NEWCASTLE SURGICAL TRAINING CENTRE 8th & 9th October 2014 Cytoreductive Surgery for Ovarian Cancer and Peritoneal Surface Malignancies mergency Surgery course (ACTS) FACULTY C William Helm Course Director, MBBChir, Northern Gynaecological Oncology Centre Robert E Bristow MD, USA Pompiliu Piso MD, Germany Jules Veerapong MD, USA Chris Ang MD, MRCOG, UK Desmond Barton MD, MRCOG, UK Vish Battacharya FRCS (Gen Surg) Rory Farrell MB, FRCS, FCS, South Africa Ann Fisher MRCOG, PhD, UK Christine Fotopolou MD, PhD, UK Keith Godfrey MBChB, FRCOG Mark Katory MB, FRCS (Gen Surg), MBChB Ali Kucukmetin MRCOG, MD Raj Naik FRCOG, MD 8 OCTOBER 2014 07:30 Registration and breakfast 08:00 Introduction and welcome Seminar Room Mr Helm 08:10 The aim of Cytoreductive surgery for ovarian cancer Seminar Room Mr Helm 08:25 Liver mobilisation, ablation and resection of liver metastases, Pont Hepatique, Ligamentum Teres, Chest tube placement Seminar Room Dr Veerapong 09:05 Diaphragmatic Stripping, Resection and Repair Seminar Room Dr Bristow 09:45 Stomach Mobilization and Partial Resection, Gastro-jejunal bypass, G-Tube Placement Seminar Room Dr Piso 10:05 Discussion Seminar Room All Faculty 10:20 COFFEE BREAK 10:40 Dissection of the Porta Hepatis,Cholecystectomy, Lymph nodes in porta hepatis Seminar Room Dr Piso 11:10 Dissection of the Pouch of Rutherford Morison, Subpyloric Space, Resection of the Lesser Omentum, Celiac trunk Seminar Room Dr Veerapong 11:40 Discussion Seminar Room All Faculty 12:00 Splenectomy and Distal Pancreatectomy Seminar Room Mr Naik 12:30 Discussion Seminar Room All Faculty 12:45 LUNCH 13:30 Radical Oophorectomy with Rectosigmoid Colectomy Seminar Room Dr Bristow 14:10 Essentials of Bowel Surgery: approach and technique, Anastomotic technique: hand and staple Seminar Room Dr Piso 14:40 En bloc multivisceral resection including colectomy for disseminated peritoneal malignancies Seminar Room Dr Piso 14:55 Discussion Seminar Room All Faculty 15:10 COFFEE BREAK 15:30 Surgical management of Intestinal Obstruction Seminar Room Dr Fotopoulou 16:00 Stomas: indication, formation and reversal Seminar Room Mr Kucukmetin 16:30 Discussion Seminar Room All Faculty 16:40 Essentials of vascular surgery and haemostasis Seminar Room Mr Battacharya 17:15 Discussion and close Seminar Room All Faculty 19:30 Course Dinner TBC NSTC COFFEE AREA NSTC COFFEE AREA NSTC COFFEE AREA 9 OCTOBER 2014 08:00 08:30 10:00 10:30 12:30 Breakfast Cadaver Session I Opening the Abdomen Liver Mobilization, Ablation and Resection Diaphragm Stripping, Resection and Repair Insertion of Ligamentum Teres Cholecystectomy COFFEE BREAK Cadaver Session II Dissection of the Porta Hepatis and Resection of the Lesser Omentum Dissection of the Subpyloric Space Splenectomy and Distal Pancreatectomy Dissection of Celiac Trunk, Stomach mobilisation and partial resection, G Tube placement, Gastro-jejunostomy LUNCH Wet Lab All Faculty NSTC COFFEE AREA Wet Lab All Faculty NSTC COFFEE AREA Cadaver Session III Radical oophorectomy Recto-Sigmoid Colectomy Large Bowel Surgery Small Bowel Surgery Stomas: Colostomy and ileostomy Nephrectomy and Adrenalectomy 13:00 ??? Breakout Sessions will include Chest Tube Placement & Technique Nephrectomy and Adrenalectomy Bowel Anastomosis Technique Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy Faculty Specials CLOSE Wet Lab All faculty NOTES EMERGENCY TRAUMA SKILLS CADAVERIC COURSE NOTES
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