Servants in Worship The Bridge Newsletter • October 12, 2014

Servants in Worship
The Bridge Newsletter • October 12, 2014
Announcer ................................................................................Jim Henry
Greeters............................................................................Koinonia Class
Acolyte(s)......................................................................Sam Edmondson
Red Book Pickup .......................................Debby Demos /Bryce Wynn
Deacons Coordinator .....................................................Susan Haymes
Ushers & Servers............................Dreema Adkins, Peggy Brannen,
v Debby Demos, Kathie Fulgham
Other Servers..................Bob Gary, Adam Hipp, Gayle Mingledorff,
Kent Smithson, Lisa Wilkes
Elders at the Table
East #1 (Prayer for Bread) ......................................Barbara Northcut
East #2 (Table) ..................................................................Sally D. Hunt
West #1 (Prayer for Cup)..........................................Dewayne Renfro
West #2 (Table) ....................................................................Alan Cates
Elders On Call .............................Barbara Northcut / Dewayne Renfro
Scripture.............................( John 12:1-8).........................Lorraine Hipp
Message...............”The Privilege of Participation” ............Pastor Mark
The Week Ahead
Sunday, October 12
9:45 am
10:35 am
10:45 am
12:00 pm
12:15 pm
Sunday School Classes
Elders’ Prayer Circle; Meditation Chapel
Morning Worship; Sanctuary
Fellowship; Parlor
Cottage Meeting #1 and Lunch, Fellowship Hall
10:30 am
5:30 pm
7:30 pm
CWF Monday Circle; Fellowship Hall
Elders Meeting; Conference Room
NA Monday Group; Fellowship Hall
7:00 pm
NA Tuesday Group; Fellowship Hall
6:00 pm
Choir practice
7:00 am
Men’s Study Group; Bluegrass Grill
9:00-11:45 am
7:30 pm
Community Kitchen Volunteering
NA Friday Group; Fellowship Hall
Private Function; Fellowship Hall
9:45 am
10:35 am
10:45 am
12:00 pm
12:15 pm
Sunday School Classes
Elders’ Prayer Circle; Meditation Chapel
Morning Worship; Sanctuary
Fellowship; Parlor
Cottage Meeting #2 and Lunch, Fellowship Hall
Greg & Diane Givens & Family; Sandra
Riddle (friend of Chuck Martin); Jake
Summerlin; Scrappy Moore; Jo
Bevilaqua; Kyle Cutsinger; Doug
Beuoy (Brannens’ son-in-law); Liz
Love; JoJo Wise; Luther Whitaker;
David Blackburn; Doris Aldrich; Ashley
Hawkins (Sally D’s niece); Jim Northcut; Harrison Gill; John Black (Barbara
Voss’s Brother); Melvin Smith; Mary
Barker; Bob Lewis; Bettye Gerow;
Martha Coffey (Debby & Judy’s aunt);
Joel Westbrook; Sharon Narey; Bill
Allen; Tim Suits; Judy Kirby (Larry &
Barbara’s sister-in-law); Erick Griggs;
Bill Hobbs; Leona BonDurant (Carl’s
Grandmother); Don Baldwin; Paul
Shoun; Oscar Hurley; Daryl Hendricks
(Bill Allen’s brother-in-law); the Barnwell family; Edwin Bramlett (Bill Allen’s
friend); Lauren Niemeyer (Barbara
Voss’ sister)
Pastor Mark
Monday, October 13
Jonathan Hyde
Gail Rich
Tuesday, October 14
Chuck Martin
Beth Harris
Wednesday, October 15
BRIDGE Deadline
Thursday, October 16
Monday, NOON
Friday, October 17
Saturday, October 18
Sunday, October 19
Congratulations to Gail & Doug
Ford on their new grandson - Wade
Austin, born Sept. 30 weighing 6 lbs.,
12 oz.
Ti Tran, Gail Ford
Caroline Moore
Evelyn Pless
Mary Davis
Rick Cutsinger
Darby Hershey Standefer
Cheryl Bingham, Joshua
31 Alan Voss, Ray Lowe, Bea Lyons
Mark’s Musings
This Sunday is your opportunity to let your
voice be heard. We are holding Cottage
Meetings in the fellowship hall during
lunch for the next three Sundays to solicit
your stories, observations, and dreams for
the congregation’s future. From this input, the Search Team
will develop a document that will help them match ministerial candidates with the focus of the congregation.
jonathan Hyde
Sunday’s meeting will explore your past experiences
with the church. The conversation questions will seek to
elicit your “best moments” in this community of faith.
So, what can be learned by hearing these stories? Your
narratives give us a clue about congregational values
behind those “best moments.” What were the values that
fostered these actions and words?
On Sunday, Oct. 19 we’ll be exploring your observations
about the congregation right now. And on the 26th, we
will seek to dream together. Given our history, and our
present assets, what is it God is calling us into? If you are
not able to participate in all these sessions, simply come
to the ones you can attend. Should it be impossible for you
to attend, please phone the church and request the
questions for all sessions. We’ll get them out to you. However, know that the “gathering component” (being together
and hearing one another’s stories) is critical to the success
of this exercise. If at all possible, we need you here!
Tell your church friends to join you the next three Sundays
following worship. The meals are free (unless you wish to
offset some cost). They’re being graciously hosted by our
adult Sunday school classes. Come prepared for a fun and
informative time of story and fellowship.
Shalom, Pastor Mark
“ Le
Sunday night Faith Collective presented “Leaving.”
Through song, stories, writings, and dramatic pieces,
they examined the art, practice, and dreadfulness of
Leaving. We have all left things in our lives; places,
things, people and we have all been left. It was a great
time of reflection on exploring a hard part of faith.
Christmas Child
Mark you calendars NOW for
November 2, the first Sunday in
November, as we hold our First
Sunday Luncheon immediately
following worship AND we begin
packing shoe boxes for
Operation Christmas Child.
The OCC bin the in the Lobby Donation Center is in need of
items to fill these shoe boxes! Please watch upcoming sales
flyers and visit your favorite store to pick up things for
children less fortunate.
Samaritan’s Purse International Relief Organization
sponsors Operation Christmas Child to “demonstrate
God’s love to hurting children in a tangible way by partnering
with churches worldwide to deliver gift-filled shoe boxes and
the good news of Jesus Christ.”
Contact: Kyle Cutsinger at 892-1079 OR Bea Lyons
Thanks to all who supported the Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ) annual Reconciliation Special
Offering. Your generous gifts make a difference!
Community Kitchen: 727 E. 11th St
1st & 3rd Fridays of every month. 9:00 to
11:45am Rona Gary:
Habitat for Humanity
2nd Saturday of every month. 8:30am.
Larry Kirby:
Room In The Inn Meals
Volunteer to serve a meal on the 5th Sunday of any applicable month.
Shannon Beattie: 423-883-9083 or
Family Promise of Chattanooga
Help us host families for a week, several
times each year. Julia Martin:
Chattanooga Area Food Bank
1st Wednesday of each month
Gail Rich: