Sunday October 12, 2014

Sunday October 12, 2014
Wifi Password: gratitude
Invitation to Community Life
Lighting the Christ Candle
Opening Prayer
Song: “The Butterfly Song”
Words & Music: Brian M. Howard
Song: “Because Jesus Felt”
Song: “For the Fruit of All Creation”
Words: Brian Wren adapt. Mark Green & Music: Daniel Charles Damon
Thematic Question and Intro to Scripture
Song: “Thank You God”
Words: Fred Pratt Green & Music: Welsh Folk Melody
Special Music: “Ev’ryday Is a Day of Thanksgiving”
(As our offering is received…)
Scripture: Luke 7: 36-50
Game Show: “Who has the most favour with God!?”
Words & Music: Traditional
Leonard Burks
Message: Beyond the Prosperity Gospel – Mark Green
Song: “It Takes a Whole Village”
Words & Music: Jim Strathdee
We’d love to get to know you! If you’re visiting with us today, there are name tags available for you to wear if you so desire. Also,
if you would like a tax receipt for your donation, guest envelopes are available. Please ask an usher who will be happy to assist
you with either of these things.
EVOLUTIONARY CHRISTIANITY: This year’s series began on Tuesday, Oct 7th and is focused on The Spiritual Brain: Scientific
and Religious Experience. You’re not too late to still join us for the next 3 session! Register online at or call Meghan in the office. A video series featuring Dr. Andrew Newburg, this study is
co-hosted by Cadboro Bay, Cordova Bay and First Metropolitan Churches and held at alternating sites. Sessions run on Tuesday
evenings from 7-9:30 pm in October.
ALTAR IN THE WORLD: Thursday Afternoon study group started on Oct 9 @ 1pm, but you can still join us at any time. Simply
pick up the book and ask Mark what chapter the group is on. This coming week the group will continue its exploration of Chapter 1.
This group is open to anyone wanting to explore where spirituality and daily living connect.
PROACTION CAFE TRAINING: Oct 15th 10am to 12pm OR 7-9 pm. This is a chance to learn the art of hosting an open space
conversation - a tool to engage folks in finding ways to bring new ideas to life. This is a method that will be increasingly used in
Victoria Presbytery and potentially for CBUC as well when we are finding new and creative ways to engage a diverse group of
people or to find ways for inspirational conversations. Chris Corrigan will be the facilitator and he brings a wealth of experience
with a variety of profit and non- profit groups. Well respected and extremely skilled, Chris is working with multiple levels of the
United Church on various projects. The workshop is sponsored by Victoria Presbytery and is open to leaders and congregants
throughout Victoria Presbytery free of charge. This is an opportunity not to be missed. The workshop will be held here at CBUC
SOUP SUNDAY AND COMMUNAL ART: Please join us after worship on Sunday, October 18th for soup, bread and fellowship.
Vegetarian and gluten sensitive options will be available. As we lunch and linger, we will be working together to create a piece of
art that represents the notions of the Sacred and the Divine.
MOVIE NIGHT: Join us on Oct 25th at 7pm for our monthly movie night This month we will be showing the movie Priest (1995),
the story of two priests with different theological perspectives who each struggle to make sense of the rules of the church and the
rules of society. Snacks and beverage provided and discussion after the movie.
LOVE VICTORIA OUTREACH DAY: Sunday, Oct 26th will be our LOVE VICTORIA outreach day. As you may have seen in the
newsletter, an initiative has emerged for members of our congregation to join with the Friends of Mt Doug society to help with
clean up of the creek bed at Mt Pkols (formally Mt Doug) before the same come back in Nov. Following worship, we will share in
a light lunch together and you will be provided with a t-shirt to wear over your clothes with our new LOVE VICTORIA logo and
gloves. If you have tongs or a rake you can bring that would be helpful. We will fill black garbage bags with the discards of the
human population in order to make room for the earth to heal and the salmon to return to spawn. We hope to fulfill a number of
our congregational goals in this initiative: taking the church outside the walls, caring for creation and working with others. I hope
you will enthusiastically join this effort. Our endeavour should wrap up by 2:30 or so.
FALL FAIR: Within your bulletin today is a “help form” for this year’s fall fair. Please fill out the top and bottom portions and drop
the top portion in the basket provided in the narthex and keep the bottom portion for your own records. The fall fair needs
everyone’s help to be a huge success again this year. If you have any questions please contact Joan Bazeley or the church office.
QVC, a social group for Queer (GLBTQ) Christians and Allies, meets November 1, 5:00 PM. for potluck & movie (meeting in town).
For details e-mail: Sponsored by Brentwood Bay United Church, 250-652-2713 & the Victoria Presbytery.