THE BRIDGE October 2014

October 2014
You can read The Bridge on line at
Doctors David Craigmyle, Anne Elder and Kate Evans
Main surgery located at:
Knobcrook Road
BH21 1NL
Walford Mill Medical Centre is a long established Wimborne practice and our aim
is to provide a high standard of service for our patients, based on traditional
values of family medicine. Our main surgery is situated in a picturesque part of
Wimborne adjacent to Walford Mill and the River Allen. There is an adjoining
pharmacy and ample car parking at the Medical Centre and in the adjacent
Walford Mill Craft Centre public car park.
Branch surgery located at:
The Memorial Hall
Churchill Close
For the convenience of our patients living in Sturminster Marshall and the
surrounding area we offer some satellite services in the Memorial Hall:
Thursday Mornings 9.00am to 10.45am
Pre-booked GP appointments with Dr Kate Evans and pre-booked appointments
with our Nursing Assistant for blood tests.
Every THIRD Wednesday of each month 10.00 am to 10.30am
A Child Health Clinic with the Health Visitor and Nursery Nurse as part of the
“Stay and Play” session.
For more information about our services please visit our website:
For all appointments and all other enquiries (including new registrations) please
contact the main surgery:
01202 886999
Bridge Publications is an agency of the benefice which includes the parishes of
Sturminster Marshall, Shapwick and Kingston Lacy. It is financially independent of
the sponsoring parishes: its revenue comes from advertising fees and fund raising
activities. The Chairman is Julian Owen, the Editor is Tony Cross and the
Advertising Manager is Liz York.
Contributions are welcome from all sectors of the community served by the
parishes. Please email your article, which should be prepared on A5 (NOT A4 OR
Letter PLEASE) size pages, in MS Word (.doc) or Works (.wps), or it can
be a jpg file or pdf file, to the Editor at You will receive
a reply. If you do not receive a reply, please make enquiries. If you have no email
then please put your copy on a floppy disk or CD and send it to Court House,
Cowgrove, BH21 4EL, making it clear on the envelope that this is for the Editor of
The Bridge.
The deadline for articles for the next issue is the 15th of the month so that
the finished magazine can be sent to the printers on the 18th.
If you would like to place a commercial advertisement then please submit it by email
to Hard copy or disk may be
sent to Liz York, 7 Parkelea, Sturminster Marshall, BH21 4DG (marking the envelope
Bridge Advertising). Please do not send any advertisements to the Editor.
We will then be in touch. Please call 01258 857528 if you do not get an
acknowledgement, and ask for Liz. This is the contact number for all advertising
The deadline for adverts to Liz for the next issue is the 12th of the month.
Your loose leaf inserts or flyers can also be delivered with The Bridge for a charge
of £30. Please provide 1040 copies of your leaflet, folded to A5 size, if larger, to our
Distribution Manager, Julian Owen. Julian’s telephone number is 01202 842367.
If you follow up any advertisement could you please
mention that you saw it in The Bridge.
The Bridge is printed by CMP UK,, tel: 01202 739993.
From the Vicarage
At the beginning of term I attended a staff training session at Blandford St Mary School on
addressing the spiritual needs of pupils across the whole curriculum. Whilst it was aimed
primarily at pupils in years 1 to 6 as I reflected on the content I came to realise that there
would be a value in spreading it more widely across the readership of the Bridge and Three
Villages Magazines; as Albert Einstein is supposed to have said: ‘the day you stop learning is
the day you die’. And so with acknowledgement to the Salisbury Diocesan board of
Education I would like to share the main threads of the presentation with you.
Spirituality is always quite hard to define. Normally it starts with those Big Questions (e.g.
What is life/death? What is love? What is good?) and when pressed people tend to use the
language and imagery of their own faith position:
Either the development of a relationship with god/s
the development of the human spirit
a continual quest after truth
After all, no faith position can be can be proved beyond all reasonable doubt using our human
senses and reason and so to claim to know all the answers to the Big Questions, whether for
example as a 6 day creationist or as an absolute atheist, is a fundamentalism built on a
misunderstanding of the nature and need of human spiritual questing. At its heart there are
no answers available to us (in this lifetime at any rate) and so we must all travel in hope and
trust and not in certainty. That way lies tyranny and oppression most clearly seen in the
barbaric actions of ISIS.
An image that is used in schools to illustrate the nature of human existence is the doughnut,
which has two parts: the tangible ring and the hole in the middle, no doughnut is complete
without both parts. The outer ring represents the physical person and the hole represents
the spirit/soul/heart. In this model Spiritual Development is about paying attention to the
‘hole’ in order to become ‘whole’. This involves intentional attention being paid to:
 the beliefs, religious or otherwise, which inform our perspective on life and our
interest in and respect for different people’s feelings and values,
 a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about ourselves, others and the world
around us, including the intangible,
 the use of imagination and creativity (including stories e.g. the bible, myths etc.),
 a willingness to reflect on their experiences.
Taking this analysis further the areas of special interest that need attention are:
Self ,
Others ,
Beauty ,
Spiritual Development requires an intentional (deliberately focused) frame of mind; we must
take time out to pay attention to that mysterious hole in the centre of the doughnut that is at
the heart of each and every one of us. The training day gave a set of helpful images to focus
our thinking.
To be aware of those opportunities to reflect, to look inward to
consider some of the big questions of life: to think about those
activities that enrich our lives most deeply.
To look for opportunities to respond the needs of others, to do
something about it; to develop empathy; to walk a mile in
another’s shoes.
Windows: To be open to the possibility of a sense of awe with the beauty,
richness and variety of creation, on the very smallest and on the
very largest of scales; to keep that childlike sense of wonder and
joy when simply looking.
Candles: To take time out to reflect on the incomprehensibility of life:
where did life come from and where is it going? What is love?
those moments when we are drawn to a sense of the
inexplicableness of life; those big questions; a sense that the here
and now, the tangible might not provide the answers to all our
As we all go through life we should all try to be more intentional on looking out on those
moments/experiences that might off up a mirror-door-window-candle opportunity. None of
s should ever think that we are beyond learning and we can all learn from children, for as
Jesus said:
“unless you change and become like little children, you will
never enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 18:3
London to Paris in 24 hours and 1
A very big thank you for from Joe for all the support both
moral and financial that he received for his bike ride to
Paris at the beginning of September. I completed the ride
of 280 miles in a total time of 24 hours and 1 minute.
Despite flying through Paris as tho' on the Tour de France,
clocking 30 mph on the Champs Elysees, I couldn't quite
get under the 24 hour mark. The daylight weather was
just about ideal: bright but not too hot and almost
windless; however, the night was pretty grim as northern France was covered by
a thick (5 metre) fog which was damp and dispiriting to ride through. Arrival
under the Eiffel Tower was a pretty special moment. To know I had the support
of so many was a huge source of encouragement as I ground out the miles
across northern France in the cold, damp cotton wool like mist of the night and
early morning.
Thank you one and all and, if I can be hardnosed, my just giving page is still open:
From the registers:
Holy Matrimony:
Riccardo Giordano & Emma Cosser
Graham Partridge & Danielle Patel
Those whom God has joined together let nobody divide
Holy Baptism:
Charlie George Lamb
May God, who has received you by baptism into his church,
pour upon you the riches of his grace.
Funeral Office
Nancy Dickerson
Vic Overend
Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord
Always available on request:
 Sacramental penance
 Communion to the housebound
 Laying on of hands and anointing the sick
 The prayers of the church
 Pastoral visits at home or in hospital
Contact: Revd Joe Edwards
Phone: 01258 857620
Mobile: 07809617056
From The Cake Stall at St. Mary’s Church Fete
Many thanks to all the ladies who baked such lovely cakes for
our stall. Your generous contributions made £247.00 this year.
With kind regards,
Liz Hodgson & Sue Matthews.
St Mary’s Church, Sturminster Marshall
100 Club Lottery – October 2014
The September winners were:
65 £50 Janet Williams
67 £30 Roy and Ann Moyse
3 £50 Peter and Jane Taylor
102 £30 Fiona Waters
110 £20 Merrick and Maureen Williams 98 £20 Merrick and Maureen Williams
Congratulations to the September winners!
From August to December 2014 there will be double the chance of winning,
with £200 of prizes given out each month as we have sold nearly 150
Half the income is given out as prizes and half the income will support St. Mary’s
Church. The more NUMBERS we sell - the more prizes you win and it only
cost £2 a month!
For application forms or further details Please contact:
Ernie Turner, 14 Kings Street, Sturminster Marshall BH21 4BN. 01258 857018,
Liz Jones, 49 Railway Drive, Sturminster Marshall, BH21 4DQ. 01258 857076,
Joanna Edwards, The Vicarage, Sturminster Marshall, BH21 4BT. 01258 857620.
Wed 1st
Sat 4th
Tues 7th
Wed 8th
Sat 11th
Tues 14th
Wed 15th
Wed 22nd
Wed 29th
Senior Lunch, noon
Mackrell Lecture, 2pm-“Wimborne’s
Saxon Past” by Dr David Reeve
Messy Toddler Church, 9.30am
Coffee Morning, 9.45-11.30am
Family History Group, 10.30-noon
St Mary’s Gift Day,
Cookery Demo, 7.30pm
Coffee Morning, 9.45-11.30am
Science Café, 7.30pm, “Our Vital
Coffee Morning, 9.45-11.30am
Family History Group, 10.30-noon
Last Coffee Morning of the Season,
Teapot Club, 2-4pm
Old School, Stur.
Old School, Stur.
Old School, Stur.
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Old School, Stur.
Old School, Stur.
Old School, Stur.
Old School, Stur.
Old School, Stur.
Old School, Stur.
Old School, Stur.
Pamphill Parish Hall
" Flood Wardens needed in Sturminster Marshall. Interested in
helping your community?
Contact Barry Johnson on 01258 858814, or"
“Blood swept lands and seas of Red”
You may have seen in the Press or on
Television the impressive and emotive
artwork, (named above) in the dry moat of
the Tower of London to commemorate the
100th anniversary of the First World War.
You may also know that these poppies are for
sale at a cost of £25 each some time after
Armistice Day on the 11th November.
St Mary’s Church have decided to purchase some of these for display in the
Church in memory of Villagers who gave their lives in the service of their
Country in both World Wars. If anyone wishes to donate to the fund in
memory of a loved one, then please contact Jean Turner on 01258 857018.
TIVOLI Theatre
OCTOBER FILMS Tickets can be purchased in advance.
God’s Pockets (15)
2pm, matinee.
6th, 7th
Before I go to Sleep (15)
8 ,9
“ ““ “ “
2pm, matinee.
13th, 14th
What If (15)
“ “
2pm, matinee.
20th – 22nd Pride (15)
2pm, matinee.
27 , 28
A Most Wanted Man (15)
“ “
2pm (tbc) matinee.
Jim Davison ‘No Further Action’ 7.30pm, tickets £20.
Henning Wehn –‘eins, zwei, diy’ 8pm, tickets £15.50.
Billy Elliot
7pm, Tickets £12.50, concs £10
(Recorded Screening from London’s Victoria Palace Theatre)
A Streetcar named Desire
7pm, tickets £12.50.
(Delayed live from National Theatre Live)
The ZZ Tops
8pm, tickets £14.50.
Buddy Holly – A Legend reborn 7.30pm, tickets £21.50
16 – 18
A Man for all Seasons
7.30pm, tickets £10,
“ “ “ “
2.30pm, tickets £8.
(Presented by Wimborne Drama)
An Audience with Tim Brooke-Taylor 5pm, tickets £18.50.
Wishbone Ash
8pm, tickets £19.
An Evening of Burlesque
7.30pm, tickets £21.50.
Paul Zerdin – The Paul Zerdin Show 7.30pm, tickets £16.50.
T.Rextasy – I love to Boogie
8pm, tickets £18.
Animals with Friends
8pm, tickets £20.
with very special guest Steve Cropper
Watch out for more great films and acts coming next month.
Unisex hair stylist @ 53 Churchill Close
Please call 07731426097 for appointments on
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only.
Special rate for senior citizens
Wedding and special occasion hair.
If you’re handy with a needle, be it knitting or to sew,
If your standard’s very high or even very low,
PLEASE come along and join us, we’re a very friendly crowd,
You can learn to do some crafty things of which you’d be so proud.
MONDAY at the Memorial Hall we’ll see you there at 2,
£1.50 with refreshments, there’s nothing nicer you could do.
For more information please ring Anne Weller - 01258 857046.
Do you enjoy playing Badminton?
Would you like to play during the day with a
small group of friendly Badminton
Weds Morning Badminton Group,
The Memorial Hall,
10 am – 12 pm.
New players made very welcome!
Are you recently retired and seeking a project to get your teeth into?
Do you have financial, management or marketing skills that you
could apply to a local cause?
Have you recently moved to Sturminster Marshall ,and wish to get
involved in village life?
Do you feel that community facilities are worth supporting and
preserving for the future?
If you answer ‘Yes’ to any of these questions, please consider joining
the voluntary management committee of:
(REG CHARITY NO. 301186)
For more information, contact the Secretary on 01258 858810
Greatorex Countryside Tree Care
Manage CareCare
● Conserve ● Enjoy
Greatorex Countryside, based in Dorset, is founded on the
belief that with the correct management the British countryside
can be conserved for the enjoyment of all.
Services Include:
Tree Pruning and Felling Woodland Management
Tree and Hedge Planting Hedge and Garden Maintenance
We are a skilled, qualified and fully insured team priding
ourselves on the quality of our work and customer satisfaction.
Call or email for a free quote 07871 318916,
Dorset Education Partnership
Pamphill Green
BH21 4EE
A new year is once again underway at Pamphill School following the summer
vacation, which seems a very long time ago now!
Schools are currently facing a great deal of change this academic year: an
updated National Curriculum, free school meals to infant children, funding
issues and an ever present pressure to become academies.
The issue of school meals and the problems caused by the supplier Chartwell - has been well documented in the local media and our experience is
no different from other schools. It has caused no end of frustration, not to
mention extra work for a large majority of school staff who have “mucked in”
to ease the problems caused by the supplier’s deficiencies.
There has been much work done at Pamphill since before the summer, most
of it remedial to give a little TLC to our wonderful 318 year old building.
Unfortunately at the time of writing we still have work continuing to make
the roof watertight, but the effort throughout has been well worth it and
the school looks really fresh and ready for the new term.
Schools throughout the country will continue to operate to the best of their
ability despite a continuing stream of change being imposed upon them. At
Pamphill we have a simple philosophy which gives focus to what we do during
these fluid times - the children come first – with this in mind we continue to
provide the best for the children in our care and will continue to do so.
Trevor Davies
October 3rd
Selecting and Growing Fruit Gold Club
Winter on the Marsh - Dudley Higginson
Entertainment tba
Meetings are held in the Old School at 7.30pm.
Visitors are always welcome. Info 01258 857606
Your chance to shop early for those Christmas
bargains at the village Craft Fair which will be
held in the Memorial Hall, Sturminster Marshall
on Saturday 1st November from 10am to 4pm.
Do you produce beautiful pieces of art and
craft? Well this is your opportunity to show off
your talents and to sell some of your projects!
Don’t be shy, book a table for £7.00 or share
one with a friend.
Throughout the day the W.I. will be serving
their delicious light lunches, tea, coffee and
This is a fund raising event for the hall!
To book, or for more information please ring
Barbara Beaves 01258 858404
Completely K9
Professional dog groomer with 20+ years experience
Hand-stripping, Scissor Styling, Clipping.
All breeds done to a HIGH STANDARD
De-flea ~ Glands ~ Bathing ~ Nail Trim ~ Ear Cleaning.
A personal caring service
For more information or to book your appointment
Please call Tracy on 01202 886844 / 07814 472383
Church Street,
Sturminster Marshall
BH21 4BU
01258 857319
Open Tuesday to Saturday
12 noon -2.30 & 6.30 -11.00
& Sunday: 12 noon -10.30
(closed on Mondays except
Bank Holiday Lunchtimes)
Our special 3-Course
Menu is only £11.00
For an honest and reliable service
We are specailists in kitchen and
bathroom fitting. We offer all aspects
of the trade including, extensions,
interior alterations, fencing, painting
and decorating and tiling.
No job too small,
Call now for a Free No Obligation
available Tuesday -Thursday lunchtime &
evening and on Sunday from 6.00pm
Our À La Carte Menu is
always available
Proud Sponsor of Witchampton
Cricket Club
1st October at the
6th Aug
Reliable and Experienced
General Builders
07736 651192
01258 858360
Hyde Lodge, Hyde, Wareham BH20 7NX
Tanker Hire Septic Tank – Cesspit Emptying Waste Carrier
●Local Service ●Friendly Advice ●Professionalism Guaranteed ●Competitive Prices
T: 01929 550928 + F: 01929 554565 + M: 07719 382720
Bridge in Sturminster Marshall
Every TUESDAY morning from 10 – 12.30
£1.50 to include Coffee & biscuits
Held in Sturminster Marshall Memorial Hall
Just turn up, or contact NORMAN WELLER on 01258 857046
Scrabble Club
Come and have a friendly game of Scrabble at 2pm on the 4th Wednesday of the
month in Sturminster Marshall Memorial Hall. Ring 01258 857091 for details.
Thursday 25th September / Friday 31st October /
Wednesday 26th November are proposed walking
dates. Think you can make it? New walkers
always welcome! 148 High Street @ 10.00 a.m.
but do ‘phone if the weather looks a bit iffy!
Wimborne Music Society is pleased to announce the Following
event:- Saturday 11th October 2014 at 7.30
Annual Wimborne Chamber Orchestra Concert
In aid of “Living Water Africa” at Wimborne Minster
Wimborne Chamber Orchestra
Piano Soloist : Sam Hanson
Bassoon Soloist : Stacey Newlin
Rachmaninov - Piano Concerto No.1 in F# minor
Walton – “Crown Imperial”
Mozart or Weber Bassoon Concerto tbc
(Tickets available from Christopher Dowie and from
Square Records, Wimborne from early September)
Enjoy an Autumn Holiday in cosy cottage
with u/floor heating
Phone 01437 890032
Mobile Library: 3rd, 17th and 31st of October 2014
Sturminster Marshall PO: 2.40 -3.00 pm; Zena's: 3.05 -3.25 pm;
Village Green: 3.30-3.50 pm. Shapwick Old Shop: 4.00 -4.15 pm.
October events at the
***Old School***
 Mackrell Lectures –
4 October 2014 at 2pm ‘Wimborne’s Saxon Past’
Dr. David Reeve
1st November 2014 (changed from 25th October)
"A History of Dean's Court and the Hanham Family”
Sir William Hanham.
£5 to include tea or coffee and delicious homemade cakes.
(for more information, contact Dee Butterfield 01258 857200 or Liz York 01258
 Science Café 16 October 2014 at 7.30pm. ‘Our Vital Moon.’
Bob Mizon
£5 to include a glass of wine or a soft drink with nibbles, on arrival.
(for more information, contact John Garnish 01258 858684)
**First Meeting of the Family History Group**
on 8th October 2014 from 10.30am -12.00 noon
The group will meet on 2nd and 4th Wednesday mornings
each month. This will be free for the first month and
subject to a small fee thereafter. Come along- no booking
necessary. Library quality software and help to search
For further information contact:- 01258 858884
14th October Cookery Demonstrations- See separate advert on page 48
(for more information, contact Katy Norman on 01258 857081)
‘Get online’ week - October 13th- 17th 2014
The Old School is now a UKonline centre!!
During Get online week we shall be open for
morning and afternoon sessions on a variety of
These FREE sessions will include:-
 Internet safety - This will alert you to the issues and give
you the confidence to surf safely!
 Shopping online
 Genealogy using the internet - how the group is finding
out about their ancestors.
 Accessing the Village History archive from the Mackrell
charity website.
 NHS Choices - How to make the most of your NHS!
Including online prescription ordering and setting up
 Accessibility and getting online.
Please see the flyer with this copy of the Bridge for full
Adult Dance Fitness
♪♪ Small Friendly Class ♪♪
Sturminster Marshall
Memorial Hall
Monday 7:30pm-8:30pm
01202 695462/07905 555412
------------------Try Sports Massage Therapy, utilising proven neuromuscular
massage, soft tissue release and stretching techniques.
Contact Peter Howard, an NHS Assistant Physiotherapist and
qualified Sports Massage Therapist, for a free, no obligation chat
on tel: 01258-857740.
£30 per session (normal sessions are 45mins)
“Get yourself back on track”
Frank E. Crumpler
Building Contractor
Alterations and Extensions
Established Since 1963
NHBC Buildmark Member
All work guaranteed
Tel: 01258 857220
Lt. Walter Evelyn Parke, 1891 – 1914.
Evelyn (as he was known, (although he also acquired the nickname “Bob”) was
the second son of Lt. Col. Lawrence Parke and his wife Eveline Jane. Lawrence
was one of the sons of Charles Joseph Parke of Henbury, and Evelyn ’s mother
was from the Lees family of South Lytchett House.
Evelyn was born at Henbury on 27th. July 1891. Along with his younger brother
John Aubrey (“Pip”), he attended Durnford School at Langton Matravers, and
then Winchester College where he represented the College at cricket in the
years 1907, 1908 & 1909 as a left-handed batsman. On leaving Winchester he
went to Sandhurst (which he represented in Cricket and Racquets) for 2 years,
and then in 1911 joined the 2nd Bn., Durham Light Infantry in the rank of 2nd.
Lieutenant. In 1913 he represented both Dorset and the army on the cricket
field and the following year he was promoted to full Lieutenant.
On September 8th 1914 he set off for France with his Regiment, reaching the
Western Front a week later. The Regiment took part in the battle of the Aisne,
and by October 12th they were at Hazebrouck. The following day they marched
to Vieux Berquin where Evelyn was shot dead by a sniper. Buried by Sgt. Major
J. Watson where he fell, his remains were subsequently moved and re-interred
at Outtersteene Communal Cemetery Extension near Bailleul. (In France a
“Communal Cemetery” is the civil cemetery for the local “Commune” or
community. The Extension is a C.W.G.C. Cemetery.) I had the privilege of
visiting the grave a few years ago with my wife, and it is a haven of peace and
calm, and a fitting memorial to our fallen.
Evelyn was the first of no less than 53 Durnford “old boys” to fall in the Great
War, and his sacrifice is recorded in St. George’s Church, near Durnford, St.
Andrew’s Church Kinson, St. Nicholas’ Church Moreton (on two memorials)
as well as St. Mary’s Sturminster Marshall.
October 2014 marks the centenary of his death, so it feels appropriate to record
his sacrifice and that of countless others from Dorset and elsewhere who died
for freedom.
“We will remember them.”
Bob Parke.
House to House Collectors
If you can spare a few hours in late October/early November to help
our loyal band of Collectors with this worthwhile cause in you street or
neighbourhood in Sturminster Marshall or Shapwick, please contact
Ernie Turner on 01258 857018
Many thanks to everyone who helped, performed and accompanied at the
summer soiree at Millmoor – all were fantastic. We had a fun evening with a
great audience and some wonderful communal music making and raised £439 for
Church funds. Thank you all.
Katy Norman
An extraordinary meeting of the Memorial Hall was held last
Thursday. A new Chair and Secretary is required. If no one comes
forward the hall will have to close. It needs support. The hall is a
vital village asset surely this cannot be allowed to happen. A
questionnaire is being prepared and will shortly be put through your
letterbox. Please answer the questions whatever your views
and return it to the Hall.
We have been seeking a replacement Dog Bin for Millmoor but are unable to acquire
one at present. The Dorset Waste Partnership have informed us that they are reviewing
their bin design. We believe in future all waste will go in one type of bin and that there
will not be a separate bin for dog waste.
Last but by no means least we have a new Parish Clerk, her name is Mrs Val Curtis and
you will find her contact details in the back of this magazine.
Recent Planning:
Cross Cottage, Back Lane
Mrs Tracy McHugh
Conservatory to rear of property.
3/14/0778/CLU (Existing) Garth Farm, Poole Road.
Mr John Lacy
Use of units 1, 2, 3, 4a, 4b, 5, 6a, 6b and 6c for B1
(Office light industry) and B8 (Storage and
distribution) for more than 10 years.
01202 881370
1 Manor Park, 35 Willis Way, Poole,
Dorset. BH15 3SZ
Tel: 01202 672222
As you may know, the Tourist Information Centre ceased trading at the end of
November last year, when the District Council withdrew its funding. Since then, it
has re-opened under the management of the Priests House Museum Trustees, and is
being manned by volunteers. More volunteers are needed, please.
In the meantime, they still need your events information to pass on to both locals
and visitors through the year, so don’t hesitate to contact them about YOUR events.
Please ring 01202 886116 or email
Parkfield Cottage
Parkfield, Newton Road
Sturminster Marshall
Mike and Karen Royles
01258 857804
Holiday cottage for rent.
Parkfield Cottage is a fully furnished self-contained cosy cottage
on the edge of the village. The cottage sleeps 4 plus cot and
benefits from central heating, a wood-burning stove, TV and
fully fitted kitchen including microwave.
Own secluded garden and patio plus off road parking.
Weekly rates, short breaks or just overnight deals available.
Open all year round. Call us for more details.
A Personal View - by Vera Ricketts
Well, how time flies as now Autumn is just round the corner and it will soon be
time to put the clocks back with longer nights. But what a wonderful moon it
was last month! It was a real Harvest moon, and seemed so close you felt you
could almost touch it. Although the moon has different names according to the
time of year, I only remember the Harvest moon. I keep looking for a book on
the moon, so I know when and what the moon is called, but I haven’t found one
yet. So I will keep looking and know I will find one eventually, as I look after
two second-hand bookshops, for the Allendale Centre and the National Trust,
and having some lovely books donated to both. If you have donated any to
either, thank you very much for them, as they bring in very welcome income for
both places.
Most of the fund-raising has now finished for the year, but if you put up a
poster for an event, will you please, please take it down afterwards!
I waited three weeks for one notice to be taken down, and in the end I gave up
and took it down myself. I know one shouldn’t put posters on telephone poles,
but we all do it. Some posters are very pretty, but they are hard to read, and
often forget one of the vital bits of information, so if you are doing a poster in
future, please remember the three most important bits – what, where and when.
I have often seen posters with lots of detail except when it is on! I did mention
this to one person who had done it, but their answer was that they had put
their e-mail address on the poster! But not everyone has e-mail. The posters
for the Car Boot sale at the Cricket club I took down in the end as no-one else
did. Then there were wedding signs as well. Ok, I don’t expect them to go
straight away, but in a day or two, please. I did find one rather out of date one
for the KL run in Nov 2013. Can anyone beat that?
Looking forward to the future, have you ever thought of doing volunteer work
for anything? At the Allendale Centre we are looking for volunteers to help
over the lunchtime period, 12 noon to 2 p.m. or longer if you wish. I know
some young mums are looking for something to pass the time when the children
start school. We already have one or two mums who come in during the day.
It’s a good way to fill your time and help others. We have a wonderful friendly
atmosphere and it would help us to get back on track, and we are very flexible
with times to suit you. Maybe you have youngsters looking for work experience.
this would be a great way to start. We are looking forward to the winter, but
hopefully we will have some more hot sun first.
Special days for precious little people
Children from 3 months to 6 years
The Old School Nursery (Shapwick) Ltd.
West Street, Shapwick, Blandford Forum, Dorset.
DT11 9LB
Proprietor: Ewa Praschma
Thanks from all the team.
St. Mary’s Church invites you to
An Evening at the Races
In the Old School, Sturminster Marshall
On Friday 17th October
7.30pm for 8pm
£7.50 to include a light supper
Licensed Bar available
Tickets from Liz Jones
01258 857076
' English Vinglish' ( 2012 Director Gauri Shindi, Cert 15, 133 mins. Hindi,
English, French, subtitled).
Sponsored by Vines Close Farm Shop:
Screenbites are presenting the film ‘English Vinglish’
at Sturminster Marshall Memorial Hall on Friday, 24th October.
Doors open at 7pm, tickets are £8.00 from 01963 32525,
or email
A fine feast of food tastings and a fine film!
Tempting tasty morsels will be on offer from 7pm from Vines Close Farm
Shop, Ajar Of, Chocolate Arthouse, Christine's Puddings, Comins Tea
House, Miss Marshmellow, Melbury Vale Vineyard, Pashma's, Red Fort,
Oxfods, Dorset Cereals, Fudges, Olives et Al, Honeybuns, Fudges, Hall &
Woodhouse, Woodland's Dairy, Chococo, Clipper Teas, Purbeck Ice
This is Screen Bites 10th Anniversary Year and there will be lots of foodie
related prizes, such as restaurant meals at the raffle.
Sturminster Marshall Pre-School
Tel: (01258) 858395
Rear of Sturminster Marshall First School
78 High Street, Sturminster Marshall
Wimborne, Dorset
BH21 4AY
Registered Charity No: 1026037
It has been lovely to return to Preschool with such lovely weather. The children are
making the most of our outdoor area. The garden has now been returned to a
manageable condition after becoming a wilderness over the summer. The potatoes were
made into potato salad for snack and the carrots, even though small, were very tasty.
One of the wonderful things about being hidden away amongst the trees is the amount
of wildlife encountered. The squirrels and rabbits run around the school field and the
children love to watch. We found a frog, a newt, countless bugs, insects and spiders. I
have to say the reactions to these varied!
If you have a child who is two years old or over and you would like to book a visit to the
setting, please call the office. We work a flexible system for booking and will cater for
your individual needs where possible. So many great friendships are built in Pre-School
for both children and parents, which continue throughout their education and beyond.
Secure emotional attachments are recognised as an essential building block for
The setting caters for children aged 2 years to 4 years 11 months and offers a play based
curriculum to enhance learning and development. Please contact us if you have a child
due to start or if you wish to discuss your funding entitlement. As a setting with
‘GOOD’ outcome from our Ofsted inspection, we are able to provide funded places for
2 year old children.
We are now open Monday 9am – 1pm and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from
9am -3pm. Morning or afternoon sessions can be split as required. Please call to discuss
sessions or funding.
Stay and Play Baby and Toddler Group
Are you new to the village with a child 0-4 years?
Why not visit us on a Monday afternoon 1.30-3.00pm for our stay and play session.
Practitioner’s will be present to chat to you and your child and play, making the PreSchool environment familiar supporting the transition into Pre-School. Refreshments
provided. Donations please.
Special Intention
Weds 1st
Our Village Schools
Thurs 2nd
Fri 3rd
Sat 4th
Sun 5th
Mon 6th
Tues 7th
Weds 8th
Sports Clubs
The Unemployed
Vets and Veterinary Services
Messy Church Leaders
Pamphill Hall its Committee
and all who use it
Those who work from Home
The Homeless
Thurs 9th
Fri 10th
Sat 11th
Sun 12th
Mon 13th
Tues 14th
Weds 15th
Pre School and Nursery
The Commonwealth
The Armed Forces
Farms and Farm Workers
Single Parents
The Sick and the troubled
The Voice of Shapwick
Our work with children and their
Those who work at Bailie Gate
Those who use our Playground
and Playing Fields
The Organist and Choir
Uniformed Organisations
Those who worship at our
Churches from outside the
The Memorial Hall and those who
use it
Our Church Buildings
Friends and family
All Health Workers and Carers
Bible Sunday
Our Shops and Public Houses
The Old School its Committee
and all who use it
Baptisms and Confirmation
The Clergy who lead our Services
Those who mourn
Fri 17th
Sat 18th
Sun 19th
Mon 20th
Tues 21st
Weds 22nd
Thurs 23rd
Fri 24th
Sat 25th
Sun 26th
Mon 27th
Tues 28th
Weds 29th
Thurs 30th
Fri 31st
Those who live at:
Kingston Lacy
Chilbridge, Houndhill and
Abbott Street
Barford and Cowgrove
Hillbutts and Stone Park
Kingston Lacy and Tadden
Pamphill Green and Little Pamphill
Roman Way and Hern Cottages
The Broads
Church Street and Swan Lane
Crab Farm and Cottages
New Barn and Badbury Cottages
Piccadilly Lane
West Street and Bishops Court
Stewards Lane and White Mill
High Street
Sturminster Marshall
Haycock Way, Charborough
Front Lane and Back Lane
Townsend, Teal Place,
Kents Lane and Nursery Gardens
High Street and High Close
Kings Street and Millmoor
Newton Peverill and Newton
Blandford Road and Poole Road
Duller Lane and Station Road
Dorchester Road and Henbury
Railway Drive and Parklea
Balls Lane and Reeves Orchard
Spetisbury Road
Tattersall Gardens, The Sidings
and Nursery Gardens
Sheridan Way and Moor Lane
Churchill Close
Stoney Cross
Readings for October 2014
October 5
Trinity 16(Green)
Exodus 20.1-4,7-9,12-20
Philippians 3.4b-14
Matthew 21.33-46
October 12
Trinity 17(Green)
Exodus 32.1-14
Philippians 4.1-9
Matthew 22.1-14
Sturminster Marshall
October 19
Trinity 18(Green)
Deuteronomy 8: 7 – 18
Luke 12: 16 - 30
Exodus 33.12-23
1 Thessalonians 1.1-10
Matthew 22.15-22
October 26
Last after Trinity(Green)
Bible Sunday
Psalm 119.9-16
Colossians 3: 12-17
Matthew 24: 30-35
November 2
All Saints’ Day (White)
Revelation 7.9-17
1 John 3.1-3
Matthew 5.1-12
N.B. Readings are correct at date of Publication – any changes will be
Note: All readings will be read from The New Revised Standard Version with
the exception of Matins and Evensong where the readings will be taken from
the King James Bible.
A. White
Painter & Decorator
07565 107773
Excellent professional service
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Call Adrian on:
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of Lytchett Matravers
Mini Diggers & Dumpers
at very competitive rates
Can also provide Driver
St. Margaret’s Chapel,
Book of Common Prayer
11a.m. with Hymns, each Friday.
Coffee or Tea following the
Contact Chris on
07887 997399
Need Someone to Listen?
No delivery Charge for local
121 tutor support
Trained teacher and experienced tutor
available for 121 tutoring
Literacy and Numeracy tuition
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Tutoring available in student’s home
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time and day flexible
Reasonable rates
Please telephone 01202 883727 or email:
Anxious? Bereaved? Life in Crisis?
Feeling lonely? Depressed?
Angela Joynson
Dip.Couns. BSc. MBACP Accred.
Confidential service from
mature counsellor
Reasonable rates
01258 858311
Classes held on Wednesday’s
9am, 11am, 5.30pm and 7.30pm
at St Nicholas Church, Corfe Mullen.
Tel: Lisa 07795 830924
Patrick Rose
Quality painter & Decorator
Over 20 years experience
Internal and External Painting and Decorating
Free Quotes & Advice
Fully Insured
Tel: 01258 857116
Mobile: 07989 373735
Fully Qualified and Insured
Reliable Local Business
WAVE105 top trade person 2009
Registered with Dorset Trading
Standard’s ‘Buy with confidence
Tel: Brian Hennessy
01258 857529
Please contact BILL HUSSEY:
01258 458345 / 07736 642733
Tree Surgery
& Hedge-cutting
After welcoming two visitors Barbara greeted our Speaker Mrs. K.
Dickinson, a lifetime fair ground worker and enthusiast. This was her
second visit to our Branch and her talk this time was of that most
popular fair ground ride, the Dodgems.
America has a long tradition of State Fairs. Wild West Shows etc and showmen were
searching for new more daring, exciting or scary rides for their customers. In 1890 an
inventor made what can only be described as an electrified bicycle which looked mostly
like a penny farthing bicycle which was not successful. In 1921 the first electrified
dodgem (similar to the ones we know today) arrived in England and when Billy Butlin
saw one at Blackpool he had them installed at his first holiday camp and fairground at
Skegness and took on the U.K. Agency for them. Many other countries worldwide have
fairs and inventors in Germany, France, Italy, the U.S. and England started making them
and the tracks needed. Italians made very elaborately shaped cars and still do so. One
firm made them in animal form with heads that turned when the wheel was turned,
another firm in the shape of a gendarme which was a disaster. Most firms use steam
engines to power their tracks with a voltage of 110 volts which can shock but is not fatal.
The early tracks were made of wood and heavy metals a were difficult to transport and
erect but one inventor found that using aluminium on the floors and framework made
tracks that could be erected in 3 hours. In 1960 a dodgem car could cost £497 (the
same as a Mini then) but a new car today can cost £14,000, well ones from China can be
bought for £2,000 but they don’t last!! Our Speaker answered many questions and was
thanked for her talk and then we had our usual refreshments while Floral Arrangements
were given to members with Birthdays this month.
Members have been busy this month. Barbara helped with the W.I. Stall at the Bestival at
Lulworth Castle with some of our fellow evening branch members. Eight members
attempted the difficult W.I. Annual County Quiz but are still awaiting the results. Angela
arranged a very pleasant visit to Knole Gardens (well worth a visit) and were surprised
to find a team from Gardeners World filming; they doubt if they will be seen on T.V.
Barbara met a representative from the Weymouth Women's Refuge that we support and
hand over several bags of goodies which were appreciated and of course there was our
visit to Ian Willis’ Secret Garden.
Nest months promises to be a busy one with some members attending the County
Meeting in Poole, invitations have been received from Bere Regis to join them in Line
Dancing and the W.I. Group Meeting is to be held here with Paul Atterbury from the
Antiques Road Show speaking to our members.
Three members, Ruth, Vicky and Jeanine had all created Fairground Collages for our
competition but were so good it was decided to make them joint winners and Chris's
lovely Begonia won flower of the month.
Our meeting on the 8th October will have Peter Invernee talking on Operation
Christmas Child when we will be bringing shoeboxes filled with gifts for children.
Rita Coomer. S.M.W.I.
FROM 9.45-11.30AM
50+ Dance Fitness Class
Every Monday 7:30 till 8:30
Sturminster Marshall
Memorial Hall
Keep fit
Have fun
Beginners Welcome!
Call Jean on:
01202695462 / 07905555412
Ministry of Dog
Friendly Dog walker/ pet sitter
Dog Daycare & Boarding
Small Animal Care
Located in Eyebridge
DBS checked and fully insured
Call Ali on 01202 887135
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Quote ‘The Bridge’ for a local
English Usage - a personal view by Michael Evans
I was in Canada for most of August, so there was no English Usage article in
September, but I came home with material for a new English-North American
dictionary. On one occasion, when I was staying in a motor home (an RV) I had
just left a public convenience (washroom) when I met a man who asked me “Is
there a line up?” Thinking he wanted to hang out some washing to dry, I said “I
didn’t see one.” This must have sounded odd to him, because I later found he
was asking if there was a queue for the toilet. Preparing to move on, I put my
luggage in the boot (trunk) checked the oil under the bonnet (hood,) made sure I
had enough petrol (gas) and verified my tyre (tire) pressures. I’d been made
aware that walkers would be on the sidewalk, not the pavement, because that’s
the road. Strangely, autumn is the fall while the other three seasons have the
same names as here. These and many other vocabulary differences are probably
well-known to many of you (such as elevator for lift, suspenders for braces,
pants for trousers, vest for jacket) and though I was in a country that has a
language that sounds mostly like ours, it was foreign enough to make me choose
my words carefully!
Sat 13th and Sun 14th December
Application forms from
Margaret 01258 857881,
Sue 01258 857606 and St. Mary’s Church
Cancer Research Cream Teas
Liz Jones would like to thank everyone who visited the Old School during the
weekend of 16/17 July and to all those who gave cakes, produce, prizes and
donations. The weekend raised an amazing £500!
Thank you also to the large team of helpers who worked tirelessly to make this
Half-term entertainment for the children
Tuesday 28th October at 10.30am
Sturminster Marshall Memorial Hall
The Tap Dancing Mermaid presented by Tessa Bide
Gather round for the Moon’s magical story about a tippetty-top tap dancer who
he has been watching. Marina Skippett creeps out of her house every night to
shuffle and stomp on the boardwalk to the sounds of the sea. She can’t tap
dance at home any more since her evil, tractor-sized Aunty banned it! But
then….one moonlit night, Marina meets a mysterious, watery boy swimming in
the sea and her life is never the same again! Stunning puppets, original live music
to sing along to and tap dancing that will make you want to stick 50ps to your
shoes and join in! Age 3+
Contact for tickets: Carol Johnson/Ann Smith; 01258857814/
Come and celebrate harvest at our services.
Holy Communion will be celebrated at 8.00 am
Harvest Family Service at 9.30 am where gifts may be brought
to be distributed to those in need.
Festal Evensong at 6.00 pm with guest preacher the Reverend
Nigel Feaver who used to live in the village. Followed by a Bring
and Share Harvest Supper.
The AGM will be held in Church on Friday 7th November at 8pm.
Please attend if you are interested in training and support an ancient village
We have CRB/DBS checked members and can offer an extra skill that makes
your CV that little bit different.
Enquiries to Robert Stephenson 01258 857800
The last Wednesday of every month
Cookery Dates this Autumn
At the Old School, Sturminster Marshall.
14th October-7.30pm
* * The Secret Pantry * *
some favourite recipes from Nina, creator of the local
pop-up restaurant sensation.
2nd December- 7.30pm
*Decorating Christmas (and other)
Informal and friendly – do come along!
Wine or soft drink on arrival and plenty of food to taste.
Bring a friend!
Donations welcome.
 Now featuring web-cam for a more informative and
interesting experience.
For further information contact:Jane Holden - 01258 858884
Katy Norman – 01258 857081
Advance notice - Look out for news of the pop up
restaurant arriving at the Old School in March.
Sturminster Marshall Evening WI
Instead of a regular meeting in August the Evening WI Group held
a Barbeque and Treasure Hunt. A huge thanks to Pete and Lesley
Moors for hosting the event in their lovely garden – the weather was kind and all
had a great time. It was particularly good to have some of the afternoon group
members join us. As this event was also opened up to husbands and partners
we have had a lot of feedback from the men folk along the lines of joining our
ranks! Sorry guys – ladies only!
The Treasure Hunt organised by Rose, was a huge success with three pairings
tying for first place so it came down to a tie-break question, the tension was
palpable! The eventual winners were Gladys and Jackie who won a box of
chocolates, which were shared with the revellers. Thank you Rose for all your
hard work. For those in the village who were wondering why large numbers of
people were wandering the village on an August evening peering quizzically at
houses, lamp posts and letter boxes we hope this solves the mystery
Our October meeting on 16th will be along the lines of a Call My Bluff quiz night
and on this occasion we will be raising money for the Weldmar Hospice. Please
come along and join us at 7.15 p.m. for a 7.30 p.m. start at The Memorial Hall,
for what should be a fun evening for a wonderful cause.
NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY – 31st December 2014
During the winter months we see less of our neighbours due to darker days and
colder weather. We therefore thought it would be nice to try and get the
community together this coming New Year’s Eve with a party at the Hall. This
will include disco music and dancing until late, curry and rice during the evening
and the first drink free. Tickets are priced at £15 and any profit from the sale of
tickets (minimum of £5 per head) will be split between two local charities, Julia’s
House and the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance. So please promote
amongst family, friends and neighbours, and let’s see if we can get as many
people as possible to attend and enjoy the evening together. This is our first
attempt at something like this, so please support us and these two very
worthwhile charities…we may then do it again!!
Tickets are available from either :Suzanne Whittle – 534 Pamphill Green or call 07765 275983;
or Dave Yarnold – 2 Roman Way, Cowgrove or call 07890 105321
0844 748 0120
07817 232904
07966 880105
Notes from your District Councillor
On 11th September I attended a crisis meeting convened for the Memorial Hall in
Sturminster Marshall to discuss the problems posed by the urgent need to find a
new Chairman and a new Treasurer and indeed other committee members if the
continued functioning of this invaluable community asset is to remain viable.
Those who have struggled on keeping the facility in being have done sterling work
over many years but it is a measure of their efforts that the work which was
originally done by a committee of 28 drawn from all Hall users has of late fallen to
the lot of a handful of dedicated volunteers and this can plainly not continue.
We must all sincerely hope that the necessary support and assistance will be
forthcoming from the many groups who benefit from the Hall, user groups and
parents alike, and without regard to residence in the Village, so as to enable the Hall
to make its vital contribution to the life of the village.
The District Council is in the middle of a process of reviewing the Governance
arrangements of the Town and Parish Councils within its District. Insofar as this
ward is concerned the recommendations are for Sturminster Marshall simply to limit
the number of parish Councillors to 9 but for Shapwick, which is grouped with
Pamphill, to reduce the number of Pamphill parish Councillors from 5 to 2. The
background is that such an adjustment is needed to ensure as closely as possible that
in each parish a single vote results in the same proportionate level of representation
as elsewhere and similar examples have been found elsewhere in the District by the
Working Group which has examined these matters. Their recommendations are
now out for comment which is needed by December.
The application of Nisa Local for a Premises Licence to sell alcohol and provide
recorded music was granted by the District Council's Licensing Sub-Committee on
10th September in respect of premises at 66 High Street Sturminster Marshall.
Concerns had been expressed by objectors over traffic and parking issues which the
Sub-Committee has power to review if difficulties arise in practice.
Paul Bennett. 14th September 2014
Roadside Hedges
As a life long resident in Shapwick I would like to say a big thank you and what a
fantastic job this year is being made of cutting the roadside hedges back to a
height that allows us to see across the beautiful surroundings that we are lucky
enough to have on our doorstep, over the last few years they have been getting
higher and higher and was like driving down through a tunnel, so again well done
for making our village look tidy again and for giving us back our views.
Mrs Lorraine Thompson
Hair by Karen.
Professional. London trained with vast experience in
modern techniques.
Please telephone
01202 858416 or 07544565200
Inside Out at St. Mary’s
Just when you think you know what you are going to do – someone says “you can’t do
Tom Roberts did warn us that all the ideas we had for the Revitalisation project were
subject to change as other agencies get involved – and he was right!
He invited the EDDC to look at our preliminary plans before they are submitted for
approval later in the year. The Conservation Officer who visited St. Mary’s agreed we
need an extension, but did not like the plans to join it onto the Church Tower. He felt
this detracted from the Tower and suggested a new build along the North Wall instead.
What a shock….. but actually when this is considered more closely, it is a much better
idea. The new building would be an open block that offers flexibility to subdivide the
space to accommodate our current needs of toilets, kitchen area and vestry and still
allow changes and expansion to meet the needs of future generations.
The Church Fete was held around the Church on a sunny day on 6 th September and it
was lovely to see so many people having a good time. Stalls and entertainment, old and
new, helped to make the day enjoyable – stunning stalls, great games and even a Zipwire
for toys! Our thanks go to the many people who contributed to making the day a
success, which raised a magnificent £3000.
On the following Saturday, the Church was pleased to welcome the intrepid participants
in the annual Dorset Historic Churches’ Ride and Stride event. Some were hardened
cyclists riding many miles to visit lots of churches – other took a slower pace. We hope
they were rewarded with good sponsorship.
All churches are obliged to have a Quinquennial inspection of the fabric, undertaken by
an architect. St. Mary’s inspection was carried out earlier this year. The report lists all
repairs and works needed over the next five years and rates them from “Urgent” to
“Desirable”. It is good to report that the Church is basically sound, but with the most
urgent work needed to ensure waterproofing and the repair of stonework. Most of
these repairs are on the building that is hundreds of years old. It is not surprising that it
needs a little TLC!
Our Harvest weekend is on 11th and 12th October, starting with a Gift Day on the
Saturday morning, with a stall of cakes, preserves, produce and bric-a-brac, with a coffee
morning in the church. We look forward to seeing parishioners and supporters as we
continue to raise money for the upkeep of the church.
There are two Harvest Festival services on Sunday 12 th October. The 9.30 am service is
a Harvest Festival Family Service when harvest gifts may be brought to Church. This
year we are supporting the Food Bank and Hyped in Wimborne. A list of suitable dry
foods for the Food Bank can be found in the Church porch. Alternatively fresh produce
will be donated to Hyped. Nigel Feaver, Rector of Wincanton, and former resident of
Sturminster Marshall, will be preaching at the 6pm service, which will be followed by a
“Bring and Share” Harvest supper. Do come and join us for the services and at the
Supper. We look forward to seeing you.
Do you feel that NOBODY CARES?
Well, WE DO!
Come and join us on Sunday mornings at 10:30 in the Memorial Hall
for a friendly, no frills service and meet ordinary people just like you.
We’d like to get to know you.
New Life Bible Church
Sturminster Marshall
07919 808210
NLBC is a member of the International Federation of Christian Churches (IFCC).
Do your have foot pain?
Are you embarrassed by your feet?
Are you having problems cutting your nails?
Do you not qualify for NHS treatment?
We offer a quality, personalised treatment to resolve all your footcare
Treatments for:
1. Problem Nails
2. Hard skin and corns
3. Cracked Heels
4. Fungal infections
5. Problem Nails – nail surgery available
6. Foot pain
Orthoses and in-soles
We can supply off-the-shelf or be-spoke insoles
Please contact Debra Pauly on 01202 690726
Alert: watch out for Spam “Order no.” emails that contain malware
From Action Fraud 4th September 2014
Our contact centre has received hundreds of calls about scam emails arriving in
victims’ inboxes that are likely to contain malware.
All the examples that have been reported to us use spoofed emails addresses in order to
appear legitimate.
They are designed to play on your curiosity and get you to download the attachment
which is likely to contain malware. It appears the scammers are changing the company
name, date, order number and times whilst spamming out these emails.
Three legitimate businesses whose company names have been used as part of the scam
said that these are not associated with them in any way. A further forty variations have
been logged by our contact centre.
Example scam email
From: Cory Ramdas sale@design[email redacted]
Subject: Order no. 18562525232
Thank you for using our services!
Your order #18562525232 will be shipped on 04-09-2014.
Date: September 03, 2014. 12:26pm
Price: £155.28
Payment method: Credit card
Transaction number: 7309E4BDE683E0
Please find the detailed information on your purchase in the attached file (order_201409-04_11-43-50_18562525232.arj)
Best regards,
Sales Department
Cory Ramdas
+07644 [number redacted]
Victim receiving calls to her mobile
A student has also reported to us that the spammers have used her number in one of these
emails and she is receiving multiple calls on her mobile as a result, all asking for Howard.
It is important to remember that this is a scam email - your credit/debit card will most
likely not have not been charged.
If you receive one of these emails, do not open or download the attachment, delete it.
If you have opened the attachment then call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040.
Time to consider the lilies* by Lys de Bray
Lilies are best selected from a reputable supplier's catalogue which will have lovely
pictures of lovely flowers that you won't have space for, but there's always another year.
Lilies are best not got in a packet from a garden centre. I hate to see them squeezed
into a too-small packet and I can hear them squeaking `Oi! Get me out of 'ere, I can't
Have ready a really large pot, lilies don't like hot roots which they'll get if planted in a
too-small container. Make up a delicious mix in a wheelbarrow of ¼ good garden soil, ¼
precious leafmould saved for the purpose, ¼ sieved compost and ¼ fine grit. If you
garden on calcareous (chalky) soil, substitute John Innes No. l for your earth as most
lilies don't like chalk, the exception being the beautiful pure white Madonna Lily, Lilium
candidum. You can crowd the bulbs, there's enough nourishment in the pot(s) for two
seasons, three if you water with weak tomato fertiliser in year two. Plant the bulbs 2 to
3 times their own depth and sit each on a small handful of the fine grit: keep the pot(s) in
a roofed-over, sheltered place with light for the winter so that cold rain doesn't pan the
surface or frost penetrate the sides of the container which should be perched on feet or
pebbles. When the compost dries out, water a little with rainwater, not too much. Put
stakes in for each bulb- at planting time so as not to damage them. Keep the pots in a
slightly shaded place until the flower-buds form and then bring into the sun. Protect
from slugs and look over the plants every day for the-dreaded lily-beetle which is a
convenient bright red (convenient for the gardener, not the beetle) and destroy as you
find them. You'll have to be quick as when they fall off they turn upside down presenting
hard-to-see black undersides. This beetle will consume fritillaries too.
The easiest lily to grow is the old favourite, L regale, the Regal lily - white with pinkmauve reverse and a powerful and heavenly scent. Good bulbs should produce 25
flowers per stem in the first year, less in the second. After that buy new bulbs and plant
the older bulbs in the garden to sink or swim. If you have lily-happy soil they may
increase. They like to be watered with sun-warmed water as Beverly Nichols used to
do, standing the cans in a row in the sun and watering in late afternoon. Another choice
may be L. auratum - the `golden-rayed lily of Japan' which has large heavily scented dark
spotted white and yellow flowers. Sometimes a bulb no bigger than others and planted
at the same time will produce an amazing head of as many as 30+ bowl-shaped flowers
on a 5ft (1.5m) stem. This happened to me many years ago, truly this gardener's reward.
I got a photo taken of me and the lily-flowers, the flowers were amazing. But - two
warnings: the stamens carry a powerful natural dye which will stain your skin or your
clothes, very, very hard to remove from your best frock or favourite tee-shirt as
happened to me this year. Florists usually cut off the stamens before selling the flowers.
Lily-pollen is dangerously poisonous to cats which can brush against the stamens (if the
flower stems are short and/or in a pot). The toxic pollen is then licked off the cat's fur,
ingested and can have serious consequences.#
* Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow, they toil not, neither do they spin: and yet I say unto
you that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.'
Matthew 6: 28.
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E-mail: Web:
Parish Directory
The Bridge Parishes
Vicar: Rev’d Joe Edwards (See also the note on page5)
Director of Music: Dr Sally Plowright
Assistant organist: Mr Paul Martin
Clerk to the Benefice: Mrs Jan Standing
Office hours Mon – Fri, 10am – 5 pm
( Email:
The Bridge:
Kingston Lacy Parish Church
Churchwarden: Mrs Sue Smith
Churchwarden: Mr Julian Owen
Deputy Churchwarden: Mrs Carola Street
PCC Secretary: Mrs Pam Francis
Treasurer: Mrs Sarah Bamber
Electoral Roll Officer: Miss K. Whitmore
Shapwick Parish Church
Churchwarden: Anne Tillin
Churchwarden: Vacant
Deputy Churchwarden: Janet Purchase
Treasurer: Christine Cosgrove
PCC Secretary: Alan Cosgrove
Verger: Vacant
Electoral Roll Officer: Anne Tillin
Sturminster Marshall Parish Church
Churchwarden: Mr Merrick Williams
Churchwarden: Mrs Liz Jones
Deputy Churchwarden: Mr Rob Langdown
PCC Secretary: Mrs Margaret Langdown
PCC Treasurer: Mr K. Shepherd
Verger: Vacant
Captain of the ringers: Mr M. Stickley
Electoral roll officer: Mrs J. Provan
Sturminster Marshall First School: Mrs R. Tomkins
Sturminster Marshall Pre-school: Mrs Patsy Barnes
Pamphill First School: Mr T. Davies
Pamphill Pre-School Nursery: Mrs. D. Gould
The Old School Shapwick Nursery: Ms E. Praschma
01258 857620
01258 857528
07788 185048
07581 340014
See page 3
01202 888374
01202 842367
01202 848253
01202 888700
01202 842367
01202 883727
01258 858208
01258 857235
01258 858876
01258 858876
01258 858208
01258 857614
01258 857076
01202 841381
01202 841381
01258 857008
01202 021895
01258 858296
01258 857348
01258 858395
01202 883008
07415 473977
01258 857922
Police station (non emergency number)
Hall Bookings
Old School, Sturminster Marshall: Mrs Jan Standing
Memorial Hall, Sturminster Marshall: Mrs K. Kollberg
Pamphill Parish Hall: Mrs M. Cherrett
01258 857477
01258 858447
01202 888260
County Councillor: Cllr Mr Robin Cook
District Councillor: Cllr Paul Bennett
Sturminster Marshall Parish Council Chair: Miss Hilary Palmer
Sturminster Marshall Parish Council Clerk: Mrs Val Curtis
Pamphill & Shapwick Parish Council Chair: Mrs Anthea Cross
Pamphill & Shapwick Parish Council Clerk: Mr Ray Hunt
01202 889199
01258 857557
01258 857588
01202 620363
01202 848922
01202 604868
For Sturminster Marshall
Sturminster Marshall FC: Mr D. Miller
Church Preservation Trust: Mrs E. House
School Society: Mrs P. Ross
Cricket Club: Mr Ross Humphrey
WI Secretary: Mrs Beryl Dewhurst
WI Evening Secretary: Mrs Ruth Shepherd
Sports Association: Mr R. Haysom
Gardening Club: Mrs S. Crowfoot
Mackrell Charity: Mr T. Standing
Stour Valley Quilters and Craft Club: Mrs Barbara Beaves
Scouts: Andy Thornton
Cubs: Mrs G. Spong
Beavers: Mrs B. Smith
Brownies: Miss J. Hayter
Guides: Mrs L. Seare
Rangers: Mrs C. Browning-Smith
Rainbows: Mrs C. Browning-Smith
Henbury Residents' Association: Mr M. Soper
Sturminster Marshall singers: Ms J. Carter
Homewatch Co-Ordinator: Mr Adrian Holden
01258 857314
01258 857469
01258 857373
01202 829522
01258 857091
01258 857008
01258 857616
01258 857606
01258 857477
01258 858404
01202 625561
01258 857799
01258 857822
01202 885309
01929 459398
01202 888447
01202 888447
01258 857647
01202 989733
01258 858884
For Pamphill
Kingston Lacy Skittles Club: Mr R. Frost
Kingston Lacy Cricket Club: Mr S. Maine
Pamphill Pre-School: Mrs. D. Gould
01202 883084
07969 883814
07415 473977
For Shapwick
S.C.T. (Village Green): Gail Birkin
01258 858631