and Telangana with effect from 2 June, 2014. In this context, Osmania University has sought the clarification from both the Governments with regard to the conduct of SET for the year 2014, since UGC, New Delhi has given accreditation for the years 2014 and 2015 also. Same thing has been officially communicated to both the Governments. In response to the communication from Osmania University with regard to the conduct SET-2014, both the governments have given their concurrence and positive approval for the conduct of SET-2014 as early as possible for both the states. The concurrence of the Governments of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh has been communicated to the authorities concerned at UGC, New Delhi. In response to that UGC, New Delhi has permitted Osmania University to conduct the SET Examination for both the states in the 27 subjects which were approved by UGC, New Delhi for the year 2013. While conveying their approval UGC, New Delhi has given the following guidelines for the conduct of SET (TS&AP) – 2014: 1. The criteria to be adopted for determining the cut-off marks and declaration of results should remain the same, as it was done in 2013 2. UGC, New Delhi has suggested that the combined result has to be prepared for the candidates of both the states i.e. Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Therefore, the cut-off marks are to be determined for both the states as a whole. 3. The SET agency should issue the certificates reflecting the fact that it is a common SET for both the states. Keeping the above guidelines in view, now, it is decided to conduct the SET Examination for the year 2014 in 27 Subjects which were approved earlier by the th UGC, New Delhi on 4 January, 2015. 4 2. Scheme of Examination: The SET – TS&AP will be conducted in objective mode. The test will consist of three papers. All the three papers will consist of multiple choice questions and will be held on the day of examination in two separate sessions as under: Session Paper Number of Questions Marks Duration First 60 out of which 50 questions are to be 50x2=100 1¼ Hours (09.30 am to I attempted First II 10.45 am 50 questions all of which are compulsory 50x2=100 1¼ Hours (10.45 am to 12.00 noon) Second III 75 questions all of which are compulsory 75x2=150 2½ Hours (01.30 pm to 04.00 pm) Paper-I: General paper on Teaching and Research Aptitude This paper shall be of general nature intended to assess the teaching/research aptitude of the candidate. It will be primarily designed to test reasoning ability, comprehension, divergent thinking and general awareness of the candidate. There will be sixty (60) multiple-choice questions of two marks each of out of which the candidate will be required to answer any fifty (50). In the event of the candidate attempting more than fifty questions, the first fifty questions attempted by the candidate will be evaluated. Paper-II: Subject Paper This paper consists of multiple- choice questions based on the subject selected by the candidates .The paper will consists of fifty (50) multiple choice questions. The candidates will have to answer all the questions. The candidates will have to mark their response for each question on the computer coded optical mark reader (OMR) answer sheet provided along with the test booklet Paper-III: Subject Paper (in depth questions) This paper consists of multiple choice questions based on the syllabus of the subject selected by the candidates. The paper will consist of seventy-five (75) multiple-choice questions. The candidates will be required to answer all the questions and have to mark their response for each question on the computer coded optical mark reader(OMR)answer sheet provided along with the test booklet. Paper-III of all the subjects covers all the specializations of that subject in which SET is conducted. For example Paper-III of Chemical Sciences covers all specializations such as Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Marine Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, & Bioinorganic Chemistry. Similarly, Paper-III of Earth Sciences covers such as Geology, Applied Geology, MS Geology, Geophysics, Meteorology, Marine Geology, Petroleum Geology, GeoInformatics, Applied Geochemistry & Oceanography. Paper-III of Life Sciences covers all specializations such as Botany, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Genetics, Microbiology, Zoology, Fishery Science, Animal Biology & Marine Biology. 5 Paper-III of Mathematical Sciences covers all specializations such as Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics & Applied Statistics. Paper-III of Physical Sciences covers all specializations such as Atomic & Molecular Physics, Classical Dynamics, Condensed Matter Physics, Electromagnetics, Experimental Design, Electronics, Nuclear Physics, Space Physics, Particle Physics, Quantum Physics & Thermodynamics A candidate who does not appear for Paper-I and Paper-II will not be permitted for Paper-III. There will be No negative Marking PROCEDURE & CRITERIA FOR DECLARATION OF RESULT: This will comprise of following steps: Step-I: Minimum marks to be obtained in SET - TS&AP for considering a candidate for the eligibility for lectureship: The candidates are required to obtain following minimum marks separately in Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III as given below: CATEGORY GENERAL BC SC/ST/PH/VH Minimum Marks (%) to be obtained PAPER – I 40 (40%) 35 (35%) 35 (35%) PAPER – II 40 (40%) 35 (35%) 35 (35%) PAPER– III 75 (50 %) 60 (40 %) 60 (40 %) Step-II: Amongst those candidates who have cleared step-I, a merit list will be prepared subjectwise and category-wise using the aggregate marks of all the three papers secured by such candidates. Step-III: Top 15% candidates (for each subject and category), from the merit list mentioned under step-II, will be declared qualified in SET – TS&AP. It may be noted that the above qualifying criteria decided by the Moderation Committee of for TS&AP is final and binding. The candidates will be allowed to carry a carbon printout of the OMR Response Sheets and Test Booklets with them on conclusion of examination. 3. ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS: 3.1 Only those candidates who have completed or are pursuing the final year of PG degree in related subjects are eligible to appear SET – TS & AP. Others need not apply. 3.2 Candidates who have secured at least 55% marks (without rounding off) in Master’s Degree OR equivalent examination from universities/institutions recognised by UGC are eligible for SET. The Backward Classes (BC) / Scheduled Castes (SC) / Scheduled Tribes (ST) / Physically Challenged (PH/VH) category candidates who have secured at least 50% marks (without rounding off) in Master’s degree or equivalent examination are eligible to appear the SET. 6 3.3 Candidates who have appeared (or) will be appearing at the qualifying Master’s Degree examination and whose result is still awaited (or) candidates whose examinations have been delayed may also apply for this test. However, such candidates will be admitted provisionally and shall be considered eligible for award of Lectureship eligibility only after they have passed their Master’s Degree examination (or) equivalent with atleast 55% marks (50% in case of BC/SC/ST/PH/VH candidates). Such candidates must obtain their P.G degree mark sheet within one year from the date of SET with the required percentage of marks, failing which they will be treated as disqualified. 3.4 Ph.D. degree holders whose Master’s level examination has been completed (irrespective of date of declaration of result) shall be eligible for relaxation of 5% of marks from 55% to 50% to appear in the SET Examination. 3.5 Candidates have to appear for SET in the subject of their Post-Graduation only. In case the subject of a candidate is not included in the list of SET subjects, the candidate may appear in UGC-NET / UGC-CSIR NET which is held twice a year. 3.6 The candidates who qualify in the test are eligible to apply for the post of Asst. Professors / Lecturers in various universities and degree colleges of higher education in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. They will be given a pass-certificate and the validity period of certificate is forever. 3.7 Candidates other than general category are required to mention of their social status (BC/SC/ST/VH) in the online application form. The candidates in their own interest must satisfy themselves about their eligibility for the test. In case their ineligibility is detected by the Agency at any stage, their candidature will be cancelled and they shall be liable for legal action. 3.8 Candidates may note that the verification of eligibility conditions with reference to the documents (PG qualification certificates, caste certificates and certificates related to PH/VH) as may be called for will be taken up only after the candidate has qualified in the test. If in the event of the candidate being found ineligible at any stage for the award due to any reason, the award may be withdrawn by SET agency. 3.9 Candidates should note that their candidature is provisional. The mere fact that an admission card has been issued to a candidate will not imply that the university has finally accepted his/her candidature. Candidates may note that their candidature will be deemed final upon verification of eligibility conditions. 3.10 The candidates will not be given any mark sheet from the SET office whether they have qualified or not qualified. No revaluations of papers are allowed for SET Examination. The SET agency will issue certificates to the qualified candidates only after careful verification of the concerned certificates of the candidate. 3.11 The same photograph of the candidate which is printed on the hall ticket will also be printed on the certificate to be issued by the Office of the SET – TS&AP. 4. AGE LIMIT: No upper age limit. 7 5. NUMBER OF CHANCES: A candidate can avail any number of chances. 6. EXEMPTION (ELIGIBILITY FOR LECTURESHIP): 6.1 SET – TS&AP shall remain the minimum eligibility condition for recruitment and appointment of Assistant Professors in universities/ colleges/institutions. However, the candidates, who have been awarded a Ph.D. Degree in accordance with the University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2009, shall be exempted from the requirement of the minimum eligibility condition of SET for recruitment and appointment of Assistant Professor or equivalent positions in universities/ colleges/ institutions. 6.2 For SET Candidates: The candidates who have cleared the State Eligibility Test (SET) accredited by UGC for eligibility for Lectureship held prior to 1st June 2002, are exempted from appearing in NET, being eligible to apply for Lectureship anywhere in India. For SET held from 1st June 2002 onwards, the qualified candidates are eligible to apply for the post of Lecturer only in the universities/ colleges belonging to the state from where they have cleared their SET - TS&AP. 7. FEE STRUCTURE AND MODE OF PAYMENT: CATEGORY OC BC SC/ST/PH/VH FEE 700/500/250/- The Registration fee/late fee has to be paid through bank challan only, which is provided along with the online application form in the SET – TS&AP website. Candidates are to be required to take the printout of the prescribed bank challan from the SET website and after the payment of fee it has to be enclosed with the printed filled in online application form. 8. EXAMINATION DATE: nd 8.1 The SET – TS&AP examination will be held on 4 from 9.30 am to 4.00 pm January, 2015 (Sunday) 8.2 Visually Challenged Candidates shall be provided 30 minutes extra time separately for Paper-l and Paper-II. For Paper-III, 45 minutes extra time shall be provided. They will also be provided with a scribe who should be a graduate in a subject other than candidate’s subject. Those Persons with Disability (Physically Challenged) candidates who are not in a position to write in their own hand-writing can also avail these services by making prior request (at least one week before the date of SET) in writing to the Coordinator of the SET – TS&AP, Osmania University. Extra time and facility of scribe would not be provided to other Persons with Disability (Physically Challenged) candidates. 8 9. SET – TS&AP SYLLABUS: As per the UGC guidelines the CSIR/UGC-NET syllabus has been adopted for the conduct of SET for all the 27 subjects for which accreditation is given by UGC Question paper for Paper-I is common for all subjects in which SET is conducted and it will be bi-lingual (English and Telugu). Paper-ll and Paper-lll of certain subjects will also be bi-lingual and details are furnished below. The syllabus for Paper-l, Paper-ll and Paper-lIl will not be sent to the candidates by the university. The candidates can download the syllabus of their subjects from the university website: or 10. EXAMINATION CENTERS OF SET – TS&AP: Centre Code 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Examination Centre Hyderabad Warangal Nizamabad Nalgonda Visakhapatnam Guntur Rajahmundry Nellore Tirupati Anantapur Kadapa Kurnool No request for change of center will be entertained under any circumstances. 11. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: 11.1 The application form and Bank challan will only be available on-line on the website: and 11.2 Submission of on-line application is mandatory. Hard copies of the application form along with the relevant certificates and paid Bank challan have to be sent to “The Member Secretary, Office of the SET – TS&AP, II-Floor, Block-II, PGRR Center for Distance Education, Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad – 500007 (TS)” on or th before 18 November, 2014. 11.3 The application form must be completed as per the notification. 11.4 Incomplete application forms will be rejected 11.5 Only blue ball point pen should be used to mark the answers in the OMR sheet. 11.6 Before applying on-line candidates are advised to go through the detailed notification available at SET website. 9 11.7 Candidates must read the eligibility criteria carefully and must satisfy themselves regarding their eligibility for the test before filling the on-line application. 11.8 Candidates seeking admission to the test must apply on-line through a link “ONLINE REGISTRATION” available on the SET website. 11.9 Please fill correct information carefully in the on-line application form and follow the on screen instructions for filling up the application form. Confirm that your name, subject, center of examination, social category and physically or visually challenged person have been correctly entered. After filling the online application form take the printout of the filled in online application form and affix the latest photograph at relevant place. The photograph of the candidate has to be attested by a Gazzetted Officer. 11.10 The candidate has to up-load his/her recent passport size photo and signature in a scanned Format. 11.11 SET agency may change the examination center or date of examination without assigning any reason. 11.12 No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates appearing in the SET. 11.13 Canvassing before or after the examination in any form will disqualify the candidate. 11.14 The decision of the SET - TS&AP shall be final in all matters. 11.15 All legal disputes pertaining to SET – TS&AP shall fall only within the jurisdiction of Hyderabad. 11.16 The use of calculators or log- tables is not permitted. Cellular phones, pagers and electronic devices etc. are not allowed in the examination hall. 11.17 It is compulsory for the candidate to appear in all three papers. The candidate who does not appear in paper I and II will not be permitted to appear in paper-III. 11.18 The candidates will not be allowed to write any question from the test booklet on the hall ticket or in any other paper. 12. HOW TO APPLY (APPLICATIONS HAVE TO BE SUBMITTED ONLINE): STEPS FOR SUBMISSION OF ONLINE APPLICATION FORM: 12.1 Before applying online, candidates are advised to go through detailed notification available on Please note that fee submitted through any other mode like Money Order, Demand Draft, IPO etc. will be summarily rejected. 12.2 Candidate seeking admission to the SET- TS&AP must apply online by providing his/her name and other details for registration (i.e. and 10 12.3 Before applying online, the candidate must possess the following (i) scanned passport (pp) size photograph in JPEG (.jpeg) format of less than 300 kb, ii) scanned the signature of the candidate in JPEG (.jpeg) format of less than 10 kb. 12.4 The candidates are required to download the Bank Challan form the SET - TS&AP website and then deposit the requisite test fee in any branch of State Bank of Hyderabad along with the bank charges (commission) of Rs.20/-. 12.5 Two days after the payment of fee at SBH Bank through printed bank challan, the candidate is required to check the status of fee payment at SET - TS&AP website ( and if the status is ‘OK’, the candidate should provide the required information to complete the registration process. Once, the registration is successfully completed, the candidate will able to take the printout of online application form on a A-4 size paper. 12.6 The candidates must affix their recent identical passport size photograph at place indicated on the printout of Online Application Form and must sign across photograph after it is affixed so that a part of the signature spreads over Application Form beyond the photograph. Besides, it should be duly attested by Head of the University Department/Principal of the Colleges/Gazzetted Officer. 12.7 BC/SC/ST/PH/VH candidates must enclose the attested copy of the certificate for the same. the the the the 12.8 The printout of online application form along with required documents must reach the Office of SET by person or through speed/registered post or courier on or before 12.9 The envelope containing the Application Form should be superscribed SET – TS&AP) State Eligibility Test for Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. 12.10 In order to avoid last minute rush, the candidates are advised to apply early enough. SET office will not be responsible for network problems or any other problem of this nature in submission of Online Application during last days. 13. ABOUT ONLINE EXAMINATION HALL TICKET: 13.1 Examination Hall Ticket will be provided online to all candidates 10 days prior to the date of the examination. Candidates have to click the link “Download Examination Hall Ticket”. Provide Registration Number and print the online Examination Hall Ticket. 13.2 Candidates have to download and get a printout of the Examination Hall Ticket. It will not be sent to the candidates by post. 13.3 Candidate must carry the Examination Hall Ticket and also one additional photo identity such as a Driving License, Voter ID, College/University Identity Card, PAN Card, etc, to the examination center on the day of the examination. 13.4 If your Examination Hall Ticket does not display the image of your photograph, you have to paste the photo at the appropriate place and get it attested from a competent authority. 13.5 The candidate is not allowed in to the examination hall without the Examination Hall Ticket. 11 13.6 Please confirm that your Name, Subject, Centre, etc, shown in the Examination Hall Ticket are correct. If there is any error in the Examination Hall Ticket please contact SET office immediately and submit a written application. Otherwise SET Office will not be responsible for making necessary corrections and will not be responsible for providing benefits or for loss arising out of these to the candidates. Check list: 1. Printed online application form. 2. Paid Bank Challan. 3. BC/SC/ST/PH/VH Certificate, wherever applicable. 4. Qualification Certificate/ Memos (PG). 5. Affix latest photograph on Application form 6. Submit/Send the application form along with the required documents to the following th address on or before 18 November, 2014. The Member Secretary, Office of the SET – TS&AP II-Floor, Block-II, PGRR Center for Distance Education, Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad-500007 (TS). Phone No: 040-27097733 Email: Website: Prof.B.Rajeswara Reddy MEMBER SECRETARY, SET– TS&AP OSMANIA UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD-500 007 12
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