ODEBOLT-ARTHUR COMMUNITY SCHOOLS Regular Board Meeting Agenda Media Center - OA Elementary Monday, October 13, 2014 6:30 p.m. Regular Meeting O-A Mission: As an agent of the community and society, the Odebolt-Arthur School's purpose is to provide an environment where all persons shall develop life skills by learning to learn. Agenda: 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Agenda 3. Welcome Visitors 4. Public Comments to the Board During this time the board may receive comments from the public on items that are not on the agenda. If a member of the public wishes to speak on an agenda item, the Board will hear their comments when that item is addressed. Twenty minutes are allotted for public comments either now or further in the meeting with a 5-minute time limit per person, if needed. The board may choose to extend this time if they wish, but that is a board decision. The board does not need to respond to any comments made. 5. Consent Agenda 1. Minutes 2. Bills 3. Financial Reports 4. Contract Approvals - Jason Wulf, Middle School Assistant Wrestling Coach 6. Board Reports 1. Curriculum Presentation by the Math Department 2. Superintendent Report 3. Administrator Reports Written Reports 4. Director Reports Written Reports 7. Dialogue/Action Items 1. Approval of New Bus Engine 2. Approval of Purchase of Used Bus from Hogland Bus Company 3. Continued Discussion of WGS Agreement and Options for the OA Board 8. Discussion/Correspondence Items 1. Other Items - OA Sale of Misc. Equipment and Furniture. Set for Saturday, Oct. 25 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the bus barn 9. Confirm Dates and Times of Next Meetings Next regular Board meeting Monday, November 10, 6:30 p.m. in Odebolt. 10. Adjourn It is the policy of the Odebolt-Arthur and the Battle Creek-Ida Grove Community School Districts not to illegally discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy, please contact the district's Equity Coordinator, Alan Henderson, BClG Elementary PrinCipal, 403 Barnes Street, Ida Grove, Iowa 51445, phone number: 712-364-2360 and email address: ahenderson@oabcig.org. SUMMARY OF THE SEPTEMBER 8, 2014 REGULAR JOINT BOARD MEETING OF THE BATTLE CREEK-IDA GROVE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE ODEBOLT-ARTHUR COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT The Battle Creek-Ida Grove (BCIG) Community School District Board and the Odebolt-Arthur (OA) Community School District Board met in regular joint session September 8, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the Media Center at BCIG Elementary in Ida Grove. The meeting was called to order on behalf ofthe BCIG Board by Temporary Chairperson, Kathy Leonard who conducted a roll call vote as follows: Tony Bennett, present; Kim Claussen, present; Crystal Endrulat, present; Jill Godbersen, present; Stephanie Konradi, present; Jeff Rasmussen, present; and Brian Riessen, present. Leonard acknowledged a quorum. The OA board meeting was called to order by Leonard, Temporary Chairperson, who conducted a roll call vote as follows: Traci Bengford, present; Joey Hoefling, present; Pat Hoefling, present; Naomi Lozier, present; and Paul Neumann, present. Leonard acknowledged a quorum. It was moved by Konradi and seconded by Endrulat to approve the agenda as presented and the motion carried 7-0 for BCIG. It was moved by Lozier and seconded by Neumann to approve the agenda as presented and the motion carried 5-0 for OA. Leonard took nominations for president for the BCIG Board. Riessen was nominated for president. There were no other nominations. Riessen was then elected president 7-0. Leonard took nominations for the OA Board. Bengford was nominated for president. There were no other nominations. Bengford was then elected president 5-0. Riessen took nominations for vice president for the BCIG board. Godbersen was nominated for vice president. There were no other nominations. Godbersen was then elected vice-president 7-0. Bengford took nominations for vice president for the OA board. J. Hoefling was nominated for vice president. There were no other nominations. J. Hoefling was then elected vice-president 5-0. Lengthy discussion was held by both boards on the time and place of board meetings as set by board policy 210.2. It was decided by consensus that the OA board would continue to meet for regular meetings on the second Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the media center at the OA Elementary in Odebolt. The BCIG board will meet the third Monday of the month for regular board meetings at 6:30 p.m. in the Superintendent's office at the OAlBCIG High School in Ida Grove. The boards will meet jointly four times a year, alternating locations between Ida Grove and Odebolt. Neumann, Lozier, Bengford, Claussen and Bennett went on record as being opposed to holding separate board meetings. Riessen welcomed visitors. Linda Johnson spoke during the public forum portion of the meeting to thank the BCIG board for the purchase of new risers for the High School choir room. At this time, both boards took a short break to have board pictures taken. It was moved by Godbersen and seconded by Bennett to approve the consent agenda for BCIG consisting of board minutes, claims totaling $416,273.95, contract resignations from Tony Mason, High School Assistant Boys' Basketball Coach; contract approvals for Terry Schoenfeld, Bus Driver and John Tietsort, Assistant High School Football Coach and overnight field trip for OAlBCIG High School dance team to Des Moines Dec. 3, 2014. The motion carried 7-0. It was moved by Neumann and seconded by J. Hoefling to approve the consent agenda for OA consisting of board minutes and claims totaling $135,582.91. The motion carried 5-0. Dr. Nick Ouellette, shared superintendent, gave an update on facilities and projects; the new Fast and Tiers Assessment program; At Risk additional staff hired this year and the work they are doing; staff appreciation barbeque held Friday, August 29 with approximately 170 attending and reviewed the food settlement class action lawsuit against Martin Brothers. Ouellette reminded board members of the upcoming IASB convention in Des Moines Nov. 20 & 21 st. Any board members wanting to attend and needing lodging, should let Leonard know by the end of October. It was moved by Lozier and seconded by Neumann to authorize the superintendent to sell unneeded equipment at a sale on the date discussed. The motion carried 5-0. Discussion was held on policy # 905.1 Public Use of School Equipment. Equipment had been loaned out recently and was returned with extensive damage. Board members were asked to review the current policy and report suggestions on any potential changes to Ouellette prior to the next board meeting. Discussion suggestions included charging a deposit and/or rental fee and restricting what items could be loaned out. It was moved by Neumann and seconded by Lozier to approve the administration's recommendation to move forward with the loading dock project at approximate cost of$15,000 to $20,000. The motion carried 5-0. Discussion was held on the time frame and process needed to make any changes to the current Whole Grade Sharing Agreement. The boards must notify the public by resolution a minimum of 90 days before any changes can be signed into effect. It is the district's legal counsel's recommendation to use a third party facilitator to mediate the negotiations. The board presidents read the resolutions prior to the vote. It was moved by Rasmussen and seconded by Claussen to approve the administration's recommendation to accept the Resolution of Intent to Renegotiate the Whole Grade Sharing Agreement for the Battle Creek-Ida Grove Community School District. The motion carried 7-0. It was moved by J. Hoefling and seconded by Lozier to approve administration's recommendation to accept the Resolution ofIntent to Renegotiate the Whole Grade Sharing Agreement for the Odebolt-Arthur Community School District. The motion carried 4-1 with P. Hoefling voting no. It was approved by Neumann and seconded by Lozier to approve the administration's recommendation to appoint Steve Avery as Legal Counsel for the renegotiation of the Whole Grade Sharing Agreement for the Odebolt-Arthur Community School District and allow Rick Franck to represent BCIG. The motion carried 5-0. It was moved by Rasmussen and seconded by Claussen to approve the Early Graduation request from Elizabeth Verschoor for the 2014-2015 school year pending satisfactory completion of graduation requirements. The motion carried 7-0. Other items of discussion included Leonard asking the BCIG board to change the board policy regarding bill payment so bills may continue to be paid the second Monday ofthe month. Leonard will work on new wording and bring the policy to the next BCIG board meeting for approval. The next regular joint board meeting will be held Monday, December 8, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in Odebolt. The next regular OA meeting will be held Monday, October 13 in the Elementary Media Center in the OA Elementary Building in Odebolt. The next regular BCIG board meeting will be held October 20 th in Ida Grove in the superintendent's office at the OAlBCIG High School. There being no further business before the BCIG board, it was moved by Godbersen and seconded by Endrulat to adjourn. The motion carried 7-0 and the Battle Creek-Ida Grove Board was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. p.m. There being no further business before the OA board, it was moved by Neumann and seconded by J. Hoefling to adjourn. The motion carried 5-0 and the Odebolt-Arthur Board was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Kathy A. Leonard, BCIG Board Secretary Kathy A. Leonard, OA Board Secretary SUMMARY OF THE SEPTEMBER 22,2014 SPECIAL BOARD MEETING OF THE ODEBOLT-ARTHUR COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT The Odebolt-Arthur Community School District Board met in special session on September 22,2014 at 7:30 a.m. in the Conference Room in Odebolt, Iowa. The purpose of the special meeting was to approve the HVAC bid for gym. Odebolt-Arthur Board President, Traci Bengford called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. Present were Paul Neumann, Naomi Lozier and Pat Hoefling. Absent was Joey Hoefling. Dr. Nick Ouellette, superintendent, and Kathy Leonard, Business Manager, also attended the meeting. It was moved by Neumann and seconded by Lozier to approve the agenda as published and the motion carried 4-0. Ouellette stated four firms had expressed in interest in the HV AC project and bids were received from two. Bids were received from Herner Plumbing from Odebolt, Iowa for $43,000 and Drees Co. from Carroll, Iowa for $51,400. The administration recommended the bid from Herner. It was moved by Lozier and seconded by Neumann to approve the bid for the gym HVAC project from Herner Plumbing and Heating for $43,000 and the motion carried 4-0. Discussion was held on a recent complaint received regarding a bus issue. It was moved by Neumann and seconded by Lozier to adjourn. The motion carried 4-0 and the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 a.m. Kathy A. Leonard, Board Secretary ,0" SUMMARY OF THE OCTOBER 2,2014 SPECIAL BOARD MEETING OF THE ODEBOLT-ARTHUR COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT The Odebolt-Arthur Community School District Board met in special session on October 2,2014 at 8:00 p.m. in the Elementary Media Center in Odebolt, Iowa. The purpose of the special meeting was to discuss the Whole Grade Sharing Agreement. Odebolt-Arthur Board President, Traci Bengford called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. Present were Paul Neumann, Naomi Lozier, Pat Hoefling and Joey Hoefling. Dr. Nick Ouellette, superintendent, and Kathy Leonard, Business Manager and approximately 60 people also attended the meeting. It was moved by Neumann and seconded by Lozier to approve the agenda as published and the motion carried 5-0. Ouellette gave a recap of the 09-29-14 Battle Creek-Ida Grove Special Board Meeting and stated the 26 points of the WGS agreement were reviewed. Grade configuration, duration, termination clause and school color, name and mascot were its' biggest discussion items. Attorneys representing both schools stated the agreement needs updating. Ouellette reviewed the 26 paragraphs of the current Whole Grade Sharing Agreement and it was the general consensus of the board to rewrite the agreement with the following changes for each paragraph: 1. Duration: wait until we know the grade configurations and okay with a two year agreement, renewing annually after that. 2. Review of terms- change to 18 months 3. Grades Involved -would like to stay grades 6-8. 4. Decision makingno changes 5. Graduates- reword or strike 6. Buildings and Non instructional items - no changes 7. Transportation funding - districts responsible for transporting their own students 8. Previously owned Instructional Equipment - no changes 9. Instructional Equipment - no changes 10. Proration formulacount twice a year 11. Cooperation - no change 12.Conflict resolution - reword and add two board members appointed 13.Student account balances- no change 14. Fees and Charges - no change 15. Tuition -no change 16.Employee contracts - reword to include shared superintendent if applicable 17. Extracurricular activitiesno change 18. Joint meetings -Keep it at at least a minimum of 4 possibly change to every other month. 19,20, 21 - Attorneys will reword to what is needed legally 22. Communication with neighboring districts - Reword 23. Employee ticket taking - delete 24. Student injury - reword. Attorneys are suggesting stronger wording might be needed. 25. Name, mascot, and Colors- no change. 26. Input -leave as is or reword to be more general. Discussion items by the board included how 6th graders would be educated ifthey don't include BCIG students. Ouellette stated the district can follow several different education models. Neumann requested a review of documentation on the studies that were done at the time of the modification in 2011 concerning educating 6, 7 and 8 grades together and to review where both districts were prior to WGS and where the districts are now regarding academics and finances. It was moved by Lozier and seconded by J. Hoefling to adjourn and the motion carried 5-0. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Kathy A. Leonard, Board Secretary Odebolt-Arthur Community Schools 10109/201403:16 PM Vendor Name Checking Account ID Board Report - For Board OABCIG MS ACTIVITY FUND PAYABLES FOR BOARD MEETING 10-13-2014 Description 2 Fund Number 21 Page: 1 UserlD: WRS Check Total ACTIVITY FUND CRAWFORD, RICK MS FOOTBALL OFFICIAL FLEET US LLC MS ATHLETIC FIELD PAINT & SPRAYER REPAIR 459.46 HARMS, JIMMIE MS FOOTBALL OFFICIAL 140.00 HARRIMAN, WADE MS FOOTBALL OFFICIAL 70.00 HEDDEN, MICHAEL MS VOLLEYBALL OFFICIAL 560.00 KOHN, JEFF MS FOOTBALL OFFICIAL 140.00 PEPSI-COLA GEN BOT INC BEVERAGE SUPPLIES-STUDENT COUNCIL & ATHL RICKLEFS, DUSTIN MS FOOTBALL OFFICIAL 70.00 RICKLEFS, DWAYNE MS FOOTBALL OFFICIAL 70.00 TROST, STEVE MS VOLLEYBALL OFFICIAL 70.00 WHITEING, DEVLUN MS FOOTBALL OFFICIAL 210.00 WINTERROWD, DON MS VOLLEYBALL OFFICIAL 420.00 Fund Number 21 Checking Account ID 70.00 1,784.81 4,064.27 2 4,064.27 Odebolt-Arthur Community Schools 10109/201404:03 PM Vendor Name Checking Account ID Board Report - For Board Page: 1 OA NUTRITION PAYABLES FOR BOARD MEETING 10-13-2014 Description Fund Number Check Total. ANDERSON ERICKSON DAIRY CO. 61 NUTRITION NUTRITION DAIRY SUPPLIES 2,053.10 BATTLE CREEK - IDA GROVE CSD W SCHIERNBECK WAGES/BENEFITS - 2014-2015 3,412.29 CULLIGAN OF IDA GROVE SOFTENER SALT-DELIVER & LOAD 172.00 EARTHGRAINS BAKING COMPANIES, INC NUTRITION - BREAD PRODUCTS 909.14 HAUSMAN ELECTRIC INC. ELECTRIC WIRING & PARTS - COOLER/FREEZER 582.43 IDA GROVE FOOD PRIDE FOOD SUPPLIES - TACO SEASONING & ONIONS MARTIN BROS DISTRIBUTING CO FOOD AND NON FOOD SUPPLIES-NUTRITION 9,170.40 ODEBOLT - ARTHUR CSD NUTRITION WAGES-FICA & IPERS 2,825.62 PRESTO X MONTHLY PEST CONTROL SERVICE CONTRACT WALL LAKE HARDWARE OA KITCHEN SINK WORK Fund Number 3 UserlD: WRS 61 Checking Account ID 25.08 41. 60 481.59 19,673.25 3 19,673.25 Odebolt-Arthur Community Schools 10107/201408:04 AM Vendor Name Checking Account ID BATTLE CREEK - IDA GROVE CSD Fund Number 10 Checking Account ID Board Report - For Board Page: 1 2014 OCTOBER UNI R. RECOVERY CHECK DEPOSITED INTO OA ACCT. SHOULD BE BCIG Description Check Total Fund Number 10 GENERAL FUND UNI R. RECOVERY CHECK-REDEPOSITED WRONG 1,430.00 1,430.00 1 1,430.00 User ID: KAL Odebolt-Arthur Community Schools 10/10/2014 11 :25 AM Vendor Name Checking Acconnt ID BATTLE CREEK - IDA GROVE CSD Fund Number 10 Check Total GENERAL FUND REIM TO BCIG WRONG BOMGAARS PAYMENT Fund Number 33 SAVE REIM TO BCIG WRONG BOMGAARS PAYMENT 33 271.74 367.63 367.63 36 Checking Account ID Page: 1 User 10: KAL 271.74 Checking Acconnt ID BATTLE CREEK - IDA GROVE CSD Fund Number Fund Number 10 Checking Acconnt ID BATTLE CREEK - IDA GROVE CSD Fund Number Board Report - For Board 2014 OCTOBER REPAYMENT TO BCIG BOMGAARS PAID WRONG Description Fund Number 36 PPEL REIM TO BCIG WRONG BOMGAARS PAYMENT 298.91 298.91 1 938.28 Odebolt-Arthur Community Schools Board Report - For Board 10109/201407:40 PM 10-12-14 GENERAL FUND CLAIMS Description Vendor Name Page: 1 User ID: KAL Check Total 10 GENERAL FUND FLUORESCENT MARKER PEN /LED WRITING MENU 165.20 BLOYER, RICHARD REIMBURSE DOT PHYSICAL 100.00 BMO HARRIS MASTERCARD SCHOOL NURSE CONFERENCE / HOTEL BOMGAARS DISTRICT SUPPLIES 233.41 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC COPIER SERVICE 614.34 CENTRAL IOWA DISTRIBUTING CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES CHRONICLE, THE PUBLlCATON FEES 216.60 CITY OF ODEBOLT WATER / SEWER/ TRASH 608.40 CLAlMAID MEDICAID FILING FEE / 2 STDTS/ FY 13/14 353.61 CONNECTING POINT COMPUTER CENTER MONTHLY FEE TO MANAGE WIRELESS 125.00 CUBBY'S INC. FUEL 757.23 DR. JEAN'S ROCK, RHYME, WRITE & READ SEMINAR REGISTRATION 856.00 ENTERPRISE FINANCIAL TIME CLOCK HOSTING FEE / SEPT/OCT 2014 176.00 FRAME USA METAL SILVER CUSTOM FRAMES 460.64 HORN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL DOT PHYSICAL / FINERAN 100.00 HULTGREN IMPLEMENT MOWER REPAIR IDA COUNTY COURIER - REMINDER KITCHEN HELP WATED AD / 1 WEEK CLASSFD 17.85 IDA GROVE FOOD PRIDE FCS SUPPLIES 37.56 IOWA ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL BOARDS BACKGROUND CHECK / T MARTIN 48.00 IOWA COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK LONG DISTANCE 17.32 IOWA MUSIC EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION 1 DAY REGISTRATION FOR CONFERENCE 45.00 ISU EXTENSION AND OUTREACH GARDEN CURRICULUM/SCHROEDER 50.00 MALCOM'S PAINT & HARDWARE BUILDING MAINTENANCE PROJECTS 107.98 MAPLETON - ROOTER SEWER SERVICE ROTO ROOT SEWERS 270.00 MATHESON TRI-GAS, INC ACETYLENE RENTAL SEPT. MCLAUGHLIN INTERNATIONAL T SHIRTS - RESALE MENARDS REPLACEMENT ORGANIZERS MIDAMERlCAN ENERGY CO UTILITIES NELSON, ALICIA MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 96.00 NWIBA - CURT OHRLUND, TREASURER ENTRY FEES/LATE ENTRY FEE 35.00 OFFICE SYSTEMS CO COPIER SERVICE 923.19 OUELLETTE, NICHOLAS MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 152.80 PAPER CORPORATION, THE 14-15 DISTRICT PAPER ORDER Checking Acconnt ID AMAZON. COM Fund Number 1,415.45 2,030.82 1,160.79 21.70 493.20 45.98 4,140.95 2,204.09 Board Report - For Board Odebolt-Arthur Community Schools Page: 2 10109/201407:40 PM Vendor Name Description Check Total. PEPSI-COLA GEN BOT INC TEACHER'S LOUNGE SODA 82.32 POSTMASTER, ARTHUR EDDM NEWSLETTER POSTAGE / NOVEMBER 32.20 POSTMASTER, ODEBOLT EDDM NEWSLETTER POSTAGE / NOVEMBER 112.00 PRAIRIE LAKES AEA 8 PRINTED 3000 SEPTEMBER NEWSLETTERS (31%) 152.50 REALLY GOOD STUFF DESKTOP POCKET CHART REIS AUTO PARTS & SERVICE AIR EQUPlMENT FOR CUSTODIAL RESOURCES FOR READING TITLE I / READING RECOVERY SUPPLIES SAC COUNTY MUTUAL TELEPHONE TELEPHONE 630.65 SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION HEALTH SUPPLIES 590.21 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC SCHEDULE POCKET CHART 277.55 STAR ENERGY FUEL STEHR, WILLIAM REIMBURSE BUS WASH ON 9-18-14 STOBERL, RACHEL CUPS FOR EDIBLE SOIL HORIZONS 8TH GRADE THIES, DEANNA #91 & #94 BUS WASH WARD'S GRASS FROGS - PAIL OF 10 106.13 ZIMCO SUPPLY CO FALL FERTILIZER 333.00 Fund Number 10-12-14 GENERAL FUND CLAIMS 10 Checking Account ID IOWA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION 12 Fund Number 55.30 1,710.40 8.00 225.78 21.50 300.00 48.86 348.86 Fund Number 22 MANAGEMENT FUND ADDITIONAL FY 14-15 WORKMAN'S COMP PREM 22 Checking Account ID ALLOY SPECIALTY, INC 2,828.79 12 GENERAL FUND - TAG ACCOUNTS MS MOCK TRIAL REGISTRATION FEE (2 TEAMS) ENRICH / TAG SUPPLIES Checking Account ID SWANSON INSURANCE COMPANY 64.91 25,311.35 Fund Number SAM'S CLUB Fund Number User ID: KAL 167.00 167.00 33 SAVE ASBESTOS WORK DONE FOR NEW HEAT/AIR 575.00 BOMGAARS DISTRICT SUPPLIES 268.40 EVER WHITE CLASSROOM REMODEL PRJOECT - WHITE BOARDS FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC RESTROOM REMODEL PROJECTS HAUSMAN ELECTRIC INC. BUS BARN & LIGHTING PROJECTS WHEELER CONTRACTING, INC ASBESTOS ABATEMENT FOR HVAC PROJECT Fund Number Fund Number 33 Checking Account ID BOMGAARS 10,928.72 1,934.38 10,634.75 2,400.00 26,741.25 Fund Number PPEL 36 DISTRICT SUPPLIES 306.67 DARRELL BENGFORD CONSTRUCTION BUS BARN REMODEL PROJECT 3,653.90 HAUSMAN ELECTRIC INC. BUS BARN & LIGHTING PROJECTS 6,190.28 Odebolt-Arthur Community Schools Page: 3 Board Report - For Board User ID: KAL 10-12-14 GENERAL FUND CLAIMS 10109/201407:40 PM Check Total Vendor Name Description HOEFLING LAWN SERVICE PLAYGROUND REMODEL PROJECT - SEEDING 300.00 ODEBOLT LUMBER ART/SCIENCE ROOM & PLAYGROUND PROJECTS 448.08 SAC COUNTY SOLID WASTE GARBAGE REMOVAL/SCIENCE LAB/PLAYGROUND 239.40 Fund Number 36 Checking Account ID 11,138.33 1 63,706.79 Odebolt-Arthur Community Schools 10/10/201411:12 AM Board Report - For Board Vendor Name Description Checking Account ID Fund Number BATTLE CREEK - IDA GROVE CSD Fund Number 10 GENERAL FUND MISC REIMBURSEMENTS TO BCIG 7,475.15 7,475.15 Fund Number BATTLE CREEK - IDA GROVE CSD 36 Checking Account ID User 10: KAL Check Total 10 Checking Account ID Fund Number Page: 1 10-13-14 MISC. REIMBURSEMENTS TO BCIG 36 PPEL MISC REIMBURSEMENTS TO BCIG 1,497.50 1,497.50 1 8,972.65 Odebolt-Arthur Community Schools 10/10/2014 10:25 AM Vendor Name Checking Account ID Fund Number BATTLE CREEK - IDA GROVE CSD Fund Number 10 Checking Account ID Board Report - For Board 1ST QUARTER MISC. WGS EXPENSES CLAIM TO BCIG Description 10 Page: 1 User ID: KAL Check Total GENERAL FUND QUARTERLY MS/HS WGS EXPENSES 4,065.36 4,065.36 1 4,065.36 Odebolt-Arthur Community Schools 10/10/201408:22 AM Vendor Name Checking Account ID BATTLE CREEK - IDA GROVE CSD Fund Number Fund Number 10 GENERAL FUND 1ST QUARTER WGS STAFF COSTS BILLING User 10: KAL Check Total. 143,468.60 143,468.60 10 Checking Account ID Page: 1 Board Report - For Board Unposted; Batch Description 2014 OCTOBER 12 BD MEETING GF INVOICES Description 1 143,468.60 Odebolt Arthur CSD September 2014 GENERAL FUND #10 Bank Accounts Prev.Balance Revenue Expend itu res Current Bal. 1,027,886.22 320,501.23 312,924.21 1,035,463.24 TAG FUND#12 Prev.Balance Revenue Expenditures Current Bal. 1,223.74 0.00 0.00 1,223.74 MANAGEMENT FUND #22 Prev.Balance Revenue Expenditures Current Bal. 346,792.04 28,971.79 5,339.91 370,423.92 LOSS FUND #33 Prev.Balance Revenue Expenditures Current Bal. 42,929.52 23,501.84 40,344.06 26,087.30 PPEL FUND #36 Prev.Balance Revenue Expend itu res Current Bal. -64,936.01 19,687.13 41,994.74 -87,243.62 TRUST #81 Prev.Balance Revenue Expenditures Current Bal. 105,624.64 0.00 1,800.00 103,824.64 ACTIVITY FUND #21 Prev.Balance Revenue Expend itu res Current Bal. 77,345.04 345.21 749.72 76,940.53 FSB Checking ISJIT Balance 386.29 76,554.24 76,940.53 NUTRITION FUND #61 Prev.Balance Revenue Expenditures Current Bal. 83,962.16 0.00 9,226.27 74,735.89 FSB Checking ISJIT Balance -7,361.34 82,097.23 74,735.89 Grand Total of Accounts 1,601,455.64 UBI-Checking Balance Charles Fair Warren Hansen Bart Ogden Thevenot Prestin Marvin Stock Breakdown of Trust #81 1,449,779.22 $1,449,779.22 25,188.17 44,617.00 2,720.62 3,659.95 11,397.53 16,241.47 103,824.74 1,601,455.64 Odebolt-Arthur Community Schools Fund: 21 Page: 1 Activity Fund Balance Report - Summary - Exclude Encumbrances UserlD: WRS 09/2014 - 09/2014 10109/20144:35 PM ACTIVITY FUND Chart of Account Number Chart of Account Descri[1tion 21 729 000 0000 000 FUND BALANCE/MS STUDENT COUNCIL 21 729 000 6600 920 FUND BALANCE/MS COED ATHLETICS 21 729 000 7380 950 FUND BALANCE/SPRINGBROOK Fund Total: 21 Beginning Balance EX[1enses Revenues Balance Change 7,564.41 749.72 344.85 0.00 Balance 7,159.54 66,425.10 0.00 0.36 0.00 66,425.46 3,355.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,355.53 77,345.04 749.72 345.21 0.00 76,940.53 ODEBOLT-ARTHUR COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT NUTRITION FUND REVENUE-EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 9/30/2014 Fund Name BEGINNING BALANCE 9-01-2014 $ MTD 83,962.16 $ YTD 96,014.63 Revenue NUTRnlONINTEREST STUDENT LUNCHES STUDENT BREAKFASTS STUDENT MILK/EXTRA ALA CARTE SALES ADULT LUNCHES ADULT BREAKFASTS CATERING REPLACE LUNCH CARDS FOOD REBATES/MISC INCOME STATE REIMB. SCHOOL LUNCHES STATE REIMB. BREAKFASTS FEDERAL REIMB. BREAKFASTS FEDERAL REIMB. SCHOOL LUNCHES SPECIAL MILK PROGRAM COMMODnlES Compensation for Loss of Fixed Assets Upward Adj. to Beg. Fund Bal TOTAL REVENUES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.73 12,394.57 1,094.75 800.00 1,551.85 518.10 3.00 16,363.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2.57 13,166.56 1,435.15 878.60 1,730.10 679.90 3.00 40.00 169.74 18,105.62 Expenditure LUNCHROOM SALARIES FICA IPERS EMPLOYEE PHYSICALS PURCHASED SERVICES REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE TRAVEL/MEmNG NON FOOD SUPPLIES NUTRnlON EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION FOOD SUPPLIES COMMODnlES CONSUMED Downward Adj. fo Fund Bal. NUTRnlON FUND DOWNWARD AJUST TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ENDING BALANCE 9-30-2014 $ 9,226.27 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 23,021.36 91,098.89 $ 91,098.89 41.60 1,025.68 8,158.99 142.05 219.98 1,095.63 13,404.71 8,158.99 Alicia Nelson Board Report September, 2014 Throughout September, a lot of my focus has been on #1: teaching technology classes to K-5 Odebolt-Arthur students in the mornings, and #2: providing staff with support for initiatives such as PLC's, professional development, curriculum improvement, assessment, and the final preparation of report cards in grades K-5 for both school districts. PLC's are currently focused on reading the book, Raising the Bar, Closing the Gap: Whatever It Takes, by the DuFour's and their colleagues (renown for their work in PLC development). In the book, the authors repeatedly focus on the following questions: • What is it we want all students to learn? (Standards and Learning Targets) • How will we know when each student has acquired the essential knowledge and skills? • What happens when a student does not learn? • What do we do when stUdents already demonstrate understanding? How do we enrich or extend their learning? The authors contend that creating a system of intervention and enrichment is one important aspect of creating a PLC, but that it must be part of a larger cultural shift. To view some of the work of our staff presented in a slideshow, visit: http://slide.ly/view/6e87 dd94aea8feb06cdf315fb2a2aa64 ?utm source=Em ORG Share (I would be more than happy to directly email this link to you if you contact me) In Professional Development, staff has been working through topics of improvement in the areas of reading, effective instruction, and supports for students who are not proficient, known as MTSS (Multi Tiered Systems of Support) in Iowa. The elementary buildings have given a new statewide assessment screener in reading known as the FAST assessment. This provides the teachers with information about students who do not demonstrate proficient reading skills at each particular testing interval. These assessments will be given again in January and April. Staff will begin interventions and progress monitoring for students who are not proficient on this or other classroom assessments. The upper grade levels have been using other identifiers to determine students who require intervention. PD in effective instruction has been dedicated to understanding learning targets, essential questions, and enduring understandings (the big picture) that all students should walk away with as they receive each content area's curriculum. We are talking a lot about formative and summative assessment; how we gauge student learning and make changes in instruction. We have been awarded our STEM grants in grades K, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in Odebolt-Arthur and grades K, 1, 4, and 5 at BCIG and teachers will be receiving materials for teaching hands-on science and engineering while incorporating math and reading content as well. A World In Motion has provided us with the materials we will be using in a alignment with our science standards. We will be seeking out a community member to participate in each grade level's STEM lessons, as it provides our school with another matched grant and the opportunity for students to learn from people in the community who are engaged in STEM-related careers. To see more about AWIM, visit http://www.awim.org/curriculum/. Board Report Oct. 2015 BCIG Elementary We just had fire prevention week. The fireman came in and did some activities with the students. To promote getting students to plan an escape plan and actually practice with their parents, the firemen are putting kids names in for a drawing for a bike or iPod. 1 drawing for a boy and 1 for a girl in each grade level will be made. PTP has been a wonderful asset to our school. Parents want to be able to support what we are doing. One new idea this year is to have a family fun night, which we will have in February. They already busy planning fun learning and creative activities for parents and their children to come and do together at the school. I will keep you updated as we get closer to that time. Parent teacher conferences are coming up soon. We will be using a new JMC report card for the first time this year, which are standards based. We are excited to be able to show parents where students are specifically to different standards in each of the main academic areas. I believe this will inform parents more than just an A,B,C grade. OCT. ACTIVITIES: Oct. 8 th we had a great Iowa Kids Healthy Walk, thanks to Mrs. Staley lining it up. Oct. 9 th 1st Grade enjoyed the Pumpkin Patch in Denison Oct. 14th 4th Grade goes to the Courthouse Oct. 16 th Preschool and KEY have a Harvest Party at Moorehead Oct. 22 nd 2 nd grade will decorate pumpkins in the gym and have them on display at Food Pride Oct. 27th -Oct. 31 st will be Red Ribbon Week activities planned by Julie Staley OABCIG Board Report October 2014 Video Links OABCIG YouTube Channel Homecoming: https: IIwww.youtube.com/user loabcigschools Ivideos It's Great to be a Falcon: https: IIwww.youtube.com/user loabci~schools Ivideos The first two videos were created by Mrs. Beck using a product called Animoto. She will create other videos during the year to promote our district. Falcon Series on Excellence: https:/ Iwww.youtube.com/user loabci~schools Ivideos This is the first in a series of clips that we will present to the students during the school year. All will be based on Striving to Attain Excellence in one's life. We have asked various "Iowa Celebrities" to speak directly to our students and staff on how they promote excellence in what they do, and whom they work with. We do have data on our goal of reducing the F list that I will be sharing with you via email. October 7,2014 Board Update OA- Elementary and OA-BCIG MS The Principal Advisory Committee has met a few times for the purpose of planning for the effective and efficient operation of the school. The committee puts focus on successful school operation which leads to high student achievement and high employee morale. The committee worked on creating a PK-8 student activity for the Friday of homecoming week. The 2nd annual Falcon Olympics was a big success again this year. The goal was to build school spirit. Students and staff had a great time. Our students did a wonderful job participating and cheering participants on. The committee will continue to meet and focus on successful school operations. Mentors and mentees have met with the AEA to proceed through a plan to enhance the beginning teacher's role as a teacher. They will continue to meet throughout the year. The early-out Wednesdays are giving our teachers valuable time to learn, prepare, and plan to help students achieve. Much time has been spent on planning and creating interventions for students with needs. This includes work on early literacy planning from data received from our reading screener called FAST. Concerns and questions stemming from TEAM time led to a concentrated time to learn about Response to Intervention (RtI), what that means for our students, and what action by teachers needs to happen to see effective interventions. To help build and support a positive student climate and focus on good behavior, the elementary will begin a system that recognizes good behavior. Our PBIS teacher team has developed a reward system of Falcon Feathers and a traveling trophy which promotes positive behaviors. Middle school students who continue to show positive behavior in our FDA system are rewarded a few minutes each week to partake in some games one day a week during studyback. Doug Mogensen October 2014 Activity Director's Report 1. Homecoming festivities went off without a hitch. Working on some improvements for next year. 2. FB parking has gone well, with the shuttle bus running, as well as having players, cheerleaders and band members park south of the school and baseball field. Still working on making sure everyone helps out. The Fire Departments from the four towns have helped park cars in the lot, which has made things go a little smoother. 3. The Musical "Grease" will be performed this fall, under the direction of Ms. Kariann Jurgensen. Performances will be on November 14th & 15 th in Ida Grove. 4. We hosted the Saturday portion of the WVC VB tournament on September 27th . This change was needed due to the fact that Westwood had some water damage on their gym floor, and was unable to use two nets. 5. WVC Cross country meet is in Moville on October 18th. 6. State Qualifying Cross Country meet will be in Orange City on October 23 rd • Best of luck to all our participants. 7. MS Mock trial teams are busy preparing for their upcoming season. S. Mrs. Jensen will be taking a group of 18 girls to the "Road Less Traveled" program at ISU. The purpose of this is to expose them to careers in math and science. 9. All State Vocal Auditions are October 25 th. We have 6 students auditioning. 10. The HS Band traveled to Carroll on October 4th to take part in a Carroll Band Days Marching Band competition. Great to see them competing. 11. MS VB & MS FB seasons are winding down. We have had great participation numbers this year. 12. Volleyball District Action on Tuesday October 21 st at 7:00. This is the same day as one of the P-T conference days. We have dropped from 3A to 2A this year, which puts our tournament a week earlier. 13. The first round of the Football Playoffs are Wednesday, October 29 th. 14. Girls' Basketball practices, Boys' & Girls' Bowling practices begin on November 10 th and Boys' Basketball & Wrestling begin November 17th . Technology Update October 8,2014 Julie Weeda As mentioned in last month's board update, both OA and BCIG K-6 students were taking part in the Iowa Early Literacy Tier 2 implementation process. This assessment served as a universal screener for all K-S students. We were able to complete this assessment within our window. I applaud all our elementary staff members as they worked through this new computerized assessment with us. There were some ups and downs but overall the testing went very well. Our last few minor issues are being resolved now. Our next round of assessments will be in January. Our student tech squad has expanded for the 2014- 2 0 1 5 school year! I am pleased to announce that four students returned to the tech squad again this year: Ethan Tromp, Thomas Mace, Alex Rohlk, and Trey Rohlk. We also welcomed 4 new members: Gable Sohm, Gabe Malcom, Aedan Hickey, and David Maly. Our four veteran squad members have been working alongside our newest members to teach them the processes involved in diagnosing and repairing student Chromebooks. I have been impressed with the tech squad's efficiency and teamwork. The tech squad meets in the high school south lab during 9 th period Success. Tech Squad members are allowed to come work on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday only if their schoolwork is completed and they are passing their classes. While there is always tech work and repairs to complete, schoolwork comes first and I impress this upon the tech students! Another big push this past month was to ensure that our elementary report cards were accurate and working properly in JMC, our student information system. These Standard and Benchmark reports will be printed as well as available electronically in parent's JMC accounts for all their elementary children. This is a new innovation for our elementary staff, students, and parents. Parents, especially elementary parents who might have previously been unfamiliar with JMC, were introduced to the program in August at school registration. Since then we have promoted JMC and how to use it in our newsletter and website. There are also links to Traci Allen and I who are available to our parents should they have issues accessing or using the JMC system. In addition to attendance and report cards, JMC offers parents the ability to check and pay into their student's lunch account, update contact information, and enable alerts for their family. Last, Traci and I continue to assist staff with small tech issues as they pop up. As the school year has gotten further underway our Chromebook issues continue to be minor, most of which are quickly repairable. Our motherboards and other parts have arrived and our tech squad has been busy completing repairs in order to get the original device back in student's hands as quickly as possible. TRANSPORTATION DIRECTOR'S REPORT OCTOBER 13 OA BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 20 BCIG BOARD MEETING Bus inspection was held Oct 7 at both districts. One bus was taken out of service in both districts and has since been repaired and is useable again. There are some minor repairs to be done and the parts are on hand or have been ordered. Bus 03 from Odebolt has some motor problems. To replace the motor is $18000. This bus might be traded in. Fred Anderson from Ida Grove has started training to sub drive. I have driven with him several times and he has done well. After he completes the online class, we will go to Denison for the pre trip skills test and he will be ready for the road. Terry Schoenfeld is currently driving the Battle Creek route and shuttle. been doing a great job and has driven several extra activity trips. He has I am still needing sub drivers in Odebolt. At this time there is only one sub. If any suggestions please let me know. Pat and Travis Reis and I looked at several new buses. Hoaglund and Thomas each brought a bus to Reis' shop. We were able to drive them and check them both out as to the new changes and what we would and would not need. Dr Ouellette also came down and talked with the salesmen. In talking with the drivers afterwards, they said they would be happy with new or used and could drive anything as long as if there was a problem Reis' could repair it. There was an incident south of Odebolt where a motorgrader operator said he saw a bus not stopping at an uncontrolled intersection on Hope Avenue. Instead of calling Dr. Ouellette or myself, he put a comment on facebook. That got parents amped up and then I received several calls. I talked to Ranell Drake, a Sac County supervisor, in reference to the comment and asked that if there was a problem again please call the school and do not use social media. I did talk to all the drivers in reference to uncontrolled intersections and that with harvest fast approaching, we need to be more cautious. Fall activities have kept us all very busy. Both big buses go out almost daily for the activities. In October we have trips planned for the pumpkin farm, symphony and the FFA trip to Kentucky. Kim Bleckwehl Maintenance Report for the OA and BCIG School Boards Wow! Hard to believe we are this far into the school year already. There were so many things done over the summer; as you already know, what a transformation all of our facilities are taking. One of the biggest improvements has been updating all of the bathrooms in the district - 12 in alt of which 10 were done this summer. There are all the new ceilings and lighting in the Odebolt building and in the BCIG Elementary. The Geo Thermal units were moved into the classrooms and the new heating units in the ceilings of the Odebolt building allowing for the teachers to have total control of the temperature in their classroom. Soon the big Gym in Odebolt will have all new forced air units for heat and air making this building totally free from the boiler and it will be air conditioned. We have installed 10 new drinking fountains in the buildings, with bottle fillers, in hopes that our students will drink more water. The Bus Barn project in Odebolt is coming along pretty well. Today, the 10 th of October, the overhead doors were installed and the openers will be following soon. Soon the loading dock project will be starting in Odebolt. I've been told it will be happening towards the end of October. I am working this week getting ready for the sale on the 11th of October in Odebolt at the bus barn. We are cleaning out all of the storage areas everywhere in Odebolt. There is one more Varsity home football game, one Middle School home football game and one cross country home meet to get the fields ready for. As soon as fall sports are over, I will be winterizing all of the outdoor facilities. I have also been doing a lot of work orders. I'm sure that I have forgotten some things, but as always, feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Thank You, Roger Walter OA-BCIG Maintenance Director Business Manager Report October 2014 (I get more than one page this month since I haven't reported since June) Certified Annual Report (CAR) was filed on 09-15-14. This report is generated from the accounting software and uploaded to the state and reports all revenue and expenses in detail for FY 13-14. It is a time consuming process that involves numerous uploads prior to certification. If errors are discovered, correcting journal entries are made after contacting the DE and the school auditors for clarification if needed. Special Ed Supplement (SES) was filed on 09-15-14. This is the annual report that tracks all revenue and expenses related to Special Education. Once the CAR is certified, most of the data is pulled from that report into the SES. I manually have to enter the students, student days, and a few misc. other financial info prior to certification. Annual Transportation Report was filed on 9-15-14. This report also pulls data from the CAR and Kim calculates and submits all the miles traveled in detail, which I then manually enter. For FY 13-14 the annual cost per mile traveled for BCIG was $2.75 and for OA was $2.17. The cost is based on a formula from the state that considers ALL costs associated with transportation (ie. miles traveled, salary, benefits, training, repair costs, drug tests, substitute driver pay, activity miles, etc.) Certified Enrollment - official count day was Oct. 1, official certification day is Oct. 15th. Traci Allen is responsible for uploading data to the state that is pulled from JMC (our student data software) The district data needed to be error free and uploaded by Oct. 8. From Oct. 8 through October 15, districts review the data ensuring that all tuitioned out and opened enrolled out students have been reported by the educating districts. The districts work together to resolve any issues and to make sure students aren't reported by 2 different districts. Traci spends a lot of time making sure data is correct prior to upload and should be commended for her hard work. It makes my job easier at certification time. I hope to have preliminary figures for the boards on Monday night. Title IIA- applications for both districts were due Oct. 15 and have been certified. We use this money to help keep class sizes down at the elementary levels. BClG will receive $23,461.20 and OA will receive $12,968.52. Faclities, Election and Sales Tax Report - another state report that is due Sept. 30 but has been completed for both districts. This report asks for FY 13-14 detail on SAVE and PPEL funds and infrastructure data related to buildings and building costs. Line Item Budget - I have been working Dr. Ouellette to get our line item budget amounts entered correctly so we can project balances more accurately and track our expenditures in a timely manner throughout the year. Look for more information on the budgets coming at a future meeting. BEDS Report -Although the administration certifies this report, I provide the salary and benefit data which is entered and uploaded to the state. Districts involved in operational sharing money, need to have their data certified by 10-15-14, two weeks ahead of the 10-30-14 official certification date. School Auditors - Nolte, Cornman and Johnson Auditors (team of 4) were in the district October 7 and th 8 for approximately 14 hours but completed the audits for both districts at that time. I felt both audits went well. The boards will be receiving and approving a final audit report prior to March 1st . I would like to thank Wanda and Sonya for their help in gathering the necessary information prior to the audit and to Wanda for working with the auditors those days as well. OA IPERs Audit I met with IPERS compliance officer on August 26 th • This is a periodic audit conducted to make sure districts are reporting wage information correctly and paying into IPERS correctly as set by state guidelines. There were 2 minor issues for OA, which have been corrected. (BClG will have their audit in the coming months) EMC Dividend checks from FY 13-14. Both districts have received the dividend checks from EMC for FY 13-14. The money is a return of excess insurance premiums for participation in the IASB Safety Group through EMC Insurance. OA's check was for $3,797.26 and BClG's check was for $6,953.00. The money is deposited into Management Fund #22 where we pay our insurance premiums New Employees - Between the two districts, we hired 20 new staff members this year. Processing and setting up the necessary training, enrollment forms and payroll paperwork for new hires takes time. I am finalizing all paperwork as we finish the first quarter. WGS salary and benefit worksheet - I spent time updating the annual proration spreadsheet that we use to bill back related staff costs involved in Whole Grade sharing. Based on the certified #'s, it looks like the proration formula for 6-12 will stay the same at 69% for BClG and 31% for ~A. This month you st will notice claims payable to both districts for the 1 quarter billing. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this. Each year my office also files the necessary forms to the respective AEA's completed by all the home school students in our shared program. This form is required by the state and due to the district by Sept. st 1 . Please do not hesitate to call or email the central office staff if you have any questions concerning the BClG or OA Business Office. 712-364-2255 or kleonard@oabcig.org or wschiernbeck@oabcig.org or swessling@oabcig.org
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