SHEEP Update October 2014 This summer saw the launch of our new range of Energyze feed licks and marks a significant focus on maximising the utilisation of forage for cattle and sheep. “The key driver behind the Energyze product range is rumen function” explains Harbro technical director, Willie Thomson. “The formulation is focused primarily on boosting rumen activity to allow greater digestion - and greater intakes - of all dietary forages. The key benefit is that your stock get the most out of what you have produced – and the least requirement for supplementary feed.” Energyze for autumn sheep As we proceed towards winter, grass loses much of its digestibility and hence energy value. The grass content of soluble sugars (produced from sunlight) reduces and the stem becomes more fibrous and lignified. Energyze primarily provides a boost of soluble sugars and nitrogen, key products which actively feed the rumen bugs. These rumen bugs are essential for forage digestion and their increased activity leads to a quicker and more efficient digestion of forage i.e. more energy from autumn grass. But the advantage doesn’t stop there as illustrated adjacent. By improving the speed of digestion of the forage, more room is created for the sheep to consume extra forage, and so, dry matter intake is increased. Key to fertility Getting more out of forage in the autumn can be key to fertility, flushing ewes pre-tupping and will also allow ewes to enter the winter in better condition, thereby reducing winter feed bills. • Forage intake = 1.5kg DMI • Forage energy content = 11 MJ ME/kg • Energy from forage = 16.5 MJ • Forage intake = 1.65kg DMI • Forage energy content = 11MJ ME/kg • Energy from forage = 18.15 MJ • Energy from Energyze = 0.65 MJ • Total energy intake = 18.8 MJ, a 14% increase in energy Energyze Forage Booster offers: • • • • • Much research has gone into the new range of Energyze products. One of the priorities was to provide an effective product for flushing ewes, with a real focus on achieving a significant boost in energy intakes from autumn grass. This boost of energy, and specifically sugars, is the key signal required to convince the ewe that she is in a good state for breeding. Boosting cobalt Energy however, is only part of the story. Recent research, backed up by on-farm observations made by our customers, shows that boosting cobalt levels pre-tupping can have a significant, beneficial impact on lamb vitality months later at lambing. This concept was first proposed by Professor John Robinson at a farm meeting and our trials suggest that the benefit is potentially significant. Well known Aberdeenshire farmer, John Gordon, Wellheads, Huntly who runs an 860 head flock of Mule and (continued on page 2) Unique high energy sources Omega 3 oils for improved fertility and immunity Sel-Plex to dramatically lifts blood selenium levels Improved forage intakes Improved body condition Nutritional Services • Forage Analysis • Ration Formulation • Animal Health Advice Why are Omega 3 Oils Important? Fish oils are an excellent source of omega 3 oils which are a key nutrient for sheep for reproductive efficiency, being required in large amounts for sperm production and embryo survival. These oils are also key to new born vitality and survival. Work carried out in 2002 showed that in lambs, omega 3 oils were proven to increase birth weight, reduce the time taken to stand and reduce the time taken to suckle (see table adjacent). Lambs have more vigour and more inclination to suck says Aberdeenshire farmer, John Gordon Gestation Length (days) Time to stand (minutes Time to suckle (minutes) Birthweight (kg) Control Fish Oil Difference 145.5 147.7 +2.2 20.3 16.3 -4 43.5 34.1 -9.4 3.9 4.1 +200g The Importance of Omega 3 Oils (Capper et al, BSAS 2002) (continued from front page) cross Texel ewes, was one of the first to try the concept. “We definitely found that the lambs had more vigour and more inclination to suck. We also had very few lambs to assist to suck,” said Mr Gordon. ”We will continue to boost cobalt pretupping.” Deficiency Store lambs often show signs of deficiency in the autumn and with forage analyses highlighting deficiencies of cobalt and selenium, a supplement containing these trace elements is well recognised as giving a great boost to performance. Often forgotten, however, is the key mineral, salt. Crucial role deficiencies, hence the reason that providing rock salt is so often associated with a noticeable improvement in performance. Salt is also associated with improving feed intakes, and this, combined with the improved trace element absorption, makes it a very useful supplement for lambs on forage. Energyze Forage Booster combines salt into a palatable, molassed energy lick to give lambs and ewes a real boost. Take advantage of our offer Salt has a crucial role in the absorption of most trace elements, and is often deficient in grassland. A shortage of salt can magnify the significance of other Buy any 10 x 25kg buckets or 2 x 100kg buckets to receive a free Harbro hat Energyze Forage Booster and Vitality are part of a two-stage feeding programme. Forage Booster can be fed through the winter months, moving to Energyze Vitality six weeks pre-lambing until six weeks post-lambing. The feeding regime for your flock will be dependent on weather and scanning results so for more information and advice, contact your Harbro sales specialist. 2 Buy ½ tonne to receive a free Harbro bodywarmer Buy 1 tonne or over to receive a free boilersuit Purchase by 31 October 2014 to qualify! Eliminating Twin Lamb at Carwood In Scottish sheep circles, think of the name Wight and the next word to spring to mind is Blackface. This family has been breeding Blackies for many generations and Colin Wight uses Scotch Mule ewes as the foundation for his own flock of 1000 cross ewes at Carwood Farm, Biggar. Carwood was purchased by the family business John Wight & sons in 1986, just before Colin and his wife Fiona got married. They have gradually turned the farm from predominantly grain growing to a well respected and productive livestock unit with help from a fulltime tractorman and stockman. Their three daughters Susan, Alison and Lyndsay all take time out from their respective university studies and work to give a much welcomed hand at lambing time. The ground, all of which is ploughable, ranges from 750 feet above sea level to just over 1000 feet at the top of the hill. Most of it is set to grazing with around 100 acres of winter wheat and spring barley grown. Barley from the last two harvests has been treated with Maxammon and used as part of the feeding regime for cattle. 20 acres of turnips and fodder kale/rape are grown to finish lambs later in the season. Cross ewes His flock of 1000 cross ewes start off with a Scotch Mule ewe and are crossed with a Texel. Some have been further crossed with the Suffolk and Colin says “I find that these are the best ewes, having better feet and being less prone to mastitis.” These ewes are put back to homebred Suffolk or Texel tups. All progeny are finished on the farm heading for Lanark market or an increasing proportion to Woodhead Brothers in Turriff where they are getting a better price for the lambs deadweight. Replacement Mules are sourced from Midlock. Colin is aiming for twins from each ewe so they are not flushed. Ewes move from the higher ground onto slightly better grass before the tup goes in. Lambs and ewes enjoying the grazing at Carwood Farm, Biggar receive a supplementary feed lick and if they are likely to foster, they get a small amount of concentrate one to two weeks before lambing. Again, depending on conditions, ewes will be fed concentrates for four weeks after lambing. “Doing this keeps the milk on the ewes and gives the lambs a good start,” says Colin.” If they get a poor start, its difficult for them to catch up.” he added. Ewes carrying twins lamb outside and triplet/single bearing ewes lamb inside, with extra lambs fostered onto singles where possible. Twin Lamb has been a problem in the past at Carwood and despite Blackface specialist, Colin Wright Scanning After scanning in January, ewes are split and fed accordingly, with twins/ triplets getting a bit of haylage if the weather is hard. They receive an 18% ewe roll fed on the ground from a snacker for eight weeks before lambing. Singles only 3 using a feed bucket, he was still getting cases, especially in the triplets. “It’s a fine balance to get the feeding right, feed too much and they’ll put out their lamb bed, feed too little and you’ll get Twin Lamb.” For the last two years, Colin has fed Energyze Vitality, feeding for eight weeks before lambing and had no cases of Twin Lamb at all. “In March last year, the ewes were leaner and we had no Twin Lamb.We used Vitality again this year and the results have been just as good. They eat it at a good pace, there’s a good balance between palatability and consistency.” Livelier lambs “The lambs were livelier after they were born, they seem to get up and suck no bother.” Colin also breeds Suffolk tups and the offspring from his flock of 40 are sold as shearlings at Kelso. He is quite particular in what he is looking for in the Suffolk, choosing sheep with good silky, black hair which he finds tend to milk better. Harbro’s Clover Tri-Star RF Sheep nuts & Alkacid are fed to the Suffolk lambs and they are then moved on to Kelso Tup & Lamb nuts to give them that final bloom. These highly digestible ‘rumen friendly’ feeds are designed to promote rumen health and consequently, optimise growth and fertility in pedigree sheep. Fitter gimmers and lambs at Bardnaclaven Bardnaclaven is a well known name in show and sale reports, often appearing at the top for their weaned calves, lambs and pedigree cattle and sheep. Very much a family affair, DN Campbell & Sons is run by brothers David and Johnnie and their uncle David at Bardnaclaven, Thurso, Caithness in the far north of Scotland. Johnnie Campbell takes responsibility for the sheep - 1300 split over two flocks - and the pedigree cattle, a herd of 20 Simmentals and Charolais. This last lambing was the first time that he had used Energyze and spoke positively of it, particularly in relation to the gimmers. “We fed Energyze Vitality in the last five weeks pre-lambing and it made the biggest difference to the gimmers in our flock.The gimmers and their lambs both had more energy.” 500 ewes are kept at Bardnaclaven, 150 pure North Country Cheviot with their tups being sold at Quoybrae and 280 Texel x Cheviot, crossed with the Suffolk for prime lambs. There are also 35 pedigree Suffolks and 35 pedigree Texels and the lambs are sold on as shearlings. Renowned breeders The Campbell family were renowned Border Leicester breeders but with a slump in the demand for half breds, they took the commercial decision in 2008 to sell them and according to Johnnie, “we haven’t looked back.” A further 800 ewes are kept at Brawlbin, Halkirk, and they are predominantly North Country Cheviot hill ewes, crossed with the Suffolk. Their lambs are sold store through Quoybrae. Bardnaclaven lambs are sold fat throughout the season and the Energyze Vitality makes a big difference to our gimmers says Johnnie Campbell most of them are away by SeptemberOctober. The first draw of lambs was made on 16th June at 12 weeks old, fed only on milk and grass. The flock at Bardnaclaven scanned at 186% in January – space is tight at Bardnaclaven so twins and singles are run together whilst triplets are kept separate. “Anything empty is sold as we want to save grass.” says Johnnie. “We start feeding ewes after New Year with home-grown Propcorned barley, wheat dark grains. sugar beet pulp and Harbro Grampian sheep minerals. Five to six weeks before lambing, Energyze Vitality is introduced along with the feed.” Ewes at Bardnaclaven lamb inside starting on 5th March, with intervention only if required. The hill flock at Brawlbin lambs outside from 10th April meaning a small overlap. “At Brawlbin where the flock scanned at 150%, we are seeing the benefits of spending more money on a good hill tup to breed our own replacements. We keep all our own ewes and we have seen a big improvement in the lambing ability.” Whilst they don’t sell breeding ewes, they are happy to get four crops from a ewe and take the odd ewe to five crops. “We would rather sell the ewes when they are still fit, selling them as fat ewes and getting a bit more for them.” Fitter flock Having a younger fitter flock meant they only lost one ewe this year at Brawlbin, compared to 25-30 ewes in previous years. The success at Bardnaclaven is down to attention to detail paid to the flock management and breeding policy, and coupled with correct nutrition, has given fitter gimmers and lambs. “With Energyze Vitality, they all had more energy, it reduced the time spent handling and sucking and the lambs had great vigour and get up and go.” Contact Us Harbro Sales Offices Head Office: Turriff 01888 545200 Inverness 01463 701990 Lanarkshire 01555 820358 Yorkshire 01430 432121 North Scotland Ian Anderson 07788 310 969 Derek Johnstone 07831 574 781 Derek Lamb 07787 434 098 Lynn Macarthur 07788 310 893 David Mackenzie 07831 093 617 Colin Roger 07824 151 437 Guy Sinclair 07831 391 104 John Smith 07769 678 528 John Taylor 07831 864 827 South Scotland David Allan 07766 903 068 Billy Andrew 07771 641 656 Stuart Cameron 07766 903 072 Simon Dodds 07766 903 073 Ian Galloway 07788 316 011 Arol Hyslop 07785 287 831 Andrew Jardine 07788 316 056 Kirk Marshall 07741 310 261 Murray Smith 07741 311 949 Ian Watson 07970 710 114 England Mike Jones 07774 449 111 Harvey May 07789 838 689 Merchants J&W Tait, Kirkwall 01856 873003 W&A Geddes, Wick 01955 602207 Nutritional Services • Forage Analysis • Ration Formulation • Animal Health Advice
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