Politics Theses (updated October 2014) Surname Aasland Ablett-Hampson Aderohunmu Aguilar B. Al Tooq al-Tabaqchali First Name Ingrid Edward Abayomi a. Andres Fadhel Richard Degree MIntSt BA (Hons) MIntSt MIntSt MA MIntSt Year 2004 2002 2014 2005 2011 2002 Alderton Alexander Alty Andersen Anderson Anderson Anderson Ando Antonievich Ashby Bailey Bale Brent N. M. Michael J.A. James L. Margot J. Sacha Hannah Keita Kate Lucy Karen E. H. MA BA (Hons) MIntSt BA (Hons) BA (Hons) MIntSt PGD MIntSt MA BA (Hons) PGD BA (Hons) 1991 1983 2010 2001 1997 2000 2011 2001 1998 2010 1983 2004 Barnes R. R. BA (Hons) 2004 Barraclough Rosemary A. BA (Hons) 1982 Barson Barson Barton Barton Stuart Stuart Andrew G. Andrew G. PGD MA BA (Hons) MIntSt Beckert K. BA (Hons) 2004 1992 1994 1989 2003 Title Norway - a possible EMU member? Project democracy: President Reagan's illicit support for the Nicaraguan Contras Consequences of multinational oil exploitation in the Niger Delta Globalization and small states foreign policy: the case of Chile The Hawza of Najaf Intra-German relations, the end of the Cold War, and the reunification process of a divided nation Explaining the Growth of Government Expenditure in New Zealand Israel’s relations with United Nations peacekeeping forces The limits to building institutional capacity in failed states: the case of Haiti The 'special' offence of infanticide: a case of gender inequality before the law? Politics of femocracy Global environmental initiatives: is there a North-South divide? The era of elite philanthropy Explaining global inequality: the role of governance Rural healthcare in New Zealand: a case study Towards a better democracy: Who do MPs represent and how do they do it? Political controls and private broadcasting September 11 and Common Sense: Reasons for Rejecting the Realist Paradigm of American Foreign Policy European Neo-Right Politics and Cultural Nostalgia: How is Anthony Smith’s idea of the Golden Age used by neo-right parties in the European Union? Does the use of the Golden Age necessarily translate into electoral support? International relations theory and New Zealand practice, a case study: Closer Economic relations Fact of Fiction? The Election Mandates of New Zealand Political Parties New Zealand’s Select Committees 1990-93: Parliamentary Eunuchs? Rogernomics, predetermined policy or ‘bureaucratic coup’? Negotiating the child soldier protocol: an example of New Zealand's role as a small state in reinforcing international human rights Viability of a Borderless world: The Radical Cosmopolitan Alternative Beckett Beckett Samantha Kimberley Beecroft Kate Bell Benkert Martin A. Nicole Benson Benson T. L. Travis L. Bergmann Bijl Bilson Marthe S. Ruth P.M. D. Birkbeck Blanchard Boraman Boraman Boraman Bose Andrew C. Julian T. T. Toby Srinjoy Boswell Carla S. Boulton Bourke Brickentstein S. Gabrielle Christine Broad Brook Sophie Julia Brosnan Brown Brown Brown David M. Chiara B. Joel E. Joel E. MIntSt 2010 Economic sanctions as Virtuoso policy: why states apply economic sanctions BA (Hons) 2009 How might the Ngati Apa Case, and the ensuing political reaction, have occurred if the Treaty of Waitangi were superior law? A counterfactual analysis BA (Hons) 2009 An ideological anchor: the resistance of identity politics and class in the Global Justice Movement PGD 1983 The politics of compulsory trade union membership, 1975-1979 MIntSt 2007 Political tendences in Latin America: the rise of the left as a consequence of inequality and the process of democratisation BA (Hons) 1994 Emerging Asia-Pacific Security Frameworks: the case of the ASEAN regional forum PhD 2002 The Evolution and Reconciliation of Maronite National Identity/ies in Maronite Church Politics MIntSt 2005 Norway and Russia: from Cold War to measured friendship BA (Hons) 1993 A Neo-Pluralist Analysis of Influential Actors in New Zealand’s Health Reforms BA (Hons) 2005 Aspects of New Zealand Immigration Security: Problems, Oversight, and Accountability BA (Hons) 1981 Perception and misperception: the missile gap reborn? BA (Hons) 1996 Multi-National Corporations BA (Hons) 1993 Mystical Experience and Ethics PhD 2006 The New Left and Anarchism in New Zealand BA (Hons) 1994 Mystical experience and ethics BA (Hons) 2005 Japan’s Quest for Permanent Security Council Membership: Assessing Japan’s Contributions and Relations BA (Hons) 2000 National Elite Politics in Malaysia: An Overview of Recent Developments in Malaysia’s Political Culture MA 1995 The New Right and Political Alienation in Aotearoa: 1984-1993 BA (Hons) 2004 A means to an end, Explanations of suicide terrorism MIntSt 2009 The case of Ahmed Zaoui: An evaluation of New Zealand's struggle to fulfil its obligations towards refugees and address its security responsibilities MIntSt 2001 Examining UN Task-sharing: Lessons from East Timor MIntSt 2012 The resource curse and the lack of political development in the Democratic Republic of Congo BA (Hons) 1980 Political obligation and Ronald Dworkin MIntSt 2010 Italy in the European Union: the local origins of transnational organized crime BA (Hons) 1995 Alienation and the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers Party) MA 1999 North American Academic Perspectives of Latin America in the 1960s and 1970s Brown Brown Brown Nadine H. P. J. Oli Brown Brown Daniel Nadine Brown Rachel Bryant Dion Bryant Burgin Burke Burke Burns Burton Burton Burton Adele Anna Fay Fay A. Helen J. Allan L. Joe Joe Cameron Andrew J. Campbell Campbell Cardow Douglas A. W. R. A. Andrew G. Carrell Carruthers Chamberlain Chan Chilton Chotechuang Nicola J. Rachel Emma O. Thomas Ai-lada Clapshaw Clark Deborah A. David J. MA 2008 New Regionalism, New Neighbourhood & Near Abroad BA (Hons) 1982 Social Credit: its role and bases of support in New Zealand 1963-1982 MIntSt 2004 Aiding or abetting? Dilemmas of foreign aid and political instability in the Melanesian Pacific PGD 2011 Conditional cash transfers -- Lessons regarding efficiency and sustainability BA (Hons) 2006 European Union enlargement and new member foreign policy: a central European perspective BA (Hons) 2010 The role of the media in portraying international conflict: how The Dominion portrayed the conflict in Kosovo and the conflict in the DRC during 1998 and 1999 MIntSt 2002 An examination of the unity of the Taiwanese peoples and their cry for recognition, independence, and nation state status BA (Hons) 1980 Lesbian-feminist ideology: the politics of heterosexism BA (Hons) 2008 The elimination of child poverty: rhetoric or reality? PGD 1990 The Treaty and Education MA 1992 Stylish Revolution: The fourth Labour Government and information management BA (Hons) 1992 The Picot Report: Equality in Tomorrow’s Schools? BA (Hons) 1978 Deductive formalism as a mode of explanation MIntSt 2005 Bush and the United Nations: A Dangerous Departure? PhD 2012 NATO after the Cold War: Explaining the Durability of the Atlantic Alliance in a New Global Context PGD 1998 State size and foreign policy: essentially contested concepts and the New Zealand example BA (Hons) 1983 Locke and Nozick on property MA 1975 Hobson and Wallace: two case studies of rural electioneering in 1972 PhD 2005 The construction of entrepreneurship in publicly-owned utilities in New Zealand: local and translocal discourses 1999-2001 BA (Hons) 1996 The “Great Game” Revisited BA (Hons) 2011 The changing military role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization BA (Hons) 1996 The INF Treaty BA (Hons) 2005 The Nationalist Basis of Kemalism: AN Investigation Into Nationalism and Turkey MIntSt 2012 Social media's dual role in Egypt: democracy promoter and authoritarian enforcer MA 2012 Globalisation and the National Political Economy. A Study of Four Asia-Pacific Countries BA (Hons) 1979 Plato’s epistemology of ethnics and the political thought of the later dialogues BA (Hons) 1973 Aspects of revolutionary theory and practice in a Maoist and Guevaran context Cliff Cliff Clode Cody Collins Condon Connew Josh Josh Jerry D. B. V. R. Matthew S. J. MIntSt BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) 2012 2010 1996 2005 1977 20010 2003 Connew Cooper Cooper Cooper Cooper Cornelissen Scott J. Andrew Andrew David David Gemma MA BA (Hons) MA BA (Hons) MA BA (Hons) 2006 1994 1997 2007 2012 2009 Cornelissen Cornelissen Gemma Gemma MA BA (Hons) Coutts Cowan Crabbe Crabtree Ava I. Robert J. Lyndon R. P. BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) PGD Croft Cunliffe Curran hannah David E. D. BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) Curran Cushen Dadley Eamon D. A. J. M. MIntSt BA (Hons) BA (Hons) Dalton James BA (Hons) The rise of Islamic radicalism in Chechnya How has Vladamir Putin altered Russian democracy? The State and Economic Development The New Legislature: MPs under MMP Erich Fromm and Nazism Framing of foreign election coverage during 2009 by the New Zealand Herald The Political Lessons of Tomorrow’s Schools – What can be learnt from the outcomes and implications of Tomorrow’s Schools? Reinventing the Left? The Third Way and New Zealand’s Fifth Labour Governments The Phenomenon of Post-Cold Neofascism The disintegration of Yugoslavia, 1980-91: a political analysis Bolsa Familia: Brazil’s Basic Income Grant (BIG) Idea Rating Equity in New Zealand’s Local Government Trade and Human Rights: The Case of the New Zealand – China Free Trade Agreement 2010 Belief-Based Exemptions: Are Religious Beliefs Special? 2009 Trade and Human Rights: The Case of the New Zealand – China Free Trade Agreement 1972 China: a responsible nuclear power? 2004 Poverty in New Zealand: A Failure of the Welfare State? 2002 Pipe dreams: the Siberian natural gas pipeline dispute, 1981-1983 1989 A nature conservancy for New Zealand: the Department of Conservation - its genesis 2001 Rousseau and Mill: dealing with the 'woman question' 1986 Humanism and transcendence: Bonhoeffer, Fromm, and the problem of scepticism 2004 Widening Security: Analysing the Clark Government’s Decision to Reform the New Zealand Defence Force and Exploring the Implications it has for New Zealand’s Security 2010 Caves, cities and cyber cafes: understanding terrorist sanctuaries 2004 Political Cartooning in New Zealand: Silly Sketches or Serious Commentary? 2004 Business as Usual? A Neo-pluralist Analysis of New Zealand’s Response to Climate Change 2000 Patching the Colonial Wound: A Critique of Government and Maori Health Strategies in the 1990s Dalton Mac Daly Darby Davis Dawson Dayal De Jong Erin Sefton E.B. Hunter C. J. B. Antony R. Anthony De Reus De Reus Dennis A. Seth de Vantier DeMers Deng Phillip Amanda C. Zhuo-Ran Devereaux Nick Dick Dick Dickson Dickson Carolyn Carolyn John John R. Dickson Diesing Diesing K. R. M. Juana Juana Dillon C. L. Dillon Dirks Dirks Dobson Casey L. Richard W. Richard W. Tredene BA (Hons) 2004 Bureaucratic Politics and United States Policy Toward Former Yugoslavia, 1991-1995: A Critical Evaluation MIntSt 2006 Unavoidable side by side: Germany as a reluctant nation of immigration BA (Hons) 1997 Sino-Southeast Asian security relations: peace, indifference, or conflict? MIntSt 2013 The rise of Scottish nationalism in the era of European integration: 1973-2012 BA (Hons) 1976 The New Zealand communist party: ideology and tactics PGD 1991 The Legitimacy of Government: The Theories of Hegel and Hamilton BA (Hons) 2005 The Influence of Neo-Conservatism on U.S. Foreign policy during President George W. Bush’s First Term BA (Hons) 1991 Fiji - Turning the Clock Back 1987 - 1991 BA (Hons) 2003 Overcoming Sèvres: Turkey’s Kurds and the State Since the Capture of Abdallah Öcalan Minst 2009 Cosmopolitan rights and the embedded self Min 2010 Fijian fisheries and sustainable development: an historical perspective MIntSt 2012 Does John Mearsheimer's structural realism provide a good explanation for the rise of China? MIntSt 2004 Artic identities: Inuit cultural and political development and the struggle for indigenous self-determination MIntSt 2001 Former head of state immunity: the Pinochet decisions and beyond BA (Hons) 1998 New Zealand First: anti-political-establishment? BA (Hons) 1989 Regional variance in New Zealand political culture and voting behaviour MA 1991 The Historical Relationship Between the Labour Party and the Trade Movement and its Implications for Labour Market Reform under the Fourth Labour Government BA (Hons) 2003 Kãi Tahu: An Examination of Tribalism and Incorporation MA 2013 Social Media: A Solution to Declining Youth Engagement in Politics? BA (Hons) 2011 Obligations and incentives: a case study of compliance with anti-human trafficking measures in the Philippines PGD 2004 Gender Equality and Development: The Importance of the Gender Dimension in the Millennium Development Goals MIntSt 2005 Improving compliance with core labour standards BA (Hons) 1994 In The National Interest? Military intervention in Fiji 1987 MA 2002 New Zealand Immigration Policy 1972-1996: Change and Continuity BA (Hons) 2002 The Treaty of Waitangi and human rights: reinterpreting the past and looking to the future Dodds Keith J. MIntSt Dodds Doherty Doig Dolle Keith J. Colin J. Jack Sebastian BA (Hons) BA (Hons) MIntSt MIntSt Dougherty Duncan Stephan J Maria BA (Hons) MIntSt Dyer Dyngeland Earwicker Ebrey Eckhoff Edgar Jeremy Tore Benjamin J. Elizabeth M. Vivienne Angela E. BA (Hons) MIntSt MIntSt BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) Egerton Eikemeier K.C.L. Jorg MIntSt MIntSt Elder Elvidge Elvidge Jenny R. Amy BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) Embleton Englebretsen Evans Evans Fairbairn Farmer Fawcett Feron Feron M. F. Samuel W. D. Katie P. Michael L. G. L. P. A. Patrick A. BA (Hons) MIntSt BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) MA 2001 UN Sanctions against Iraq: a legitimate diplomatic tool or a blunt instrument of coercion? 1999 The Great 1951 Waterfront Dispute 1975 Pressure group institutionalisation Federated Farmers and the great wool debate 2007 Protests in China from 1992 to 2002: the defecting ranks 2008 Sustainable development in countries with non-renewable resources abundance: Oil and Agenda 21 in the UAE 1983 William Graham Sumner and Social Darwinism 2011 Why is the ownership of conditional financial aid important in Afghanistan and what are the challenges to making it work? 1996 The Political Career of Marilyn Waring 2002 Norway's security ties with NATO after the Cold War 2004 Fidel Castro's political foundation: seeds of a revolution or roots of a dictatorship? 2005 The United States' rejection of the Ottawa Convention: reasons and ramifications 1975 Women in local politics: a study of five activists 2000 The Effect of the Internet on Political Control in Singapore: A Case Study of the Democratising Effect of the Internet 2002 Tiananmen to the World Trade Organization 2002 Assessing the desire by the Bush Administration to deploy a national defence system 1992 Nietzsche’s Ideal State 1975 The concept of happiness 2007 State intervention versus private choice: an assessment of the impact of the amendment to Section 59 Crimes Act 1961 on the Rights of Parents and Children in New Zealand 1982 Getulio Vargas and Brazilian populism 1930-54 2009 Van Creveld's unwitting apprentice: New Zealand and the transformation of war 2003 Pan-Arab Nationalism, Pan-Islamism and State-based Nationalism 2002 Nietzsche and The Corporate Social Responsibility Debate: Beyond Good and Evil 1995 Anti-Hegemonic Referendums: The Experiences of New Zealand and Canada 2000 The United States and the DPRK Policy in the 1990s and Implications for the Future 2005 Privatisation, Corruption and Economic Reform in Post-Communist Russia 2004 The Evolution Of Peacekeeping Doctrine: Cold War And Beyond 2006 Regime Change and National Security in Indonesia in the Age of Terrorism Field Mark PGD Findlay Fisher Fisher Quentin Ross L. Ross L. BA (Hons) BA (Hons) MA Fitchett Fitchett Fitchett Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Foale Foley Ford Ford Ford R. Rebecca Rebecca Charles Paul P. Caleb Rebecca Chris Christopher G. Christopher BA (Hons) MIntSt BA (Hons) MIntSt BA (Hons) MA BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) MA MA Ford Frank Fraser Fromm Chris Nathan David Andrea PGD MIntSt BA (Hons) MIntSt Fromm Fu Fu Fu Fuesers Furtado Fyfe Andrea N. Nedra Nedra Stefan Rafael A. Roger G. PhD BA (Hons) MA BA (Hons) MIntSt MIntSt BA (Hons) Gamble Patrick BA (Hons) Garland S. J. BA (Hons) 1987 Superannuation and ideology: the search for an effective policy for the aged in N.Z., 1974-1984 1993 New Times: Postmodernism and Socialism 2002 Between Iraq and a Hard Place: American Foreign Policy since the Gulf War 2005 There’s Something About Syria: US Foreign policy toward Syria during the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations, 1994-2004 2005 Hungary and the Magyars Minorities in the Post-Communist World 2007 Democratisation and the Roma in East-Central Europe 2005 Hungary and the Magyars Minorities in the Post-Communist World 2011 New Zealand agribusiness: lobbying on trade 1985 Ideological perceptions in Soviet decisionmaking 1987 Marxism and imperialism: the classical theories 1991 The Resettlement of Cambodian Refugees in Dunedin 1996 Origins & Rationale for the IRA’s Ceasefire 1993 George Bush’s Foreign Policy: a new world order? 1997 Nativism, Mexican Americans, 1965-1996 2011 High on Aspiration, Low on Implementation: The development and implementation of the New Zealand Disability Strategy 1999 Was the 1997 UK General Election a triumph for the principles of "New Labour"? 2005 The desirability of secession: nationalist decisions by Croatia and Quebec 2006 US counter-narcotics policy toward Colombia 2004 Neo-functionalism and E.C. Social Policy: the social protocol and the case study of Germany 2008 The Politics of the Decent Work Agenda 2005 The Politics of Immigration and Ethnicity in New Zealand 2008 Foreign Policy Making in NZ and China 1949 -2007: A Multi-level View 2005 The politics of immigration and ethnicity in New Zealand 2008 The impact of Spain's accession to the EU on Brussels' Policy towards Latin America 2013 Challenging the status quo: China's maritime territorial disputes 1976 Peasants in politics; an attempt to assess the role of the peasant in revolutionary movements, with particular reference to the Russian experience 2005 The influence of Islamic establishments on government activity in Saudi Arabia and Turkey 2003 Do treaty settlements facilitate the implementation of education initiatives by indigenous people? A comparison of Ngai Tahu and Nisga’a Garvan Peter D. Gauthier Sarah E. Gazay Alison Geare Alan J. Geddis Andrew Geeves Evan Gibbs M. K. Gibson Giles Gill Damien G. Gareth E. Thomas Gillett Gilmore Gilshire Gladstone Clark Glenn Kirsten Kimberley J. Megan E. Isabella M. Hamish Gobaloo Goldfinch Goldsmith Vikneswaran Shaun Leon T. Goldsmith Goodall Gordon Gordon-Latty Gowland Gowland Leon A. W. D. J. Ella N. Nick BA (Hons) 1978 An analysis of the 1975 General Election utilizing the concept of two-party swing and consideration of that concept as a tool of analysis MIntSt 2012 What motivates educational internationalisation in the OECD? Practice, challenges and potential in a globalised world MIntSt 2005 Institutional interaction: an examination of the 2002 United States steel tariff dispute BA (Hons) 19?? Role of the branch union: a case study of the Pukeuri branch of the Otago and Southland freezing works and related trades union BA (Hons) 1994 Property and Personhood. A critique of Margaret Jane Radin’s theory of property justification BA (Hons) 1972 A new approach to political and social analyses: the place of psychology and ethology in politics PhD 2001 Are New Zealand Treaty of Waitangi Settlements Achieving Justice? The Ngai Tahu Settlement and the Return of Pounamu (Greenstone) BA (Hons) 1991 Councillor-directors and Local Authority Trading Enterprises: Dunedin, a case-study BA (Hons) 2000 The “Lebanonization” of Hizballah MIntSt 2012 Kiwis and dragons in paradise: the response of New Zealand and China to the 2006 Fiji coup d'etat BA (Hons) 2001 War economies and private military companies BA (Hons) 2004 Democracy Meets Ethnicity: Sub-Saharan Africa MIntSt 2007 Visual New Media, Humanitarian Crises & U.S Foreign Policy BA (Hons) 2007 New Zealand's paid parental leave scheme MA 2007 Powerful partnerships: New Zealand's changing relationship with the United States and China MIntSt 2011 From British Malaya to Malaysia: the formation of a nation-state PGD 1990 The Ideology of the Treasury Economic Advice PhD 2012 The Politics of Sectarian Insecurity: Alawite’ Asabiyya and the Rise and fall of the Asad Dynasty of Syria BA (Hons) 2007 Unearthing the Alawites BA (Hons) 1981 William James Mudie Larnach, 1833-1898: N.Z. politician MA 1972 Adolescent political orientations BA (Hons) 2012 Hedging its bets? Saudi Arabian foreign policy since 1999 BA (Hons) 1990 NATO’s Venture into Eastern Europe BA (Hons) 200? Wise men following the star? NATO's venture into Eastern Europe? Grace K. Gray Gray Green Green Grieve Grindlay Janine Elizabeth Albert E. Albert W. J. P. Mark Guan Guich Gwynn Haigh Hall Hall Lei Martin A. Katharine Stephen P. Jeremy Jeremy Halligan John A. Hallows Ricky Halloy Diana Hamilton-Hart Hansen Harbord Natasha Lisa John Harbord Harding John Emily S. Harding Hardy Harpin Harrington Leigh Philippa Charlotte Katharine Harris Andrew D. BA (Hons) 2003 It is time that these questions were looked into: an examination of the struggle for Pay Equity in New Zealand BA (Hons) 1987 Gerard Winstanley, a study of his works BA (Hons) 1990 Public Consultation in Resource Management Law Reford MA 2011 Chipped Jade. Political Problems of the Dunedin Town Belt 1900 – 2010 MIntSt 2001 The dragon, the tiger and the kiwi 1997 BA (Hons) 1981 NZUSA and Education fightback BA (Hons) 1995 “Financing Consent” Media - Government Relations and the Fourth National Government MIntSt 2003 The impact of MNCs on the political economy of post-Cold War China MIntSt 2010 New paths to progress in a globalised world: Brazil's emergence MIntSt 2012 Intra-state conflict: the role of leadership in Nepal and Sri Lanka PhD 2007 Globilization and the State: Towards Neo-Medieval Political Order? BA (Hons) 1992 The Making of an International Coalition: U.S. Leadership in the Gulf Crisis 1990-91 MA 1995 The Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction: global and regional perspectives with special reference to the Islamic Republic of Iran MA 1972 A small decision making body; roles and influence: a study of the Dunedin city council BA (Hons) 2006 The ERA 2000: A critical assessment of the impact of the act on the working class and trade unions MA 2008 The Politics of Forced Disappearances in Argentina: A Focus of International Responses BA (Hons) 1990 International Cooperation BA (Hons) 1990 NZ’s Recognition Policy Regarding Cambodia BA (Hons) 1996 A Tale of Two Cities: The Shanghai Sister City Debate and Local Government Politics in Dunedin MA 2002 Nuclear weapons after the Cold War: new imperatives for disarmament PGD 2007 Liberal internationalism, Thai-Burma relations and the displacement of ethnic minorities BA (Hons) 2010 A foray into the feminist impase via Germaine Greer and Judith Butler BA (Hons) 1991 Women in Local Government in New Zealand BA (Hons) 2007 Cyprus in the European Union: is accession the path to reunification? MIntSt 2003 The Modern Political Campaign: Structure, Evolution and Application - with Particular Reference to New Zealand MIntSt 2009 Japan's Official Development Assistance to China: Money well spent? Harrison Jacinda Harrison Shelly K. Harsasto Harsasto Harsasto Hayes Hayes P. P. Priyatno Penelope J.M. Penelope J.M. Hayes Penelope J.M. Hayward Hayward Hazelton B. M. Bronwyn M. Glen Heal Heal Heal S. Sarah Renee Hercus Josh Hercus Hickey Hill Hill Josh Kristin M. Nicholas Matthew Hinds Hoffman Thomas P. Joschka Hogan Holgersen Hoult Howard Hughes Michael R. Frode Ursula Stuart Abbie BA (Hons) 1994 Reagan’s Nuclear Arms Control Policy Towards The Soviet Union: progress through persistence or unprincipled opportunism? BA (Hons) 1997 Advocacy, medicine, and the state: the struggle for health and disability consumer’s rights in New Zealand, 1988-1996. PGD 1991 Neo Marxist and Neo-Weberian State Theory PGD 1991 State and Society: Indonesia’s New Order State Craft MA 1993 Political Economy of Industrialization in Indonesia MA 2002 New Zealand’s Changing Class Structure, Vol I and II PhD 2012 The Fifth Labour Government’s Growth & Innovation Framework 1999–2006: A Critical Analysis & Evaluation PGD 1999 New Zealand's contemporary class structure: a critical examination of competing theories BA (Hons) 1985 Dunedin peace organisations: a study of foreign policy interest groups MA 1988 The Remarkables Skifield: a case study PhD 2011 Regime Transition and Foreign Policy: The Case of Russia’s Approach to Central Asia (1991-2008) BA (Hons) 1992 Redesigning the Welfare State? MA 1994 The Struggle For and Against the Employment Contracts Act, 1987-1991 BA (Hons) 2006 Is the legitimacy of the 1999 NATO intervention in Kosovo compromised by the controversy surround the Racak Massacre? MA 2012 To Vote or Not to Vote: Students’ Perceptions and Attitudes Towards National and Local Elections in New Zealand BA (Hons) 2010 A breath of fresh air? Climate change framing in the New Zealand media BA (Hons) 1988 “The rhetoric of representation” should Parliament ‘mirror’ society? BA (Hons) 1985 Consent, cooperation and United Nations peacekeeping BA (Hons) 2007 Diplomacy, dynamism, and divergence: China's political, economic, and strategic interests in Oceania MIntSt 2004 Cuba and the end of the Cold War: the politics of survival, 1989-1996 BA (Hons) 2011 Tethering the rogue elephant? A critical analysis of the implementation of the US Ban on Assassination BA (Hons) 1973 Ethology and aggression MIntSt 2004 The US-UN Peace Operation in Somalia and the development of US foreign policy BA (Hons) 1991 Student Political Values: A Study of the Gender Gap BA (Hons) 1984 The political role of the police in New Zealand BA (Hons) 2010 Reproductive autonomy and the limits of design Hughs Hunt Huntleigh-Smith Hutchinson S. Justin Tamsin K. BA (Hons) BA (Hons) PGD PGD 1993 1994 2005 2005 Hyndman Hollie BA (Hons) 2008 Iddamalgoda Irvine Iversen Gayaal Karen L. D. E. BA (Hons) 2009 BA (Hons) 1956 BA (Hons) 1982 Jamieson Jephson Jephson Jiang Johnson Deborah M. Aimee Aimee Robert W Andrea BA (Hons) MIntSt BA (Hons) MIntSt MIntSt 1994 2008 2006 2003 2002 Johnson Johnston Jolley Jolly Jonart Lucy Craig Rachel A. Guy Laurent BA (Hons) BA (Hons) MIntSt BA (Hons) MIntSt 2009 1975 2001 2004 2007 Jones Julius Jutel Jutel Erin L.S. Melissa Olivier Olivier MIntSt MIntSt MA PGD 2005 2009 2009 2008 Kambuta Jacob MIntSt 2013 Kammerer Kammerer Lee Lee BA (Hons) 1994 MIntSt 2000 The Indian Army: non-intervention in politics since 1947 A Leninist Critique of Popper’s Ideas on Utopianism Hardship and Poverty on The Domestic Purposes Benefit Change or Continuity in the Bush Administration following September 11th 2001: A Case Study of George W. Bush’s Foreign Policy Regarding the National Security Strategy of the United States What happens when Granny turns activist? An examination into the New Zealand Herald campaign against the Electoral Finance Bill Is Sen and Nussbaum's capability approach an improvement on human rights? New Zealand’s recognition of communist China New Zealand Royal Commissions and Commissions of Inquiry 1960-1961: a study of procedure, function and performance The Two Koreas: prolonged legacy of the Cold War How donor interests affect foreign aid: New Zealand aid to the Pacific Fairness and the Coffee Trade WTO and China's FDI legal regime Is the United States sacrificing the global environment in favour of pursuing its own interests? Do New Zealand newspapers follow a 'media logic' in their coverage of politics? The future of diplomacy: The USA and the Middle East Interpreting the World Trade Organization's sanitary and phytosanitary agreement The Difficulties Faced by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Sierra Leone The United Nations and the nuclear non-proliferation regime: a study through the case of Iran Private military companies and international norms Waltzing with the Devil: Iran and the US news media Neo-liberal Discourse and the Food Crisis "The way of the world" Neo-liberalism and the New Zealand news media and the 2007 Fisher and Paykel offshore relocation Human rights and migrant labour: a case study of migrant dairy farm workers in New Zealand Developments in Party Campaigning and Organisation Russia's national interest in the near abroad Kay A. Kedgley Susan J. Keizer Kellow Kellow Kelly K. B. Aynsley J. Aynsley J. K. B. Kempthorne Kempthorne David David Kerr Kersey Christopher D. Julian R. Kersey Julian Ketchen Michael P. Kilner Claire J. Kilner Kilroy Kinder C. J. Simon P. Timothy King King King Robert S. Stuart King Michael R. Kite T. BA (Hons) 2005 SELECT COMMITTEE INQUIRIES: RESPITE OR REDRESS? The Case of the Primary Production Committee’s Inquiry into the Administration and Management of the Scampi Fisher MA 1972 Ladies in the backroom: a study of women party activists in the National and Labour parties BA (Hons) 2004 Transatlantic Tensions: America, September 11, Iraq and Europe BA (Hons) 1975 Ideology and environmental politics: the New Zealand values party, 1972-1975 PhD 1980 A placebo theory of policy-making: pollution control in New Zealand PGD 1978 The Clutha electorate 1975; an analysis, and a comparison with the Dunedin north electorate MA 2009 Exhuming Keynes?: The role of the state in light of the 2008 global financial crisis BA (Hons) 2008 The need for the state and market to get along: an explanation of the 2008 American Credit Crisis MA 2012 Justice: A matter of conviction or interpretation? BA (Hons) 1995 Fatal miscalculation: an analysis of the Soviet decision to intervene in Afghanistan in 1979 MA 2001 The State and Treaty-Making in New Zealand: An Institutional Statist Analysis of the TRIPS Agreement MIntSt 2004 New Zealand and Australia's approach to the international environment postSeptember 11th 2001 BA (Hons) 2003 Is Your Military Fully Guaranteed? The implications of military exit guarantees in Chile, Turkey and Portugal BA (Hons) 2003 Project Aqua; Lessons for the Resource Management Act? BA (Hons) 1981 Marcuse: a revolutionary in the Marxian tradition? MIntSt 2008 China's broken promise: the affect of globalisation on political dissidents within the People's Republic of China MIntSt 2004 The drug trade factor in the rehabilitation of Afghanistan BA (Hons) 2003 Are INGOs responding to the call for greater accountability in their organizations? MIntSt 2005 Democracy, free trade and national security: the Helms-Burton Act dispute between the United States and the European Union PGD 2010 Farming out their responsibilities fro animal welfare: does the New Zealand animal welfare act meet our obligations to animals? BA (Hons) 2007 The Political Economy of Pharmaceuticals in NZ: The Role of Pharmac and the Fifth Labour Government in Improving Patient Access to Drugs Knight Kieran Kos K. M. Kuipers Victor R. Laffin Lamb Lambourne Seth M. Susan R. Chris Lamie Jenifer K. Laste Lau Lavack Lavack Laxon Le Grange Le Lievre Lear Leonard Sigrun Evelyn A. A. John Louise T. M. R. Luke W. Leonard Lepine Lewis Luke W. Michael J. Amy Lewis B. Lewthwaite Malcolm D. Lim Lim Lim A. Aaron Priscilla Lin Chin-Sheng BA (Hons) 2009 Why politics matters for health: an analysis of the political determinants of health in developing countries BA (Hons) 1983 A study of the constitutional referendum in New Zealand: with specific reference to the 1967 poll on a three or four year term of parliament BA (Hons) 1989 An assessment of the 1988 Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities MIntSt 2002 U.S. policy towards Antarctica: continuity and change BA (Hons) 1992 Relevance of Neo-Functionalism to the E.C. BA (Hons) 1985 Television in New Zealand politics: Factors shaping the BCNZ’s and campaigners’ relationship in the 1984 general election MIntSt 2007 Individual as actor in international relations: Mikhail Gorbachev's environmental consciousness and the climate change debate MIntSt 2004 Tourism - Ticket to economic development in sub-Saharan Africa? MIntSt 2004 The Economic impact of The Closer Economic Partnership Agreement on Hong Kong BA (Hons) 2004 Remote Internet Voting - An Evaluation MA 2009 A Hobbesian Analysis of the Sovereign’s Right to Legislate on Matters of Religion BA (Hons) 2005 Iraq: Unravelling Neoconservatism? BA (Hons) 2004 Is it time for a United Nations standing army for peacekeeping? BA (Hons) 2000 The Struggle Against the Employment Contracts Act 1991: A Study of Four Unions MA 1972 Erich Fromm and objectivity in ethics MIntSt 2008 Searching for the determinants of child labour: a cross-sectional perspective on Bangladesh BA (Hons) 2006 Thomas Pogge, poverty and the Copernican revolution BA (Hons) 1975 The problem of justification: the argument from equality MA 2013 A fractured identity, a fractured democracy: the national facet of Ukraine's transition BA (Hons) 2002 Why Did the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) get Involved in a ‘Humanitarian Intervention’ in Kosovo? Was this Intervention Justified? BA (Hons) 1975 Origins of the cultural revolution; an investigation into the fusing of ideology, personality and power PGD 2003 Saudi Arabian Oil Wealth and Islamic Fundamentalism MIntSt 2005 Is Clausewitz still relevant in the post-Cold War security environment? MIntSt 2005 The mutual assistance in criminal matters act 1992: its application to global combat against international crimes PhD 2005 The One-China Controversy, 1996-2002 The securitization of the war on drugs The South Island Movement: a political analysis Gorbachev and Arms Control New Zealand and the Five Power Defense Arrangements (FPDA) Vote for me: The Green Party's quest for success The Politics of Abortion: Reproductive Rights Activists versus the Christian Right in New Zealand, 1970-1990 Courting controversy: Clinton's policy for the englargement of NATO Ecampaigning India, the emergency, 1975-1977 The 1951 United Nations convention relating to the status of refugees The 2006 War in Lebanon: A Marxist Explanation Iraqi Kurdistan: fourteen years of independence The aristocratic revolution in Tonga, 1799-1810 Superannuation, the perennial political football Fragile Gods: The Use of Serbian Civil Religious Myth to Justify Violence in BosniaHercegovina Political Campaigning in a developing country: A case study of the Cook Islands MMP: Unstable and ineffective? Metics, Migrants, and the Politics of Citizenship Realism and the rise and decline of Putin's rapprochement with the Bush Administration after 9/11 The Community Funding Agency and the Voluntary Sector: A Study in Purchase of Service Contracting in the Otago/Southland Region The Good Life for All? A Liberal Theory of Indigenous Rights in New Zealand Youtube enters the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign The Cartagena Protocol on biosafety: a case study of the political influence of environmental NGOs Political bias and imbalance within metropolitan newspapers: A comparison of morning and evening newspapers in New Zealand Lindsay Lister Little Little Lomax Long Eric K. David A. Richard A. Richard A. Nicola Addrianne MIntSt BA (Hons) PGD PGD BA (Hons) PGD 2009 1988 1991 1991 2011 1991 Lovelock Lusk Lynch Lyons Macdonald Macdonald MacIlree MacKenzie MacKinnon Andrew M. S. Karen M. Peter Samuel C. Samuel C. John W. Helen M. Lindsey R. PGD MA BA (Hons) MIntSt MA BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) MIntSt 1998 2002 1985 200? 2012 2006 1980 1997 2004 MacLean-McMahon MacLean-McMahon MacShane Maitra Luke Luke D. Sumantra MA BA (Hons) BA (Hons) MIntSt 2011 2009 2005 2013 Majumdar Debiprosad PhD 2003 Malpass Maly Mangion L. R. Marek Irene BA (Hons) 2005 MIntSt 2008 MIntSt 2006 Mannell A. BA (Hons) 2003 Manson S. G. PGD Sarah L. Tracey Income equality in a small state: A Lorenz curve analysis of official New Zealand data BA (Hons) 1995 A Good Catch? White Settler Colonialism and the Sealords Deal 1992 BA (Hons) 1993 The Impact of President Reagan’s Opposition to the ERA Movement: a feminist perspective Marshall Marsich 1976 Martinez Ivan MIntSt Mason Matthews Mattingley Maxwell Annatasha Aaron James Raukura Te Atatu MA BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) Mazlan McAnulty McAteer Aizal Kieran Amy R. MIntSt MA MIntSt McBain McCay McChesney McChesney McClements McConnell McConnell Dana C. E. Anne Sam Joel Tania Nathan T. N. T. MIntSt BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) MIntSt BA (Hons) MA McCormick McCormick McCraw McCraw McDonald McDougall Anna Anna L. D. J. D. J. Katie Ewan B. PGD MA MA PhD BA (Hons) BA (Hons) McElwain McGavin Roger Donald J. MIntSt BA (Hons) McGimpsey William MIntSt McGovern McGregor McHardy Tania Andrew G. Scott BA (Hons) BA (Hons) 2013 From Above and Below: Thomas Princen's Intermediary Theory and the Role of the Vatican in the Beagle Channel Affair 2011 Perceptions of Use: Social Networking Sites, MPs and Citizens 1992 The Rise of Hizbullah in Lebanon 2006 The scope of justice: an assessment of David Miller's liberal nationalism 2009 A contextual exploration of justice as evenhandedness: justifying differential treatment for Maori in the New Zealand education system 2010 The Spratly Islands and the Malaysian claim 2011 Positioning in the 2008 Elections 2008 Teach a man to fish: An overview of technical cooperation as an aid intstrument and its provision by bilateral donors 2005 Canada's Commitment to Peacekeeping: The Decline of a National Symbol? 1978 The state: Marxist and Christian views contrasted 2012 Freedom with purposes: reconciling liberalism and neo-Aristotelianism 2008 The ethics of China's One-child policy 2005 Health as a global public good: the challenge of communicable diseases 1992 Why the Employment Contracts Act? 1995 Understanding the Demise of Industrial Relations Pluralism - a pluralistic Marxist Approach 1986 Why and to what ends the Farmers’ protest of 1986 1989 New Zealand relations with Eastern Europe from 1939-1986 1973 The pattern of recent Chinese foreign policy 1978 Objectives and priorities in New Zealand’s foreign policy in Asia 1949-75 2008 Girl empowered or girl disillusioned: is girl power actual empowerment? 1971 An investigation of the potential of insurgency theory and techniques in the context of environmental change and with reference to developments in East Asia 2011 Provincial Reconstruction Teams: a potential solution to a complex problem 1978 A polemic on marxist universalism with special reference to the problem of nationalism 2011 Sustainability preferences: an investigation of consumer demand for sustainability attributes with regard to New Zealand's agricultural sector 1990 Parliamentary reform in New Zealand 2008 The Maori seats--from a temporary measure to an enduring right? 1992 An Assessment of the Impact of Mikhail Gorbachev’s “New Political Thinking” on China and the Prospects for the New Rapprochement in the Post-Gorbachev Era McIlraith James PhD McIlraith McIlwrick James Ross MIntSt BA (Hons) McIntosh McLaughlin McLean McLellan Smith McLeod McLoughlin-Ware Hamish Jaime Virginia Ben J. Joanna M. Laura BA (Hons) BA (Hons) PGD BA (Hons) BA (Hons) MIntSt McMechan McNab McQueen McQueen C. E. Gordon C. C. R. C. R. MA BA (Hons) BA (Hons) MA McRae George BA (Hons) Meade Meade Christine J. Christine J. BA (Hons) MA Medina Meier Sebastian E.M. Cairine A. MIntSt PGD Meikle Chris MIntSt Meikle Menzies Mercer Meyer Chris Rebekah A.J. Shelley Phoebe BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) Miller Susanna BA (Hons) 2009 Conflict Prevention and Civil Conflict: The United Nations and the Quest for Preventive Community 2002 Ethics, human rights and New Zealand foreign policy 1963 El Salvador’s coup of October 1979: causes and consequence: a study of the causes of the coup, the failure of the coup to achieve its aims and the result of this failure 1988 Judicial behaviour research and the New Zealand Court of Appeal 2010 Laicite, Republicanism, and the hijab affiar in France 1992 The Impact of the Gulf War on the Question of Palestine 2010 Russia and the European Ballistic Missile Defence: Security, deterrence and identity 2003 American exceptionalism and the International Criminal Court 2012 The Ghani-Lockhart thesis on 'Fixing failed states and the restoration of governance in Liberia: a critical assessment 1995 ‘Women in Development’: New Zealand’s Policy Response 1976 The role and function of the state in Bolshevik thinking on revolution 2004 Nation- and State-building in Post-Soviet Georgia 2008 For Whom the State is Failing? A Human Security Approach to Failed States with Case Studies for the South Pacific Region 2004 Muslim, Afghan, Female and Free: How can women’s rights be implemented and consolidated in Afghanistan? 1977 The Otago labour movement, 1912-1913 1980 New Zealand waterfront unions, 1951-1967: a study of the repercussions of the 1951 strike on the wharf unionists, and of union organisation from the defeat of the N.Z.W.W.U. until the formation of the New Zealand Federation of Watersiders 2005 The Zapatista Movement in Mexico: A case study in globalization and civil society 1991 U.S.-Cuban Relations: U.S. Foreign Policy Under the Carter and Reagan Administrations 2012 The Cotonou Agreement: evaluating the European Union as a promoter of democracy in the South Pacific 2010 Consent of the governed 2011 Israeli-Jordanian hydropolitical relations: a case of conflict or cooperation? 1996 The Road to Liberty?: women and the family in F.A. Hayek’s theory of liberty 2012 Responsibility Across Borders: Internal Displacement and the Responsibilities of OECD Nations 2012 Managing tensions? Defensive and offensive realist approaches to China's Japan policy Miller Miller Mills Minchin Mirosa Mitchell Moffitt Moller Moller Montgomery Morgan Morrison Moynihan Muir Murray Mylek Naziris Neely Neilson Nelson Newton Nicholson Nicol BA (Hons) 2007 From Douglas to dancing: explaining the lack of success of ACT New Zealand and evaluating its future prospects Trudy BA (Hons) 2007 Ethically framed or framed ethnically? Suzanne BA (Hons) 1985 The Antarctic treaty system or the common heritage of mankind: the difficulties of managing Antarctica Bill PGD 1989 The ANZAC frilgate controversy: Labour’s defence dilemmas Romain MIntSt 2005 The U.S. Current Account Deficit and the Global Political Economy Matthew PGD 2004 Approaching Europe? Turkey and the European Union’s Copenhagen Criteria Jennifer L. MIntSt 2013 The influence of liberalism on the Obama Administration response to the Syrian Uprising, 2011-2012 Soren MIntSt 2010 The G20 Leaders' Forum: resolving legitimacy and effectiveness deficits in international governance? Soren BA (Hons) 2008 the post-Washington consensus: superficial reform or a step toward distributive justice in the global economy? Gerard R. BA (Hons) 1993 New Zealand’s Energy Policy Framework: from co-ordination to competition Hannah K. BA (Hons) 2008 Ending the great Australian science: the power of political apologies Andrew M.D. BA (Hons) 1981 A re-evaluation of ‘modernization theory’ Ruby MIntSt 2009 International law and policy on water allocation: an assessment of New Zealand's compliance with Agenda 21 Mark BA (Hons) 1990 New Zealand and counter-insurgency in the South Pacific Sam MIntSt 2010 Achilles" heel? Defence restructuring and the role of the New Zealand navy in the postCold War era Iona BA (Hons) 2009 Religion and relief: the role of religion in mobilizing civil society against global poverty Christophoros A.T. MIntSt 2002 Redefining security? An analysis of the origins and effects of the Labour/Alliance government's defence policy F. E. PGD 2005 Should Indigenous Peoples Be Granted the Right to Self-Determination? Celia PGD 2009 Bureaucratic rationalisation at the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations: a case for organisational learning Penny BA (Hons) 1989 The Ministry of Womens Affairs, role, process and change, 1985-1989 S. BA (Hons) 2003 An overview of Rogernomics: The radical neo-liberal economic reforms of New Zealand by the fourth Labour government, 1984-90 Victoria MIntSt 2011 Can the International Criminal Court meet the needs of victims of sexual violence throughout the international criminal justice process? Michelle BA (Hons) 2011 Do election polls influence voters? Geoffrey Norgate O'Neil Toby Maxine Obanoz Jose J.G. Ojala Ojala Oktem Olsen Olsen Olsen Anton M. Anton M. Onur Cameron J. Cameron J. Elisabeth Olssen Olssen Mark E.H. Mark E. H. Osmundsen Palmer Panckhurst Jorn Robert Thomas D. A. Panckhurst Parks Gabrielle Athol F. Pascoe Nicholas Patel Paul Harshed Michaela Paull Nicola Payton Penniket Penning Pentecost Penty Perkov David B. Logan Sarah Paul Martyn Justin A. BA (Hons) 1997 New Zealand Relations with the Southern Cone of Latin America BA (Hons) 2011 The incoming tide: Climate change refugees from the South Pacific and how Australia and New Zealand should respond MIntSt 2007 Chilean redemocratisation and its effect on the bilateral relationship with the U.S. 19902006 BA (Hons) 1990 Maori Affairs, 1984-1990: A Critique MA 1992 Restructuring Central Government Administration PhD 2012 Water politics and Political Culture: Turkey’s Compatibility with the European Union BA (Hons) 2000 African Weak States and Private Military Companies MIntSt 2002 Small State Security: New Zealand’s Decision To Disband Its Air Combat Capability MIntSt 2003 The United States and the International Criminal Court: The politics behind the US opposition to the Rome Treaty BA (Hons) 1976 Jean-Paul Sartre’s commitment to Marxism PhD 1983 Union officials in a small capitalist state: a study in the composition and ideology of the New Zealand trade union leadership fraction MIntSt 2003 The heavily indebted poor countries initiative: an evaluation BA (Hons) 1994 Accounting for the Successes of Sendero Luminoso in Peru, 1980-1985 BA (Hons) 1978 Political advertising in New Zealand elections, 1957-75: a study of selected years in Otago daily papers BA (Hons) 1981 Nonviolence: an alternative means of social change BA (Hons) 1992 Destabilizing Chile: The Strategy of the Nixon Administration toward the Allende Government 1970-1973 MIntSt 2006 HIV prevention in New Zealand and Australia: A comparative evaluation of government policy responses PGD 1988 Jean Paul Sartre: the existentialist ethic: a criticism MIntSt 2002 The 1985 port access dispute in New Zealand: A normative and neo-realist appraoch PGD 1989 The National parliamentary Party’s perspectives on the Treaty of Waitangi 1975-1985, with reference to the Waitangi Tribunal BA (Hons) 1975 China and Africa: an assessment BA (Hons) 2009 Interests, identity and politics: Poland and the 2003 Iraq War MIntSt 2011 New challenges for international humanitarian law MA 1998 Edmund Burke Revisited: A Critique of his commerce with New Right BA (Hons) 1986 The New Zealand Labour Party in Dunedin post 1975: towards a new era? MIntSt 2010 Genocidal memories: Jasenovac and the breakup of Yugoslavia Perkov Petherbridge Pilott Pine Pirsoul Pirsoul Poata-Smith Justin A. David A.D. Matthew D. G. Nicolas Nicolas E. BA (Hons) BA (Hons) PGD BA (Hons) PGD MA BA (Hons) Poata-Smith Poletti Polson Potgieter E. Nicholas C. Matthew D. I. L. PhD PGD MIntSt BA (Hons) Potgieter Ingrid L. MIntSt Pozza Prasad Maria Lindiana MIntSt MIntSt Preston J. R. BA (Hons) Prosser Purcell Rabe Rajasingham Paul G. Gisela York Ranjini MA BA (Hons) MA BA (Hons) Rawlings Rawnsley E. J. E. J. M. BA (Hons) BA (Hons) Ray Reardon Redpath Reid Reitzig Restieaux Rice Adam Peter J. Peter B. Simon M. Andreas Michael Philip L. BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) PhD BA (Hons) BA (Hons) China: Modernizing to the point of democracy? Gay theories, gay realities: an intercourse with two gay thinkers Assessing Oslo: An Inquiry into the Failure of the Oslo Peace Process Revisiting the Rule of Law Reclaiming our capacity to act: Hannah Arendt and the Zapatistas The Mapuche Struggle for/of Recognition: Identity and Self-Determination in Chile Inequality between Maori and Pakeha in Education: the response of the fourth Labour Government 2001 The Political economy of Maori Protest Politics 1988-1995 1978 Egoism 2001 Operation Allied Force: the morality of a 'humanitarian' intervention 2004 Australia’s New Border Protection Regime: A Continuation of White Australia thinking? 2006 Using human rights to promote women's health rights: international opposition to sexual and reproductive rights, and strategies for moving forward 2010 The need for controlling the weaponisation of space: a political-legal argument 2010 Finding 'common ground' with transnational faith-based development organisations: the Agha Khan Development Network 2000 The Neo-Classical Theoretical Justification of the Employment Contracts Act: A Critical Assessment 2009 Alienation and the Debate Between Karl Marx and Max Stirner 1992 Government Management of Tourism in New Zealand 1984-1991 2002 Water and Conflict: Hydropolitics of the Tigris-Euphrates Basin 1994 Unfulfilled Objectives: The US in Vietnam and the erosion of domestic support 19651968 1986 Vera Brittain and Crystal Eastman: visions of feminist life 1974 Local body representation in New Zealand; a study of the ward system as an alternative to at-large representation with ference to the potential of a mixed system 1998 A framework for ethnic conflict in New Zealand 1973 Overcoming alienation: Freud, Marcuse, Brown 1981 The no Maoris no tour controversy, 1959-1960 1997 The cost of free trade: Mexico and NAFTA 2009 Trans-Tasman Defence Perceptions in the Post-ANZUS Era 1991 New Zealand’s response to the Gulf crisis: Acting in the national interest? 1981 Communist policy toward organised religion in Eastern Europe: 1945-1981 2008 1989 2004 1993 2012 2014 1993 Richmond Kate Richmond Righarts Righarts Ritchie Rivers Roberts Kate Marjolein Marjolein J. W. Cassandra Michael D. Roberts Melanie Robertson Grant Robertson Rodgers Rogers Blair C. Hamish Ross N. Ross Lucy A. Rowlands Ruddock Russell Russell Martin W. Stephanie Bruce R. Bruce R. Rutao Ryan Ryan Wang Damian Kenneth J. Saunders Savage Scanlan Scanlan Hamish Josie Gerald S. Peter D. BA (Hons) 2003 America Post 9/11: An Orwellian Nightmare? George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four and its relevance in America since September 11th MIntSt 2005 New Zealand and Australia: Working Together in Defence? MIntSt 2005 The United Nations and Post-Conflict Democratisation: A Case Study of Kosovo PhD 2009 Natural Disasters and Civil Conflict BA (Hons) 1976 The form and consistency of belief systems: a small New Zealand sample BA (Hons) 1992 John Stuart Mill & Harriet Taylor MIntSt 2009 Democratic peace or liberal peace? Do democratic structures alone condition international peace? MIntSt 2007 One size fits all: an evaluation of USAID democracy assistance in Colombia and Indonesia BA (Hons) 1994 “A Step to the Right”. The restructuring of the New Zealand University Students Association in 1986 BA (Hons) 1999 In from the cold: the Czech Republic's integration to NATO MA 2002 New Zealand, United States and the ANZUS Crisis BA (Hons) 2008 Addressing inequities in Maori health: an analysis of the Maori Health Strategy 2002 PGD 2004 How has Onora O’Neill contributed to our understanding of Global Distributive Justice? An analysis of Transnational Economic Justice BA (Hons) 2002 Another failed experiment? The hatching, matching and dispatching of the community funding agency with voluntary organisations in New Zealand PGD 1992 A.C.C. in the 1980s PGD 2011 Indigenous self-determination in New Zealand BA (Hons) 1982 Anarchism and Marxism; opposed as to ends or just quibbling over means? MA 1986 The nature of dialectics: considerations on the materialism of Marx and that of Engels MIntSt 2000 A marriage of convenience: Sino-Russian relations in the 1990s MIntSt 2004 The winners and losers from trade liberalisation in the South Pacific MIntSt 2006 Alliance Under Strain: The impact of the 2003 invasion of Iraq on the transatlantic security community MIntSt 2008 The Sopranos Down Under: transnational organized crime and the Oceania region BA (Hons) 2002 ODA: Donor identity and motivation BA (Hons) 1980 Access to official information: an issue of democracy BA (Hons) 1990 The Role of the Manufacturers’ Federation in the Formation of Economic Policy, 19831990 Schenke Schofield Schumacher Scott David Jane Arne Howard M. MIntSt PGD MIntSt BA (Hons) 2009 1997 2002 1970 Scott Scott Secker Philip C. Shaun J. M. BA (Hons) 1984 BA (Hons) 1990 BA (Hons) 1984 Sharp Sarah MA Shelton Sim A. David W. BA (Hons) 2003 MIntSt 2006 Sim Simons Simpson Vincent S.J. Anthony MA 1973 BA (Hons) 1981 BA (Hons) 1998 Slatter Slattery Slocum Smale-Jackson Smale-Jackson Kirsten Christopher J.J. Jennifer L. Sienna Sienna BA (Hons) MIntSt MIntSt MIntSt BA (Hons) Smith Smith Smith Amanda J. Amanda J. Jonathan Robert BA (Hons) 1994 MA 1996 BA (Hons) 1995 Smith Soal L. R. Elizabeth J. C. PGD MA 2003 2012 Somerville Somerville Soper Soper Roger P. Megan Mark A. Mark BA (Hons) MIntSt MIntSt BA (Hons) 1996 2011 2004 2002 2004 1990 2009 2008 2009 2007 European identity and the accession of Turkey Bougainville and mining: from subsistence living to civil war Renewable energy: international obstacles and opportunities An insight into Mao Tse-Tung “The Chinese potter”, fashioning Confucian man into a twentieth century automaton: by guerrilla principles, Marxist-Leninist philosophy The regulation-making powers of the political executive Open all Hours: The Retail Union Response to Shop Trading Hours Disputes 1987-90 The New Zealand Manufacturers’ Federation: its structure and role as a major interest group affecting New Zealand government Election Special, New Zealand Election Campaigns in the Newspaper: The New Zealand Herald 1946-2002 Peacebuilding in Jamnu and Kashmir: Creating Conditions for Peace The Spanish government's policy response to the Basque demand for selfdetermination Revolutionary preconditions: A conceptual and empirical approach Regional organisation and planning in the Taupo area Making sense of the "Penkelemes": impediments to democratisation in Nigeria, 19791993 Pay Equity Sein Kampf: towards an evaluation of Osama bin Laden's transnational insurgency Transitional Justice: guiding principles for the future The Nation, INC.: A critical perspective on nation branding Aboriginal electoral districts for Canada: Lessons from New Zealand's dedicated Maori representation Battered Women and Social Policy Making Cultural Heritage Policy in New Zealand The extent of civilian democratic government in Brasil immediately following the direct presidential elections in November 1989 Zimbabwe and Namibia: A comparison of land dispossession and redistribution The Global Financial Crisis and the Problem of Unemployment: A Regulationist Approach Yeltsin’s Foreign Relations with China Evaluating New Zealand's appraoch to mitigating climate change over the long term Who are 'indigenous' peoples? Do leaders matter? Speedy Spittle C. A. Ella MIntSt PGD Stansfield Starrs Stedman Stedman Matthew Serena Christopher H.M. Tio C.M. BA (Hons) MIntSt BA (Hons) MIntSt Steff Reuben M. PhD Stephen Stephen Matthew D. Matthew D. BA (Hons) MA Stevens Robb F. MIntSt Stewart Stewart Stewart-Harding Strachan Anthony K.L. Emily David J. MIntSt BA (Hons) MA PGD Strachan Strang Strange Stratford Stride Subramanian Sunitsch D. J. Diana Christine Amanda Caitlin Vimala Trudi MA MA BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) MIntSt MIntSt Sutherland Sutton Sutton Swanson J. M. Barbara Richard Michael BA (Hons) PGD BA (Hons) MIntSt Takahashi Tan E. Guang Yoko Eugene MIntSt MIntSt 2002 Human Rights Discourse and Globalisation 2011 Representing the opressed: a model for political inclusion in John Stuart Mill's theory of reprsentative government 2013 Containing China? The United States in the South Pacific since 2011 2013 Japan's Security Trajectory and the Peace Clause: From Pacifism to Remilitarization 2003 Labour’s Defence Policy and New Zealand - United States Relations 2006 Widening the Tasman? Security divergence between New Zealand and Australia under the Clark and Howard governments 2012 Deterrence, Global Security and the Long Road to the Deployment of the Bush Administration’s Missile Defense System 2006 The Post-September 11 Anti-War Movement in New Zealand & the World 2008 Globalisation, Counter-Hegemony & the ‘Anti-Globalisation Movement’: A neoGramscian Analysis 2004 Who Pays for Precaution? The World Trade Organisation and the Precautionary Principle 2002 The failure of the MAI: theory and politics 1989 Economic sanctions as instruments of foreign policy 2009 Humanitarian aid: for today or for tomorrow? 1980 Press coverage of the 1975 and 1978 New Zealand election campaigns: case studies: the Otago Daily Times and the New Zealand Herald 1982 Organisational change in the New Zealand Labour Party, 1974-81 1972 The workers’ opposition in Soviet Russia: an evaluation 1990 A Critique of Sandel’s Critique of Rawls 2011 Achieving the substantive representation of women: a conceptual examination 2007 Altruistic versus egotistic: Belgium's actions in Sub-Saharan Africa 2006 SPS measures: food safety or protectionism? 2002 The Word Trade Organisation in action: the New Zealand / United States of America lamb tariff dispute 1987 Morality and vivisection 1989 New Zealand-China trade relations in the eighties 1997 India and Pakistan: South Asia’s feuding nuclear neighbours 2011 The evolution of Australian and New Zealand defence policy towards South-East Asia 2000 New Zealand's trade policy in the age of globalisation and regionalism 2010 Government intervention in the aviation sector: the free-market myth exposed Taplin Tarry Kerry M. Tattersfield Tawat Bradley J. Mahama Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor Anne Anne C. Alison J. J. G. M. Peter H. Taylor Simon Terpstra Thomassen Thomson Thongpaitoon Geoffrey P. Rita W. H. Anoda Thorn Thornton Jessica A. Amanda Tobin D. R. Tolfree Tonkin Stephen M. E. L. Topless Susan Turnbull Tweedie Pauline G. Nicola Tyrie Van Beusekom Kathryn Barry BA (Hons) 1993 The 1989 Reserve Bank Act: continuity and change BA (Hons) 2004 The Unfortunate Dichotomy: Crown and Maori Conceptions of Sovereignty in the Treaty of Waitangi BA (Hons) 1982 New Zealand voting at the United Nations on Southern African issues PhD 2011 Two Tales of Viking Diversity: A Comparative Study of the Immigrant Integration Policies of Denmark and Sweden, 1960 – 2006 BA (Hons) 1987 Positive discrimination MA 1990 The Vietnam Protest Movement in N.Z. BA (Hons) 1979 Peru: a corporatist ‘revolution’? BA (Hons) 1974 B.F. Skinner and politics: the promise of a science of behaviour BA (Hons) 2000 Partners In Arms? Continuity and Change in the Politics of the Australia-New Zealand Defence Relationship BA (Hons) 1989 ‘Glass skittles’: New Zealand involvement in multilateral peacekeeping operations, 1985-1989 BA (Hons) 1984 The Brazilian Catholic Church and social change: reformism to radicalism MIntSt 2000 Saying "No" to European Integration: explaining the 1994 referendum in Norway MA 1973 Youth culture; a vision in the technological society MIntSt 2002 Economic globalisation: effects on Thailand's economic development and financial crisis 1997 MIntSt 2008 Health, globalisation and New Zealand foreign policy BA (Hons) 2003 The Individual V The Community ‘How compatible are Community based Islamic values and Classical Liberal Individual rights?’ BA (Hons) 1982 A comparison of the views of John Stuart Mill with those of Milton Friedman on what constitutes the role of government MIntSt 200? The forgotten island: East Timor, Indonesia and the international community BA (Hons) 2005 Democracy Delayed: Problems with Democratic Transition in the ex-Soviet States of Central Asia MA 1997 Nationalism, inherent or contrived: the divergent dissolutions of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia BA (Hons) 1978 The autonomy of politics in Marx and Lenin BA (Hons) 1999 The Impact of Democratisation on Taiwan’s Movement for Independence from Mainland China PGD 1983 Mikhail Bakunin: authoritarian or liberal? BA (Hons) 1993 The Employment Court: A Critical Assessment Van Campfort Paul MA Van Der Beek Van Genderen Vollweiler Claire-Lucia M. Arjo Scott MA BA (Hons) BA (Hons) Vollweiler Scott MIntSt Waghorn Waghorn Waite Wales Wallace Warburton Warren Mark A. Peter J H. B. G. Miriam S. Adrienne A. P. H. BA (Hons) MIntSt PGD BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) Warren Warren Waterhouse Paul C. Paul C. Catherine MIntSt BA (Hons) MIntSt Watt Webster Welch Wells West West Whaley Whitaker White Kerry Timothy S. Celia Jonathan L. Jonathan L. Jennifer Blair A. BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) MA BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) White White Whitham M. K. Tracey J. Eamonn PGD BA (Hons) BA (Hons) Whitham Eamonn MA 1999 Erosion of State Sovereignty? A case study of UN Peace-Enforcement in Somalia and Haiti 1980 New Zealand and China: the problems and effects of recognition 1991 The Christian Heritage Party 2007 What role does the small arms trade play in civil war? A case study of UNITA and the Angolan civil war 2009 Security and insecurity: the failure of army reform in the Democratic Republic of Congo 1994 A Critique of International Assistance to the Khmer Rouge since 1979 2004 New Zealand's "Korea" path 1994 The Policy Making of the Department of Labour since 1984 1991 Lange’s Image of the World 1983 Maori Affairs Department, avowed perceptions and policies, 1961 1992 Beyond Kaufmann 1978 The power of the myth: aspects of Marxist-Leninist stragegical and ideological divergence on the New Zealand political scene 2009 China's Rise and Fall 2007 Economic integration and interstate conflict 2004 Hydropolitics of the Nile Basin: will water scarcity in the Nile Basin create a thirst for conflict or cooperation? 1995 Should the United Nations have a standing army? 1991 The nature and extent of New Zealand church activism in the 1981 Springbok Tour 2005 The Social Impact of the Post-Communist Transformation in the Czech Republic 2007 Race and gender on the agenda for the democratic race 1999 Environmental Ethics: how eccentric is the Ecocentric position? 2003 How on Earth are we to live? 1989 New Zealand in the South Pacific: great power or small actor? 2002 Private Members’ Bills 2005 Editorial Creep: A content analysis of The New Zealand Herald during post-war election periods 2004 The US/UN Intervention in Somalia: The Strategic Lessons for Peace-Enforcement 1991 Well children? The Politics of Child Health under the Fourth Labour Government 2004 Conflict and Compromise - The evolution of United Future New Zealand’s Economic and Social policy 2006 Public Participation in New Zealand’s Foreign Policy Decision-making Process Whitton Wicken Wigodsky Wilkinson Williams Williams Rebecca A. B. Joseph A. Penelope D. Jourden L. MA BA (Hons) MA MIntSt BA (Hons) MIntSt 2007 2003 2009 2003 1990 2012 Williams Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Sarah R. Anthony G. Andrew M. C. Paul J. M. C. Heather BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) MA BA (Hons) BA (Hons) MIntSt 2009 1984 1991 1993 2000 1992 2004 Wolfenden Wolfsbauer Tom Mark MIntSt 2010 BA (Hons) 2003 Wolfsbauer Woodbury M. Antonie P. MA 2005 BA (Hons) 1981 Woodley Yates K. L. E. BA (Hons) 1977 BA (Hons) 2004 Young Young Young Zaki Zaki Zeihan Zopf Zvulun D. Glennis J. J. Aminath Z.S. Zenysha Shaheed P. Christina Jacky Y. BA (Hons) BA (Hons) BA (Hons) MIntSt BA (Hons) PGD MIntSt PhD 2003 1993 2004 2008 2006 1996 2007 2009 Responsible Humanitarianism: The Protection of Internally Displaced Persons New Zealand Political Party Leadership Changes Sport, Social Capital and Political Participation Iran's reformists: Why, who and where to? Local Government Reform and Dunedin Conditionality and the operation of the African Growth and Opportunity Act under the Bush Administration We will rock you: the role of music in building and sustaining a political movement The question of parallelism of opinion revisited The New Zealand Council of Trade Unions Formation, Role and Structure The New Zealand Health Service. Area Health Boards — An Interesting Interlude Between Apollo and Artemis: Nietzsche’s Reunion of the Arts in the Birth of Tragedy A Survey of New Zealand Defence Reviews Assertions of an imagined community: identity and representation in stateless nations Tonga and the WTO: accession and concessions Increasing United Nations and Nongovernmental Organisation Cooperation in PostConflict Peace-Building Operations: A Proposal National Security and Democracy in New Zealand: The Case of Ahmed Zaoui Social Credit and the Rangitikei by-election, 1978: an investigation of the role of ‘party organization’ Conflict and compromise; labour in Otago 1913-1916 To what extent did religion figure in George W Bush’s justifications for going to war with Iraq? Japan’s International Relations as ‘normal’: Japan and North Korea Collective Security: The Right Might? Political Rhetoric: Bush, Blair and Persuasion in Speech Rising about gender inequalities: female political leaders of South Asia Factors influencing democratization: a case study of the Maldives Korean Unification Nation-building in the post-Cold War Era: the American experience in Haiti and Iraq New Zealand Local Elections and Voter Turnout
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