Vol. 58 Issue 10 October 2014 E-Mail: congregationbethohr@gmail.com Tishri –Cheshvan 5775 Synagogue Office: 732-257-1523 732-257-1581 From the Beth Ohr Family to Yours, We wish you a Happy & Healthy 5775 For a full listing of all High Holiday Schedule of Service Times, please go to page 13 in this newsletter. Best wishes for the New Year. Lisa Sibelman 1 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES All Friday evening services begin at 7:30 p.m. unless otherwise stated, Saturday morning Shabbat services begin at 9:30 a.m., Sunday morning minyan begins at 9:00 a.m. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ UPCOMING EVENTS Wed., Sept. 24 Erev Rosh Hashanah—please see page 13 for service times. Synagogue office will be closing at 1:00 p.m. Thur., Sept. 25 First Day of Rosh Hashanah - see page 13 for service times. Synagogue Office will be closed. Fri., Sept. 26 Second Day of Rosh Hashanah—see pg. 13 for service times. Synagogue Office will be closed. Sat., Sept. 27 Shabbat Services begin at 9:30 a.m. Sun., Sept. 28 Morning Minyan starts at 9:00 a.m. followed by Men’s Club Breakfast. Fri., Oct. 3 Erev Yom Kippur—see page 13 for service times Synagogue office will be closing at 1:00 p.m. Sat., Oct. 4 Yom Kippur Day—see page 13 for service times. Sun., Oct. 5 Morning Minyan starts at 9:00 a.m. followed by Men’s Club Breakfast. Wed., Oct. 8 Erev Sukkot. Services start at 6:00 p.m. followed by Chicken in the Coop Dinner at 6:30 p.m. Thurs., Oct. 9 First Day of Sukkot. Services begin at 9:30 a.m. Synagogue Office will be closed. Fri., Oct. 10 Second Day of Sukkot. Services begin at 9:30 a.m. Synagogue Office will be closed. Evening Services begin at 7:30 p.m. Sat., Oct. 11 Shabbat services begin at 9:30 a.m. Sun., Oct. 12 Morning Minyan starts at 9:00 a.m. followed by Men’s Club Breakfast. Wed., Oct. 15 Erev Shemini Atzeret. Thur., Oct. 16 Shemini Atzeret. Services begin at 9:30 a.m. Yizkor will be recited at approximately 11:15 a.m. Simchat Torah Family Evening Service will be held at Monroe Jewish Center at 7:30 p.m. Synagogue Office will be closed. Fri., Oct. 17 Simchat Torah services will be held at Temple Beth Ahm in Aberdeen at 9:30 a.m. Synagogue Office will be closed. 2 Life-long Learning at Congregation Beth Ohr! Shortly before the onset of the High Holidays I conducted a study workshop for our congregation titled "Six Strategies for Surviving the Holidays." I was greatly pleased not only by the caliber of our participants but also by the number of students who chose to attend. Our workshop was comprised of fifteen adult students! Their attendance was even more striking since the class was offered on a Wednesday at eleven o'clock in the morning. Aside from studying some of the more complicated Biblical texts for Yom Tov, I also provided our students with the titles of a number of books appropriate for the holidays. I wanted to expand on this idea so I am offering a bibliography of sorts in this article that will suggest a number of wonderful books, most available in paperback and e-print form that could deeply enhance and supplement the knowledge of any curious student of Judaism. If an individual were to read just a couple of these books this fall he/ she could seriously add to his/her basic level of knowledge of Judaism. Here is the list of books and I sincerely hope that each one of you will give serious consideration to tackling at least one or two of them this fall. I believe that it will not only deepen your understanding of Judaism but also enable you to take much more enjoyment in the observance of our rich, formidable and illustrious heritage. Below are my choices listed in no specific order by title and author. Should you have difficulty finding any one of these selections please let me know so that I might be of assistance. Have a wonderful year. Rabbi Joel S Mishkin The Beginning of Desire by Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg The Murmuring Deep by Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg Why Faith Matters by Rabbi David Wolpe Conscience: The Duty to Obey and Disobey by Rabbi Harold Schulweiss The Story of the Jews: Finding the Words 1000BC to 1492AD by Simon Schama My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel by Ari Shavit Sacred Attunement: A Jewish Theology God In Search of Man by Abraham Joshua Heschel The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel 3 M’ C Open Every Sunday. Come, enjoy the Minyan, bagel breakfast and camaraderie As usual things go on at the Temple. The upper left shows Chuck Rogol blowing the Shofar as we will do every Sunday until Rosh Hashanah. Next are three guys with the Men’s Club T-Shirts flanked by two without. Sy Golden, Joe Shafran, Phil Rabinowitz, Herb Goldenberg and Morty Kamenitz, Filling in the top row is a cartoon of Bob Dylan telling Mel Prussack to “Get a Life.” The next row shows Harriet Rabinowitz with her precious Dylan, Paula Yourman, Edna Yourman and Joyce Silberstein at a Minyan. The photo on the right shows Rebecca Clark receiving Bat Mitzvah gifts from Chuck Rogol presenting for the Men’s Club and Heidi Rogol presenting for Sisterhood. Her Bat Mitzvah was the following Sunday. Things really go on at and following the Minyan. Come once in a while. It is good, not bad! Thank you to the Simon and Tehrani families and Pincus and Clark families, and Ellie and Bob Honig for providing extras for our post Minyan breakfasts. Men’s Club Program Schedule. Sunday programs immediately follow the Minyan and Bagel breakfast Oct 12 Joint program with Sisterhood Oct 26 Flu Shots from Walgreen and administered by Bonnie Lerner Nov 6 FJMC Man of the Year Dinner Nov 9 Joint program for Kristallnacht Dec 14 Hanukkah workshop Jan 18, 2015 Martin Luther King Workshop Feb 1 Participate in FJMC World Wide Wrap & Ed Mendlowitz 35th Annual Financial Program—Money Secrets of the Rich and Famous Mar 1 Purim Workshop Mar 8 Joint program with Sisterhood May 3 Shavuot Workshop We welcome any suggestions. We are working on some exciting and interesting programs. Suggestions have been received from Harvey Cohen, Paula Yourman, Marilyn Karlstein, Marty Israel, Terrie Polovsky, Sydney Lustgarten, Allen Appel and Ivan Gelb. The Men’s Club – where things are happening! The entire congregation and guests are always welcome to come to all of our programs and the weekly bagel breakfast that is sponsored by the Men’s Club. Best Wishes from the Men’s Club for a Happy and Healthy New Year. Ed Mendlowitz, emcpa1@aol.com tel 732 890-3344 M’ C Photo Gallery Shown at the left is one of our usual Sunday breakfasts. If you don’t come once in a while, you are missing out! . The bottom row shows the Temple window from the outside; Signs in front of the Temple refer to Ellie & Bob’s 60th Wedding Anniversary Kiddush, the naming of Bob & Mala Simon’s granddaughter’s naming and a welcoming sign for Rabbi Mishkin. Things are going on—Good things. Join with us! Don’t miss out! Lunch tips about water damage The R.O.M.E.O. Friday lunch group frequently comes up with some interesting and helpful tips. . Here are a few from Daniel Grynberg about protecting against home water damage. Dan said the largest amount of insurance claims are water damage, some of which can be avoided. 1. When going on a vacation or leaving your home for an extended period, turn off the water into the house. This will prevent against damage from freezing, or a developing leak. 2. Before the start of winter turn off the faucets to the outside of your house. Afterwards, open the faucets to drain any water remaining in the pipes. 3. Many washing machines have rubber supply hoses for the water entering the machine. These tend to develop leaks. Replace them with stainless steel hoses. 4. Hot water heaters will break. They have a limited life. Have them checked out, or replaced beforehand. MEN’S CLUB WEDDING PHOTO GALLERY Scan and email Ed your wedding pictures to include in future Newsletters — emcpa1@aol.com. Try to guess who they are. See bottom for identities of the blissful couples. Top row starting from left: Heidi and Chuck Rogol, Janette and Seymour Golden, Maxine and Ken Kaufman Bottom row: Edna and Arnie Yourman, Sarah and Mitch Feinman, Ellie and Bob Honig Email Ed your scanned Wedding photos to emcpa1@aol.com SISTERHOOD OF CONGREGATION BETH OHR ANNUAL DUES STATEMENT 2014 – 2015 TEMPLE MEMBERS $30 NON-TEMPLE MEMBERS $39 DONOR CREDIT OF $5 WILL BE AWARDED TO MEMBERS WHO PAY THEIR DUES ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014. MEMBERS WHO HAVE NOT REJOINED SISTERHOOD BY DECEMBER 31, 2014 FORFEIT ALL PREVIOUSLY ACCUMULATED DONOR CREDIT. PLEASE SEND YOUR CHECK TO: MARJORIE SIMON 22 TUSCARORA CIRCLE OLD BRIDGE, NEW JERSEY 08857 PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR CURRENT ADDRESS AND YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS. WE WOULD LIKE TO UPDATE OUR SISTERHOOD LIST. IF YOU HAVE A WINTER ADDRESS, PLEASE INCLUDE THAT AS WELL. Due to an increase in United Synagogue Dues, which we as sisterhood are members, we are forced to raise our dues. PRAYER BOOKS Sisterhood continues to sell High Holiday Prayer Books, which can be donated in honor or in memory of someone. Books can be ordered through Harriet Weiss at 732-679-3826. The cost for a High Holiday Prayer Book is $36.00 ($4.00 donor credit to be given) All Prayer Books are expected to be paid for when they are ordered. Mitzvah Sheet Cake To Mark Karpel—Mazel Tov on your new home. To Gary Yourman and Cindy Flank—Mazel Tov on your engagement. Ashna and Bernie Pincus celebrating 55 years of marriage. Roberta and Larry Fachler—Happy Birthday to our son Bruce and granddaughter Katie. Liz Aroyo—Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband Mike. Ilene Gray—Happy Birthday to Phil Linz, Roz O’Brien and Mike Aroyo. Roberta Karpel—To Mark-Good Luck with your new home. 7 We honor the memories of our loved ones whose Yahrzeits were observed during the month of September. We acknowledge the following for their contributions to the Yahrzeit Memorial Fund: DONATED BY: Irene & Neil Rosen The Simon Family Ida Seidner & Family Robert Hyman Paula Yourman & Family Elias Engber Clifford Shulman Barbara Heisler Sandra Wishnia & Family Marjorie & Stuart Simon Marilyn Gilbarg Sandra Wexlin Glenda Levenstein Pearl & Michael Hillman IN LOVING MEMORY OF Lyle Rosen Frank Simon Hyman Seidner Harold Hyman Eva Litwak Marcia Engber Anne Obsatz Hannah Heisler Larry Wishnia Pauline & Morris Simon Gertrude Gilbarg Morris Zimmerman Rubin Levenstein Alfred Hillman, Morris Liebman, Harry Schwarzwald, Mary Schwarzwald BETH OHR CEMETERY Congregation Beth Ohr owns and operates a cemetery which is located on Ernston Road in Sayreville. The cemetery is a non-profit entity using existing funds and fundraising as its source of operating revenues. Membership in Beth Ohr entitles our congregants to the individual plot only, all other costs such as funeral, plot opening, memorial tablet costs, etc., are borne by the family of the deceased. Please call Lisa Sibelman in the Synagogue Office 732-257-1523 for further details. TREE OF LIFE You may order leaves for the Tree of Life for weddings, births, graduations, B'nai Mitzvot. The cost of a leaf is $118 and the cost of a rock is $450. Come and see how our tree has grown! Please call the office at 732-257-1523 to place your order. 8 October Yahrzeits The actual date that the Yahrzeit is observed is to the right of the name. It is customary to light a memorial candle on the eve of this date and to give tzedukah in memory of the deceased. One should recite the Mourner’s Kaddish at services the evening before as well as the day of the Yahrzeit. Please call Lisa in the Synagogue office at 732-257-1523, if you need information about the schedule of worship. The name of your departed will be read at the Friday evening and Shabbat morning services, the week before the Yahrzeit date which are represented by the dates in the columns which are in bold print. OCT. 3/4 Carol Berman Isaac Betesh Fannie Bleiweis Charles Davis Sarah Fireman Charles Furhman Louis Hirsch Ida Israel Sonya Nodelman Philip Podol Julius Polovsky Jack Prussack Ted Rogol Seymour Schectman Irving Schulsinger Harold Yourman OCT. 10/11 Maurice Abstender Joseph Hecht Meyer Davis Ira Pincus Florence Schnitman Anna Wolpert OCT. 17/18 Khava Barkan Ethel Czortkower Nathan Greenspan Seymour Himelstein Bertha Weitzenkorn Hollander Arthuer Mendlowitz Otto Nagler Reuben Oshinsky Rose Reich Philip Ribet Dorothy Rubrum Morton Schnitman OCT. 24/25 10/5 10/6 10/5 10/9 10/5 10/6 10/4 10/6 10/6 10/4 10/8 10/9 10/4 10/9 10/7 10/9 10/13 10/14 10/12 10/17 10/12 10/12 10/22 10/23 10/18 10/18 10/21 10/23 10/18 10/18 10/19 10/24 10/23 10/18 Rose Bloom Mae Kantor Donald Kaminsky Shirley Litwak Henry Nehman Rubin Reich Hyman Schlissel Gabriel Weiss Murray Woodman 10/30 10/28 10/30 10/29 10/26 10/28 10/29 10/25 10/17 OCT. 31/NOV. 1 Evelyn Barsky Ken Cohen Barry Fass Hank Jeret Caryn Katz Juana Levit Milton Lubitz Isadore Mann Ida Orenstein Leonard Pollack Hannah Rothenberg Robert Solomon Lean Weiss Lillie Winter Sadie Wishnick 11/4 11/7 11/3 11/3 11/7 11/6 11/2 11/2 11/5 11/3 11/5 11/7 11/5 11/4 11/5 9 High Holiday Greetings From Sisterhood Sue Edwards wishes L Shana Tova Sylvia Kagan & Family wish L Shana Tova to their Beth Ohr Family. Ilene & Barry Gray wish L Shana Tova to all their friends & Beth Ohr Family. Margie & Stuart Simon wish all their Beth Ohr Friends a Happy & Healthy New Year. Maxine & Ken Kaufman & Family wish L Shana Tova, Joy, Happiness, Health & Peace. Edna Yourman, Jason & Jen, Noah & Allie send their best wishes for a Happy & Successful Year Joyce Silberstein & Family wish Health, Happiness, & Meows to their Beth Ohr Family. Marilyn & Ira Karlstein wish a Healthy & Prosperous New Year Terry Polovsky wishes Good Health & Happiness. Harriet & Phil Rabinowitz wish their Beth Ohr Family a Happy & Healthy New Year. The Karpel Family wish you & your loved ones a Good Year. Meryl Finkelstein & Family extend Greetings & Health. Roberta & Larry Fachler wish everyone a New Year blessed with Health, Happiness & Peace. The Aroyo Family wish very one a Happy & Healthy New Year. Mark, Monica, Allen, Estee, Michael, Debi, David & Sara Atzbi wish a Happy New Year to all. Heidi, Chuck Rogal & Family wish their Beth Ohr Family a Happy & Healthy New Year. Marcia & Perry Trechak & Family wish L Shana Tova for 5775 and beyond. Paula Yourman & Family wish Good Health & Happiness. Alice Celeste & Lynch Family wish everyone a Good, Happy & Healthy New Year. Lee & Paul Hyman & Families L Shana Tova Linda & Allen Benish & Family wish a Happy & Healthy New Year. Lee & Ira Donenfeld L Shana Tova. Linda & Allan Skupp & Family wish all a very Happy, Healthy Fun New Year. Vera & Seymour Nussenbaum extend all the best for the New Year Ashna & Bernie Pincus & family wish you Blessings as we celebrate another New Year and New Beginnings. BETH OHR DAYTIMERS FROM THE DAYTIMERS FAMILY TO YOUR FAMILY, WE WISH YOU LE-SHANAH TOVAH TIKATEVU. MAY YOU ALL HAVE A HEALTHY, HAPP Y, AND PEACEFUL NEW YEAR . 10 News from the Beth Ohr Family Ashna & Bernie Pincus proudly announce the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter Rebecca. Lisa & Stephen Clark proudly announce the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Rebecca. Lisa & Richard Sibelman are pleased to announce the engagement of their son David to Danielle Barry, niece of Helene & Daniel Grynberg. Helene & Daniel Grynberg are pleased to announce the engagement of their son Michael to Heather Fryer. Beth Ohr Thank You Notes • • • • Harriet Cohen would like to thank everyone in Beth Ohr who sent good wishes on the occasion of her birthday. Sybil and Irv Cimring and family would like to thank you for sending donations to Sisterhood Beth Ohr in memory of our beloved daughter Allison Cimring Dorfman. We would also wish to thank you for your outpouring of sympathy during this most difficult time. Your visits and calls meant more than you can imagine. Every message is really appreciated. Ashna and Bernie Pincus greatly appreciated all the Gold Cards acknowledging our 55th Anniversary and Rebecca's recent Bat Mitzvah. All the good wishes received warmed our hearts! Thank you to Rabbi Mishkin for a beautiful service for our Grand-daughter Faith's baby naming to Marty Israel for calling me and making sure that everything is set up beautiful that day. And to Lisa Sibelman for all of her help. Family Simon and Tehrani • The Clark Family would like to thank everyone for sending gold cards in honor of Rebecca's Bat Mitzvah. It was thoughtful of you all to think of us. We would also like to thank Rabbi Mishkin, Chuck Rogol and Lisa Sibelman for all their time, assistance and support in planning Rebecca's special day. Thank you to the Ritual Committee for your help and guidance. A special thank you to Paula Yourman for sending out the announcement and for writing all of the cards. We can't forget the CBO Men's Club--A special thank you for making Rebecca feel part of the morning minyan. She always enjoyed Ed Mendlowitz's D'var Torahs. :-) • Thank you to Rabbi Mishkin whose Holiday Workshop was fascinating and meaningful. Everyone in attendance seemed to feel as we did. Ashna and Bernie Pincus CONGREGATION BETH OHR MEMORIAL FUNDS The following is a listing of the Memorial Funds that you may make tax-deductible contributions to: Stephen Edwards Memorial Youth Fund Elaine Leibowitz Memorial Fund Lenore Linder Youth Fund Larry & Ida Vogel Memorial Fund Beautification Fund Herman & Frieda Lipp Memorial Fund Mindy Nightingale Memorial Fund Stuart Polovsky Memorial Fund Herb Reinstein Memorial Fund ***In the future when donating to these funds, please make your checks out to CONGREGATION BETH OHR and write in the fund in the memo portion of the check. Thank you. Lisa Sibelman*** 11 Date: Carry Name Amount Appel Wilma Aroyo Elizabeth $ 160.00 Atzbi Estee $ 55.00 Atzbi Monica $ 260.00 Carry Over $ 32.50 2.5 Name Amount Harriet $ 33.75 Finkelstein Meryl $ 22.50 Fox Helene Garfinkel Linda $ 13.00 2.0 0.5 35.5 Linda $ 20.00 2.0 Gasior Ellen Bernstein Roberta $ 20.00 2.5 Gilbarg Marilyn Birnbaum Eileen $ 27.00 Golden Elizabeth $ 113.75 Bleiweis Marilyn $ 10.00 Goldenberg Susan Boshak Rochelle Cheryl Cannata Susan Celeste Alice $ 42.50 Clark Lisa $ Cohen Harriet Donenfeld Edwards Lee Sue $ 27.50 2.0 5.00 1.0 $ 10.00 Roberta $ 60.00 Feder Barbara $ 22.50 Feinman Sara $ 24.50 $ 83.50 1.0 $ 65.00 11.5 Greenstein Barbara Grynberg Helene Gurman Ruth HaŌ Shirley Hillman Pearl Honig Eloise Hyman Lee $ 30.00 Kagan Sylvia $ 20.00 Karlstein Marilyn Karpel Roberta $ 30.00 0.5 Kaufman Maxine $ 75.00 9.5 Klein Caroline 3.5 $ 37.50 2.5 3.5 1.0 $ 20.00 Fachler Over Feld Benish Cadel 9/16/2014 2.0 1.5 12 L-Z Liz Aroyo Date: 9/15/2014 Carry Carry Name Amount Laddin Anne Lazarowitz Andrea $20.00 Levenstein Glenda $35.00 Levine Helen Mendlowitz Ronnie $105.00 Over 5.0 Name Amount Schlissel Lenore Schlusselfeld Mindy Schneider Barbara Schneider Cynthia SchoƩlander 1.0 $95.50 3.5 Hilde $60.00 10.5 Shafran Dorothy $65.00 7.0 Silberstein Joyce $10.00 4.5 Silverman Sharen $100.00 7.0 6.0 Simon Mala $60.00 1.5 2.5 Simon Marjorie $118.50 Skupp Linda $105.00 7.5 Nadler Elinor $15.00 NighƟngale Phyllis Nussenbaum Vera $50.00 Perlman Ryselle $10.00 Pincus Ashna $35.00 1.5 Sommers Arlene Polovsky Terrie $10.00 10.5 Trechak Marcia $110.00 Prussack Zellie $60.00 21.5 Weiss Harriet $52.50 Yourman Edna $3.00 Yourman Paula $85.00 Zussman Virginia $40.00 Rabinowitz Harriet $105.00 Reinstein Sheila $10.00 Risman Ruth $35.00 Rogol Heidi $30.00 Rosenzweig Ronnie Gray Ilene $47.50 Over 6.5 3.0 12.0 1.0 2.0 44.5 109.0 64.5 13 Rosh Hashanah Schedule of Services Wednesday evening, September 24th- Erev Rosh Hashanah Mincha/Maariv at 6:30 p.m. Candle lighting is at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, September 25th - 1st Day of Rosh Hashanah Shacharit is at 9:00 a.m. Babysitting from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Junior Congregation from 10:30 a.m. to 12 Noon Taschlich is at 5:45 p.m. Mincha/Maariv starts at 6:30 p.m. Candle lighting is at 7:32 p.m. Friday, September 26th - 2nd Day of Rosh Hashanah Shacharit is at 9:00 a.m. Babysitting from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Junior Congregation from 10:30 a.m. to 12 Noon Walk to Summerhill at approximately 1:30 p.m. Yom Kippur Schedule of Services Friday evening, October 3rd - Erev Yom Kippur Mincha/Maariv at 6:15 p.m. Kol Nidre begins at 6:30 p.m. Candle lighting is at 6:15 p.m. Baby Sitting from 6:15 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Saturday October 4th- Yom Kippur Day Shacharit is at 9:00 a.m. Baby Sitting from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Junior Congregation from 10:30 a.m. to 12 Noon Yizkor Service starts at approximately 11:15 a.m. Walk to Summerhill at 2:30 p.m. Minha is at 5:00 p.m. Neilah is at 6:00 p.m. Maariv at 7:25 p.m. Yom Kippur concludes at 7:36 p.m. 14 Sukkot Schedule of Services Wednesday, October 8th—Erev Sukkot Chicken in the Coop Dinner at 6:30 p.m. Candle Lighting 6:07 p.m. Thursday, October 9th- 1st day of Sukkot Shaharit starts at 9:30 a.m. Candle lighting 7:24 p.m. Friday, October 10th- 2nd day of Sukkot Shaharit starts at 9:30 a.m. Candle Lighting starts at 6:04 p.m. Shabbat Services at 7:30 p.m. Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah Schedule of Services Wednesday, October 15th—Hoshannah Rabbah Candle Lighting at 5:56 p.m. Thursday morning, October 16th - Shemini Atzeret Shaharit starts at 9:30 a.m. Yizkor is recited at approximately 11:15 a.m. Candle Lighting at 7:09 p.m. Family Simchat Torah Service at Monroe Jewish Center begins at 7:30 p.m. Friday morning, October 17th - Simchat Torah Shaharit starts at 9:30 a.m. at Temple Beth Ahm in Aberdeen Candle Lighting starts at 5:53 p.m. Shabbat Services start at 7:30 p.m 15 Please join us on Sunday, November 9, 2014 From 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. We are having an Antiques Road Show Admission is $18.00 for 2 items and coffee and cake.....$5.00 for admission for those who just wish to watch and have coffee and cake and $5.00 per each additional item. We will have several people there to evaluate and assess value of each item.....please join us and bring your treasures. Call Edna Yourman at 732-387-8815 or Zelie Prussack at 732-727-7030 for more information. Walgreen’s Community Off-Site Clinic Flu Shots will be available at Congregation Beth Ohr on Sunday, October 26, 2014 Come for morning minyan at 9:00 a.m., stay for Men’s Club Breakfast and get your flu shot which will be administered by our fellow congregant Bonnie Lerner from Walgreen’s More information to follow 16 CHICKEN IN THE COOP " Please join us for our annual Sukkot Chicken in the Coop dinner under the stars on Wednesday evening, October 8, 2014. This annual event is always sold out due to Sukkah size restrictions. Get your reservations and payment in early so that you are not disappointed. SERVICE AT 6:00 p.m. DINNER will at 6:30 p.m. DRESS IS CASUAL CHICKEN DINNER WILL BE SERVED IN THE SUKKAH Cost: $15.00 per person MAKE CHECK OUT TO CONGREGATION BETH OHR SEND TO: P.O. Box 206 Old Bridge, NJ 08857 RSVP NO LATER THAN Monday, September 29, 2014 THE SPACE IN THE SUKKAH IS LIMITED TO 40 PEOPLE _______________________________________________________________ “CHICKEN IN THE COOP ” # OF ADULTS _____ # OF CHILDREN _____ AMOUNT ENCLOSED _____ 17 The following arms of Congregation Beth Ohr would like to take this opportunity to thank Ken Deitz for his generosity: Sisterhood Men’s Club Programming Daytimers Ken has been supplying us with our paper goods needs for the past 2 years and Beth Ohr appreciates all that you do for us. 18 The deadline for the next newsletter will be Noon, Wednesday, October 22, 2014 Please send all of your thank you, articles and announcements via e-mail to: congregationbethohr@gmail.com or call Lisa in the Synagogue office at 732-257-1523 Sisterhood is selling “Ritually Speaking” If you are interested in sponsoring a Kohl’s Cares for Kids Gift Cards. Kiddush to celebrate a simcha, com- You may purchase these cards memorate the Yahrzeit of a loved one, as gifts or to pay your bill In the or “just because”, contact Lisa in the store so you can continue to use your charge card and get your office at 732-257-1523. discounts. Sat., Sept. 6—The Simon Family in honor of the naming of Faith Terhani. For more information and to purchase cards, please call Sat., Sept. 13– Bob & Ellie Honig in honor of their 60th Wedding Anniver- Monica Atzbi at 732-390-5890 When ordering Kohl’s please use sary. a separate check—not to be combined with scrip checks. Rabbi Mishkin’s Contact Numbers Office Phone # 732-257-7031 Home phone #732-967-6710 after hours for emergencies e-mail address: rabbijoelmishkin@gmail.com Rabbi Mishkin will be available for counseling by appointment. 19 Congregation Beth Ohr P.O. Box 206 Old Bridge, NJ 08857 HIGH HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE DO A MITZVAH...HELP JEWISH FAMILIES IN NEED This year Congregation Beth Ohr will participate in the High Holidays food collection for Jewish Family Services. If you have non-perishable Kosher food that you would like to donate, please place it in the bin in the lobby of the Synagogue by Monday, Sept. 29, 2014. If you have food to be picked up, please call Ira Donenfeld (732-679-2652). Monetary Donations may be sent to the Synagogue office. Please make checks payable to Jewish Family Services of Middlesex County. 20
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