Student Activities Office LA HABRA HIGH SCHOOL Request for Guest Pass CLASS of 2015 requests the honor of your presence at the 2014 Homecoming Dance To Saturday, October 25, 2014 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. “Alice in WonderlAnd” Down the rabbit hole Stirling Gymnasium LHHS Student Name:___________________________________________ I.D.#________________ Parent Contact Phone #: _______________________________________ Grade ______________ Guest’s Name:___________________________________________________ Age:________________ Guest’s Parent Contact Phone#_________________________________ Grade______________ Guest’s School of Attendance_____________________________________________________________ Administrator Name From Guest’s School ________________________________ ________________________________ (please print) (signature) School Phone #______________________________________ City___________________________ pleAse AttAch A photocopy of guest’s school or legAl i.d. The LHHS student named above is responsible for informing his/her guest of LHHS policies (dance conduct) and expectations. Disciplinary incidents involving student or guest may result in denial for above named student an opportunity to attend future LHHS events. Misconduct by the student and/or guest may result in removal of both from Homecoming Dance. Absolutely NO refunds will be made . Student Signature_________________________________________________ Guest Signature___________________________________________________ The parent(s)/guardian(s) of the LHHS student acknowledge(s) that their son/daughter wishes to attend LHHS Homecoming Dance with the non-LHHS guest named above and hereby grants such permission. Parent/Guardian _________________________________________________ Signature (of LHHS Student) APPROVED DENIED LHHS Administrator_______________________________ All LHHS students must show current I.D. to enter a school event. A photocopy of guest’s school photo I.D. or other appropriate legal photo i.d. must be attached to the request for guest pass and must be shown when entering school event.* ***********************************please note************************************ ALL GUEST PASS REQUESTS DUE to Mrs. Rubio in Room 11 by Friday, 10-24-2014 Guest pass must be approved prior to Homecoming Dance ticket purchase LA HABRA HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT DANCE CONDUCT La Habra High School students are reminded that they are under the direct supervision and responsibility of the La Habra High School staff while attending dances and other after school activities. Inappropriate or suggestive dancing is not permitted. Students and guests who fail to abide by La Habra High School behavioral standards will be asked to leave the event immediately and parents will be notified. All disciplinary consequences will apply. NO EXCEPTION TO DANCE POLICY. La Habra High School Administrative Team Photocopy of guest’s I.D. must accompany Guest Pass Request Guest Pass Request must be approved prior to dance ticket purchase. All students must show current La Habra High School I.D. to enter school event. Guests must show current school or other appropriate photo I.D., (i.e. driver’s license) to enter school event. Age limit applies to all requests: Maximum age limit 20 years old Absolutely NO ONE will be admitted to the dance after 9:00 p.m. NO REFUNDS will be given if student(s) are requested to leave the event.
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