arXiv:1410.2566v1 [hep-ex] 9 Oct 2014 Latest Results of the OSQAR Photon Regeneration Experiment for Axion-Like Particle Search Rafik Ballou1,2 , Guy Deferne3 , Lionel Duvillaret4 , Michael Finger, Jr.5 , Miroslav Finger5 , Lucie Flekova5 , Jan Hosek6 , Tomas Husek5 , Vladimir Jary6 , Remy Jost7,8 , Miroslav Kral6 , Stepan Kunc9 , Karolina Macuchova6 , Krzysztof A. Meissner10 , J´erˆome Morville11,12 , Pierre Pugnat13,14 , Daniele Romanini7,8 , Matthias Schott15 , Andrzej Siemko3 , Miloslav Slunecka5 , Miroslav Sulc9 , Guy Vitrant4 , Christoph Weinsheimer15 , Josef Zicha6 1 CNRS, Institut N´eel, F-38042 Grenoble, France Universit´e Grenoble Alpes, Institut N´eel, F-38042 Grenoble, France 3 CERN, CH-1211 Geneva-23, Switzerland 4 Grenoble INP - Minatec & CNRS, IMEP-LAHC, F-38016 Grenoble, France 5 Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Prague, Czech Republic 6 Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic 7 Universit´e Grenoble Alpes, LIPhy, F-38000 Grenoble, France 8 CNRS, LIPhy, F-38000 Grenoble, France 9 Technical University of Liberec, 46117 Liberec, Czech Republic 10 University of Warsaw, Institute of Theoretical Physics, 00-681 Warsaw, Poland 11 Universit´e Claude Bernard Lyon-1, Institut Lumi`ere Mati`ere, F-69622 Villeurbanne, France 12 CNRS, Institut Lumi`ere Mati`ere, F-69622 Villeurbanne, France 13 CNRS, LNCMI, F-38042 Grenoble, France 14 Universit´e Grenoble Alpes, LNCMI, F-38042 Grenoble, France 15 University of Mainz, Institute of Physics, 55128 Mainz, Germany 2 DOI: will be assigned The OSQAR photon regeneration experiment searches for pseudoscalar and scalar axionlike particles by the method of “Light Shining Through a Wall”, based on the assumption that these weakly interacting sub-eV particles couple to two photons to give rise to quantum oscillations with optical photons in strong magnetic field. No excess of events has been observed, which constrains the di-photon coupling strength of both pseudoscalar and scalar particles down to 5.7 · 10−8 GeV−1 in the massless limit. This result is the most stringent constraint on the di-photon coupling strength ever achieved in laboratory experiments. 1 Introduction Embedding the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics into more general unified theories often results in postulating new elementary particles in unexplored parameter space. A number of weakly interacting sub-eV particles (WISPs) are thus predicted besides the weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). The most prominent example of WISPs is the axion [1], first anticipated from the breaking at the quantum level of an additional U (1)P Q global symmetry Patras 2014 1 arXiv:1410.2377v1 [astro-ph.IM] 9 Oct 2014 PoGOLino: a scintillator-based balloon-borne neutron detector Merlin Kolea,b,∗, Maxime Chauvina,b , Yasushi Fukazawac , Kentaro Fukudad , Sumito Ishizud , Miranda Jacksona,b , Tune Kamaee , Noriaki Kawaguchid , Takafumi Kawanoc , M´ozsi Kissa,b , Elena Morettia,b , Mark Pearcea,b , Stefan Rydstr¨oma,b , Hiromitsu Takahashic , Takayuki Yanagidaf a KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Physics, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden The Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics, AlbaNova University Centre, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden c Department of Physical Science, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima 739-8526, Japan d Tokuyama Corporation, Shunan, Yamaguchi, Japan e University of Tokyo, Deptartment of Physics, 113-0033 Tokyo, Japan f Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan b Abstract PoGOLino is a balloon-borne scintillator-based experiment developed to study the largely unexplored high altitude neutron environment at high geomagnetic latitudes. The instrument comprises two detectors that make use of LiCAF, a novel neutron sensitive scintillator, sandwiched by BGO crystals for background reduction. The experiment was launched on March 20th 2013 from the Esrange Space Centre, Northern Sweden (geomagnetic latitude of 65◦ ), for a three hour flight during which the instrument took data up to an altitude of 30.9 km. The detector design and ground calibration results are presented together with the measurement results from the balloon flight. Keywords: Neutron detection, Balloon-borne, Astroparticle physics, Phoswich scintillator, LiCAF ∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +46 85 537 8186 ; fax: +46 85 537 8216. E-mail address: Preprint submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A October 10, 2014 Gravitational Wave Detection with High Frequency Phonon Trapping Acoustic Cavities Maxim Goryachev1 and Michael E. Tobar1, ∗ arXiv:1410.2334v1 [gr-qc] 9 Oct 2014 1 ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems, School of Physics, University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009, Australia (Dated: October 10, 2014) There are a number of theoretical predictions for astrophysical and cosmological objects, which emit high frequency (106 −109 Hz) Gravitation Waves (GW) or contribute somehow to the stochastic high frequency GW background. Here we propose a new sensitive detector in this frequency band, which is based on existing cryogenic ultra-high quality factor quartz Bulk Acoustic Wave cavity technology, coupled to near-quantum-limited SQUID amplifiers at 20 mK. We show that spectral √ strain sensitivities reaching 10−22 per Hz per mode is possible, which in principle can cover the frequency range with multiple (> 100) modes with quality factors varying between 106 − 1010 allowing wide bandwidth detection. Due to its compactness and well established manufacturing process, the system is easily scalable into arrays and distributed networks that can also impact the overall sensitivity and introduce coincidence analysis to ensure no false detections. INTRODUCTION Gravitational radiation was first predicted by Einstein[1] as a consequence of his General Theory of Relativity. Gravitational waves (GW) are the propagation of a wave of space-time curvature, and are generated by perturbations in massive systems. The lowest multipole of this type of radiation is the quadrupole. Even though astrophysical events are expected to emit massive energy fluxes in the form of gravitational radiation, they are yet to be directly detected. This is because gravity waves interact very weakly with matter. However, for many decades experimentalists have been pushing the limits of technology. Currently the free-mass laser interferometer detectors have been improved to a point, where they are expected to directly detect gravitational waves in the 0.1 to 1 kHz frequency band through the development of advanced LIGO[2]. The first gravitational wave detectors were based on the ”Weber Bar”, and required the monitoring of a high-Q massive resonant system (resonant-mass detector). Such a system will change its state of vibration due to an incident gravitational wave of matched frequency and rely on ultra-sensitive transducers to readout the vibration. These transducers detect the displacement change of the system and convert it to an electronic signal. Since the first detector was built[3] technology improved rapidly over the years, with major projects in Italy, USA and Australia[4]. These detectors necessarily operated at low temperatures, and were successfully built at high sensitivity operating at 5 K down to 100 mK. The original transducers that Weber used were based on piezoelectricity, and later gap modulated displacement sensors were developed based on SQUID readouts[5] and low noise parametric systems[6]. These ∗ devices were optimised to detect millisecond bursts, typically produced by Supernovas with strain sensitivities of order h1ms > 10−18 (or signal strain Fourier component H > 10−21 strain/Hz), but have generally been superseded by the laser interferometer detectors[7–9]. In this work we aim to revive the resonant-mass detector for the first cosmic search of high frequency gravitational wave radiation based on piezoelectric quartz Bulk Acoustic Wave (BAW) resonators. Despite dominance of the low frequency GW detection, this technology opens the way to test for known and unknown high frequency sources[10, 11]. Indeed, many theoretical models predict the high frequency gravitational wave background over a broad range of frequencies up to 1010 Hz. Such experiments could be interesting from two points of view: first, the high frequency region has physically understood processes of generation of GWs, second, such experiments can be regarded as tests for many emerging theories predicting GW radiation at such frequencies. The former mostly includes phenomena associated with discrete sources such as thermal gravitational radiation from stars[11], radiation from low mass primordial black holes[12–14], gravitational modes of plasma flows[15], while the latter group is built up by cosmological sources including stochastic sources in the early universe[16], GW background from quintessential inflation[17, 18], cosmic strings[19, 20], dilation[21], pre-Big Bang scenarios[22], superinflation in loop quantum gravity[23], post inflationary phase transitions[24], parametric resonance at the end of inflation or preheating[25–27] and other predicted objects like brane-world black holes associated with extra dimensions[28, 29] or clouds of axions[30]. Sensitive tests now become possible due to recent work on quartz bulk acoustic wave (BAW) resonators, which have been cooled to below 20 mK with outstanding acoustic properties[31–34]. Also, they have proven to be compatible with SQUID amplifiers and offer quantum limited amplification at mK temperatures[35, 36]. The modes in these devices are naturally sensitive to Signal Formation in a Detector with one Large Dimension Manolis Dris arXiv:1410.2532v1 [physics.ins-det] 9 Oct 2014 National Technical University of Athens, Department of Physics, 9 Heroon Polytechniou Street, GR 157 80, Athens, Greece October 10, 2014 Abstract We present the theory for the signal formation in a multi conductor detector with cylindrical geometry and long length. There exists electromagnetic wave propagation along the large dimension of the detector. The system is equivalent to a multi conductor transmission line. The treatment is in the TEM approximation. Each conductor is fed by its current source which is the same as in the case of small size detectors. A simple example is given for a long length Monitored Drift Tube (MDT). One could apply the result to a long micromegas-type detector or any long microstrip detector, ignoring propagation that is transverse to the strips. Contents 1 Signal formation in a detector with cylindrical geometry and long length 1 2 Example: Long cylindrical detector of circular cross-section with a wire along its axis 20 3 Conclusions 21 1 Signal formation in a detector with cylindrical geometry and long length The problem of induced currents on conducting electrodes due to the motion of electrons in between the electrodes’ vacuum space, dates back to the 1930’s and 1940’s . At that time various types of vacuum tube devices were in use and such effects were important at high enough frequencies, when the electron time of flight between the electrodes was comparable to the period of the radiofrequencies involved (see the classic papers by W. Shockley [1] and by S. Ramo [2]). Following similar techniques, the problem of signal formation in particle detectors is analysed in several papers and books, [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. In all cases, small size detectors is ussumed, since electrostatics is used with no electromagnetic wave propagation. There are applications of the above techniques for the case of long length detectors where wave propagation exists along the detector length, as in [8]. As far as we know, no rigorous justification exists for doing so. In this work we give a rigorous proof of what happens for loong length detectors. The cylindrical geometry of the detector is shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. We will start by examining an ideal detector which consists of many parallel conductors without resistance. The criterion for a material to be a very good conductor, is the relaxation time τ = /σ (i.e. permittivity divided by conductivity) to be much smaller than the periods (T = 1/f ) of the waves involved. If the opposite is true, then the material behaves more like a dielectric. Between the two extremes one has dielectric materials with conductivity. First we assume the space between the conductors contains a homogeneous linear dielectric medium whose permittivity does not depend on frequency, i.e. = r 0 = constant. The medium could be a gas. The motion of a charge in the space between the ideal conductors, excites the system and as a result signals are formed and propagate to the ends of the conductors, where they are detected by the external circuits connected. We examine an ideal case without any dielectric ”losses”. This means there is no any conduction (transverse) current in the dielectric and there are no dielectric polarization losses. 1 arXiv:1410.2439v1 [physics.ins-det] 9 Oct 2014 Progress in Development of Silica Aerogel for Particle- and Nuclear-Physics Experiments at J-PARC Makoto Tabata∗ and Hideyuki Kawai Department of Physics, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan E-mail: This study presents the advancement in hydrophobic silica aerogel development for use as Cherenkov radiators and muonium production targets. These devices are scheduled for use in several particleand nuclear-physics experiments that are planned in the near future at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex. Our conventional method to produce aerogel tiles with an intermediate index of refraction of approximately 1.05 is extended so that we can now produce aerogel tiles with lower indices of refraction (i.e., 1.03–1.04) and higher indices of refraction (i.e., 1.075–1.08); each with excellent transparency. A new production method, called pin drying, was optimized to produce larger area aerogels consistently with an ultrahigh index of refraction (>1.10). In addition, for use as a thermal-muonium-emitting material at room temperature, dedicated low-density aerogels were fabricated using the conventional method. KEYWORDS: silica aerogel, refractive index, pin drying, Cherenkov radiator, muonium production target, J-PARC 1. Introduction Silica aerogel is a highly porous solid of silicon dioxide and is synthesized by the sol–gel method. In general, it is optically transparent; however, the transparency depends strongly on how it is produced. When we use aerogels as radiators in Cherenkov counters, the aerogel transparency is an important parameter for detector performance. An aerogel’s transparency is parameterized by the transmission length ΛT (λ) = −t/lnT (λ), where λ is the wavelength of the emitted light, t is the aerogel thickness, and T (λ) is the transmittance measured with a spectrophotometer [1]. Another characteristic of the aerogel is its index of refraction n, which is determined by the silica–air volume ratio and is tunable over a given range, as discussed below. The bulk density is also a useful aerogel parameter for certain applications; e.g., as a medium to capture hypervelocity comic dusts intactly. An empirical relationship exists between the index of refraction and the density ρ: n(λ) − 1 = k(λ)ρ, where k(λ) is a constant that depends on the wavelength of light and on the fine structure of the aerogel (i.e., its production method) [1]. In Japan, by the end of the 1990s, aerogels with a range of 1.01 to 1.03 were well studied and had long transmission lengths [2]. These aerogels were mass produced using the classic KEK method described in Refs. [3, 4] and were used in the aerogel Cherenkov counters [4, 5] of the Belle experiment [6] at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK). At that time, the classic method allowed us to produce aerogels with a maximum index of refraction of 1.10; however, for practical use, the transmission length had to be improved. In addition, it was impossible to produce aerogels with n > 1.14 with the sol–gel method [1]. For low indices of refraction, aerogels with n = 1.008 (density of 0.03 g/cm3 ) were used for capturing cosmic dust at low earth orbit in the MicroParticles Capturer (MPAC) experiment implemented by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency aboard the International Space Station (e.g., Ref. [7]). However, producing and handling aerogels High-performance controllable ambipolar infrared phototransistors based on graphene-quantum dot hybrid Ran Wang1, 2, Yating Zhang1, 2, *, Haiyang Wang1, 2, Xiaoxian Song1, 2, Lufan Jin1, 2, Haitao Dai3, Sen Wu1 ,and Jianquan Yao1, 2 1 Institute of Laser & Opto-Electronics, College of Precision Instruments and Opto-electronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China 2 Key Laboratory of Opto-electronics Information Technology (Tianjin University), Ministry of Education, Tianjin 300072, China 3 Tianjin Key Laboratory of Low Dimensional Materials Physics and Preparing Technology, School of Science, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China Corresponding author: The field effect transistors (FETs) exhibited ultrahigh responsivity (107 A/W) to infrared light with great improvement of mobility in graphene / PbS quantum dot (QD) hybrid. These reported transistors are either unipolar or depletion mode devices. In this paper, we presented and fabricated conveniently-controlled grapheme / PbS QD hybrid FETs. Through the investigation on electric and optoelectronic properties, the ambipolar FETs (normally OFF) can be switched ON by raising gate voltage (VG) up to 3.7 V and -0.8 V in the first and third quadrants. Near these thresholds (VT) each carrier species shows comparable mobility (~ 300 cm2V-1s-1). Photo-responsivity reach ~ 107 A/W near each threshold and it will linearly increases with (VG-VT). These hybrid FETs become strongly competitive candidates for devices in flexible integrated circuits with low cost, large area, low-energy consumption and high performances. Recently, a breakthrough of graphene-quantum dot hybrid field effect transistor (FET) in photo-responsivity has attracted much attention [1, 2]. Taking advantages of the extreme high mobility of graphene and strong light-absorbing properties of PbS quantum dots (QDs), hybrid metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) exhibit excellent performance in photo-responsivity and gain [1, 2]. The reported responsivities are as high as 107 AW-1, while the gain up to 108, which is at least seven order of magnitude larger than graphene FETs or QD FETs that had been reported before [3-10]. The sensitivity and spectral selectivity can be tuned by altering Sub to Chinese Physics C Vol. XX, No. X, Xxx, 201X A digital CDS technique and the performance testing * arXiv:1410.2402v1 [physics.ins-det] 9 Oct 2014 LIU Xiao-Yan1,2 WANG Yu-Sa2 LI Mao-Shun2 XU Yu-Peng2 WANG Juan2 HUO Jia2 ZHANG Zi-Liang2 Fu Yan-Hong2,3 2 LU Jing-Bin1 HU Wei2 LU Bo2 CUI Wei-Wei2 LI Wei2 HAN Da-Wei2 ZHANG Yi2 YIN Guo-He2 Zhang Ya2,3 YANG Yan-Ji1,2 Wang Yu2 MA Ke-Yan1 CHEN Tian-Xiang2 ZHU Yue2 Zhao Zhong-Yi2,3 CHEN Yong2;1) 1 College of Physics, Jilin University, No.2699, Qianjin Road, Changchun 130023, China Key Laboratory for Particle Astrophysics, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), 19B Yuquan Road, Beijing 100049, China 3 School of Physical Science and Technology, Yunnan University, Cuihu North Road 2, Kunming, 650091, China Abstract Readout noise is a critical parameter for characterizing the performance of charge-coupled devices (CCDs), which can be greatly reduced by the correlated double sampling (CDS) circuit. However, conventional CDS circuit inevitably introduces new noises since it consists of several active analog components such as operational amplifiers. This paper proposes a digital CDS circuit technique, which transforms the pre-amplified CCD signal into a train of digital presentations by a high-speed data acquisition card directly without the noisy CDS circuit first, then implement the digital CDS algorithm through numerical method. The readout noise of 3.3 e− and the energy resolution of 121 eV@5.9keV can be achieved via the digital CDS technique. Key words charge-coupled devices, readout noise, correlated double sampling PACS 29.30.Kv, 29.40.Wk, 29.85.-c 1 Introduction Owing to its advantages on smaller size, lower power dissipation, wider response spectrum range, lower noise and higher resolution, Charge-coupled devices (CCDs) have been widely applied in industrial inspection, night vision, visible imaging, soft X-ray astronomical observations and so on. As a critical parameter that has to be considered in designing and operating CCD, the noises of CCD mainly come from two mechanisms, one comes from CCD itself, including shot noise, dark current noise and the transfer noise[1], and the other comes from the operation of CCD, such as output amplifier noise and the reset noise. It is common to suppress the reset noise with the correlated double sampling (CDS) circuit. However, traditional CDS introduces new noises, and leaves some useful information behind, e.g. the original waveform. The digital CDS, e.g. Gach J L, 2003[2], is able to store all the initial information, which provides the possibility for varies of the backend data process. In practice, it shows a perfect performance on the reduction of the readout noise. In this paper, a digital correlated double sampling circuit technique is proposed. A PCI-9846H data acquisition card, which is manufactured by ADLINK Inc., has been used to convert the pre-amplified CCD signal into the digital representations. The digital CDS system can record a large amount of data and the original waveform could be derived from these data for further analyzing of the signal characteristics. So the data processing could be optimized to get better performance such as a lower readout noise. The relationship between the readout noise of the digital CDS system and the sample number has been in- ∗ Partially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (10978002) 1) E-mail: c 2013 Chinese Physical Society and the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and IOP Publishing Ltd Charmless hadronic B → (f1 (1285), f1(1420))P decays in the perturbative QCD approach Xin Liu1a , Zhen-Jun Xiao2b , Jing-Wu Li1c , and Zhi-Tian Zou3d arXiv:1410.2345v1 [hep-ph] 9 Oct 2014 1 School of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221116, People’s Republic of China 2 Department of Physics and Institute of Theoretical Physics, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023, People’s Republic of China 3 Department of Physics, Yantai University, Yantai, Shandong 264005, People’s Republic of China (Dated: October 10, 2014) We study twenty charmless hadronic B → f1 P decays, with B denoting Bu , Bd , and Bs mesons, P standing for the light pseudoscalar mesons, and f1 representing axial-vector mesons f1 (1285) and f1 (1420) that ¯√ d¯ resulting from a mixing of quark-flavor f1q [ uu+d ] and f1s [s¯ s] states with the angle φf1 , in the perturbative 2 QCD(pQCD) formalism. The estimations of CP-averaged branching ratios and CP asymmetries of the considered B → f1 P decays, in which the Bs → f1 P modes are investigated for the first time, are presented in the pQCD approach with φf1 ∼ 24◦ from recently measured Bd/s → J/ψf1 (1285) decays. It is found that (a) the tree dominant B + → f1 π + and the penguin dominant B + → f1 K + decays with large branching ratios[O(10−6 )] and large direct CP violations(around 14% ∼ 28% in magnitude) simultaneously are believed to be clearly measurable at the LHCb and Super-B factory experiments; (b) the nearly pure penguin-dominated Bd → f1 KS0 and Bs → f1 (η, η ′ ) modes with safely negligible tree pollution also have large decay rates in the order of 10−6 ∼ 10−5 , which can be confronted with the experimental measurements in the near future; (c) as the alternative channels, the B + → f1 (π + , K + ) and Bd → f1 KS0 decays have the supplementary power in providing more effective constraints on the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa weak phases α, γ, and β correspondingly, which are explicitly analyzed through the large decay rates and the direct and mixing-induced CP asymmetries in the pQCD approach and are expected to be stringently examined by the measurements with high precision; (d) the weak annihilation amplitudes play important roles in the B + → f1 (1420)K + , Bd → f1 (1420)KS0 , Bs → f1 (1420)η ′ decays and so on, which would offer more evidences, once they are confirmed by the experiments, to identify the soft-collinear effective theory and the pQCD approach on the evaluations of annihilation diagrams and to help further understand the annihilation mechanism in the heavy B meson decays; (e) combined with the future precise tests, the considered decays can provide more information to further understand the mixing angle φf1 and the nature of the f1 mesons in depth after the confirmations on the reliability of the pQCD calculations in the present work. PACS numbers: 13.25.Hw, 12.38.Bx, 14.40.Nd I. INTRODUCTION It is well known that non-leptonic weak decays of heavy B(specifically, Bu , Bd , Bs and Bc ) mesons can not only provide the important information to search for CP violation and further constrain the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa(CKM) parameters in the standard model(SM), but also reveal the deviations from the SM, i.e., the signals of exotic new physics beyond the SM. Furthermore, comparison of theoretical predictions and experimental data for the physical observables may also help us understand the hadronic structure of the involved bound states deeply. In contrast to the traditional B → P P, P V and V V decays, the alternative channels such as B → AP (A: axial-vector mesons) decays to be largely detected at the experiments in the near future may give the additional and complementary information on exclusive non-leptonic weak decays of heavy B mesons [1], e.g. due to Vtb∗ Vts = −Vcb∗ Vcs [1 + O(λ2 )], the b → sq q¯ penguin-dominated decays have the same CKM phase as the b → c¯ cs tree level decays [2]. Therefore, the b → sq q¯ mediated B → AP decays such as B 0 → a1 (1260)(b1 (1235))KS0 πK1 (1270)[K1(1400)], f1 KS0 etc. can provide sin 2β(β: CKM weak phase) measurements in the SM complementarily. Very recently, the Large Hadron Collider beauty(LHCb) Collaboration reported the first measurements of Bd/s → J/ψf1 (1285) decays [3], where the final state f1 (1285) was observed for the first time in heavy B meson decays. In the conventional two quark structure, f1 (1285) and its partner f1 (1420) [4, 5](Hereafter, for the sake of simplicity, we will use f1 to denote both f1 (1285) and f1 (1420) unless otherwise stated.) are considered as the orbital excitation of q q¯ system, specifically, the light pwave axial-vector flavorless mesons. In terms of the spectroscopic notation (2S+1) LJ with J, L, and S the total, orbital, and spin angular momenta in q q¯ system, respectively, both f1 mesons belong to 3P1 nonet carrying the quantum number J P C = 1++ [2]. Just as the η − η ′ mixing in the pseudoscalar sector [2], these two f1 mesons are believed to be a mixture resulting from the √ ¯ mixing between nonstrange f1q ≡ (u¯ u + dd)/ 2 and strange f1s ≡ s¯ s states in the popular quark-flavor basis with a single mixing angle φf1 . And for the mixing angle φf1 , there are several explorations that have been performed from theory and a b c d Electronic address: Electronic address: Electronic address: Electronic address: A Meta-analysis of the 8 TeV ATLAS and CMS SUSY Searches Benjamin Nachmana and Tom Rudeliusb a arXiv:1410.2270v1 [hep-ph] 8 Oct 2014 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University Menlo Park, CA 94025, U.S.A. b Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. E-mail:, Abstract: Between the ATLAS and CMS collaborations at the LHC, hundreds of individual event selections have been measured in the data to look for evidence of supersymmetry at a center of mass energy of 8 TeV. While there is currently no significant evidence for any particular model of supersymmetry, the large number of searches should have produced some large statistical fluctuations. By analyzing the distribution of p-values from the various searches, we determine that the number of excesses is consistent with the Standard Model only hypothesis. However, we do find a significant shortage of signal regions with far fewer observed events than expected in both the ATLAS and CMS datasets. While not as compelling as a surplus of excesses, the lack of deficits could be a hint of new physics already in the 8 TeV datasets. SLAC-PUB-16117 UMD-PP-014-016 SU-ITP-14/24 Detecting Boosted Dark Matter from the Sun with Large Volume Neutrino Detectors Joshua Berger,1 Yanou Cui,2, 3 and Yue Zhao4 1 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 2Y5, Canada 3 Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA 4 Stanford Institute of Theoretical Physics, Physics Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA∗ arXiv:1410.2246v1 [hep-ph] 8 Oct 2014 2 We study novel thermal Dark Matter (DM) scenarios where the annihilation of DM captured in the Sun produces boosted stable particles in the dark sector. These stable particles can be the annihilating DM itself, as in the scenario of semi-annihilating DM where DM possesses non-minimal stabilization symmetries, or can be a lighter subdominant DM component, as in the scenario of a multi-component DM sector. We investigate both of these possibilities and present concrete models as proofs of concept, considering DM mass in the wide range of O(1)-O(100) GeV. With a large Lorentz boost, these boosted DM can be detected in large volume terrestrial experiments, such as experiments designed for neutrino physics or proton decay searches, via neutral-currentlike interactions with nuclei or electrons. In particular, we propose a search for proton tracks pointing towards the Sun, which is a primary detection channel for boosted DM from the Sun at neutrino experiments. We focus on studying the signals at Cherenkov-radiation-based detectors such as Super-Kamiokande (SK) and its upgrade Hyper-Kamiokande (HK). We find that with spindependent scattering as the dominant DM-nucleus interaction at low energies, boosted DM can leave detectable signals at SK or HK, while being consistent with current DM direct detection constraints. The boosted DM signal highlights the distinctive signatures that can arise in nonminimal DM sectors. Contents I. Introduction II. Models A. Semi-annihilating DM models 1. v 0 operator 2. v 2 operator B. Two-Component DM models 2 4 5 5 7 8 III. Boosted DM Flux from the Sun A. DM Capture Rate by the Sun B. Capture–loss Equilibrium in the Sun C. Rescattering in the Sun 10 10 11 11 IV. Detection of Boosted DM A. Detection Mechanism for Signals B. Background Reduction 12 12 13 V. Results VI. Conclusion Acknowledgement ∗ Electronic address:,, 14 15 16 Recent Top Properties Measurements at CDF arXiv:1410.2452v1 [hep-ex] 9 Oct 2014 Giorgio Chiarelli INFN Sezione di Pisa, Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, I-56127 Pisa, Italy E-mail: Abstract. We present the most recent CDF results in the measurements of the decay and production vertex of the top-quark. New results on forward-backward asymmetry in top-antitop events are presented. Also, recent measurements of the branching fractions of top-quark are discussed. Finally, measurements in single top events, where top-quark is produced through electroweak processes, are presented. Despite the much larger number of top events collected at the LHC, due to the symmetric initial state and the better signal-to-background ratio in specific channels, some results will be lasting heritage of the Tevatron. 1. Introduction Top quark was discovered at the Tevatron in 1994-1995. Since then its properties were extensively studied by the CDF and D0 experiments. The last Tevatron run (2001-2011) provided almost 10 fb−1 of data to each experiment. In this document I will concentrate on the most recent CDF results that exploit this wealth of data. Thanks to its large mass, top is the only quark we can study before hadronization, therefore we have the unique opportunity to study a ”bare” quark. From an experimental point of view, observables are (in most cases) perfectly well defined. The importance of this very peculiar quark cannot be underestimated. Its mass is strictly related, through loops, to the Higgs mass and to vacuum stability; its large Yukawa coupling is puzzingly close to one. Top quark can be produced via electroweak mechanism (single top processes) or via strong interactions (in top-antitop pairs). Despite the very small signal/background ratio for single top production process, both Tevatron experiments detected (and studied) top quark in both cases. As top decays in a W and a quark (almost 100% of cases a b-quark), topologies of top-quark events are classified according to the charged boson decay. For strongly produced top events we call ”dilepton” events in which both W s decay leptonically, ”l+jets” events in which one of the two W s decays hadronically and ”all-hadron” the case in which both bosons decay in quarks1 . Therefore the typical physics objects present in a top-candidate event of interest are one or two charged leptons (e or µ), from 2 to 4 jets (two coming from b-quark hadronization), and large missing transverse energy signalling the presence of one or two neutrinos. In the following analyses we use events with large (> 20 GeV) ET electrons or muons, large (> 25 GeV) missing transverse energy (MET) and jets of hadrons (reconstructed by a fixed cone algorithm) with ET > 20 GeV and pseudorapidity |η| < 2.8. 1 In the following I will not present results related to the all-hadronic topology. October 10, 2014 0:23 WSPC Proceedings - 9.75in x 6.5in RD˙protvino 1 Rare decays at the LHCb experiment L. Pescatore∗ , on behalf of the LHCb collaboration ∗ University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK arXiv:1410.2411v1 [hep-ex] 9 Oct 2014 ∗ E-mail: Rare decays of beauty and charm hadrons offer a rich playground to make precise tests of the Standard Model and look for New Physics at the level of quantum corrections. A review of recent LHCb results will be presented. 1. Introduction and the LHCb detector The LHCb experiment 1 is a forward spectrometer fully instrumented in the pseudorapidity range 2 < η < 5. It is characterised by an excellent particle identification, given by two RICH detectors, and good impact parameter and momenta resolutions combined with a highly efficient and flexible trigger able to trigger on muons, electrons, hadrons and photons with low pT thresholds. The experiment is very well suited to study rare decays of b- and c-hadrons as it benefits from large bb and cc cross-sections and can access very low transverse momentum ranges thanks to its forward geometry. The LHCb detector is a precision machine, designed to test in detail the Standard Model (SM). In these proceedings the analysis of, so-called, “electroweak-penguin” (EWP) decays will be described. These are Flavour Changing Neutral Currents (FCNC), forbidden in the SM at tree level, but allowed at loop level. Therefore they are very sensitive to New Physics (NP) entering the loops and can probe higher mass scales than direct searches. Furthermore they offer a rich environment with a wealth of observables sensitive to NP entering in the loops. The result of two searches for Lepton Flavour Violating (LFV) decays, forbidden in the SM but with possible tree level contributions beyond it, will also be reported. The analyses presented in these proceedings are based on a dataset corresponding to up-to 3 fb−1 of integrated luminosity: 1 fb−1 from 2011 run at a collision energy of 7 TeV and 2 fb−1 from 2012 run at 8 TeV. 2. Branching ratios and angular analysis of B → K (∗) µµ decays The branching fractions (BR) of B → Kµ+ µ− and B → K ∗ µ+ µ− decays are highly sensitive to NP entering in the loops and LHCb is well suited to study these decays since it can efficiently trigger on muons. As a first result, the branching fractions of the B + → K ∗+ µ+ µ− , B + → K + µ+ µ− and B 0 → KS0 µ+ µ− decays are determined using an integrated luminosity of 3 fb−1 . These are analysed reconstructing K ∗+ → page 1 October 10, 2014 0:25 WSPC Proceedings - 9.75in x 6.5in CPV˙protvino 1 CP violation measurements at the LHCb experiment L. Pescatore∗ , on behalf of the LHCb collaboration ∗ University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK arXiv:1410.2293v1 [hep-ex] 8 Oct 2014 ∗ E-mail: Decays of b-hadrons are the ideal place to perform measurements of CP violation. Many decay channels allow to over-constrain the unitarity triangles of the CKM matrix and test the SM hypothesis that a single phase is the origin of all CP violation. Charm decays also allow for tests of the SM. Recent results from LHCb are reviewed. 1. Introduction CP violation was first observed by Cronin and Fitch 1 in 1964 in the kaon sector and is by now well established in the Standard Model (SM). The LHCb experiment is performing precision measurements in order to consolidate the consistency of the CKM picture and look for deviations from the CP Violation (CPV) expected in the SM. A selection of recent results from the LHCb experiment are presented. Where not explicitly stated all results are based on the analysis of 1 fb−1 of data collected in 2011 at a proton-proton collision energy of 7 TeV. 2. Measurement of the γ angle ∗ One of the angles of the unitarity triangle is γ = arg [−Vud Vub /Vcd Vcb∗ ]. At the moment it has the weakest experimental constrains and therefore its measurement is an important test of the CKM consistency. LHCb expects to achieve a precision of 7◦ , after the analysis of the 3 fb−1 collected in 2011 and 2012 has been finished. The angle is measured using B → Dh decays, where h can be a pion or a kaon. In these decays γ arises from the interference of b → u and b → c transitions. The measurement can be carried out using D decays in CP eigenstates KK and ππ (GLW method 2 ), or also in Kπ (ADS method 3 ). In the latter case the B − → D0 K − decay is colour favoured but the D0 decay in K + π − is CKM suppressed, yielding large interference. Combining the two methods and including also D → KS hh decays the value of γ is measured to be (62 ± 12)◦ 4 . Most of the analysis included are on 1 fb−1 of data and being updated to 3 fb−1 . 3. Bs mixing and φs measurement In the neutral B system, mixing is possible thanks to weak interaction box diagrams. The angle φs arises from the interference of Bs decays with and without mixing. The value of φs is well known in the SM, φs = −0.0364 ± 0.0016 rad 5 , but New page 1 October 10, 2014 0:24 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE MPLA-rev-V10 arXiv:1410.2581v1 [gr-qc] 9 Oct 2014 Modern Physics Letters A c World Scientific Publishing Company Gravitational Waves and Perspectives for Quantum Gravity Ilya L. Shapiro Departamento de F´ısica, ICE, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil and Tomsk State Pedagogical University and Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia Ana M. Pelinson Departamento de F´ısica, CFM, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, SC, Brazil Filipe de O. Salles Departamento de F´ısica, ICE, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil Received (Day Month Year) Revised (Day Month Year) Understanding the role of higher derivatives is probably one of the most relevant questions in quantum gravity theory. Already at the semiclassical level, when gravity is a classical background for quantum matter fields, the action of gravity should include fourth derivative terms to provide renormalizability in the vacuum sector. The same situation holds in the quantum theory of metric. At the same time, including the fourth derivative terms means the presence of massive ghosts, which are gauge-independent massive states with negative kinetic energy. At both classical and quantum level such ghosts violate stability and hence the theory becomes inconsistent. Several approaches to solve this contradiction were invented and we are proposing one more, which looks simpler than those what were considered before. We explore the dynamics of the gravitational waves on the background of classical solutions and give certain arguments that massive ghosts produce instability only when they are present as physical particles. At least on the cosmological background one can observe that if the initial frequency of the metric perturbations is much smaller than the mass of the ghost, no instabilities are present. Keywords: Gravitational waves; Quantum gravity; Higher Derivatives. PACS Nos.: 04.60.-m, 11.10.Jj, 04.30.Nk, 04.60.Bc, 1. Introduction General relativity (GR) is a complete theory of classical gravitational phenomena, which proved valid at the wide range of energies and distances. However, as any other known physical theory, it has some limits of application. In order to establish 1 Twelve-quark hypernuclei with A = 4 in relativistic quark-gluon model S.M. Gerasyuta∗ and E.E. Matskevich† arXiv:1410.2551v1 [nucl-th] 22 Sep 2014 Department of Physics, St. Petersburg State Forest Technical University, Institutski Per. 5, St. Petersburg 194021, Russia Hypernuclei 4Y He, 4Y H, 4Y Y He, 4Y Y H, where Y = Λ, Σ0 , Σ+ , Σ− , A = 4 are considered using the relativistic twelve-quark equations in the framework of the dispersion relation technique. Hypernuclei as the systems of interacting quarks and gluons are considered. The relativistic twelve-quark amplitudes of hypernuclei, including u, d, s quarks are constructed. The approximate solutions of these equations are obtained using a method based on the extraction of leading singularities of the amplitudes. The poles of the multiquark amplitudes allow us to determine the masses of hypernuclei with the atomic (baryon) number A = B = 4. The mass of state 4Λ He with the isospin projection I3 = 21 and the spin-parity J P = 0+ is equal to M = 3922 M eV . The mass of 4ΛΛ H M = 4118 M eV with the isospin projection I3 = 0 and the spin-parity J P = 0+ is calculated. We predict the mass spectrum of hypernuclei with A = 4, which is valuable to further experimental study of the hypernuclei. PACS numbers: 11.55.Fv, 11.80.Jy, 12.39.Ki, 12.39.Mk. I. INTRODUCTION. The hypernuclear physics experimental program, and the difficulties arised in accurately determining rates for low-energy nuclear reactions, warrant continued effort in the application of LQCD to nuclear physics [1–12]. In the limit of flavor SU (3) symmetry at the physical strange quark mass with quantum chromodynamics (without electromagnetic interactions) the binding energies of a range of nuclei and hypernuclei with atomic number A ≤ 4 and strangeness |S| ≤ 2, including the deuteron, H-dibaryon, 3 He, 3Λ He, 4 He, 4Λ He and 4ΛΛ He are calculated. From lattice QCD calculations performed with nf = 3 dynamical light quark using an isotropic discretization, the nuclear states are extracted [13–15]. It is now clear that the spectrum of nuclei and hypernuclei changes dramatically from light quark masses. In our recent paper [16] the relativistic six-quark equations are found in the framework of coupled-channel formalism. The dynamical mixing between the subamplitudes of hexaquark is considered. The six-quark amplitudes of dibaryons are calculated. The poles of these amplitudes determine the masses of dibaryons. We calculated the contribution of six-quark subamplitudes to the hexaquark amplitudes. The model in question has only three parameters: the cutoff parameter Λ = 11 and gluon coupling constants g0 and g1 . These parameters are determined by the ΛΛ and di-Ω masses. In our model the correlation of gluon coupling constants g0 and g1 is similar to the S-wave baryon ones [17]. In the previous paper [18], 3 He is considered. The relativistic nine-quark equations are derived in the framework of the dispersion relation technique. The dynamical mixing between the subamplitudes of 3 He is taken into account. The relativistic nine-quark amplitudes of 3 He, including the u, d quarks are calculated. The approximate solutions of these equations were obtained using a method based on the extraction of leading singularities of the amplitudes. The pole of the nonaquark amplitudes determined the mass of 3 He. The experimental mass value of 3 He is equal to M = 2808.39 M eV . The experimental data of the hypertriton mass is M = 2991.17 M eV . This model use only three parameters, which are determined by the following masses: the cutoff Λ = 9.0 and the gluon coupling constant g = 0.2122. The mass of the u-quark is m = 410 M eV , and the mass of strange quark ms = 607 M eV , which takes into account the confinement potential (the shift mass is equal to 50 M eV ) [19]. The relativistic nona-amplitudes of low-lying hypernuclei, including the three flavors (u, d, s) are calculated. The degeneracy of the isospin 0, 1, 2 is predicted in the lowest hypernuclei. It is the property of our approach. The + + low-lying hypernuclei with the spin-parity J P = 12 , 23 are calculated. We calculated the masses and the binding energies of 12 hypernuclei with A = 3. The binding energy is small for the states 3Λ He, 3Λ H, and nnΛ. In the other cases, the binding energies are large, ∼ 50 – 100 M eV . We have calculated only five systems of equations; therefore, the masses of hypernuclei are degenerated. We do not include the electromagnetic effect contribution. ∗ Electronic † Electronic address: address: Static quark-antiquark potential in the quark-gluon plasma from lattice QCD Yannis Burnier,1 Olaf Kaczmarek,2 and Alexander Rothkopf3 1 Institute of Theoretical Physics, EPFL, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Fakult¨ at f¨ ur Physik, Universit¨ at Bielefeld, D-33615 Bielefeld, Germany 3 Institute of Theoretical Physics, Universit¨ at Heidelberg, Philosophenweg 12, D-69120 Germany (Dated: October 10, 2014) 2 arXiv:1410.2546v1 [hep-lat] 9 Oct 2014 We present a state-of-the-art determination of the complex valued static quark-antiquark potential at phenomenologically relevant temperatures around the deconfinement phase transition. Its values are obtained from non-perturbative lattice QCD simulations using spectral functions extracted via a novel Bayesian inference prescription. We find that the real part, both in a gluonic medium as well as in realistic QCD with light u, d and s quarks, lies close to the color singlet free energies in Coulomb gauge and shows Debye screening above the (pseudo) critical temperature Tc . The imaginary part is estimated in the gluonic medium, where we find that it is of the same order of magnitude as in hard-thermal loop resummed perturbation theory in the deconfined phase. The potential acting between a heavy quark and antiquark in a thermal medium is a central ingredient in our understanding of the strong interactions, described by quantum chromo-dynamics (QCD). The bound states it sustains, heavy quarkonium, are precision probes connecting theory and experiment [1]. They allow us to test QCD via low temperature spectroscopy [2], as well as through their in-medium modification [3–5] observed in the quark gluon plasma created in relativistic heavy ion collisions. In particular the open question of melting and regeneration observed at RHIC and LHC [6] urges a quantitative understanding of their in-medium behavior. A wealth of intuition has been accumulated in the past based, in part, on analogies with Abelian theories [3], potential modeling [7] and strong coupling approaches [8]. Lattice QCD at T = 0 tells us [9] that the potential rises linearly before flattening off due to string breaking. Perturbation theory on the other hand shows that Debye screening plays a major role in the deconfined phase. At T & Tc , reached in current experiments, we expect that the medium gradually weakens the interaction. How the transition between the two regimes manifests itself quantitatively in the potential however remained unanswered. Due to recent conceptual and methods developments we are now able to present in this letter a first principles determination of the temperature dependence of the static inter-quark potential in the phenomenologically relevant, i.e. non-perturbative regime around the phase transition. The advent [10] of modern effective field theory allowed to put the definition of the static potential on a rigorous mathematical footing. By exploiting the separation between the heavy quark rest mass and medium scales, a derivation from a dynamical QCD observable, the realtime thermal Wilson loop W (t, r) was achieved, i∂t W (t, r) . t→∞ W (t, r) V (r) = lim (1) This expression has been evaluated at finite temperature in hard thermal loop (HTL) resummed perturbation theory [11] and was found to be complex valued. In the de- confined phase the real part shows Debye screening, while the imaginary part is related to the scattering (Landau damping) and absorption (singlet-octet transition) of gluons from the medium. Even though at leading order the real part coincides with the color singlet free energies in Coulomb gauge, this agreement is already not exact at next-to-leading order [12]. Calculating the potential to higher order in perturbation theory is a difficult task [13] and given the size of the strong coupling and the infrared problems in gauge theories, it is evident that non-perturbative methods within QCD, such as lattice simulations are required. The main difficulty we face is that numerical calculations are performed in imaginary time without direct access to dynamical quantities, such as W (t, r). In Ref. [14] a strategy was laid out how to evaluate the real-time definition Eq. (1) using Euclidean lattice QCD simulations. It is based on a spectral decomposition Z Z −ωτ W (τ ) = dωe ρ(ω) ↔ dωe−iωt ρ(ω) = W (t), where W (τ ) denotes the Euclidean time Wilson loop accessible on the lattice. The above can be combined with Eq.(1) to yield Z Z V (r) = lim dω ωe−iωt ρ(ω, r)/ dω e−iωt ρ(ω, r), (2) t→∞ in turn relating the values of the potential to the spectral function ρ(ω, r), which can in principle be obtained from lattice QCD. The first practical challenge lies in obtaining the function ρ(ω, r) in Eq. (2) from a finite lattice QCD dataset W (τn , r), n = 1..Nτ with statistical errors. Extracting from it continuous spectral features is an inherently illposed problem, which however can be given meaning by the use of Bayesian inference. In this well established statistical approach, additional prior information is used to select a unique solution from an otherwise undetermined χ2 fit. Unfortunately the standard methods, such as the Maximum Entropy Method (MEM) or extended MEM Torsional oscillations of neutron stars in scalar-tensor theory of gravity Hector O. Silva,1, ∗ Hajime Sotani,2, † Emanuele Berti,1, ‡ and Michael Horbatsch1, 3, § arXiv:1410.2511v1 [gr-qc] 9 Oct 2014 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Mississippi, University, MS 38677, USA 2 Division of Theoretical Astronomy, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan 3 School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK (Dated: October 10, 2014) We study torsional oscillations of neutron stars in the scalar-tensor theory of gravity using the relativistic Cowling approximation. We compute unperturbed neutron star models adopting realistic equations of state for the neutron star’s core and crust. For scalar-tensor theories that allow for spontaneous scalarization, the crust thickness can be significantly smaller than in general relativity. We derive the perturbation equation describing torsional oscillations in scalar-tensor theory, and we solve the corresponding eigenvalue problem to find the oscillation frequencies. The fundamental mode (overtone) frequencies become smaller (larger) than in general relativity for scalarized stellar models. Torsional oscillation frequencies may yield information on the crust microphysics if microphysics effects are not degenerate with strong-gravity effects, such as those due to scalarization. To address this issue, we consider two different models for the equation of state of the crust and we look at the effects of electron screening. The effect of scalarization on torsional oscillation frequencies turns out to be smaller than uncertainties in the microphysics for all spontaneous scalarization models allowed by binary pulsar observations. Our study shows that the observation of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) following giant flares can be used to constrain the microphysics of neutron star crusts, whether spontaneous scalarization occurs or not. PACS numbers: 04.40.Dg, 97.60.Jd, 04.50.Kd, 04.80.Cc I. INTRODUCTION Observations of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) following giant flares in soft gamma-ray repeaters [1–3] suggest a close coupling between the seismic motion of the crust after a major quake and the modes of oscillations in a magnetar. The analysis of X-ray data in SGR 1900+14 [2] and SGR 1806-20 [3] has unveiled a number of periodicities, with frequencies that agree reasonably well with the expected torsional (or toroidal shear) oscillation modes of the neutron star (NS) crust: see e.g. [4] for a review, and [5] for recent progress in explaining apparent discrepancies between theoretical models and observations. These observations are very exciting because they allow us, for the very first time, to test NS oscillation models. The foundations of crustal torsional oscillation theory in general relativity (GR) were laid in a classic paper by Schumaker and Thorne [6]. Recent work motivated by QPO observations explored how torsional oscillation frequencies are affected by various physical effects, including crustal elasticity [7], magnetic fields [8–10], superfluidity [11], the nuclear symmetry energy [12–14] and electron screening [15]. The main motivation of this paper is to answer the following question: could torsional oscillation frequencies carry observable imprints of strong-field dynamics, ∗ † ‡ § and possibly hint at dynamics beyond GR? Vice versa, can we ignore effects due to hypothetical strong-field modifications of GR when we explore the dependence of torsional oscillation frequencies on the various physical mechanisms listed above? We address these questions within the simplest class of modifications of GR, namely scalar-tensor theory. Damour and Esposito-Far`ese [16] showed that a wide class of scalar-tensor theories can pass Solar System tests and exhibit nonperturbative strong-field deviations away from GR (“spontaneous scalarization”) that can potentially be measured by observations of the bulk properties of NSs, and of binary systems containing NSs. The magnitude of these deviations is very sensitive to the value of a certain theory parameter β, defined in Eq. (16) below1 . Static NSs in theories with spontaneous scalarization were first studied in [16]. Their stability was investigated using catastrophe theory by Harada [17, 18]. The formation of scalarized NSs in gravitational collapse was studied in [19, 20], and a possible mechanism to “seed” macroscopic scalar fields from quantum vacuum instabilities was recently suggested [21–23]. Slowly rotating NSs were studied at first [24, 25] and second [26] order in rotation by extending the Hartle-Thorne formalism [27, 28]. Recent work [29–31] addressed the properties of rapidly rotating NS models. Widely-separated binary systems of compact objects in scalar-tensor theory have been studied in [24, 32, 33], 1 There exists a threshold βc ∼ −4.5, whose exact value depends on the NS equation of state. Scalarization is possible when β < βc . IFUP-TH-2014-10 arXiv:1410.2443v1 [hep-th] 9 Oct 2014 Holographic QCD with Dynamical Flavors Francesco Bigazzia and Aldo L. Cotroneb a b INFN, Sezione di Pisa; Largo B. Pontecorvo 3, I-56127 Pisa, Italy. Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Universit`a di Firenze and INFN, Sezione di Firenze; Via G. Sansone 1, I-50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Firenze), Italy., Abstract Gravity solutions describing the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model of holographic QCD with dynamical flavors are presented. The field theory is studied in the Veneziano limit, at first order in the ratio of the number of flavors and colors. The gravity solutions are analytic and dual to the field theory either in the confined, low temperature phase or in the deconfined, high temperature phase with small baryonic charge density. The phase diagram and the flavor contributions to vacuum (e.g. string tension and hadron masses) and thermodynamical properties of the dual field theory are then deduced. The phase diagram of the model at finite temperature and imaginary chemical potential, as well as that of the unflavored theory at finite θ angle are also discussed in turn, showing qualitative similarities with recent lattice studies. Interesting degrees of freedom in each phase are discussed. Covariant counterterms for the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model are provided both in the probe approximation and in the backreacted case, allowing for a standard holographic renormalization of the theory. 1 UAB-FT-763, MPP-2014-369 Non extensive thermodynamics and neutron star properties D´ebora P. Menezes,1 Airton Deppman,2 Eugenio Meg´ıas,3, 4 and Luis B. Castro5 arXiv:1410.2264v1 [nucl-th] 8 Oct 2014 1 Departamento de F´ısica - CFM - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florian´ opolis - SC - CP. 476 - CEP 88.040 - 900 - Brazil email: 2 Instituto de F´ ısica, Universidade de S˜ ao Paulo - Rua do Mat˜ ao Travessa R Nr.187 CEP 05508-090 Cidade Universit´ aria, S˜ ao Paulo - Brasil email: 3 Grup de F´ ısica Te` orica and IFAE, Departament de F´ısica, Universitat Aut` onoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra E-08193 Barcelona, Spain 4 Max-Planck-Institut f¨ ur Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), F¨ ohringer Ring 6, D-80805, Munich, Germany email: 5 Departamento de F´ ısica, Universidade Federal do Maranh˜ ao, Campus Universit´ ario do Bacanga, CEP 65080-805, S˜ ao Lu´ıs, MA, Brazil email: In the present work we apply non extensive statistics to obtain equations of state suitable to describe stellar matter and verify its effects on microscopic and macroscopic quantities. Two snapshots of the star evolution are considered and the direct Urca process is investigated with two different parameter sets. q-values are chosen as 1.05 and 1.14. The equations of state are only slightly modified, but the effects are enough to produce stars with slightly higher maximum masses. The onsets of the constituents are more strongly affected and the internal stellar temperature decreases with the increase of the q-value, with consequences on the strangeness and cooling rates of the stars. PACS numbers: 05.70.Ce, 21.65.-f, 26.60.-c, 95.30.Tg I. INTRODUCTION A type II supernova explosion is triggered when massive stars (8 M⊙ < M < 30 M⊙ ) exhaust their fuel supply, causing the core to be crushed by gravity. The remnant of this gravitational collapse is a compact star or a black hole, depending on the initial condition of the collapse. Newly-born protoneutron stars (PNS) are hot and rich in leptons, mostly e− and νe and have masses of the order of 1 − 2 M⊙ [1, 2]. During the very beginning of the evolution, most of the binding energy, of the order of 1053 ergs is radiated away by the neutrinos. During the temporal evolution of the PNS in the so-called Kelvin-Helmholtz epoch, the remnant compact object changes from a hot and lepton-rich PNS to a cold and deleptonized neutron star [3]. The neutrinos already present or generated in the PNS hot matter escape by diffusion because of the very high densities and temperatures involved. At zero temperature no trapped neutrinos are left in the star because their mean free path would be larger than the compact star radius. Simulations have shown that the evolutionary picture can be understood if one studies three snapshots of the time evolution of a compact star in its first minutes of life [4]. At first, the PNS is warm (represented by fixed entropy per particle) and has a large number of trapped neutrinos (represented by fixed lepton fraction). Prepared for submission to JHEP arXiv:1410.2257v1 [hep-th] 8 Oct 2014 SU-ITP-14/23, MIT-CTP/4598 Explicitly Broken Supersymmetry with Exactly Massless Moduli Xi Dong,a Daniel Z. Freedmana,b and Yue Zhaoa a Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, U.S.A. b Center for Theoretical Physics and Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A. E-mail:,, Abstract: There is an avatar of the little hierarchy problem of the MSSM in 3dimensional supersymmetry. We propose a solution to this problem in AdS3 based on the AdS/CFT correspondence. The bulk theory is a supergravity theory in which U(1) × U(1) R-symmetry is gauged by Chern-Simons fields. The bulk theory is deformed by a boundary term quadratic in the gauge fields. It breaks SUSY completely and sources an exactly marginal operator in the dual CFT. SUSY breaking is communicated by gauge interactions to bulk scalar fields and their spinor superpartners. Since the Rcharges of scalar and spinor differ, this generates a SUSY breaking shift of their masses. The Ward identity facilitates the calculation of these mass shifts to any desired order in the strength of the deformation. Moduli fields are massless R-neutral bulk scalars with vanishing potential in the undeformed theory. These properties are maintained to all orders in the deformation despite the fact that moduli couple in the bulk to loops of R-charged fields. Perspective on completing natural inflation Ki-Young Choi,1 Jihn E. Kim,2 and Bumseok Kyae3 2 1 Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejeon 305-348, Republic of Korea, Department of Physics, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-747, Republic of Korea, and Department of Physics, Kyung Hee University, Seoul 130-701, Republic of Korea, 3 Department of Physics, Pusan National University, Busan 609-735, Republic of Korea arXiv:1410.1762v1 [hep-th] 7 Oct 2014 We present a perspective on the inflation paths in 2−, 3−, · · · , N −flation models. The number of non-Abelian gauge groups for a natural inflation is restricted in string compactification, and we argue that the most plausible completion of natural inflation from a theory perspective is the 2–flation. PACS numbers: Keywords: Natural inflation, 2-flation, N-flation, High scale inflation, GUT scale groups I. INTRODUCTION Completing natural inflation has attracted a great deal of attention [1] after the BICEP2 result [2]. The idea was presented some time ago [3]. Cosmic inflation is an attractive paradigm for a solution of the homogeneity and flatness problems [4– 6]. For a sufficient inflation with the e-fold number e > 70,1 one needs small slow-roll inflation-parameters, ǫ (≡ 21 MP2 (V ′ /V )2 ) and η (≡ MP2 V ′′ /V ) [8, 9]. Single bubble inflation was proposed with the initial condition near the origin in the Coleman-Weinberg type logarithmically-flat hilltop potential [10], or at a large field value for a chaotic type potential [11]. With the slow-roll conditions satisfied, the local non-Gaussianities local |fNL | are much smaller than 1 for a single field inflation [12], which was observed by the Planck 2013 data [13]. In addition, the hybrid inflation predicting ns > 1 (arising from the hilltop inflation) [14] and the λφ4 chaotic inflation are disfavored from the data [13]. The negligible non-Gaussianity pin down the inflation models to the single field m2 φ2 chaotic inflation [1] or the multi-field hilltop inflation [14]. The m2 φ2 chaotic inflation needs a fine-tuning of order m2 ≈ 10−10 in units of the reduced Planck mass, MP ≃ 2.44 × 1018 GeV. For the predictability of the Einstein equation, we need that the potential V during inflation must be much smaller than MP4 . In fact, this can be easily realized in natural inflation where there exists a GUT scale heavy axion coupling to a GUT scale confining force [15]. With the heavy axion potential at the GUT scale (≈ ΛGUT ≈MGUT ), the explicit breaking potential of the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symmetry is given by ∝ 21 Λ4GUT (1 − cos(a/f )); thus the potential energy is bounded by Λ4GUT . The m2 φ2 chaotic inflation has a problem, “Why does 1 The number of e-foldings required in inflation depends on the specific models as well as the dynamics after inflation. Even though the number relevant for the observed CMB anisotropies is typically around 50–60, here we use the minimum value 70 given in Ref. [7] sufficient for most of inflationary models. one keep only the quadratic term?” It is known that a large trans-Planckian field value is needed in the m2 φ2 chaotic inflation for a large tensor-to-scalar ratio r, which is known as the Lyth bound hφi > 15 MP [16]. In particular, with the large trans-Planckian field value higher order terms might be more important [14]. To reconcile the trans-Planckian field value with the natural inflation idea, Kim, Nilles, and Peloso (KNP) introduced two axions and two confining forces at the GUT scale. It has been generalized to N-flation [17]. An ultra-violet completed theory, in particular the heterotic string theory, may not allow a large number of nonAbelian gauge groups. We scrutinize the inflaton path, arising from the limited rank of the total gauge group, and present an argument that 2-flation, i.e. the KNP type, is an easily realizable one. In Sec. II, we briefly review the KNP scenario and its N-flation extension. In Sec. III, we discuss the maximum rank of the heterotic string, which is argued for a limitation of the number of GUT scale confining gauge groups. Sec. IV is a conclusion. II. THE 2-FLATION A large vacuum expectation value (VEV) of a scalar field is possible with a small mass parameter if a very small coupling constant λ is assumed, V = 1 λ(|φ|2 − f 2 )2 . 4 (1) The mass parameter in this theory is m2 = λf 2 . With a GUT scale m, f can be trans-Planckian of order > 10MP for λ < 10−6 . However, the potential (1) with the small λ describes inflation starting from near the convex hilltop point (due to the high temperature effect before inflation) and hence it is not favored by the BICEP2 data [14]. This has led to the recent surge of studies on concave potentials near the origin of the field space in case of single field inflations [1]. The concave potentials give positive η’s. The simplest concave potential is the m2 φ2 chaotic potential. Since this potential is not bounded from above, Dante’s Waterfall Christopher D. Carone,∗ Joshua Erlich,† Anuraag Sensharma,‡ and Zhen Wang§ arXiv:1410.2593v1 [hep-ph] 9 Oct 2014 High Energy Theory Group, Department of Physics, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795 (Dated: October 10, 2014) Abstract We describe a hybrid axion-monodromy inflation model motivated by the Dante’s Inferno scenario. In Dante’s Inferno, a two-field potential features a stable trench along which a linear combination of the two fields slowly rolls, rendering the dynamics essentially identical to that of single-field chaotic inflation. A shift symmetry allows for the Lyth bound to be effectively evaded as in other axion-monodromy models. In our proposal, the potential is concave downward near the origin and the inflaton trajectory is a gradual downward spiral, ending at a point where the trench becomes unstable. There, the fields begin falling rapidly towards the minimum of the potential and inflation terminates as in a hybrid model. We find parameter choices that reproduce observed features of the cosmic microwave background, and discuss our model in light of recent results from the BICEP2 and Planck experiments. ∗ † ‡ § 1 arXiv:1410.2493v1 [hep-ph] 9 Oct 2014 EPJ Web of Conferences will be set by the publisher DOI: will be set by the publisher c Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2014 Hybrid exotic mesons in soft-wall AdS/QCD Loredana Bellantuono1,2 , a 1 2 INFN-Sezione di Bari, via Orabona 4, 70126 Bari, Italy Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, via Orabona 4, 70126 Bari, Italy Abstract. Hybrid mesons with exotic quantum numbers J PC = 1−+ are examined in softwall AdS/QCD. The predicted mass spectrum is compared to the measured values of the candidates π1 (1400), π1 (1600) and π1 (2015). Thermal effects are analysed through the spectral function in the AdS-Black Hole model, and the differences with the HawkingPage description are discussed. 1 Introduction Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) describes strong interactions among quarks as processes in which colored gluons are exchanged. By virtue of their own color charge, gluons also strongly interact with quarks and among themselves. For reason, a meson should be considered as a linear superposi this tion of color-singlet bound states qq0 , qqq0 q0 , qGq0 , |GGi , . . . , comprising quarks (q), antiquarks (q) and gluons (G) as constituents [1]. These states can be classified, respectively, as quark model "quarkonia", "multiquarks", "hybrids", "glueballs", and so forth. These structures determine angular momentum, parity and charge-conjugation quantum numbers J PC of the meson, and they yield also exotic combinations not included in the quark model qq0 picture. Hybrid configuration, composed by a quark-antiquark pair plus a constituent gluon, accounts for either ordinary or exotic J PC quantum numbers. Therefore, experimental evidence of these states can come from overpopulations of the ordinary J PC spectra compared to quark model prediction, or from the detection of exotic states. The first strategy seems unfruitful, because of the densely populated spectrum of light mesons in the mass region between 1 and 2 GeV, and the broad nature of the states involved [2]. On the other hand, states that can have exotic quantum numbers are multiquarks and hybrids. They have been searched in experiments aiming at the detection of their decay products, but the analysis has revealed cumbersome. The identification of exotic resonances would be a strong argument supporting the existence of hybrid bound states. Several QCD models identify the meson with J PC = 1−+ as the lowest-lying exotic state, with mass predictions varying between 1.5 and 2.2 GeV [2]. Currently, in the light quark sector there are three candidates for hybrid 1−+ states: π1 (1400), π1 (1600) and π1 (2015). Their measured masses are M(π1 (1400)) = 1354 ± 25 MeV, M(π1 (1600)) = 1662+8 −9 MeV and M(π1 (2015)) = 2014 ± 20 ± 16, 2001 ± 30 ± 92 MeV [3]. Further information on the detection of such states can be found in the bibliography of [4]. The nature of 1−+ candidates is still a debated issue, and new experiments with higher statistics and better acceptance are expected to improve present understandings [2]. a e-mail: Viable textures for the fermion sector A. E. C´arcamo Hern´andez∗ Universidad T´ecnica Federico Santa Mar´ıa and Centro Cient´ıfico-Tecnol´ ogico de Valpara´ıso Casilla 110-V, Valpara´ıso, Chile arXiv:1410.2481v1 [hep-ph] 9 Oct 2014 I. de Medeiros Varzielas† Department of Physics, University of Basel, Klingelbergstr. 82, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland and School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, U.K. (Dated: October 10, 2014) We consider a modification of the Fukuyama-Nishiura texture and compare it to the precision quark flavour data, finding that it fits the data very well. We then propose different viable textures for quarks, where only the Cabibbo mixing arises from the down sector, and extend to the charged leptons while constructing a complementary neutrino structure that leads to viable lepton masses and mixing. I. INTRODUCTION The flavour puzzle is not understood in the context of the Standard Model (SM), which does not specify the Yukawa structures and has no justification for the number of generations. As such, extensions addressing the fermion masses and mixing are particularly appealing. In building models that address the flavour problem, it is important to know structures that lead to the observed fermion flavour data, and in this work we introduce two proposals. We start by revisiting the Fukuyama-Nishiura (FN) texture [1, 2], which is no longer phenomenologically viable as shown in [3]. A simple modification is to modify the texture slightly by enabling a non-zero 11 entry, which we show is already a viable texture. We then introduce other quark textures where the Cabibbo angle comes from the down quarks whereas the other mixing angles come from the up sector, which also successfully describes the quark masses and mixing. We extend this to the lepton sector, with charged leptons sharing the texture of the down quarks and the neutrinos significantly contributing to a viable PMNS mixing matrix. Other works in the literature considering textures include [4, 5], and some recent works such as [6–8]. II. A. TEXTURES FOR THE QUARK SECTOR Fukuyama-Nishiura texture and its modification Proposed for leptons in [1] and also used for quarks in [2], the FN texture consists in mass matrices of the form: 0 Af Af Af Bf Cf . Af Cf Bf (1) In [3] it was shown that this texture doesn’t quite work currently, because it fails to reproduce the observed value of the CP violating phase δ. A simple modification of the texture is to consider Df Af Af ff = Af Bf Cf . M Af Cf Bf (2) with the complex phases included in the following way: Mf = ff P † , Pf M f 1 0 0 0 , Pf = 0 e−iβ f 0 0 e−iγ f (3) ff is where Af , Bf , Cf and Df are real parameters. M diagonalized by an orthogonal matrix Rf : ∗ † ff Rf = diag (−mf1 , mf2 , mf3 ) , RfT M (4) Noname manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Pedro Jimenez-Delgado arXiv:1410.2431v1 [hep-ph] 9 Oct 2014 Delineating the polarized and unpolarized partonic structure of the nucleon Received: date / Accepted: date Abstract Reports on our latest extractions of parton distribution functions of the nucleon are given. First an overview of the recent JR14 upgrade of our unpolarized PDFs, including NNLO determinations of the strong coupling constant and a discussion of the role of the input scale in parton distribution analysis. In the second part of the talk recent results on the determination of spin-dependent PDFs from the JAM collaboration are reported, including a careful treatment of hadronic and nuclear corrections, as well as reports on the impact of present and future data in our understanding of the spin of the nucleon. Keywords perturbative quantum chromodynamics · parton distribution functions · polarized scattering 1 Introduction Perturbative quantum chromodynamics has been shown to provide an excellent description of hard scattering processes at particle accelerators. The quantitative description of high-energy collisions involving hadrons in the initial state relies on the fact that in such interactions the hadronic structure, in terms of their constituent quarks and gluons (partons), may be embodied by universal parton distribution functions (PDFs). In a first approximation the PDFs can be taken (at a resolution scale) to depend only on the momentum (fraction) of the parton parallel to that of the hadron to which it belongs (parent). Thus additional degrees of freedom, namely the transverse components of the parton momentum as well as spatial dependences, are disregarded (integrated out). This defines the so-called collinear approximation, which has been developed over the last few decades by the world community and provides the base for many analyses at current facilities. The PDFs are typically determined by simultaneously fitting a wide variety of data for large momentum transfer processes (global analysis). The parameters of the fits describe the PDFs at some initial (input) scale, while evolution equations are then used to calculate the PDFs at all other scales needed for the calculations. Although in principle the fundamental distributions in nature are the PDFs for a specific helicity ( fi↑ and fi↓ , i.e. corresponding respectively to parton spins aligned and anti-aligned with that of the hadron), experiments with unpolarized beams and targets are sensitive only to the averaged helicity distributions or unpolarized PDFs ( fi = fi↑ + fi↓ ), while information on the polarized distributions (∆ fi = fi↑ − fi↓ ) can be obtained from measurements involving polarized beams and/or targets. Thus traditionally the unpolarized and polarized cases have been treated separately, although in principle one could perform a global fit of polarized and unpolarized data simultaneously. A comprehensive review on the determination of polarized and unpolarized PDFs has been recently presented in [1], in this talk we will briefly discuss some aspects of our latest extractions. We will start with Pedro Jimenez-Delgado Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility 12000 Jefferson Avenue, Suite 1, Newport News, VA 23606, USA Tel.: +1-757-269-7870 Fax: + 1-757-269-7002 E-mail: arXiv:1410.2428v1 [hep-ph] 9 Oct 2014 The Journal’s name will be set by the publisher DOI: will be set by the publisher c Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2014 IFJPAN-IV-2014-14 Analysis of BaBar data for three meson tau decay modes using the Tauola generator Olga Shekhovtsova1,2 , a 1 2 Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN ul. Radzikowskiego 152 31-342 Krakow, Poland Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology 61108, Akademicheskaya,1, Kharkov, Ukraine Abstract. The hadronic current for the τ− → π− π+ π− ντ decay calculated in the framework of the Resonance Chiral Theory with an additional modification to include the σ meson is described. Implementation into the Monte Carlo generator Tauola and fitting strategy to get the model parameters using the one-dimensional distributions are discussed. The results of the fit to one-dimensional mass invariant spectrum of the BaBar data are presented. This paper is based on [1]. 1 Introduction The precise experimental data for tau lepton decays collected at B-factories (both Belle and BaBar) provide an opportunity to measure the Standard Model (SM) parameters, such as the strong coupling constant, the quark-mixing matrix, the strange quark mass etc, and for searching new physics, beyond SM. The leptonic decay modes of the tau lepton allow to test the universality of the lepton couplings to the gauge bosons. The hadronic decays (in fact, the tau lepton due to its high mass is only one that can decay into hadrons) give an information about the hadronization mechanism and resonance dynamics in the energy region where the methods of the perturbative QCD cannot be applied. Also hadronic flavour-violating and CP violating decays of tau lepton allow to search for new physics scenario. Hadronic tau lepton decays are also a tool in high-energy physics. At the LHC and future linear colliders a correct simulation of the hadronic decay modes, mainly two pion and three pion modes, is needed to measure the Higgs spin and its CP properties. The implementation of the appropriate information on the hadronization of the QCD currents represents a key task of the TAUOLA library [2, 3]. TAUOLA is a Monte Carlo generator (MC) dedicated to generating tau decays and it is used in the analysis of experimental data both at Bfactories and LHC. It is important to include in the analyses the information of QCD itself and not of ad-hoc models that may screen the appropriate information from data. On the other hand an agreement with experimental data is essential and verifies a theoretical model. Resonance Chiral Theory (RChT) [4, 5] provides such a reliable framework as it has been shown in many previous publications [6– 9]. A set of RChT currents for the main two meson and three meson, namely, π− π0 , K − π0 , K 0 π− , π− π− π+ , π0 π0 π− , K − π− K + , K 0 π− K¯ 0 and K − π0 K 0 , was installed. That set covers more than 88% of total hadronic τ width. The implementation of the currents, technical tests on it as well as necessary theoretical concepts are documented in [10]. a e-mail: arXiv:1410.2425v1 [hep-ph] 9 Oct 2014 International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series c The Authors Generalized Loop Space and Evolution of the Light-Like Wilson Loops Igor O. Cherednikov EDF, Departement Fysica, Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerp, B-2020 Belgium Tom Mertens EDF, Departement Fysica, Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerp, B-2020 Belgium Equations of motion for the light-like QCD Wilson loops are studied in the generalized loop space (GLS) setting. To this end, the classically conformal-invariant non-local variations of the cusped Wilson exponentials lying (partially) on the light-cone are formulated in terms of the Fr´ echet derivative. The rapidity and renormalization-group behaviour of the gauge-invariant quantum correlation functions (in particular, the three-dimensional parton densities) are demonstrated to be connected to certain geometrical properties of the Wilson loops defined in the GLS. Keywords: Wilson lines and loops; generalised loop space; QCD factorization. PACS numbers:13.60.Hb,13.85.Hd,13.87.Fh,13.88.+e 1. Introduction The QCD factorization approach to the analysis of the semi-inclusive high-energy processes entails the introduction of transverse-momentum dependent parton densities (TMD), which generalise the collinear (integrated) PDFs and contain essential information about three-dimensional intrinsic structure of the nucleon [1]. In Ref. [2] the following factorization scheme (valid in the large Bjorken-x regime) for a generic transverse-distance dependent quark distribution function Z (1) F (x, b⊥ ) = d2 k⊥ e−ib⊥ k⊥ F (x, k⊥ ) has been proposed F x, b⊥ ; η, µ2 ≈ H(µ2 , P 2 ) · Φ(x, b⊥ ; η, µ2 ), (2) where the x-independent jet function H describes the incoming (collinear) partons and the soft function Φ can be defined as the Fourier transform of an element of This is an Open Access article published by World Scientific Publishing Company. It is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC-BY) License. Further distribution of this work is permitted, provided the original work is properly cited. 1 Heavy quarkonium properties from Cornell potential using variational method and supersymmetric quantum mechanic Alfredo Vega1,2 and Jorge Flores1 1 Instituto de F´ısica y Astronom´ıa, Universidad de Valpara´ıso, Avenida Gran Breta˜ na 1111, Valpara´ıso, Chile 2 arXiv:1410.2417v1 [hep-ph] 9 Oct 2014 Centro de Astrof´ısica de Valpara´ıso, Universidad de Valpara´ıso, Avenida Gran Breta˜ na 1111, Valpara´ıso, Chile (Dated: October 10, 2014) Using the variational method and supersymmetric quantum mechanic we calculate in a approximate way eigenvalues, eigenfunctions and wave functions at origin of Cornell potential. We compare results with numerical solutions for heavy quarkonia c¯ c, b¯b y b¯ c. PACS numbers: 14.40.Pq, 12.39.Pn, 12.60.Jv, 03.65.Ge Keywords: Quarkonium, Variational Method, Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanic I. INTRODUCTION Since the discovery of J/ψ in 1974 [1, 2] the study of heavy quarkonium has been very valuable in hadron physics, because they involve non perturbative aspect of QCD and there are many experimental data involving those hadrons [3–5]. From a theoretical standpoint, heavy quarkonium has been studied from several approaches [6, 7], we can stand out for his simplicity, and because it corresponds to a successful approach, the non relativistic potential models, where quark interaction is modelled using a potential energy in the usual Schr¨ odinger equation. The literature about quark potentials is huge, so here we add a small number of references [7–15], although incomplete is representative and is a good starting point to introduce on this topic. One of the first potential proposed was the Cornell potential [8, 9], that corresponds to a coulombian potential plus a linear confinement term. In this way Cornell potential considers general properties of quark interactions. Schr¨ odinger equation with Cornell potential do not have analytical solutions, and although it is possible to solve it using numerical methods [16, 17], it is always interesting to obtain an approximate analytical solutions that offer a possibility of additional discussions. In this work, we solve in an approximate way the Schr¨ odinger equation with Cornell potential using a procedure that correspond to an adaptation method suggested in [18, 19], that considers usual variational methods with supersymmetric quantum mechanic (SUSY QM). Some additional examples using SUSY QM and variational method can be found in [20–22]. The use of SUSY QM [23], born at the beginning of the eighties in studies of supersymmetry breaking in quantum field theories with extra dimensions [24], allows to get isospectral potentials to the original potential, with the particularity that the ground state of the original potential is not present in the spectrum of isospectral associated potential, so the ground state of the supersymmetric partner potential is related with the first excited state of original potential.This procedure can be repeated in order to get successive potentials whose ground states are related by some standard transformations in SUSY QM, with the different states of the original potential, Cornell in our case. So in this way, if we use the variational method to get solutions for the ground state of different supersymmetric partners of the Cornell potential we can obtain the spectrum and wave functions for heavy quarkonium. Notice that standard variational method has been used to study heavy quarkonium properties considering different phenomenological quark potentials [25, 26]. The procedure described in the previous paragraph is used in this work to get approximated eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for the Schr¨odinger equation with Cornell potential, and we are using it to study heavy quarkonium c¯ c, b¯b and b¯ c, paying special attention to the wave function at the origin (WFO), an important quantity that it is involved in calculations of heavy quarkonium decay rates. This paper is structured as follow. In section II we sumarize the main ingredient of SUSY QM used in this work. Section III it is dedicated to approximated calculations of energies, wave functions and WFO for heavy quarkonium using variational method and SUSY QM and in section IV we discuss our results and conclusions. MITP/14-070, IFT-UAM/CSIC-14-100, FTUAM-14-38 Precise determination of resonance pole parameters through Pad´ e approximants Pere Masjuan,1, ∗ Jacobo Ruiz de Elvira,2, † and Juan Jos´e Sanz-Cillero3, ‡ arXiv:1410.2397v1 [hep-ph] 9 Oct 2014 2 1 Institut f¨ ur Kernphysik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universit¨ at, D-55099 Mainz, Germany Helmholtz-Institut f¨ ur Strahlen- und Kernphysik, Universit¨ at Bonn, D-53115 Bonn, Germany 3 Departamento de F´ısica Te´ orica and Instituto de F´ısica Te´ orica, IFT-UAM/CSIC Universidad Aut´ onoma de Madrid, Cantoblanco, Madrid, Spain In this work, we present a precise and model–independent method to extract resonance pole parameters from phase-shift scattering data. These parameters are defined from the associated poles in the second Riemann sheet, unfolded by the analytic continuation to the complex pole using Pad´e approximants. Precise theoretical parameterizations of pion-pion scattering phase shifts based on once– and twice– subtracted dispersion relations are used as input, whose functional form allows us to show the benefit and accuracy of the method. In particular, we extract from these √ parametrization the pole positions of the f0 (500) at s = (453 ± 15) − i(297 ± 15) MeV, √ √ the ρ(770) at s = (761.4 ± 1.2) − i(71.8 ± 1.0) MeV, and the pole of the f2 (1270), located at s = (1267.3 ± 1.7) − i(95.0 ± 2.3) MeV. The couplings of the resonances to two pions are also determined with high precision, obtaining respectively, 3.8±0.4 GeV, 5.92±0.15 and 4.41±0.23 GeV−1 . Special attention is dedicated to the systematic treatment of the theoretical and statistical uncertainties, together with their comparison with previous determinations. PACS numbers: 11.55.-m,11.80.Fv,12.40.Vv,12.40.Yx,13.40.Gp,14.40.-n Keywords: Pad´ e Approximants, Resonance poles and properties I. INTRODUCTION The non-perturbative regime of Quantum Chromodynamics is characterized by the presence of hadronic resonances defined by complex S–matrix poles in unphysical Riemann sheets. Contrary to other definitions, the pole position –and the corresponding pole mass and width defined by sp = (Mp − iΓp /2)2 – is universal and independent of the process under consideration. In addition, its residue enclose the information on the underlying process. However, extrapolating the physical amplitude at real values of the energy, i.e., in the 1st Riemann sheet, into the complex plane and extracting resonance poles is not a trivial task. The extrapolation procedure may change drastically the value of the outcomes, specially in the case of broad states. The simple method proposed here for the analytical continuation is given by the Pad´e approximants (PA) to an amplitude F (s) in terms of the total invariant squared momentum s around a point s0 , denoted by N PM (s, s0 ) [1]: N (1) PM (s, s0 ) = F (s) + O (s − s0 )M+N +1 , N with PM (s, s0 ) = QN (s)/RM (s) given by the ratio of two polynomials QN (s) and RM (s) of degrees N and M , respectively [1]. RN (s0 ) is chosen to be 1, without any loss of generality. ∗ † ‡ A special case of interest for the present work is given by Montessus de Ballore’s theorem [2, 3]. Its simpler version states that when the amplitude F (s) is analytic inside the disk Bδ (s0 ) except for a single pole at s = sp the sequence of one-pole PA P1N (s, s0 ), P1N (s, s0 ) = N −1 X k=0 ak (s − s0 )k + aN (s − s0 )N , (2) 1 − aaNN+1 (s − s0 ) converges to F (s) in any compact subset of the disk 1 F (n) (s0 ) excluding the pole sp . The constants an = n! th are given, accordingly, by the n derivative of F (s) [1– 3], being P1N (s, s0 ) determined by the first derivatives F (0) (s0 ) = F (s0 ), F (1) (s0 )... F (N +1) (s0 ). Likewise, the PA pole and residue ) s(N = s0 + p aN (aN )N +2 , Z (N ) = − , aN +1 (aN +1 )N +1 (3) converge to the corresponding pole and residue of F (s) for N → ∞. During the last years, dispersive approaches have been proved to be a very successful tool to obtain precise determinations of phase shifts and pole parameters [4– 10]. However, they are based on a complicated although powerful machinery which makes them difficult to use except for a limited number of cases. In this letter, we use dispersive ππ parameterizations to show how it is possible to obtain a precise and model-independent determination of resonance pole parameters using the theory of PA [1, 3], even for cases where dispersive methods cannot be easily applied. Following the proposal in Ref. [3], Montesus’ theorem is applied to the simplest case with a single-resonance pole inside the disk Bδ (s0 ). Nonetheless, it can be genN eralized, ensuring the convergence of the PM (s, s0 ) se- arXiv:1410.2376v1 [hep-ph] 9 Oct 2014 Frascati Physics Series Vol. 58 (2014) Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics May 18-24, 2014 ARE WE REALLY SEEING DARK MATTER SIGNALS FROM THE MILKY WAY CENTER? Germ´ an A. G´omez-Vargas Instituto de Fis´ıca, Pontificia Universidad Cat´ olica de Chile INFN, Sezione di Roma “Tor Vergata” Abstract The center of the Milky Way is one of the most interesting regions of the γray sky because of the potential for indirect dark matter (DM) detection. It is also complicated due to the many sources and uncertainties associated with the diffuse γ-ray emission. Many independent groups have claimed a DM detection in the data collected by the Large Area Telescope on board the Fermi γ-ray Satellite from the inner Galaxy region at energies below 10 GeV. However, an exotic signal needs to be disentangled from the data using a model of known γray emitters, i.e. a background model. We point out that deep understanding of background ingredients and their main uncertainties is of capital importance to disentangle a dark matter signal from the Galaxy center. Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplement Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplement 00 (2014) 1–7 Testing the Zee-Babu model via neutrino data, lepton flavour violation and direct searches at the LHC Juan Herrero-Garciaa , Miguel Nebotb , Nuria Riusc and Arcadi Santamariac arXiv:1410.2299v1 [hep-ph] 8 Oct 2014 a Department of Theoretical Physics, School of Engineering Sciences, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, AlbaNova University Center, Roslagstullsbacken 21, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden b Centro de F´ısica Te´ orica de Part´ıculas, Instituto Superior T´ecnico – Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal c Departamento de F´ısica Te´ orica, Universidad de Valencia and IFIC, Universidad de Valencia-CSIC, C/ Catedr´atico Jos´e Beltr´an, 2 — E-46980 Paterna, Spain Abstract In this talk we discuss how the Zee-Babu model can be tested combining information from neutrino data, low-energy experiments and direct searches at the LHC. We update previous analysis in the light of the recent measurement of the neutrino mixing angle θ13 [1], the new MEG limits on µ → eγ [2], the lower bounds on doubly-charged scalars coming from LHC data [3, 4], and, of course, the discovery of a 125 GeV Higgs boson by ATLAS and CMS [5, 6]. In particular, we find that the new singly- and doubly-charged scalars are accessible at the second run of the LHC, yielding different signatures depending on the neutrino hierarchy and on the values of the phases. We also discuss in detail the stability of the potential. Keywords: Neutrino masses, Lepton flavor violation, LHC, stability of the potential 1. Introduction Radiative models are a very plausible way in which neutrinos may acquire their tiny masses: ν’s are light because they are massless at tree level, with their masses being generated by loop corrections that generically have the following form: v2 mν ∼ c , (4π)2i Λ (1) where c encodes some lepton number violating (LNV) couplings and/or ratios of masses, Λ is the scale of LNV which can be at the TeV and therefore can be accessible at colliders, and i are the number of loops, where typically more than three loops yield too light neutrino masses or have problems with low-energy constraints (so typically i < 4). In the Zee-Babu model [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] neutrino masses are generated at two loops, where the new scalars cannot be very heavy or have very small Yukawa couplings, otherwise neutrino masses would be too small. We follow the notation in [12, 15], where a complete list of references is given. The Zee-Babu adds to the Standard Model two charged singlet scalar fields h± , k±± , (2) with weak hypercharges ±1 and ±2 respectively. The interesting Yukawa interactions are: LY = ` Yeφ + `˜ f `h+ + ec g e k++ + H.c. (3) Due to Fermi statistics, fab is an antisymmetric matrix in flavour space, while gab is symmetric. And the most general scalar potential has the form: V = † 02 2 02 2 m02 H H H + mh |h| + mk |k| + + λH (H † H)2 + λh |h|4 + λk |k|4 + Symmetry Energy Effects on the Nuclear Landscape Rui Wang1 and Lie-Wen Chen∗1, 2 1 arXiv:1410.2498v1 [nucl-th] 9 Oct 2014 Department of Physics and Astronomy and Shanghai Key Laboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China 2 Center of Theoretical Nuclear Physics, National Laboratory of Heavy Ion Accelerator, Lanzhou 730000, China (Dated: October 10, 2014) While various mean-field models predict similar two-proton drip line in the nuclear landscape, their predictions for the two-neutron drip line involve extreme extrapolations and exhibit a significant variation. We demonstrate that this variation is mainly due to the different values of the symmetry energy Esym (ρc ) at the subsaturation cross density ρc ≈ 0.11 fm−3 for different interactions. Based on the recent accurate constraint on Esym (ρc ), we obtain a quite precise prediction for the location of the two-neutron drip line and thus a very precise estimate of 1981 ± 76 for the number of bound even-even nuclei with proton number between 2 and 120 among which only 799 have so far been discovered experimentally. PACS numbers: 21.65.Ef, 21.10.Dr, 21.30.Fe, 21.60.Jz The determination of the location of neutron and proton drip lines in the nuclear landscape is a fundamental question in nuclear physics. The drip lines tell us what the limit of the nuclear stability is and how many bound nuclei can exist in the nuclear chart [1]. The quest for the neutron drip line is critically important for understanding the astrophysical rapid neutron capture process (r-process) which provides a nucleosynthesis mechanism for the origin of more than half of the heavy nuclei in the Universe [2, 3]. While the proton drip line has been determined up to Protactinium (proton number Z = 91) [4], there has little experimental information on the neutron drip line for elements with Z > 8 [5], and this provides a strong motivation for the research on radioactive nuclei at rare isotope beam facilities [6]. Information on the neutron drip line significantly relies on model extrapolation. Theoretically, the drip lines can be predicted either from macroscopic models [7, 8] or from microscopic density functional theory (DFT) [9– 16] based on the self-consistent mean-field. Especially, benchmark calculations have been recently performed to predict the two-nucleon drip lines within DFT using advanced non-relativistic and relativistic (covariant) interactions [17–20]. Although these theoretical approaches have achieved remarkable success in describing the data on known nuclei, extrapolations to unknown nuclei appears less certain. Different approaches or interactions, which predict similar two-proton drip line, can give quite different predictions for the position of the two-neutron drip line [17–20]. Physically this uncertainty is mainly due to our poor knowledge on the isovector effective interactions since the nuclei close to the neutron drip line have extremely large isospin values [17–20]. The symmetry energy Esym (ρ), which characterizes the isospin dependent part of the equation of state (EOS) of asymmetric nuclear matter, is an important quantity to reflect the nature of the isovector effective interactions (see, e.g., Ref. [21]). It is thus essential to find out the relation between the symmetry energy and the predicted drip lines which will be critically useful for improving our predictions for the properties of extremely neutron-rich nuclei. Unfortunately, so far this relationship is still largely controversial and elusive. Indeed, Oyamatsu et al. [8] found that the location of the neutron drip line is sensitive to the density slope L(ρ0 ) of the symmetry energy at saturation density ρ0 . However, a recent work by Afanasjev et al. [19] (see also Ref. [20]) indicates that there exists no such a correlation. In this work, we demonstrate that the location of the neutron drip line is strongly correlated with the magnitude of the symmetry energy at the subsaturation cross density ρc ≈ 0.11 fm−3 , i.e., Esym (ρc ), although it essentially exhibits no correlation with L(ρ0 ) or Esym (ρ0 ). With the help of the recent accurately determined Esym (ρc ), this finding significantly reduces the uncertainly in the theoretical prediction on the location of the neutron drip line. The symmetry energy plays multifaceted roles in nuclear physics and astrophysics [21–28] as well as new physics beyond the standard model [29–33], and it is de2 1 ∂ E(ρ,δ) fined as Esym (ρ) = 2! |δ=0 via an expansion of the ∂δ 2 nucleon specific energy (i.e., EOS) in an asymmetric nuclear matter, i.e., E(ρ, δ) = E0 (ρ) + Esym (ρ)δ 2 + O(δ 4 ) where ρ is the baryon density and δ = (ρn −ρp )/(ρp +ρn ) is the isospin asymmetry. The E0 (ρ) represents the EOS of symmetric nuclear matter and can be expanded around ρ−ρ0 3 0 2 ρ0 as E0 (ρ) = E0 (ρ0 ) + K2!0 ( ρ−ρ 3ρ0 ) + O(( 3ρ0 ) ) where the K0 is the incompressibility coefficient of symmetric nuclear matter. The symmetry energy Esym (ρ) can also be expanded around a reference density ρr as Esym (ρ) = Esym (ρr ) + L(ρr )χr + O(χ2r ), ∗ Corresponding author (email: with χr = ρ−ρr 3ρr . (1) The coefficient L(ρr ) denotes the density Beyond mean-field study of elastic and inelastic electron scattering off nuclei J. M. Yao∗ ,1, 2 M. Bender,3, 4 and P.-H. Heenen1 1 Physique Nucl´eaire Th´eorique, Universit´e Libre de Bruxelles, C.P. 229, B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium 2 School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest University, Chongqing, 400715 China 3 Universit´e de Bordeaux, Centre d’Etudes Nucl´eaires de Bordeaux Gradignan, UMR5797, F-33175 Gradignan, France 4 CNRS/IN2P3, Centre d’Etudes Nucl´eaires de Bordeaux Gradignan, UMR5797, F-33175 Gradignan, France (Dated: 8 October 2014) arXiv:1410.2389v1 [nucl-th] 9 Oct 2014 Background Electron scattering provides a powerful tool to determine charge distributions and transition densities of nuclei. This tool will soon be available for short-lived neutron-rich nuclei. Purpose Beyond mean-field methods have been successfully applied to the study of excitation spectra of nuclei in the whole nuclear chart. These methods permit to determine energies and transition probabilities starting from an effective inmedium nucleon-nucleon interaction but without other phenomenological ingredients. Such a method has recently been extended to calculate the charge density of nuclei deformed at the mean-field level of approximation [J. M. Yao et al., Phys. Rev. C 86, 014310 (2012)]. The aim of this work is to further extend the method to the determination of transition densities between low-lying excited states. Method The starting point of our method is a set of Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov wave functions generated with a constraint on the axial quadrupole moment and using a Skyrme energy density functional. Correlations beyond the mean field are introduced by projecting mean-field wave functions on angular-momentum and particle number and by mixing the symmetry restored wave functions. Results We give in this paper detailed formulae derived for the calculation of densities and form factors. These formulae are rather easy to obtain when both initial and final states are 0+ states but are far from being trivial when one of the states has a finite J-value. Illustrative applications to 24 Mg and to the even-mass 58−68 Ni have permitted to analyse the main features of our method, in particular the effect of deformation on densities and form factors. An illustration calculation of both elastic and inelastic scattering form factors is presented. Conclusions We present a very general framework to calculate densities of and transition densities between low-lying states that can be applied to any nucleus. To achieve better agreement with the experimental data will require to improve the energy density functionals that are currently used and also to introduce quasi-particle excitations in the mean-field wave functions. PACS numbers: 21.10.Ft, 21.10.Ky, 21.60.Jz, 25.30.Bf, 25.30.Dh I. INTRODUCTION Electron scattering off nuclei is a powerful tool for studies of nuclear structure and spectroscopy [1–16]. It allows to determine the charge distribution of nuclear ground states, as well as of the transition charge and current densities from the ground state to excited states. More global properties can be extracted from a detailed knowledge of charge distribution, like charge radii. Parameters characterizing the extension and surface thickness of the nuclear density can also be derived [17, 18]. From the form factors for inelastic electron scattering at low transferred momentum q, the spin and parity of excited states and the multipole transition strengths can be determined in a model-independent manner [4, 10]. At larger values of q, the form factors present an insight into the spatial location of the transition process, which cannot be accessed from the integral over this function provided by the measurement of B(EL) values in Coulomb excitation or lifetime measurements. Thereby, electron scattering does not only provide a powerful alternative to many ∗ Present address: Department of Physics, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8578, Japan other types of nuclear structure studies, but also complements them by giving access to levels and transitions that are undetectable in photoexcitation and γ-ray spectroscopy, such as for instance levels excited by monopole transitions or transitions of high multipolarity. As all electron-nucleus scattering experiments of the past used fixed or gas targets, only stable and a very few long-lived nuclides could be studied so far. This will change with the set-up of electron-RIB collider experiments. The SCRIT (Self Confining Radioactive Isotope Target) project [19–21] is under construction at RIKEN (Japan) and the ELISe (ELectron-Ion Scattering in a storage ring) project is planned for FAIR (Germany) [22, 23]. When being realised, the charge densities and transition charge densities of short-lived nuclides, in particular neutron-rich nuclei, will be measured at both installations. Data from electron scattering are often interpreted in terms of parameterized macroscopic density and transition density distributions, such as the ones of Helm [24], Tassie [25] or Friedrich et al. [17, 18]. They all have in common that some functional form of the ground-state or transition charge densities is postulated and its parameters adjusted to reproduce the data. Such analysis provides an insight into the gross features of the ground state and transition charge density distribution and the reso- arXiv:1410.2062v1 [nucl-th] 8 Oct 2014 Resonance dynamics in the coherent η meson production in the (p, p′) reaction on the spin-isospin saturated nucleus Swapan Das 1 Nuclear Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Mumbai-400085, India Abstract For the forward going proton and η meson, the coherent η meson production in the (p, p′ ) reaction on the spin-isospin saturated nucleus occurs only due to the η meson exchange interaction between the beam proton and nucleus. In this process, the nucleon in the nucleus can be excited to resonances N ∗ and the η meson in the final state can arise due to N ∗ → N η. We investigate the dynamics of resonances, including nucleon Born terms, and their interferences in the coherently added cross section of this reaction. We discuss the importance of N (1520) resonance and show the sensitivity of the cross section to the hadron nucleus interaction. Keywords: η meson exchange interaction, N ∗ propagation PACS number(s): 25.40e, 13.30.Eg, 13.60.Le The coherent meson production in the nuclear reaction is a potential tool to investigate the resonance dynamics in the nucleus, as well as the meson nucleus interaction in the final state. Since the branching ratio of ∆(1232) → Nπ is ≃ 100% [1], the coherent pion production process has been used extensively to investigate the ∆ dynamics in the nucleus [2, 3]. This process in (γ, π) and (e, eπ) reactions is used to study the transverse N → ∆ excitation in the nucleus, where the coherent pion is produced away from the forward direction [4]. The forward emission of coherent pion is a probe for the longitudinal ∆ excitation which occur in the pion nuclear reaction [5]. The coherent pion production is also studied in the proton and ion induced nuclear reaction [6, 7]. The issue of ∆-peak shift in the nucleus [8] is resolved, as it occurs because of the coherent pion production [6, 7] which is not possible for proton target. The coherent pion production in the (p, n) [6] and (3 He, t) [7] reactions on the nucleus is shown to have one to one correspondence with that in the π + meson nucleus scattering [9, 10]. For the forward going protons, the coherent pion production in the (p, p′ ) reaction can be used to produce π 0 beam [11] which is analogous to tagged photon beam. The coherent η meson production in the nuclear reaction is another process which can be used to study the resonance dynamics in the nucleus. Amongst the resonances, N(1535) has large decay branching ratio (42%) in the Nη channel, i.e., ΓN (1535)→N η (m = 1535 MeV) 1 email: 1 Blast Wave Fits to Elliptic Flow Data at √ sNN = 7.7–2760 GeV X. Sun1,2 , H. Masui3 , A. M. Poskanzer2 , and A. Schmah2 1 2 Department of Physics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, People’s Republic of China Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, USA and 3 Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan arXiv:1410.1947v1 [hep-ph] 8 Oct 2014 We present blast wave fits to elliptic flow (v2 (pT )) data in minimum bias collisions from the √ sNN = 7.7–200 GeV at RHIC, and 2.76 TeV at LHC. The fits are performed separately for particles and corresponding anti-particles. The mean transverse velocity parameter β shows an energy dependent difference between particles and corresponding anti-particles, which increases as the beam energy decreases. Possible effects of feed down, baryon stopping, anti-particle absorption, and early production times for anti-particles are discussed. I. INTRODUCTION To understand the formation of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) phase and to study the structure of the QCD phase diagram, a Beam Energy Scan (BES) program was started in the years 2010 and 2011 at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) facility [1] where √ Au+Au collisions were recorded at sNN = 7.7, 11.5, 19.6, 27, 39, and 62.4 GeV. Azimuthal anisotropy [2] is one of the most important observables for relativistic nuclear collisions to study the bulk behavior of the created matter. In non-central Au+Au collision, the overlap region has an almond shape with the major axis perpendicular to the reaction plane, which is defined by the impact parameter and the beam direction. Due to fluctuations, the participant plane [3] in each event is not necessarily the same as the reaction plane. As the system evolves, the pressure gradient converts the anisotropy from coordinate space to momentum space. The produced particle distribution [4, 5] can be written as: E ∞ X d3 N 1 d2 N 2vnobs cos[n(φ−Ψn )]), (1) = (1+ dp3 2π pT dpT dy n=1 vn = vnobs /Rn , (2) where φ is the azimuthal angle of a particle, Ψn is the n-th harmonic event plane angle reconstructed by the observed particles, which is an estimation of the participant plane, and Rn is the n-th harmonic event plane resolution. The second harmonic coefficient v2 reported here is called elliptic flow. Several interesting observations related to v2 have been reported in the past decade by using data from the top √ RHIC energy of sNN = 200 GeV [2, 6–9]. At low transverse momenta (pT < 2.0 GeV/c), a mass ordering of the v2 values was observed [10–12], which could be understood within a hydrodynamic framework. At intermediate pT range, (2 < pT < 6 GeV/c), a Number-ofConstituent Quark (NCQ) scaling [13] of v2 for identified hadrons was observed. This observation, coupled with comparable values of the elliptic flow measured for multi-strange hadrons (φ and Ξ) and light quark hadrons, was used to conclude that the relevant degrees of freedom are quarks and gluons for the matter formed in the early stage of heavy ion collisions at top RHIC energy [2, 12, 14–16]. The mass ordering in the low pT range and the NCQ scaling in the intermediate pT range were also observed in BES experiments [17]. In this paper we use the blast √ wave model [18–22] to fit v2 (pT ) data at sNN = 7.7 – 2760 GeV to get the energy dependence of the mean radial flow expansion velocity. The blast wave model is an approximation to the full hydro calculations, which were only done for BES inclusive charged hadron data [23], not for identified particles due to complications of the equation-of-state and the initial conditions. This paper is organized as follows. Section II gives a brief introduction to the blast wave model and the fit functions used in this paper. In Section III we show the fit results and discuss the physics implications. A summary is given in Section IV. II. BLAST WAVE PARAMETRIZATION A nuclear fireball model [18] was introduced by Westfall et al. to explain midrapidity proton inclusive spectra. This model assumes that a clean cylindrical cut is made by the projectile and target and leave a hot souce in between. Protons emitted from the fireball should follow a thermal energy distribution. Soon after, Siemens and Rasmussen generalized a relativistic kinematics formula of blast wave parametrization by assuming an exploding fireball producing a blast wave of nucleons and pions [19]. Two decades ago, Schnedermann et al. introduced a simple functional form with only two fit parameters: a kinetic temperature (T ) and a radial velocity (β) which was successfully used in fits to pT spectra [20]. Huovinen et al. [21] introduced a third parameter, the difference of the radial velocity in and out of the reaction plane, in the equation to discribe transversely anisotropic flow generated in non-central collisions. However, the blast wave fit matched data even better after the STAR Collaboration added a fourth parameter [22] to take into account the anisotropic shape of the source in coordinate space. Nuclear Physics A Nuclear Physics A 00 (2014) 1–4 Measurements of b-jet Nuclear Modification Factors in pPb and PbPb Collisions with CMS arXiv:1410.2576v1 [nucl-ex] 9 Oct 2014 Kurt Jung (for the CMS Collaboration)1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University, 525 Northwestern Ave., West Lafayette, IN, USA Abstract HIA We present measurements of the nuclear modification factors RAA and RPYT of b jets in lead-lead and proton-lead collisions, pA respectively, using the CMS detector. Jets from b-quark fragmentations are found by exploiting the long lifetime of the b-quark through tagging methods using distributions of the secondary vertex displacement. From these, b-jet cross-sections are calculated and compared to the pp cross-section from the 2.76 TeV pp data collected in 2013 and to a PYTHIA simulation at 5.02 TeV, where these center-of-mass energies correspond to those of the PbPb and pPb data. We observe significant suppression for b jets in PbPb, HIA and a RPYT value consistent with unity for b jets in pPb. Results from both collision species show remarkable correspondance pA with inclusive-jet suppression measurements, indicating that mass-dependent energy-loss effects are negligible at pT values greater than around 50 GeV/c. We use 150 µb−1 of lead-lead data and 35 nb−1 of proton-lead data collected at the LHC. Keywords: QGP, b jets, energy-loss 1. Introduction Quenching of jets in heavy-ion collisions is expected to depend heavily on the mass of the fragmenting parton. Under the assumption that gluon radiation is the dominant energy-loss mechanism, jets from heavy quarks are expected to radiate less due to the “dead-cone effect”, especially when the parton pT is comparible to the parton mass. It must be said, however, that the mechanisms for in-medium partonic energy-loss are still poorly constrained. These measurements of the energy loss observed in jets from heavy-ion collisions as a function of jet flavor provide powerful constraints on the understanding of possible energy-loss mechanisms, as jet flavor is a direct proxy for the different parton masses. This analysis will focus on b-jet energy loss. CMS is described in detail in the original detector publication [1], and its silicon tracker and hadronic calorimeter are excellent experimental tools for observing heavy flavor jets in heavy-ion collisons. Jets formed from heavy flavor quark fragmentation are typically tagged in one of two ways: first, by the direct reconstruction of a displaced vertex, and second by the displacement of individual tracks. Using the track-only tagging method as a cross-check ensures the secondary vertex reconstruction selections remain unbiased. The three-dimensional distance of the closest track point to the primary vertex is defined as the impact parameter [2]. Information from these tracks and vertices are typically combined into a quantity which optimizes their discrimination between heavy and light flavor jets. In this analysis, we use a discriminator to tag b jets which is based on the displacement of the reconstructed secondary vertex (SV) with respect to the primary vertex of the interaction. This discriminator is called the Simple Secondary Vertex tagger (SSV) [2], and is based on the displacement significance (displacement divided by its uncertainty) of 1A list of members of the CMS Collaboration and acknowledgements can be found at the end of this issue. 1 arXiv:1410.2559v1 [nucl-ex] 9 Oct 2014 Beam-energy and system-size dependence of the space-time extent of the pion emission source produced in heavy ion collisions A. Adare,13 S. Afanasiev,32 C. Aidala,14, 41, 45, 46 N.N. Ajitanand,64 Y. Akiba,58, 59 R. Akimoto,12 H. Al-Bataineh,52 H. Al-Ta’ani,52 J. Alexander,64 M. Alfred,25 A. Angerami,14 K. Aoki,37, 58 N. Apadula,30, 65 L. Aphecetche,66 Y. Aramaki,12, 58 R. Armendariz,52 S.H. Aronson,7 J. Asai,59 H. Asano,37, 58 E.C. Aschenauer,7 E.T. Atomssa,38, 65 R. Averbeck,65 T.C. Awes,54 B. Azmoun,7 V. Babintsev,26 M. Bai,6 G. Baksay,20 L. Baksay,20 A. Baldisseri,16 N.S. Bandara,45 B. Bannier,65 K.N. Barish,8 P.D. Barnes,41, ∗ B. Bassalleck,51 A.T. Basye,1 S. Bathe,5, 8, 59 S. Batsouli,54 V. Baublis,57 C. Baumann,47 S. Baumgart,58 A. Bazilevsky,7 M. Beaumier,8 S. Beckman,13 S. Belikov,7, ∗ R. Belmont,46, 70 R. Bennett,65 A. Berdnikov,61 Y. Berdnikov,61 A.A. Bickley,13 X. Bing,53 D. Black,8 D.S. Blau,36 J.G. Boissevain,41 J. Bok,52 J.S. Bok,74 H. Borel,16 K. Boyle,59, 65 M.L. Brooks,41 J. Bryslawskyj,5 H. Buesching,7 V. Bumazhnov,26 G. Bunce,7, 59 S. Butsyk,41, 51, 65 C.M. Camacho,41 S. Campbell,30, 65 P. Castera,65 B.S. Chang,74 J.-L. Charvet,16 C.-H. Chen,59, 65 S. Chernichenko,26 C.Y. Chi,14 J. Chiba,34 M. Chiu,7, 27 I.J. Choi,27, 74 J.B. Choi,10 S. Choi,63 R.K. Choudhury,4 P. Christiansen,43 T. Chujo,69, 70 P. Chung,64 A. Churyn,26 O. Chvala,8 V. Cianciolo,54 Z. Citron,65, 72 C.R. Cleven,22 B.A. Cole,14 M.P. Comets,55 M. Connors,65 P. Constantin,41 M. Csan´ ad,18 T. Cs¨org˝ o,73 T. Dahms,65 S. Dairaku,37, 58 I. Danchev,70 K. Das,21 A. Datta,45, 51 M.S. Daugherity,1 G. David,7 M.B. Deaton,1 K. DeBlasio,51 K. Dehmelt,20, 65 H. Delagrange,66 A. Denisov,26 D. d’Enterria,14 A. Deshpande,59, 65 E.J. Desmond,7 K.V. Dharmawardane,52 O. Dietzsch,62 L. Ding,30 A. Dion,30, 65 J.H. Do,74 M. Donadelli,62 O. Drapier,38 A. Drees,65 K.A. Drees,6 A.K. Dubey,72 J.M. Durham,41, 65 A. Durum,26 D. Dutta,4 V. Dzhordzhadze,8 L. D’Orazio,44 S. Edwards,6, 21 Y.V. Efremenko,54 J. Egdemir,65 F. Ellinghaus,13 W.S. Emam,8 T. Engelmore,14 A. Enokizono,40, 54, 58, 60 H. En’yo,58, 59 S. Esumi,69 K.O. Eyser,8 B. Fadem,48 N. Feege,65 D.E. Fields,51, 59 M. Finger,9, 32 M. Finger, Jr.,9, 32 F. Fleuret,38 S.L. Fokin,36 Z. Fraenkel,72, ∗ J.E. Frantz,53, 65 A. Franz,7 A.D. Frawley,21 K. Fujiwara,58 Y. Fukao,37, 58 T. Fusayasu,50 S. Gadrat,42 K. Gainey,1 C. Gal,65 P. Gallus,15 P. Garg,3 A. Garishvili,67 I. Garishvili,40, 67 H. Ge,65 F. Giordano,27 A. Glenn,13, 40 H. Gong,65 X. Gong,64 M. Gonin,38 J. Gosset,16 Y. Goto,58, 59 R. Granier de Cassagnac,38 N. Grau,2, 14, 30 S.V. Greene,70 M. Grosse Perdekamp,27, 59 Y. Gu,64 T. Gunji,12 L. Guo,41 H. Guragain,22 H.-˚ A. Gustafsson,43, ∗ T. Hachiya,24, 58 A. Hadj Henni,66 C. Haegemann,51 J.S. Haggerty,7 K.I. Hahn,19 H. Hamagaki,12 J. Hamblen,67 R. Han,56 S.Y. Han,19 J. Hanks,14, 65 H. Harada,24 E.P. Hartouni,40 K. Haruna,24 S. Hasegawa,31 K. Hashimoto,58, 60 E. Haslum,43 R. Hayano,12 X. He,22 M. Heffner,40 T.K. Hemmick,65 T. Hester,8 H. Hiejima,27 J.C. Hill,30 R. Hobbs,51 M. Hohlmann,20 R.S. Hollis,8 W. Holzmann,14, 64 K. Homma,24 B. Hong,35 T. Horaguchi,24, 58, 68, 69 Y. Hori,12 D. Hornback,67 T. Hoshino,24 J. Huang,7 S. Huang,70 T. Ichihara,58, 59 R. Ichimiya,58 J. Ide,48 H. Iinuma,34, 37, 58 Y. Ikeda,58, 69 K. Imai,31, 37, 58 Y. Imazu,58 J. Imrek,17 M. Inaba,69 Y. Inoue,58, 60 A. Iordanova,8 D. Isenhower,1 L. Isenhower,1 M. Ishihara,58 T. Isobe,12, 58 M. Issah,64, 70 A. Isupov,32 D. Ivanischev,57 D. Ivanishchev,57 B.V. Jacak,65 M. Javani,22 S.J. Jeon,49 M. Jezghani,22 J. Jia,7, 14, 64 X. Jiang,41 J. Jin,14 O. Jinnouchi,59 B.M. Johnson,7 E. Joo,35 K.S. Joo,49 D. Jouan,55 D.S. Jumper,1, 27 F. Kajihara,12 S. Kametani,12, 58, 71 N. Kamihara,58, 59 J. Kamin,65 M. Kaneta,59 S. Kaneti,65 B.H. Kang,23 J.H. Kang,74 J.S. Kang,23 H. Kanou,58, 68 J. Kapustinsky,41 K. Karatsu,37, 58 M. Kasai,58, 60 D. Kawall,45, 59 M. Kawashima,58, 60 A.V. Kazantsev,36 T. Kempel,30 J.A. Key,51 V. Khachatryan,65 A. Khanzadeev,57 K. Kihara,69 K.M. Kijima,24 J. Kikuchi,71 B.I. Kim,35 C. Kim,35 D.H. Kim,19, 49 D.J. Kim,33, 74 E. Kim,63 E.-J. Kim,10 H.-J. Kim,74 H.J. Kim,74 ´ Kiss,18 E. Kistenev,7 K.-B. Kim,10 M. Kim,63 S.H. Kim,74 Y.-J. Kim,27 Y.K. Kim,23 E. Kinney,13 K. Kiriluk,13 A. A. Kiyomichi,58 J. Klatsky,21 J. Klay,40 C. Klein-Boesing,47 D. Kleinjan,8 P. Kline,65 T. Koblesky,13 L. Kochenda,57 V. Kochetkov,26 M. Kofarago,18 Y. Komatsu,12 B. Komkov,57 M. Konno,69 J. Koster,27, 59 D. Kotchetkov,8, 51, 53 D. Kotov,57, 61 A. Kozlov,72 A. Kr´al,15 A. Kravitz,14 F. Krizek,33 J. Kubart,9, 29 G.J. Kunde,41 N. Kurihara,12 K. Kurita,58, 60 M. Kurosawa,58, 59 M.J. Kweon,35 Y. Kwon,67, 74 G.S. Kyle,52 R. Lacey,64 Y.S. Lai,14 J.G. Lajoie,30 A. Lebedev,30 B. Lee,23 D.M. Lee,41 J. Lee,19 K. Lee,63 K.B. Lee,35, 41 K.S. Lee,35 M.K. Lee,74 S.H. Lee,65 S.R. Lee,10 T. Lee,63 M.J. Leitch,41 M.A.L. Leite,62 M. Leitgab,27 E. Leitner,70 B. Lenzi,62 B. Lewis,65 X. Li,11 P. Liebing,59 S.H. Lim,74 L.A. Linden Levy,13 T. Liˇska,15 A. Litvinenko,32 H. Liu,41, 52 M.X. Liu,41 B. Love,70 R. Luechtenborg,47 D. Lynch,7 C.F. Maguire,70 Y.I. Makdisi,6 M. Makek,72, 75 A. Malakhov,32 M.D. Malik,51 A. Manion,65 V.I. Manko,36 E. Mannel,7, 14 Y. Mao,56, 58 L. Maˇsek,9, 29 H. Masui,69 S. Masumoto,12 F. Matathias,14 M. McCumber,13, 41, 65 P.L. McGaughey,41 D. McGlinchey,13, 21 C. McKinney,27 N. Means,65 A. Meles,52 M. Mendoza,8 B. Meredith,14, 27 Y. Miake,69 T. Mibe,34 A.C. Mignerey,44 P. Mikeˇs,9, 29 K. Miki,58, 69 A.J. Miller,1 3 19 Ewha Womans University, Seoul 120-750, Korea Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida 32901, USA 21 Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306, USA 22 Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia 30303, USA 23 Hanyang University, Seoul 133-792, Korea 24 Hiroshima University, Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8526, Japan 25 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Howard University, Washington, DC 20059, USA 26 IHEP Protvino, State Research Center of Russian Federation, Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, 142281, Russia 27 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA 28 Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, prospekt 60-letiya Oktyabrya 7a, Moscow 117312, Russia 29 Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Na Slovance 2, 182 21 Prague 8, Czech Republic 30 Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011, USA 31 Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 2-4 Shirakata Shirane, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken 319-1195, Japan 32 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia 33 Helsinki Institute of Physics and University of Jyv¨ askyl¨ a, P.O.Box 35, FI-40014 Jyv¨ askyl¨ a, Finland 34 KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801, Japan 35 Korea University, Seoul, 136-701, Korea 36 Russian Research Center “Kurchatov Institute,” Moscow, 123098 Russia 37 Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan 38 Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS-IN2P3, Route de Saclay, F-91128, Palaiseau, France 39 Physics Department, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Lahore 54792, Pakistan 40 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California 94550, USA 41 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA 42 LPC, Universit´e Blaise Pascal, CNRS-IN2P3, Clermont-Fd, 63177 Aubiere Cedex, France 43 Department of Physics, Lund University, Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden 44 University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA 45 Department of Physics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003-9337, USA 46 Department of Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1040, USA 47 Institut f¨ ur Kernphysik, University of Muenster, D-48149 Muenster, Germany 48 Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pennsylvania 18104-5586, USA 49 Myongji University, Yongin, Kyonggido 449-728, Korea 50 Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science, Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki 851-0193, Japan 51 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131, USA 52 New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003, USA 53 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701, USA 54 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA 55 IPN-Orsay, Universite Paris Sud, CNRS-IN2P3, BP1, F-91406, Orsay, France 56 Peking University, Beijing 100871, People’s Republic of China 57 PNPI, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Leningrad Region, 188300, Russia 58 RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan 59 RIKEN BNL Research Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973-5000, USA 60 Physics Department, Rikkyo University, 3-34-1 Nishi-Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo 171-8501, Japan 61 Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, 195251 Russia 62 Universidade de S˜ ao Paulo, Instituto de F´ısica, Caixa Postal 66318, S˜ ao Paulo CEP05315-970, Brazil 63 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea 64 Chemistry Department, Stony Brook University, SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11794-3400, USA 65 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11794-3800, USA 66 SUBATECH (Ecole des Mines de Nantes, CNRS-IN2P3, Universit´e de Nantes) BP 20722 - 44307, Nantes, France 67 University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996, USA 68 Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Oh-okayama, Meguro, Tokyo 152-8551, Japan 69 Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan 70 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 37235, USA 71 Waseda University, Advanced Research Institute for Science and Engineering, 17 Kikui-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0044, Japan 72 Weizmann Institute, Rehovot 76100, Israel 73 Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Wigner RCP, RMKI) H-1525 Budapest 114, POBox 49, Budapest, Hungary 74 Yonsei University, IPAP, Seoul 120-749, Korea 75 University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, Bijeniˇcka 32, HR-10002 Zagreb, Croatia (Dated: October 10, 2014) 20
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