1|Page PARISH STAFF: Fr. Gregory Hart, Pastor Dc. Dan Daily, Deacon Pamela Castillow, Bookkeeper / Office Manager Shannon Stowe, Business Manager / D.R.E. Chris Teague, Catholic Youth (CY) Director frgreghart@att.net dcdaily@att.net stjoetontitown1@att.net stjoetontitownad@att.net stjoetontitowncy@att.net PARISH FACILITIES: Parish Hall Phone: Rectory Phone: SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION All Sacraments require a call or visit to the parish office for more information. Below are some notes for your benefit: Baptism: Parents and Godparents are required to participate in a preparation process before Baptism of Children. Registration is required. If possible, it is recommended that all requirements be completed BEFORE the child’s birth. Sick Calls: Please call the parish rish office if you or an immediate relative would like to receive the Eucharist or Anointing at home or in the hospital. Confirmation: Requires a MINIMUM of two years participation in Parish Religious Education and the candidate must be 14 years old. Contact tact Shannon Stowe at 479.361.2612. Convalidations: This is the term for marriages getting “blessed” in the church. Most rules for “Weddings” apply for Convalidations. Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesday 8:00am through Midnight Friday in the Chapel. First Communion: Requires a MINIMUM of two years participation in Parish Religious Education. Candidates must be at least 7 years old. Contact Shannon Stowe at 479.361.2612. Funerals: Please call the office immediately to start preparation. Marriage Cases/Annulments: If you’ve divorced and are planning to re-marry, have already re-married, married, or are marrying / married to someone with that situation even if it was prior to being Catholic: Contact Pamela Castillow at 361-2612. Reconciliation: ½ hour before all weekend ekend Masses or by Appointment. RCIA Classes: (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Pat Buhr 479-524-8921 or 479-466-7776. 7776. RCIA is for those who are interested in becoming Catholic or those who may not have completed the sacraments of First Communion or Confirmation. Weddings: A minimum of 6 months is required for marriage preparation. No outdoor weddings are permitted. 479.361.2211 479.717.2047 IMPORTANT PARISH CONTACTS: Altar Servers: (Saturday): (Sunday): Chris Teague Mike Della Rosa 479.544.2100 479.790.2246 Bereavement Dinners: Norma Deines 479.751.1425 Bulletin: Shannon Stowe stjoetontitownad@att.net Cemetery: Mike Zulpo 479.361.2357 Choir: (Sunday): Marty Taldo 479.361.2459 Church Decor: Margie Ceola Jettie Franco 479.361.2560 479.361.2423 Catholic Youth (CY): (Sixth through ugh Twelfth Grade): Chris Teague 479.361.2612 479.544.2100 Eucharistic Ministers: Leonard Pianalto 479.361.2633 Gift Bearers: Shannon Stowe 479.361.2612 Misty Piazza Misty Piazza & Christine Terry Ryan Pianalto & Shirley Lott Mary Frances Sulzen 479.466.3994 Gift Shop: Saturday: Sunday (Eng): Sunday (Lat): Grape Festival: (Chairman) (Co-Chair) “The Hut” Grapevine (e-mail news): Ryan Pianalto Clint Penzo Shannon Stowe 479.287. 9384 479.466.6681 479.361.2615 stjoetontitownad@att.net Knights of Columbus: Ryan Pianalto 479.287.9384 Lectors: Patricia Gross 479.521.0123 Parish Council: Ryan Pianalto 479.287.9384 Parish Religious Education (P.R.E.) Shannon Stowe 479.361.2612. If you are new to our parish, we welcome you and invite you to become a member. Registration forms are on the Parish Website (www.stjoetontitown.org) or in the Parish Office. Please complete one for each family member and drop it into the collection basket. Please also call the office if any of your family information has changed (name, phone, address, etc.) so that we can make the changes in our information. We are always in need of more help in our various parish ministries please call the parish office or the person in charge of any ministries you are interested in. We would love to have you! 2|Page SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2014 PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL IN NEED THROUGH Rob Beyer Rose Carender Rhonda Ceola Sheryl Clark Raidell Collins Kay Corso Michael Daily Barbara Doyle Bailey Finn Rebecca Finn Richard Finn Angela Friend Paula Gallagher Angela Harcus Chris & Cindy Hart Family Alma Hartman Mikayla Hritz Rose Huff Jay Hughes Joe Kammerer Charles Lichti Mary Lipinski Msgr. James Mancini Patricia Mansell Fr. Jon McDougal Thomas McFadden Amber Miller Rex Muhlenkamp Julie Neil Deloris Peacy Peggy Penzo Claudine Pianalto Elsie Mae Pianalto Esther Pianalto Lena Pianalto Leonard Pianalto Duane Piazza Travis Placek Rick Russell Peggy Sanders Paul Siedsma Bill St. Mary Cathyrn Staggs Shea Woodmore Diana Wright Please call or e-mail (stjoetontitownad@att.net ) the Parish Office and let us know if your loved one is still in need of prayer. HOLY FATHER'S INTENTIONS FOR OCTOBER Peace. That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most battered by war and violence. World Mission Day. That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world. COLLECTIONS: Regular Collection Children's Collection Catechetical Sunday Building Fund Building Fund $4,785.44 $16.00 $70.00 $170.00 $130.00 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2014 MASS INTENTIONS & SCHEDULE 3:40 pm: The Holy Rosary 4:00 pm: +Mabel Aaron Sun. Oct 12 8:30 am: The Holy Rosary 9:00 am: +Thema Areneaux Breaux Sun. Oct 12 (Latin) 11:00 am: The Holy Rosary 11:30 am: All Parishioners Mon. Oct 13 No Mass: No Mass Tue. Oct 14 5:15 pm: Liturgy of the Hours 5:30 pm: +Lynda Cross Wed. Oct 15 7:15 am: Liturgy of the Hours 7:30 am: +Beatrice Mussino Thur. Oct 16 7:15 am: Liturgy of the Hours 7:30 am: +James, Rosie & Carolyn Finn Fri. Oct 17 7:15 am: Liturgy of the Hours 7:30 am: +Beanie Zulpo Fri. Oct 17 5:15 pm: Liturgy of the Hours 5:30 pm: Fr. Hart's Benefactors Sat. Oct 18 3:40 pm: The Holy Rosary 4:00 pm: +Denise Pellin Sun. Oct 19 8:30 am: The Holy Rosary 9:00 am: All Parishioners Sun. Oct 19 (Latin) 11:00 am: The Holy Rosary 11:30 am: SI: Mary Rash Sat. Oct 11 WHAT’S GOING ON AT ST. JOSEPH’S Parish Council Nominations this weekend and next! Please prayerfully consider who you would like to represent you on the Parish Council for the next three years. Forms are at the entry doors. Nominations close on Monday, October 20 at Noon. Child Care during 9:00am Mass in the Education Center: For children between 1 and 4 years old. Parents are required to register, volunteer in the nursery and bring diapers and wipes (if the children are still in diapers). Volunteers need VIRTUS training, if they haven't had it already. Bring your children to the Parish Education Center between 8:45 and 9:00 and pick up will be immediately after Mass. Virtus: Protecting God's Children for Adults: The goal of Virtus is to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults through prevention. All adults (18+) who work in ministries with children or in some way in the Mass (Choir, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, etc) are required to attend a class, complete the forms and keep up with continuing education bulletins. We are offering two Virtus classes: Thursday, October 23, 2014 6:00 PM Monday, October 27, 2014 12:00 PM The class lasts about 3 hours. Please visit www.virtus.org to register or if you don't have a computer, call the parish office. Guest Speaker: Dr. John Cuddeback will be visiting our parish on October 18 & 19. He received a Ph.D. in Philosophy from The Catholic University of America in 1997. He writes and lectures on various topics including virtue, culture, natural law, contemplation, and friendship. His book, True Friendship: Where Virtue Becomes Happiness, was republished in 2010. A Third Order lay Dominican, he currently teaches in the Philosophy department at Christendom College. Listed below are the topics of his talks: Saturday, October 18 Potluck Dinner 5:15 pm Saturday, October 18 Spiritual Warfare 6:15 pm Saturday, October 18 Break 7:00 pm Saturday, October 18 Spiritual Warfare part II 7:15 pm Sunday, October 19 Liturgy Prayer & Sacred Music 10:15 am with Coffee and Donuts Sunday, October 19 Potluck 1:00 pm Sunday, October 19 Cultivating Live through Friendship & Personal Presence 1:45 pm St. Joseph's Fellowship of Converts: Thank you to all who attended our first meeting! Our next meeting will be next Sunday, October 19th at 6:00 PM in the Parish Education Center. Contact lindamarielee1962@yahoo.com for more information. 3|Page Communal Anointing of the Sick will be offered after the weekend Masses, October 25th & 26th.. Those about to undergo surgery, with long-term term illness, etc. are especially invited to attend. RCIA Anyone wanting to join the Catholic Church is welcome on Thursdays at 6:30 PM in the Parish Education Center Adult Education Room. This class is also open to all Catholics who want to learn more about their faith. Altar Server Training: All young men and women that have received 1st Holy Communion, who are interested in becoming Altar Servers rs on Saturday nights or if you are already a Saturday night Altar Server who would like to come help train and practice we will be meeting on the following dates: Oct 11: 5:15pm - 6:15pm Oct 25 5:15pm - 6:15pm Nov. 8 5:15pm - 6:15pm Bible Study: Continues on Tuesday nights from 6:30 6:30pm to 8:30pm with a short intermission and snack. Our first study will be Jeff Cavins "A Quick ick Journey Through the Bible. The second study will pick on on November 11th with "A Biblical Walk Through the Mass" by Edward Sri. "Teaching The Way of Love Series" is our Catholic parenting program on Wednesday nights from 6:15pm to 7:30 pm here at St. Joseph's. This three part program will equip parents with children of all ages, not only to be the primary catechist of their children but also teaches them practical parenting skills such as conflict resolution, behavioral expectations, and authoritative parenting. ng. Helping the parent guide their child from childhood in to adult hood. For more information Contact Chris Teague. All Soul's Remembrance Altars: In remembrance of St. Joseph's deceased parishioners and our relatives and friends, parishioners are invited to bring a photo of their deceased loved one(s) and place them on the tables in front of the Statues of Blessed Virgin Mary or St. Joseph. Be sure to put your name and phone number on the reverse side of the photos. The photos may remain on these al altars through Sunday, November 16th. After this date, please come and retrieve your photos. All Soul's Day Envelopes: One of the greatest spiritual works of mercy is to pray for the dead. Throughout the month of November, it is customary for Catholics to o visit the graves of deceased loved ones and especially to offer Masses for the repose of their souls. Please use the special All Soul's Day envelopes in your monthly stewardship packets to list the names of your family, relatives, friends who have died. Place the envelopes in the collection basket and they will be collected lected and placed on the altar. Stipends are not necessary but are deeply appreciated. A novena ena of Masses for the Holy Souls of Purgatory will be offered in November 2. Join us in this wonderful nderful work of mercy! If we remember the faithful departed in prayer, we in turn will be remembered in prayer after we die. All Saints' Day: Saturday,, November 1 is the Feast of All Saints.. Since the Feast falls on a Saturday, the US Bishops have granted a dispensation from the obligation. We will celebrate the feast day at: Friday, October 31 5:30 pm in English Saturday, November 1 8:00 am in Latin All Soul's Day: Sunday, y, November 2 is the Feast of All Souls. Please come and pray for your deceased decea family and relatives at one of the following Masses: Sunday, November 2 9:0 00 am in English (in church) Sunday, November 2 11:30 am in Latin (in church) Sunday, November 2 3:00 pm in English with blessing of the graves at St. Joseph's Cemetery if weather permits,, if rain, meet at the Church. CATHOLIC YOUTH (CY) Join in Adoration! All CY members and their families (as well as anyone else who wants to) are invited to join in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM every Wednesday in the Chapel of the Church! 10/12 3pm - 7pm Jr. and Sr. CY Youth Night 10/26 Hay Ride and all Saints Day costume contest. 11/9 Jr. CY Spectacular in Little Rock KNIGHTLY NEWS Our Next Meeting – Monday, October 13th 1 at 6:30 pm. at the KOC hall with food and beverages being served after the meeting. For info or if you have any suggestions, please contact Ryan Pianalto at 479.287..9384. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Welcome all new adorers!! Midnight to 6am 6am to Noon Laura Leto Denise Kidd 479-442-0643 / 479-409-6467 479-306-4244 479 / 479-439-2047 Noon to 6pm 6pm to Midnight Shirley Hoke Judy Ranalli 479-521-7869 / 479-530-4577 479-361-2086 479 / 479-957-0825 The chapel is open for those who want to Adore the Lord from Tuesday at 8:00 am to Friday at Midnight. Please know that you can still sign up for any hour convenient for you. The Lord loves many Adorers. Adorers are welcomed for any hour. Two Adorers per hour is especially encouraged! If you cannot attend your Holy Hour, please ask a family member, friend or another adorer to substitute for you. If none are available, then contact your division leader. ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM OTHER AREA CATHOLIC INSTITUTIONS & PARISHES NWA INDEPENDENT CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL A group of Catholic parents in Northwest Arkansas is moving forward with efforts to start an independent Catholic high school in our community. The school will be Catholic in all respects, centrally located, college preparatory and offer extracurricular and sports offerings customary for Catholic high schools in communities of our size. The school will offer financial assistance for students tudents to attend who are unable to afford to pay tuition. Bishop Taylor has given the Diocese's 4|Page blessing for this group to move forward and investigate the feasibility of a new school, but the high school will not receive financial support from the Diocese or local parishes. We will maintain a positive relationship with local parishes and clergy. Before we move forward, we would like to assess community support for this project both in terms of potential enrollment and fundraising capability. Please complete our brief, nine question survey. The survey may be completed online at www.surveymonkey.com/s/NWACatholicHSSurvey or you may complete a hard copy survey. Copies of the surveys may be found at the entry tables and should be returned to the boxes provided after they are completed. We would like to have all survey responses collected by October 15, 2014. Thank you for your support and continued prayers as we work toward making a Catholic high school a reality for our children! FAMILY FEST Family Fest: Saturday, October 18, 2014. Lots of activities starting at 9:00 AM with a Marian Pilgrimage at Our Lady of the Ozarks 22741 N. Hwy 71 Winslow, AR 72959. At 10:30 there is a Meet & Greet at Honey Locust Grove (Sulzen Home) at 12846 Wallen Mountain Road, West Fork, Arkansas. Other activities include flights on Ms. Pearl at Drake Air Field, a Video Presentation by America Needs Fatima, Treasure Hunts, and Hayride. Family Fest ends at 4:00 PM call Mary Frances Sulzen 479-879-2928 or e-mail sulzenlocustgrove@hotmail.com for details and to RSVP. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE Through November 2, you’re invited to join other Christians for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re also invited to stand and peacefully pray during a 40-day vigil in the public right-of-way outside Planned Parenthood in Fayetteville, and also to help spread the word about this important community outreach. If you’d like more information – and especially if you’d like to volunteer to help, please contact: 40daysnwa@gmail.com. Get Connected! The NWA Frassati Society is an energetic Catholic Young Adults group that yields Spiritual Growth, Social Events, and Service Opportunities! Join us for Theology on Tap, Oct 14th, 7pm at Hog Haus in Fayetteville. Help us volunteer at St. Raphael's Brewtober Chilifest on Saturday, Oct 18th. Our next bible study on the book of Psalms will be starting Oct 20th. Hope to see you there! To learn more, email us at nwafrassati@gmail.com! ITALY PILGRIMAGE Pilgrimage To Italy: Assisi * Siena * Florence * Orvieto * Rome with Fr. Salvador Márquez-Muñoz MARCH 3 - 12, 2015. PRICE: $3845 from XNA per person, based on double occupancy For a single room, add $680. Plus airline taxes and fuel surcharge approximately $135. For more information: TRAVEL TYME - (636) 391-1000 or nationwide 1800-886-2151 ST. SCHOLASTICA - FT. SMITH Jillian Guthrie, LCSW, will give a one-day workshop, “Healers in Balance,” on Monday, October 20. 6 CEU’s are available for people in related professions. Cost is $115. from October 1-14. Cancellations must be received by October 7 and will be charged a $20.00 processing fee. Payment completes registration process. For more information, or to register, call 479.783.1135 or visit http://humanness.stscho.org by October 14. Come & See Weekends: October 17-19, 2014 & November 14-16, 2014. Ever wonder what monastic life is like? These opportunities allows the participants to learn about the Benedictine life, get to know the Sisters, and meet other individuals who are searching too! This experience is of no charge except an open heart to the possibility of a religious vocation! These opportunities are open to young women and men who are between the ages of 18-45! Contact a Vocation Director at: Sister Barbara Bock, OSB St. Scholastica Monastery P.O. Box 3489 Fort Smith, AR 72913 Phone: (479) 783-4147 Email: vocationdirector@stscho.org NWA FRASSATI DIOCESE OF LITTLE ROCK Freelance writer needed: Want a way to earn extra money, use your writing/photography skills and meet new people in your parish? Arkansas Catholic, the weekly diocesan newspaper, is looking for a paid freelance writer to cover news and feature stories in the Fayetteville area. Newspaper reporting and/or photography experience is a plus. Send cover letter and writing samples to Malea Hargett, Editor, Arkansas Catholic, at mhargett@dolr.org or P.O. Box 7417, Little Rock, AR 72217. The deadline is October 17. For more information, call Malea at (501) 664-0125. The Diocese of Little Rock has an opening for an Associate Director in the Office of Faith Formation. The minimum qualifications include: Theology degree or (5) years of Faith Formation experience, strong presentation and communication skills, and the ability to work some weekends and evenings and travel. The diocese offers competitive pay with excellent benefits. To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to: Dennis Lee, Chancellor for Administrative Affairs, Diocese of Little Rock, 2500 North Tyler Street, Little Rock, AR 72207 or email to dlee@dolr.org. Come discover how God’s work in Mary prepares our hearts for God to work in us. “Mary, Finding Favor with God” is an afternoon of reflection that is open to all Catholic adults in the area. Opportunities for prayer and reflective discussion will be time well spent. Saturday, November 8, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. at St. Vincent de Paul Church in Rogers. Free admission. Please e-mail (debis@svdprogers.com) or phone the church office (501-636-4020) to reserve your spot. We want to have plenty of room and plenty of snacks. Sponsored by Little Rock Scripture Study. Boy Scout Religious Medal Campout/Retreat: The Catholic Diocese of Little Rock is offering a retreat weekend campout on Friday, Nov. 7 – Sunday, Nov. 9, 2014 at St. John’s Catholic Center in Little Rock. Registration Fee is $35.00 per 5|Page scout and $20 per adult. Scouts may choose one of the following programs being offered at the campout: Ad Altare Dei religious emblem - The purpose of the Ad Altare Dei (to the altar of God) program is to help Roman Catholic Boy Scouts develop a fully Christian way of life in the faith community. The program is based on the seven Sacraments. Scouts must be Roman Catholic and in the 7th grade or older to begin working on Ad Altare Dei. Pope Pius XII religious emblem – This is the Roman and Eastern Catholic Scouting's vocation and church-related ministries program. The program focuses on vocations (single, married, religious, ordained), occupations and ministries in the church as calls from God. It includes youth-led discussions on current issues facing the church and society. Scouts must be Roman or Eastern Rite Catholic and in the 9th grade or older to begin working on Pope Pius XII. You may find the complete details on the Diocese of Little Rock’s website: http://www.dolr.org/offices/youth/documents/boyscoutretreat_14. pdf SEARCH #135 Retreat: Registrations are now being accepted for Search #135, a retreat to help juniors and seniors in high school get to know themselves better, deepen their friendship with Christ, and find support in living out their faith. Search #135 will be held at St. John Center, Little Rock, December 12 – 14, 2014. The fee is $120.00. For more information and registration forms visit our website at: http://www.dolr.org/offices/youth/documents/search135.pdf. If you have questions you may contact Trish Gentry tgentry@dolr.org at the Diocese of Little Rock Youth Ministry office: 501-664-0340, ext 418. Scholarships are available for those wishing to attend that are in need of financial assistance. Please contact Liz or Trish for more information. Scholarship applications may be found at the following link: http://www.dolr.org/offices/youth/documents/diocesanscholars hipapplication.pdf WEEKEND MINISTRIES Date: 11-Oct Altar Servers: Candle Hannah Pianalto Cross Colton Miller Book Josh Zulpo Richard Ptak Madison Hanson NEED VOLUNTEER Hope Hanson Blaise Wittschen Nicholas Byrd 12-Oct 18-Oct Lectors: Candle Abigail Guy Cross Christopher Guy Book Lucas Schaben 19-Oct Brooke Pianalto Mikayla Pianalto Adrian Gonzalez Matthew Huck Egillio Pianalto Roger Gross Gerald Walsh Vanessa Sbanotto Eucharistic Ministers: Host Cp-T Host-C Cup-T Cup-T Cup-C Cup-C Host Cp-T Host-C Cup-T Cup-T Cup-C Cup-C Host Cp-T Host-C Cup-T Cup-T Cup-C Cup-C Host Cp-T Host-C Cup-T Cup-T Cup-C Cup-C Judy Ranalli Evelyn Pianalto Margie Ceola Shannon Stowe Mary Ann Carender Sara Miller Chris Martini Denise McDonald Mike Della Rosa Chris Pianalto Dail Bevins Patricia Gross Stan Pianalto Richard Ptak Patricia Mansell Judy Ranalli Helen McGinnis Shannon Stowe Laura Huck James Miller Debbie Verucchi Mike Verucchi Denise Pearce Maureen Gruich Gift Bearers: EM to Sick Jeff & Karen Strassle Family Steve & Andrea Dittmore Family Judy Ranalli Volunteers Needed Brian & Michelle Lehmann Family Patricia Gross HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Billie Jo Greenlee Helen McGinnis Christy Pianalto Michael Pianalto Richard Pianalto John Sulzen Steve Dittmore Grant Laney Mark Rothmeyer Dawson Welch Candice Bright Olivia Nichols Elsie Pianalto Marley Piazza Rebekah Schuster Cynthia Welytok Emma Breaux Brett Easterling Sarah Heath Joey Penzo Caleb Rigsby Melissa Still Charlie Szalanski Juliana Cottrell Cody Davis Keegan Lehmann Eric Pearce Benjamin Vogel HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! John & Mary Sulzen 6|Page Herbert Vogel Emma Helt Elizabeth Reyes Rosemary Sulzen Gary Zulpo CALENDAR OF EVENTS –OCTOBER to NOVEMBER 2014 Sunday Monday Wednesday Tuesday Thursday MASS READINGS OCTOBER 12 - OCTOBER 18 OCTOBER 19 - OCTOBER 25 Sunday: Is 45:1,4-6 Ps 96:1,3-5,7-10 1 Thes 1:1-5 Mt 22:15-21 Monday: Eph 2:1-10 Ps 100:1-5 Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday: Eph 2:12-22 Ps 85:9-14 Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12 (Ps) Is 12:2-6 Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Eph 3:14-21 Ps 33:1-2,4-5,11-12,18-19 Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Eph 4:1-6 Ps 24:1-6 Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Eph 4:7-16 Ps 122:1-5 Lk 13:1-9 Oct 13 Oct 14 Oct 15 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM No Mass Saturday Oct 10 Oct 11 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Sunday: Is 25:6-10 Ps 23:1-6 Phil 4:12-14,19-20 Mt 22:1-14 Monday: Gal 4:22-24,26-27,31–5:1 Ps 113:1-7 Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6 Ps 119:41,43-45,47-48 Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25 Ps 1:1-4,6 Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10 Ps 98:1-6 Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14 Ps 33:1-2,4-5,12-13 Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17 Ps 145:10-13,17-18 Lk 10:1-9 Oct 12 Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM Child Care Available Friday Oct 16 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel Parish Council Nominations at all Masses LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM MASS TIME CHANGE!! Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM Baptism Prep 6:30 PM Oct 17 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Latin Mass 11:30 AM Parish Council Nominations at all Masses LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM Jr & Sr CY Youth Night 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM Oct 19 Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM Child Care Available Latin Mass 11:30 AM Parish Council Nominations at all Masses Cuddeback Talks With coffee & donuts 10:15 am - PH Potluck 1:00 PM Talk 2:00 PM Anointing of the Sick following all Masses Bible Study 6:30 PM - PEC PRE Parenting Class 6:15 PM RCIA 6:30 PM Oct 20 Oct 21 Oct 22 Oct 23 No Mass Mass TBA Mass TBA Mass TBA LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM Oct 24 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM MASS TIME CHANGE!! Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM Potluck 5:15 PM - PH Cuddeback Talks 6:00 PM - PH 7:15 PM - PH Oct 25 FR. HART GONE TO CLERGY EDUCATION Oct 26 Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM Child Care Available Latin Mass 11:30 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel Oct 18 Parish Council Nominations at all Masses Oct 27 Bible Study 6:30 PM - PEC PRE Parenting Class 6:15 PM Oct 14 Oct 15 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM No Mass VIRTUS: Protecting God's Children for Adults 12:00 PM - PEC Nov 2 ALL SOULS Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM Child Care Available Latin Mass 11:30 AM All Souls Mass at the Cemetery 3:00 PM PEC = Parish Education Center Nov 3 VIRTUS: Protecting God's Children for Adults 6:00 PM - PEC Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel RCIA 6:30 PM LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM Oct 16 Oct 31 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM Bible Study 6:30 PM - PEC Nov 4 PRE Parenting Class 6:15 PM RCIA 6:30 PM Nov 5 Nov 6 LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM No Mass LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM Bible Study 6:30 PM - PEC AE = Adult Education Room PRE Parenting Class 6:15 PM ABBREVIATIONS: C = Church 7|Page RCIA 6:30 PM Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel ALL SAINTS VIGIL (ENGLISH) LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM Nov 7 FIRST FRIDAY LofH 7:15AM Mass 7:30 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet 3:00 PM Chapel MASS TIME CHANGE!! Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM With Anointing of the Sick following Mass. Nov 1 ALL SAINTS (LATIN) Rosary 7:30am Mass 8:00 am Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM Nov 8 Rosary 3:40 PM Mass 4:00 PM LofH 5:15 PM Mass 5:30 PM PH = Parish Hall LofH = Liturgy of the Hours 8|Page
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