AMERICAN LEGION POST #1 1281 N. US HWY 1 TITUSVILLE, FL 32796 321-269-9959 OCTOBER 2014 COMMANDER BILL MOORE 1ST VICE GEORGE TAYLOR, SR. LEGION RIDERS S. A. L COMMANDER BRAD PARSONS AUXILIARY PRESIDENT CATHIE McMULLIN COMMANDERS REPORT WHEW!! September was a great month, and we may not be able to catch our breath in October--looks like another busy month! You will see several changes/events are on tap for this month: Children and Adult Halloween Parties; Bartender Appreciation night where the Executive Board will be behind the bar serving (and probably being harassed by the bartenders!); BINGO will now be starting at 12:30 PM on Tuesdays; and Rudy is adding menu items. Please come out and support our Legion Family! Thanks to all of our members (YOU!) that stepped up and provided support to the Annual Stand Down for homeless veterans on September 20th. It was very successful and grows every year. Was great to see that Post 1 participation also grows every year—thanks for taking the time to help our homeless heroes. If you have not renewed membership, please do so ASAP. By Oct 15 th to get in on the Early Bird Dinner and by end of year to stay an active Post 1 member. Thanks for your support of our Post and look forward to seeing you at the Post for ANOTHER busy month! For God and Country, Bill Moore Commander TENTATIVE NOVEMBER VETERANS DAY ACTVITIES “A Salute To Our Veteran’s Parade” Saturday Nov 8, 2014 at 11:00AM. POC- Jo Anderson 321-225-8142 Veterans Day Ceremony at Veterans Memorial Park on Nov 11, 2014 NEWS FROM THE SONS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION Hello fellow S.A.L. members, Thank you to those of you who helped with all the preparation prior to and during the S.A.L. hosted car show. A special thank you to Doug Futch for the great job he did with the smoked pork--always a favorite. We had a lot of people helping out from all Post entities--that’s fantastic to see. THANK YOU ALL! The S.A.L. will be hosting the Post Halloween Party this year. It will be on Oct 31st starting at 7PM . Look for flyers at the Post. Be sure to wear a costume and be ready to have some fun. I hope we can get Deanna to bring us some of her WORLD FAMOUS Jello Shots. The 2015 Membership Cards are in. Take advantage of the Early Bird Dinner and also save $5.00 by renewing before Dec 31st. We will have the cards available at the next monthly meeting October 6th at 7pm. The Sunday S.A.L. Kitchen is still open, bring your friends and family out and help support your S.A.L. Our 2nd Vice Kevin Devlin has been stepping in and learning the kitchen routine. Thanks Kevin ! We serve Breakfast and Lunch every Sunday. For God and Country, Brad Parsons Squadron 1 Commander Post 1 Help Listings Ron Preacher __ (321) 745-5405 - Bike Detailing Mickey Tutolo -- (321) 269-4221 - Scrap Removal , Haul away appliances and metals. Ray Cook -- (321) 391-8037 * Computer Issues Debbie Devlin -- (321) 288-7627 -- Pet Sitting Chris Lewis -- (407) 963-8486-Automotive, Tile work, Yard work, Handyman Service Larry Abney -- (321) 432-4774 - Handyman Service, Pool/Waterfall Design Mike Grumbly -- (321) 403-6578 -- Certified Auto /Truck Mechanics, Electrical work, Painting, Roofing If you would like to list a Trade or Skill that you have please contact Brad Parsons at This is a list of members that are offering their skills for hire. Hopefully, this will help our Post by giving us quick reference options of Legion Members to call for services needed. The American Legion does not endorse or have any liability of workmanship provided by the people listed. THE AUXILIARY IS LOOKING FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES! DONATION BARREL IS UNDER THE BULLETIN HOLDER AMERICAN LEGION RIDERS NEWS Greetings Riders, What a great month of Sept. we had. Titusville P.D. Poker Run, 9-11 Run, Our Bike Day, even saw some good looking bikes at the S.A.L./Derelicts Car Show. October will be another good month for good times by the Riders. Don’t forget we have our “FUN RUN” to St. Augustine coming up in November. Hotel information, ride route, and stops will all be discussed at our next meeting. This is going to be a good time!!! Great turn out last month for our Meat Shoot. Come out this month on October 18th and win a stack of meat for your next BBQ. The Riders stepped up to the plate and helped support many of our Legion Family events last month. Thank you for all of your help and support! Stay tuned for information concerning our “Rider” party we will be having this month. Ride Safe, Ride Smart. For God and Country, Ken Shoemaker Asst. Director American Legion Riders, Chapter 1 RIDERS BIKE DAY AND MEAL: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11TH, 1PM; FOOD AND MUSIC! COME ENJOY THE FUN AND HELP SUPPORT OUR AMERICAN LEGION RIDERS GOLF NEWS The Golf League has started play as of Sept. 5th. The first week we had 24 Players, all had a pleasant time. With all the rain we have been having we had to miss one week due to standing water on the golf course. Hopefully conditions will improve and we resume play on Oct. 3rd. We golf at Willow Lakes Golf & RV resort in Mims starting at 9:00 am on Fridays and have around 25-30 Golfers every week, just show up and if needed we will place you with someone or group to play with. We play 18 holes on a 9 hole (fun) course and cost is $15.00 for 18 holes and a $3.00 fee for the prize fund. See you on the course Ray Parker (513) 484-6267 League Secretary AUXILIARY NEWS—PRESIDENTS MESSAGE Our fundraising for the Service Dog for a PTSD or TBI Veteran is gaining speed. We have already reached the first goal of $500 and after all the tallies are in after a very busy weekend at the Post and the generosity of S.A.L. and the Legion Riders, I believe we have already reached $1,000. Thank you S.A.L., Legion Riders and others for your contributions. You make us all proud to be part of this organization. The Raffle for the stuffed dog with $100 Lottery Scratch-offs attached was won by one of the Thursday evening dancers, Mary Arnold. Congrats Mary and we hope you win BIG. The Thursday Dance is open to all and is a very nice smoke-free social evening. The side door will be open for your convenience. For a $6.00 cover charge, you can’t beat the great music provided by Bobby & Susie and the friendly people. Dancing begins at 7 p.m. Our Children & Youth Chairman, Mary Jo, is working hard planning a very special children’s Halloween party to be held October 25 from 1-3 p.m. We have lots of costumes in many sizes so if you need one, let us know. There will be Arts & Crafts, games, snacks and CANDY! Look for the sign-up sheet at the bar to list your children, grandchildren or underprivileged children you know of. We have started the food drive for Christmas Baskets for needy families. The schools recommend 3 families each that need assistance. Gifts for children and enough food for Christmas Day is provided. Please put all donations of canned and other non-perishables in the barrel in the Social Quarters. We now have a Facebook page, ALA Titusville Unit 1. Check it out, share any pictures you may have taken during events at the Post and your comments are always welcome. God Bless our Veterans, Country and Community, Cathie McMullin President Auxilary Membership A BIG thank you to all the members who have renewed your membership for 2015. And those who haven't need to get them in ASAP. Remember that Department of Florida considers anyone who hasn't renewed by December 31 to be "Not in Good Standing". Also, the Early Bird stamp will be used for all renewals received before October 15 and that entitles you to a special free dinner. We delivered boxes of school supplies to Pinewood, Mims, and Oak Park Elementary Schools to help under privileged children. We still will accept school supplies and get them to the schools. Not as many donations came in this year, and we will be assisting schools with special needs throughout the year. Donna Shearer Membership Chairman TUESDAY BINGO NOW AT 12:30 PM. HAVE LUNCH AND PLAY! EVENTS CALENDAR ~ October 2014 ~ ◄ September Sun Mon Tue Wed November ► Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 AUXILIARY E-BOARD MTG 7:00 PM DANCE 7PM YesterYear 6-10PM PIZZA 5-7 PM Golf League-9AM Willow Lakes Riders Mtg 10AM MEAT SHOOT 1PM LUNCH 11-3 Dan Munk 7-11 KARAOKE Rockin’ Robin 6-10 KARAOKE 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 BINGO 1 PM---? S.A.L MEETING 7:00 PM BINGO 12:30 PM AUXILIARY GEN MTG 7:00 PM DANCE 7PM Guitar Dan 6-10PM PIZZA 5-7 PM Golf League-9AM Willow Lakes RIDERS BIKE DAY IN PAVILION WITH MEAL & MUSIC 1-6pm Wayne Fowler 6-10 KARAOKE 16 Rockin’ Robin 6-10 KARAOKE 12 13 14 15 17 18 BINGO 1 PM---? LEGIONNAIRE E-BOARD MTG 7:00 PM BINGO 12:30 PM Rockin’ Robin 6-10 DANCE 7PM KARAOKE PIZZA 5-7 PM YesterYear 6-10PM MEAT SHOOT 1PM LUNCH 11-3 22 20 24 25 BINGO 1 PM---? LEGIONNAIRE BINGO 12:30 PM GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MTG 7:00 PM Rockin’ Robin 6-10 DANCE 7PM KARAOKE PIZZA 5-7 PM Jill Brehmer 6-10 BARTENDER APPRECIATION!! 6-8 Golf League-9AM Willow Lakes Childrens Halloween Party 1-3 27 28 29 31 Notes: BINGO 12:30 PM Rockin’ Robin 6-10 DANCE 7PM KARAOKE PIZZA 5-7 PM BINGO 1 PM---? 23 Dan Munk 7-11 KARAOKE 19 26 21 Golf League-9AM Willow Lakes 30 Rockin’ Robin 6-10 KARAOKE HALLOWEN PARTY!! 7-10 Wayne Fowler 6-10 KARAOKE Golf League-9AM Willow Lakes FROM BEHIND THE BAR: Fall is here, well at least according to the calendar it is, which means our friends from up North will be returning soon! Look for our Snowbird Appreciation evening in November! We will be stirring up football rivalries on the weekends: 1/2 off your first single drink price for wearing your college football jersey on Saturday or your pro football jersey on Sunday; Buckets of beer on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays--6 beers for $10 (unfortunately, at this time, Michelob products and Corona are not included);. We will have popcorn popped and offering hot dogs after the kitchen closes. Come on in, support your team and have fun at Post 1!! Donna, Hazel, Karin, Marion, Michelle and Shari DINING MENU ~ October 2014 ~ ◄ September Sun 5 Mon 6 S.A.L. BREAKFAST REGULAR MENU 8-11 AM S.A.L LUNCH 12 13 S.A.L. BREAKFAST REGULAR MENU 8-11 AM S.A.L LUNCH 19 20 S.A.L. BREAKFAST REGULAR MENU 8-11 AM S.A.L LUNCH 26 27 S.A.L. BREAKFAST REGULAR MENU 8-11 AM S.A.L LUNCH Tue Wed November ► Thu Fri 1 2 DAY &NIGHT: TACOS SPECIALS AND REGULAR MENU DAY & NIGHT: DAY & NIGHT: PIZZA, CALZONES, SEAFOOD STROMBOLI SPECIALS 3 CHICKEN PARMESAN NIGHT: PRIME RIB 10 7 8 9 LIVER AND ONIONS, CHOPPED STEAK HAWAIIN GRILLED CHICKEN DAY &NIGHT: TACOS SPECIALS AND REGULAR MENU DAY & NIGHT: DAY & NIGHT: PIZZA, CALZONES, SEAFOOD STROMBOLI SPECIALS 14 15 16 LIVER AND ONIONS, CHOPPED STEAK HAWAIIN GRILLED CHICKEN DAY &NIGHT: TACOS SPECIALS AND REGULAR MENU DAY & NIGHT: DAY & NIGHT: PIZZA, CALZONES, SEAFOOD STROMBOLI SPECIALS 21 22 23 LIVER AND ONIONS, CHOPPED STEAK HAWAIIN GRILLED CHICKEN DAY &NIGHT: TACOS SPECIALS AND REGULAR MENU DAY & NIGHT: DAY & NIGHT: PIZZA, CALZONES, SEAFOOD STROMBOLI SPECIALS 28 29 30 LIVER AND ONIONS, CHOPPED STEAK HAWAIIN GRILLED CHICKEN DAY &NIGHT: TACOS SPECIALS AND REGULAR MENU DAY & NIGHT: DAY & NIGHT: PIZZA, CALZONES, SEAFOOD STROMBOLI SPECIALS Sat 4 MEAT SHOOT 1PM-? LUNCH SERVED DURING EVENT 11 RIDERS BIKE DAY IN PAVILION WITH MEAL & MUSIC 1-6pm NIGHT: PRIME RIB 17 18 MEAT SHOOT 1PM-? LUNCH SERVED DURING EVENT NIGHT: PRIME RIB 24 25 NIGHT: PRIME RIB 31 Notes: NIGHT: PRIME RIB Hello from the Kitchen, LOOK for our new Pasta Bowls for Lunch—Chicken Alfredo, or Sausage w/Marinara Sauce for $6. Deserts are needed for our Veterans Day (Nov 11) meal that we have after the Post Everlasting Ceremony. Thank You Rudy and Staff WINNING TUESDAY TICKET—GREEN #2630710. REDEEM AT THE BAR FOR A FREE MEAL FOR TWO!
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