The Mews News A Publication of the Fairway Mews Community Association OCTOBER 2014 Kathy Gallagher Broker/Sales Representative Cell 732-996-5254 Bus. 732-974-8700 Ads-4062 2 OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News FAIRWAY MEWS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION A Welcoming Community For All BOARD OF DIRECTORS Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. and are held in the Clubhouse on the third Tuesday of the month. Owners are encouraged to attend these meetings and are invited to speak following the business portion when the meeting is open to the floor. Cliff Jacoby, President James Quigley, Vice President Tom Basile, Treasurer Vincent Stahl, Secretary Donald Considine Alicia Gatti Tony Kluxen Robert McLaughlin Kathleen Walk Peter Kenny, Esq., Board Attorney COMMUNITY INFORMATION Fairway Mews Business Office: 2 Locust Way Spring Lake Heights, NJ 07762 Phone:732-449-8565 Fax: 732-974-0086 Website: Manager: Brian O’Gibney Office Hours: 8 am – 4 pm Guard House: 732-449-1534 Pro Shop: 732-449-8883 PGA Golf Professional: Traye Blackburn MEWS NEWS EDITORIAL STAFF Joan Baker, Traye Blackburn, Geoff Blake, Nancy Blanchet, Bobbi Clark, Susan (Lucy) Dougherty, Joe Fichter, Jerry Fitzpatrick, Pam Kenah, Eleanor Jordan, Irene McLaughlin, Terry O’Rourke, Jo Tull, Virginia Upton, Annette Wishbow THE BASICS From the Editor’s Desk pg 5 Message From The Manager pg 6 Country Club News pg 9 Travels with Irene pg 10 Local Upcoming Events pgs 22, 23 COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Architecture Vince Stahl Finance Tom Basile Country Club Kathleen Walk Grounds Committee Bob McLaughlin Golf Committee Jim Quigley Human Resources Don Considine Insurance Cliff Jacoby Mews News Kathleen Walk Pool & House Committee Kathleen Walk Security Tony Kluxen Tennis Tony Kluxen ASSOCIATION PRESIDENTS (24 units) Phase 1-1, Valerie Abel (60 units) Phases 1-2/3 & 3-1, Tom Coughlin (112 units) Phase 2-1, Don Considine (50 units) Phase 3-0, Glenn Skola (135 units) Phase 4-0, Bob McLaughlin (14 units) Phase 5-0, Anthony R. Moscato (88 units) Phase 6-1, George Bowers (77 units) Phase 6-2, George Sacco Meeting dates available on page 4 and on calendar near back of this issue. THIS ISSUE’S HIGHLIGHTS Reports on Handcrafters’ donations to Wounded Warriors Project, Charity Golf Classic Wrap-up, and Cancer Benefit results. Report of Tuesday, September 16, Board Meeting in From the Editor’s Desk. Looking Back by Maureen Brady, a new contributor to the Mews News. Plan for collection of food, etc. for FoodBank in November. Look for articles from Lucy and Susan Dougherty. Enjoy the photos of the Gala attendees and Golf Award winners and Community Service honorees. Cover photo of Holly Brook Farms and Garden Center. OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News 3 HANDCRAFTERS FROM THE HEART BE INVOLVED – Attend ‘your’ association meetings! Wounded Warrior Project by Joan Baker OCTOBER 1-1 No scheduled meeting 1-2/3 & 3-1 Annual Meeting, 6 pm, October 10 2-1 No scheduled meeting 3-0 Meeting, 5:30 pm, October 8 4-0 Meeting TBA 5-0 Electronic Meeting 6-1 Meeting, 4 pm, October 21 (Lib) 6-2 No scheduled meeting FMCA Board Meeting, 7 pm, October 21 NOVEMBER 1-1 Meeting, Time TBD, November 1 1-2/3 & 3-1 Meeting TBA 2-1 Meeting TBA 3-0 Meeting 5:30 pm, November 12 (Lib) 4-0 Meeting 4:15 pm, November 19 (Lib) 5-0 Electronic Meeting 6-1 Meeting 4 pm, November 18 (Lib) 6-2 Meeting 4 pm, November 22 FMCA Board Meeting 7 pm, November 18 4 OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News Photo by Maureen Machirella q W e awoke on Saturday, September 13, 2014, to a rainy, windy and gloomy day. Nevertheless, a group of eleven ladies who faithfully create gifts for the Wounded Warrior Project accepted an invitation to lunch at the Belmar Fishing Club. This was another opportunity to meet and present our items to the men and women personally. Every year a group of New York State Troopers from Fort Drum provide transportation, lodging and activities for a weekend at the Jersey Shore for veterans. These veterans go as far back as the Vietnam War to the present and represent all the United States Service branches. They are being treated for various conditions resulting from their service experiences. During lunch we had the opportunity to visit and chat with the veterans and to thank them for their dedication and sacrifices. When it was time to say our good-byes, we gathered in the lobby of the club and each veteran received a handmade gift and warm wishes for the best of health and happiness. Although the sun never shone during the three hours we were together, we felt the warmth of friendship and goodwill and promised to return next year. Please keep in mind that this is an ongoing project, and we welcome anyone who would like to join our group. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Clubhouse. Drop by some Friday afternoon to see and hear what we are all about. For more information, call Rita at 732-449-5287 or Joan at 732-974-8381. q Oldest ed e! FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK by Nancy Blanchet You know it’s autumn when all the gardeners start putting out their chrysanthemums, followed by pumpkins, straw people and corn stalks! Human nature is really funny, isn’t it? We can’t wait for spring so we can start thinking about what plants and flowers we want in our gardens. Summer arrives and we complain about rain - too much or not enough to keep those plants and flowers looking their best. Autumn or fall arrives, whichever you prefer, then we start ripping out what’s left of what we planted four or five months ago and put in something else! A happy gardener just keeps moving along with the seasons. The crowds keep growing at our monthly FMCA Board meetings. It’s really terrific to have so many residents at the meetings. Many come with specific questions, which they would like answered while others come to learn how issues in the community are handled. It was gratifying to hear President Cliff Jacoby report that he and Finance Chair Tom Basile had met to study the current method of handling work orders. Approximately 1,000 to 1,200 are sent to the office throughout the year, with the majority sent during the summer months. They believe that the current manual method of handling the orders is efficient but will investigate computerized programs that are able to handle our unique situation, i.e. the eight associations who must approve any changes or expenses incurred before the orders are approved by the FMCA Board and posted for completion by FM employees. As a new feature, however, when work orders are completed, residents will receive notification by way of a hang tag left on their front doors by the FM employee who did the work. Cliff also reported that permits have been filed for work to control the growth of algae in our ponds. In ad• Family Owned and OperatedPools for will submit costs dition, he told us that Candlewood 27 Years! to replace the existing railings on the pool steps before the 2015 pool season begins. • Spacious Rooms and Private Grounds Committee Chair Bob McLaughlin reported (Suites Available) thatBath the work of clearing out extraneous growth from our • 3 Delicious Meals Servedand Daily perimeter hedges has begun willincontinue until the entire hedge has been dealt with. After the first of the year, Our Dining Room the hedges will be trimmed as they are each year. • Daily Services WhenHousekeeping the meeting was opened for comments and • Bed and Bath Linensthere Provided questions from residents were still many questions concerning the problem of work and Laundered Regularly orders, the difficulty in finding out the status of resident work orders and the time • Office Staffed 24 Hours a Day for Your Peace of Mind • Our Chef is a Graduate of the Culinary Institute of America • Specialized Diets can be Accommodated • Afternoon Activities for ATION, Please Patronize Our Advertisers involved in getting through the process. The next topic of great concern from many residents was the quality of the landscaping here. Several residents voiced their concern about the size and speed of the lawn care equipment and the damage done to lawns by the equipment. Others commented on the danger of vine growth and other weeds to the health of the hedges. Still others suggested that the quality of the lawn products used to repair damaged lawns was poor and not appropriate for re-seeding. While there were a few unhappy people at the end of the evening, the meeting gave anyone who wanted to voice their approval or disapproval of actions made by the Board the opportunity to make their opinions known. It was a good meeting. Many thanks to the Board for their attention to these concerns. See you next month. Don’t eat too many sweets on Halloween! FOR SALE Bag Boy Navigator 2 — motorized golf cart with remote control. Call Paul Fitzsimmons 917-327-4804 • Family Owned and Operated for 27 Years! • Spacious Rooms and Private Bath (Suites Available) • 3 Delicious Meals Served Daily in Our Dining Room • Daily Housekeeping Services • Bed and Bath Linens Provided and Laundered Regularly • Office Staffed 24 Hours a Day for Your Peace of Mind • Our Chef is a Graduate of the Culinary Institute of America • Specialized Diets can be Accommodated • UNSURPASSES LOCATION, Afternoon Activities for Residents and Their Guests PERSONALIZED CARE, • Residents Beauty Parlor/ PRICES AND STAFF Barber Shop on Premises Monmouth County’s Oldest and Most Respected Senior Residence! 732-449-4444 550 Warren Avenue OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News 5 MESSAGE FROM THE MANAGER C hrysanthemums and kale in the flower beds, Giants and Jets on TV, shorter days and longer nights all mean fall has arrived at Fairway Mews. We have already begun to see our snowbirds heading south for the winter and jackets and sweaters becoming more the fashion for our golfers. Feeling chilly on the course? Traye has just received a new shipment of the latest styles in golf fashion for colder weather! Unfortunately, none of the great looks will be able to improve our games . . . but be sure to stop in the Pro Shop and look for their big Halloween Sale! I wish to compliment Traye Blackburn and Marc O’Such for their great job for us this past season. Our “Dynamic Duo” makes every effort to ensure each visit to the golf course is a pleasurable experience. Congratulations to all of our new Club Champions as well as our “Shoot-Out” winners! There were many great matches played in every flight leading to the finals and all of the golfers put forth their best efforts. The pool has been closed for the season and will reopen on Saturday, May 24, 2015. This past pool season was very successful with many new faces enjoying the sun and water. The community turf areas have recently undergone a renovation process by the Fairway Mews staff with many areas having additional soil and seed put down for the fall growing period. The tree trimming work, completed this past season, enables us to provide better growing conditions for our turf areas; improved sunlight and air flow play a major role in the growth of grass. We anticipate an improved look later this fall and early next spring. We will continue working on the perimeter hedge, cleaning weeds and unwanted growth from the base. As you can imagine, maintaining 2 miles of hedge line is a monstrous task, and we are limited in the manpower we Look Beautiful For Your Next Special Occasion Do you or anyone you know have a special occasion to attend and want to look gorgeous? Lauren Capuano is a MAC Makeup Artist who will come to your home and make you feel beautiful with her makeup consultation and application. For More Information Or To Set Up An Appointment Call (908) 917-5116 6 OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News can devote to this effort. We will be installing 200 pieces of new hedge to provide greater coverage in the weaker areas. The Mike Whitley Tree Service is scheduled to make several visits later this fall to trim some of the larger trees throughout the community. This process allows for better tree health and enables the tree to better withstand the stormy weather forecast for the winter. The 2015 Golf and Social calendar will soon be completed and approved by the Board of Directors. Once this has been done, we will be able to begin reserving the Clubhouse for dates in 2015. The Clubhouse has become a very popular spot to host birthdays, anniversaries, christenings and other family events which involve too many friends and family members to fit into your home. If you are contemplating using the Clubhouse, please make your reservations as soon as possible to avoid any scheduling conflicts. There is still plenty of great weather in which to enjoy the golf course and the tennis courts, so be sure to get outside while you can and enjoy all your community has to offer! q CONTEMPORARY PHILOSOPHERS H aving more money doesn’t make you happier. I have 50 million dollars, but I’m just as happy as when I had 48 million. ~ Arnold Schwarzenegger. We are here on earth to do good unto others. What the others are here for, I have no idea. ~ WH Auden In hotel rooms I worry. I can’t be the only guy who sits on the furniture naked. ~ Jonathan Katz I don’t believe in astrology. I am a Sagittarius and we’re very skeptical.~ Arthur C. Clarke The first piece of luggage on the carousel never belongs to anyone. ~ George Roberts I have kleptomania, but when it gets bad, I take something for it. ~ Robert Benchley q For Advertising Contact: Senior Publishing Company 1520 Washington Avenue, Neptune, N.J. 07753 888-637-3200 o GOLF NEWS “Woosy and I are talking about marriage. He says it’s the longest relationship he’s ever had. ~ John Daly, on playing all four rounds of the Masters with Ian Woosnam. FROM YOUR PRO, TRAYE The golfing season is now starting to wind down. This is the time of the year where you wait for that nice day to come and then get out there and play. Just a reminder to the Friday $ Match players, we will be moving the start time back in October to an 11:30 start on Fridays! So be up at the Clubhouse at 11:00 for that 11:30 start! Aside from that, time will be blocked off on the tee sheet at 9:30-10:30 starting Tuesday, November 4 (Men’s 18), 9:30-10:30 Wednesdays (Women’s 18), and 9:30-10:30 Thursdays (Women’s 9) for league players looking for a game. Other than that, the course is open for play on those days as official league play is now done for the season. The Pro Shop will have one last sale of the year. That will be the Halloween sale with prices so low they are SCARY! The sale will take place on Friday, October 31, and go to Sunday, November 2. RULE OF THE MONTH that you hit a 3 wood, 5 wood, or even an iron off the tee! That will put you in a good position to take a full swing with a bit of confidence into the green! Just like anything else, it is always good to have a game plan, know your target yardage and try to get there! WACKY SHOTS Lucky bounces are all part of the game, but here’s a sequence that defies belief: John Remington, playing England’s Cotswald Hills Golf Club in 1959, took a fiveiron at the short 7th hole and hooked it badly toward a drainage ditch. His ball caromed off a drainpipe toward a greenside bunker where it hit a rake and bounded toward a ball already on the green. Remington’s ball glanced off q the other ball and skipped into the cup for an ace! SENIOR PUBLISHING COMPANY accepts advertisements and advertisements are based upon information provided by the advertiser. SENIOR PUBLISHING COMPANY does notindependentlyinvestigatetheaccuracyofadvertisement content and does not warrant or represent the accuracy of the content of any advertisement. I want to talk about the specific rules for the practice tee on #17. This is to be used before the golf course opens and after the golf course closes. If you want to practice during open hours, you can use the hitting net by the #17 tee. We ask that if you are taking divots when using this box tohair practice, please fill them in with the seed mix your tee skin, & nails. provided in the green canister. Another thing to mention-when practicing on #17, shots can only be hit from the practice tee box. Please do not hit shots from the fairway on #17. Lastly, when practicing here, do not hit shots into #17 green as this will produce many ball marks and affect Immediate Appointments the quality of the putting surface. Thank You. Dedicated to your skin, hair & nails. Immediate Appointments Available Professional, Courteous Staff Medicare and Most Insurances Accepted Available Professional, Courteous GOLF TIP Staff This golf tip has a little more to do with course manageMedicare and Most ment than anything else. This tip is about hitting a good Insurances Accepted tee shot. That does not always mean 300 yards down the middle. What I am getting at is that when you go out to play you should have a target yardage. That would be the yardage you feel most comfortable hitting your second shot from. Then when you are out playing on par 4’s or 5’s, you need to try to get to that yardage. So on a par 4--say our • Dry Itchy Skin 9th hole plays 300 yards--hit a tee shot that will put you Treatment • Nail Fungus somewhere around your target yardage. That might mean , Age • Spider Veins • Injectables: Botox and other fillers... • Specializing in cosmetic procedures for antiaging • Board Certified • Specializing in Skin Cancer Treatment • Nail Fungus • Mohs Surgery • Spider Veins • Removal of Moles, Growths, Age Spots & Brown Spots • Injectables: Botox and other fillers... • Specializing in cosmetic procedures for antiaging • • Rosacea Dry Itchy Skin Free cosmetic consultations Toms River, NJ 732-341-0515 Lakewood, NJ 732-364-0515 Manahawkin, NJ 609-489-0520 Whiting, NJ 732-849-9444 Sea Girt, NJ 732-282-9660 spc-118c OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News 7 PUP REPORTER By Lucy Dougherty I ’ve been very busy since my last report, and I have lots of information to share with you. My career as a Therapy Dog has begun! In a few months, I will be licensed by Therapy Dogs International, but there are many steps for me to take before that happens. The first step was to have my interview with Laura Siemientkowski, Coordinator of Volunteer Services at Monmouth Medical Center, a Barnabas Health facility. In preparation for this, I had to spend many hours “socializing” with other dogs and “cuddling” with people as much as possible. It was a tough job, but as you can see from this picture with Lisa, I did it with aplomb. My interview was a success, and I was granted a scholarship for the Pet Therapy Program at Barnabas! Laura noticed that I make people smile a lot, and she’s planning for me to be the first Therapy Dog to work in the hospital’s out-patient Oncology unit. I’m very excited about this because I love making people smile; it’s a pretty easy job for me. Before the fun begins, we have lots of work to complete for Laura: medical checks for mom and me, background checks, references, hospital volunteer orientation, six weeks of training for me, followed by four phases of testing. Then, I get my wings on my first birthday (Valentine’s Day). What a day for the perfect gift of love! If you are interested in The Pet Therapy Program at Monmouth Medical Center, please contact Laura Siemientkowski at 732-923-6670 and feel free to use my name. Laura is always looking for good dogs to share their love. There is such a need for this, and it will make you feel really great! If you are interested in becoming a Licensed Therapy Dog, you can get more information from Therapy Dogs International. My personal trainer and the person who will certify me is Diana Coles with TDI. She’d be happy to help you and can be reached at 732-542-6185. If you have any questions or ideas for my future reports, please email me at DEER ALERT! They are running in The Mews… protect your pets and yourselves from Lyme Disease! 8 OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News q ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL FUNDRAISER FOR MARY’S PLACE BY THE SEA A by Liz Fitzpatrick check for $8,600 was presented to Mary’s Place by the Sea by Elsie Edlis, chairperson of the 2014 Women’s Golf and Luncheon Cancer Benefit. The very successful fundraiser consisted of 80 golfers. They were joined by an additional 30 ladies who also participated in the raffles. They all enjoyed a breakfast donated by Starbucks and a delicious buffet lunch donated by Wegman’s and Finn’s of Bradley Beach. Continued on page 9 Mary’s Place staff with Elsie Edlis and Liz Fitzpatrick. Mary’s Place co-founder Michele Gannon. Golf Winners: Karen Kozemchak, Liz DeAmicis, Mary Maurer, Barbara Reynolds. COUNTRY CLUB NEWS cont’d from page 8 A joint effort by the lady golfers afforded the guests special home-made salads and desserts. The day could not have been a success without the support of the 9 Holers, 18 Holers and the Tuesday Men Golfers who registered the guests, handed out gift bags, sold chances and honor flags. As always, Traye and Marc worked with their usual aplomb and expertise to set the stage for a great golf outing. Many thanks to them and the committee members who worked so hard to assure us of a successful event as well as to the many local merchants, restaurateurs, and Fairway donors. Mary’s Place by the Sea is located in Ocean Grove and provides a place for women with cancer to heal: mind, body and soul. Oncological massages, nutritional counseling, spa treatments, and yoga are just a few of the many services provided free of charge. If you are in need of services or want to volunteer, please contact Mary’s Place by the Sea at 15 Broadway, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756 (732) 455-5344. IN MEMORIAM Edward Clemens 1201 Third Avenue Spring Lake, NJ 07762 For professional and expert service with all your Fairway Mews and Jersey Shore Real Estate needs contact Tom Coughlin today Cell 201-906-3724 O ctober brings us the enjoyment of all the beautiful fall colors and wonderful cool weather that makes golf very enjoyable. September 26 was our Gala Awards Dinner at Doolan’s Shore Club. Virginia Upton, chairperson, and her committee presented an impressive evening for all the Mewsies and their friends. The Gala was a celebration of the end of the season, featuring an open bar from 5 pm to 6 pm in the Atrium Room and a sit-down dinner in the Grand Ballroom with unlimited wine, beer, and soda and also fabulous entertainment. Everyone celebrated the golf awards presented by Traye and Marc and the well-earned community service awards presented by Jerry Fitzpatrick. The Happy Days String Band brought to us by Virginia Upton and her committee will perform for us on Sunday, October 26. This is an extraordinary day of entertainment. We promise you a fun-filled afternoon featuring songstress, Aileen Stahl, with strutters and colorful costumes. Please mark your calendars for this fantastic event. Friday, October 31, is the Volunteer Dinner. We are busy assembling the list of all the wonderful volunteers that give so much to this community. This is always a special event. We are most grateful to all of you for being so generous with your time. The guest list is well over 100 members from our outstanding community Sunday, November 9, is our Sunday Afternoon Concert presenting the fabulous vocalist, Maggie Worsdale, singing the Songs and Letters of World War II. All family and friends are welcome. Special thanks to Barbara Birmingham, our Chairperson. Sherlie Anderson is our unsung hero. She works tirelessly to make sure all the reservations are logged in. We could not have all these wonderful events without her. Jo Tull has been continually involved in the Country Club. She purchases supplies and photographs most of the events. We are extremely thankful for her support. A very special thank you to Nancy Blanchet and Jo Tull for all the time and effort they put forth in making the Mews News the publication we all look forward to reading each month. Heartfelt thanks to all who make our events so much fun. q ‘CHEERS’ CHILD CARE NEEDED ads-2473 Fairway Mews Resident Since 1996 by Kathleen Walk and Joe Clark Responsible person to care for a 12-year-old child occasionally. Call 732-713-3342. OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News 9 W TRAVELS WITH IRENE ell here I am again; hoping you will join us on one of our great trips. We try very hard to please, and it is always good to see your smiling faces wherever we travel. Our trip to Atlantic City will continue even though our Showboat Casino is closed. The date is November 10, 2014, and will be to Harrah’s. We continue to receive our $30 chit; we leave at 9 a.m. promptly and ask you to arrive at 8:45. We are home by 6 after a day of play. We are going to continue our 50/50, plus the magnificent prizes which come from all over the world. Rich, our driver, is a great driver and keeps his eye on the road. I did spend an afternoon to see how much you have to walk to get to the playing floors in Bally’s and Caesars. It is not a short walk. Both places have a long walk from the bus to the slot machines. Caesars has two floors to play at and quite a long trip from the bus as is also true at Bally’s. The plus at Harrah’s is you walk right into the Casino and everything is on the main floor. The layout is easy to get used to, and once you are familiar, you can get to your favorite machine. Now some new information about two new travel opportunities . . . One is a river journey on the Rhine River. Our ship is first class; we have journeyed with this line before. The crew is very helpful, the food great, and the cabins well taken care of. The second journey is to Ireland, and the price includes airfare. It is different in that you are on your own; however, a car is included, as is your living space—at Adare Manor. It is a grand opportunity to be with friends. No matter where you go in Ireland they speak our language and are happy to see you. The pubs serve great grub and fine drinks. Check the bulletin board in the Clubhouse and then give Sherry a call for all the details. Flyers available in racks. We are getting ready for our holiday in the Caribbean. I’m not sure if any space is left but call me, and I will investigate for you. I also have some information on stateside tours and will let you know about them very soon. So for now, so long and I’ll see you around the Mews. q Irene F.A.Q.’S How long will the golf course be open for play? The golf course remains open for play subject to the whims of Mother Nature! If we experience warm weather, the course will remain open for play until December 31. If not, we may utilize temporary greens and tee areas or, in the event of very bad weather, close the course completely. Can I get the Mews News delivered to my winter residence? Absolutely! Simply stop down to the Fairway Mews office during our regular hours, and let us know where you want the newsletter sent and you are done! There is a nominal fee to cover the cost of mailing, but this will ensure that you keep up to date with all the happenings and upcoming events in your community. The Mews News is also available on-line at no cost to the reader! Simply go to our website,, around the 15th of each month, and follow the prompts to view the entire publication along with all pictures which are in the edition. Should I put in a work order for leaf removal? No. Each year Live Oak Landscape and the Fairway Mews staff embark on a leaf clean-up program. This program will continue into the winter months providing the community with its best possible appearance for the winter months. q THEY EARNED THEIR REPUTATION A Scotsman and his wife walked past a swanky new restaurant. “Did you smell that food?” she asked. “It’s Incredible!” Being a ‘kind-hearted Scotsman’, he thought, “What the heck..., I’ll treat her!” So, they walked q past it again. 10 OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News TIME TO VOTE “MUMS AND PUMPKINS . . . PERFECT TOGETHER” by Geoff Blake N ovember 4, Election Day, will be here before we know it. It is a day that many people take for granted, especially in an off-year election. We should all be anxious to do our civic duty and get out and vote. I’m sure you hear, as I do, the old excuses like “what difference can I make” and “nothing ever changes anyway.” I hope you get as frustrated with those lame excuses as I do. Are we too complacent and comfortable to investigate the issues at hand, locally as well as nationally? I hope not. There are choices to be made by us this November 4 for a town council seat as well as for a United States Senator to represent us in Congress. Those two decisions alone should get us to the polls. Both those choices directly affect all of us here in New Jersey as well as in Fairway Mews. There are two public questions up for approval/disapproval this election as well. The first asks us to decide if we want to set up pre-trial detention for certain criminal defendants as they await their trials, something to ponder. The second public question asks us to approve/ disapprove whether the state should dedicate 6 percent of corporate business tax revenues to open space preservation, an interesting question as well. New Jersey has made voting quite simple. As usual, we go to our polling station to vote. Our station is in our Borough Hall. If you want to vote by mail, it is easier than ever to do so. Just complete an Application for a Vote By Mail Ballot, which you can download from the County Clerk’s Office, and return the application to the County Clerk at least seven days prior to election day. Voters may apply in person to the County Clerk’s Office up until the day before the election to receive an absentee ballot. Your ballot will be sent to you to fill out and return. Hopefully, we will all get out and vote. It is a responsibility and a privilege that we should never take for granted. Remember, if you don’t vote, you shouldn’t complain about q the results!! NO ONE KNOWS FAIRWAY MEWS BETTER, I LIVE HERE. My Commitment to you is: CONFIDENTIALITY INTEGRITY KNOWLEDGE 1112 Third Ave. Spring Lake, NJ 07762 732-449-8886 Maureen D. Brady 59 Apple Drive Cell: 732-966-1971 by Joan Baker Y ou can’t miss these ever-popular symbols of fall. They seem to be everywhere. Here is a suggestion for decorating your table with a centerpiece that will last for at least a month and is made with all natural materials. But first, these basic components have to be prepared, and the age-old question of what came first—the mums or the pumpkin--has to be addressed. Let’s start with the mums. Many gardeners buy a mum plant and treat it like a bouquet of fresh flowers and discard the entire plant when the flowers die off. This need not be the case. If you would like to try growing mums in your perennial bed, it will take a little effort now, but they do winter over successfully in our climate. Choose a sunny spot and one that has well drained soil. After the first frost, cut off the dead flowers and cover the entire plant with mulch to a depth of 3 to 4 inches. When spring arrives, you will be rewarded with a hardy plant. Now select a pumpkin in proportion to the space available. Cut the top off cleanly and remove all the seeds and membranes. Save the top for an accessory. Clean the inside with paper towels--do not submerge the pumpkin in water--let it air dry. Fill a l-pound tin can with light colored candle stubs or paraffin half way and place the can in a saucepan with water. Heat over a low flame till the candle wax is melted. With a small disposable foam brush, coat the entire inside of the pumpkin including the underside of the top. Any exposed surfaces will rot at room temperature. When the wax is completely dry, it will be easy to add wax to any spot missed. Discard any unused wax carefully. Before assembling your creation, place a block of wet Oasis in a glass bowl or a drinking glass and add the flowers and foliage. This method allows for replacing flowers easily. To finish off your centerpiece, take a walk around your garden and look for some fall colored leaves that have fallen to the ground. Cut individual leaves from branches and place the leaves in a phone book. In just a few days they will be dry enough to place at the base of the pumpkin, overlapping them to form a wreath. Another use for the pressed leaves is to use them for place cards for your dinner table. Write the guests’ names with a fine felt pen and glue to a piece of cardboard. An acorn cap makes a good stand, a small slit in each side will do. “Happiness held is the seed; happiness shared is the flower.” q ~ John Harrigan ads-4496 OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News 11 15 Varieties and Counting or Why Shopping Has Become Challenging by Eleanor Jordan I t all started with a cereal coupon. It was for that bright yellow“cheery” box I’d been buying for years. My eyes popped as I scanned the list of flavors. There were 15! Admittedly, I have eaten some of them, such as Honey Nut, Multi-Grain and Protein, but never Multi-Grain Peanut Butter, Fruity or Yogurt Burst. Most of these also come in two different sizes. Why the need for so many choices? During my next shopping trip, I walked up and down the aisles with a new perspective and purpose, to look for “option overload.” I found plenty in all product lines. Buying toothpaste used to be a simple task. You chose paste, gel, or for the daring, striped. The two main brands, the “C” products, now present us with a dizzying array of choices. Crest had 21 and Colgate had 12 different products on the shelf. Visiting their websites, I found that Crest had over 50 and Colgate had 26. This does not include the different sizes in each variety. Which one does your dentist recommend? I’m sure they are just as confused as we are. Of special interest to me was Crest Be Adventurous. It caught my eye with its bright blue box with multi-colored bubbles on it. Its description: “Explore outside your boundaries with a touch of chocolate infused with mint.” A dental hygiene product with candy flavoring? A 4.5 ounce tube priced at $6.29 gave me an additional reason not to purchase. M CHARITY GOLF CLASSIC T he Spring Lake First Aid Squad treated the Fairway Mews and Spring Lake Garden Club volunteers to a delightful evening of cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, and dinner at their station on Washington Avenue on September 15. In remarks of thanks to the volunteers, Squad President Bob Tanzola reported that approximately $10,000 had been raised through this event at the Mews on August 2. q AD-4047 Resident Services 732-229-2224 We at Resident Services are sorry to see summer disappearing. But we are also happy to see our customers again. If I can be of service to you, please call us. We have 40 years experience, are fully insured, adhere to your schedule, and generally cost less than what you are now paying. Thank You, Larry Gray 12 OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News My final foray was down the detergent aisle. One of my favorites is the A&H brand. You can buy it in powder, premeasured power paks and liquid form. I buy the Sensitive Skin variety so my spouse’s clothes don’t smell like “Sun-Kissed Flowers” or “Tropical Burst.” Only 15 varieties from which to choose. Add that to all the other brands and you have a really long aisle to navigate. A new survey by Consumer Reports National Research Center confirms that option overload is more a hindrance than a help. Thirty-six percent of those surveyed said they were overwhelmed by the information they had to process to make a purchase. I imagine some of the rest of the respondents are like me. They limit their focus to the one item in each category they want and block out the rest. Not very good for the manufacturers of these endless varieties but great for my sanity. The next time you are shopping, just take in all the choices you have to make in the market or drugstore. It can really be a daunting task. Next time I might try a different type of cereal, just for the fun of it. Change is good and, luckily, I will have lots of choices! q Sources used: Consumer Reports, March 2014 MAXINE y doctor told me to start killing people. Well, not in those exact words. He said I had to reduce the stress q in my life. Same thing really! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION (CPR) & AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATION (AED) COURSE COURSE LENGTH – 2-3 HOURS INSTRUCTOR – ALISSA CORTES, MEMBER OF THE SPRING LAKE FIRST AID SQUAD PLACE – FAIRWAY MEWS CLUBHOUSE TIME – TBD PLEASE CONTACT KATHLEEN WALK @ 732-282-9401 (Fairway Mews is in the process of purchasing a defibrillator for the Clubhouse.) LOOKING BACK …. by Maureen Brady O Before demolition by the wrecking ball on February 11, 2014, the inn had 15 rooms, a restaurant and a pool. The owners said that business had dropped due to the recent hurricanes and they had no choice but to sell. The Spring Lake Planning Board approved the subdivision of the property into two lots. Two new high-end single family homes are being built on the site. My thanks to Dot Lau of the Spring Lake Historical Society, Inc. for providing this information. The Historical Society warmly welcomes new members. To join, call 732-449-0772 or email q Annual general membership is $25. JOIN US IN PLANNING AHEAD O n the 10th to 13th of November, there will be empty boxes for us to fill with nonperishable food items in the Clubhouse. We are giving you advance warning—you can take advantage of sales. The collection is to support the FoodBank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties. Should you wish to contribute a turkey or other perishables, call the FoodBank at 732-918-2600 for a drop-off location. Since the FoodBank can purchase in quantity which makes dollars go further, you may prefer to make a monetary contribution. Checks may be dropped at the Mews office or mailed to: FoodBank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties, 3300 Rte. 66, Neptune, NJ 07753. If you choose, enter Fairway Mews on the memo line of your check so they know our community is a supporter of their work. Being a community for whom generosity is second nature, we know there will be many boxes full of food to transport to the FoodBank on Friday, November 14. We thank you for your large hearts from the bottom of ours. q JOSEPH’S DELICATESSEN & SPECIALTY SHOPPE 516 Warren Avenue, Spring Lake Ad 4608 ne of the aspects of Spring Lake that makes it such a unique and special place is the impressive architecture of the notable buildings which distinguishes this picturesque community. These lovely, historic buildings give Spring Lake its old-world charm and elegance. The great hotels were especially elegant and charming. Although many of these “grand dames” have been demolished in the name of progress, it is worth a look back to remember those buildings which made up the original fiber of early Spring Lake. Many of you remember The Sandpiper Hotel on Atlantic Avenue. Did you know that it was built circa 1888 and was originally known as Moorehead Cottage? It was the only surviving building on Atlantic Avenue after the fire of 1900. As a matter of fact, there was a house just two buildings to the west of it that was an almost identical twin. That building was in fact destroyed in the 1900 fire. Because it had survived the fire and was one of the oldest buildings in Spring Lake, Moorehead Cottage held much importance and significance to the town during its many years of operation. In 1937, Moorehead Cottage was purchased by Edwin and Clara Alexander. In 1939, they decided to renovate it and convert it to a hotel and restaurant. Their idea was to include an upscale tea room and restaurant on the ground floor and a hotel upstairs. Instead of a communal bathroom, Mr. Alexander had the progressive idea to add bathrooms to every room. He also planned to add a kitchen to prepare lunch and dinner for potential customers walking to the South Pavilion. The only problem with this plan was that the Alexander’s had just enough money to buy the house and pay the mortgage. They didn’t have any extra money to pay their contractors for the renovation they had envisioned. The Alexander family approached the contractors with their plan and promised the contractors that they would be paid after the business was up and running. Believe it or not, the contractors did their work without pay. Lo and behold, the Sandpiper became a success and all the contractors were paid within a few years in cash and with interest. This story was recalled by Alex Estelle, an electrical contractor, who installed the electrical service in the Sandpiper and was happy to report that he was paid in full! As one of the oldest buildings in Spring Lake, it stood for almost 100 years on Atlantic Avenue. During its heyday, the hotel was host to many luminaries, including Albert Einstein who would visit from Princeton on summer weekends to relax, take in the sights, swim in the ocean and enjoy fine dining. 732-449-1412 *Near Spring Lake Train Station HOT & COLD SUBS • THE FINEST IN COLD CUTS AND HOMEMADE SALADS • FRESH HOMEMADE PASTA AND TOMATO SAUCES• FRESH ITALIAN BREAD DELIVERED DAILY OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News 13 THE JBJ SOUL KITCHEN - EMPLOYMENT AND EMPOWERMENT TEAM – A HAND-UP IN THE COMMUNITY shared by Susan Dougherty O ur very own Jeanne Burrus from 69 Willow Lane took time off from her career to take care of back-to-back terminally ill parents and found time to give back to the community. JBJ Soul Kitchen is always looking for volunteers to help serve the in-need population of Monmouth County either by washing dishes, bussing tables, or cutting up vegetables....let Jeanne know if you are interested. The JBJ Soul Kitchen is based on the philosophy of dignity and respect, and the “hand-up” not “hand out” model uses volunteering as the basis for earning meals as well as engaging in other services provided through the community kitchen. The JBJ Soul Kitchen serves MORE THAN A MEAL in its endeavor to respond to community needs. One of the leading reasons people experience food insecurity is due to sudden life changes, and one of the top three reasons is unemployment. For those who are unemployed and choose to volunteer at the JBJ Soul Kitchen; there is a “hand-up” provided through the Employment and Empowerment Team (EET). While assisting with budget concerns by earning meals for themselves and/or their families, a volunteer, after five volunteer shifts, may be eligible to participate in the Employment and Empowerment Team Program. The EET was created, and is headed by Jeanne Burrus, a Human Resource Strategist, with 18 years’ experience with various Wall Street firms. The team includes seven experienced Job Coaches: Meg Cody, Lisa Kettyle, Carolyn Broderick, Marisol Agosto, Ann LaPorta, Mary Mueller and Lynn Schaber. The team also includes Life Coach, Denise Fountain; Attorney, Margaret Mahon; LinkedIn Specialist, Linda Presutti, and Financial Advisor, Mary Elliott. This dedicated group of 12 professionals volunteer their time to provide a valuable service to JBJ Soul Kitchen Volunteers who have recently become unemployed. Help with resume` writing, interviewing skills, and job search methods are only a part of what is offered through the EET program. The rate of successful employment with the help of the Employment and Empowerment Team has been over 85 percent in a tough job market. If you are considering volunteering, stop by the JBJ Soul Kitchen at 207 Monmouth Street in Red Bank and ask about volunteer opportunities. For more information and testimonials, please visit the website; www.jbjsoulkitchen. org or the Facebook page under JBJ Soul Kitchen. JBJ SOUL KITCHEN where HOPE IS DELICIOUS q and MORE THAN A MEAL is served. MEWSITES Need a ride to the doctor, bank, store? No charge! “Have car, will drive” Tuesday-Friday Call Joe Fichter at 732-282-0675 A SIGN OF THE TIMES W ANY ORDER THROUGH 10/31/14* 14 OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News hen I get old, I’m going to move in with my kids, hog the computer, pay no bills, eat all the food, trash the house, and when asked to clean, pitch a fit like it’s killing me! Experts say caffeine is bad for you. Fat is bad for you, but don’t worry—‘cause that’s bad for you too! It is hard to understand how a cemetery raised its rates, q and then blamed it on the Cost of Living. OUT AND ABOUT, CHECKING IT OUT by Virginia Upton P rime 13, Jersey Shore Steakhouse, 710 Arnold Ave. Point Pleasant. BYOB 732-202-6483 Reservations recommended. Don’t be tricked! At the address you’ll find a different restaurant, Coal Pizza! Turn left into the little street to find Prime 13, same address, adjoining Coal Pizza. Go figure. Strange address aside, it turned out to be a fun place. It’s a great place to go with a big group. The kitchen is open to the dining room, so you can enjoy watching the chefs at work. The warm and welcoming waitress, Danielle, steered (pardon the pun) us in the right direction. She said the risotto that accompanied the day boat scallops entree was out of this world so we ordered one in appetizer size. The scallops were fresh, cooked perfectly, and the risotto, divine. We went on to share the porterhouse, which is accompanied by a chopped salad, (mixed lettuce, cucumber, tomato, Bermuda onion, red wine vinaigrette). Danielle also recommended their popular, twice-baked truffle and white cheddar cheese potatoes ($6), so we shared one and a side of creamed spinach ($7). Now, for the piece de resistance! We also split an order of their amazing chocolate creme brulee. Don’t leave without tasting it; it alone is worth the trip. Speaking of a warm welcome, the owner, Gerard Tortora, a man who clearly is invested in making his customers happy, made the rounds, introducing himself to the patrons. He wanted us to know they use Angus certified grass fed or free range meats, a WoodFire grill, and their own smoker. Equally impressive, the Executive Chef, Jeremy Karp, a delightful fellow, came out of the kitchen to introduce himself. Why were these men so warm and welcoming? Jersey City genetics! Yep, turns out their families were from (where else?) Jersey City and moved to Kearny. Gerard and Jeremy may not have been aware of it, but their Jersey City roots genetically programmed them to relocate to the Jersey Shore. (I’ve always suspected it was a Jersey City law; “Thy children shall go forth and populate the Jersey Shore. They shall receive special notice in dispatches if they retire to FM.”) Seafood entrees begin at $28 for the salmon, steak entrees at $26. The day boat scallops with the risotto was so wonderful that I returned and had it as an entree ($32.). Dr. Motley’s spare ribs were fabulous. We also highly recommend their Tuna Taco. On a scale of 1 to 10, these last three items were a twelve! I asked Gerard about discount cards for Fairway Mews residents, and he said he would be happy to give us the same 10% discount we enjoy at Doolan’s, Ray’s Cafe, Runway 34, etc. Flash your driver’s license or FM ID to show proof of residency, and he’ll give you one on the spot. The Turning Point Restaurant (breakfast & lunch) Route 35, Sea Girt, has been enjoying a long line of eager customers ever since it opened on Memorial Day. The reason for their success? Fresh, delicious food, an interesting selection, generous portions for standard prices, and an unusually happy staff with stellar customer service skills. The staff’s smiles are so blinding I have to put on my sunglasses when I pull into their parking lot. Nowhere else have I found so many warm, bubbly, playful personalities employed in one restaurant. On a dark and stormy day, I’ve actually caught myself thinking, this is a good day to go to the Turning Point; one of those bright, happy faces is guaranteed to make me laugh. Sure enough, when I arrived, acting host twenty-something Jamie, told me I could sit wherever my heart desired. He then wrote and signed a note that read “Miss Virginia can sit wherever she wants!” How can antics like that not bring a smile to your face? Because the staff is so unusually personable, I cornered the General Manager, (who identified herself as Mandi Jones) to find out how she managed to collect so many merry, engaging people under one roof. Mandi believes, because you spend such a large part of your day at work, you should enjoy your time there. You should even have fun. She does hilarious things, such as Silly Sock Day with the staff to make their workplace a fun place to be. To Michele, one of their cute-as-a-button wait-persons, everyday is Silly Sock Day! Be sure to check out Michele’s priceless outfits. Apparently Ms. Jones also encourages her servers to call the customers by name. When I asked how they knew my name, she said your name is on your credit card. Smart lady knows how to make her customers feel welcome! Were I to open a business, I’d steal that manager in a heartbeat. Turning Point’s light, healthy, delicious, and non-spicy turkey chili is a huge favorite of mine, as are their their grilled chicken feta salad, and eggs benedict, but like you, I enjoy all of their offerings. Check out their delicious flavored coffees and hot chocolate, Bubbie’s Pastrami Sandwich, and their Blunder Benedict. “Blunder Benedict” and “Bubbie’s Pastrami?” Like I q said, this place cracks me up! SENIOR PUBLISHING COMPANY accepts no responsibility for any advertisements. If there are any complaints concerning an advertiser, please contact them directly. If you receive no satisfaction, you can contact your Better Business Bureau or the Department of Consumer Affairs. OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News 15 THE BOOMER 46 AN INSTITUTION OF LEARNING by Jerry Fitzpatrick shared by Natalie Larson A fter my summer hibernation, (an odd choice of words ), I will not espouse the theory of “Where has the summer gone” or “ I cannot believe the summer is over,” because every columnist in this or the last issue will have said that. Time does not literally fly. The physical and spatial laws of nature do not succumb to the human touch (except, of course, in the H.G. Wells classic “The Time Machine”). Thus this is my first cannon ball of autumn. At a recent party, I was speaking to a classmate of mine from St. Peter’s Prep. He was boasting that he was the youngest person in our class. I inquired as to his actual age. He responded that he was 68. I was amused, because I told him that he was mistaken, since I was just 67. Asked as to my birth year, I replied 1945. He then called me a moron because 67 added to 1945 does not add up to 2014. I then realized that on my last birthday, I deliberately deluded myself and did not face reality and say that I was 68. I have told everyone for the last year that I was 67. So this October, I will leapfrog from 67 to 69. P.S. Liz is much younger than I. I recently heard a radio advertisement for a Christian Mortgage Company. Having dealt with certain mortgage companies, I began to think this through. Except for the big brick and mortar banks, there is no reliable mortgage company, whether it be Christian, Muslim, Hasidic or Hindu. This is a ploy to appeal to a certain base. Probably like all those outfits, you will wait forever for an answer to your application. A telephone call will make you think that you have been patched through to the Tower of Babel. You must have the patience of Job before you have a closing. You will be stranded like Jonah in the limbo of the whale’s belly, waiting for relief. When finally you reach the settlement table, the money lenders will extract from you points, hidden fees, ridiculous appraisal fees and unconscionable padded charges. You might as well be on the Ark, because you have rain for 40 years, when you try to finish paying off the mortgage. Enough said. Lastly, I have decided who I am going to be for Halloween. I am going to buy the largest plastic ears that can be found and don a brown suit. Guess who I will be? Answer in November issue. THE BOOMER q A ccording to a news report, a certain private Catholic school was recently faced with a unique problem. A number of 12-year-old girls were beginning to use lipstick and would put it on in the bathroom. That was fine provided it was of a natural or neutral skin tone, but after they put on their lipstick, they would press their lips to the mirror leaving dozens of little lip prints. Every night the maintenance man would remove them; and the next day the girls would put them back. Finally, the principal, Sister Mary, decided that something had to be done. She called all the girls to the bathroom and met them there with the maintenance man. She explained that all these lip prints were causing a major problem for the custodian, who had to clean the mirrors every night (you can just imagine the yawns from the little princesses). To demonstrate how difficult it had been to clean the mirrors, Sister Mary asked the maintenance man to show the girls how much effort was required. He took out a long-handled squeegee, dipped it in the toilet, and cleaned the mirror with it. Since then, there have been no lip prints on the mirror. There are teachers ... and then there are educators! Don’t q mess with a nun, they are wicked smart!!! Exterior Excellence ROOFING WINDOWS SIDING DOORS GUTTERS SUNROOMS Siding Roofing Windows Doors The first thing we build is a relationship. Family owned & trusted in Monmouth & Ocean Counties since 1982 (732) 370 –2780 Call to Schedule a Free, No Obligation Estimate. 16 OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News Gutters MY DEVIL AND ME From Retiree Manual “D” By Freshman Retiree – Joe Fichter R ecently I received some feedback concerning my Then it happened. The devil and I proceeded to a article about the “sacred silence,” which was part nearby utility cabinet and picked up a urinal cleaning brush, of the discipline in the Catholic seminary I attended. If which was a brush attached to a two-foot wooden handle. you remember, the article recalled an incident when I was We got the brush good and wet and sprinkled Murphy over “forced” to put a four-foot icicle in Patrick Murphy’s bed the hopper door a couple times, and we could hear this as a just retaliation for his bad behavior toward me. I shocked groans from within. Murphy was trapped. We had came close to being expelled from that seminary because timed it perfectly. It was like getting sprinkled with holy of this act, but thank God, I weathered the storm and my water in church, but it wasn’t. “Asperges me – Domine” soul was saved. “Vidi aquam” Not long after the above-mentioned article was pubQuickly my dorm and my army bunk bed. You First Personal Training and Health CoachI scurried - VickytoFarrell lished in The Mews News, I received a message on my only the night lights to guide me and, of course, the NASM certified Personal Trainer andWith Fitness Nutrition Specialist answering machine from a Chicago judge who did not leave ever-present sacred silence. There was no place to hide, (732) 610-6486 his name. The judge said he had done a thorough search and I knew we were in trouble. Then my partner, the devil, of Catholic Canon law and concluded that I will be in deep came up with a great idea. I slept in the top bunk and my Email: trouble in the life hereafter becauseWebsite: I didn’t adhere to my friend, the good and very kind seminarian from the south confessional mandates regarding the icicle incident, and side of Chicago, Jim Eiman, slept in the lower bunk. I Free Consultation plus 10% off your first multi session purchase. furthermore, chose to absolve myself. The judge further whispered to Jim “I don’t feel good tonight. Could we We offer one on one training, small group, and group training. insisted that I would be working in hell—tending furnaces switch beds in case I get sick?” “Sure,” he said. ts ofanda gnashing personal of training include increase in imagine balance, what happened. As I and there would beBenefi weeping teeth. Iprogram imWell Ianthink you can coordination, strength, cardiovascular endurance, controlling weight, mediately thought of my poor soul suffering because of my snuggled into Jim’s freshmanaging new sheets, I saw the silhouette or reducing the risk reading of chronic diseases, improving mood, cognitive poor choices, and then I remembered somewhere of a person in promoting the doorway. It was Murphy with a waste well-being and boosting energy. that there was no more hell, but perhaps some other punpaper pail full of water. He emptied it on the unsuspectCheckout my website to see the Personal Training Program Features ishment less severe. As my Momma would say,what “You’re ing Jim. Then Jim said the bad word, ”Damn, what hapin deep trouble now—wait till your father comes home.” pened?” Murphy couldn’t believe what he was hearing Now I have one last story to tell you about relating to when he realized that it was Jim he had dumped the water my experience with Patrick Murphy/judge. At age 75 years, on and not me. I watched him go out the door with his tail I want to clear my slate and do penance for my missteps. beneath his legs. Please bear with me; it will soon be over. I’ve waited 60 years to ask for Jim Eiman’s and MurBack in seminary, one Saturday night each month we phy’s forgiveness. I’m sorry, Jim. Murphy, you probably would be treated to a movie. When the movie was over, deserved it. For these and all the other sins I may have we would go into the chapel, say our night prayers and committed, I am sorry. then immediately go into our sacred silence--no talking, PS: The devious one has repented and is living a no communicating of any kind until morning mass the stellar life in a small New Jersey community known as q following day. Fairway Mews. On one particular movie night, after night prayers, I was grabbed by the devil to assist him in a little mischief. Now if you’ve ever been grabbed by the devil, you know the exhilarating feeling that results. I was on my way back You First Personal Training and Health Coach - Vicky Farrell NASM from the chapel; all lights out except for night lights which certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist showed me the way to my dormitory. I passed through (732) 610-6486 the bathroom which had four urinals on one wall and four Email: toilet stalls on the opposite wall. In one of the stalls the Website: devil and I spotted a pair of old slippers I recognized as Free Consultation plus 10% off your first multi session purchase. We offer one on one training, small group, and group training. belonging to Patrick Murphy. You see, the bottom of the Benefits of a personal training program include an increase in balance, coordination, stall was open as well as the top section. strength, cardiovascular endurance, controlling weight, managing or reducing the risk of chronic diseases, improving mood, promoting cognitive well-being and boosting energy. Checkout my website to see what the Personal Training Program Features OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News 17 RECIPES Enjoy a new taste to your meatloaf this fall. Fajita-Style Meatloaf (12 svgs.) 1 Tbsp. oil 1 each red and green pepper, cut into strips 1 small onion, cut into wedges 1 pkg. (1 oz.) Taco Bell Taco Seasoning Mix ¼ cup water 2 lb. extra lean ground beef 1½ cups cooked long-grain white rice 2 eggs 1½ cups Kraft Mexican Style Finely Shredded Four Cheese, divided 1 cup Taco Bell Thick & Chunky Salsa, divided Heat oven to 350 degrees. Heat oil in large skillet. Add peppers and onions; cook and stir 5 min. or until crisp-tender. Stir in taco seasoning mix and water; cook and stir 1 min. Spoon into large bowl; cool 10 min. Add meat, rice, eggs, 1 cup cheese and ½ cup salsa to vegetable mixture; mix just until blended. Divide in half. Shape the meat mixture into two 8x4-inch loaves and place in 13x9inch baking dish sprayed with cooking spray; top each with half the remaining salsa and cheese. Bake 55 min. or until done (160 degrees). Slice and serve. French Onion Meatloaf (10 svgs.) 1 pkg. (6 oz.) Fresh Take Classic Four Cheese Recipe Cheese Breadcrumb Mix, divided 2 lb. lean ground beef ¼ cup finely chopped yellow onions 2 green onions, sliced 2 eggs 1 can (2.8 oz.) French fried onions, coarsely crushed, divided Heat oven to 350 degrees. Reserve ¼ cup cheese from Fresh Take package. Mix remaining cheese with bread crumbs, meat, yellow onions, green onions, eggs and half the fried onions just until blended. Shape into 10x6-inch loaf pan sprayed with cooking spray. Bake 1 hour. Top with remaining fried onions and reserved cheese; bake 15 min. or until cheese is melted and meatloaf is done (160 degrees). Serving suggestion: Serve with smart side dishes, such as streamed broccoli and a crisp mixed green salad. 18 OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News Festive Apple-Cranberry Salad (8 svgs. 1 ¼ cups each) ½ cup Kraft Real Mayo Mayonnaise ½ cup Kraft Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing 1 each green and red apple, coarsely chopped 8 cups coarsely chopped romaine lettuce ½ cup dried cranberries 1 pkg. (4 oz.) Athenos Traditional Crumbled Feta Cheese 1 cup coarsely chopped Planters Pecans, toasted Mix mayo and dressing until blended; toss with apples. Spoon into large straight-sided clear bowl; top with layers of all remaining ingredients except nuts. Toss gently before serving; top with nuts. Or refrigerate until ready to serve, then toss and top with nuts. Substitute: Prepare using Kraft Light Mayo Reduced Fat Mayonnaise. Chewy Chocolate-Peanut Butter Bars (32 svgs.) 1 cup flour ¾ cup quick-cooking oats ½ tsp. baking soda ½ cup butter, softened ¾ cup Planters Creamy Peanut Butter 1/3 cup packed light brown sugar 1/3 cup granulated sugar 1 egg 1 tsp. vanilla 1 pkg. (4 oz.) Baker’s Semi-Sweet Chocolate, chopped ½ cup dried cranberries Heat oven to 350 degrees. Line 13x9-inch pan with foil, with ends of foil extending over sides; spray with cooking spray. Mix flour, oats and baking soda until blended. Beat butter, peanut butter and sugars in large bowl with mixer until light and fluffy. Add egg and vanilla; mix well. Gradually add flour mixture, mixing well after each addition. Stir in chocolate and cranberries; gently press onto bottom of prepared pan. Bake 20 to 22 min. or until center is set. Cool completely. Use foil handles to lift dessert from pan before cutting into bars. Substitute: dried q cherries for the cranberries. THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW BUT PROBABLY DON’T A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down continuously from the bottom of the glass to the top. (Okay, how many of you will rush to try this?) Chocolate affects a dog’s heart and nervous system; a few ounces will kill a small-sized dog. Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn’t wear pants. (Check out to see what they have to say about this one.) Ketchup was sold in the 1830’s as medicine. Upper- and lower-case letters are named ‘upper’ and ‘lower’ because in the time when all original print had to be set in individual letters, the Upper case’ letters were stored in the case on top of the case that stored the smaller, ‘lower case’ letters. By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you can’t sink in quicksand (and you thought this list was completely useless.) q A RED DUCK kindergarten teacher handed out a coloring page to her class. On it was a picture of a duck holding an umbrella. The teacher told her class to color the duck in yellow and the umbrella green. However, Bobby, the class rebel, colored the duck in a bright fire truck red. After seeing this, the teacher asked him: “Bobby, how many times have you seen a red duck?” Young Bobby replied with “The same number of times I’ve seen a duck holding q an umbrella.” O BOOK BUFFS n November 18, this very active group will be discussing The Color of Water by James McBride at 10 a.m. in the Clubhouse. Please plan to participate; all are welcome. You may pick up the book at the Wall Library; just mention that you are a Fairway Mews Book Buff. q SPRING LAKE COMMUNITY THEATER Little Shop of Horrors October 17, 18, 24, 25 Mewsites--Buy One--Get One Free Mention Code “Audrey 2” ALL INSECTS ALL ANIMALS ALL RODENTS 1-888-313-7188 1-732-489-9513 FREE ESTIMATES WE WILL BEAT ALL WRITTEN ESTIMATES! $50 Termite Inspection $65 Quarterly Pest Control + Quarterly Pest Control Termite Contracts ads-2704B $65 +tax +tax per year WITH NO CURRENT TERMITE PROBLEMS ALL INSECTS COVERED GROUND BEETLES CENTIPEDES • MILLIPEDES EARWIGS • SPIDERS BEDBUGS • ANTS SILVERFISH • CRICKETS BEES • RATS • MICE **WOOD DESTROYING INSECTS NOT INCLUDED ** Business Lic. #97622A Lic. # 25801A OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News 19 20 OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News 21 22 OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News 23 24 OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News 25 26 OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News 27 Fairway Mews Ga Cindy Wilcox, Maureen Fitzsimmons, Virginia Upton, Jerry Fitzpatrick--Committee. It’s cocktail time! John Tarantino and Jean Cuccaro. Jim and Rosemary Heine. Marie and Cliff Jacoby; Myles and Joanne Dolan. Delia DeMarco, John Leone, Bob Starkey, Joyce McManus. 28 OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News la Awards Dinner Jerfe and Bill Dittmann. Maria Pinto, George James, Barbara Birmingham, Joe Furfaro. Roy Rasmussen, Liz and Lou DeAmicis, Anne Rasmussen. What a wonderful way to spend an evening! 2014 Golf Award Winners. 2014 Community Service Honorees. Photos by Virginia Leone and Lou DeAmicis OCTOBER, 2014 The Mews News 29 Need Computer Help? On-Site Computer Support for your Home & Business • New PCs & Setup • Virus Clean-Up • Repairs & Upgrades • Networking & Wireless Bob Golom Plumbing Third Generation Plumber Water Heaters, Faucets, Toilets, Stoppages Big or Small… We Do It All! Appointments Kept • License #5181 Monmouth Computer Associates, LLC Call Dan Today! 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