The Church of the Most Blessed Sacrament 787 Franklin Lake Road - Franklin Lakes, New Jersey 07417 Stewards of God’s Gifts M ost Blessed Sacrament Parish is a welcoming community which comes together to implement Christ’s mission. We join to teach, to evangelize, to accept and to encourage ourselves and others in ongoing spiritual growth. Serving and supporting those within and beyond our parish remains a major focus as we recognize that each of us is called to be a witness to God’s love in our world. Parish Mission Statement SERVED BY: MOST REV. JOHN W. FLESEY, Pastor REV. MSGR. CARL D. HINRICHSEN, Pastor Emeritus REV. JOHN JOB, Parochial Vicar REV. MSGR. JOSEPH R. CHAPEL, Weekend Assistant SISTER ANNE LUCILLE COATES, SSJ, Pastoral Associate SISTER ROSE MARIE KEAN, SSJ, Pastoral Associate JENNIFER FOX, Director of Youth Ministry MARCIA KLINK, Ph.D., Director of Religious Education LAUREN LONGO, Ph.D., Office of the Bishop DAVID MAIULLO, Music Director-Choirs/Organist JOANN MATHEWS, Principal VALERIE TORKELSON, Director of Music-Programming/Cantor PHILIP M. TANCORRA, Business Administrator DIANE TRIOLO, R.E. Coordinator, 1 - 6 PAT WUENSCH, R.E. Coordinator, Junior High 7th & 8th KRISTA VANCOPHSKY, Local Safe Environment Coordinator MASSES Saturdays: Anticipated Mass at 5:30 p.m. Sundays: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m. & Noon Holy Days: Consult Bulletin for Times Week Days : 6:45 & 9:15 a.m. Saturdays: 9:00 a.m. First Fridays: 9:30 a.m. Mass of Exposition, Eucharistic Adoration throughout the day, with Benediction 5:00 p.m. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Contact the Parish Center in advance to make arrangements for the date of instructions for parents. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Following the daily 6:45 a.m. Mass & the 9:15 a.m. Mass, 4:30 5:00 p.m. Saturday and also by appointment. Communal services during Advent and Lent. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Couples contemplating marriage should contact the Parish Center one year before the desired date. PASTORAL CARE FOR THE SICK Please notify the Parish Center when a family member is ill, whether in the hospital or at home. Holy Communion will be brought regularly by appointment to those confined to the home. The sick or chronically ill should receive the Sacrament of Anointing. In an emergency, call the Parish Center at any time. PARISH CENTER FAX SCHOOL 201-891-4200 201-891-4243 201-891-4250 PARISH WEB SITE: RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CONVENT 201-891-8390 201-891-1836 SCHOOL WEB SITE: IMPORTANT PEOPLE Every pastor will acknowledge the fact that no parish could possibly survive for very long without the many good people who devote their time and talent to the community. We have many and are grateful. Page Two October 12, 2014 This Week at MBS Sunday, October 12 • Youth Group 7:30-9:00 pm (YR) Monday, October 13 • AMBS & Parish Center Closed • Core Cornerstone Gathering 7:30 pm (CR) Tuesday, October 14 • Senior Chair Exercises 10:00-11:00 am (UCR) • Jr. High R.E. 7:00-8:30 pm (AMBS School) Wednesday, October 15 • 9:00 am Morning Prayer (Church) • Pastoral Council 7:00 pm (CR) Thursday, October 16 • AMBS Blood Drive 1:00-7:00 pm (Gym) • Youth Group Parent Meeting 7:00 pm (YR) • Bereavement 7:30 pm (CR) Friday, October 17 • AMBS Noon Dismissal Sunday, October 19 • R.E. (1-6) Class 9:00-10:20 am (AMBS) • Confirmation Class 6:00-7:30 pm (AMBS) • Baptism 1:30 pm (Church) • Youth Group 7:30-9:00 pm (YR) BREAKFAST CLUB The Breakfast Club will be serving breakfast on Sunday, October 19th from 8:15-11:45 am. Please join us for a delicious “all you can eat” breakfast for only $3.00 and a wonderful opportunity to meet and greet old and new friends. (Please note our first price increase.) Our Annual Celebration of All Souls’ Mass Tuesday, November 4th at 7:00 pm All Are Invited All are invited on Tuesday, November 4th to pray for our deceased family and friends. This is a beautiful way to remember your loved ones. The Church in its wisdom celebrates this Feast each year to celebrate our deceased. Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 I can do all things in him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 “And my God will supply every need of yours…” - PHILIPPIANS 4:19 God really does provide for those that are grateful and generous. This is very difficult for people that don’t live a stewardship lifestyle to believe. People are skeptical and say it’s just coincidence. If you are skeptical, try living a stewardship lifestyle for just one month – be generous with your gifts of time, talent and treasure and see how God provides for your needs. World Mission Sunday Next weekend our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Through the work of these churches, and their witness to Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please come prepared next weekend to give generously in the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. For more information, please visit Please consider bringing up the gifts at our weekend Masses. If you would like to do so, please speak to an Usher before Mass begins. Thank you. Good Counsel Baby Bottles Don’t forget to keep filling up your baby bottles with loose change to help Good Counsel homes. Good Counsel has four pro-life homes for mothers and operates a national crisis pregnancy hotline (800-723-8331). Baby bottles will be collected on November 2nd in the bassinette located in the church’s vestibule. Thank you for saying YES to life! Second Sunday Food Collection This Sunday, October 12th will be the 2nd Sunday Food Collection. Please drop off all food at the Narthex of the Church. October 12, 2014 Page Three “To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 “A time to be healed” Parish Sick: Thomas Bocchino, Luigi Negri, Young Shim Choi, Laura Canizzo, Linda McRoberts, Frank Sparano, Vivian Avakian, Rebecca Salmins, Janet Kean, Suzanne Simone, Bernadette Sephton, Jerome Gruber, Alex Perez, Joseph Valle, Regina Crusco, Marlene Bracigliano, Lily Anderson, Elizabeth Marzano, Steve Wexler, Ofelia Wayne, Baby John Tully, Nick Salvatorelli, Peter Levantino, Agnes Mariella-Zimmer, Gus Faustini, Alice Peisch, Ruby & Solomon Artis, Katie Crevani, Robert Vernieri, Regina Devos, Dymitr Andrejczak, Thomas Roussell, Thomas Crowley, Patrick Donnelly, Susan Hillman, Jeff Cotugno, Robert Cotugno, Billy Baber, Frank Nesbit, Jennifer Avakian, Carolyn Serratelli Distasio, Joseph Maglio, and Darren Was “A time to mourn” Recently Deceased: Christopher Connelly, Robert Brady, Angela Vinci (mother of Jim Vinci) and all those who grieve them “A time for peace” For national and world leaders and those in the armed services: especially Ronald Anzalone, Becki DeVust, Anthony Vaccaro, Jr. and Greg Mucks Amen October 12, 2014 Readings for the Week Monday: Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 — 5:1; Ps 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45, 47-48; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6; Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13; Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96:1, 3-5, 7-10; 1 Thes 1:15b; Mt 22:15-21 Sunday 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 Noon October 12 Parish Family Julia Lewis (Tusa Family) Robert & Connie Ardizone (Fondacaro Family) William Moran (Kathy Reilly) Monday 6:45 am 9:15 am October 13 Martin Jachts (Margaret McManus) Chester Brodzinski (Family) Tuesday 6:45 am 9:15 am October 14 John Kantakis (Patricia Spinnler) Marie Kokoska (Family) Wednesday 6:45 am October 15 Edward M. Donovan (Noreen & Tom Jones) Josef, Jadwiga & Marianna Rybak (Family) 9:15 am Thursday 6:45 am 9:15 am October 16 John McKenna (Pat Rittereiser) Ellen Brophy (Tony Altomare & Family) Friday 6:45 am 9:15 am October 17 Justin Cordero Fink (Blanche & John Carabuena) William Hufnagel (Joe & Joan McAuliffe) Saturday 9:00 am 5:30 pm October 18 Rosemary Altomare (Welsh Family) Frank O’Marra (Wife Margaret) Sunday 7:30 am 9:00 am October 19 Parish Family Jessie Nazzaro Ravo (27th Anniversary) (Ralph & Toni Ravo) Edward & Julia Lewis (Tusa Family) Joseph Hroncich (Elena & Joe Hroncich) 10:30 am 12:00 Noon Join in praying the rosary after every weekday and Saturday morning Masses. Saturday, October 18 5:30 pm: Menapace Sunday, October 19 7:30 am: Murphy 9:00 am: Behrens 10:30 am: Sauter 12:00 pm: Bivona Sisters of St. Joseph Mass Cards Sisters of St. Joseph Mass Cards are available in the Parish Center. Page Four October 12, 2014 October Calendar Reminders Tuesdays…remember, Clubs, dismissal 3:30 pm; please try not to leave early on Club day as the students miss out on the club activity Columbus Day…no classes…October 13th Transition to formal uniform…Week of October 14th Blood Drive sponsored by 6th graders…1:00-7:00 pm in gym…October 16th Dismissal at NOON…Oct. 17th…Faculty to Cathedral to Newark for Mass Archdiocesan County Professional Day…no classes…October 20th Formal uniform required by October 21st Formal Uniform School Pictures…T-8...October 24th Formal School Pictures for Cottages…October 27th Are you considering sending your toddler to our Prep program? PreK 3 now have enrichment classes on Tues/Fri afternoons call to arrange an appointment to explore your options… enjoy a tour of our Little Blessings Cottages Thank you for supporting / choosing AMBS for a quality education in the finest Roman Catholic tradition AMBS registration forms can be found at our website Please call the office for more details on any of our many programs…201-891-4250 Sacramental Linens Ministry Thank you for your continued support and generosity to our church! October 5th: $12,295.00 El Salvador Education & Development FundOctober 5th: $15,680.00 Please Mark Your Calendars If anyone would like to help in this ministry, please call Joan McAuliffe at 201-891-1712. If you are unable to commit to six times a year, consider being a substitute. RCIA We're back to our regular schedule this weekend and can't wait to see everyone there! If you've never joined us, now is the time! Our high school Youth Group is open to any teen from freshman-seniors from any school. No need to register--just show up and have fun! We've met so many great new teens this year and can't wait for our group to get bigger and bigger as the year goes on. We meet Sunday nights from 7:30-9pm in the Youth Room in the basement of the Parish Center. OUR NEXT EVENT?...Trunk or Treat!!! Our 3rd annual Trunk or Treat event is coming up on Sunday, October 26th. See our flyer for more details. We need families to attend and teens to work so there's something for everyone. Contact our Youth Minister, Jen Fox at with any questions. Sunday, October 12 - Elizabeth Latincsics Friday, October 17 - Barbara Behrens Sunday, October 19 - Joy Sova Friday, October 24 - Midori Farrell The community of Most Blessed Sacrament invites all to a deeper love of Jesus and to a fullness of communion with the Church. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a process where adults are welcomed into the Catholic Church. Do you know someone who is thinking about becoming part of the Catholic Church? Are you the non-Catholic spouse of a parishioner who is wondering about full communion with the Church? Are you an adult Catholic who, for whatever reason, "missed" one or more of the sacraments of initiation (First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation) while growing up? Anyone interested in learning more can contact Father John at 201-891-4200 x28. Page Five October 12, 2014 SENIOR MINISTRY CHAIR EXERCISE CLASS October 14, 21, 28 Tuesday Mornings from 10:00 am - 11:00 am The donation is $10.00. Eve St. John is the instructor Sr. Breakfast with Santa SAVE THE DATE, Sunday, December 21st We are planning the winter event “Breakfast With Santa”. More information will be in bulletin. Please help to make these events successful with your attendance. RELIGIOUS ITEMS If you are looking for the perfect gift, please stop by the Religious Education Office in the Parish Center - they are selling religious items, cards and rosaries. Please feel free to go and look around. All proceeds benefit the Sisters of Saint Joseph retirement community. COMMUNITY THRIFT SHOP The Community Thrift Shop is accepting donations of new or gently used clothing and bric-a-brac. (No electronics.) You may not realize that every donation counts. God bless you for sharing your gently used items with us. All donations may be brought to the shed in the back of the parking lot. The key is at the Parish Center. Confirmation Grade 9 This past weekend was great for the students and parents of the Confirmation class. We had a very respectful group at the Votive Retreat with Ray Boswell , a Professional Potter from Sugar Loaf, New York . Mr. Boswell did a new presentation on living the faith and Christian Commitment. He used his art and pottery to explain the concepts of being the best version of yourself you can be in life as well as looking at life from different perspectives to expand your horizons. Religious images and concepts were shown through graphic art selections and his instant designs of pottery using the potter's wheel. Special thanks to the MBS Education Foundation for their support of this project for our children at MBS Church. ***NEXT CONFIRMATION CLASS IS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 IN THE AMBS SCHOOL FROM 6:00-7:30 pm Autumn Prayer O God of Creation, you have blessed us with the changing of the seasons. As we embrace these autumn months, May the earlier setting of the sun remind us to take time to rest. May the crunch of the leaves beneath our feet remind us of the brevity of this earthly life. May the steam of our breath in the cool air remind us that it is you who give us your breath of life. May the scurrying of the squirrels and the migration of the birds remind us that you call us to follow your will. We praise you for your goodness forever and ever. Amen. CCD GRADES 1-6 ***NO CCD CLASSES ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, MONDAY, OCTOBER 13 AND TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 ***NEXT CCD CLASSES ARE ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 AND TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 Be My Disciples Books Home Study students can pick up their books in the boxes labeled by grade in the Narthex of the Church. ***All CCD CLASS STUDENTS WHO DID NOT COMPLETE THE FIRST 10 CHAPTERS OF THEIR BOOK OVER THE SUMMER NEED TO COMPLETE IT OVER THE HOLIDAYS. Jr. High News—Grades 7 & 8 On October 7th, the seventh grade students from class took a walk and experienced a “Tour of the Church”! They were able to see and hear about many of the places and items in our Church that we so often take for granted or overlook. I believe they enjoyed the experience and came away with added knowledge of our prayerful environment! Thank you to the teachers, aides and volunteers who so graciously came out to help with the “tour”. I sincerely appreciate their help, and could not do it without them! Thank You and God Bless! Pat Wuensch Page Six Special Noon Mass for Those Affected by The Disease of Alcoholism A special mass and support group meeting for all who are affected by the disease of alcoholism will take place at Church of St. Mary, 20 Legion Place, Closter, NJ on Saturday, October 18 at 12:00 noon. Mass is offered for the support, healing and recovery of not only the man/woman directly infected with the abuse of alcohol or drugs, but also for anyone involved in the life of the alcoholic or drug addict. For information please call 201-768-7565. Volunteers Needed for Life Source Hospice Life Source Hospice is seeking volunteers to be part of our patients’ end-of-life care. Volunteers serve as friendly bedside visitors to patients throughout Bergen County and provide them with much appreciated companionship by sitting, listening and praying with them. Volunteers determine their own schedules and can visit on evenings and weekends. Most volunteers donate 2 hours a week of their time for a minimum of one year. Volunteers receive ongoing hospice training and support by experienced hospice professionals. Volunteers must be 16 years or older. For more information, please contact Stephanie Kip, Volunteer Coordinator, Life Source Hospice at #201967-4313 or Volunteers Needed for Bergen Regional Med. Ctr. The Catholic Chaplaincy at Bergen Regional Medical Center, Paramus, needs volunteers to transport inhouse residents to and from hospital Masses: Wednesdays (11:00 am), Saturdays (3:30 pm) and Sundays (11:15 am). Also needed are Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion on Sunday mornings or afternoons. If you are18 years of age or older and wish to volunteer, please contact Fr. John Quill at 201-4210099. Paramus Catholic High School, Paramus, NJ (201) 445-4466 Wednesday, October 15 from 7:00-9:00 pm Mount St. Dominic Academy, Caldwell, NJ (973) 226-0660 Sundays, October 19 at 1:30 pm Bergen Catholic High School, Oradell NJ (201-634-4151 Thursday, October 30 at 6:30 pm Don Bosco Prep, Ramsey, NJ (201) 327-9258 November 2 from 1:00-3:00 pm St. Joseph Regional HS, Montvale, NJ (201) 391-3300 Wednesday, November 5th from 6:30-9:00 pm Oak Knoll School, Summit, NJ (908) 522-8109 Saturday, November 15 from 9:30-11:30 am October 12, 2014 Catholic Schools COOP and High School EXPO Attention families of 8th grade students wanting to attend Catholic High School in fall 2014. The Catholic High School entrance exam (COOP) will be given on November 7, 2014. Students need to register for this exam ahead of time by going to The site will be fully operational as of September 1st. Additionally the Archdiocese of Newark is sponsoring Catholic High School Admissions Fairs called High School Expo at the end of September. Full details can be found here If you have any questions, kindly direct them to Laura Cristiano, Director of Marketing, Archdiocese of Newark, 973-497-4258/ “When I called, You Answered” — Respect Life Month Every October, the Catholic Church celebrates Respect Life Month. Cardinal Sean O’Malley, chairman of the USCCB Committee on ProLife Activities shared that: “We live in a society of unbelief, where the unborn, the sick, and the elderly are often unwanted and endangered by acts of violence or neglect…Since [Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton], over fifty-five million unborn children's lives have been taken, leaving many millions of mothers, fathers, and family members wounded and grieving their loss. Physician-assisted suicide is now legal in three states, allowing doctors to help end patients' lives rather than provide much-needed comfort in times of pain and distress… Despite these challenges, Pope Francis reminds us that we always have hope in Christ. The Holy Father speaks not only of physical life, but spiritual life as well -- our life in Christ that has the power to transform us. By opening our hearts to his love and mercy, we let Christ dwell in us and we see more deeply the intricate and unique beauty of each person…We must respond to Pope Francis' call with great urgency. Opening our hearts to life in Christ empowers us for loving, merciful action toward others. We must give witness to the Gospel of Life and evangelize through our lives.” The Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of Newark promotes the Catholic Church’s teaching on the respect, care and protection of human life from conception to natural death, and does so with great urgency. The Respect Life Office works with crisis pregnancy centers to direct people to proper prenatal care and information when faced with a crisis pregnancy. The Respect Life Office provides resources and necessary tools for parish involvement for Pro-Life activities throughout the entire Archdiocese. From retreats to special Pro-Life training, they offer effective 0pportunities to engage others in the Pro-Life movement. For example, the Rachel’s Vineyard retreat was created to help men and woman who have had an abortion, find hope and healing. To date there have been over 65 retreats, healing over 700 men and women. Thank you for your support of the Annual Appeal, which makes the Respect Life Office a reality! Visit to learn more about the Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of Newark. Sunday, November 9th at 2:00 pm Auxiliary of the Little Sisters Featuring John Paul “Bucky” Pizzarelli, American Jazz Guitarist and Banjoist At St. Jospeh’s Home, Totowa (refreshments served) Send checks to: Ms. Joann Van Splinter, 18 Minerva Avenue, Hawthorne, NJ ($30.00 per person) Questions call: Joann Van Splinter at 201-447-6400 Cover Sheet Church Name and Address Most Blessed Sacrament 787 Franklin Lake Road Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 Phone 201-891-4200 Contact Person Cheryl Hendricks or Krista Vancophsky Software Microsoft Publisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 2 Number of Pages Sent 10 Pages (7 pages + 3 inserts. Please call with any questions, thank you). Sunday Date of Publication October 12, 2014 Transmission Time Thursday, 11:00 pm
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