STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Transportation Purchasing REQUEST FOR INFORMATION NO. 54-JC-10132014 Due Date: November 10, 2014 Issue Date: October 13, 2014 Refer ALL Inquiries to: Jeff Conken Telephone No. 919-707-2630 Description: Ignition Interlock Management System CC: 920 E-Mail: Using Agency Name: Transportation DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS: Deliver one (1) signed original executed RFI response and one (1) copy of the executed RFI response. Address envelope and insert RFI number as shown below. It is the responsibility of the Vendor to have the response in this office by the specified time and date of opening. Vendor must return all the pages of this solicitation in their response. Vendor must also submit one (1) signed, executed electronic copy of its response on USB Flash Drive or read-only CD/DVD(s). The files should not be password-protected and should be capable of being copied to other media. DELIVERED BY US POSTAL SERVICE DELIVERED BY ANY OTHER MEANS RFI NO. 54-JC-10132014 NC Department of Transportation Attn: Purchasing Section P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh, NC 27611 RFI NO. 54-JC-10132014 NC Department of Transportation Attn: Purchasing Section 1 South Wilmington Street, Room 412 Raleigh, NC 27601 NOTICE TO VENDOR Request for Information (RFI) will be received at this office at 1 S. Wilmington Street, Room 412, Raleigh, NC until 2:00 P.M. EST on the due date and then opened. EXECUTION VENDOR NAME: E-MAIL: STREET ADDRESS: P.O. BOX: ZIP: CITY & STATE & ZIP: TELEPHONE NUMBER: TOLL FREE TEL. NO: TYPE OR PRINT NAME & TITLE OF PERSON SIGNING: FAX NUMBER: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: DATE: 1 Rev 10/01/2009 NCDOT Ignition Interlock Table of Contents STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA .......................................................................................................................................... 1 Department of Transportation .......................................................................................................................................... 1 RFI Procedures ................................................................................................................................................................... 3 A. Schedule ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3 B. Clarification Questions ................................................................................................................................................ 3 C. Response .................................................................................................................................................................... 3 D. Proprietary information ................................................................................................................................................ 4 E. RFI conditions ............................................................................................................................................................. 4 F. Communication ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 G. Vendor Information ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 Section 1: Executive Summary........................................................................................................................................... 5 Section 2: Current Process ................................................................................................................................................. 5 Section 3: Desired Process ................................................................................................................................................ 7 3.1 Report Type - Install/Changeover ................................................................................................................................. 8 3.2 Report Type - Uninstall .................................................................................................................................................. 9 3.3 Report Type - Compliance........................................................................................................................................... 11 Section 4: Solution Capabilities ........................................................................................................................................ 12 Section 5: Information Requested .................................................................................................................................... 13 2 Rev 10/01/2009 RFI Procedures A. Schedule Respondents will have three weeks to prepare their submissions to this RFI. Responses must be received by the date, time and location specified on the cover sheet of this RFI. Respondents may be requested to come to Raleigh, NC to present and discuss their submissions. Respondents will be contacted to determine a specific date and time at least two weeks in advance of their presentation. B. Clarification Questions Written questions will be received until 4:00 P.M. EST on October 20, 2014. Questions must be sent via email to or faxed to (919) 715-8743. Please insert “RFI 54-JC-10132014 Questions” in the subject matter of your e-mail. A summary of all questions and answers will be posted to the Interactive Purchasing System (IPS) as an addendum to this RFI on or about October 27, 2014. The origin of questions will not be reflected in any addendum issued. C. Response The state recognizes that considerable effort will be required in preparing a response to this RFI. Please note, however, this is a request for information only and not a request for services. No award will result from this RFI. The respondent must bear all costs associated with the compilation and submission of a Response to this RFI. 1. Content and Format The state expects concise, detailed, point-by-point responses to each of the RFI response items identified in Section 5 of this RFI. The state is not interested in brochures or “boilerplate”. Instead, the response should clearly define how the vendor’s proposed solution(s) would meet the state’s business requirements. Any issues or exceptions to the state’s requirements should also be identified and explained. The response should also include annotated network drawings showing where each of the pieces of equipment in the proposed solution would be located and how those devices would be interconnected. A comprehensive, detailed equipment list including and software requirements for the proposed solution should be provided. All equipment identified in the response must be commercially available and in general distribution on or before November 1, 2014. While the state will require a pilot installation of any final solution adopted, the state is not interested in participating in any field trials of new equipment or software. The response should also spell out all services that would be required by the proposed solution including such items as: The respondent’s submission should reflect and address the state’s business requirements; Give an estimated total cost of ownership for the solution including continued compliance with emerging industry standards. The proposed solution should have the ability to expand and evolve to serve other State's sites either inside the Raleigh area or in other county locations and also meet all of the service and performance requirements identified in this RFI. 3 Rev 10/01/2009 2. Multiple Responses Multiple responses will be accepted from a single vendor provided that each response is comprehensive, meets all of the state’s requirements, and is truly unique. Please place in separate envelopes and clearly mark responses as “RFI 54-JC-10132014 Response #1, RFI 54-JC-10132014 Response #2, etc. D. Proprietary information Trade secrets or similar proprietary data which the Respondent does not wish disclosed to other than personnel involved with this RFI will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by 01 NCAC 05B.1501 and N.C.G.S. § 132-1.3 if identified as follows: Each page shall be identified in boldface at the top and bottom as "CONFIDENTIAL". Any section of the RFI that is to remain confidential shall also be so marked in boldface on the title page of that section. Cost information may not be deemed confidential. In spite of what is labeled as confidential, the determination as to whether or not it is shall be determined by North Carolina law. o URL for NCAC reference inserted here o URL for G.S. reference inserted here In addition to the above, the State undertakes to keep every Response received confidential as a whole until such time as an RFP has been awarded or the RFI cancelled (the "Confidentiality Period"). After the expiration of the Confidentiality Period, all Response information will be subject to the normal confidentiality provisions of the State as set out above. Exception: Respondents expressly acknowledge that the concepts, methods, equipment and procedures presented in a response may be wholly or partially incorporated into an RFP. E. RFI conditions The State will not be bound by any RFI Procedure qualifications or any additional conditions included by a Respondent in a response. F. Communication All communication regarding this RFI is to be addressed to the contact person identified on the RFI Cover sheet. G. Vendor Information The following information must be included in the response. 1. Name of Company 2. Contact Person and Title/Position 3. Address, Telephone Number and Email Address 4. Brief history of the company (length of time in business) including a listing of government agencies with which the company has successfully implemented their solution. 5. Specify what kind of statistics, documentation, information, etc. would be necessary for NCDOT to furnish Vendors in a future RFP and what significance or criticality that information would have on the success of a procurement. 6. Include a list of references from past implementations. This should include: • Name of the Agency • Contact information for the business and technical representatives for the Agency, including email and telephone number • Key difficulties and lessons learned 4 Rev 10/01/2009 NCDOT Ignition Interlock Section 1: Executive Summary The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT), Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV), Administrative Hearings Section manages the Ignition Interlock program for the State of North Carolina. Currently, NCDMV is manually processing data from the ignition interlock vendors. NC DMV has a business need to manage ignition interlock data more efficiently and enable additional vendors and data to be processed. The objective of this request is to identify Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) solutions or the development of a customized solution which will automate the receipt and processing of data from ignition interlock vendors. Another component of an ignition interlock solution is reporting of citizen compliance. The solution must have standard reports defined and available for NCDMV Ignition Interlock Staff. Ad hoc reporting should also be available. NC DMV also needs to manage ignition interlock vendors for compliance with the relevant NC DMV Ignition Interlock Program Standards and Procedures. This capability should utilize a case management type solution. This Request for Information (RFI) is intended to collect material and recommendations regarding a solution which will meet the needs of the DMV Administrative Hearings Section, Ignition Interlock program to eliminate or significantly reduce the manual processing and paper handling currently being undertaken. The solution must interface with the State Automated Driver License System (SADLS) as the system of record. Section 2: Current Process The Division of Motor Vehicles Ignition Interlock unit processes and manages citizens’ data submitted to the Division from approved ignition interlock vendors. The data is currently submitted by the vendors via insecure email and is comprised of non-standard reports and device logs. These reports and logs may contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII). At the present time, the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles executes the ignition interlock program through a series of labor-intensive, manual processes. The data from the ignition interlock vendors consists of four types of reports; Install; Uninstall; Changeover and Compliance. There are three different business processes executed for these report types, the Install and Changeover reports follow the same business process. 5 Rev 10/01/2009 DMV Ignition Interlock (As-Is Process) DMV Ignition Interlock Staff All reports from multiple vendors received in email service account Separate reports: Install / Uninstall / Changeover / Compliance Separate by vendor /assign to staff Print reports Install / Changeover Display DR from SADLS – Enter install date and vendor Enter data into Access Uninstall Display DR from SADLS – Enter uninstall date and vendor Enter data into Access Yes End Restriction complete? No Cancel Conditional Restoration Agreement Restriction complete? No Stop Issuance in SADLS DMV End DMV or Statutory restriction Calculate I/I time Statutory Yes Compliance Reported in NC? Yes Valid Calibration? Yes Violation? Yes End DMV or Statutory? Statutory No No No End End End DMV Hearings DMV Info Processing Key Key violation violation in in SADLS SADLS Letter Letter sent sent –– Can Can request request hearing hearing DMV Schedule Schedule Hearing Hearing (Required) (Required) No No No Action Action Suspension? Suspension? Yes Original Original revocation revocation or or remainder remainder of of 4Yr 4Yr to to permanent permanent Data Data entered entered into into SADLS SADLS Data Data entered entered into into SADLS SADLS Schedule Schedule & & Hold Hold Hearing Hearing (Requested) (Requested) Suspension? Suspension? No Yes Suspend Suspend for for 1YR 1YR End End Figure 2.1 As-Is Business Process Diagram This unit is staffed with three employees who process and maintain all reports on a daily basis. Data is manually entered into SADLS and MS Excel with paper copies being filed and transferred to Hearings Officers when requested. Due to recent legislative changes, it is expected the volume of data and number of records will be drastically increased. Currently, the Division has three vendors that provide the ignition interlock device to North Carolina Drivers. During an open enrollment period, vendors have the opportunity to apply and certify their device and service. Each year more vendors apply for certification, which could increase the number of vendors for the Ignition Interlock Program; with more vendors and nonstandard forms, the resources required to maintain the data will increase. There is no standardization of forms submitted to the DMV ignition interlock staff by the vendors. Each vendor has their own form. Therefore, it is more difficult to locate data and review all device logs for violations and errors. 6 Rev 10/01/2009 The NCDMV Ignition Interlock Program Standards and Procedures are available to the public at: ( Interlock devices can be required pursuant to three legal frameworks: Conditional Restoration Agreements given by DMV, the requirements of NCGS §17.8, and Limited Driving Privileges given by the court system. DMV presently serves as the monitoring authority for the first two frameworks, but the desired solution should be capable of establishing and supporting at least three monitoring profiles with each having unique parameters and action triggers. Section 3: Desired Process The intent of an Ignition Interlock solution is to provide a system where data can be systematically imported and identified based on the vendor report type described previously. A standardized data format must be defined to ensure data quality and consistency. The data must be identified as being one of these report types. The new solution must provide a confirmation to the vendor upon successful completion of the initial data import. The solution should provide error messages to the corresponding vendor if there are any issues with the data that has been imported. Install Reports 4 1 DMV IIMS Vendor Interface 2 Changeover Reports IIMS DB Uninstall Reports II Vendors Compliance Reports 3 Figure 3. To-Be Business Context Diagram – Data Import Function Relationship 1 2 3 4 Data Import From Ignition Interlock Vendors To DMV IIMS Web DMV IIMS Vendor Interface DMV IIMS DB DMV IIMS DB DMV IIMS Vendor Interface Ignition Interlock Vendors DMV IIMS Vendor Interface Description An ignition interlock vendor is authenticated to the DMV IIMS vendor interface. They are identified as II Vendor X and then select import to upload their data. The IIMS vendor interface passes the data to the IIMS DB. The data is entered into the IIMS DB and identifiers indicating the report type verified. Any errors are sent to the IIMS vendor interface. The DMV IIMS vendor interface notifies the II Vendor if the upload was successful and if not provides error messages to assist with correcting any issues. 7 Rev 10/01/2009 3.1 Report Type - Install/Changeover Each Install/Changeover report, regardless of the vendor, will be used to update a customer record in SADLS. The primary objective is to record the ignition interlock device install date, the vehicle into which it was installed (VIN), and identify the vendor. The IIMS will identify the reports ready for processing. The process may either be initiated by DMV staff or started automatically. The IIMS system will query SADLS through a web service to identify the correct customer record and enter data into that customer record. The solution must verify the correct record using data from the report. The IIMS system will send the data to SADLS to enter the install date and the ignition interlock vendor name from the Install/Changeover report into the customer record. SADLS will indicate the successful update of the customer record. The IIMS will indicate that the report was processed successfully and capture the date of the transaction. If there are issues, the solution will record any errors for review by DMV ignition interlock staff and the IIMS will indicate the report status as pending review. 3 IIMS DB 1 2 IIMS 4 Web Service SADLS DB DMV Staff Figure 3.1 To-Be Business Context Diagram – Install/Changeover Process Function Relationship 1 Install/Changeover Report Process From To IIMS IIMS DB 2 IIMS DB SADLS DB 3 SADLS DB IIMS DB 4 IIMS DMV Personnel Description Identify Install/Changeover reports ready to process. May be initiated by DMV staff or automatically by the system. The IIMS system queries the web service with the customer information from the IIMS DMV database, Install/Changeover report. Sends: Driver License Customer Name VIN II Vendor Name Returns: Record verified as correct Data added to record Date of update Any errors during record update Data returned from SADLS DB is checked for verification and then the report in the IIMS DB is marked as processed. If there are errors they are recorded with information identifying the report and it is marked as pending review in IIMS. The IIMS system posts the error report for DMV II staff processing. 8 Rev 10/01/2009 3.2 Report Type - Uninstall Each Uninstall report, regardless of the vendor, will be used to update a customer record in SADLS. The primary objective is to record the ignition interlock device uninstall date, the vehicle from which it was removed (VIN), and identify the vendor. The IIMS will identify the reports ready for processing. The process may either be initiated by DMV staff or started automatically by the IIMS. The IIMS system will query the SADLS through a web service to identify the correct record and enter data into that customer record. The solution must verify the correct record using data from the report. The IIMS system will send the data to SADLS DB to enter the uninstall date and ignition interlock vendor name from the Uninstall report into the customer record. The IIMS will verify the duration of the ignition interlock used to the day, based on the recorded install and uninstall dates from the SADLS DB. If the restriction was imposed by DMV, and the duration completes the restriction, no further action is required. If the duration does not complete the DMV restriction, the customer’s Conditional Restoration Agreement is canceled. If the restriction was imposed by statute and the duration completes the restriction or the triggering DWI offense(s) occurred before October 1, 2013, no further action is required. If the duration does not complete the statutory restriction and the trigger DWI offense occurred after October 1, 2013, a stop issuance is recorded in the SADLS DB. The SADLS DB will indicate the successful update of the customer record based on the Uninstall report. The IIMS will indicate that the report was processed successfully and capture the date of update. If there are issues, the solution will record any errors for review by DMV ignition interlock staff and the IIMS will indicate the report status as pending review. 2 1 IIMS DB SADLS DMV Staff 9 Restriction Calculation 4&5 Web Service 3 IIMS Restriction Action 6 DB 7 8 Figure 3.2 To-Be Business Context Diagram – Uninstall Report Process Function Relationship 1 Uninstall Report Process From To IIMS IIMS DB Description IIMS will identify Uninstall reports ready to process. May be initiated by DMV staff or automatically by the system. 9 Rev 10/01/2009 Function Relationship 2 Uninstall Report Process From To IIMS DB SADLS DB Description The IIMS system queries the SADLS DB web service with the customer information from the IIMS database, Uninstall report: Sends: Driver License Customer Name VIN II Vendor Name 3 SADLS DB IIMS DB Returns: Record verified as correct Data added to record Date of install Type of restriction (statutory or DMV) Length of restriction Restriction completion Dates of DWI offenses Date of update 4 IIMS IIMS 5 IIMS IIMS 6 IIMS IIMS The calculation for the duration of the ignition interlock device usage in days may be completed in the IIMS. If the total duration completes the restriction, no further action is required. If the total duration does not complete the restriction, check the restriction type (statutory or DMV). If statutory restriction, check that trigger DWI offense is after October 1, 2013. A stop issuance is recorded in the SADLS DB. If DMV restriction, the Conditional Restoration Agreement is canceled in the SADLS DB. After all processes have completed. The following data is entered into the SADLS DB from IIMS: Total days of usage Stop Issuance for statutory restriction (if applicable) or Conditional Restoration Agreement is canceled for DMV restriction (if applicable) 7 8 9 IIMS DMV Personnel Data is verified in SADLS then the report in the IIMS DB is marked as processed. If there are errors they are recorded with information identifying the report and it is marked as pending review in IIMS. The IIMS system posts the error report for DMV ignition interlock staff processing. 10 Rev 10/01/2009 3.3 Report Type - Compliance The IIMS will determine if the Compliance report meets the requirements for a valid report in NC and if action is required. IIMS will use the data provided in the report for this determination. The following criteria must be confirmed before any action is taken: • The ignition interlock device information was reported in North Carolina • The ignition interlock device has a valid calibration • A violation was captured After these conditions have been verified, IIMS must query the SADLS DB to retrieve information. The IIMS system will query SADLS through the web service to identify the correct record and the type of restriction (statutory or DMV). If the restriction type is statutory, the violation is entered into the SADLS DB against the customer record. SADLS will send the customer a letter informing them of their right to request a hearing. If the restriction type is DMV, a hearing is required. After SADLS initiates the DMV Hearing, the IIMS has completed its role. 1 Data Validation 2 IIMS DB IIMS Violation Action 5 DMV Staff 3 Web Service 4 Initiate Hearing 6 SADLS DB 5 or 6 7 8 Figure 3.3 To-Be Business Context Diagram – Compliance Report Process Function Relationship 1 Compliance Report Process From To IIMS IIMS DB 2 IIMS IIMS 3 IIMS SADLS DB Description IIMS will identify Compliance reports ready to process. May be initiated by DMV staff or automatically by the system. IIMS will validate information in the Compliance report before processing the information. Ignition interlock device data was reported in NC The ignition interlock device has a valid calibration A violation was captured The IIMS system will query the SADLS Web service to identify the correct record and the type of restriction (statutory or DMV). Sends: Driver License Customer Name VIN II Vendor Name 11 Rev 10/01/2009 Function Relationship 4 Compliance Report Process From To SADLS DB IIMS DB 5 IIMS SADLS DB 6 IIMS SADLS DB IIMS DMV Personnel 7 8 Description Returns: Record verified as correct Type of restriction (statutory or DMV) If the restriction type is statutory, the violation is entered into the SADLS DB against the customer record. If the restriction type is DMV, a hearing is required and the SADLS DB is updated. Data is verified in SADLS then the report in the IIMS DB is marked as processed. If there are errors they are recorded with information identifying the report and it is marked as pending review in IIMS. The IIMS system posts the error report for DMV ignition interlock staff review. The solution must allow for the use of business rules to identify violations and errors recorded in device logs. These settings should be easily editable or configured to implement changes in legislation or business requirements. Some standard reports will need to be defined and available for users and supervisors as well as the ability to create ad hoc reports. Section 4: Solution Capabilities Following is a non-inclusive list of the key capabilities that the NCDOT is seeking. Your response should address these and any additional capabilities available in your solution. The proposed solution should: Provide a system in which vendor data can be imported electronically and automatically. Update customer records in SADLS and initiate any required business processes. Use business rules to review device logs for violations and errors. Provide for user defined roles to enable different levels of access to the data. Include a case management capability to support vendor compliance with the NCDMV Ignition Interlock Program Standards and Procedures. Increase the efficiency, security and accuracy of the business process through automation, resulting in better auditing of customer and vendor compliance. Define whether your suggested/proposed solution has any hosting location limitations and/or recommendations Be capable of handling increased number of transactions as the business environment changes. Provide the capacity to manage additional ignition interlock vendors that certify their devices and services during the annual open enrollment period. Significantly reduce the number of staff hours required to manage and evaluate customer data received from the vendors through ad hoc and standard reports. Identify a secure, electronic means for approved ignition interlock system vendors to submit data in the format and with the content defined in the NCDMV Ignition Interlock Program Standards and Procedures. 12 Rev 10/01/2009 Section 5: Information Requested Responses to this Request for Information are requested to provide: List and explain the capabilities and functionalities provided with the solution. Define the high level architecture the proposed solution is built upon. Address NCDOT’s desired solution requirements. Hosting options for the solution Provide an estimated total cost of ownership for the solution. List and explain any known limitations (e.g. number of concurrent users). Comply with the statewide technical architecture guidelines ( and the statewide security document ( 13 Rev 10/01/2009
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