L Capital City Methodist

Capital City Methodist
October 9th, 2014
In this issue:
• From the Hilltop
• Gifts to Benefit the
• Worship Arts
• United Methodist
• Upcoming Events
• Sympathy & Invitations
• Franklin County Humane
• Pancake Day
• Great Commission
From the Hilltop
et me begin by sharing my deepest
heart-felt appreciation for all of
your expressions of sympathy and
love in the recent death of my dad, Richard
Hill. My life has been richly blessed with
Christ centered parents. Dad's faithfulness
provided a great opportunity for our family
to Glorify God as we celebrated his life.
As Christ continues to do Kingdom work
through us, I want to thank all of you for
supporting the Franklin County Emergency Food Pantry at our "Join Us At The
River" service on September 28th. Over
75 volunteers worked diligently so that
over 350 people could gather on a sunny
warm Sabbath for worship, celebrate baptism, and enjoy a wonderful meal on the
grounds. Children, youth and adults were
all vital to worship that day and I believe
God was pleased with the praise we offered. Let me express my deepest thanks
to David Goins, Tonya Kenner, Roy
Nance, the worship team, Chancel Choir,
GNN Band and all the volunteers.
We are now in the final
quarter of 2014 and I want
to take this moment to ask
you how you are doing on
your second 90-Day Tithe Adventure. The
adventure in faith is reaping all sorts of
blessings as I hear weekly stories about
God's blessing in the lives of individuals
and families in the church. The church always needs your support and so, let me
offer up this call for us all to be faithful
through our sacrificial giving as Christ was
faithful to give His all for us!
May God richly bless your life in the days
ahead as we together share in Glorifying
God by Connecting People to Jesus Christ
through Spiritual Nourishment and Dynamic Outreach!
dr Phil
“Join Us at the River” Draws over 350 for Wonderful Outdoor Service!
First United Methodist
Church of Frankfort
211 Washington Street
Frankfort, KY 40601
office hrs: 8:30-3:00 M-F
Thanks to John Heltzel for photos - for more photos, go to www.facebook.com/fumcfrankfort
Glorify God by
Connecting People with Jesus Christ
Current Gifts That Benefit Your Church
As is the case with many families, there are times each year when John
and Sharon focus their attention on gift giving. For years, they have created a gift list that includes family members, friends and loved ones. Last
year, John and Sharon made an addition to their list and began including
their church in their giving plan.
Sharon: Years ago, I inherited stock from my grandmother. We held
the stock for several years, but decided to sell a portion of it this year.
The stock had gone way up in value, and our CPA informed us that we
had a capital gain of nearly $120,000. We had always planned on making
a gift to our church and the CPA reminded us that if we were to make a
gift of this stock before the end of the calendar year, we would receive a
charitable deduction on the gifted shares. This deduction will help offset
the capital gains tax on the stock we sold.
John: We contacted the United Methodist Foundation’s, David Bowles
[(888) 841-7935] to discuss the best way to make a gift. David noted
some of the most common gifts – a gift by check or by transfer of bonds
or real estate, to name a few. However, he also mentioned that it might
be especially beneficial for us to think about giving some of our remaining
appreciated stock.
Sharon: We were still holding $80,000 in the same highly appreciated
stock and did not intend to sell, primarily because of the substantial capital
gains tax we already faced. To sell any more would only increase our tax.
Youth Media Arts meets on Sundays at
3:30 p.m. beginning Sunday, October 12.
This is for all youth who are instrumentalists,
singers, videographers, media techies, etc.
We are preparinging for our Christmas program
which is on Dec 5 - 7.
THANK YOU - to all of those who assisted in the
Outdoor Worship service. It was a huge success. Couldn't have done it without the help of
the Worship Committee and a ton of volunteers!
David recommended that we consider an end-of-year gift that would
help lower our taxes. He called this a Gift and Sale plan. It meant that
part of our stock would be sold and the proceeds would come to us, and
part would be gifted to our church.
John: That is what we decided to do. By giving the $80,000 in stock,
we received two benefits. First, we avoided a large capital gains tax on
that stock. And then, we received a charitable deduction. The deduction
even offset the capital gains for our prior stock sale of $120,000. We are
very pleased with the double benefits of our gift. And, we’re delighted
that we’ve been able to make a nice contribution to our church.
Note: The names above are representative of typical donors and may
or may not be actual donors to our church. However, you may find yourself
in a current similar situation and want to make a contribution to your
church. For more information on how you might include your church in
your estate plan, contact Dr. Phil, your attorney, your financial advisor,
one of the Permanent Endowment and Planned Giving Committee members, or David Bowles at the Kentucky United Methodist Foundation.
Please mark your fall calendar with the following dates:
• Saturday, October 25th – Annual Kentucky Conference Mission Celebration; Flatwoods UMC at
9:00 AM; Pre-registration is required by October
10th or as soon as possible; forms are in the UMW
box in the office
• Saturday, November 8th – Harvest Breakfast,
9:00 AM in Asbury Hall; Variety Circle will be the
Hostesses; World Thank Offering will be collected
Check us out on Facebook at
through Spiritual Nourishment
and Dynamic Outreach
Upcoming Events!
Dining for Women (and Men, too!)
Our quarterly program for Dining for Women is Tuesday, October 14 at 6:30 in Asbury Hall. Drinks are provided but you bring a dish to share. Donations are taken
for the Bumi Sehet, of Indonesia, which provides quality healthcare and child birth to families. Come enjoy
the meal, fellowship and learning. Women, men and
youth are invited!
We express our deepest sympathy to Dr. Phil Hill and
his family in the passing of his father, Richard, on
September 25th.
Condolences may be sent to Phil Hill, 1106 Running
Brook, Lawrenceburg 40342
FISH for Pumpkins
Our First In Serving Him fourth and fifth graders are
so thankful for the congregational support of the "No
More Malaria" campaign in September with over
$1,000 raised for nets and education in Africa to combat
malaria. Our October project is to support the school
back pack program here in Frankfort which sends backpacks full of non-perishable foods with needy children
and youth on the weekends. Please bring items on Sunday, October 26 to the welcome desk of the Wesley
After the 11:00 worship, the FISH group and their
families are invited to walk to Subway for lunch before
heading to Happy Jack's Pumpkin Farm for a hayride,
pumpkins and fun. The cost is $6 per child.
Mark Your Calendar!
• Saturday, October 18 - Frankfort District Leadership
Academy for Church Excellence (LACE) at Springfield
UMC, 9:00 - 3:00. Key note by Rev. Dr. Jean Hawxhurst, "Who Are We?" followed by workshops on Service (Jean Ann Martin) and Stewardship (Robin Quinn).
Contact Tonya Kenner if you are interested. Cost is $10
for the day and love offering for the lunch.
• Saturday, October 25 - Great Commission Saturday
in Asbury Hall, 9:00 - 3:00 with workshops related to
doing the Great Commission and being in mission here
and abroad. Cost is $6 (brochure attached). Register
with Tonya Kenner.
• Saturday, November 15 - Frankfort District LACE in
Asbury Hall, 9:00-3:00 with key note by Bishop Lindsey Davis and workshops for Finance, Trustees, Lay
Leaders, Staff/Parish Relations, Church Administration,
Making an Impact on the Community, New Church Development and more. Cost is $10 plus lunch donation.
Register with Tonya Kenner.
Please join us for a Honeymoon Shower
in honor of Sabrina Metcalf & Grant James
Saturday, October 18 from 2-4 pm
Todd House • 320 Wapping Street • Frankfort
Registered at
www.carnival.honeymoonwishes.com & Kohls
Hosted by friends at First United Methodist Church
RSVP Abbie at 502.696.4244 or
Humane Society Donations Needed – If you would like
to donate you can leave the donations at the Light
House or with Tim Simpson. Here’s a list of items they
are regularly in need of: laundry detergent, cat food
(Purina preferred), dog food (Pedigree preferred), nonscoopable cat litter, canned cat food, canned dog food,
kitten food, newspapers with glossy ads removed,
Bleach and puppy food.
Living Longer, Loving It in October
Our next gathering is Thursday, October 16 in Asbury
Hall at 11:30. Following lunch, our program is "Consumer Frauds and Ripoffs" with Lori Farris of the state
Attorney General's office. Come enjoy eating and
learning together!
Our November 14 program will be a trip to Louisville
to Shiloh United Methodist Church to enjoy lunch and
a program by Dr. Jane Thibault, a geriatric specialist
and author. Watch for details.
First United Methodist
Church of Frankfort
211 Washington Street
Frankfort, KY 40601
Dr. Phil Hill
- Pastor
James Shepherd
- Pastor in Residence
Tonya Kenner
- Christian Education Minister
David W. Goins
- Director of Music & Worship
Laura Leigh Goins
- Wesley Center Day School Director
Regina Hellard
- Administrative Assistant
Roy Nance
- Organist
Meredith Goins & Raye Hurley
- Children’s Choir Coordinators
Greg & Melissa Hardison
- Youth Directors
Doug Eades
- Communications Specialist
Pancake Day
Saturday, November 1, 2014 • 8:00 – 11:00 AM
First United Methodist Church
Wesley Center, Asbury Hall
211 Washington Street • Frankfort, Kentucky
Adults $3.50 in advance, $4 at door • Children (12 & under) $2.00
Sponsored by the United Methodist Men
Net proceeds to be donated to charitable causes
Great Commission Saturday
October 25, 2014
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Frankfort First United Methodist
Hospice of the Bluegrass
FUMC Women’s Jail Ministry
Cinderella’s Closet
Missionary Air Group
The Hands of Christ
Water With Blessings
The Kings Center
Jail Ministry for Men
Access Soup Kitchen and Men’s Shelter
Emergency Community Food Pantry Franklin Co
...and many more to be added!
October 25, 2014
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
8:00 - 9:00 am ..... Registration/Refreshment
I have enclosed my $6 registration fee
which includes lunch.
I have dietary restrictions.
I need childcare.
Age of child(ren) ___________________
Please send registration to:
Tonya Kenner
Frankfort First United Methodist Church
211 Washington Street
Frankfort, KY 40601
8:00 am - 4:00 pm ................. Mission Exhibits
9:00 - 9:45 am................... Opening Welcome
10:00 am - 3:00 pm..................... VIM Training
10:00 - 11:15 am ........................... Workshop I
(Choose from Human Trafficking; Connecting Neighbors; Involving Your Church in
Missions; Safe Sanctuaries Training; or The
Great Commission)
11:20 am - 12:10 pm .............................. Lunch
12:15 - 1:30 pm ............................ Workshop II
(Choose from Human Trafficking; Doing
Missions God’s Way; Disaster Response;
Children and Youth in Mission; or The Great
Where is God asking
you to go?
1:45 - 3:00 pm.............................. Workshop III
(Choose from Doing Missions God’s Way
Part II; Serving Communities in Recovery;
Making an IMPACT; or Involving Your
Church in Missions)
First United Methodist Church
211 Washington Street, Frankfort, KY 40601
Connecting Neighbors Organizing the Local Church for Disaster Ministries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David Pratt,
Frankfort District Disaster Response Coordinator
All disasters are local, the visible presence of the local church is essential in any type of
disaster. Disaster response is and effective ministry through which we become instruments
of God’s healing and hope. By becoming the hands and feet of Christ, we share in a commitment to the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of people in a time of crisis. The
Connecting Neighbors Program is a seven step method for helping a local congregation
establish and maintain a disaster response ministry within their area of influence.
Disaster Response Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jim Morse, Kentucky Annual
Conference Disaster Response Coordinator
Responding to disasters that impact your local community, District, or the Conference is
not a spur of the moment, by-the-seat-of-your-pants reaction. While outstanding ministry
can be done in this fashion, much more effective ministry can be done with pre-planning
and training. This workshop is a discussion of what would be needed to develop a District
Disaster Ministry Team, the various elements needed, and how there would be opportunities for all churches in the District to participate in a meaningful manner.
Serving Others by Extending Our Reach Meeting the Needs of Communities in Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . General John Heltzel,
Frankfort First UMC
What can we do when helps seems hard to find? How can we coordinate those who wish to
serve with those whose need is great? Is there a service we can provide to extend the reach
of our faith-based volunteers across the Commonwealth? In this short session we will take
a look at the recent history of disasters in Kentucky and explore the kind of help that the
Church can best provide. We will conclude by exploring how our Church and our District
can organize to provide Mission support to ensure that the help that is needed is provided
- when and where - in a manner that truly makes a difference.
Great Commission and Making Disciples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. John Paul Broderson,
Frankfort First UMC
If the Great Commission is so ‘GREAT’, why aren’t we all involved? Maybe we don’t
know how or what the meaning of the is, or maybe we don’t know where or whom or when
we should put this Commandment in practice. This workshop will be an interactive study
group to answer some of these questions. Come and see!
Involving Your Church in Missions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. John Kalz, Buechel UMC
This workshop explores ways to engage local congregations in the wider, global mission
of The United Methodist Church. It provides pastors, lay leaders, mission committees, and
other interested lay people with the information, tools, and ideas they need to help their
congregations become more interested and involved in God’s mission in the world. Special
attention will be given to different ways to build mission partnerships for local churches.
Making An IMPACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clyde Tharp, Shelbyville Centenary UMC
In Matthew 25:31-46, Christ is rather direct in His description of what will happen when
we face the Son of Man as a judge. The list outlined is not inclusive but it surely provides a
great starting point for those understanding we are to IMPACT our surroundings and fellow
travelers on this journey. This session will involve both spiritual and practical examples of
how to plan and execute a successful event.
Doing Missions God’s Way:
The Perspective of Steve Saint . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Roger Strunk, Frankfort First UMC
These sessions will use videos of Steve Saint speaking and excerpts from his book, The
Great Omission, to discuss what the real goal of missions is, avoiding dependency and how
to convert those we serve to Christians, not North Americans.
Involving Children and Youth in Mission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. Tonya Kenner,
Frankfort District Resource Associate/Minister of Christian Education
Children and Youth are not the church of tomorrow, they are the church of today! Often
they lead the way in showing us how to love others. This workshop will brainstorm ideas
of how to get ALL God’s children involved in meaningful mission.
Safe Sanctuaries Training for Leaders of Children . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. Tonya Kenner
Jesus called us to have love and protection for the “least of these”. Our United Methodist
denomination has showed evidence of this through Safe Sanctuaries mandate for churches
to protect children, youth and vulnerable adults by requiring training and background
checks for all staff and volunteers. This workshop will give an overview of what is needed
in these policies for churches and for mission trips.
Mission Work in Response to Human Trafficking . . . . Laura MacFarland, Kentucky
Annual Conference Mission Committee
This workshop will focus on the current epidemic of human trafficking, what human trafficking is, and what Christians and churches can do in response to the crisis to help. Workshop leader, Laura MacFarland, has been involved in Christian mission work specifically
targeted to those effected by human trafficking.
Team Leader Training
United Methodist Volunteers in Mission
Team Leader Training .................................. Rev. Loletuth Kalz, Christ Church UMC
UMVIM Team Leader Training equips and empowers persons to serve as team leaders
for short-term mission trips. The training covers the logistics and spiritual components of
planning and executing a successful mission trip. Our United Methodist Mission sites tell
us they can tell a real, positive difference about teams led by UMVIM-trained leaders. All
United Methodist churches sponsoring mission teams are encouraged to have their leaders
complete this training. Registration for the VIM Short Term Mission Team Leader training should be done through the Conference office at www.kyumc.org/events/detail/2464.
Registration is $30 and includes UMVIM guidebook and lunch.