BUY • SELL • RENT • TRADE • HIRE • BUY • SELL • RENT • TRADE • HIRE •BUY • SELL • RENT • CROSBY-IRONTON COURIER Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014 5B Want Ads CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES–Courier Classified Ads: 25¢ per word, $5.00 minimum; bold face, $1.25 extra; keyed or blind ads, as above plus $2.50 handling charge. Cards of Thanks and Memoriams: No phone orders, please. $6.00 minimum. Happy Birthday Pictures: $17.50 (payable in advance). 50¢ Service Charge for Billed Ads Classified Display Rates on Request REGULAR CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: Noon on Mondays (Fridays in case of Monday holiday) –Classified Display Deadline Noon on Fridays– Call (218) 546-5029 for more information Storage NORTHERN MINI-STORAGE, Ironton and Deerwood locations. 5’x10’ through 10’x30’ units. Low monthly and yearly rates. 218-534-4848 or 218-851-7332. 23tf Employment Please do not call on classified ads before 8 a.m. Wednesdays. Thank you for your consideration. $ For Sale For Rent FOR SALE—BLACK DIRT. Class 5, fill, excavating, bobcat, demoliton. Free estimates. Stan 218-838-5218 16tf FOR SALE—Paper by the ream. White, pastel and bright colors.Three sizes to choose from: 8 1/2 x 11, 8 1/2 x 14, 11 x 17. C-I Courier, 12 E. Main Street,Crosby. 16tf FOR RENT—2BR house with 1 car garage in great Crosby location. $475/month plus utitlities. 775-2334674. 41tf FOR RENT—Nice clean 2BR house in Crosby. Good location, single car garage. $575/month plus utitlities. Washer and dryer included. 218-5343740. 41-42 FOR RENT—3BR, 1BA 2 car garage in Crosby. $650/month plus utilities. No pets, no smoking. 218-838-3041 41tf FOR RENT—Nice 2BR, 1BA home. All appliances included. Garage, central air, basement. $650/month. 952-9133164 39-40* FOR RENT— 4BR, 3BA home on Rabbit Lake with attached 3 car garage. No pets or smokers. $1,150/month plus utilities. Call Vern 218-838-3041. 33tf FOR RENT—Oakwood Apartments. Upper level 2BR with deck. $600/month No pets. No smoking. 218-839-2212 30tf FOR RENT—Crosby 2BR, 2BA apartment. $650/month, plus electric. E.H.O. Pets welcome. 218-546-8400. Available immediately. 30tf FOR RENT—2BR apartments in Crosby available immediately. $575, $550. 218-845-2564 20tf FOR RENT—2BR in Ironton, $600/month. All utilities paid. 2BR in Cuyuna, $575, plus electricity. Security deposit and background check required. 218-232-4637. 29tf FOR RENT—Modern office in Deerwood, 750 sf. Utilities included. $595/month. Next to Sandelands Realty. 218-838-3900. 27tf FOR RENT—2BR MH starting at $350. Call for showings or questions. 877-712-7466 x 54 or 763-5884340. 40-42 FOR RENT—One and two bedroom Woodland and Indian Carry Apts. Must meet USDA eligibility requirements. This institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. Call 218-5342912. 35tf $ Real Estate VIEW ALL local homes and land at 17tf IRONTON 4BR home on triple lot, fenced yard, garden and attached garage. Nice property for $79,900. 41 Rummage Sales NOTICE—Rummage, moving and garage sale ad to run in the Courier must be brought to the Courier office and paid for at the time the ad is placed. Deadline is noon on Monday. HEATED GARAGE SALE— Wednesday through Sunday, 11-7 or until gone. Lots of name brand clothes infant to adult, toys, baby swing, bouncer, exercauser, tools & equipment for the guys! We have it all! 223 5th ST. NE, Crosby. 41* HUGE GARAGE SALE, Friday through Sunday, 9-3. 507 5th ST. NE, Crosby. Lots of misc. items. Infants, kids, adult, books, movies. Clothing all sizes. Antiques, tools. 41* FOR RENT Newly remodeled 2BR apartment downtown Crosby. (downstairs). Washer/dryer, all utilities paid. $625/month plus deposit. 218-820-9170 DRIVERS: Short/Long Haul 5-7 days; CDL; FT/PT; Training Avail. Home Weekends, Sign-on! Weekly Pay! Safety Bonus, Benefits, 99% NoTouch. 800-777-1753x204 40-41* PLAYGROUND STAFF NEEDEDCrosby-Ironton School is in need of 2.25 hour (11:10 a.m. to 1:25 p.m. daily) playground staff to supervise elementary children. Persons interested should sign up in the business office (across from the Dairy Queen). 40-42 $250 HIRING BONUS & Our Starting wages have just gone up! Full time Group Home Supervisor— Supervise a group home for 4 residents with developmental disabilities in Aitkin. Oversee all aspects of staff and household management. Must have experience in providing direct care. Forty hours per week with benefits, schedule includes every other weekend. Valid Minnesota driver’s license, clean driving record and clear DHS background check required. Please call (866) 3213245 or apply online at EOE 41 WANTED-Snow plow driver. CDL license required. Call Brad at Holmvig Excavating. 218-820-2447 39-42 PINEHAVEN YOUTH & FAMILY Services, Inc. Resident Instructors. Several part-time flexible positions. Direct client work with adolescent males in corporate foster care setting. Must be at least 21 years of age with a valid driver’s license. Must pass a background check. Send resumes to: 38-41 LONESOME PINE In Deerwood is now hiring weekend host. Apply within or applications can be found online at 651-2611873 31tf xxx Wanted WANTED TO BUY-Standing timber. Basswood, Oak, Birch, Pine, Aspen. Emily, Crosby, Outing areas. Brammann Timber 218-232-4328 or 218-839-3572 37tf I BUY OLD Snowmobiles, parts, clothes, memorabilia. What have you got? Don Peterson 534-3382. 24-43* BUYING OLD black & white photographs, postcards, advertising signs, calendars, antiques, old badges & spearing decoys. And other interesting items. Cash paid. 218-838-1323. 4tf Did you notice this spot right away? Why not advertise here? Call 546-5029 xConstruction Business Services TOM’S TOTAL TREE Service. Trimming, removal, stump grinding, 60 foot boom truck. Insured. Free Estimates. 218-820-1521. 21tf THINKING ABOUT getting married? The Crosby-Ironton Courier has wedding invitations and accessories in many different volumes. Stop in and take a look. Don’t have time...sign out the albums overnight. (One year subscription with wedding invitation order). 45tf A-1 ROOFING Specializing in all Types of Roofs Aitkin • MN 218/678-2493 • 218/678-2089 xxx Painting & Drywall Tom’s Total Tree Service FREE ESTIMATES • INSURED Trimming • Removal • Firewood Stump Grinding • Brush Clearing AMERICAN PAINTING, LLC Tom Hallin INTERIOR • EXTERIOR (218) 820-1521 FREE ESTIMATES • INSURED SHANE BROWN/OWNER 866-336-0706 • 218-546-8342 Quality and Machinists—Shift Leads, Operators and Set-up Magnum Machining located in Deerwood, MN is expanding and seeking motivated individuals to join our team. Minimum qualifications for these openings include 1 year of technical school or equivalent experience. Wages range up to $25.00 depending on qualifications and experience. We offer excellent benefits including: Double-time for voluntary Saturdays, health insurance, vacation pay, holiday pay, bonus programs, and 401k with a 75% match. For more information and a short video; check out our website at If interested please apply online or mail/in person applications to: Magnum Machining, Inc. 20959 State Hwy 6 Deerwood, MN 56444 Located 10 miles N of Crosby on Hwy 6 xxx HOURS: M-F 7 a.m.- 5 p.m. Sat. til Noon Plumbing, Electrical & Heating DIAGNOSTICS • OIL CHANGES TRAILERS • DIESEL REPAIR WELDING • SMALL ENGINES MARINE 4-wheel drive performance tires and truck lifts (218) 838-2079 Jim Goshey Cell: (218) 838-7639 Licensed • Bonded • Insured 24-HOUR SERVICE TOM’S HANDYMAN SERVICE Mobile 218-820-3822 CUSTOM (Please Leave Message) Crosby-Ironton Transportation, Inc.… “Safe Student Transportation” We are accepting applications. Applicants must have a high school diploma or GED. Applicants must pass a criminal background check, pre-employment drug screen, DOT physical, a CDL/school bus/passenger written exam, and a behind the wheel exam. Training will be provided. Please contact us at 218-546-6156 or e-mail us at to request an application. AUCTIONS HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 450+ GUNS @ Auction Sat. Oct 18th. Prairie du Chien, WI – Fine Winchester, Colt, Ruger, Browning, Black powder, Military & More! 608/326-8108 CENEX OF WARROAD MN is seeking a qualified General Manager. This is a financially Strong supply cooperative with projected sales of $15 Million. Background in finance, communication, and personnel management is desired. Business degree and or business management experience preferred. Send, email, or fax (888/653-5527) resume to: Larry Fuller, 5213 Shoal Drive, Bismarck ND 58503, ARE YOU IN big trouble with the IRS? Stop wage & bank levies, liens & audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, & resolve tax debt fast. Seen on CNN. A BBB. Call 800/402-0732 HELP WANTED - DRIVERS DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED! Become a driver for Stevens Transport! No experience needed! New drivers earn $800+ per week. Paid CDL training! Stevens covers all costs! 888/589-9677 LINSMEIER TRUCKING A MN based company is now hiring Company Drivers & Owner/Operators to pull hopper bottom in the upper Midwest. Home weekends. Call 320/382-6644 $1,000 SIGN ON BONUS Midnite Express wants experienced OTR Drivers with Class A CDL. Earn up to $.42 per mile. Full Benefits. Newer Equipment. Call 800/726-8639. Apply online MISCELLANEOUS SAWMILLS from only $4397.00 Make & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info/DVD: 800/578-1363 Ext.300N REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL! Get a whole-home Satellite system installed at no cost and programming starting at $19.99/mo. Free HD/DVR Upgrades, so call now 877/342-0356 DONATE YOUR CAR truck or boat to Heritage For The Blind. Free 3 day vacation, tax deductible, free towing, all paperwork taken care of 800/439-1735 DISH TV RETAILER Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available.) Save! Ask About same day Installation! Call now! 800/297-8706 CANADA DRUG CENTER is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75% on all your medication needs. Call today 800/259-1096 for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. Advertise here statewide in 260+ newspapers for only $279 per week! Call 800-279-2979 Roofing • Decks • Sheds Additions • Clean-ups • Etc. References Available New Construction Remodel • Residential Commercial AFFORDABLE PLANS—SAVE! Bankruptcy debt relief $956* Divorce/Custody $570* Criminal/DUI starts $330* 612-326-3300 or 218-828-4483 (*court fees additional) Lost & Found LOST—Chrome letter “R”. Call 218839-2324. 41-42* Advertise Here! Call (218) 546-5029 or e-mail POINT YOU IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION To Buy or Sell Real Estate Call Ron! MAY CUSTOM REALTY P.O. Box 117 • Deerwood, MN 56444 (218) 534-3007 • (218) 820-3350 Email: Ron May, Broker NEW AGENT IN TOWN Free Market Analysis For all your Real Estate needs call Gary DeBoer - 35 Years Experience- Wright Sherburne Realty, Inc. 612-281-4425 CUSTOM
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