to download. - Hanstholm Asylcenter

Nr. 4
Juni 2014
A life in Rwanda with rape,
genocide and hunger.
Magasinet for og om Hanstholm Asylcenter henvendt til beboere, venner af asylcenteret samt personale.
Hanstholm Center News
Kære alle
Sommeren er kommet og den 21. juni holder vi Åbent Hus på Hanstholm Asylcenter.
Der har, som de fleste ved, været debat om
vi skulle have et asylcenter i Hanstholm.
Byrådet har med stort flertal vedtaget, at
der også fremadrettet skal være asylcenter
i Hanstholm.
Siden sidst er Skinnerup Vandrerhjem dog
blevet lukket ned. Derfor er der pr.1.maj
plads til 440 beboere på Hanstholm Asylcenter, hvoraf de 300 bor på selve centeret
i Hanstholm, 100 beboere i Vigsø og resten
placeret i lejligheder henholdsvis i Hanstholm, Ræhr og Thisted.
Dear residents, personel and volunteers
The summer is here and June 21st we have Open
House at Hanstholm Asylumcenter.
In the local community there has been some debate
whether we should have an asylum center in
Hanstholm or not. The City Council has decided that
also in the future there will be an asylum center in
Since the last issue of CenterNews, Skinnerup Hostel , however, has closed.
Therefore by 1st of May there is room for 440 residents in Hanstholm Asylum, of which 300 live in the
center in Hanstholm, 100 residents in Vigsø and the
remainder invested in apartments respectively in
Hanstholm , Ræhr and Thisted.
Saturday 21th of June we have Open House.
Hermed giver det god mening at vi lørdag
d.21. juni, traditionen tro holder åbent hus.
Det giver dig en god mulighed for at se
hvad vi laver på centeret og hvem vi er. Der
vil være musik, sang og mad samt mulighed
for at se centeret indefra. Vi skal også smage på fremmed mad og høre musik, som vi
ikke normalvis kender så meget til.
Centerets beboerråd og Hanstholm Asylcenters Venner vil være med i planlægningen. Vi sætter stor pris på deres hjælp, som
gør at dette kan blive en god dag for alle.
Lars Andersen
It gives all inhabitants of Hanstholm and cities
around a good opportunity to see what we do at the
center and who we are. There will be music, song
and food and the opportunity to see inside the center. We also taste “strange” food and hear the music
that we normally are not so familiar with.
The center's residents and Hanstholm Asylum Centers Friends will help in the planning process. We
greatly appreciate their help to make a good day for
everyone - residents, staff and citizens of Hanstholm
and region.
Lars Andersen
Hanstholm Center News udgives af
Hanstholm Asylcenter
Nørbyvej 1, 7730 Hanstholm
Tlf.: 99 17 30 70
Trykt i Hanstholm, oplag: 250
Forside/frontpage: Ladywalk
Korrektur: Pia (dansk) og Jesper
Næste nummer:
Uge 31
Deadline: 29. juli 2014
Find os også på Facebook
Ansvarshavende redaktør: Kim Ursin
Holdninger tilkendegivet i bladet er ikke
nødvendigvis udtryk for redaktions,
medarbejdernes eller Hanstholm Asylcenters holdning.
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
Hvis intet andet fremgår er artiklen
skrevet af redaktøren.
Next issue:
Week 33
Deadline: 29th of July 2014
Hanstholm Center News
By Night i Hanstholm Centret
Ny webside
HAV havde en stand
til By Night i Hanstholm Centret.
Vi har fået ny hjemmeside. Den er
først og fremmest hurtigere, giver
bedre navigation og så er den opdateret.
Den heldige vinder af
Påske gætte konkurrencen var Anna Andersen, som er ansat
i Fakta, Hanstholm.
Kitter Houmark fra
Hanstholm var behjælpelig med, at finde den heldige vinder
ved udtrækningen af chokoladepåskeæggene. (Frivillig Anna)
Siden er henvendt til både personale,
beboere og borgere i Hanstholm og
omegn. Nogle ting vil være på engelsk,
fordi det henvender sig til beboerne,
men det giver sig selv hvad der er henvendt til hvem.
Are people from asylumcenters allowed to get
rejsekort (travel card)?
People from the asylum center have been rejected at
Thisted station to get a rejsekort or (travel card). They
have been asked for a yellow card (Danish health card) or
a passport.
But it was a misunderstanding, said Manager of Thisted
station Ulrich Albrechtsen to CENTER NEWS:
“Of course everybody is allowed to apply and get rejsekort
(travel card) but they have to show valid identification and
an address where they live.”
He also adds that if people use rejsekort (travel card) it
will be cheaper than paying cash. There is also a good
news. Now you can travel from Thisted to Aarhus (and return the same day) for just 95 kr. (Milad)
New website
We have a new website. On the website you can find info about school,
praktik, what you do if you get positive/negative, news about school, praktik and you can check if there is post
for you. Click on the post symbol.
Please check the website before
you go to reception.
Look at:
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
Ladywalkers got prices
Nupajsat (next to Pia) had
walked more km than everybody else in the spring at
the Ladywalkers and got a
fine price for the activement. We could call her the
queen of walking, says Anni
with a smile. There was a
small ceromoni at Ræhr
School where Lars, handed
over the prizes.
Nupajsat (ved siden af Pia)
gik flere km end nogen andre blandt ”Ladywalkers” og
det fik hun under en lille ceremoni på Ræhr skole overrakt en præmie for.
At skralde
I de fleste ikke-europæiske
lande er der ikke regler for at
skralde, dvs. at smides mad,
ting eller lignede i en affaldscontainer er det tilladt at tage
I Danmark er reglerne så man
kun må tage fra en container,
såfremt den står på offentlig
vej, ikke er aflåst og hvis der
ikke er sat et skilt op med
”adgang forbudt” eller lignede.
Beboerne på asylcenteret er
gjort opmærksomme på disse
regler efter henvendelse fra en
af byens butikker.
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
Do not take garbage
I Denmark you may not take
food (or things) fra wastedumpers without direct permission. So you have to ask in the
store before you take
anything. If you do so, you will
get af fine.
Hanstholm Center News
The Kindergarten
In Regnbuen (The Rainbow) they often use the nature. The fresh air is good for young (and
old) minds, says the staff. They run around playing and have fun.
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdi sæt
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
Hver onsdag og fredag tager Hanstholm
ladies ud på en ladywalk i naturen.
Vi hygger, snakker og sveder en smule fortæller Anna og Iben.
Det er onsdag kl. 14.30 og fredag kl. 11, og
du er velkommen, hvis du er en lady,
smiler Iben.
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
Hanstholm Center News
Every Wednesday and Friday the Hanstholm ladies go out for a
ladywalk. We have fun, talk and even sweat a bit, says Anne and
It is every Wednesday at 14.30 o’clock and Friday 11 o’clock. You
are welcome - if you are a lady, that is, Iben smiles.
Har du en god ide?
De frivillige søger ideer til spændende, sjove
eller hyggelige aktiviteter.
Kontakt Pia Keller eller
Brian Duborg, frivilligkoordinatorer
”Vi skaber et trygt og
godt center gennem
beboeransvar, klare
rammer og tydelig
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
If you like rats, mice
and German Cockroaches it is a good
idea not to clear the
garbage. Just throw the
garbage next to the can
and soon you will se
rats and bugs.
If you cant walk on the
floor barefooted it’s
about time to clean it.
Unless you like that
sticky feeling....
When everything is
blurry and you can’t
see the sun through
the window, its about
time to wash the windows. Unless you hate
When the panels are
grey, its about time to
wash them. They
should be white.
But if you like grey......
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
Hanstholm Center News
Unless you see bugs as pets, small animals moving around is
not a good sign in a kitchen. And you don't have to feed bugs
in your kitchen.
After The Big Cleaning the floor was clean enough to eat
from. But you dont have to…..
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
Affald i naturen
Den 29. april var der landsindsamling for naturfredningsstyrelsen. Der skulle ikke indsamles penge, men derimod affald.
Skoleelever var ude overalt i
landet og Ræhr Asylskole deltog også.
pe og såmænd også en bilradio.
Dagens arbejde foregik i højt
humør og var ledsaget af strålende solskin og med en temperatur på den rigtige side af
20 grader.
Omkring 60 asylansøgere var
ude og samle skrald, de tog
hovedvejen fra Ræhr til Hanstholm, gik gennem Ræhr og tog
vejen ud til Børnehaven Regnbuen.
Vejret var i den grad med os, da vi
samlede skrald. Og der blev også
taget tid til at hilse på hestene.
Omkring 15-20 sække med affald blev det til, plus et par flamingokasser, et gammelt tæp-
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
Foto s. 8-11: Anni, Kim
Hanstholm Center News
Once a month we have the BIG house cleaning.
You get a signature for being af part of this exciting part of
Hanstholm Asylcenter.
Ca. en gang om måneden har vi den store rengøringsdag. Du modtager lommepenge for at deltage i denne spændende del af Hanstholm Asylcenters liv.
All are helping each other to make
the camp a better place.
On this day:
Jobcenter is closed
Clinic is closed
E.W.O*. is closed
School is closed
Alle offices are closed!
Excuses not to be a part of this:
- You have an official appointment
outside the camp.
- You are (almost) dead
* Extern Workexperience Office
We start at 9 o’clock
Alle hjælper til med at gøre vores center til et rart og rent sted at
være, derfor er det meste lukket denne dag.
Skolen er lukket. Alle kontorer er lukket. Jobcenter og klinikken er
lukket. Extern Workexperience Office (E.W.O.) er lukket. Hvis du
ikke deltager er det fordi: Du har en officiel aftale i byen eller du er
(næsten) død.
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
Garbage in nature
On 29 April the Asylum School
was a part of the national collection for Nature Conservation Agency. We shouldn’t collect money but waste. The
days work went on in high
spirit and was accompanied by
brilliant sunshine and temperatures on the good side of
20 degrees.
Schools were out throughout
the country and Hanstholm
Asylum School also participated a long with 31.000 others of all ages around the
About 60 asylum seekers were
out collecting garbage, they
took the main road from Ræhr
to Hanstholm, went through
Ræhr and visited the kindergarten “Regnbuen” (“The Rainbow”).
15-20 bags of waste
They collected around 15-20
bags, plus a few Styrofoam
boxes, an old blanket and even
a car radio.
More then 1300 saw this on
Facebook in 24 hours.
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
Hanstholm Center News
Nedbrydnings-tiden er den tid
det tager for en ting at forsvinde i naturen. Nogle ting forsvinder næsten med det samme. Andre ting kan ligge i mange hundrede år.
Når affald smides i naturen,
begynder det at forsvinde. Noget tager kun få uger at forsvinde. Andre ting tager mere
end 1.000 år.
og andre insekter hurtigt
begynder at
spise af affaldet.
Døde dyr og hundelorte nedbrydes hurtigt. Det er fordi
bakterier, fluer, larver, myrer
Bakterier og
insekter spiser
ikke glas og
metal og sådan noget. Det
kan derfor ligge mange år i naturen. Ingen ved rigtig hvor
længe cykler og flasker kan lig-
ge i naturen. Vi har ikke haft
cykler og flasker i mere end
150 år og i gamle dage var tingene for dyre til, at man bare
smed dem i naturen.
I 2008 var mere end 31.000
børn og voksne med til at fjerne næsten 200.000 kilo affald
fra naturen i Danmark.
Bragt med tilladelse
Nedbrydningstid på:
Døde dyr, madrester og lign: 2 uger
Mælkekartoner – 2 år
Ispapir – 2 år
Cigaret-skodder – 4 år
Tøj – 5 år
Møbler – 13 år
Kapsler – ca. 100 år
Plastikposer – 400 år
Plastikflasker – 500 år
Dåser – 500 år
Cykler – mere end 1.000 år
Flasker og glas – 4.000-1.000.000 år
Mobiltelefoner: mindst 1000 år
Batterier: mindst 1000 år
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
Can you forgive?
A woman tells her story
of rape and mutilation
for CENTER NEWS. Of respect for her, we have
kept her anonymous.
Sexual attacks on
women were key parts
of the Rwandan genocide. The barbarity of
the attacks are shocking.
Written by N.Milad Mahmudi
A 28 years old woman, Mari
(not her real name), had been
married for a month when the
militia came to her house on
April 1994.
People had warned them that
the militia were coming, so her
husband had left her and escaped from the house.
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
About 7 militia came into the
house shouting. They dragged
her outside the house, and
started asking her where her
husband was.
When she refused to answer,
they began to beat her on the
legs with a rubber sticks, as
she said: “It feels like cutting a
piece of meat from my legs
every stick”.
She is saying with tears in her
eyes. “The first of them raped
me. And after he said, you are
lucky your God is still with you
because we don't want to kill
you, now the Hutu have won.
You Tutsi, we are going to exterminate you. You won't own
When he was finished, he took
me inside and put me on a
bed. By holding on one of my
legs he called the others, then
they raped me one by one.
After that one of them started
shouting: Everyone who comes
past here will see how Tutsikazi look.
Then he came back inside and
beat me again. Up to today, my
legs are swollen.
I crawled out of the house
bleeding. There was blood everywhere. A Hutu neighbor took
me and put traditional medicine on me.
Then when I got well I escaped
my country, now I am saved
here. I got a child 9 months
after I escaped.
Whenever I see my child I remember that time and I am
losing all my power. I always
Hanstholm Center News
genocide, matters have only
gotten worse.
Many women choose not to
abort the children resulting
from rape (an estimated 2000
to 5000 have given birth to
these children, according to
medical authorities). These
children, often referred to as
“unwanted children,” or
“children of the
try to love her and give a
mom's love. But it is hard because every second i spend
with her I fell so guilty - even
though I have done nothing
wrong. Today I even hate men.
It is not only me who got punished like this. Thousands of
women are living their life like
me back in Rawanda.
How can i forgive? Everyone is
saying to forget and forgive.
How can I forgive? None of
those men have been punished.
I can only say that nothing is
more hard than to want to
love your child and you can't.
According to Human Rights
Watch, the status of women in
Rwanda has never been good.
However, after the genocide
of 1994, the situation only became worse.
As of September 1996,
women were estimated to
make up 70% of the
What is Tutsi and Hutu
Rwandan populaThe origins of the Tutsi and Hutu peoples
is a major issue in the history of Burundi
and Rwanda, as well as the greater Great
Lakesregion of Africa. While the Hutu are
generally recognized as the ethnic majority of Rwanda, in racialist ideology the
Tutsi were identified as a foreign race, as
opposed to an indigenous minority. The
relationship between the two is thus, in
many ways, derived from the perceived
origins and claim to "Rwandan-ness". The
largest conflicts related to this question
were the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, the
1972 Burundian Genocide, and the First
and Second Congo Wars.
Source: Wikipedia
Rebuilding Rwanda
therefore requires
empowering and
enabling Rwandan
women. However,
this is a daunting
challenge. Women
in Rwanda faced significant discrimination and health
problems before the
genocide. Since the
According to BBC reports during the 100 days of genocide
in Rwanda, 800 to one million
people, mostly ethnic of Tutsis
have been killed.
From my point of view
The sexual violence that took
place during the genocide
should be fully investigated
and where possible, prosecuted and punished.
The Ministry of Justice should
ensure that all police inspectors receive mandatory training on the issue of rape and
other sexual abuse, including
their status as crimes punishable by law, and the International Tribunal must fully and
fairly investigate and prosecute sexual violence. Rape,
sexual slavery and sexual mutilation should be recognized
and prosecuted, where appropriate, as crimes against humanity, genocide crimes, or
war crimes.
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
Relevant information for beboerne i Hanstholm Asylcenter
Clinic/klinik Opening Hours
Åben: mandag - fredag 09.00 - 11.30
Open: Monday - Friday 09.00 - 11.30
IT Support - Brian Duborg (Kontoret ved fitness - The office by the fitness studio)
Opening hours:
Mandag, onsdag: 12.30 – 15.00
Monday, Wednesday 12.30 - 15.00
This is a free service, but you may have to pay for spare parts. Gratis IT support, du skal kun betale for reservedelene.
If your own private computer, laptop etc. needs a check-up, this is the place to bring it. (Not for your room computer.)
Hvis din egen private computer, laptop osv. har brug for et check-up, bring den her. (Ikke for din værelsescomputer.)
Extern Work-experience Office
Open Tuesday 10 - 12 & 12.30 - 14.00
(Office beside Fittness studio)
Opening Hours / Åbningstider
Alle hverdage: 9.00 - 12.00
Get a practik outside the camp, talk to Brian
School: Lesson Plans / Skole, skoleskema
Nye elever: skoleinspektør Anders Brolev modtager alle nye elever på sit kontor i Ræhr.
New students: Headmaster Anders Brolev receives all new students in his office in Ræhr.
Alle ændringer af dit skema: Kontakt Anders/ Change of lesson plan? Contact Anders
Open: Tuesday 8.30 - 9.00 & 11-12
Åben: Tirsdag 8.30—9.00 & 11-12
Take the bus to Ræhr at 8.40 (Hanstholm), 8.20 (Vigsø) and talk to me.
Lommepenge / Pocket Money Payout
Lommepenge: Torsdag i lige uger. Se vores hjemmeside for at se om der er ændringer. Du skal have en underskrift efter hver
time/periode af din lærer eller din praktik ansvarlige. Hvis du ikke mener du får det beløb, du burde få, kan du klage over det.
Pocket money payout takes place on Thursdays in even weeks. Look at our website to see any
You must have a signature from your teacher after every class you join, and from the praktik
responsible, if you are working in a praktik, .
If you think you are not getting the amount of money you should have, you can complain at the:
Lommepenge klagekontoret / Pocket Money Complaints Office
Åbningstid/Opening Hours: onsdag kl. 13.00 / Wednesday 13.00
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
Hanstholm Center News
Info Pages
Relevant info for inhabitants at Hanstholm Asylcenter
Bicycle Workshop
Vi reparerer og sælger cykler
We repair and sell bicycles.
Åbningstider/Opening Hours:
Responsible: Bjarne
Second Hand Shop
Fitness studio
Alle hverdage: 9 - 22
Åben : Mandag, onsdag, fredag 14.00-14.45
Open: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 14.00-14.45
All week days: 9 - 22
More info: Inga
Mandag - onsdag - fredag:
10 - 12
Monday - Wednesday - Friday: 10 - 12
Alle nye beboere skal henvende sig her for at få en kontrakt samt
praktik. All new residents must visit the jobcenter to get a contract and praktik.
Det Kreative Værksted
Åben: 10 - 15 - onsdag lukket
Mandag til fredag 9.00 - 18.00
Open: 10 - 15 - Wednesday closed
 Mulighed for reparation af eget tøj
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 9.00 - 18.00
 Indlevering af tøj til reparation
 Mulighed for at lave egne produkter.
Responsible: Brian Duborg
You can repair your own clothes, get your clothes repaired for
a small amount or make your own products.
Ansvarlig/responsible: Mary-Ann
Lektiecafe - voksne
Every Wednesday 15 - 16.30
Børnehave / Kindergarten
Fyrvej 60
Hver onsdag 15 - 16.30
Mandag til fredag: 9.00-15.00
In room B at the center
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday: 9.00-15.00
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
Workers International Day
First of May was chosen
as the date for International Workers' Day by
the Socialists and Communists of the Second
International to commemorate the Haymarket affair in Chicago that
occurred on 4th May,
Written by N.Milad Mahmudi
Some countries celebrate a Labor Day on other dates significant to them, such as the
United States which celebrates
Labor Day on the first Monday
of September.
In many countries a traditional
European spring celebration
and public holiday, May Day,
also occurs on or around first
May. Therefore, while first May
is a national public holiday in
many countries, in only some
of those countries is it celebrated specifically as "Labor
Day" or "International Workers' Day".
In many countries people demonstrate for their rights, but
unfortunately they are being
punished by police in many
This year in turkey police used
tear gas and water cannon to
prevent demonstrators defying
a ban on protests.
Elsewhere number of people
are reported to have been
beaten by security forces in
Cambodia, as they were trying
to break up an opposition
march in the capital Phnom
More than 100,000 Russians
have taken part in a parade in
Moscow's Red Square, reviving
a tradition last seen before the
collapse of the Soviet Union in
According to ( ILO ) International Labor Organization the
growing pace of economic
globalization has created more
migrant workers than ever before. Unemployment and increasing poverty have
prompted many workers in developing countries to seek
work elsewhere, while developed countries have increased
their demand for labor, especially unskilled labor.
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
Hanstholm Center News
As a result, millions of workers
and their families travel to foreign countries to find work. At
present there are approximately 175 million migrants
around the world, roughly half
of them workers.
Women make up almost half
of migrants. Migrant workers
contribute to the economies of
their host countries, and the
remittances they send home
help to boost the economies
of their countries of origin.
Yet at the same time migrant
workers often enjoy little social protection and are vulnerable to exploitation and human trafficking. Skilled migrant
workers are less vulnerable to
exploitation, but their departure has deprived some developing countries of valuable la-
bor needed for their own
International Workers' Day,
also known as Labor Day or
May Day, is a celebration of
laborers and the working
classes that is promoted by the
international labor movement
and occurs every year on first
In many countries workers are
working with their hands without machines and safety, and
because of this death or disability.
But in Denmark In Copenhagen unions, organizations, politicians, the political oriented
and everybody else go to
Fælledparken in Østerbro to
celebrate International
Worker's Day on first May.
Thomas Andersen who was in
Copenhagen to celebrate first
May of this year said for
“Workers' Day is celebrated
with political speeches, concerts and lots of red flags at
Fælledparken in Østerbro, Copenhagen. 50.000 people usually shows up there.
Even though you might not be
interested in politics - or understand the Danish speeches
there is still a lot going on. The
day starts at noon and ends at
18:00. Besides political
speeches there will be concerts, organic food, and entertainment for the family all
through the day. “
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
Økologisk dag
Af Evan, Rita og Anna
Foto: Anna
Det var en blæsende og hyggelig solskinsdag.
Vi var meget velkomne hos Arne Kaspersen i
Frøstrup. Der var ca. 2000 mennesker - store
og små. Forældre med børn, bedsteforældre
med børnebørn. En rigtig familieudflugt til
Der var mulighed for smagsprøver af økologiske produkter. Mulighed for en ponyridetur,
bage pandekager over bål, se staldene og røre
ved køerne og deres kalve.
Kl. 12 var det tid til at se køernes danseglæde,
hvor ca. 200 køer blev sluppet løs.
En hyggelig dag som tåler gentagelse.
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
Hanstholm Center News
Organic day
Written by Evan, Rita and Anna
Photo: Anna
It was a windy and nice sunny day.
We were very welcome at Arne Kaspersen in Frøstrup. There were approx 2,000 people - young and
old. Parents with children, grandparents with grandchildren. A real family trip.
There were samples of organic products, chance of a
pony ride, bake pancakes over fire, see the stables
and touch the cows and their calves.
At 12 o’clock it was time to see the cows ”dancing”
with joy, where approx. 200 cows were unleashed.
A pleasant day witch we would like to repeat.
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
Store legedag 15. april i Hanstholm
Tirsdag i påskeugen havde
vi frivillige arrangeret en legedag for alle asylbørn fra
Hanstholm og Vigsø. Også
børnehaven fandt vej til
Af Anne Marie Vogt, frivillig
Alle religioners vejrguder var
bedt om godt vejr, og det lykkedes, – solen skinnede og jakken kom af.
Vi havde bestilt et par hoppepuder, og der blev hoppet løs.
Allerede da lastbilen kom kørende med puderne, kom Saleh stormende og hjalp til. De
næste fem timer hoppede,
hoppede og hoppede både
han og en masse andre børn,
og efterhånden var der fyldt
godt op.
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
Hanstholm Center News
Når de yngre holdt pause fra
hoppepuderne, fandt de kridt
frem og tegnede løs på fliserne. Også nogle af mødrene kastede sig ud i kunstneriske tegninger.
uden mere energi til at hoppe.
4-5 af de store piger lavede
toast og vafler med syltetøj til
uddeling blandt børnene, og
der blev lavet masser af saftevand til de tørstige børn.
Det var sjovt for os frivillige
at lave sådan et arrangement, hvor ungerne grinede
og havde en god dag.
Ingen kom alvorligt til skade,
dog render Saleh stadig
rundt med en indbunden
fod, så han slap ikke helt for
Do you know?
In june and july you can see
”lightning clouds”.
It is clouds from the Mesosphere,
80 km above which light up in the
night sky. If you are awake, you
should take a look. It is a impressive site.
Ved 15.30 tiden sad de udmattede unger og lod sig gynge
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
Homework Cafe to adults
Wednesday 15 - 16.30
Room B in The Center
We can offer you:
Help to your homework
 Help to read Danish
 Help to understand Danish and how to talk Danish
With kind regards
Lisbeth, Gladys and Eli
Åbent hus
Lørdag 21. juni 2014
Kl. 11 - 15
Alle er velkomne
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
Hanstholm Center News
Students agree:
Metalwork is fun!
Hver onsdag tager Brian Granat op til 8 elever med til Thisted og arbejder med metal.
De besøger også forskellige virksomheder,
når det er muligt.
Indtil videre har de fremstillet bl.a. fuglekugleholdere, som blev solgt i stort antal
hen over vinteren. De har også arbejdet
med udendørs køkkener og andre ting.
Brian fortæller at hvis man vil være på smedeholdet skal
man først og fremmest være motiveret. Hvis man har lyst til
at arbejde med metal, så kan det være en meget spændende
dag. Hvis du vil være med på holdet, skal du tale med Brian
Granat, som du finder på Ræhr Asylskole.
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
By Milad Mahmudi
Afghanistan's presidential
elections gone to second
Afghanistan's election commission announced preliminary
results of the presidential election, that non of candidates
According to the law, the candidate has to get more than 50%
of the votes. Dr. Abdullah Abdullah got 44,9% and Dr.Ashraf
ghani Ahmadzai got 31,5%
The next round is on the 7 of
Afghanistan's election commission said that in this election
the total participants elections
6.898.161 people, 64% men.
563 election sites were close
on the election day because of
security problems.
And also in the election day
there were not enough papers
that people can vote, so many
of those people who were
waiting from a long time having hope to vote for their country future on that rainy day,
even all people have been
threatened from taliban, gone
back to their homes with out
voting .
The Independent Electoral
Complaints Commission (IECC)
said fot the media that they
have received 121 complaints
A Canadian soldier shakeing hands with a local boy when on a patrol with Afghanistan soldiers.
Soruce: - used with permission
Hanstholm Asylcenters værdisæt:
Hanstholm Center News
from presidential candidates,
including eight about the invalidated votes of 525 voting
Nigerian girls' abducted.
Police in Nigeria have appealed to parents of more
than 200 abducted schoolgirls
to come forward with photographs of their daughters.
The girls were taken from
their school in Borno state by
suspected Islamist militants
more than two weeks ago.
Borno state's police chief told
for media that the authorities
needed to confirm exactly
who was missing as the school
records had been burned in
the attack.
He said it was now thought
that 223 girls were still missing.
language, has staged a wave
of attacks in northern Nigeria
in recent years, with an estimated 1,500 killed in the violence and subsequent security
crackdown this year alone.
The Islamist group Boko
Haram has not made any response to the accusation that
its fighters abducted the girls
from the school in Chibok
town in the middle of the
night on 14 April 2014.
A social media campaign using
the tag (bring back our girls) is
trending in Nigeria
The group, whose name
means "Western education is
forbidden" in the local Hausa
On Wednesday, female protesters delivered letters to
parliament calling for action
Earlier this week, a community leader in Chibok said that
230 girls were missing - a significantly higher figure than
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
officials had been quoting and 43 had escaped.
This week protests have been
held across Nigeria, calling on
the government to do more to
help secure their release.
what nigerian people say is
Nobody is saying [President
Jonathan] should grab a gun
and go into Sambisa forest. All
we are asking him is to show
Why does India's election
take so long?
The election currently taking
place is the longest in India's
As India heads towards the
eighth phase of its marathon
general election on Wednes-
Vi modtager med
day, many are asking whether
the world's largest democracy
deserves such a protracted
voting exercise.
For those not up to speed, India's 16th general election for
its 543 parliamentary seats is
currently being held in nine
phases from 7 April to 12 May
- at 36 days, it is the longest in
the country's history.
The five-phase 2009 vote took
about a month - this time
there are almost double the
stages but the process will not
take that much longer. The
GLÆDE brugte strengeinstrumenter
Afleveres i reception på Hanstholm Asylcenter
Kontaktperson: Amol
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higher number of phases is
explained mainly by polling in
18 seats in smaller northeastern states being staggered
across three voting days because of "administrative reasons".
This is "an election without
end" laments political analyst
Jawid Laiq. India's drawn-out
election, he argues, leads to
several unintended consequences: campaigns become
bitter and acrimonious and
development work is on hold
because of a model code of
conduct for candidates and
political parties. If vast and
populous countries like Indonesia and Brazil can complete
their elections in a single day,
he asks, why can't India with
its formidable election machinery?
It wasn't always like this. India's historic first election in
1951-52 took three months to
complete. Between 1962 and
1989, general elections were
completed in between four
and 10 days. The four-day
elections in 1980 were the
country's shortest ever.
But most of these polls were
marked by violence and were
hardly freeand fair. Scores of
people lost their lives in
clashes - and ballot stuffing
and intimidation of voters was
common. The local police
failed to keep order and were
often accused of taking sides
under pressure from ruling
Russia holds war parades
amid crisis.
Russia has held an expanded
Victory Day parade in Moscow, amid a surge of patriotism over Crimea's annexation.
The military is parading more
hardware than usual and the
display, which marks the So-
viet victory in World War Two,
had a longer running time.
German Chancellor Angela
Merkel said it would be a
"pity" if Mr Putin were to
"use" the commemorations to
visit Crimea.
Mr Putin did not mention
Ukraine in his speech, telling
the crowd that the "iron will
of the Soviet people" had
saved Europe from slavery.
"It is a holiday when an overwhelming force of patriotism
triumphs, when all of us feel
particularly acutely what it
means to be loyal to the
Motherland and how important it is to defend its interests," Mr.putine said in his
The parade in Moscow traditionally features a display of
military hardware and a show
of patriotic fervour on Red
”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
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”Vi skaber et trygt og godt center gennem beboeransvar, klare rammer og tydelig kommunikation”
Hanstholm Center News
Kontakt Hanstholm Asylcenters frivilligkoordinatorer:
Brian: bdu@thisted eller Pia:
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