n in ,c ai Gh an sh eW 20 14 lo a ca h ti o n Where the World’s titanium and zircon industries meet 10.11.14 POST SHOW REPORT Jing An ShAngri-LA, WeSt ShAnghAi Where the World’s titanium and zircon industries meet regiSter your intereSt conGress.tzmi.com For more inFormation Visit conGress.tzmi.com During the past seven years the annual tZMi Congress has grown from strength to strength. the tZMi Congress began in 2007 with 250 delegates attending the two-day event at the raffles City Convention Centre in Singapore. in 2010 the Congress moved from Singapore to hong Kong. the renewed buoyancy in the economy along with a new location and venue saw attendance increase to over 300 delegates and continue to increase, reaching over 400 in 2012. TZMI Congress remains the pre-eminent event for the titanium and zircon industries. During the four years in hong Kong the Congress grew, not only by the number of delegates, but also from a two-day to a three-day event. A dedicated new Projects & investment opportunity session was also introduced as attendance increased. eight years later, we are excited to be moving to a new location and to be offering new initiatives to ensure that the tZMi Congress remains the pre-eminent event for the titanium and zircon industries. to coincide with tZMi celebrating its 20th anniversary, the tZMi Congress will be held for the entire week. the programme will cover all aspects of the titanium and zircon industries including supply, demand and new innovations. We hope you enjoy this look back at Congress throughout the years and we look forward to seeing you in Shanghai in november. Bruce griffin, Chief executive officer TZ Minerals inTernaTional PASt CongreSS PreSenterS ALKAne reSourCeS ASiAn CerAMiCS AuStrALASiAn MinerALS & trADing BASe reSourCeS BAteMAn engineering Beroe inC BhP BiLLiton BrAeMAr SeASCoPe CAMeroon rutiLe CASAforte MinerAção CerAMin ChinA tio2 ASSoCiAtion CiC reSourCeS inC ChiLCheS MAteriALS CMAi CMi CriStAL DiAtreMe reSourCeS DCW LiMiteD DuPont titAniuM teChnoLogieS evAnS & PeCK exxAro goLDMAn SAChS gPM ASiA guAngxi CAvA titAniuM inDuStry Co.,LtD gunSon reSourCeS LiMiteD hAinAn WenSheng high-teCh MAteriALS henAn BiLLionS hSBC gLoBAL reSeArCh huntSMAn ihS gLoBAL inSight iLuKA reSourCeS iMAge reSourCeS inDiAn rAre eArthS LiMiteD irC LiMiteD iShihArA SAngyo KAiShA JiAngSu tAiBAi grouP JinAn yuxing CheMiCAL Co. LtD. Jotun A/S KenMAre reSourCeS KoMroWSKi MAtiLDA ZirCon MCKinSey ChinA MeSSner ASSoCiAteS MinerAL CoMMoDitieS MinerAL DePoSitS LiMiteD MitrACo MurrAy ZirCon oLyMPiA reSourCeS oSAKA titAniuM teChnoLogieS Co.,LtD PAngAng titAniuM inDuStry Co. LtD PAnZhihuA Zti SCienCe & teChnoLogy riChArDS BAy MinerALS rio grAnDe MinerAção rio tinto iron & titAniuM rti internAtionAL MetALS ruBy CerAMiCS SAChtLeBen SAigon Quy nhon ShAnDong DongJiA grouP SheffieLD reSourCeS SierrA rutiLe LiMiteD SitteC LtD Son MinerALS Southern ioniCS SPeCiALty MetALS CoMPAny StrAtegy MArK tAngShAn tiAnhe titAniuM inDuStry Co.,LtD teChniCAL CerAMiC MArKeting ServiCe the CheMQueSt grouP the vALSPAr CorPorAtion ti SoLutionS ti-inSight titAniuM MetALS CorPorAtion (tiMet) tiZir LtD toho titAniuM triMex grouP tronox tZ MinerALS internAtionAL White MountAin titAniuM WorLD titAniuM reSourCeS Z-teCh LLC ZheiJiAng ShenghuA BioK BioLogy Co., LtD ZirCo reSourCeS ZirCon inDuStry ASSoCiAtion LtD TZ MINERALS INTERNATIONAL Raffles City Convention Centre Singapore Wednesday 12 th - Friday 14 th November 2008 TRALIA S U A MINERAL SANDS • T I TA N I U M F E E D S T O C K S • TIO 2 PIGMENT • ZIRCON THE INAUGURAL 14 - 16 November • Raffles City Convention Centre • Singapore The TZMI Congress is both enjoyable and well run, and it provides the forum to meet with participants from all sectors of the zircon industry. Alex PellIZZonI, endekA CerAMICs PROGRAMME HANDBOOK ASIA (EXCL . CH INA ) TZ MINERALS INTERNATIONAL ICA AFR ST ICA ER M H. A NT H .A 2007 2008 M ER IC A INA CH EU 2009 P RO E 2010 Where the World’s titanium and zircon industries meet 2011 TZMI certainly puts on the premier TiO2 conference in the industry. The knowledge and networking opportunities gained is invaluable and keeps our team coming back every year! BOB EllIs, shErwIn wIllIaMs We were able to gauge the pulse, or lack thereof, of the producers and the market to better refine our start-up strategy. We will be attending more TZMI Congresses in the future. Ron Rose, souTheRn IonICs 2012 2013 n o in a ca h ti ,c ai lo n eW Gh 20 sh 1 an 4 10.11.14 Jing An ShAngri-LA, WeSt ShAnghAi Where the World’s titanium and zircon industries meet regiSter your intereSt conGress.tzmi.com
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