207-276-3348 www.mdes.u98.k12.me.us Oct. 13th- NO SCHOOL Oct. 14th- Parent Teacher Conferences/NO SCHOOL Oct. 15th- Golf Match at Bucksport Oct. 15th- XC Meet at NEH 4pm Oct. 16th- Golf Match at Causeway 4pm Oct. 16th- “A”/White Soccer home game vs Blue Hill 4pm October 10, 2014 Oct. 16th- Laptop Orientation Oct. 17th- Jazz Band Practice 7:30am Oct. 17th- “A”/Blue Soccer home game vs Tremont Oct. 28th- Flu Clinic Nov. 4th- Picture Retake Day Sports updates can be found on our sports calendar (available on our website) and “MDES Athletics” Facebook page. If you have questions about games and practices please check here. Thank you! Laptop Orientation Night: Attention 6th grade parents and parents of new middle school students. As a part of our educational programs at MDES we offer students in grades 6-8 Apple iPads that can go home with them. As a requirement of this program parents and students must go through an orientation program with the school that covers such topics as computer safety, care and use of the iPads and policies associated with technology. You will also be asked to sign off on our acceptable use policy as well. It is mandatory that parents AND students attend this meeting. The date and time for this meeting will be Thursday October 16 at 6 PM in the forum and should last no more than one hour at the most. If you cannot make this meeting you will need to make an appointment with Mr. Oppewall (our technology person) in order to satisfy this requirement but in the meantime students will not be able to take their iPads home. Portable CD Players: First grade is in need of a few hand held portable CD players, if you have one or two lying around we would love to give them a new home. You can send them in with your student or drop it off in the office. FLU CLINIC: Tuesday, October 28th from 8:30-11:00 there will be a flu clinic in the cafeteria. Permission to vaccinate and vaccine information sheets will be available on the school website and at the school. Permission forms need to be turned into the office by no later than Friday, October 17 to reserve the right number of vaccines. Any questions, please contact the School Nurse @ 276-3348, ext. 248. Starlight, Moonbright: MDES PTO’s 2nd Annual Benefit Auction- a festive, ADULTS ONLY EVENING with a silent auction, hearty hors d’oeuvres and dancing with CLUSTERFUNK! Saturday Nov. 1 from 6pm10pm @ The NEH. The Auction Committee is actively seeking donations of goods &/or services, finger type appetizers, & cut desserts. Auction donation forms are being sent home with students on Oct. 3rd. Please take a look and return forms by Oct. 17. Based on last year's success, it's an event you won't want to miss! Thanks in advance for your support! Questions, contact Ellen DaCorte (lndacorte@gmail.com), Peggy Knox (mattandpeg@ gmail.com), Darith James (darithjames@gmail.com), Jen McGee (jjmcgee@gmail.com), or Angie Delvecchio (bixie63@gmail.com). Picture Re-take Day: If you missed picture day or want to have your picture re-taken November 4th will be our picture re-take day! We have more picture forms in the office if you need them. Teen Nights: The YMCA in Bar Harbor will be hosting “Teen Nights”, starting October 18th – May 16th, 2015! Teen Nights are FREE and go from 7pm-10pm. Middle school students are invited to join in the fun on the first and third Saturday of the Month. Open gymnasium, free swim, and game room open to all. Come hangout with your friends at the YMCA. Students must fill out the registration form prior to attending. Any questions, contact the YMCA at 288-3511 or Doreen@mdiymca.org. October 13th – October 17th MENU SUBJECT TO CHANGE Our Vegetable and Fruit Bars consist of a variety of fruits and veggies. Whenever possible we use locally grown and produced foods. Whole grains are offered every day. Cheese, hard boiled eggs, deli meats and other appropriate items are offered as an alternate to the entrée. Fat free and 1% milk are offered daily. (GF = Gluten Free, V = Vegetarian, DF = Dairy Free) Monday NO SCHOOL! Thursday Fresh & Seasonal Fruit & Vegetable Bar Cheeseburgers on a WG Roll with steamed mixed vegetables/- GF bread available, V {Garden Burger}-DF Tuesday NO SCHOOL! Parent Teacher Conferences! Wednesday Fresh & Seasonal Fruit & Vegetable Bar WG Corn tortilla & Black Bean Pie with corn, cilantro salsa & cheddar cheese/-GF, V Friday Fresh & Seasonal Fruit & Vegetable Bar Coconut Curry Chicken with WG Rice & vegetables /-GF, V option, DF *********Dessert day******** Saturday Soccer Schedule For those sticking around for the long Columbus Day weekend, there will be Soccer as scheduled this Saturday, with games being held at the Pemetic School in SW Harbor. Grades 1+2: 9:00am-10:00am / Grades 3,4,5: 10:15am-11:15am MDI Marathon Watch Party – Sunday, Oct. 19 We’re thrilled to have Neighborhood House serving as the official gathering spot for participants in the 13.1 mile portion of the MDI Marathon, which will be starting at the end of Neighborhood Rd. at 8:30am. We’ll have plenty of coffee and breakfast treats on hand, and invite everyone to join us to cheer on the half-marathoners, as well as those running the full marathon as they pass through NEH shortly after! Have a fun filled and safe Columbus Day Weekend!
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