Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 91 Maple Avenue, Morristown, New Jersey 07960 973-539-2141, Fax—973-984-0632 Visit our Website: Email: Pastor: Rev. Msgr. John E. Hart Parochial Vicar: Rev. Przemyslaw Nowak Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. Martin F. Rauscher In Residence: Rev. Dennis J. Crowley In Residence: Rev. Geno Sylva Deacons: William Harty, Michael Hanly, Dr. Brian Beyerl Trustees: Dan Poling 973-451-1617, Kathleen Hyland 973-539-2860 Parish Coordinator—Linda Macios Secretary—Liz Rotunno Comptroller—Robyn Morris Parish Office Hours Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Friday 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Parish Registration: Call 973-539-2141 or visit the parish website at Assumption School: 973-538-0590; Website: Sr. Merris Larkin, S.C. Principal Religious Education: 973-267-5638, Fax 973-267-4223 Email: Linda Macios: Director Sharon Bertram: Coordinator Grades 6, 7, and 8 Lisa Sullivan: Confirmation—973-267-8519 Tara Speer: Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Sue Paradise: Secretary The Religious Education program runs for 16 or 20 Sundays— October through March. Kindergarten through 5th grade classes meet 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.; 6th through 8th classes meet immediately following the 5:30 p.m. Sunday Youth Mass. The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd classes meet on Sunday mornings and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Confirmation groups meet once or twice per month on Sunday evenings. Music Ministry—973-539-2141, extension 19 Claudia Nardi: Director, Karen Chiappini: Organist Adult Choir, Youth Ministry Choir, Children’s Choir Holy Rood Cemetery—973-539-7501 Website: Diana Loughman: Cemetery Director Emerson Brito: Caretaker Jonathan Brito: Caretaker Church Sexton—Doug Reisch Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday—4:15 to 5:00 p.m. or by appointment Marriage: Arrangements should be made with a priest or deacon by registered parishioners at least one year in advance of the marriage date. Marriage arrangements should be made PRIOR to reserving reception facility. Baptisms: Registered parishioners should contact Liz Rotunno in the Parish Office to arrange for Baptismal Preparation and the Sacrament of Baptism. For first-time parents, attendance at one Baptismal Preparation evening class is required. Visitation of the Sick and Elderly: Please keep us informed so that we may be attentive to those who are ill at home or in the hospital. Eucharistic Ministers are available to bring Communion on Sundays. Ministries Africa Surgery Altar Linens Altar Servers Bereavement Bethany Boy Scouts Cub Scouts Centering Prayer Children’s Worship CYO Basketball Deaf Ministry Endowment for Poor Eucharistic Min. Family Promise Fertility Care (NFP) Finance Committee Food Pantry Gardening Giving Tree Good Samaritan Home School Assoc. Holistic Health Homeless Solutions JustFaith Knights of Columbus Moms and Tots Nursing Homes Pre-Cana Tom Johnson 973-292-3320 Joan Kramer 973-539-4910 Fr. John Hart 973-539-2141 Marion Lapchak 973-285-1976 Linda Macios 973-539-2141 Mike Loughman 973-714-8342 John Gallo 973-699-1996 Fr. Ken Lasch 973-538-2653 Teddi Connor 973-538-1846 Kevin Bopp 917-861-2876 Barbara Zurlo TTY 973-890-2818 Claudia Nardi 973-539-2141 Hope Zenker 973-401-1010 Mary Dougherty 973-538-9003 Kelley Pridgen 704-305-2646 Dorothy Flynn 973-538-2634 Claudia Nardi 973-539-2141 Janet Dedrick 973-539-2141 Brian Morgan 973-462-6972 Pat Moore 973-539-2141 Debbie DeAngelis 973-889-8520 Michele Cameron 973-769-9634 Ralph Ferrara 973-538-8268 Kerry Mowry 973-683-1220 Tom DePoortere 973-514-2028 Henriette Kahn 973-539-1350 Joan Kramer 973-539-4910 Rick and Carol 973-455-1944 Bourland RCIA Fr. John Hart 973-539-2141 Readers Andrea Bozzi 973-656-9864 Respect Life Anne Marie and 973-539-4650 Leonard Crann Senior Citizens Jeanne Hanly 973-539-4766 Singles 45+ Denise Imperiale Soup Kitchen Annaliese Rush 973-455-0391 Ushers Anthony Romano 973-267-5433 Welcome and Hospitality Moira Clarkin 973-539-4390 Women's Cornerstone Denise Wennogle 973-267-0189 Vocations Tom Hand 973-998-4630 Young Professionals Fr. Przemek 973-539-2141x14 Youth Ministry Lisa Sullivan 973-267-8519 October 12, 2014 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time irst Reading: Isaiah 25:6-10a Mass Intentions SATURDAY, 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. October 11 Robert A. and Marjorie Graham Claire M. Dunlap Robert E. O’Brien SUNDAY, 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. October 12 People of the Parish Joanne O’Connel Nicole Stendardi Captain William Poling Virginia Balascio Brody Hydock Peter O’Hagan Jude Edward Lavery Walz Donald Thadeus William Walz 10:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 5:30 p.m. MONDAY, 9:00 a.m. ospel: Matthew 22:1-14 The parable of the guests invited to a feast is this Sunday’s selection from Matthew’s Gospel. The Great Feast will occur with or without those formally invited, but all present must act appropriately. October 13 Columbus Day Joanne O’Connell October 14 Angela Brandi Mary Montemurno WEDNESDAY, 7:00 a.m. 12:05 p.m. October 15 Dorothy Capossela Robert Delaney THURSDAY, 7:00 a.m. 12:05 p.m. October 16 Ita Rose Nevin Florence Coppola FRIDAY, 7:00 a.m. 12:05 p.m. October 17 The Barnes and Maier Families Nancy Botkin SATURDAY, 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. October 18 Dorothy Capossela John J. Ganley Kenneth Donohue SUNDAY, 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. October 19 People of the Parish Ita Rose Nevin Dorothy Flynn Sr. Ralph Van Dyk Jennie Anderson Frank Zamarelli Robert O’Brien Joyce Dunwell 5:30 p.m. econd Reading: Philippians 4:12-14 This week concludes the second reading’s presentation of Paul’s letter to the Philippians. The Apostle expresses faith that God will provide what the community needs. TUESDAY, 7:00 a.m. 12:05 p.m. 12:15 p.m. In this reading from the Hebrew Scriptures, Isaiah of Jerusalem describes the great feast celebrating the enthronement of God as king on Mount Zion. Even death will fall before the power of God. We invite you to prayerfully reflect on the readings for next Sunday. Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: Second Reading: Gospel: Is 45: 1, 4-6 1 Thes 1: 1-5b Mt. 22:15-21 The readings for this week are: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Gal 4: 22-24, 26-27, 41 –5:1 Gal 5: 1-6 Gal 5: 18-25 Eph 1: 1-10 Eph 1: 11-14 Luke 11: 29-32 Luke 11: 37-41 Luke 11: 42-46 Luke 11: 47-54 Luke 12: 1-7 GATHER IN PRAYER The Rosary is prayed every weekday 20 minutes before the 12:05 Mass. The Perpetual Novena in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal is prayed every Monday immediately following the 12:05 p.m. Mass. Eucharistic Adoration is held every Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Notre Dame of Mt. Carmel, Cedar Knolls. Perpetual Adoration is observed seven days-a-week, 24 hours daily at St. Margaret of Scotland in Morristown. MASS FOR THE UNBORN There will be a Mass for the unborn on Saturday, November 22, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. at Saint Ann Parish, Parsippany. The Celebrant will be Bishop Arthur Serratelli. All are welcome to come together in prayer and in mutual support for protecting all of our children—born and unborn. Assumption Parish PLEASE REMEMBER AND PRAY FOR THE RECOVERY OF: Charlotte Resz, Manuel Calderon, Albert J. Kelly, Jr., Sara Triggs, Thomas Greer, Jim Cavanaugh, Rita Brown, Kenneth Krause, Daisy McKoy, Jennifer Meade, William Moeller, Jane Bardes, Andrew Reyes, Mike Sottile, Joan Kobylarz, Anita Kislovsky, Dianne Jaworski, Mary O’Connell, Thelma Nadgauda, Cora Brady Huston, Rosalie Sottile, Charles Arteglier, Patricia Ioannou, Jake Faccenda, Charles Arnolt, Paul Albanese, Eileen Scheibner, Dylan Lewman, Gladys Wilcox, Anthony DaMelio, Gerry Hogan, Deacon Bill Harty, Kenneth Eastman, Colin Wisniewski, Gloria Maroni, Frank Maroni, Les Veach, Olivia Crenshaw, Darryl Gay, Al Franks, Rose Blanks, Bruce Stewart, Janet Cloninger, Olivia Crenshaw, George Corbin, Clifton Lambert, Paul Kalocsay, Lorraine Tully, Richard O’Neill, Virginia Rigoletto, Debbie Craig, Jim Jackson, the Hamilton-Smith Family, Marge Hefferon, Caridad Diaz, Nigel Loeppky, Bill Peason, Ruth Necco, Richard Knarr, Joseph McGovern, Susan McGovern, Dana Possey, Ila Hupp, Gloria Crofford, Antonette Fraioli, Kathleen Callahan, Charles Stern, Margaret Saenger, Sharon Danquah, Jim Sweeney, Sheila Marrow, Brooks Palmer, Barbara O’Hagan, Sandy Hruska, Joanne Veon, Susan Krauss, Kimberly Caswell, Marion Lapchak, Agnes Hansen, Bonny Hulsy, Artie Paradise, Justin Lee, Joseph DeFrank, Marie Sweeney, Thelma Brown, Thomas Pini, Frank Lutz, Gloria Dabal, Tricia Freeman, Pat Manahan, Norman Champlin, Leo Rainville, David Harris, Anetta Burdzy, Robert Kamenetz, Laura Scheid, Sheila Feitelberg, Julie Winne, Dr. Tom Foley, Raymond Rigoletto, Denise Kelly, and Andrew Pineda. You are invited to call the Parish Office with the names of who you would like included in the prayers for the good health of the sick and homebound. These names will remain on the list for three months and then removed unless we are notified otherwise at 973-5392141 or SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be administered to those baptized Catholics needing to be anointed after the 12:15 p.m. Mass on Sunday, October 19th. 1s anyone among you sick ? Let him call for the elders of the church , and let them pray over him ,anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord .” James 5:13 Morristown, NJ PLEASE PRAY FOR MEMBERS OF OUR PARISH COMMUNITY AND THEIR LOVED ONES WHO HAVE SERVED, OR ARE SERVING, IN THE ARMED FORCES CW3 Michael Benkosky Green Beret, Special Forces, Airborne Joint Forces; Lt. Commander William Shipp, Serving in the Joint Africa Command; Andrew Vasquez US Army; Andy Soucy US Army; Dan Lessnau Former Marine and Veteran of the Viet Nam War; Kevin Felix US Military Colonel; Lt. Tim Fleury, US Navy; Staff Sergeant William J. McSweeney Retired Marine Served Around the World; Matthew Gonabe, Lt. US Navy Pilot Serving in the Persian Gulf; David Ribardo, 1st Lt. US Army Serving in Afghanistan; Capt. Brendan Griswold 82nd Air Borne in Afghanistan; Capt. Patrick Flynn, US Army 1st Infantry, Afghanistan; Sergeant Richard Galluzzo Serving in Afghanistan, Lt. Thomas Keyes Jr.; PFC Chad Chojnacki, Combat Medic, grandson of Annabel Wannemacher; Capts. Scott and Meghan Harra, US Army in Afghanistan; Captain Timothy Newcomb, US Army Special Forces; Col. Jason M. Barrett, USMC in Iraq and Afghanistan; Capt. James Cassidy, USMC in Afghanistan; Ensign Devon Cassidy, Navy Nurse in California; Penny and Christian Jimenez, Navy Lt. Commanders in Japan; 2nd Lt. Andrew Pineda and Capt. Laurence Pineda, US Air Force. GOOD SAMARITAN MINISTRY Need help? Our ministry can assist Assumption parishioners with shopping, banking, local doctor and dentist appointments, and other similar errands. Contact our coordinator for October is Audrey Geraghty at 973538-3134 to discuss your needs. We Welcome into the Church through the Sacrament of Baptism Danielle Marie Hirsch Daughter of Damien and Mary Ruth Sofia Isabel Hueneman Daughter of Joseph and Christina Natalie Lonczak Daughter of Krzysztof and Agnieszka Noah David Lyons Son of Thomas and Amy COLUMBUS DAY In observance of Columbus Day on Monday, October 13, there will be one Mass celebrated at 9:00 a.m. The parish offices will be closed. October 12, 2014 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time From the Pastor LORD, BLESS AND SANCTIFY OUR FAMILIES The Parable of the Wedding Banquet The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization "'Tell those invited: "Behold, I have prepared my banquet, my calves and fattened cattle are killed, and everything is ready; come to the feast ."' "But when the king came in to meet the guests, he saw a man there not dressed in a wedding garment. The king said to him, 'My friend, how is it that you came in here without a wedding garment?' But he was reduced to silence." Matthew 22: 1-14 Our Lord continues to speak about the Kingdom of God using parables. Not too many years ago, China hunted down and arrested Catholics. Priests and nuns especially were targeted. An American priest, Father Robert Maloney, the superior general of the Congregation of the Mission, traveled to China 20 years ago to offer support to their priests and sisters. He writes of meeting a group of Daughters of Charity: "One evening I received precise instructions: At 4 a.m., I was to leave the hotel where I was staying. Once outside I was to turn right and follow, at a distance of 50 feet, a woman who would guide me through dark streets to the Mass I was to celebrate. I followed her for about 15 minutes. Then, suddenly, I saw a door open, and my guide slipped inside quickly. When I arrived at the same spot, the door opened again and I entered. We climbed four flights of stairs silently and then knocked gently on a door. After a pause, someone opened the door and we went into a tiny attic. There, hidden away in mainland China, I celebrated Mass with 14 elderly members of the Daughters of Charity. When someone tapped on the door just after Mass began, everyone froze with tension for fear that the police were arriving, but it was another sister. "These Chinese nuns have been cut off from their community for 45 years. They were very poor. They prayed daily in private and went out almost every day to serve the needy. One told me that in 1950 she had been questioned for seven days and seven nights without rest, her interrogators taking turns, and was then thrown in prison for 30 years. These elderly Daughters of Charity had been living underground, in hope, for decades. Though I offered them financial help, they refused. They told me that they had all they needed and radiated confidence in the transforming power of the Gospel." [Rev. Robert P. Maloney, C.M., "A Feathered Thing: On the Resiliency of Hope," America, February 3, 2014.] "The king's wedding banquet" is celebrated in many different times and places; God invites sovereigns and peasants, scholars and laborers, the elderly and children; his table is set up in palaces and hovels, in cathedrals and chapels - even in a small attic somewhere in China. Regardless of our circumstances, God says "Come." Christ calls us to realize that every one of us has a place at God's table - a table that extends from our own family table in this time and place to God's great banquet table in the next. The only obstacle is our own inability to accept God's invitation or our fear to come to the feast because fear and doubt have destroyed our hope. (Connections) Father John On Sunday, October 5, Pope Francis convened a special type of meeting of bishops — one held only two other times* — meant to discuss frankly the church’s teachings and practices about family, marriage and sexuality. The Third Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops is to run for two weeks. Its theme: “The Pastoral Challenges of the Family In the Context of Evangelization.” The meeting brings together 191 clergy members from around the world, as well as 16 experts and 38 other laypeople who will speak to the bishops. Most of the laypeople are married couples attending to talk about their experiences. Praying together as God’s family and inspired by our faith, we raise our minds and hearts to the Father, that our families, sustained by the grace of Christ, might become true domestic churches where all live and bear witness to God’s love. For Pope Francis: the Lord has called him to preside over the Church in charity; sustain him in his ministry of service to the communion of the episcopal college and the entire People of God. For the synod fathers and the other participants at the III Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops: may the Spirit of the Lord enlighten their minds so that the Church might respond, in faithfulness to God’s plan, to the challenges facing the family. For those who have the responsibility of governing nations: that the Holy Spirit might inspire programs which acknowledge the value of the family as the basic unit of society in God’s plan and which offer support to families in difficulty. For Christian families: may the Lord who has sealed the union of husband and wife with his presence, make our families cenacles of prayer and ardent communities of life and love, after the example of the Holy Family of Nazareth. For couples undergoing difficulties: may the Lord, rich in mercy, be present to them through the Church’s motherly care and concern in showing understanding and patience in their journey towards pardon and reconciliation. For all these intentions we pray Lord, bless and sanctify our families. * There have only been two other Extraordinary General Assemblies of the Synod of Bishops. The first took place in 1969, discussing the cooperation between the Holy See and the Episcopal conferences, and the second in 1985, upon the twentieth anniversary of the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council. Assumption Parish Morristown, NJ RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS GOD WILL PROVIDE FOR ALL Today's Gospel reminds us that God invites all of us to his kingdom. How do we respond to this invitation? In theological terms, God has granted us free will to accept or reject salvation. The parable of the wedding feast reminds us that God desires our wholehearted acceptance of his invitation to salvation. Adults: What can I do this week to bring Christ to everyone that I meet? Children: Who at my school or in my neighborhood most needs me to bring Christ’s love to them? What is one thing I can do to show them that God loves them? A Family Perspective: As you gather as a family, discuss what you consider appropriate attire for various occasions. For example, if your family were invited to a neighbor's barbecue, what would you wear? If you were planning to attend the symphony, what might you wear? If invited to an evening wedding, what might you wear? Discuss how our preparations for an event and our choice of attire indicates the importance and value we place on the occasion. In today's Gospel Jesus uses this metaphor to talk about the kingdom of heaven. Read Matthew 22:1-14. Discuss why the guest was thrown out of the wedding feast. What does Jesus expect of those who accept his invitation of salvation? What would be the evidence of our conversion to God's salvation? Pray together as a family that you will respond wholeheartedly to God's invitation to salvation. CONGRATULATIONS ASSUMPTION SCHOOL! The National Blue Ribbon School Program announced that 287 public schools and 50 private schools across the country — 11 in New Jersey — have been awarded the prestigious National Blue Ribbon School designation. Our own Assumption School was one of those awarded this high distinction. The award is given based on exemplary high performance, or most exemplary improved achievement. Our school was selected based on our outstanding level of performance in all areas of measured academic achievement. Congratulations to Sister Merris Larkin, Principal of Assumption School, and to the dedicated and caring faculty, staff, parents, and students who make up our wonderful school community. NURTURING CATHOLIC TRADITIONS AT HOME Just like a good Jewish family keeps kosher, Catholic families need to be mindful of how to “keep” Catholicism. The Catholic lifestyle, in which many of us grew up, has given way to a much more secular way of living. Ask your grandparents to describe growing up as Catholics. They will likely tell you that they were immersed in Catholic practice, traditions, and prayer life. There were Sunday Mass, vespers, benediction, novenas, and many other ritual events and activities. Move forward to today. Families struggle to reclaim their Catholic identity in a world that is in conflict with Catholic beliefs and practices. The result is that those of us who wish to pass on our Catholic traditions and lifestyle are finding it to be a radical, countercultural choice. The way of living that our Catholic ancestors took for granted is considered strange and outdated by those outside the Catholic community. So how do we reinforce the practice of faith in our homes and protect our families from the secularism and hedonism that surround us? As we look at the way we live as a family, we rethink our attitudes and practices to begin again to “keep” Catholicism. This is bound to be difficult because what we are choosing to do is against the grain of the common secular way of living. Yet being mindful of what we do and why we are doing it will be worth it. Deep in our hearts, we realize that we want our children to have what we have. The only way we can create Catholic families is to live that faith in our homes. (St. Anthony Messenger, October 2014) Joined Together in Holy Matrimony. “And the two of them become one body” Lauren Inganamort and Charles Noeth Lisa Fiore and Raymond Castelli UPCOMING SCOUTING EVENT Direct Sales Vendors Wanted: Vendor Sale Sunday, November 2 Assumption School Gym Do you sell Lia Sophia, Tupperware, Avon, your own designs, or other home based products? Assumption’s Boy Scout Troop 34 is raising funds for a High Adventure Trip to the Phlimont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. If you would like to participate in our Fall Marketplace Vendor Sale on Sunday, November 2, 2014, please contact Jennifer Sperry at 973-224-2604 or to hear details and to reserve your table space. October 12, 2014 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time MARKET STREET MISSION’S 24th ANNUAL COAT GIVEAWAY Would you like to donate coats, hats, scarves or gloves to men women and children in need? Bring them to the garage at Assumption Church on the weekend of October 25-26. Do you need a coat? Come to the “Coat Giveaway” Saturday, November 1, 2014 from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. on the Morristown Green. AFRICA SURGERY UPDATE REPORT Thank you to all who donated supplies for our container or who sponsored students. Please pray for the people of Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea and any other people who might fall victim to this epidemic, as well as for the heroic health-care workers who minister selflessly in such threatening and dangerous conditions. I will not be able to visit Sierra Leone until the Ebola epidemic is brought under control. I am staying in constant contact with the Africa Surgery Sierra Leonean team who all have cell phones. We are continuing to help as many people as we can. It is likely that we will be called upon to make more medical supplies available. We are praying that this nightmare will end soon. Tom Johnson CATHOLIC CHARITIES - YOU DID IT FOR ME Recovery is moving forward fast in the Philippines, almost a year after Super Typhoon Haiyan. CRS has been working closely with church partners and communities to rebuild homes and livelihoods. As of September, 2,208 homes have been completed and 4,213 are under construction. CRS is also helping 17,000 families rebuild their homes, training and supplying carpenters with tools to build homes using durable, disaster-resistant materials. BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL Be An Ambassador for Christ Just as the Bishop’s Annual Appeal supports a number of vital causes, there are a number of ways to make a pledge. In addition to making a one-time gift or pledge payable over several months, you can also make an online gift by going to and following the instructions to make a one time contribution. Thank you for your support! TRIP TO THE BASILICA OF THE NATIONAL SHRINE OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION The busses are full for our trip on Saturday, October 18 to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. All those attending are asked to be in the church parking lot at 5:50 a.m. If possible, please park in the lower lot. The plan is to be back in Morristown by 10:00 p.m. (traffic permitting.) Please pray for a safe and blessed day for all those on the pilgrimage. Holy Rood Cemetery Church of the Assumption 61 Whippany Road, Morristown Holy Rood Cemetery will be celebrating All Souls Day with an Open House on Saturday, November 1. Msgr. John Hart will say the rosary from 2:00 to 2:30 p.m. Please join us for an afternoon of remembrance, prayer, and visitation. Light refreshments will be served. Mass Attendance October 4 - 5 5:30 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Total: 312 124 183 401 303 384 1,707 FINANCIAL BLESSINGS ASSUMPTION IS A TITHING PARISH The collection total for the weekend of October 4-5 was $23,460 The collection total for this weekend last year was $20,890. Pastor’s Note: Thank you for your sacrificial gifts in our offertory. When we tithe we express our gratitude to the Lord who is the Author of life and the Giver of all our blessings. Even our desire to thank God, comes from God. “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.” ~Cicero.. And it is something we often lack though it is the easiest to have. PARTNERS IN FAITH CAMPAIGN Diocesan Goal: Parish Goal: Total Pledged $1,100,000 $2,000,000 $2,369,757 Assumption Parish Morristown, NJ COMMUNITY SOUP KITCHEN HUNGER WALK 2014 The 18th annual Hunger Walk benefiting the Community Soup Kitchen and Outreach Center will take place on Sunday, October 19. Registration begins at the Church of the Redeemer at 1:00 p.m. SISTERS OF CHARITY HARVEST FESTIVAL The Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth are hosting a Harvest Festival at The Madison Hotel, Morristown, Thursday, October 23, 2014 from 6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., with cocktails, dinner, and dancing. Mary Mazzarella DeMayo, MD and Tim McLoone will be honored. Cost for the dinner is $200 per person. Harvest Festival Raffle tickets, with a first prize of a $5000 Travel Voucher, are available for $50 per ticket, and winner need not be present to win. For dinner or raffle tickets please contact the Sisters of Charity Development Office at 973-290-5409. One in four local families struggles with hunger. The Hunger Walk is an annual fundraiser that gathers over 1,000 walkers to recognize that hunger exists in our community and to take action against it. All funds contribute directly to the Community Soup Kitchen and Outreach Center's many services that address local hunger and poverty. Please join this effort by registering as a walker at; or consider contributing a general donation, or sponsoring a walker. You can make a difference in the lives of local individuals and families. Call 973-267-0709 for more information. FORTY DAYS FOR LIFE Forty Days for Life is prayer and Fasting, Peaceful Vigil, and Community Outreach. Take part with Morris County Right to Life at Planned Parenthood, 196 Speedwell Avenue, Morristown, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., seven days/week. The vigil began Wednesday September 24th and ends Saturday November 1st. Register for 1-2 hours a day, 1-2 hours a week, or any 1 -2 hour time slot for you or your group. CRAFTERS NEEDED FOR CHRISTMAS MARKET Preparations are underway for the 5th Annual Christmas Market, scheduled for Dec. 13-14, for the benefit of Africa Surgery. If you have a special skill or craft, you may wish to be one of the vendors. Please contact Sergio Burani at 973-452-1908 ( for further details. Email, call 973-9332800, or register through 40 Days for Life web site Prayer for Peace O God, Father of all and lover of peace, through the intercession of St. Michael, the archangel, be our protection against all evil. Send your holy angels to protect and guide all those who suffer persecution. Strengthen their faith and enliven their hope. Deliver them speedily from all danger. Remove indifference from our hearts and, with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, inspire all world leaders to work effectively for peace in our day. With your divine assistance, may we overcome violence with compassion, war with peace, and thus establish your law of love and justice on this earth. Through Amen. Christ our Lord. MORRIS CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL 200 MORRIS AVE., DENVILLE CLOTHING DROP Morris Catholic High School class of 2015 is conducting a clothing drop on Saturday, October 18th from 8:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Clothing, shoes, bedding, small appliances, pots and pans are acceptable. Please place all items in large plastic bags. Any questions call 973-627-6674, ext. 134. UPCOMING PROGRAMS AT ST. PAUL INSIDE THE WALLS ◊ ◊ Heroic Leadership and Pope Francis October 20 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Making All Saints November 1 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Register for any of these programs through the website or by calling 973-377-1004. October 12, 2014 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time SILVER AND GOLD WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS Couples, were you married in 1964 or 1989? You are warmly invited to celebrate your 25th or 50th Wedding Anniversary with the Church of Paterson. Bishop Serratelli will be the main celebrant at Mass at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, Pompton Plains on Sunday, November 16, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. Arrangements can be made by contacting Linda in the parish office at 973-539-2141 ext. 10. Information will be sent from the Office of Family Life once your application has been processed. Bring family and friends to attend this joyous occasion with you! MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND “Scripture says about married people that “Two shall live as one.” How often do you find yourselves living as two? Marriage enrichment presented in a weekend by Worldwide Marriage Encounter can help you get back to basics in this complicated day and age. For more information, call Mike and Eileen Morgan at 973-827-9606 or email PANTRY NEEDS Parmalat (shelf stable, 32 oz.) Dry Milk (1-qt. packs) Hearty soups; Low-sodium soups Spaghetti/Tomato Sauce Ensure; Tea Breakfast cereal Peanut butter Mac ‘n Cheese Canned Meats and meals Canned fruit (juice or lite-syrup) Canned vegetables Baby Food: Stage 1, fruits and vegetables Dry Beans and canned beans Tuna fish Pasta/Whole wheat pasta Quart-sized re-sealable plastic bags Please bring items with you when you attend Mass and place them in the bins at the doors of the church. You can also drop items off at the parish office during regular office hours. “‘I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.’ The words of Our Lord call to us today, telling us not to turn away, indifferent, when we know our neighbor is hungry.” Pope Francis October 6, 2014, speaking about Caritas Week of Action to End Hunger. October 12-19 LAST CHANCE TO PURCHASE TICKETS The Assumption School HSA cordially invites you to join them for their 34th Annual Dinner, Auctions and Fashion Show, “Ruby Slippers on the Runway”, Thursday, October 16th at the Birchwood Manor, Whippany. The gift auction begins at 6.00 p.m., with dinner at 8:00 p.m. and the Fashion Show at 9:00 p.m.. Tickets are $75.00 Please send a check for $75 per person and names of everyone in your party to: Assumption School , c/o Fashion Show Reservations, 63 Macculloch Avenue, Morristown, NJ 07960. If you have any questions, please call one of our Reservation Committee Chairwomen: Cynthia Garrett (973) 984-8102 or Marleen Lynch (973)-605-5013 Your cancelled check will be your confirmation. Area High School Open Houses • • • • • • Morris Catholic High School 200 Morris Avenue, Denville, NJ Sunday, October 19, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 29, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Oak Knoll 44 Blackburn Rd., Summit NJ SATURDAY, November 15 9:30 a.m. to 811:30 a.m. Oratory Prep One Beverly Road, Summit, NJ Thursday, October 23, from 6:45 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. Seton Hall Prep 120 Northfield Ave, South Orange, NJ Sunday, October 19 from 12:00 p.m .to 3:00 p.m. Union Catholic 1600 Martine Avenue, Scotch Plains, NJ Wednesday, November 5 at 7:00 p/m. Villa Walsh Academy 455 Western Avenue, Morristown, NJ Sunday, October 19, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
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