[k.M & 15 vad 12 vDrwcj 2014

[k.M & 15 vad 12
vDrwcj 2014
yzv 15, nze L 12
nes{ p o 2014
Vol. - 15, Issue : 12
October, 2014
Editorial ....
Significant Developments have taken place during the last year
The most important one is the smooth transition of
Power at the Central Government through democratic
process. A person from a humble beginning has been
recognized by the electorate for his sincere and
dedicated commitment to serve our countrymen. The
policies announced by the New Government with its
motto as ‘Minimum Government and Maximum
Governance’ gives rise to our hope that our pension
issues would be resolved in a just manner by our
Bank adhering to our Constitution and the various
judicial pronouncements of the Apex Court. The
payment of our pension on our last drawn pay, as
envisaged in our Pension Scheme and interpreted
by the Apex Court in its Judgement dated 23-02-1989
does not require any judicial intervention. In keeping
with the above announced policy, our Bank itself
should be allowed to resolve our pension issues on
the basis of its well justified proposal dated 30-102002 submitted to the Government for the payment
of our pension at 50% of the last drawn actual pay to
all eligible pensioners with a ceiling on pension at
50% of the average pay drawn during the last 12
months. This is the only right and just solution to our
pension issues, as the present formula adopted on
Sixth, Eight and Ninth Bipartite Pay Scales providing
for payment of pension at 50% of pay to those retired
in Award Staff and Officer Scale-l cadres and at 40%
of the entire pay to those retired in Officers Cadres
of Scale-ll and above is discriminatory and is in
violation of .various judicial pronouncements, as
vividly brought out by our Bank itself in its above
proposal. Our seventh bipartite pension issue would
also get automatically resolved with the payment of
pension at 50% of the last drawn average pay. Let us
hope that our pension issues get resolved by our
Bank itself on the above basis soon. If, however, our
Pension issues need to get resolved by a judicial
verdict, we hope that this Government and all its
machineries would extend all their co-operation for
early judgements by the Courts.
Another important development is the
appointment of Smt. Arundhati Bhattacharya, as the
first women Chairman of our Bank on 9-10-2013 for
a period of three years. We are fortunate to have her
as the Chairman of our Bank, who is very well familiar
with all our pension issues including our seventh
bipartite pension issues. The new Government, we
expect, would issue policy directives to the Bank
managements and grant them autonomous powers
for managing their own affairs.’ The Bank
managements would then be responsible for
resolving our pension issues in a just manner
following the law of our land on the basis of its
proposal dated 30-10-2002. Our Bank has
categorically confirmed in its above proposal to the
Government that it has the capacity to meet its
obligations for the payment or pension at 50% of the
last drawn pay to the growing universe of its
employees. Our Bank should therefore act according
to its above proposal. We hope that the present
Government would not stand in the way of our Bank
to act true to its conscience by giving equal treatment
to all its retired employees including those retired as
Officers in Scale-II and above in the payment of their
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S.B.I. PENSIONERS’ MAIL (October-2014)
3. The ongoing 10th Bipartite Negotiations have
strengthened our hope for securing certain important
improvements in our pension benefits. The
discrimination caused in the payment of dearness
relief to pre 1-11-2002 pensioners is expected to be
removed and dearness relief with 100% neutralization
would also be paid to them. The Industry Level
Pension Regulations provide for the payment of
dearness relief with 100% neutralization on the same
basis as paid by Reserve Bank of India. The Reserve
Bank of India is paying dearness relief to its pre 111-2002 pensioners with effect from 1-2-2005. On
this basis, the pre 1-11-2002 pensioners of all
member Banks of I.B.A should also be paid dearness
relief with 100% neutralization with effect from 1-052005 on the same basis as paid to post 1-11-2002
pensioners of the Banks. This unjust discrimination
caused in the payment of dearness relief should be
soon put to an end. Another important and necessary
improvement required to be made by the Banks is
the revision of family pension at 30% of pay uniformly
to all pensioners. This revision in family pension needs
to be made on the same basis as paid by Reserve
Bank of India. NABARD has also recently adopted
the same basis followed by Reserve Bank of India
and enhanced the family pension to its pensioners at
30% of the last drawn pay.
n?;aphankJha g?AB;Boi w/b
norms, the Banks require substantial funds of more
than Rs.3 lac crores to be mobilized before 2018.
The Banks do face more challenges now particularly
on maintaining their profitability and net interest margin
and on managing and controlling their Non-Performing
Assets. These challenges are now being faced by
the Banks. There will be more challenges before the
Banks in future as well. The global economy is bound
to get exposed to unexpected setbacks and trade
cycles, despite all the mechanism to control and
anticipate them. But these challenges need to be
successfully faced by our banking sector with their
inherent strength. These challenges should not-how
ever deprive banks’ employees their real wages. The
Bank employees need to be assured of adequate
means for meeting their life time sustenance needs.
The salary scales and pension paid by the
Government are substantially more than what is paid
by the Banks as salary and pension. This disparity in
the payment of salary and pension among the
Government and Banks’ employees and pensioners
has increased significantly from 1997 onwards on
implementation of the recommendations of the Fifth
and Sixth Pay Commissions. The Government cannot
take a position that it only has the capacity to pay to
its employees and pensioners and the Banks do not
have such capacities, when the Banks have grown in
all areas since 1997. The present approach of the
Government and I.B.A is totally negative in taking care
of the ageing needs of the Banks’ Pensioners. The
present pension of a Chairman of a Bank retired
before 1997 amounting to about Rs.24,000/- per
month is less than the present pension paid to a retired
senior clerk. Instead of denying this important facility
to the Banks’ Pensioners, all concerned do well to
approach this issue with care, concern and
compassion required to be shown to the aged Banks’
pensioners, who retired receiving very meagre
retirement benefits and very low pension. If there is
a will, there is a way to meet the pension updation
requirements of Banks’ pensioners. Let us hope that
the ongoing 10th Bipartite Negotiations would
address this important issue. The following quotation
from Sir Winston Churchill is better remembered now.
These improvements should be made by I.B.A even
before the conclusion of the 10th Bipartite Wage
Settlement on the basis of the built in provisions of
the Industry Level Pension Regulations for the
payment of dearness relief and family pension on
the basis of the position obtaining in R.B.I. In any
case, we can reasonably expect that the 10th bipartite
wage settlement would provide for the above two
The most important and necessary
improvement by way of updation of pension on every
revision of salary scales is required to be extended
to the Bank pensioners on the lines of the updation
of pension granted by the Government, one of the
objections against this improvement to Banks’
Pensioners is that the Government is paying its
pension from its budgetary allocations, whereas the
Banks will have to meet their commitments in this
regard from their income. The Banks are required to
meet the provision requirements under AS-15 Norms
and provide for their pension liabilities. Further, for
meeting the capital requirements under Basel-lll
“Every day I remind myself that my inner and outer
lives are based on the labors of other men, living
and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to
give In the same measure as I have received and
am still receiving.”
Courtesy : Elders' Voice, August 2014 issue
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S.B.I. PENSIONERS’ MAIL (October-2014)
One of the provisions of the Individual Housing Loan Scheme,
which was devised with a view to enable the employees and
officers to avail the Loan facilities for residential houses, was
the extended period of repayment after retirement. But this facility
is not available to those officers who joined the Bank after
1.1.1991. This was the condition prescribed at the time of
overhauling of the Individual Housing Loan Scheme.
Our members are aware that there has been an inordinate delay in
the matter of disposal of writ petition filed by the Federation
seeking various improvements in the Pension Scheme applicable
to State Bank of India. We filed the writ petition under article 32
before the Supreme Court in the year 2011 for eariy resolution
of the issue pending for a long time. However, the Supreme Court
after a detailed hearing transferred the case to the Delhi High
Court en 27 2.2013 with the following orders.
The circumstances under which such a condition was
prescribed have undergone lot of changes and the Government
now considers Housing activity as a priority area. In order to give
fillip to the individual housing loans and enable people to own
their own residential accommodation, this restrictive provision
needs to be reviewed and similar facility needs to be extended to
post 01.01.1991 officers also, more so when there is no logic or
rationale for such a restriction.
‘Since the pleadings are complete and the matter is pending before
this Court for the last one and half years we deem it proper to
transfer the writ petition papers to Delhi High Court and request
the learned Chief Justice to assign the writ petition before a Bench
of his choice for early disposal of the matter, at any rate within
the outer limit of six months from the date of receipt of the
Now the Bank has permitted employees and officers to
avail a second Housing loan. Apart from the above, under the
Individual Housing loan an officer is permitted to avail Housing
loan even in the last month of his retirement, the only stipulation
being recovery of at least one instalment before retirement. When
that is the case, such officers will be unable to carry over the
Housing loan till the age of 75; as such officers have to
immediately pay back the loan on retirement. Then the purpose
of availing the Housing before retirement or the 2nd Housing
loan gets defeated, and the facility extended by the Bank gets
However, the litigation prolonged and the final hearing for which
our entire membership was awaiting did not take place. In the
meantime, a writ petition which was pending before
JharkhandCourtwas also transferred and linked to our case thereby
resulting in further delay in the d’sposa! of our case. The next
hearing in our case is now posted on 25th September 2014. tt is
in this background, ths Federation has filed interlocutory
app’lcafion before the Delhi High Court urging them to delink
the Jharkhand Court Case and advance the date for next hearing
for final disposal of the ease. The Federation has also filed another
Interlocutory Application before the Supreme Court referring to
these developments and seeking their directions as follows:(i)
Altow this application;
Issue directions for hearing the W.P 1875/2013 at
Hon’ble Delhi High Court (W.P. 184/2011 transferred
from the Hon’ble Court) without clubbing with or hearing
together with any other W.Ps transferred to Hon’ble Delhi
High Court etc....... in case this Hon’ble Court orders
the transfer of the W.Ps covered by the above T.Ps to
Hon’ble Delhi High Court.
Not to post any other writ petition along with W.P 1875/
2013 of Delhi High Court for hearing and adjudication:
Issue an appropriate order to Hon’ble Delhi High Court
to hear, adjudicate upon and to dispose of W.P. 1875/
2013 of Delhi High Court separately and independently
Pass such other order or further order as this Hon’ble
Court may deem fit and proper in the facts and
circumstances of the case.
n?;aphankJha g?AB;Boi w/b
It is also important to note that the repayment of the
loan is now extended from 70 years to 75 years to the public, for
the simple reason that construction cost has become exorbitant
and instalment of the loan would be substantial if the repayment
period remains the same. It is in this background, that we have
been receiving representations from our members across the
country in respect of such restrictions. Since the provision of
housing is one of the basic necessities of life, and since the life
expectancy has gone up, as per the report of ;he actuaries
themselves and as the repayment capacity of the people is also
enhanced, with most of the Spouses working or the children being
well placed, we request you to please remove the restriction and
extend the facility to all the officers irrespective of any cut-off
date. This will also ensure that the loan portfolio of the Bank also
does not diminish. The facility would go a long way in motivating
our officers who have joined after 01.01.1991. Apart from the
above extending the facility to all would also not have any cost
implication to the Bank. In view of the above, please extend the
facility of repayment to all officers irrespective of any cutoff
iate. Please treat the matter as urgent.
We do expect certain favourable response to these applications.
We shall keep members advised of further developments.
Letter No. 6528/46/2014 dt. 4-7-2014 of G.S. AISBOF to DMD
& CDO, Corporate Centre, Mumbai
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S.B.I. PENSIONERS’ MAIL (October-2014)
n?;aphankJha g?AB;Boi w/b
Shri Virender Sud, OMMGS-II, who retired from Bank's
services on 31.12.2005, is pursuing his hobbies with lot
of passion and interest.
Shri Sud settled at Tikka
Aima near Neugal Park,
Palampur in 1990. His
hobbies include growing
fruit plants and flowers in
pots, collection of postal
stamps, treatment of
diseases through Pranic
Healing, reading books
and preparation of various recipes. Although, now-adays he concentrates on growing fruit-plants and
flowers-pots yet he does not ignore other hobbies and
spends as much time as he can.
We are glad to advise that Bubaneshwar Circle
CGM Shri K.M. Trivedi and his Excellency the
Governor of Odisha, Dr. S.C. Jamir felicitated Shri
T.R. Rao, former President of SBIPA, Bubaneshwar
Circle on 1st July, 2014, the State Bank Day, for his
immense contribution to the Bank. The above
authorities, while speaking on the occasion said
that Bubaneshwar Circle has come a long way to
greater heights only because of hard work, vision
and leadership of veterns like Shri Rao. A photograph
taken on the occasion is published here.
Till date he has grown almost 20 different kinds of fruits,
38 varieties of flowers and 20 cacti. He started out in
1995 to give shape to his passion and soon tasted
success. By and by his collection grew out of his kitchen
garden, so he hit upon the idea to grow fruits in flowers
pots. Gradually he got success and now he has a
houseful of flowerpots bearing fruits, which includes
oranges, strawberries, mangoes, guava jackfruit in his
own household. He claims to be a self-taught gardener
and says that growing plants is no rocket science. "All
you need is to have passion for it, rest comes its own"
Additonal Particulars under section 80D of Income Tax
Under Section 80D, deduction of up to Rs.40,000 can be
claimed if premium paid by any other mode than cash.
We can also take health insurance for spouse, parents and
dependent children.
On whose life
Insurance Policy
is taken
General Deduction
(including payment
on account of
preventive health
check-up of self,
spouse, dependent
Children & parents
upto Rs.5000/Additional Deduction
if one of the insured
is Senior Citizen
(60 year of Age)
Individual taxpayer
his/her spouse,
and dependent
Children (Rs.)
Additional Deduction
for parents of the
individual Whether
dependent or not (Rs.)
One important quality of his gardening is that he uses
organic manure. Shri Sud does not stop here but wishes
to grow more varieties in the near future. "It is very close
to my heart and I will keep trying more varieties" he
signs off.
So far collection of postal stamps (mint form) is
concerned, he developed this hobby during his college
days and he has a collection of about 700 stamps kept
in 5 albums. We can find stamps way back 1953
He also leant the art of Pranic Healing in 1999 and
since then he has been practicing this technique to treat
the various diseases of his own, family members, friends/
relatives but he has not commercialized it.
We wish Shri Sud a sweet success in pursuing his
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S.B.I. PENSIONERS’ MAIL (October-2014)
n?;aphankJha g?AB;Boi w/b
chose him as their representative in the Rajya Sabha
during 2002-2008. He took up issue of improvement
in Pension Scheme with the Govt. and was
instrumental in submitting a Memorandum to the
Parliament by obtaining the signatures of more than
100 Parliamentarians.
We are sad to learn about the sad demise of
the former President of the AISBOF at Mumbai. He
was suffering from illness for the last couple of
months and was confined to his home in the recent
past. Shri E.K.Thakur one of the well wishers of
our Pensioners’/Family Pensioners’ breathed his last
on 07.08.2014.
5. He was also nominated by the Government of
India-as one of the Directors of the Central Board
of State India of India for a brief period. He
maintained active & harmonious relationship with
our Mumbai Pensioners Association and took active
part in the various programmes organized by them.
2. Shri E.K.Thakur joined the Bank as a young and
dynamic Probationary Officer during 1966 in
Mumbai. He took active interest in the formative
days of our Officers’ Association in Mumbai and
thereafter in the foundation and formation of the AlI
India State Bank Officers’ Federation.
6. He was courteous and always willing to help the
people around him. He also held the post of
Chairman of Saraswathi Cooperative Bank, the
biggest co-operative Bank in the country till the end
of his life.
3. In consideration of his valuable contribution to
the State Bank Officers’ movement he was chosen
as the President of the Federation during the period
7. He leaves behind his wife, large number of his
admirers and well wishers all over the country.
4. Even after resigning from the Bank, he kept his
interest in the Bank Officers’ movement and was
active in the banking field. He established National
School of Banking. It became a household name all
over the country for all those who were interested
in joining the Banking Service. He also pursued the
public life so that he can be of great help to the
society. He was a popular industrialist and played
a very important role in organizing the industrialists
in Mumbai and also became active in the State
Politics by being a member of the Shiva Sena which
8. In his demise we have lost a great leader and
an ardent supporter of our movement. We take this
opportunity to pay our respects and dip our banner
in honour of the departed soul. We pray the almighty
to give his soul eternal peace in his heavenly abode.
May his soul rest in peace.
Sh. Thakur led the first indefinite strike by the
Officers in State Bank of India in the year 1969.
Spiritual Master KAITY CAMA’S advice for those in governance
Many people teach communication skills these
days, but there is one form of communication that
is much stronger than the spoken or written word.
This is nonverbal communication. It is absolutely
independent of the intellect and if harnessed
correctly could bring us rich rewards.
communication is the winning factor that can make
all the difference to successful negotiations, with
benefits to all concerned.
Very often, what we speak is not from our heart.
As spiritual beings, each of us can easily ‘pick up’
the sincerity or non sincerity of another, however
slight it may be, and the physical part of us tends to
withdraw from the other person. ‘Something’ tells
us there is something not quite right about this
negotiation or association. What the world calls ESP
is our original thinking as spiritual beings.
In the spiritual context, non local communication
takes us straight to our Source from where thoughts
and ideas originate. It is like a ‘iodine’ that we share
with our Source, Infinite Intelligence, or God
Almighty. In the mundane context, non local
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S.B.I. PENSIONERS’ MAIL (October-2014)
Nonlocal communication needs no words. It just
has to emanate from the heart for another to sense
it. Marriages could be saved if more importance is
given to non local communication, than to words
like ‘I love you’. If we do our work with loyalty,
discretion and sincerity towards the organisation
that is paying us, not for the sake of the salary but
for the success of the entire organisation, it is
then, and only then, that we as individuals can be
n?;aphankJha g?AB;Boi w/b
orbit of self to the orbit of the whole, without going
through the intervening circumstances or incidents.
The simplest way of taking such quantum leaps in
consciousness is to put our little ‘i’ aside, take a
genuine interest in the bigger picture, and
automatically the little ‘i’ gets aligned with the
Universal I. When we think with our hearts, our
spoken and written words become softer, gentler
and kinder.
In actual face-to-face encounters, it helps to
remember that every emotion has a smell which is
picked up perhaps consciously by an astute individual
or at an unconscious level by another. We ‘strike’ a
chord which gives us back a similar ‘chord’ from the
other person. So, the more we align our thoughts
and ideas to our spiritual ideal, the more our little 'i'
will merge with the Universal 'I'.
When we do things only for ourselves, we really
are on our own and isolate ourselves from the flow
of Universal Energy. When we do things from our
hearts for the entire ‘whole’, the forces of the
universe help us — in our daily lives and for our soul
Nonlocal communication is instant. There’s no
persuasion in words, no conflict of interests. There
is just a ‘quantum leap* in consciousness, from the
Courtesy : Speaking Tree, a Time of India publication
vki dkSu gSa\ vkSj ;gka D;ksa gSa\ ;s tkus fcuk thou dk dksbZ vFkZ ugha
gj O;fDr nqfu;k dks cnyus dh ckr djrk gS] ysfdu [kqn
dks cnyus ds ckjs esa u dksbZ lksprk gS] u gh dne c<+krk
nqfu;k esa ftrus yksx gSa mrus gh fnekx gksaxsA mlh rjg ls
ftrus fny gksrs gSa mrus gh izdkj ds I;kj Hkh gksrs gSaA
dSlk eglwl dj jgs gSa] ;s fdlh nwljs dks crkuk vklku Hkh
gS vkSj t:jh HkhA
tks tSlk gS vki mls oSls gh I;kj djrs gSaA fdlh dks I;kj
djus ds fy, mUgsa cnyus dh dksf'k'k u djsaA
euq"; ds nks lcls rkdroj vkStkj gSa&/S;Z vkSj le;A
cs'kd vki fdlh ds lkFk cqjk O;ogkj dj ysa] ysfdu dHkh
>wB ;k /ks[kk u nsaA
vxj gj O;fDr vius fo'okl dh yM+kbZ yM+uh 'kq: dj nsxk
rks nqfu;k eas dksbZ dHkh tax ugha gksxhA
fdlh iq:"k ds fy, le>nkj efgyk dk lkFk feyus ls
T;knk t:jh dqN ugha gSA
tc NksVs NksVs cnyko fn[kus yxrs gSa rHkh vki lp dh
ftanxh thus yxrs gSaA
tc rd ge fdlh dks I;kj ugha djrs ml oDr rd gekjk
thou uhjl gksrk gSA
le>nkjh dh ckrsa cksfj;r Hkjh gksrh gS] ysfdu mruh gh
dke dh HkhA
lp cksyuk eqf'dy gksrk gS] ,slk djus esa ;qok vDlj foQy
gks tkrs gSaA
[kqf'k;ksa ls Hkjiwj ifjokjksa dh [kqf'k;ka ,d tSlh gksrh gSaA
ysfdu nq[kh ifjokjksa dk nq[k fcYdqy vyx gksrk gSA
ftanxh dHkh :drh ugha gS vkSj vkidks thou thuk gh
iM+rk gSA
fdlh O;fDr dks dke vkSj I;kj djuk vkrk gS rks og
ftanxh dks [kwclwjr vankt esa thus ds yk;d cuk nsxkA
ogh O;fDr yM+kbZ thr ldrk gS ftlus yM+kus thrus dh
Bku yh gksA
dHkh ,d iy ds fy, Hkh [kqn dks] [kqn ij 'kd djus dh
gtktr ugha nsuh pkfg,A
dksbZ ljgn ;k ljdkjh fn'kk funsZ'k vkidks nwljs yksxksa ds
lkFk feyus ;k tqM+us ds fy, jksd ugha ldrk gSA
vkidh [kqf'k;ka ckgjh nqfu;koh phtksa ij fuHkZj ugha djrh gS]
ysfdu vki phtksa dks fdl rjg ns[krs gSa bl ij fuHkZj
djrh gSA
I;kj ds lkFk gh phtksa dks le>us dh rkdr feyrh gSA
nwljksa ds fy, thus ls thou esa [kqf'k;ka Hkj tkrh gSaA
rLohj dks QkbZuy Vp nsus ds fy, isaVj dks jks'kuh dh
t:jr iM+rh gSA mlh rjhds ls ftanxh dk etk mBkus ds
fy, van:uh jks'kuh dh t:jr iM+rh gSA
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S.B.I. PENSIONERS’ MAIL (October-2014)
n?;aphankJha g?AB;Boi w/b
Ashok Kumar
Tarsem Chand Jindal Thalesh Bagh Colony,
22.08.54 236610
Backside Madanjit Singh (SP),
Sangrur, Pb.
# 554/1, M.C., Dhanas,
27.07.54 9256644768
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ram Krishan
H.No. 1443, Phase-I,
02.07.54 9417401379
Ram Darbar, Chandigarh.
Ashwani Kumar
# 247, Sector 6,
07.07.54 2565611
Panchkula, Hry.
Chet Ram
H.No. 116, Ward No. 3, Siwani, 15.07.56 9416126952
Distt. Bhiwani, Hry.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bhajan Lal
H.No. 121, Mela Ground,
14.01.54 9355542929
Sector 21, Hisar, Hry.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Janak Rani
H.No. 9/1345, Rania Gate,
10.07.54 8950885102
Moh. Ther, Near Maruti Mandir,
Sirsa, Hry.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pawan Kumar Malik # 771, Sector-9, Urban Estate, 11.06.54 2531244
Ambala City., Hry.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Naphey Singh Poonia V.P.O. Phusgarh,
04.06.54 9992400742
Distt. Karnal, Hry.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vishan Dass Thareja H.No. 986, Sector 6,
28.06.54 2282036
Urban Estate, Karnal, Hry.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Virender Kumar
# 556, Urban Estate-II,
11.07.54 248556
Hisar, Hry.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Satish Kumar Rawal H.No. 259, Sector 13-P,
10.08.54 245259
Hisar, Hry.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Satish Kumar
KW-22, Molibu Town,
02.09.47 9416509955
Sector 47, Sohana Road,
Gurgaon, Hry.
Mehnga Ram
H.No. 405, Guru Narula Nagar, 01.06.54 9872016362
Batala, Distt. Gurdaspur, Pb.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jasmer Singh
V.P.O. Naushera Pattan,
08.06.54 274241
Teh. Mukerian, Distt. Hoshiarpur
Resham Lal Seniaray H.No. B-3/339, Gali No. 5,
06.01.54 224248
Mohalla Nai Abadi, Musapur Road,
Nawanshahr, Pb.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Santosh Kumar
H.No. 237, Sunami Gate,
05.07.54 232188
Ram Mandir Street, Sangrur, Pb.
Correction in Proforma of Nomination
SBI Pensioner's Mail Sept 2014 issue (Page No. 4)
Heading please read as under :
"Triennial Elections 2014-2017
instead of Biennial Elections 2014-2014
Punjab-II - Headquarter - Ludhiana instead of Jalandhar.
v Church has 6 letters, so does a mosque & temple.
v Live has 4 letters, so does dead.
v Hate has 4 letters, so does love.
v Enemies has 7 letters, so does friends.
v Lying has 5 letters, so does truth.
v Hurt has 4 letters, so does heal
v Negative has 8 letters, so does positive.
v Failure has 7 letters, so does success.
v Cry has 3 letters, so does joy.
v Anger has 5 letters, so does happy.
v Right has 5 letters, so does wrong.
v Rich has 4 letters, so does poor.
v Fail has 4 letters, so does pass.
v Knowledge has 9 letters, so does ignorance.
Every evening I turn my worries over to God,
He's going to be up all night anyway.
-Mary C Crowley
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S.B.I. PENSIONERS’ MAIL (October-2014)
I asked Lord Krishna ....
(Wisdom from Geeta)
I asked Krishna to do away with my vices.
Krishna said,
Krish : They are not there for me to take them away.
They are there far you to resist them.
I asked Krishna to complete my body
Krish : Your spirit is complete. Your body is temporary.
I asked Lord Krishna to give me patience.
Krish : Patience is a by product of difficulties. It is not
given but learnt.
I asked Lord Krishna to give me happiness.
Krish : I give blessings. Happiness depends upon you.
I asked Lord Krishna to free me from pain.
Krish : Suffering make you go far away from this world
and brings you nearer to me.
I asked Lord Krishna to make my spirit grow.
Krish : You have to grow by yourself. But I will prume
you to bear fruit.
I asked Lord Krishna for the things that will make
me like life.
Krish : I will give you Life so you can enjoy all those
I asked Lord Krishna to help me love others,
Krish : Ohh.... you finally got the idea ...
If you love Lord Krishna and like it, propagate it
will make you feel good.
(Inderjit Arora)
Sh. Baldev Raj Kataria
Blessed with Grand-daughter.
Sh. J.L. Thukral
Blessed with Grandson
Sh. Ashok Khurana, Advocate Chandigarh Rs.1100/His younger son Sourav Khurana, Advocate elected
Secretary, Pb. & Haryana High Court Bar Association for
the year 2014-15, with higest number of votes. Broken
record for last 50 years.
Smt. Usha Kiran Gupta
On 6th Death Anniversary of her husband Sh. Y.P. Gupta.
Sh. Vijay Kumar Gupta
DMD (Retd.)
Chandigarh Rs.1100/-
On occassion of First Birthday of his
Grandson Master Arha Gupta.
Please share your rememberances and happy
occasions with the Association.
Smt. Sumitra Devi
Mother of Sh. Sudershan Sharma
Sh. Jagir Chand, Chief Manager
unfortunately died on his retirement day 31.07.2014.
Son of Sh. Lalit Jain
Sh. R.K. Behl
Sector 10, Panchkula.
We pray to the Almighty to grant peace to the
departed souls.
Views expressed by the authors in the various Articles need not necessarily be the views of the Association.
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7th October, 2014
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Editor & Published by J.R. Gupta, H.No.5952, Modern Housing Complex, Manimajra, Chandigarh. Ph.: 0172-2730930, Mobile : 093563-81981
on behalf of State Bank of India Pensioners’ Association, Chandigarh Circle, Chandigarh.
Printed by : RGS Enterprises at RP Press, Gurudwara Road, 8
Badheri, Sector 41-D, Chandigarh. E-mail : ssnegi72@gmail.com
Visit us on www.sbipensionerschd.com