Curriculum Vitae Sean X. Luo Department of Psychiatry Columbia University and The New York State Psychiatric Institute 1051 Riverside Drive, Box 83 New York, NY 10033 646-774-6144 Employment NIH-NIDA T32 Clinical and Research Fellow in Addiction Psychiatry Leon Levy Fellow 07/2014 – Current Columbia University Medical Center, NY-Presbyterian Hospital and The New York State Psychiatric Institute Resident Psychiatrist Leon Levy Fellow 07/2010 – 06/2014 PGY IV Psychiatry Columbia University Medical Center, NY-Presbyterian Hospital and The New York State Psychiatric Institute Education Medical - Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York 09/2003 - 05/2010 M.D./Ph.D., 05/2010 Graduate - Columbia University, New York, NY Theoretical Neuroscience and Machine Learning 09/2003 - 05/2010 M.D./Ph.D., 05/2010 Undergraduate - University of Chicago, Chicago, IL Physics and Mathematics (double major) 09/1999 - 06/2003 B.S./B.A., with Honors 06/2003 Membership and Honorary/Professional Societies College on the Problems of Drug Dependence 2013-current American Academy of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2012-current American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2012-current American Physician Scientist Association 2003-current American Medical Student Association 2003-2010 American Psychiatric Association, Member-in-Training 2010-current American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry 2011-current Luo, CV 10/9/2014 1 Sigma Chi 2003-current Society for Biological Psychiatry 2011-current Society for Neuroscience 2007-2012 Ad Hoc Reviewer for Nature Neuroscience PLOS One Journal of Computational Neuroscience The Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences Examinations and Licensure USMLE Step 1 06/2005 USMLE Step 2 CS/CK 12/2009 USMLE Step 3 03/2011 NY State Medical License, 07/2011-Current DEA Controlled Substance Authorization Number, 09/2011-Current Buprenorphine Prescription Certificate 03/2011-Current Awards AAAP Early Career Young Investigator Award, 2013 Samuel Perry Memorial Award for Research in Residency, 2013 APA Junior Investigator Research Colloquium, 2013 APA/Lily Resident Research Award, 2013 AADPRT BRAIN Scholar Award, 2013 New York State Psychiatric Association Resident Paper Contest, Third Place, 2012 Janssen Pharmaceuticals ARM Resident Research Award, 2012 Leon Levy Fellowship for Research in Psychiatry, 2010-current NIMH MD/PhD Conference Travel Award, 2007 NIH MSTP Training Grant 2002-2008 UCLA Neuroengineering Fellowship, 2002 HHMI Summer Research Award, 2000 University of Chicago College Gift Aid, 1999 Intel International Science Fair, Fourth Place, 1999 Grant Support Active Grants 07/01/10-07/01/14 (Research Trainee, 10-80% Mentor: Edward Nunes), “Personalized treatments of substance use disorders”, Translational Neuroscience Research Grant, Leon Levy Foundation. Annual Direct Cost: $20,000. Total Direct Cost: $80,000 07/01/12-07/01/14 (Research Trainee, 20-80%), PI: Maria Oquendo, Residency Research Track and Training Award, NIH/NIMH 5R25MH086466-04. Annual Direct Cost: $20,000. Total Direct Cost: $20,000 07/01/13-07/01/14 (PI, 20% Mentor: Maria Oquendo), “Predictive modeling of differential treatment outcomes in a randomized clinical trial of biopolar disorder”, Janssen Pharmaceuticals. Annual Direct Cost: $6,000. Total Direct Cost: $6,000 Luo, CV 10/9/2014 2 07/01/13-07/01/14 (PI, 5% Mentor: Edward Nunes), “Causal models of effects of psychostimulant in smoking cessation”, Samuel Perry Fund. Annual Direct Cost: $1,500. Total Direct Cost: $1,500 Misc. Work/Teaching Experience 08/2013 and 08/2014 Columbia University, Department of Psychiatry, New York Resident Teaching Staff Designed and taught a introductory statistics proficiency course for PGYII psychiatry residents titled “Becoming a data savvy psychiatrist” 01/2014-05/2014 Columbia University, Department of Psychiatry, New York Resident Teaching Staff Small group leader for first year medical students psychiatric medicine course 01/2008 - 06/2008 Columbia University, Office of Science and Technology Ventures, New York STV Fellow Assessment and research of emerging technologies from Columbia faculties, primarily in biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors. Patent search and marketing brief writing. 09/2006 - 06/2007 Columbia University, Office of Outreach, New York SPREP teacher Teacher and course director, introductory neuroscience course for high school students Saturday enrichment program for the underrepresented minority youth Misc. Clinical Experience 07/2014 – current Per Diem psychiatrist Lenox Hill Hospital, New York Inpatient, Consultation-Liaison and Emergency Room coverage 07/2012-05/2013 Per Diem psychiatrist NewYork Presbyterian, Allen Hospital, New York Inpatient, Consultation-Liaison and Emergency Room coverage Volunteer Experience 01/ 2006 - 05/2006 Columbia University, Department of Biology, New York Teaching assistant, Rafael Yuste, Ph.D. Teaching assistant for the systems neuroscience course 10/ 2003 - 06/2004 Luo, CV 10/9/2014 3 Physicians for Human Rights, New York Member of the Executive Committee Organized meetings, lectures and events for the PHR chapter at Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons Past Research Experience 09/2005 - 12/2008 Columbia University, Department of Neuroscience, New York Research Assistant, Larry Abbott, Ph.D. and Richard Axel, M.D. Thesis research 06/2002 - 09/2002 Neuropsychiatric Institute, UCLA, California Research Assistant, Jonathan Monck, Ph.D. UCLA Summer Neuroengineering Fellowship Imaging of calcium transients in neuroendocrine cells 06/2001 - 09/2001 McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts Research Assistant, Steven Matthysse, Ph.D. Stanley Foundation Summer Research Fellowship at the Psychological Research Laboratory Modeling hippocampal cellular network using GENESIS 05/2001 - 06/2003 University of Chicago, Department of Neurology, Illinois Research Assistant, Kurt Hecox, M.D., Ph.D. Undergraduate work study/honors thesis research Building algorithms of source localization of EEG signals in real time with Laplacian minimization 05/2000 - 06/2001 University of Chicago, HHMI, Illinois Research Assistant, Philip Ulinski, Ph.D. HHMI Summer Research Fellowship Modeling visual cortical inhibitory cells in turtles Peer Reviewed Publications Luo SX, Martinez D, Carpenter K, Silfstein M and Nunes EV. Multimodal predictive modeling of individual treatment outcome in cocaine dependence with combined neuroimaging and behavioral predictors, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2014, 143:29-35. PMID: 25108585 Luo SX, Axel R, Abbott LF. Generating sparse and selective third-order responses in the olfactory system of the fly PNAS 2010 Jun; 107(23): 10713-8. Cited in PubMed; PMID: 20498080 Datta SR, Vasconcelos ML, Ruta V, Luo S, Wong A, Demir E, Flores J, Balonze K, Dickson BJ, Axel R.. The Drosophila pheromone cVA activates a sexually dimorphic neural circuit. Nature. 2008 Mar; 452(7186): 473-7. Cited in PubMed; PMID: 18305480. Luo, CV 10/9/2014 4 Wang W, Luo S, Ghosh BK, Ulinski PS. Generation of the receptive fields of subpial cells in turtle visual cortex. J. Integr. Neurosci. 2006 Dec; 5(4): 561-93. Cited in PubMed; PMID: 17245823. Peer Reviewed Publications In Submission/Preparation Luo SX, Covey L, Hu MC, Levin FR, Nunes EV and Winhusen T. Predictive modeling reveals an effective personalized treatment rule in smoking cessation intervention, submitted to American Journal on Addictions, in revision Luo SX, Shinall J, Peterson BS and Gerber A. Semantic mapping reveals distinct patterns of social language in adults with high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder, submitted to Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders Luo SX, Galfavy HC, Keilp J and Oquendo MO. Predicting individual suicide event in the pharmacologic treatment of bipolar disorder, in preparation Luo SX, Wall M, Covey L, Hu MC, Levin FR, Nunes EV and Winhusen T. Modeling potential mechanisms of differential treatment effects in osmotic-release methylphenidate (OROS-MPH) for smoking cessation, in preparation Reviews and Chapters Luo, SX, Wittennauer, J., Brennan, T. Internet Addiction. Invited chapter to appear in The Behavioral Addictions Casebook, 2014 Abbott LF, Luo SX. A step toward optimal coding in olfaction. Nature Neuroscience. 2007 10(11): 1342-3. Cited in PubMed; PMID: 17965649. Poster Presentations Luo SX, Wall M, Covey L, et. al. (2014, June) Modeling potential mechanisms of differential treatment effects in osmotic-release methylphenidate (OROS-MPH) for smoking cessation; College on the Problem of Drug Dependence (CPDD), San Juan, Puerto Rico Luo, SX, Covey, L, Hu, M. et. al, (2012, December) Predictive modeling and nonlinear treatment effects in a multicenter, randomized controlled trial of methylphenidate in smoke cessation intervention, AAAP, Aventura, FL Luo SX, Peterson BS, Gerber AJ (2012, May) Semantic Mapping of Social Language: Comparing Normal Subjects to Patients With Autism Spectrum Disorders, SOBP, Philadelphia, PA Gerber AJ, Bansal R, Luo SX, Peterson BS (2012, May) Functional MRI of Social Cognition as a Basis for Understanding Mechanisms of Change in Psychotherapy and Spirituality, SOBP, Philadelphia, PA Luo, CV 10/9/2014 5 Luo SX, Axel R, Abbott LF. (2008, September) Representational Compression and Olfactory Discrimination in the Fly. Poster presented at: Gordon Conference on Statistics of Natural Stimuli; Barga, Italy. Luo SX, Axel R, Abbott LF. (2007, June) Olfactory Coding and Discrimination in Drosophila. Poster presented at: Gordon Conference on Neurocircuits; Newport, RI. Oral Presentations Luo SX, Martinez D, Carpenter K, Silfstein M and Nunes EV. (2013, December) Multimodal predictive modeling of individual treatment outcome in cocaine dependence with combined neuroimaging and behavioral predictors; American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona Luo SX, Wall M, Covey L, Hu MC, Levin FR, Nunes EV and Winhusen T. (2013, December) Modeling potential mechanisms of differential treatment effects in osmotic-release methylphenidate (OROS-MPH) for smoking cessation; American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona Luo SX, Galfavy, H., Kelip J., Oquendo MA. (2013, June) Predicting treatment outcome in pharmacotherapy of bipolar disorder, Janssen Pharmaceuticals Psychiatry Resident Mentored Research Symposium, Philadelphia, PA Luo SX, Axel R, Abbott LF. (2007, February) Modeling Olfactory Discrimination in Drosophila. Oral Presentation presented at: Computation and Systems Neuroscience (COSYNE); Salt Lake City, UT. Luo SX, Axel R, Abbott LF. (2006, November) Modeling Olfactory Discrimination in Drosophila. Oral Presentation presented at: Engineering Principles in Biological Systems, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; Cold Spring Harbor, NY. Luo SX, Axel R, Abbott LF. (2006, September) Decorrelation in the olfactory system of Drosophila. Oral Presentation presented at: Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Conference; London, United Kingdom. Luo SX, Axel R, Abbott LF. (2006, August) Decorrelation in the olfactory system of Drosophila. Oral Presentation presented at: Schwartz Computational Neuroscience Meeting; New York, NY. Luo SX, Ulinski PS. (2001, July) Dendritic varicosities in the subpial interneurons in the turtle visual cortex, Asilomar, CA. Hobbies & Interests Piano, classical and jazz; Music composition and theory, contemporary classical music; Literary criticism, theory, travel literature, postcolonialism, multiculturalism, film theory, visual language and relations to psychoanalysis; Media and Internet studies, science and technology studies; Health care policy, welfare economics, quantitative social sciences; Tennis, weight lifting, running Luo, CV 10/9/2014 6 Language Fluency (Other than English) Chinese (Mandarin), full proficiency Luo, CV 10/9/2014 7
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