Manitoba Choral Association Thank you to our supporters Registration Fees Elementary Choirs since 1976 MCA Members - $90 Non Members - $170 in association with Middle Years Choirs MusicFest Canada MCA Members - $110 Non Members - $190 presents Secondary and Community Choirs 28th annual MCA Members - $130 Non Members - $210 Vocal Jazz Ensembles MCA Members - $185 Non Members - $265 MCA Membership Fees Church Choir Membership....................................$40 Choir Membership.................................................$80 2 Choirs (within the same organization)............$100 3 or more Choirs (within the same organization)$125 . 2014.. ! Registration Forms Registrations are NON-REFUNDABLE and must be accompanied by payment or they will not be processed. Faxed applications will not be accepted unless they are accompanied by credit card information.! Available at: ‣ MCA Office, 5-276 Marion Street ‣ via E-mail: ‣ website: Deadline: ‣ Entries must be received by the MCA office no later than 5 PM, Friday, October 10, 2014. Scheduling ‣ Scheduling requests will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis. ‣ A preliminary schedule will be emailed on Tuesday, October 14, 2014. At this time, directors have 7 days to facilitate any changes independently. The MCA office must be notified of all changes by Tuesday,October 21, 2014. ‣ The final schedule will be released on Wednesday, October 22, 2014. ! Manitoba Choral Association Robert Neufeld, Executive Director 5-276 Marion Street, Winnipeg, MB R2H 0T7 Tel: (204) 942-6037 Fax: (204) 947-3105 ! ChoralFest Manitoba 2014 Co-Chairs: Trygve John Ringereide and Dorothy Dyck November 17 - 27 2014 Sturgeon Creek United Church 207 Thompson Drive, Winnipeg ! Canadian Mennonite University 500 Shaftesbury Boulevard, Winnipeg ChoralFest Manitoba 2014 Encouraging and promoting the art of choral music in Manitoba. ALL AGES * ALL SIZES * ALL SKILL LEVELS Adjudicators Format Early Years (Elementary) School Choirs Millie Hildebrand (Steinbach MB) Early Years Choirs will have 30 minute warmup followed by 30 minutes on stage that includes performance/ adjudication. There will be no clinic for Early Years Choirs. Middle Years (Junior High) School Choirs Millie Hildebrand (Steinbach MB) Clinician: Carolyn Boyes (Winnipeg MB) Clinician: Nedra Frances (Winnipeg MB) Clinician: Andrea Wicha (Winnipeg MB) Senior Years School Choirs and Community and Church Choirs Robert Filion (Ottawa ON) Spencer Duncanson (Winnipeg MB) Jeff Joudrey (Halifax NS) Alisa Wiebe (Winnipeg MB) Vocal Jazz Dylan Bell (Toronto ON) Quincy Davis (Winnipeg MB) Suba Sankaran (Toronto ON) ! Website View adjudicator’s bios, detailed info and updates at !MusicFest Canada ChoralFest is non-competitive. Adjudicators may recommend choirs to represent Manitoba at MusicFest Canada. Middle Years Ensembles have: 30 minute warm-up, 30 minutes on stage, 30 minute clinic. The clinic will be with a clinician in another location. Note for Early and Middle Years Schedule Dates Event Location Nov 17-21 Mon-Fri Senior Years School Choirs SCUC, 207 Thompson, Dr. Nov 21 Fri 7:30 PM Gala Concert $10/$5 TBA Nov 22 Saturday Community & Church Choirs SCUC, 207 Thompson, Dr. Nov 24-25 Mon-Tue Early Years School Choirs SCUC, 207 Thompson, Dr. Nov 24-26 Mon-Wed Vocal Jazz CMU, 500 Shaftesbury Nov 26-27 Wed-Thu Middle Years School Choirs SCUC, 207 Thompson, Dr. Performances should take up not more than half of the allotted time (30 minutes). It is recommended that Early Years choirs sing 2-3 songs; all others sing 3 songs. Senior Years and Community and Church Choirs Choirs are scheduled and perform in pods of three. 15 minute warm-up, 15 minute performance, 30 minute clinic. Maximum of 3 pieces. More information can be found on the MCA website. Note to all Choirs Three original copies of each piece must be provided to the registration desk upon arrival. Unauthorized photocopies will not be accepted. Risers (3 steps, 4 rows) will be supplied. Vocal Jazz Ensembles have: 30 minute warm-up, 30 minutes on stage, 30 minute clinic. Ensembles are encouraged to perform three contrasting pieces in the Jazz idiom (Swing, Latin, Ballad). ! Equipment provided: 16 microphones, drum set and cymbals, bass amplifier, acoustic piano Photos will be taken of Vocal Jazz Choirs at CMU.
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