SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS INTERNATIONAL RALLY SHOW COMPETITION 5. Rally Show SANTA DOMENICA 2014 Sveta Nedelja, 29-30/11/2014 Organizer AUTOMOBILE GO-KART CLUB „SVETA NEDELJA” Co-organizer AUTOMOBILE CLUB „INA DELTA” ZAGREB 5. Rally Show Santa Domenica 2014 1 HISTORY OF RALLY SHOW SANTA DOMENICA PREVIOUS WINNERS 2010 – 2013 2010 JURAJ ŠEBALJ(HR) – TONI KLINC(HR) MITSHUBISHI LANCER EVO IX 2011 IVAN GORAN ČIBEJ(HR) – SAŠA BITTERMAN(HR) SUBARU IMPREZA STI 2012 IVAN GORAN ČIBEJ(HR) – SAŠA BITTERMAN(HR) ŠKODA OCTAVIA WRC EVO III 2013 BEPPO HARRACH(AUT) – DOMINIK JAHN(AUT) MITSUBISHI LANCER EVO IX R4 5. Rally Show Santa Domenica 2014 2 CONTENTS 01. INTRODUCTION AND ORGANISATION 4 02. PROGRAMME 6 03. ENTRIES AND INSURANCE 7 04. VEHICLES AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT 8 05. TYRES AND FUEL 8 06. ADVERTISING AND IDENTIFICATION 9 07. RECONNAISSANCE 9 08. ADMINISTRATIVE CHECKS AND SCRUTINEERING 10 09. OTHER PROCEDURES 10 10. IDENTIFICATION OF OFFICIALS 11 11. PRIZES 11 12. FINAL PROVISIONS 12 5. Rally Show Santa Domenica 2014 3 1. INTRODUCTION AND ORGANISATION 1.1 Introduction This competition will be run in compliance only with these Supplementary Regulations. Modifications, amendments and/or changes to these Supplementary Regulations will be announced only by numbered and dated Bulletins (issued by the organiser or The Stewards of the meeting). Rally official language is Croatian, so if happens the wrong interpretation of the supplementary regulations in other languages, Croatian version will be taken as authoritative. 1.2 Special stages Event runs entirely on special stages closed for public traffic, without any road sections. Special stages will be held mostly on gravel. One circular special stage will be driven 2 times in one and 2 times in other direction. Number of special stages: 4 Total distance of special stages: 46,30 km Gravel: 45,60 km Asphalt: 0,70 km 1.3 Organiser name, address and contact details AUTOMOBILE GO-KART CLUB „SVETA NEDELJA” ADDRESS: Vinogradska 17A – 10431 SVETA NEDELJA-CROATIA FAX: + 385 1 3370 770 E mail: WEB: Facebook: MOB: +385 98 161 56 36 Daniel Vojvodić (speak: ENG) MOB: +385 99 415 70 43 Tajana Vojvodić - Pinky (speak: ENG) MOB: +36 30 4994 241 Andrea Borjus (speak: HUN) MOB: +385 98 246 543 Robert Vojvodić (speak: ENG) MOB: +385 98 166 63 66 Boris Beraković MOB: +385 98 246 543 Nenad Lončarić 1.4 Co-organiser name, address and contact details AUTOMOBILE CLUB „INA DELTA” ZAGREB ADDRESS: Šubićeva 29, 10000 Zagreb-CROATIA Phone: +385 1 23 66 141 FAX: +385 1 23 14 122 MOB: +385 91 46 17 892 WEB: E mail: Info - MOB: Mato Šebalj, +385 91 26 02 976 E mail: 1.5 Organisation Committee Chairman: Nenad Lončarić Members: Daniel Vojvodić, Boris Beraković, Tajana Vojvodić, Luka Hrubi, Filip Puzić, Marko Lončarić 5. Rally Show Santa Domenica 2014 4 1.6 Senior Officials ZAS Observer: Stewards of the Meeting Chairman: Members: Director of the event: Clerk of the Course: Chief Safety Officer: Secretary: Secretary assistant: Chief od Administrative Checks: Assistant of Administrative Checks: Chief Scrutineer: Scrutineer Assistant: Competitors Relations Officer: Doctor of the Event: Chief of Radio Communications: Timekeeping and Data Processing: Chief of Timekeeping and Data Processing: Special Stage 1,3 Safety Officer: Special Stage 2,4 Safety Officer: Josip Šimek S-0997 Josip Šimek Dražen Mesec Zrinka Čegelj S-0997 S-0470 S-0435 Dražen Mesec Mato Šebalj Ivan Kralj Zrinka Čegelj Robert Vojvodić Vesna Čegelj Martina Vrbanović Boris Vodenik Krešimir Sauerbrunn Berislav Čegelj Dr. Mario Ćuk Mladen Glumac DELTA TIMING Zlatko Grotić Zdravko Ćuk Siniša Pavelić S-0470 S-0012 S-0011 S-0435 S-0434 S-0167 S-0158 K-2732 S-0120 S-0440 N-2752 1.7 Rally HQ location and contact details Up to 28. November 2014.: AUTO GO-KART CLUB „SVETA NEDELJA” Vinogradska 17a, 10431 Sveta Nedelja-Coatia E mail: WEB: Facebook: FAX: + 385 1 3370 770 MOB: + 385 99 415 70 43 Tajan Vojvodić (speak: ENG) MOB: + 385 98 161 56 36 Daniel Vojvodić (speak: ENG) MOB: + 36 30 4994 241 Andrea Borjus (speak: HUN) MOB: + 385 95 909 29 82 Robert Vojvodić (speak: ENG) MOB: + 385 99 166 63 66 Boris Beraković MOB: + 385 98 246 543 Nenad Lončarić On 29. November 2014.: The local committee, Sv. Nedelja, Stilinovićeva 7 GPS-coordinates: 45°47.824N 15°46.529E On 30. November 2014.: Savrščak, gravel pits Savrščak – Service park GPS-coordinates: 45°50.160N 15°44.745E 1.8 Service Park The Service Park will be organized on the gravel parking lot in Savrščak, gravel pits Savrščak, between start and finish point of special stage. GPS-coordinates: 45°50.191N 15°44.753E 1.9 Official Notice Board All decisions, notices, and all results will be published on the Official Notice Board LOCATION: Rally HQ-Service park, Savrščak, gravel pits Savrščak GPS-coordinates: 45°50.160N 15°44.745E 5. Rally Show Santa Domenica 2014 5 2. PROGRAMME Date Time Activity Location 12:00 Opening of service park Savrščak, Savrščak gravel pits GPS 45°50.191N 15°44.753E 21:00 Rally Party Green Gas Station – Club Dr. Franje Tuđmana 6, Strmec GPS 45°48.185N 15°47.505E 10:00-12:00 Reconnaissance of SS 1,3 Savrščak right 12:00-14:00 Reconnaissance of SS 2,4 Savrščak left 14:00-16:00 Administrative checks The local committee, Sveta Nedelja, Stilinovićeva 7 GPS 45°47.824N 15°46.529E 14:00-16:00 Scrutineering Ante Starčević Square Sveta Nedelja, GPS 45°47.801N 15°46.541E 17:00 First Stewards’ meeting The local committee, Sveta Nedelja, Stilinovićeva 7 GPS 45°47.824N 15°46.529E 18:00 Ceremonial start Ante Starčević Square Sveta Nedelja, GPS 45°47.801N 15°46.541E 07:45 Meeting with crews Rally HQ-Service park, Savrščak gravel pits GPS 45°50.160N 15°44.745E 08:00 Start of SS-1-Savrščak right 1 10:30 Start of SS-2-Savrščak left 1 12:45 Start of SS-1-Savrščak right 2 14:45 Start of SS-2-Savrščak left 2 15 min after finish of SS-4 Second Stewards’ meeting Rally HQ-Service park, Savrščak gravel pits GPS 45°50.160N 15°44.745E 17:15 Prize giving Service park, Savrščak gravel pits GPS 45°50.160N 15°44.745E Friday 28.11.2014 Saturday 29.11.2014 Sunday 30.11.2014 5. Rally Show Santa Domenica 2014 Savrščak, Savrščak gravel pits GPS 45°50.125N 15°44.745E Savrščak, Savrščak gravel pits GPS 45°50.125N 15°44.745E 6 3. ENTRIES AND INSURANCE 3.1 Entry procedure The crews (a driver and a co-driver) who are to participate, will be allowed to compete without possession of their national automobile federation license. Anyone who want to take part in the „5. Rally Show SANTA DOMENICA 2014“ must send the attached entry form duly completed to the Organiser by poste, e-mail or FAX. Details concerning the Co-driver can be sent up to 29.November 2014., (Administrative checks). If this application is sent by fax, or e-mail the original must reach Organizers’ at latest on 29. November 2014. 14:00 (Administrative checks). Closing date for entries is 29. November 2014. / 14:00 (Administrative checks). There will be a possibility of double start (two different crews with the same rally car), with a separate entry form and separate fee for each crew. Drivers and/or co-drivers which are at least 16 years old on start day of the competition - 29th November 2014. can also compete at this rally but must provide notary public document notarized by one of their parents at Administrative checks. 3.2 Number of Competitors accepted The maximum number of entries is 110. If more than 110 entries are received the Organisers’ reserve the right to extend this number and to decide which entries among the Non-Priority drivers will be accepted. 3.3 Entry fee – foreign crews Entry fee for foreign crews is 750 kn / 100 € (including life insurance policies) and is payable in cash at the Administrative checks on 29. November 2014. as a voluntary contribution to the organization of the event. 3.4 Refunds Entry fees will be refunded in full only: To candidates whose entry has not been accepted and in the case of the rally not taking place. Partial, 50% refunds in other circumstances may be provided upon application, at the sole discretion of the Organiser. 3.5 Insurance Entry fee includes insurance policy fee for both driver and co-driver, in case of permanent disability up to 100.000 kn (approx. 13.300 €) and in the case of death up to 50.000 kuna (approx. 6.550 €). Rally insurance cover guarantees the competitor's cover for civil liability towards third parties, according to the existing Regulations in Croatia, up to 750.000 kn (approx. 100.000 €) for personal damage and 1.500,000 kn (approx. 200.000 €) for damage to objects. The service and team vehicles may never be considered as official participants in the rally. They are therefore not covered by the insurance policy of the rally and will remain the sole responsibility of their owners. The entrant, driver and co-driver participate at their own risk and signs document „Declaration of indemnity“ on Entry form. The entrant, driver and co-driver jointly with service team and severally acknowledge agree the following personally and on behalf of each support person who will attend the rally. Entrants participating in the rally waives the right for reimbursement from the organizers for any accidents that could happen to themselves or their mechanic and guests in the area of competition. 5. Rally Show Santa Domenica 2014 7 4. VEHICLES AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT 4.1 Vehicles The crews (a driver and a co-driver) who are to participate, will be allowed to drive a motor vehicle (need not to be registered for the competition, as it runs entirely on roads closed for public traffic - such as a hillcimbrace), which must be in compliance with a racing safety regulations irrelevant to the production date and approval validity: - safety roll-cage - handheld fire extinguisher - racing seats - racing harnesses - bonnet pins - towing eyes or straps - battery disconnection main switch 4.2 Safety equipment The competitors (driver and co-driver) will be required to wear safety clothing to a minimum FIA 1986 standard (fire resistant suits, fire resistant underwear-undershirt, balaclava, socks, long pants-, fire resistant boots, fire resistant gloves) and helmets irrelevant to the production date and approval homologation validity, while HANS (head and neck support device) isn't mandatory, it is recommended. 4.3 Vehicle Classes Vehicles will be deployed in one of the following four classes, three according to the engine capacity and one with rear-wheel drive of whatever engine capacity: SPRINT < 1400 SUPER SPORT 1401 – 2000 NO LIMIT 2001 > RWD Ccm Ccm Ccm ALL Event will also feature four Trophies as follow: DMACK JUNIOR TROPHY junior drivers up to 21 years of age CO–DRIVER LADIES TROPHY female co-drivers AUTO KREŠO RWD TROPHY all crews competing in RWD cars LADA TROPHY all crews competing in RWD cars 5. TYRES AND FUEL 5.1 Tyres and fuel The choice of tyres and fuel is FREE. 5. Rally Show Santa Domenica 2014 8 6. ADVERTISING AND IDENTIFICATION 6.1 Advertising All advertising must comply with the Croatian Law. The advertising of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages is forbidden in Croatia. The Organizers reserve the exclusive right to place any kind of advertising in the Rally Headquarters and along the route of the Rally. The Organizers must agree upon all advertising activities. Organizers compulsory advertising will be placed on the door numbers. 6.2 Identification Competition numbers supplied by the Organizers must appear on the car during entire rally. A - Two front door panels measuring 67 cm wide by 17 cm high. Each of these panels shall comprise a number box which shall always be at the front of the panel. Numerals will be 14 cm high and with a stroke width of 2 cm. The remainder of this door panel is reserved forthe organiser. B - Two Competition numbers for each rear side window which shall be 20 cm high with a stroke width of at least 25 mm. 7. RECONNAISSANCE The reconnaissance of SS 1,3 will be held on 29.11.2014. / 10:00-12:00 The reconnaissance of SS 2,4 will be held on 30.11.2014. / 12:00-14:00 LOCATION: Savrščak, gravel pits Savrščak, Start of SS-GPS-coordinates: 45°50.125N 15°44.745E Any member of the crew taking part or intending to take part in the „5. Rally Show SANTA DOMENICA 2014“, who is found present on the route of any special stage of the rally before Saturday, 29. November 2014, and/or outside the reconnaissance schedule, will be considered to be performing illegal reconnaissance. Any kind of practice on the rally route is forbidden. WARNING: Crews caught driving during reconnaissance on a green areas along the embankment of the Sava river by the route of special stages will be financially penalized. 5. Rally Show Santa Domenica 2014 9 8. ADMINISTRATIVE CHECKS AND SCRUTINEERING 8.1 Documents to be presented: - Original of entry form - Driver and Co-driver passports or identifications - Car identification (optional) 8.2 Administrative checks and scrutineering Administrative checks will be held on Saturday, 29. November 2014. / 14:00-16:00 in The local committee, Sveta Nedelja, Stilinovićeva 7. GPS-coordinates: 45°47.824N 15°46.529E Scrutineering will be held on Saturday, 29. November 2014. / 14:00-16:00 in Sveta Nedelja, Ante Starčević Square. GPS-coordinates: 45°47.801N 15°46.541E 9. OTHER PROCEDURES 9.1 Ceremonial start The ceremonial start will take place in Sveta Nedelja, Ante Starčević Square on Saturday, 29. November, 2014. at 18:00 hours and is mandatory for all crews. GPS-coordinates: 45°47.801N 15°46.541E Crews will not be requested to wear racing overalls on ceremonial start. All crews will start according to Start list. 9.2 Description of circular SS Start will be performed with lights apparatus. Moment of the start is given by switch off the red light and co-temporary switch on of the green light. If the electronic system break down at the start of a special stage, start will be done by hand. Judges of the fact will monitor numbers of realised laps for each individual crew. Crew which will not finish prescribed number of laps will be allocated by the worst time in the concerned class +1 minute of time penalty. Crew that will do more than determined laps, will get the time achived on the finish line of SS. At the start line will be photocells which are connected to measuring equipment with printer, tuned with above mentioned system and which register false start. For every SS will be published new Start list. Flag signals: YELLOW FLAG: INCREASED ATTENTION! Obstruction on track, follow the marshal's directions. BLUE FLAG! If faster crew catches up a slower one, slower crew will be signaled by the blue flag. 9.3 Service park Service park will be located on gravel lot in Savrščak, gravel pits Savrščak, between start and the finish ofspecial stage. GPS-coordinates: 45°50.191N 15°44.753E 9.4 Classification Classification will be determined by the aggregate of the times achieved in each of 4 Special stages. Crews who didnt finished any or all special stages will also take place in final classification allocated by the worst time in the concerned class + 1 minute of time penalty per every withdrawed special stage. If withdrawed crew will be able they will be allowed to start next special stage after their withdrawal. The evaluation of longest jump and most attractive drives will determine the winning crew in this segment of competition. 5. Rally Show Santa Domenica 2014 10 10. IDENTIFICATIONS OF OFFICIALS Safety Marshals: Safety Officer: Post Chief: Media: Stage Commander: Competitor Relations Officer: Medical: Radio: Scrutineer: Orange tabard with text Orange tabard white stripe and text Blue tabard white stripe and text Green tabard Red tabard with text Red tabard with text White tabard with text Yellow tabard with blue mark Black tabard with text 11. PRIZES Prizes will be awarded for: Winning crews in OVERALL STANDINGS, DMACK JUNIOR TROPHY, LADA TROPHY, SPRINT and SUPER SPORT classes will be awarded with DMACK rally tyres. Best three co-driver ladies in CO–DRIVER LADIES TROPHY will be awarded with SPORT VISION gift package. All other best crews in overall standings, each class and trophies will be awarded with AUTO KREŠO gift package. Prizes - cups will be awarded for: OVERALL classification: SPRINT class classification: SUPER SPORT class classification: CO-DRIVER LADIES Trophy: Crews for conquering 1st-3th place Crews for conquering 1st-3th place Crews for conquering 1st-3th place For the three best placed lady co-drivers in the general classification Crews in RWD cars for conquering 1st-3th place Crews in LADA cars for conquering 1st-3th place For the three best placed junior drivers (up to 21 years of age) in the general classification AUTO KREŠO RWD Trophy: LADA Trophy: JUNIOR Trophy: Crew evaluated for biggest jump Crew evaluated for most attractive drives Prize giving will be held on Sunday, 29. November 2014. / 17:15 in Service park, Savrščak, gravel pits Savrščak, GPS-coordinates: 45°50.160N 15°44.745E 5. Rally Show Santa Domenica 2014 11 12. FINAL PROVISIONS Director and The Stewards of the meeting are responsible for the provisions of this Supplementary Regulations. Stewards of the meeting are responsible and competent for deciding on any relevant contentious situations. On decisions adopted by The Stewards of the meeting can not be submitted an objection, complaint and/or appeal. SECRETARY OF THE RALLY Zrinka Čegelj 5. Rally Show Santa Domenica 2014 DIRECTOR OF THE EVENT Dražen Mesec 12
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