THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. CXVI-No. NAIROBI, 10th October, 2014 122 Price Sh.60 CONT ENTS GAZETTE NOTICES NorcEs GAZETTE (Contd ) PAGE PAGE The Kenya Roads Act-Appointment 2732 Drsposal of Uncollected Goods ..... The Kenya Roads Board Act-Appointment 2732 [.oss of Share Cenificate ........... 2758-2759 [-oss of Pohcres.. 2759-27U The Traffrc Act- Appomtrnent. 2732-2733 The Pharmacy and Porsons Act-Apporntrnent It5J 2758 Change of Names ..,,,,..,..,........ 2761 The Natronal Payment System Act-Desrgnation of Payment System . ........... Krsrr County-Appointrnent. The land 2733 .. . SUPPLEMENT No. 145 2733 . Act-Intention to Acqurre l-and-Addendum..... The land Registration Act Issue of Iz 2134 Provisional Cenificates, etc 2'734-2146 The Sacco Socreties Act-Notrce of Management of a Sacco Sociery . .. Statutory 2747 . Narobr City County Tax Warvers Admrnrstrabon lanve S upp le nre n t PAGE lncome Tax Act The Double Taxation Rehef (South Africa) Notrce. 2Ol4 ... l4l-The t097 142-T\e lncome Tax Act The Double Taxation Rehef (Rrvanda. Uganda and the Unrted Repubhc of Tanzanra) Notrce. 20 l4 Act- Tax Waiver g is LEGAL NoTCE NO. I 120 2741-2150 The Pest Control Products Act-Suspenslon The l-abour Relahons Act - 2150 Amendment Constrtutron and Rules of the Union. etc. of SUPPLEMENT No. 146 the . Atts,2Ol4 z'750 PACE The Bankruptcy Act-Recerving Ordcr and Creditors' 27511752 Meet ing ............... The Water Act-Regular Tarrff Ad3ustrnent........................... The Companies Act-Wurdrng-up .... .. Trans Nzora County-Renamrng of Healfi Facrlrhes The Envronmental Management and Co-ordrnatron ActEnvronmental Impact Assessment Study Repons.......... The Frnance Act, 2014-Conrgenda 2't i 2752-2153 2753 SUPPLEMENTNo. 147 2751 2755 Senate Btlls,20l4 PACE 2755-2758 The Communrtv I-and Brll.20l4 645 lztzt IN Gazette Notrce No 6316 of 2014, untend the pr()pnetors lessees name prnted as "Neu Grthegr Farm Lrrnrted" to reacl "Neu' Gathegr Farm Limited" GAZETTE NoTICE NO 7OIt2 (No 2 oJ2007\ KENYA NATIONAL HIGHWAYS AUTHORITY APPOINTMEN T IN EXERCISE of the porvers confencd by section -5 (l) (d) of the Kenya Roads Act. 2007. I. Uhuru Kenyatta, Prestdent and Commander-rn-Chref of the Defence Forces of the Repubhc of Kenya apporntERAS TUS MWoNGERA (ENG ) to be the Chairperson of the Kcnya Natlonal Hrghrvays Authorrty Board, for a perrod of three (3) years Dated the 30th September, 2014 UHURU KENYATTA, Pre srdenl GAZETTE NOTICE NO, 7083 THE KENYA ROADS BOARD ACT (No 7 of 1999t APPOINTMENT RIT{ KAvAStIE to be a member of the Kenya Roads Board, for a period of three (3) years, wlth effect from 1st October.20l.l MICHAEL S. M KAMAU. Cabmet Setrelury for Transport and InJraslrutture 708.7 THE TRAFFIC ACT (Cirp .10-l Mol.oR VEHICLE t INSPECToRS IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by \echon -3 (3) (1,) of thc Traffic Act, the Cabtnet Secretary for Transport and Infrastructurc appolnt the follorvrng officers as Motor Vehrcle lnspectors efTectrve from the 27th September,2014 Nane PFtNo VICHqrs Gerald Kagun Wangar 198813124t Rttnk ('href Supt (Mech 1989032440 2008t41664 l 198r085677 Frednck Ogendi Oanya Ilngrneer I (Mech ) Joel Akomo Opere Joshua Krrugah Krbor Andrew Ogonle Wasonga Evans Wanda Mukabane Jonathan Kroko Kulu Engrneer Snr Supt Snr Insp Snr Insp [ (Mech SrC/Hand Chelmo Snr Supt. (Mech Joseck Mburu Maragwa SrC/Hand Jackson Grchero Krmurr S/C/I{and ) l'I C 2008096982 Enc Nyagaka Ongen Snr Insp (Elect.) 1987106227 Clcophas N Wekesa Supt (Mech ) Ttuka l'I C I990034756 Geoflrey Nzcva Kramba Snr. Supt. (Mech ) 1988050479 Irene Karun Wanlukr S,'ClHand 1982O123f4 Jackson C Ng'ehch S/C/Hand ltleru l'l C 1982018534 Jason Muchrn Mathagu Supt (Mech ) SrC/Hand 1985020460 Nrcholas N Nzulu En$u l'I C Iq80019128 Gerald Mukrn Kanarr Snr Supt (Mech ) S/C/Hand 1982023377 Charles M Kalelu Krsu l'I C I 98200.+072 Petcr Owade Nyambun Snr Supt Mech ) 1982003791 ThomasCNyangwande Snrlnsp(Mech.) Kencho l'I C 1986126494 Mrchael Ogutu Odhrambo Snr Supt. (Mech ) 1982091.135 Bonrface Anyal Olwang Snr Insp. (Mech ) 1985071337 James Ndrthr Wambugu S/C/Hand Eldoret I'l C 1986'122238 Atanasr Cherop Lrmo Snr Supt. (Mech.) 1981025994 Henry Kefa Onyango S/C/Hand Kakamega 9871 05873 1977008794 1983004245 Itfuchukos I'I C 19821 10899 1981065253 1983680885 l'or I'l (' 1995057917 1982066503 I Ktalc l,' Ndonga Kyenze Patrrck Kangu Krbarua Francrs Krama Peter Mutrso Snr Supt (Mech ) S/C/Hand S/C/Hand Chrrstopher P Muthoka Snr Supt. (Mech Bemard Wachrra Mwar S C/Hand S/C/Hand Apollo K Murga RobertM. Rohert C Musembr Ngelenge Supt (Mech ) ) S'C/Hand IC 1983007683 N1'ahurum l'I C I9791 12840 19820 I l8 83 (ians*t l'I C 1983008249 Chnstopher G. l\4bogo S'C/Hand Haron Chcrono Krptarus Snr Supt(Mech ) SrC/Hand Peter K Mwanrkr Stephen Atsewa Omuhaya S/C/Hand Ruaraka 9850-17833 1982023262 Festus Nlukr Danrel Krro Banda Masrka Snr Supt (Mech ) S/C/Hand S C/Hand Those not to he renewed PF/No Nante Rank Josphat Mueru Supt Krtale 1992006725 I 99 I 001 984 990033360 19820111720 Gcorge Mrcheal Onyango Chrcf Supt (Mech) Moses Amakanlr Shrtote Supt (Mech ) John Ondrekr Nyanaro S/C/Hand Olwando GeofreyDrmancheDzrlla S,/C/Hand (N{ech (Mech (Elect Narrobt Area I Wrlham Krmutar I 20090893 I 0 1980019178 I'I Eng ) L*om Road 200809700 1987101J295 Snr Supt. (Mech ) Samuel Mwasr George Phrhp Grchrengo S,C/Hand Nyen L'I C Dated the 30th September.20l4, No Walter Otreno 98 I ( IN EXERCISE ofthe powers conferred by section 7 (l) (h) ofthe Kenya Roads Board Act. 1999. the Cabrnet Secretarl' for Transport GAZLTTE NoTICE Mcloud 104900 1983003257 1980090255 l98ll0ll90 N'ukuru l'l C I 198508u350 1983004342 Kt.suntu l'I C l98l105728 l98l I16339 THE KENYA ROADS ACT and Infrastructure appornts Rank PF,?'lo CORRIGENDT,M fuIombasu lOth October. 20l4 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2.732 Charles Mannga Mutugr Samuel Orenge Onkware Snr Supt (Mech Supt (Mech) Festus Mrele Chrnago Snr Supt (Mech ) C 19861 26339 (Mechl Take too much alcohol Garts,srt 19871 l9 | 57 John Musy rmr Mutua Snr. Supt (Mech) - Integnty questroned by EACC - 2733 THE KENYA GAZETTE lOth October,2014 The followrng offrcers are not in the list: PF No. Name Remarks 1978091726 Dickson N, Wanaswa Returned to CM and TE due I 9E50831 30 to misconduct Wamalwa Retumed to CM und TE due Protus Mutua 1981026974 David Osome Magolo to misconduct Deceased Dated the 27th September,2014. M. S, M. KAMAU. Cahinet Secretar| lor Trans\trt untl lnfrastrut'lure, OAztiITIi NoTrcn No, 7085 I 106/1c920t0198 l86l/t9861 t4 rq64/lq9t0t THE PHARMACY AND POISONS ACT (edp,244) THE PHARMACY AND POISONS BOARD APPOINTMENT lN EXERCISE of the powers confeffed by rection.l (l) of the Pharmncy and Potsonr Ae t, the Cabtnet Seuetury fur Heulth appollltr - NlcHoLAs MUi{AotrRr (DR ) thc Directoi of Medisal Services as thc Chdlrmdfl oI the Phantaey and Poisons Boad, wlth effc€t froitl the ddtc of thls notlec Dated the 7th Oetobet, 2014 JAMES MACI]ARtA. Cahi ne t Ser' ru tayl, 1tt t Health. Ddted the tth Oetober, 20 l4 OAlEttENoflcENo 7086 IIIE Cdhtnpt SpL.tpttln' oMEtfE NtrflcE N0 70h7 \ tIJE NATIONAL PAYMENT SYSTEM ACt lN EXERCISE bf the pott'efs cuhfehed h).seetldn -1 (-1llbt rtf the Seeretaty for.ftanrpott dlirl hrila\trirriute ttaffie Act. the Cabitiet {til/, dplrrJltlts the fdlluri,lrlg uffiEefs ds btlvrns 'l'est Eidftihets frir d peiioJ rif ttfle ( I ) year rvrth effect fiom the date of thls G.tzette Notree Nane ) Avuh (i. Alr Ronald K. Munene 827 t79178197 2t6393t 978085668 Samson Lukrndo ) 7868/ 978009280 Gerald Muso Samuel Mungar Margaret Irrma Peter Kamau Iohn Warnarna Ahmed Noor Abdr Jackson Muchrrr Andrew ( )treno John K. Muasva Evans Mosota 2 I 8083/ 911053820 2 2 I 979095585 t22t 984017225 t61 2 908 I 982104652 a 92951 98.1i)2 t 842 a 99491 98.10 t5485 230182t 98401888 r 230347 984t t2122 2304 l 8/ 9880862.12 2305-r6/ 989035820 230595/ 97%93795 230617 981 lo85l4 230693t 994011966 230695t 989034566 21 066t 990 I 27038 23 ot2t 991032014 23 n4 983020893 23 ))) I 992013235 23 280/ 99r0r3892 a 2 23 M8t e90 I 28563 '184 990 l 2933 l 5lot 917009451 23 611 99 l0 I 21198 23235U77022918 2300960t922012996 232183t94049224 23242918105060"1 23t579179095878 231813/841 I 1338 231808t790955721 M. S. M. KAMAU. tktnrpofi tttd lnftdrttu(tur?. tRAFF1C ACT lCap 4o3r Dntvilrc ftsr EIA[4rNEF 2190.15i8;1109268 It Jones K. Steohen Davrd T. Nsusr Iosenh Gakanga Philip Ngata Iohn Kisrmbi Patrick G. Thairu Peter Aleko Wala RutL SS P SP C C (w) Jamal Noor Samuel Ndunsu Veronica Mutar 1 t IN EXERCISE o[ the porvers cohferred Liy sechon 3 (1) of the Natronal Payment Act. 20 I 4. the Central Bank of Kenya desrgnates the Kenya Electronrc Payment and Settlemeflt System (KEPSS) as the Real Trme Gross Settlement System to be operated by the Central Bank of Kenya, rvith effect from the I st August, 2014 Dated the 30th Septcmber, 2014 GAZETTENonCENo 7088 THE KISII TEACHINC AND REFERRAL HOSPITAL ACT lNo C C I of?011) THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF KISII APPoINTMENT IN EXERCISE of of the Krsrl Teaching and Refenal Hosprtal Act, 2014, the County Executrve Commrttee Member rn-charge of Health Services apporntsthe porvers conferred by section 6 C Isaac Ongubo Krbwage (Pr<tf (w) Juliet Waniiru Hram G. Mbogo Charles Nyabavo Peter Mulandr Rose Krotum Kennedv Rucho Elema Hassan l0 i NJUGUNA NDUNG'U. Gorernor, Central Bank of Kent'a Benard Kihasr Justus M. Kilundo Stephen Kiama Esther Kaana 3t, til Desttrxt ilox r)i FAtMEN1 sYSfEnl C C (w) (w) C C C C )-(Chatrperson), Members: Joyce Kerubo Onsongo (Dr ), Jamludrn S A Shaml, Margaret Kemunto Obaga, Amb. Japheth Ratemo Getugl, to be members of the Board of Drrectors of the Krsrr Teachrng and Referral Hosprtal. for a perrod of three (3) years, wrth effect from lst October. 20 l4 Dated the 25th September. 201.{ (W) MR/5834228 SARAH OMACHE. CEC Health Sen'rces. Ktsrt Countt,Goyernment THE KENYA GAZETTE 2134 GAZETTENoTICENo 7089 Plot No THE LAND ACT (No.6 qf20t2\ 23228 23122 NAIROBI NORTHERN B\'-PASS 23227 2091 ADDENDUM Areu to be otqutrcd rn hu Plot No. Regtstered. 20727 t304 0,0-567 Patnck Kamore Kamau Kamuthr Farmers Co-operatrve 0 0-530 7t71il soclety Llmlted Krambu/Ruaka/2701 Anthony Kamau Krnuthra Approt, Area Ott ntrs ffected ( Ha.) 1,130 503 1772 1 4583 Harsen Holdrnss Lrmrted .506-3 2091 39s3 Wall Street Busrness Park .5131 2091 316{) Mwangr Stephen Murrrthr Rar Plywoods (K) Lrmrted Drzzyland Lrmrted .5167 15104 209/l I 386 9 100 Homa Bale Prooertres Lrmtted 9864 9819 9994 2.0000 2.0000 Splash Lrmrred 2.081 3 209111462 209n3340 209ilt387 0 0 I 62 a.m 2 1946 209113761 209/l I 340 Kenva Ports Authorrtv 8.0706 In pursuance of the transltlonal provrsrons contamed tn sectron 162 Act and sectron 6 (2) of the Land Acqulsltlon Act (l) of the Land (Cap. 295-repealed), the Naturnal Land Commrssron grves notrce that the Government rntends to acqulre the following parcels of land for Dated the 30th September. 2014. GAZETTE ltnd 21229 23230 Inqurrres for heanng of clarms to compensatlon by people lnterested rn the land requrred by the above proJect be held at Rurru Drstnct Offrcer's offrce on Thursday. l3th Norember,20l.1, from 9 30 MUHAMMAD A, SWAZURI, land C oniltu s ston C hatrman, Nanorut I MR/5834155 Re qtstered 2091 3721 IN PURSUANCE of sectron 162 (2\ of the Land Act,2012, and the Land Acqulsltlon Act (Cap. 295) repealed and further to Gazettc Notrce Nos. 221O and 2241 of 2O10, add the followrng: Ott'ner 197 I lOth October. 2014 Kenya Rarlways Corporatron (KRC) for the construchon of the Mombasa-Narrobr Standard Gauge Rarlway rn Machakos and Nairobr Counhes add. Plans for the affected land may be rnspected dunng office houn at the office of the Natronal Land Commrssron. Ardhr House. 3rd Floor. Room 305, lst Ngong Avenue, Narrobr, and at lands offices in Machakos and Narrobr Countles. NorrcE No. 7090 THE LAND ACT (No.6 of2012) Dated the Sth October.20l4 MUHAMMAD A. SWAZURI. MOMBASA-NAIROBI STANDARD GAUGE RAILWAY Chatrman, PROJECT MR/5831357 IN'IENTIoN To ACQLnRE Nunona I Innd C onunr s ston Addendwn IN Gazette Notrce Nos 721 of 2011..1096 oi 201-1 and .5040 of add- 201;1. GAZETTENOTICENO 7O9I THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT SCHEDLILE Re g r ste 1o424 I 8060 rcd kt nd Ov'ne rs East Afrrcan Portland Cement Company Limrted Urban Technical Services Lrmrted 12t91lttl l2t91l6 t2t9l I t6 Alf?cted H.t ( tt2 24U0 0 2884 0 5t69 0 5176 I 1755 Frsh Processors (2000) Lrmrted 0 0s89 l Kwan Lrmrted I Urban Technrcal Servrces Lrmrted Urban Technrcal Senrces Lrmrted Kwan Lrmrted () I 398 0 2251 0 2638 0 -3 109 0.3605 Urban Technrcal Servrces Lrmrted 0 ,1269 r 7858 7859 I 7860 7861 I 8062 I 8061 I 8063 337 I 0 8511 t105 331 Tahrr Sherkh Sard Investments Lrmrted Blue Horrzon Propertles Lrmrted 33111991 Amanr Trustees Lrmrted 331t918 t3t 13 331t2983 WHEREAS Heavev Ensrneerrns I-rmrted Multiple Hauhers (E.A.) Lrmrted registered propnetors of that precc of land known as L.R. No. 9930114, sltuate north of Eldoret Munrcrpalrty in Uasrn Grshu Distnct, by vrttue of a certrficate of title regrstered as I.R 6212711. and wheras suffrcient evrdence has been adduced to show that the said certificate of trtle has been lost. notrce ls grven that after the exprrahon of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a provrsronal certrfrcate of tltle provlded that no obJectron has been recerled wlthin that period. Dated the lOth October.20l.l C S MAINA. MR/5834255 209n1623 209il1622 Mano stvles Lrmrted u tra r of Ti tle s, Narrobi. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT 1390 (No.3 of2Ol2) 0 2028 I 0 256| 0 2708 0.6501 Mano Stvles Lrmrted Zanrto Investments I-rmrted Re g t.1 o 1162 t5r03 ) Paul Thrndru and (2) Samuel Wanyoike Mungat, of the estate of James Mungai Thrndiu (deceascd), both of P.O Box 3. Ngarua in the Repubhc of Kenya, are the as administrators GAZET.IENonCENo 7092 0.04 0.3-s30 29455 (I PRovISIoNAL CERTIFICATE 1267 t 2lI l5 l0l 2666 2791 9806 ISSTIE oF A ISSUE oF A PRoVISIoNAL CERTIFICATE 3.6524 15102 -35.13 ) 1.0298 337 9807 209/l 0 0 t4191 337 t2839 337 t842 (No 3 oJ20l2) Appror Areu 0.69tt3 o1115 0 8615 0 8891 l .0146 L023 1 WHEREAS Mwakro Peter Tole. of P.O Box 195-80108. Krlrfl in the RepubLc of Kenya, rs regrstered as propnetor lessee of all lhat prece of land known as LR. No. 15253i84, srtuate rn Eldoret Munrcrpalrty rn Uasrn Grshu Drstnct, by vrnue of a grant regrstered as LR. 91845/1. and whereas suffrcrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the sard grant has been lost, notrce rs glven that after the expratron of slxty (60) days tiom the date hereof. I shall tssuc a provrsronal certrfrcate of trtle provrded that no oblechon has bcen recerred wrthln that penod. Dated the lOth October. 201.{ illw5719225 Re B. F. ATIENO, g,rstrur of Title s, Nat robt 2735 THE KENYA GAZETTE lOth October.20l4 GAZETTENoTICENo 7093 No. 7097 GAZETTE NoTICE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT tNo.3 of2012) tNo.3 of2012) ISSLTE oF PRoVISIoNA L CERTIFICATES ISSLIE OF A PROVISIONAI, CERTIFICATE WHEREAS Tur Agncultural Engineers Lrmrted, a Lmrted habrlrty company incorporated rn Kenya, havlng rts regrstered offrce rn Narrobi, of P.O. Box ltt255-O0500, Narrobr rn the Repubhc of Kenya, ts registered as proprietor lessee of that plece of land knorvn as L.R. No. 20.1/3506, situate ln the crty of Narrobr rn Narrobr Area, by vlrtue of a grant reglstered as IR 8534/1, and rvhereas sufflctent evrdence has been adduced to show that the sard grant has been lost, notlce ls grven that after the exprrauon of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a provrsronal certrftcate of trtle provrded that no ob1ection has been recerved wrthln that penod l8lON1139, sltuate rn the crty B MRi583407.1 Re gts t rur F- of ATIENO. Ti tle s, MR/5834287 Narrobt Re GAZEI-TE NOTICE No, 7094 PRovrsroNAL registered as I.R 130449/1. and whereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the sald certlflcate of trtle has been lost, notice rs given that after the explratlon of srxty (60) days from the date hereof. I shall rssue a provrsronal certlficate of tltle provlded that no oblection has been recerved wrthrn that penod. Dated the lOth October.2014. N. KITUYI. grst rar ol Tttle s, Nairob WHEREAS (l) Abdalla Brn AL El-Lamoody and (2) Mohamed Brn Ah El-Lamoody. both of P.O Box 98656-80100, Mombasa rn the Repubhc of Kenya. are regrstered as propnetors in freehold rnterest of that plece of land known as L.R. No. 575, srtuate rn Tana Rrver, containrng 7 64 acres or thereabout. and whereas suffrcrent evidence has been adduced to show that the sard certrfrcate of title has been lost, notrce ls glven that after the expiratron of srxty (6O) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a provisronal certlflcate of trtle provrded that no obJectlon has been recerYed wrthrn that penod Dated the lOth October. 2014. C Re i GAZETTENoTICENo 7095 J G. WANJOHI, Regtstrar of Tttles, Mombasa. MR/5834224 No. 7099 GAZETTE NoTICE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2012) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ry'2012) CERTTFTCATE ISST]E oF A WHEREAS Hashrnr Mohamed Kher, of P.O Box 133-50-00200. Narrobr rn the Republc of Kenya. rs registered as proprretor lessee of that piece of land knorvn as L.R. No. 20913681 , sltuate ln the crty of Narrobr, by vlrtue of a grant registered as I R 10368/1. and whereas suffrcrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the sald grant has been lost, notrce ls grven that after the explratlon of slxty (60) days from the date hereoi I shall rssue a provisional certlficate of title provided that no obJectlon has been recerved withln that penod. Dated the lOth October. 2014 C. N. KITUYI, Regrstrar oJ Titles, Nurrobt MR/5834136 No. 7098 ISSLIE oF A PRoVIStoNAL CERTIFICATE of P.O. Box l-129-{1515, Narrobr rn the Republc of Kenya. rs regrstered as propnetor lessee of that piece of land known as L.R No. 127 l5llo29l.srtuate rn Mavoko Munrcrpahty rn Machakos Drstrrct, by vlrtue of a certrfrcate of title MR/5834032 C. N. KITUYI, gtstt'ar oJ Title s, Narrobi (No 3 oJ2012) CERTTFTCATE WHEREAS Mary Wanjrru Kagera, IssuE oF A PRovrsroNAL lease THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20t2) ISSLIE or- A of Narobr, by vrrtue of a regrstered as I R. tt7626l1, and rvhereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the sard lease has been lost, notlce ls glven that aftcr the explration ofsrxty (60) days from the date hereof. I shall lssue a provrsronal certlfrcate of trtle provided that no ob1ection has been recerved wlthln that penod Dared the lOrh October. 2014 Dated thc lOth October. 201.1 GAZETTE NoTICE WHEREAS Josephrne Wanja Mwarangu, of P O Box 918-{062 I , Narrobr rn the Republc of Kenya, ls regtstered as propnetor lessee of all that flat No. 3H erected on all that prece of land known as L.R. No. NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Grace Rael Mangala, of P.O. Box 2690, Krsumu rn the Repubhc of Kenya. rs regrstered as propnetor ln absolute ownershrp lnterest of that piece of land comprrsrng 0.0465 hectare or thereabouts, srtuate rn the dlstnct of Krsumu, regrstered under trtle No. Krsumu/lVlunrcrpalrty/Block'l 1288, and whereas suffrcient evidence has been adduced to show that the land tltle deed lssued thereof has been lost, notlce ls given that after the exptratlon of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new tttle deed provrded that no oblection has been recerved wrthln that penod Dated the loth October. 2014 MR/58341 I N NJIRU, l2 lnnd Regtstrar, ksumu GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 7096 GAZETTE NoTICE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT ISSUE oF A PRovISIoNAL CERTIFICATE (No.3 o/2012) Joseph Krnuthra Grtuku (deceased), of PO Box lll.l4 00400, Nairobi in the Repubhc of Kenya, rs regrstered as propnetor lessee of that prece of land known as L R. No 209197541120, situate rn the crty of Nairobi. by vlrtue of a certificate of title registered as I R 5153111. and whereas suffrcrent evidence has been adduced to show that the sard certrflcate of tltle has been lost, notice is given that after the exprratlon of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a of provisronal certlflcate of title provided that no objection has been received wrthin that penod. Dated the l0th October. 201.1. ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WIIEREAS Wrlkister Ongudr Opudo, of P.O. Box 4828, Krsumu in the Repubhc of Kenya. rs registered as prcprietor in absolute ownershrp rnterest of that plece of land contarn[rg 1.4 hectares or thereabout, srtuate ln the dlstnct of Krsumu, registered under title No. Krsumu/Nyahera/1933, and whereas suffrcrent evrdence has been adduced to sho$, that the land tltle deed rssued thereof has been lost. notlce ls given that after the exprratron of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new trtle deed provrded that no oblection has been received withrn that perrod Dated rhe lOth October. 2014 C N, KITUYI. MPJ5834099 7 I OO (No.3 of2012) WHEREAS Esther Wambur Muguro, as an administnx of the estate No, Re gtstrar oJ Tttle s, Natro I. N. NJIRU. b r MR/583,1014 lnnd Regrstrar, K6umu D$trrct THE KENYA GAZETTE 2736 GMETTENCNCBNO. TIOI lOth October, 2014 CMET'IE NoTcE No, 7IO5 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No.3 ol2012) IssI]E oF A NEw LAND TI.ILE DEED ISSI]E oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Jacquelyne Achieng Nyaboro, of P.O. Box 6737, Kisumu in the Republic of Kenya, is registered Bs proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land comprising of 0.02 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kisumu, registered under title No, Kisumu/Manyatta 'A'/229E, and whereas suffrcient evidence hus been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thcreof hal been lost, notice id given that after the expiration of sixty WHEREAS Margaret Odolo Ogutu. of P.O, Box 1663, Kisunu in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in abrolute ownership interest of that piecc of land containing 0.03 hectte or thereabouts, situate in the district of Kisumu, registered under titlc No. Kisumu/Kanyakwar "A"/1136, and whereas sufficient evideneC has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given thot after the expiration of sixty (60) days fiom the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objaetion has been reeeived within thrt period. (60) dayr from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the loth Oetober.20l4. Dated the lOth October. 2014, I. N. NJIRU, I. N. NJIRU. Innd Reglstrar, Klsumu Dlstlt't, MR/sE34109 GAZETTE NoflcE No, 7I 02 land Registrar, MR/5834274 OAZETTE NOflCE No. 7 THE LAND RECISTRATION ACT (No,3 o/2012) (N0.3 rrl2012) ISSIJE oF A NEw LAND TIILE DEED Eor IS3LIE OF A NEW LAND 1598, Ktsumu In the Republte of Kenye, ls reglbteEd as proprletor tn absolute ownctbhlp lntercst of thdt ple€e df l6nd eompHbtng of 2.0 heetarcs or thereebout, sltudte lfl the dtstttet of Klsurilu, r€glster€d undei tltle N0 Ktsumu/Mateta/1573, and *heruds sufflei€nt evldeflee has been addueed m show that the land title deed lssued theruof has been lost, notlee ls gtvgn thdt eftet the erptdildn of stxty {6o1 days fion the date heruof, I shall tssue e new iltle deed provtded that tro obieefion has been fteetYed wlthtn tlidt peilod. Uhd i I. N. NJIRU. ReFirhttt, ktrhhu DttfttL-t Dated the loth octobei,20i4. E J KEIER, Lattd Regtrtt(it, Urtvn GAZETTE NoTICE ISSTIE OF A No. 7 I 07 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 of2Ol2) (No.3 o/2012) NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Booker Washrngton, of P.O. Box 625. Krsumu rn the of Kenya, is regrstered as proprietor rn absolute ownershrp interest of that piece of land compnsing of 0.018 hectare or thereabouts, situate m the drstnct of Krsumu, registered under title No Kisumu/Municipality Block 141263, afi. whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notrce rs given that after the explratlon of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new trtle deed provrded that no Repubhc oblection has been recerved wrthin that period. Itnd l9 ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Joseph Mwaura Nganga (ID/087 4772), rs registeted as propnetor rn absolute ownershrp interest of that prece of land contalnlng 0.0460 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the distlict of Nakuru, registered under Title No. Nakuru/Municipality Block 2213576 (Muguga), and whereas sufficient evidence has been aduced to show that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost. ndice ls glven that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date heteof, I shall issue a new trtle deed provrded that no oblechon has been received withrn that penod. Dated the lOth October, 2014. I. N NJIRU, Regtstrar, Kisumu District. Dated rhe lOth October,20l4. M. SUNGU, l-and Registrar, Nakuru District MR/5834 r93 GAzE'mE Ot*u D*tnrt 103 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT MR/58343 DBED Otshu, ruglstercd uirder tttle No Eldoret/Munietpdhty Bloek nn55A, dnd wher€ds sufflEleiit evldeilde has beett addueed to show thlt the land utle deed tssued thereof has been lost, notlee ls glven thd eftei the exptratiori 0f stxty (60) days fnitn the date hereof, I shall lmuc a new tltle deed ptovtded drat no obleetlott has been rcEeivdd wlthl thdt MRt5i4ilE) CAzEftE NdltcE No. TIfLB WHBREAS Jdmes MeHEI Karnau (lD/t7279641. of P.O, Box l00t-30100, Eldoret tn the Republte of keriyd, lb rcglstertd es pfsprlet0r ln ebsolute ownBfbhlp Intetert of that pleee of leild c0nteinlng 0 05 heetarc or thercdbouts, sltudte ln the dlbttlet of Uelh peHsd. Dated the lOth Oetober,2014. Mtusd343i5 Dbtiet, 106 THE IAND REOISTRATION ACT WHEREAS elffiord Otteno N3trt, of P.O. Klsumu NorcE No. 7104 GAzErrE NoncE No. 7108 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 ol2Ol2) ISSTIE oF A (No 3 o/2012) NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Margaret Odolo Ogutu, of P O Box 1663. Krsumu ISSI-,E oF A rn NEw LAND TITLE DEED the Republic of Kenya, rs regrstered as propfletor in absolute ownership mterest of that prece of land contarnrng 0.04 hectare or WHEREAS Maina Machafla (ID/3650035), rs regrstercd as proprietor ln absolute ownershrp rnterest of that prece of land thereabouts, sltuate in the drstnct of Krsumu, regrstered under title No. containing 5 4 hectares or thereabout, srtuate in the distnct of I'hkuru, registered under Title No. Nakuru/Rare/l.,lgunga/27, and wfiereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtlc deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new titlc deed provided that no objectron has been recerved within that perrod. Krsumu/Kanyakwar "A"1323, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land tltle deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the exprration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new trtle deed provrded that no objectron has been received wrthrn that penod Dated the lOth October. 2014 MR/5834273 I N NJIRU. ktnd Regtstrpr, Ktsutnu Distn(t Dated the lOth October.20l4 M. SUNGU, MR/5834305 lttnd Regrsn'ar, Nakunt Districl THE KENYA GAZETTE lOth October, 2014 GAZE.I'IE NoTICE No. 7I 09 2737 GAzE.mE NoTCE No. 7I I3 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) (No 3 ry'2012) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Thomson Mwah Tharru. of P O. Box 19. Naromoro in the Republrc of Kenya. is regrstered as propnetor rn absolute ownershrp rnterest of all that plece of land contarnrng I I .54 hectares or thereabout, situate rn the district of Nyeri, registered under title No. Naromoro/Naromoro/Kreni Easti 62, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deeds issued thereof have been lost, notice is grven that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue new htle deeds provided that no oblection has been recerved within that period. WHEREAS Francrs Mulera Keya, rs registered as proprietor in absolute ownershrp lnterest of that prece of land contalnrng 0.6 hectare or thereabouts, srtuate ln the drstrict of Kakamega, registered under trtle No. Marama/Shrandail663, and whereas suffrcrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notlce is grven that after the explrahon of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provrded that no obJectlon has been recerved wlthln that penod. Dated the loth October,2014. Dated the 10th October. 2014. S N NDIRANGU, Ittnd Regtstrar, Nten Distrtct MR/5834239 GAZETTE NoTICE M. J. BOOR, Ittnd Regrstrar, Kakamega Drstrrct MR/5749169 GAZE.mE NoTICE No 7I IO No 7I 14 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 o/2012) (No.3 o/2012) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF NEW LAND TITLE DEEDS WHEREAS Aggrey Nyabuke Khayan3e, is regrstered as proprietor rn absolute ownershrp rnterest of those pieces of land containing 0.26 hectare and 7.99 hectares or thereabout, sltuate rn the dlstnct of Kakamega, regrstered under trtle Nos. Isukha/Shirere/678 and Marama./ShinamwenyuLi I 173, respectrvely, and whereas sufficlent evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deeds issued thereof have been lost, nohce is glven that after the exprration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof. I shall rssue new tltle deeds provrded that no ob.;ectron has been recerved wlthrn that peflod. Dated the l0th October.20l4. M. J. BOOR. Dated the 10th October,20l4. ltnd MR/5834077 WHEREAS Azinafa Inyangala Kavuka, is registered as propnetor in absolute ownershrp lnterest of that piece of land containlng 0.08 hectare or thereabouts, srtuate in the drstnct of Kakamega, reglstered under title No. ButsotsoiShikotr/6763, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land htle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notrce rs grven that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provided that no oblectron has been received wlthln that period. M.J BOOR, Regrstrar, Kukamega D6trrct. lnnd Reg*trar, Kakamega Drslrrct MR/s834063 GAZETTENoTCENo 7I15 GAZETTE NOTICE No. 7I I I THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 o/2012) ISSLTE OF WHEREAS Kahsto Chisanganr Orunyo, is regrstered IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Juma Osanyo Kandta, rs reglstered as propnetor ln absolute ownership interest of that plece of land containing 3.51 hectares or thereabout, srtuate in the dlstnct of Kakamega, reglstered under htle No. EAVanga./Lubinu/1037, and whereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed issued thereof has been lost, notrce ls glven that after the explratlon of stxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new rrtle deed provrded t M. J. BOOR. L under htle No. SAtrr'anga,/Buchrfl2l6, and whereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost. notrce ls grven that after the expiratron of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new tltle deed provided that no objectron has been received withtn that period. Itnd Re gistrar, Ka kame ktnd Regtstrar, Kakamega Dtstrtcl MPJ5834075 ga Distric t. GAZETTE NoTICE I GAZETTE NoTICE I i , No 7I I2 No. 7I 16 THE LAND REGISTRAT]ON ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 o/2012) (No.3 of 2ot2) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Alen Atonya Jusa. rs reglstered as propnetor ln absolute ownershrp lnterest of that prece of land containing 2.16 hectares or thereabout, situate in the drstrict of Kakamega, registered under trtle No. S/Kabras/Shamberere/1445, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land htle deed issued thereof has been lost, notice rs gtven that after the expiratron of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new trtle deed provrded that no ob.;ectron has been received wlthrn that penod WHEREAS Bonface Orotl Chimwanr, c/o 918, Mumias in the Repubhc of Kenya, rs regrstered as proprietor in absolute ownership lnterest of that ptece of land contarnrng 0.05 hectare or thereabouts, sltuate ln the dtstnct of Kakamega, registered under title No. S/lVanga,/Buchrfi12365, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed issued thereof has been lost, notrce rs gtven that after the explratlon of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new tltle deed provrded that no objection has been recerved wlthtn that period. Dated the l0th October,2014. Dated the 10th October,2014. J M FUNDIA. MR/5749 I 69 proprietor M. J. BOOR. I MFJ5'749142 as rn absolutc ownership interest of that piece of land contarnrng 24.5 acres or thereabout, situate in the district of Kakamega, registered Dated the l0th October. 2014 that no objection has been received wrthin that perrod. Dated the 10th October. 2014. r t A NEW LAND TITLE DEED Itnd Regtstrar, Kakamega Drstrrct J. M, FUNDIA. MR/5749376 Itnd Registrar, Kakamega Dtstrrct THE KENYA GAZETTE 2't38 No GAZEI*|E NoTICE 71 I7 lOth October,20l4 GAZETTENoTICENo THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2012) (No.3 a/2012) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Welhngton Ekhuya Oduogo, of ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED P.O. Box 1950, in the Republic of Kenya, rs regrstered as proprretor ln absolute ownership lnterest of that precc of land contarnrng 1.53 hectares or thereabout, situate in the distnct of Kakamega, regrstered under tttle No. Butsotso/Indangalasia/88-3, and whereas sufflcrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notrce is glven that after the exprratlon of slxty (60) days from the date hereof. I shall issue a new title deed provided Kakamega that no oblection has been received withrn that penod. J. M. FUNDIA, Lnnd Re g t stntr. Kukunte gu Dr :trict MR/5834260 Nol]CE No, WHEREAS Srlas Mwenda Gatobu (ID/13164235), rs regrstered as propnetor rn absolute ownershrp rnterest of that prece of land contalnlng 0.30 hectare or thereabouts, srtuate rn the dlstnct of Ment, -No. Nkuene/U-Mikumbune/1810, and wheros regrstered under title suffrcrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land trtle decd rssued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the exprration of slxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title decd provrded that no oblection has been received wlthin that period. Dated the lOth October.2014. Dated the lOth October. 20 l4 GAZETTE 7I2I H S W, MUSUMIAH, ktnd Registrar, Meru Districl. MR/5834360 GAZETTE NoTCE 71 I 8 No, 7 22 1 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) (No -l o/2012) . ISSLIE oF A ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS David Krmaiga Oroo (ID/6932071), of PO Box of Kenya, rs regrstered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land situate in the district of Kisrr Central. reglstered under tltle No Central Kitutu/Darajambili/4878, and whereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land tltle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notrce rs glven that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provrded that no obJectlon has been recerved wrthrn that penod. 4400, Krsii rn the Republic WHEREAS Wilfred Munralo, rs regrstered as proprietor ln absolute ownership interest of that prece of land containing hectares or thereabout, sltuate in the district of Bungoma, under htle No. W. Bukusu/i.,I Mateka/523, and whereas sufficrelt evrdence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed issud thereof has been lost. nohce is glven that after the exptratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed providd that no obJectron has been received wlthin that penod Dated the lOth October,2014 P. Dated the 10th October, 2014. S R. KAMBAGA, 2.4 regtsterod K. SIBUCHI, Innd Registrar, Bungoma/Mt. Elgon Distictt. MR/5749338 lnnd Regtstrar, Krsu Dslrrcl MR/5834160 GAZEI"|ENOTICENO 7123 GAZETTENonCENo 7I19 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 o/2012) (No 3 a/2012) ISSL]E oF A ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Ombasa Mrregwa (IDi5808247), rs regrstered as proprretor in absolute ownershrp lnterest of that prece of land sltuate rn the district of Krsu Central. regrstered under trtle No Wanlare/Bomorendal1954, and whereas sufficrent evrdencc has been adduced to show that the land tltle deed rssued thereof has been lost. notrce is glven that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof. I shall rssue a new title deed provrded that no ob.;ectron has been recerved wrthrn that period S R KAMBAGA. Lutd Regislrar, Knti Dutrict GAZETTE NoTICE (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new trtle deed provided that no objectron has been recerved wrthin that penod. Dated the lOth October.20l4 Dated the lOth October. 201.1 MR5748928 P. GAZETTE NoTIcE No. No. 7I20 7 I 24 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. (No. -l o/20121 IssTIE op e ISSUE oF A NEw LAND T]TLE DEED WHEREAS Danson Nthrga Ngune (ID/14676'777). of Runyen.;es rn the Repubhc of Kenya, rs regrstered as propretor rn absolute ownership mterest of that piece of land contarnrng 0.33 hectare or thereabouts, sltuate ln the dlstnct of Embu, regrstered under title No. Kagaan-/Weru/4075. and whereas suffrcrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost. notice is glven that after the expirahon of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provrded that no ob.;echon has been received within that period M W KARIUKI. Drtn(l 3 o/2012) Ngw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Isaac Juma Srkuku. is registered as propnetor in absolute ownershrp roterest of that plece of land contarnrng 0.44 hectare or thereabouts, srtuate ln the distrrct of Bungoma, regtstered under trtle No. E. Bukusu,N. Sangalo/19)2, and whereas sufftctent evrdence has been adduced to shorv that the land trtle deed tssued thereof has been lost, notlce ls glven that after the exptratron of sixty (601 days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new trtle deed provided that no ob1ectlon has been recerved wlthln that penod Dated thelOth October. 20 Dated the loth October.20l4 Inncl Re.qislrur, Embu K. SIBUCHI. Ltnd Regrstrar, BungontalMt Elgon Drstrtcts. MR/57119338 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT MR/5834176 NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Johnstone Aunyasr, is registered as propnetor tn absolute orvnershrp rnterest of that plece of land contarning 0 78 hectare or thereabouts, sltuate ln the distnct of Bungoma, registerel under tltle No. E. Bukusu/S. Kanduyr,/2056, and whereas sufficrent evrdence has been ad{uced to show that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notrce rs glven that after the expiratlon of slxty l4 P K SIBUCHI. MR/5749338 ktnd Regrstro', BungonnlMt Elgon Distncts GAZETTENoTICENo 7I29 No 7I25 GAZETTE No1-ICE 2139 THE KENYA GAZETTE lOth October. 2014 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No (No 3 o/2012) ISSL]E oF A ISSLIE oF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Musa Kuloba. ls regrstered as propnetor rn absolute ownershrp lntcrcst ()f that plece of land contatnrng 0.1 hectare or thereabouts, sltuate [] the dlstnct of Bungoma. reglstered under tltle No E Bukusu/S Kanduyr/796-3, and whereas sufflcrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notlce rs glven that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof. I shall rssue a new trtle deed provrded that no obJectlon has been rcccrved wrthln that period Dated the lOth October. 2014 ktnd Registrar, Bungoma/Mt. Elgon Drstncts. GAZETTE NoTICE No. WHEREAS Rose Mbarka Muya. 7 I 26 G, M. NJOROGE, THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT 7 1.]O THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 o/2012) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED ISSLIE oF A Dated the loth Ocrober, 2014 NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS (1) Moses Kinuthia Krbrro (ID/3097101), (2) Stephen Mwaura and (3) Shadrack Kuira Krbrro (ID/3119992). all of P O. Box 601, Krambu in the Republic of Kenya. are regrstered as proprietors in absolute orvnershrp interest of that piece of land contarnrng 0 19 acre or thereabouts. situate in the drstnct of Krambu. regrstered under title No Githungurr/Krairra/T. 274, and rvhereas suffrcient evidence has been adduced to shorv that the land htle deed rssued thereof has been lost, nouce rs given that after the exprratlon of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new tltle deed provided that no obJectlon has been recerved wlthrn that period. P K. SIBUCHI, Itnd No 3 o/2012) WHEREAS Yohana Wehkhe Masungo, ls reglstered as propnetor rn absolute orvnershrp lnterest of that piece of land contarnrng 1 1 2 hectares or thereabout. sltuate in the distnct of Bungoma, reglstered under title No Bungoma/Krminini/178. and whereas sufftcrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land htle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notlce rs glven that after the explrahon of slxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new trtle deed provrded that no obJectron has been recetved wtthln that penod. l[]4Rt5749291 6006 {0200. lnnd Registrar, Mochakos Dtstncl MR/5834 t78 GAZETTE NoTICE (No of P O Box Narrobr rn the Repubhc of Kenya. ls reglstered as propnetor ln absolute ownershrp lnterest of that plece of land contarnrng 2.(XX) hectflres or thereabout, sltuate ln the dlstnc( of Machakos. registered under trtle No. Mavoko/Town Bl<rk l2l61l. ancl rvhereas sufftctent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notrce rs glven that after the expiratlon of slxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new trtle deed provrded that no obJectlon has been recerved wrthin that period. Dated the loth October. 2014. P, K, SIBUCHI, MR/574e-t3rl 3 o/2012) NEw LAND TITLE DEED Regrstrar, BungonnlMt. Elgon Distncts Dated the lOth October. 2014. W. N. MUGURO, ltrnd Registrar, Knmbu Drstnt't MR/58-34023 GAZETTENOTI('ENO 7I27 GAZETTENoflcENo.713I THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No ISST]E OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Prus Kretr Kondo. of P.O. Box 107-90119. Matuu rn the Repubhc of Kenya. l\ regrstered as propnetor rn absolute orvnershrp lntere\t of that plece of land contarnrng 2 05 hectares or thereabout, srtuate ln the dlstnct of Machakos. regrstered under trtle No Machakos/Matuu/.1628. and rvhereas sufficrent eridence has been adduced to sho$' that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost. notrce rs grven that after the exprratron of srxty (6O) days tiom the date hereof, I shall rssue a new trtle deed prorrded that no ob1ectlon has been recerved wrthln that perlod Dated rhe lOth Ocrober.20lLl G M NJOROGE. Land Regtstrar, Murhukt,s Distril t MR/5749-l-14 I28 WHEREAS George Ngethe (ID/I1098155). of PO Box -139;lof Kenya. rs regrstered a\ propnetor ln absolute olnershrp rnterest of that piece of land contarnrng 0 36 hectare or thereabouts, srtuate rn the dlstnct of Krambu. regrstered under trtle No. NdumbenA.ldumben/2222. and whereas suffrcrent evrdence has been adduced to shos, that the land trtle deed rssued thercof has been lost, notlce rs grven that after the c\prratron of slxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new tltle deed provrded that no ob1ectlon has been recerved wlthln that penod. Dated the l0th October. 2014. W N MUGURO. ktnd Regisnttr, Kutnbu Dtslru't I GAZETTENoTICENo 7132 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT , (No 3 ol2pl2) (No.3 o/2012) ISSIIL, OF A NEW L,AND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Shem Abuga Karrukr Makanga. of P O Bor .10697 00100, Narrobr ln the Repubhc ofKenya. rs regrstered as propnetor ln absolute orvnershrp rnterest of that plece of land contarnrng 0 -37 hectare or thereabouts, sltuate rn the dlstnct of Machakos. reglstered under trtle No Donyo Sabuk/Komarock Block VI9887, and u'hereas suffrcrent evrdence has been adduced to shou that the land tltle deed rssued thereof has been lost. notrce rs grven that after the exprratlon of srxty {60) days from the date hereof. I shall rssue a new tltle deed provrded that n() ob1ectron has been recerved u,lthln that penod Dated the lOth October. l0l.+ GM MR/57492.r0 d20l2t (X)9(X), Krambu rn the Repubhc MR/583417 GAZETTE NOTI('E NO. 7 3 ISSLIE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED NJOROCE. ktnd Regstrar, Machakos Dtstrrtt ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Srmon Muruga Krmanr (ID/-]101067). of PO Box 105. Ngecha rn the Repubhc of Kenya, rs regrstered as propnetor rn absolute orvnershrp rnterest of that prece of land contalnrng 0 -10 acre or thereabout\. srtuate ln the dlstrlct of Krambu, rcgrstered under trtle No Kabete/Nyathuna/387. and rrhereas sufftctent evtdence has been adduced to shou that the land tltle deed rssued thereof has been lost. notlce ls grven that after the explratlon of srxty {60) dzrys from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new htle deed provrded that no ob1ectlon has been recerved wlthln that perlod Dared the lOth October. 2014. KG MR/5834302 NDEGWA, lnnd Regtslrur, Krunbu Drstrtcl 2740 THE KENYA GAZETTE GAZETTENOICENo 7I33 lOth October, 2014 GAZETTE NoTICE No, 7 I37 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012) (No.3 ol2ot2) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Leonida Moraa Nyasanr (ID113321103), of PO Box 933-00200, Nairobi in the Repubhc of Kenya, rs regrstered as propnetor rn absolute ownershrp rnterest of that prece of land contarnlng 0.05 hectare or thereabouts. situate ln the drstnct of Kajrado, registered under trtle No. Kalrado/Krtengela/56253. and whereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice rs glven that after the expirauon of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provrded that no objection has been recerved wrthin that WHEREAS Lorse Wanjiru Krmanr (ID/3103816), of P.O. Box 101 {0605. Narrobr in the Repubhc of Kenya, rs registered at propnetor rn absolute ownershrp lnterest of that plece of land contarnrng 0 66 hectare or thereabouts, sltuate rn the dlstnct of Narvasha, regrstered under trtle No. Narvasha./Marargushu Block 4/83, and rvhereas suffrcrent evrdence has been adduced to show that thc land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notlce rs grven that after the explratron of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue I new tltle decd provrded that no ob..;echon has been recerved within tht period. penod. Dated the l0th October. 2014 Dated the 10th October.2014. P MAKINI, I|.,P.t5749238 ktnd Regrstrar, Kaludo Drstrrct. GAZE]-rE NOICE NO S. W MUCHEMI, Ittnd Regtstrar, Nawasha D6trrct. MR/5834207 GAZETTENoTICENo 7I38 71-1.+ THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 o/2012) (No.3 of20l2) ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Geoffrey Mwanya Kamwakr, cf P.O Box 210, Karmu rn the Repubhc of Kenya, rs regrstered as proprietor rn absolute ownership interest of that plece of land containing 0 02 hectare or thereabouts, situate rn the dlstflct of Mwingi, reglstered under trtle No. Mwrngr,Mwingi/224|, and rvhereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land tltle deed rssued thereof has been [ost, notrce rs grven that after the explratron of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new tltle deed provided that no ob1ectlon has WHEREAS Shamba Kamili Self-Help Group, of P.O. Box 121420100, Nakuru in the Repubhc of Kenya. rs regrstered as proprietor rn absolute ownershrp lnterest of that piece of land containing 0 8000 hectare or thereabouts, situate ln the dlstnct of Naivasha. regrstered under trtle No Grlgrl/Grlgil Block l/100 (Kekopey), and whereal suffrcrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land tltle deed rssued thereof has been Iost, notlce rs grven thal after the expratron of slxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new trtle deed been received withrn that penod provrded that no objectron has been recerved wrthin that period. Dated the lOth October,2014 Dated the 10th October, 2014. KANUA. Ittnd Regtstrar, Mv'ingt Dtstritt J. M. MR/5749350 GAZETTENOTICENO 7I.]5 S, W. MUCHEMI, Ittrtd Regrstt'ar, Naivasha District- MR/5834143 GAZETTE NoTICE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT No 7I39 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 o/2012) (No. _3 o/2012) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Paul Malukr Tuta, of P.O Box 130, Mwrngr rn the Republic of Kenya, rs regrstered as proprietor in absolute ownershrp rnterest of that prece of land contarnrng 1.70 hectares or thereabo{t, WHEREAS Margaret Wangan Krngorr, of PO. Box 33-10400, Nanyukr rn the Repubhc of Kenya, rs regrstered as propnetor rn absolute ownershrp lnterest of that prece of land contarnrng 1.325O hectare or thereabouts, srtuate rn the dlstnct of Larkrpra, regrstered under trtle No Laikipia,rl.{anyukr West/Trmau Block lll46. and whereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land htle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notlce rs given that after the explratlon of srxty (6O) days from the date hereof. I shall rssue a new trtle deed provrded that no obJectron has been recerved wlthln that situate in the district of Mwrngr, registered under title Mo. MwingiiNzeluni./1707. and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land tltle deed rssued thereof has been lost. notlce rs grven that after the exprratlon of srxty (6O1 days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new trtle deed provrded that no ob1echon has been received within that perrod perrod Dated the 10th October, 2Ol4 KANUA, Utnd Regrstrar, Mwmg Dtstri(t J. M. MR/5749350 Dated the lOth October. 2014. la nd MR/5834237 GAZE.|TE NoTICE No. Re g B, W, MWAI, rstrar, ktikipia Distr ict. 7I36 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No ISSLIE oF GAZETTE NoTICE No. 7140 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT 3 o/2012) (No.3 o/2012) NEw LAND TITLE DEEDS WHEREAS Joseph Marna Kabur (ID/4886952), of P O Box 567, regrstered as propnetor rn absolute ownershrp mterest of those preces of land contalning 0.20 and 0.04 hectare or thereabouts, srtuate rn the dlstrrct of Nyandarua, regrstered under title Nos. Nyandarua/Ol Kalou/1527 and NYA/OI Kalou Central/638, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deeds rssued thereof have been lost. notlce rs glven that after the expratron of srxty (6O) days from the date hereof. I shall rssue new tltle deeds provrded that no objectron has been recerved wlthin that penod Ol Kalou rn the Repubhc of Kenya, rs Dated the l0th October. 2014 ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Lawrrence Wamae Gateru, of P.O.' Box 1306, Nanyukr rn the Repubhc of Kenya, rs registered as propnetor rn absolute ownershrp interest of that prece of land contarning 1.26 hectares or thereabout, srtuate in the drstlct of Laftrpra, regrstered under trtle No. Trgrthr/Matanya Block 512229, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notrce rs grven that after the expratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new tltle deed provrded that no obJectlon has been recerved wrthrn that perrod. Dated the lOth October. 2014. J W KARANJA, MRt5749232 lnn d Re g$ trar, Ny an d arual S am bunt. Dt s t r t c ts B, W, MWAI, MR/5834306 ktnd Regtstrar, kttkrpru Drstrict GAZETTENOTICENO. 2741 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1Oth October, 2014 TI4I GAzE-rrE NoflcE No. 7145 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No 3 a/2012) (No.3 o/2012) ISSTIE oF A NEw LAND TI.fl-E DEED Isst,E oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS John Bemard Ndung'u, of P.O. Box 49733--00100, Narrobi in the Repubhc of Kenya, is regrstered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 16.61 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of l,aikipia, registered under title No. Uaso Nyiro/Suguroi Block IV/161, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed rssued thereof has been lost, notrce ls given drat after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the lOth October,2014. MPJ0430770 l-and Re J. M. MWINZI, gistrar, Laikipia Distr ict. GAzErrE NoTIcE No. 7I42 WHEREAS Alice Nyawira Njogu, of P.O. Box 537-10400, Nanyuki in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.065 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Laikipia, registered under title No. Daiga/Umande Block 2i5054 (Mwireri), and whc*rs sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land title dees issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provrded that no objectron has been recerved wrthin that period. Dated the 10th October.2014. J. M. MWINZI Land Registrar, Laikipia Oisiict. MR/5834280 GAzEnE NoTICE No. 7146 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) (No.3 oJ2ot2) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED IssI.,E oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Lilian Kagwiria Murirthr, of P.O. Box 537-10400, Nanyuki in the Republic of Kenya, rs registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that prece of land contarning 0.065 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the distnct of Larkipia, regrstered under title No. Daiga/Umande Block 2/5049 (Mwrren), and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notlce rs glven that after the expiration of sixty 60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed pror "ied that no objection has been recerved wrthin that period. Dated the lOth October,2014. J. M. Innd Registrar, MR/5834278 MWINZI, In*ipia District WHEREAS Prisila Waitherero Mutitu, of P.O. Box 135-20300, Nyahururu in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containng 2.262 hectares or thereabout, situate in the district of l,aikipia, registered under trtle No. Laikipia/North Rumuruti Block21493 (Ndurumo), and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land tltle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after thc explratron of sixty (60) days from the date hercof, I shall issue a new trtle deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dared the l0th October, 2014. J. M. MWINZI, Land Registrar, Laikipia Distrrct. MR/5834140 GAZE'rIE NOTICE NO. 7 I43 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT GAzE'mE NoTICE No. 7147 (No.3 a/2012) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT ISSI,E OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED (No.3 ol2ol2) WHEREAS Stephen Mwenda Rrmbena, of P.O. Box 537-1M00, Nanyuki in the Republic of Kenya, is regrstered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.065 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the distrrct of Laikipia, registered under title No. Daiga./Umande Block 2/5041 (Mwireri), and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provrded that no objectlon has been recerved withln that period. Dated the lOth October.2014. J. ltnd MN58342'75 Reglstrar, M. NIIVINZI, IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Charles Mbugua Waweru (1D124153437), is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.04 hectare or thereabouts, situate m the district of Narok, registered under title No. Cis-mara/Olopitol1926, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land htle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the exptation of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provrded that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the 10th October, 2014. ktikipn Distrrcr Itnd MR/5834011 T. M. OBAGA, Registrar, Narok District GAZEI-IE NOTICE NO. 7 I44 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT GAZETTE NoTIcE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No. 3 a/2012) fI I i No. 7I48 (No. 3 o/2012) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Regina Wanjru Gachago, of P.O. Box 537-10400, Nanyukr rn the Republic of Kenya, is regrstered as propnetor ln absolute ownership interest of that prece of land containing 0.065 hectare or thereabouts, situate rn the dlstnct of Lalkipia, rcgistered under trtle No. Daiga./Umande Block 2/5033 (Mwireri), and whercas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new title deed provrded that no objection has been recerved wtthin that period. Dated the loth October,2014. M. MWINZI, Land Registrar, Laikipia District J. MR/5834256 ISSTJE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Lekinyot olc Lanke, is registered as proprietor in absofute ownership intercst of thet piece of land containng 6.252 hectares or thereabout, situate in thc distnct of Narok, registcrrd undcr trtle No. Cis-mara/Oleles hw at977 4, end wbpreas suffic'ie"rit "ria"o* has becn adduced to show-th8t thc hnd titlc dccd irsucd Screo(hfs been lost, notice is given that aftcr the expiratioir of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been received within that period. Datcd thc lfitioctober, 20 1+. T. M. OBAGA, MR/5834080 ltnd Registrar, Narok District. 2742 GAzE'mE THE KENYA GAZETTE NoncE No. 7149 lOth ocrober, 2014 GAzEmE NoTICE No. 7I53 THE LAND REGISTRANON ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT ' (No.3 of 2Ot2) (No.3 of20t2) IssUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Ophen Kezengwa Musungu, Chavakali in the Republic of P.O. Box 165, of Kenya, is registered as proprretor in absolutc ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.7 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the district of Sabatia, registered under trtle No. N/Maragoli/Kisatru/612, and whereas sufficient evidence has bcen adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice ts given that after the expiratron of sixty (60) days from the date hcreof, I shall issue a new title deed provrded that no objectron has been rcceived wrthrn that period Dated the loth October,2014. WHEREAS Chebu Kipkebut Moses 0D/1099143), of P.O. hx 214-30447, Seretunrn ln the Repubhc of Kenya, is regrstered as proprretor rn absolute ownership lnterest of that plece of land contalnrng L8 hectares or thereabout, situate rn the district of Barirgo Central, reglstered under utle No. Baringo/Mochongoi Block Ull34, and rvhereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that 6e land trtle deed issued thereof has been lost, notrce is given that aicr the exprratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issuo a nerv land title deed provided that no oblectroh has been receivcd within th:rt periodDated the 10th October, 2014. T. BIKETI, ktru[ Regrstrar, Sabatia District. MRys74934'? GAZE.I-IE NoTIcE No. 7I50 F. O. NANDWA, ktnd Registrar, Baringo Distrbt. MRt5749222 GAZETTE NoTICE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of 2012) No. 7154 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 oJ2Ol2) ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Kenneddy Mrsrgo Kahegen, of P.O. Box ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED 82, Wodanga in the Republic of Kenya, ls regrstered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containrng 0 53 hectare or thereabouts, situate rn the distnct of Sabatra, registered under title No. N/lvlaragoli/Kedoli/1255, and whereas sufficrent evidcnce has been adduced to show that the land title deed rssued thercof has been lost, notice rs given that after the expuatron of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new trtle deed provided that no objection has been received withrn that penod. Dated the lOth October.2014. WHEREAS Rtchard Kipkemer Turtoek (1D18284750), of P.O. hx 214-30t1O0, Kabamet in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as propnetor rn absolute ownershrp lnterest of that piece of lqrd contarnrng 0.l6 hectare or thereabouts. srtuate in the district of Barirryo Central, registered under title No. Banngo/Kewamoi 'A'l830, atd whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the lild title deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice rs given that after firp expiratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a now land title deed provided that no objection has been received within ttat period K. M. OKWARO, ktnd Registrar, Sabaua Dtstrict MR/5834055 Dated the lOth October, 2014 F. O. Ltrnd }.dR15',749221 GAzErrENcrncENo. Tl5l THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT . -IssUE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED (No WHEREAS Richard Ongweya Ogweno, of P.O. Box 24, Kandiegc in the Republic of Kruya, is reglstered as proprietor in absolute ownership intercst of that piece of land contarning 0.6 hectare or thc5calouts, situate in the district of Rachuonyo, registered under Otle No. W. Karachuonyo/Koyagil2294, xnd whereas sufficient evidence has bccn adduced to show that the land tide deed issued thereof has bccn lost, notice is given that after the exprration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provrded that no objcction has been received wrthrn that pcnod. Dated the 10th October,2014. IssI-TE oF A 3 o/2012) NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Justus Henry Okombo, of P.O. Box 30270-{0140, Narrobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that prece of land contarnrng 030 hectare or thereabouts, sttuate in the dlstnct of Nyando, registerd under trtle No. Kisumu/Gem Rae/464, and whereas sufficient eviderce has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued 0rereof las been lost, notice rs grven that after the expiratlon of sixty (60) drys from the date hereof. I shall rssue a new title deed provided that no oblechon has been received wrthrn that period. J. O. OSIOLO, Dated the 10th October, 2014. Land Registrar, Rachuonyo South/North Distntts MR/5749101 NANDWA, gistrar, Baringo Distrlct. GAZEI-TE NOTCE NO. 7155 (No. 3 o/2012) . Re A- G, KOMULO, MRi5E34094 ktn<l Re g,rctrar, Nvtndol Nyakachl Muhoron i Districts. GArEmENqrrcENo. 7152 . GAzE"mE Nol'rcE No. 7156 THELANDREGISTRATIONACT (No. 3 o/2012) ISSI.IE OPA THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 a/2012) NEw LAND TITLE DEED WIEREAS Sammo Abooyo Oueno 1ID/|4669169), oftP,O. Box +-- ;321, O5d3is:_i& i$.. e re€ictered as proprieter-in ; 6T land coeqiJ[i1rs 0.h- an<i whereas obp*o. Datedthe MR/5749101 bas been rcgdved alew title rrilrin rhqiod . ro'tfu*zor+. unrat[te oaneislrp hrcres-L4U#iti5f5f"lard thcrF3bours, siruate -beeo .-. cor-xarnfrc in ihe district ot BrsidTeso, title Nol-Samia,rBukangal4 'A'/l l.e deed provided r t#.ryfrde, a:gfffij- ---i-*, !} - Ld{db that no ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TT.fLE DEET, \+?IEREAS Ojiambo Man1a1ru K?!1€rr,*s regrstered as proprictrr. to .sfrow d whereas t!#Ghnd rltle'tteed (60) days from the date hereoi I shall issue a new htle deed g:. -.. GAZET"TE NoTICE 2743 THE KENYA GAZETTE lOth October, 2014 No. 7I57 No. GAZETTL] NoTICE 7 t6I THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2Or2) ISST]E oF A ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Oramrsr Ironr Ochoko, rs regrstered as propnetor m absolute ownership interest of that piece of land concainrng 0 19 hectare or thereabouts, situate in the distnct of Busra/Teso, registered under trtle No. South Teso/Osurette/2472, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notrce is grven that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no objection has been recerved wlthln that period. Land GAZE|TE NoTIcE No. 7 I NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Michael Dwera Lugera, rs reglstered as propnetor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing 0.43 hectare or thereabouts, situate ln the drstnct of Busia/Teso, reglstered under title No. Bunyala/Mudemb/2603, and rvhereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the exprration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new trtle deed provided that no ob.;ectron has been received wlthin that period. Dated the 10th October.20l4. Dated the loth October,20l4. MN5834262 ol2ol2) No. 3 ( Re G. O. ONDIGO. G. O. ONDIGO, g istrar, Bus ialTe s o Distr icts ktnd Registrar, Busia/Teso Distrtcts MR/58343 1 5 GAZEITE NoT'IcE No. 7162 58 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2012) (No.3 of2012) ISSTIE oF A ISSUE OF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Rhoda Achreng Adrno, rs regrstered as propnetor in absolute ownership interest of that prece of lard contarnrng 0.05 hectare or thereabouts, sltuate ln the dlstnct of Busra/Teso, registered under trtle No. North Teso/Kamunai/2I32, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost. notice rs glven that after the explration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no ob.;ectron has been received wrthin that period. Dated the lOrh ocrober.20l,4. Dated the 10th October,2014. ' G. O ONDICO. lnnd Regrso'ar, Busn/Teso Dtstrtcts MRt5834262 WHEREAS Mrchael Dwera Lugera, rs registered as propnetor in absolute ownershrp lnterest of that prece of land contarning 0.23 hectare or thereabouts. srtuate in the drstrrct of Busia./Teso, regrstered under title No Bunyalii/Mudcmbl2674, and whereas suffrcrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice is glven that after the expiration of gixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall rssue a new trtle deed provrded that no objection has been recerved within that pcrrod. Innd MR/5834315 Re G. O. ONDIGO, gistrur, BusialTeso D$tricts - GAZE.TTE NoTICE GAZETTENONCENO 7159 No. 7 I6.3 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGIS'IRATION ACT (No. 3 o/2012) 1No.3 of2012) ISSUE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DEED ISSLIE OF NEW LAND TITLE DEEDS WHEREAS Wychtfe Oduorr Mutoka. rs'rcgistered absolute ownershrp rnterest WHEREAS Patrrck Mrsiatr, as proprietor rn of that prece of land contarnrng 0 42 and 0.83 hectare or thereabouts. situate ln the district of Busra./Teso. regrstered under title No. Marach,iElukharil2l5l and 2152, respectrvely, and rvhereas sufficlent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deeds issued thereof have been lost. notice rs given that after the expratron of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue new title deeds provided that no ob.lection has been recerved within that penod. Dared the Kamunar, Dated the lOth October'. 7I60 ., Republlc of 2{)1.1 T, M. CHEPKWESI, G. O. ONDTCO. ktnd Re g,istrar, BusialTeso Dist/k ts GAzEmF NoTICE NO, ln the Teso/Kamunai,/3426, an,d whereas sufficient evidence has . been adduced to show that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been [ost, notice rs given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days fronr the date hereof, I shall rssue a new trtle decd providcd that no obJectloo has been received withrn that period loth Ocrober, 2014 MRt5834262 ltnd Rcgtstro', Busia/Teso Dtstrict.t MR/5834262 GAZET-TENoTICENo 7164 . THE LAND RECISTRATION AC'T THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 o/2012t (No.3 of 201.2) ISSLIE OF A NEW LAND TITLE DL]ED ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WTIERE.\S Akulina Auma Wesonga. rs registered as proprietor in absolute ownershrp interest of fiat plece of land contarning 1.94 hectares or thereabout, situate in the drstnct of Busia/Teso, regictered under title No. Marach/Elukhari/2135, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land trtle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notrce ls given that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new title deed provided that no oblection has been recerved wlthrn that penod. WHEREAS ldah Aoko Omolo. of P.O. Box 250, Suna in the Republic of Kenya. is regrstered as proprietor rn absolute ownership lnterest of that prece of land contarnlng 0.02 hectare or thereabouts, situate rn the dlstrict of Mrgon, re-srster.ld under trtle No- Suna East/Wasweta I/9638, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to shorv fhat the liind trtlc deed issued thereof has been lost, notrce is grven that after the exprralion ol s,{t}, (60) (la)s trom the date hereof. I shall rssue a new title deed prrri'rdcd that'un oblcction has been r,:ceived lvithln that period Dateci the IOth October. 1014. Dated the lOth October. 2014 G O. ONDIGO. MR/58_14262 of Kenya, is registered as proprietor rn absolute orvnership rnterest ()f prece of land contalnrng 0.05 hectare or thereabouts, sltuate ln thc dlstflct of Busra/Teso, regrstered undel title No. North I4nd Re g$trar, Busta/Teso Distrrcts N 'J. MR/5834217 O rtENO. kmd R. qt\i'uy, tufiy,ru R':;t. , rtt\tlcts l0th October,2014 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2744 GAzEmE NorrcE No. 7165 GAzEr]-E NoncE No. 7 169 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2012) (No.3 of20t2) IssUE oF A NEw LAND fiTLE DEED RECoNSTRUCTION OF LOST OR DESTROYED LAND REGISTER WHEREAS Ndiege Otieno, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land contaming 3 3 hectares or thereabout, sltuate ln the distnct of Homa Bay, registered under title No. Kabuoch/Kachrcngl952, and whereas sufficient evidence has been adduced to show that the land utle deed rssued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expirahon of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new trtle deed provrded that no oblecfion has been received within that penod. WHEREAS Waiharo Githua, of P.O. Box 224, Gatundu in the Repubhc of Kenya, is registered as proprietor lessee of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 15856, sioate in the distnct of Kiambu, by virnre of a grant known as I.R. No. 104983/1, and whereas the land register in respect thereof is losUdestroyed, and efforts made to locate the said land register have failed, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, the property register shall be reconstructed under the provrsrons of sectron 33(5) of the Act provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the lOth October,2014. V. K LAMU, l,and Regtstat, Homa Bay District. MR/5834271 GAzE-mE NorcE No. 71 66 Dated the 10th October,2014. GAZE,I-rE THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20l2) (No.3 of20l2) ISSUE oF A NEw LAND TITLE DEED WHEREAS Sheikha M Haji (ID/0669051), daughter of Fatuma Ali Suleimani (deceased), of P.O. Box 98690, Mombasa in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land containing I 34 hectares or thereabout, situate rn the drstnct of Kilifi, registered under title No Kalolenl/Vishakantl923, and whereas sufficrent evrdence has been adduced to show that the land title deed issued thereof has been lost, notice rs given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall issue a new trtle deed provided that no objection has been recerved wlthln that penod. Dated the l0th October, 2014. CHINYAKA, lnnd Registrar, Kilifi District M. GAZETTE NoTICE No. 7 I Land NoTcE No. 7170 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT MN5749229 W. M. MUIGAI, Re gistrar, Nairobi MN5749346 RECoNSTRUCTIoN oF LoST OR DESTROYED LAND REGISTER WHEREAS Stephen G. Njoroge, of P.O. Box 4921-O0506, Narobi in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor lessee of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 1271512705, situate in the drstnct of Machakos, by vrrnre of a certrficate of trtle known as I.R. No. 12731411, and whereas the land register in respect thereof is lost/destroyed, and efforts made to locate the said land register have failed, notice is given that after the expratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, the pmperty register shall be reconstructed under the provisions of section 33(5) of the Act provided that no objection has been received within that penod. Dated the lOth October. 2014. S. W. M. MUIGAI, Re grctrar, Nairobi. MN5749218 Land GAzE-rENCrnCENO.7171 67 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20t2) (No.3 of2012) REcoNSTRUcToN oF LoST oR DESTRoYED LAND REGISTER RECONSTRUCTION OF LOST OR DESTROYED LAND REOISTER WHEREAS Joshua Wamrthi Mureithi, of P.O. Box 59145-00100, Nairobi in the R.epublic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor lessee of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 20916904, situate in the city of Nairobi, by vrrtue of a conveyance regrstered as 1.R.2449411, and whereas the land reglster ln respect thereof is lost or destroyed, and efforts made to locate the sard land regrster have farled, notrce is given that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, the property register shall be reconstructed under the provisrons of section 33 (5) of the Act, provided that no obJectlon has been recerved within WHEREAS Arthur Kanai Kamau, of P.O. Box 11421-{0400, Nairobr in the Republic of Kenya, is regrstered as proprietor for an estate in fee simple of all that piece of land known as L.R. No. 3611134l, situate in the city of Narrobi, by virtue of a conveyance registered in Vol. N. 23 Foho 180, and whereas the land register in respect thereof is lost/destroyed, and efforts made to locate the said that period. Dated rhe 1oth October,2014. Dated the 10th October, 2014. W. M, MUIGAI, Itnd Re gistrar, Nairobr. v[N5834249 GAzE-mE land register have failed, notice is grven drat after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, the property register shall be reconstructed under the provisions of section 33(5) of the Act provided that no objection has been received within that period. GAZETE NOTICE NO. NcflcE No. 7168 7 172 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 oJzot2) (No.3 ol2ot2) RECoNSTRUCTION oF LosT oR DESTRoYED LAND REGISTER WHEREAS John h{bithi Koki, of P.O. Box 13-80100, Machakos rn the Repubhc of Kenya, rs registered as proprietor lessee of all that prece of land known as L.R.. No. 209n3831186, situate in the city of Nairobi, by virtue of a lease known as I.R. No. 33635/1, and whereas the land reglster in respect thereof is lost/destroyed, and efforts made to locate the sard land regrster have farled, notice is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, the property register shall be reconstructed under the provisrons of section 33(5) of the Act provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the l0th October,2014. W. ItlF.l5'749336 W. M. MUIGAI, Re gistrar, Nairobi. Llnd MR/5834081 Land Re M MUIGAI, grstrar, Nairobi RECoNSTRUCTION OF LOST OR DESTROYED LAND REGISTER WHEREAS Monicah Ndua Kiama, of P.O. Box 5721540200, Nairobr in the Repubhc of Kenya, is registered as proprietor lessee of that piece of land known as L.R. No. 47301226, situate in the Nakuru County, by virtue of a certificate of title registered as I.R. 87953/l, and whereas the land register in respect thereof is lost or destroyed, and whereas efforts made to locate the sard land register have failed, nottce is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, the property register shall be reconstructed under the provisrons of section 33 (5) of the Act, provided that no objection has been received within that period. Dated the loth October,2014. W. M. MUIGAI, MR/5834214 Land Registrar, Nairob. GAZE[-IE NoTICE No. 2745 THE KENYA GAZETTE 10rh Ocrober,2014 7I73 GAzErrE NoTICE No, 7 I77 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20t2) (No.3 of2012) Loss oF LAND OPEI.ING oF A NEw REGISTER WHEREAS Mwanarsha Ali Mazuri, of Kwale rn the Republic of Kenya, is reglstered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that piece of land situate rn the drstnct of Kwale, registered under title No. Kwale/Diantl454, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the green card issued thereof has becn lost, notice is given that after the expration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall open a new land register provided that no objection has been received wilhin that penod. Dated the loth October,2014. WHEREAS Srmon Ndentu Ndumia (ID/14688936), of P.O. Box 4315-00200, Narrobi rn the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor of that piece of land known as Thrka,Munictpality Block l9ll'7'71, srtuate in the drstrict of Thika, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the green card issued in respect thereof rs missing, and whereas all efforts made to locate it have farled, notice is grven that after the explratlon of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, provrded that no vahd objection has been recerved wrthin that penod, I rntend to open another land register and upon such opening, the sard mrssrng land regrster shall be deemed to C. K. NG'ETICH. MR/5834238 REGISTER have been cancelled and of no effect. Land Registrar, Kwale District. Dated the 10th October, 2014. M NYAKIjNDI, F. GAZE|TE NoTICE No. MR/5834194 7I74 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Land Regtstrar, Tfuka District GAzE-rrENoTCENo.7I78 (No. 3 o/2012) THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT OPEMNG OF A NEW REGISTER (No.3 oJ2O12) WHEREAS Ochogo Ogai, is registered as proprietor in absolute ownership interest of that prece of land contarnmg 2.2 hectares or thereabout, situate in.the distnct of Rachuonyo, registered under utle No. Karachuonyo/Kawadhgone/66, and whereas suffrcient evidence has been adduced to show that the land register issued thereof has becn lost, notice is given that after the expiration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall open a new land register provided that no ob.lection has been recerved wrthrn that period. Dated the lOth October. 2014. MR/5749101 L O. OSIOLO. l,and Registrar, Rachuonyo SouthlNorth Drstricts . LoSSoFLANDREGISTER WHEREAS Michael Wamunyu Wanyagi (ID/l887556), of P.O. Box 752, Thika in the Republic of Kenya, is registered as proprietor of that piece of land known as Thika./Municipality Block 2412664, srnate in the distnct of Thika, and whereas sufficient evrdence has been adduced to show that the green card issued in respect thereof ls mrssing, and whereas all efforts made to locate it have failed, notice is grven that after the exprration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, provrded that no valid objectron has been received within that period, I intend to open another land rcgtster and upon such opening, the said missing land register shall be deemed to have been cancelled and of no effect Dated the 1Oth October,2014. GAzE-mENorrcENo 7175 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT F M. NYAKUNDI. Iand Regrstrar, Thika Distrrct MR/5834170 (No.3 oJ2O12) GAzE-rrE NoTICE No. 7I 79 OPEMNG OF A NEW RFCISTER WHEREAS Francis Waithaka Karethr (ID/0360622/63), Dated rhe l0th October,2014. J. W. KARANJA, MR/5834151 Itnd THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT is registered as proprietor rn absolute ownershrp lnterest of that piece of land containing 0.063 he.ctare or thereabouts, srtuate ln the district of Nyandarua, registered under trtle No. NYA/OI Kalou South/898, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the land register issued thereof has been lost, notlce is given that after the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall open a new land register provrded that no objection has been received within that period. Registrar, Nyandarua/Samburu Distrrcts (No.3 of2012) l,oss oF A GREEN CARD WHEREAS 11) Farsal Charania and (2) Sahm Ah Charania, both of P.O. Box 5229440200, Nairobi in the Republic of Kenya. :re registered as proprietors of those preces of land knowi-r as Kwale/Dran/230, situate in the distrrct of Kwale, and whereas sufficrent evidence has been adduced to show that the green card rssued thereof rs lost and efforts to hace rt rn the office have farled, notice is given that after the exprration of srxty (60) days from the date hereof, provrded that no vahd objectron ha-s gsgn recerved within that period, I shall rssue a new green card. Dated the lOth October.2014. C. K, NGETICH. GAzE'rrENoncENo 7176 MR/s834067 i Innd Regrstrar, Kwale District THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT l : (No.3 ofZO\Z) GA7-E-TTE OPENING oF A NEw REctsTF.R WHEREAS (1) Mart Odera and (2) Mikael Ogweyo, both of P.O. Box 131, Homa-Bay rn the Repubiic of Kenya, are registered as proprietors in absolute ownership lnterest of that piece of land contalnlng 4.3 hectares or thereabout, situate m the district of HomaBay, registered under trtle No. Kanyada./K/Katuma 'A'1262, and whereas suffrcrent evrdcnce has been adduced to show that thc land register rssued thereof has been lost, notice is given that after the expiratron of sixty (60) days from the date hereof, I shall open a new land regrster provrded that no objection hes bccn received within that period. Dated the loth Ocrobcr,2014. MR/5834061 Iand V. K. LAMU. District. Re gistmr, Homa-Ba1' NoTIcE No, 7I 80 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.1 oJ20l2) RECISTRA'NON OF INSTRUMENT WHEREAS Andrew Kiptarus Kenei (ID/5288212), of Kamwosor in the Rcpublic of Kcnya, is'registered as proprictor of tlrat picco of Itrnd known as Kiplomt alKipldmbe Block l0 (Growel)/l 19, slruatE ih the district of Eldoret East, and whereas the chref magistrare's court at Eldorct ir .urrrd No. 8 of 2005, has ordered thar rhe sard laM title deed bc canoclled and the same revert to thc Govenrmen. nf Kenyt and whcrcrs all cfforts made to compei the ieglsteri"Ll Fropneto? b surrender the land title deed by thc tand Rcgrstrar havr fliled, notice is given that after expiratron ofthirty (30r days tiom rhc dats hcreof, pr,ovided no valid objection-has been rccerved wrrhir thar pcciod, I .,t 1746 THE KENYA GAZETTE intend to dispense with the production of the said land trtie deed and proceed wrth the reglstratron of mutation and transfer and issue a land title deed to the twelve members awarded by the said court, and upon such regrstration the land title deed rssued earher to the sard Andrew Kiptarus Kenei, shall be deemed cancelled and of no effect GAZETTE NoTICE 7 I 84 (No.3 of20t2) REGISTRAIoN bnd GAZETTENoTICENo. No. THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT Dated the 1Oth October,20l4. MR/5834030 lOth October, 2014 C. SUNGUTI, Regtstrar, Uasin Crshu Dtstrict TI8I THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT \No 3 of2Ol2) REGIS'IRATION OF INSTRUMENTS WHEREAS Nganga Njonjo (deceased). rs regrstered as propnetor of those preces of land knorvn as Gatamaiyu,Nyanduma/528 and 1335, containing 6.0 and2.2'l acrcs or thereabout. respectrvely. situate in the drstriot of Krambu, and whereas the Hrgh Court of Kenya at Nairobi in succession cause No 4l of 2005 has issued grant of letters of adminrstration to (l) Esther Warrimu Nganga and (2) Racheal Nloki Nganga, and whereas the title deed issued earher to the sard Nganga Nlonjo (deceased) has been reported mrssrng or lost, nouce is grven that after the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provrded no valid objectron has been received wrthrn that period, I intend to dispense wrth the produchon of the said land trtle deed and proceed with the registration of the said instrument of R.L. l 9 and R.L. 7, and upon such registration the land tltle deed issued earlier to the sard Nganga Nlonjo (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of Dated the lOth October, 2014. N. G. GATHAIYA. ktnd MR/5834042 GMETTE NoTCE No, 7 (No.3 ol20l2) E.W BABU, La.nd Regtstrar, Kambu Drstnct 7 I 82 THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of20t2) REGrsrRAnoN oF INSTRLTMENTS IYHEREAS Samson Nlenga R Muongr (deceased), rs regrstered as proprietor of those pieces of land known as Muguga/Grtantll447 and 1446, containing 0.118 and 0 I l8 hectare or thereabouts, respectrvely, sltuate ln the distnct of Kiambu, and whereas the Hrgh Court of Kenya in Nairobr in succession cause No ll9 of2013 has issued grant of letters of administration to (1) Jane Wangan Njenga and (2) Nelson Muongr Nlenga. and whereas the title deed issued earher to the sard Samson Nlenga R. Muongi (deceased) has been reported mrssing or lost, notice rs given that after the expiratron of thlrty (30) days frop the date hereof, provided no valid objection.has been recerved within that penod, I intend to drspense with the productron of the sard land title deed and proceed wlth the regis'rration of the said instrument of R.L. 19 and R.L.7, and upon such registration the land title deed rssued earher to the sard Samson N.;enga R. Muongr (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect. REGISTRATIoN oF INSTRUMENT WHEREAS Masrka Ngolany'e (deceased), rs registered as proprietor of that piece of land known as Nzaui/Nziu/533, situate in the district of Nzaui, and whereas the pnncrpal magistrate's court at Makueni in succession cause No. 50 of 20ll has issued letters of adminrstration and confirmation to (l) Hellen Syowasya Masika and (2) Naomi Wavrnya Masika, and whereas the title deed issued earlier to the said Masrka Ngolany'e (deceased), has been reported missing or lost, notlce is grven that after exprratlon of thrrty (30) days from the date hereof, provrded no valid objection has been recetved within that perrod, I rntend to drspense wrth the production of the said land title deed and proceed with the registratron of the satd instrument of administration and confirmatron, and upon such reglstratton the land title deed rssued earher to the said Masrka Ngolany'e (deceased), shall be deemed cancelled and of no effect. Dated the l0th October, 2014. L. K. MUGUTI, grstrar, Makueni THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2o12) REcrsrRATIoN oF INSTRI MENT Iand Registrar, Kiambu Dtstrrct. No. Re GAZETTENOTICENO 7186 W N MUGURO. G l7f,"rrE NorrcE lnnd MR/5834037 Dated the 1Oth October,2014. lvII.l5834022 gistrar, NyandarualSamburu Districts I85 Dated the lOth October,2014. GAzErrE NoTCE No. Re THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT no effect. MR/5834020 OF INSTRUMENT WHEREAS Peter Mbugua Mwicrgr (deceased), is registered as propnetor of that prece of land contamrng 0 0465 hectare or thereabouts, known as Nyandarua/Krnma Township/I4, srtuate in the district of Nyandarua, and whereas the pnncrpal magistrate's court at Nyahururu in succession cause No. 14 of 2003 has issued grant of letters of adminisration to (1) Lucy Muthonr Mbogo and (2) Paul Mwrcigr Mbugua, and whereas the title deed issued earher to the said Peter Mbugua Mwicrgr (deceased) has been reported missing or lost, notice ls grven that after the expuatron of thirty (30) days from the date hereof, provrded no vahd oblectron has been received within that period, I lntend to dispense wlth the produchon of the satd land trtle deed and proceed with the regrstratlon of the said insrument of R.L. 19 and R.L. 7, and upon such regrstratlon the lhnd title deed issued earlier to the said Peter Mbugua Mwicigr (deceased), shall be deemed to be cancelled and of no effect WHEREAS Benard Okello Ogola (deceased), is regtstered as proprietor of that prece of land containing 6.4 hectares or thereabout, 71 83 as Kabondo/Kasewe/l0l0, srtuate rn the district of Rachuonyo, and whereas the Law court at Oyugls in succession cause No. 39 of 2Ol2 has issued grant of letters of administration and transmrssron to (l) George Odhiimbo Ogola, (2) Geofrey S. Inyondire, (3) Miflibent Awuor Nyangao, (4) Mary Atreno Ochanda and (5) Nicholas Aroko Ogola, and whereas,the htle deed issued eariier to the said Benard . Okello Ogola (deceased) has been reporrpd_ mrssing or.lost :. ,giyen-t}41 after the,expiiation of {rirty fgQtayvfro.o lir".dtt! trccof, p"i"ra"e no wHtl objection has been receivod *,it in Gi.pciioa, t = -todlfpense with-tnproduction dfthe said land frtlc deed and of the said instormint of R.L. l9 and R.L. known THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT (No.3 of2o12) REctsrRATroN oF INSTRUMENT trtle to deefi+isE-b*frFf. & .regisi{d* compel. for cinccll*on have-- a t:- !*: GAZETTE NoTtCE 2747 THE KENYA GAZETTE lOth October.20l4 No. 7I87 THE SACCO SOCIETIES ACT (Cap.49OB) . NOTICE OF STATUTORY MANAGEMENT OF A SACCO SOCIETY (Issued pursuant to section 5 I and 52 oJ the Sacco Societies Act (Cap. 4908) NOTICE is given that in exercrse ofthe powers conferred upon lt by sectron 51 and 52 ofthe Sacco Socleties Act (Cap.4908) as read with Reg. 73 and 74 of the Sacco Societres (Deposit-takrng Sacco Business) Regulations, 2010 and all other enabling provisions of the law, the Sacco Societ^,Regulatory Authority (herernafter the Authonty) has' l. lssued an order placrng the Jrlenge Savrngs and Credrt Cooperative (Sacco) Society Ltd (hereinafter the Jijenge Sacco Society Ltd) ofP.O. Box 622241000, Thika, within the Republrc of Kenya, (C/S. Reg. No. 5937) under its statutory managemcnt with effect from 2nd October, 2014 untrl further nofice; 2. Appornted, Peter Nluguna, CPA as the Statutory Manager of the sard Sacco Socrety wrth effect from 2nd Oeti$u,.201! for a period of six (6) months unless otherwise extended by the Hrgh Court of Kenya, and who shall exclusrvely manage the affairs, and exertise all thc-powersof the I sard Sacco Socrety, includrng but not limrted to the use of the corporate seal of the Sacco Society, and whose address for all intents and purposes I shall be, The Statutory Manager, Jrlenge Sacco Society Limited, ( U nder Statutory Mana ge me nt ), C/o Sacco Societies Regulatory Authonty, Bntam Centre, 1st Floor, Mara Road, P. O Box 25089-00100, Narrobr. Tel: +254 020 2935 N0/101 E-mail : 1 r 1e n ge @ sa-sra.go ke, The Statutory Manager, Jijenge Sacco Society Lrmrted, ( U nde r Statutory Mana ge m e nt ), Wangu Burldrng, Uhuru Street, P O Box 622241000. Thrka. Tel: +254 020-2365640 Tel: +254 020 2935 000/101 E- matl : tlen ge @ 1 3 Suspended, all the powers of the general meetrng of the members, the Board of Directors and the management of the said Sacco Socioty, and/". any other Commlttee of the said Sacco Socrety whrch are hereby transfened to the Statutory Manager with effect from 2nd October, 2014, unti; :rtrther notice; 4. Declared, a moratonum on the sale or attachment or Len on all the properties and/or the assets of the said Sacco Society during the statutory management, except as may be otherwrse varred in wnting by Statutory Manager; and 5. Restricted, all and/or any further wrthdrawal ofdeposits or payments m respect deposits, which may be due to the members ofthe said $acco Socrety. and/or any other person, except as may be otherwise specifically or generally drrected or authorized by the Statutory Manager from time to tlme Consequently, notlce ls grven that, l. Any member of the sard Sacco Socrety or public wlth any claim whatsoever against the said Sacco Soclety should immediarcly lodge [re clarm rn writing for verificatron to the Authonty, or the Statutory Manager at the aforesaid addresses, using the /rescribed vcrification ofciaios Form, together with the supportrng and/or other conoboratlve documents and evrdence rn support thereof, and in any event nilt later than sifty (6O) days from the date herern. 2. Any existing power of attorney, mandate, appointment or other authonty by the sard Sacbo Society in favour of any officer and/or emiloyee of the Sacco Society and/or any other person whatsoever and howsoever given or rssued, is revoked and cancellod, unless otherwise spccifically relnstated or renewed rn wntlng by the Authority or the Statutory i Manager. The prescribed Verificatron of Clarm Forms (for members of the Sacco ard the Sacco's creditors ) may be downloaded from the Authority's,orobtainedfreeof chargefromtheAuthonty'sofficeslocatedatBritamCentre, IstFloor,MaraRoad,P.O.Box25039 - 00 I 00. Nairobr or from the Statutory Manager at the aforesard addresses Dated the 2nd October, 2014. CARILUS ADEMBA, Chief Executive Oficer. MR/5834-3 r0 GAZETTENOTICENo 7188 Area THE NAIROBI CITY COUNTY TAX WAIVERS ADMINISTRATION ACT, 20 14 PLJRSUANT to sectron 7 of the Narrobr City County Tax Waivers Administration Act,2Ol4, the County Execuhve Committee Member for Finance and Economic Plannrng reports the walvers granted under Unount llaived (KSh,) /lncatnn Josoo Road, Buruburu, Makadara Area Loresho, Kitsuru. Runda Area Garden Estate, Zimmerman, Roysambu Area Embakasi, Mombasa road part, Langata Area Karen Area l)asorrettr Area Rates Sea Area llncation \mount lVated ( KS11.) Cilv Centre Industrial Area. Gikomba Nairobi West Golf course. Neummo. Adams Area Kileleshwa, Milimani, Muthaiea, City Park Area Pangani, Eastleigh Area, St. Teresa Church Juja Road Eastleieh Part and Mathare Area 5.287.292 t2.087.826 33.225.390 53.420.590 38.601.424 1 l,853,889 t3.093.O72 s ona I Trc ke ts - r9,555338 1o1.542.424 94,572,582 396,662,944 86.754.203 20.390.895 887.047.96E Matatus Type Atnpunt Nissans (l-14 Seater) Mini-Buses (15-42 seater) Buses (43-62 seater) 3',2.3 Total 5t.9,13.000 Nissans (1-14 seater) MinlBuses ( 15-42 seatter) Buses (43-62 Seater) 28.966r'.00 t5.(ilL 18.208.000 8.350.(m t4.295.750 6.938.250 THE KENYA GAZETTE Nissans (l-14 625.000 672.Om 620.000 seater) Mini-Buses (15-42 seater) Buses (43-62 seater Total 52.117.fio Nissans (l-14 Seater) Mlni-Buses (l 5-42seater) Buses (43-62 Seater) 39.680.000 2l .784.000 9.570.000 71,034,000 Total Amount 28.966.400 14.295.750 6.938.250 50.200.400 20,833,600 Tyoe Nissans (1-14 Seater) Mini-Buses (15-42seater) Buses (43-62 Seater) Total Waiver Given Single Business Permits lpplicant KSh vI. Omar ohn Karuri Wanieri \fueni Junior Education Centre {cwton Ininsu Maita 5.000.0( 5.000.0( 20.000.0( 5.000.ff lharlcs Nderitu iene Muthoni Mutungu 5.000.0( 5.000.01 45,000.0 Urban Planning (U.D.D. Section) Type oJ Activity Amount Involved Needed Banners and reading materials 13.400 4No. Mobile units Publicity matcrials 2000No. fliers and banncrs 2No. Banners, fliers, P.A, Sandwichmen, s4.600 36.400 26.700 64.470 lNo. Truck 20No. Sandwichmen 793.800 989.370 Public Healrh Month Deceased's Name Sep- 3 Susan Saimo Oct- 3 Oct- 3 Oct- 3 Fcb- 4 Fcb- 4 Jul-14 Jul-14 Jul-14 Jul-14 Douslas Kisia Ranhael Mulil Marsaret Kdu Patrick Gathiru Panees Aoko Dominic Nou Judith Aiiambo Lilian Adisa Gcorse Ndunsu Samuel Wafirla Iul-14 13.800.00 Amount Sacco 5.254 105 Sacco l2C Transport Sacco 133 2TS Sacco 5.250 2NK Sacco 1.646.150 2TS 3.6s0 32.850 4 NT Sacco 5FInv.C Limited Akilla Transoortcrs Limited 10.500 I I 1.lm Aldana Travellers r Alicia _ _ 92,350 r 2.550 l?.s00 70.zso Baba Doeo 25 Trav. Sacco Bakaki 101 Travellers Banana Hill Matatu Savinss and C. 5.250 5.250 l.{2.750 r5.750 63,2s0 Bluclinc Safaris 269.6m BHM Bomet Travellers Sacco Buruburu 58 Travellets CBET Sacco 21.750 29.000 671.050 7.300 Chanra Sacco Chanra Travellers Channia Transoort ComDanv Crtv Hoooer Lrmited Crtv Star Shuttle Limited Citv Travellers Sacco Socretv Classrc Shuttle Sacco Society ComoLant Mst Co. Co-ooeratrve S. Crossland Travellers Limited Dabumato Commuter Services Dakrka Matatu C)wners Dandora Usafiri Traveller David Muthura Kamau Dorris Duts Usafiri Eastern By Pass Sacco Eastleieh Rt. Sacco Limrted Eastlelsh Commuter Sacco Eastlersh Route Sacco Lrmited Ecosa Travellers Sacco Egesa Shuttle Sacco El SS C S Lrmrted Eldoret Shunle Sacco L Eleventh Hour Embasava Co-operative Savinss ENNUS Estates Connection Limited Eststes Connection Everbest Investment Comoanv Exoress Connections Limrted Gesarate Seasonal Trckets ATS Amount Five Friends Inv. Co. Forward Travellers Four NT Sacco Fourtv Four Owner Comoanv Ganaki Sacco Parkire Gathurai 45 3.900.00 5.700.00 8,200.00 4.300.00 6.300.00 7.100.00 26.500.00 8.500.00 9.800.00 5.500.00 99.600.00 Arriva Coach Company Astrabell Limited Sacco CBS Sacco Chanr Krbwezr Chania Chanra Btrav Farasl Amount 94.900 105.000 105.000 lorh october,20l4 Githrca Travellers Sacco Githurai 45 Travellers Sacco Great Rift Shuttle Guton Kenva Limited Hannover Sacco Hrshnse Kibera Home Sacco Huruma Minibus Sacco nagr Travellers nani Seven Seater Sacco Indinra-Nie Inter-County Travellers Sacco Iska Inv 14.600 36.500 57.750 1.098.750 799.000 r 82.050 I60.600 386.750 215.250 222.45{\ 26,250 217,650 7,250 14,600 142,350 5.250 1 36.1 50 52.500 126.000 666.750 48.600 70.950 40.1 50 156.950 75.300 l. I 76.850 3.650 14.150 5.250 83,950 556,500 7.300 2t.000 858.450 2'73.750 l 35-6s0 438.700 14.500 10.500 127;750 358.500 299.3N 53.750 49.250 118.400 43.800 201 .850 85.550 t64.250 368-850 54.750 14.150 James Jesmat Travellers Jonsaga Sacco 450.900 KBS Kacose Sacco 787.500 Kadana 7.300 433.850 Kaka Tra','ellers Kam TransDorters Kamuna Sacco Kanakr Kansema Travellers Sacco Kansemi Matatu Owners Kariobansi Matatu Owners Sacco Karuri Comuters Services Kasbowa Sacco 152.850 165.850 107,450 264.9m Kasese 164.250 7.300 200.750 469,100 388,500 430,300 10.s00 3,650 Kawansware Matatu Savinss and Credit 122-O50 l0th october, 2014 THE KENYA GAZETTE Amounl Sacco 58.400 Kazana Travellers 12.500 Kazipoa KBS Kenya Bus Servrce Manaqement Kenya MDva Services Limited Ketnno Sacco Limited Kiambu Marafrkr Matatu Sacco Kibera Matatu Sacco (Krmao) Kieumo Traveller Kiiahelinc Sacco Kilele Shutrles Krleoris Klassic Sacco Lrmited Killeton Commuter Servrces Kimao Srcco Kimisa Sdtco Kimma Sacco Kinatwa Co-oo. Sacco Kirasi Trrvellers Sacco Kitale Shuttle Services 496.000 29.000 230.000 73.000 13 149.250 1 7 Kukena Sacco [-akenva Transoorters Limited Lankana Sacco Society Latema Trevellers Likana Sacco Lina Lopha Multioumose Sacco Luckybabadoeo Travellers Lucv Lumrnous Shuttles Luxurv Shuttle Tours and Travel Madiwa Mrtatu Sacco [Mmos] Makos Saoco Manatwa Sacco Manchester Travellers Manmo Sacco Maoema Prcstise Shuttle Mantra Sacco Marahab#Holdinps Co. Lrmrted Marimba Traverers Sacco Mark OnoExoress Lrmited Matatu Owhers Sacco Mathomc *atergate Matunda Slcco MesandcrLimited 1.550 58,400 84.000 69.350 40,1 50 10.500 l0l.250 8.900 284.1ffi I 29.850 250 151 't.250 KitensehMinibus Sacco KMOCSC Limrted 3.000 3.650 634.950 76.650 65.700 362.250 341.300 100.150 655.750 386.750 3,650 63,000 43,800 92,400 25.550 23 1.100 262.r50 t .350 5 32.850 12r.050 10.500 99.700 76 65032.QO 54.750 t.900 3 Menva Scnrices Sacco 43.500 94.900 Meru Shuttle t4.600 Co. Meru Nrsrln Sacco Metro Corirmunications Limited MeEotrmg Metrotraorca Llmited Mitamboi Sacco Mitunsuirlllissan Sacco Mne Sa(ib-Limrted Mollinc l&ris Molo Clab3ic Sacco Moloerouo Safaris Mololinc Scrvices Mololiner Sacco Morden Coast N{t. Kenva Shuttle Sacco Mt. Kenve Shuttle Mtn SaccoLimited Mtrotrans MultiDurDoses Muna Supreme Shuttle 4'74,350 8 r ,500 300,000 5,250 6l,150 r0,950 79.850 98,550 73.000 229.950 822.7 tO 2-5.550 58.O00 29,?at) I.650 4l ..15() l5c ?.J[iU 122,0$ Muranqa SuDreme Shuttle Limrted Mwamba Mwiki P.S.V. Sacco Mwiki SSM Sacco 270.lm Mwiki Sacco Mwiki Sucr Shuttle Manasement 21.000 r 15.500 612.250 i.25o 104,750 Sacco Amounl Mwirona Sacco NTMK Travellers Sacco 149,650 Narrobr Frrends Travellers Soc Nairobr Prestise 7,250 89.250 536,100 3,650 127.750 98,000 50.400 Nairobi Shuttle Nairobi Westem Classrc Sacco I 56.950 Naboka Travellers Sacco Naekana Rt.134 Sacco Nassis Naeiru 145 Sacco Nakamata Travellers Nakaski Sacco Nakathi Travellers Nakimu Classic Trav Nakonns Sacco Nakwe Travellers Namuga Sacco Namukrka Sacco Lrmited 1 58.1 50 162.450 J.65U 83.900 65.700 69.350 16.800 40.3(n 27,750 Nanarso 24,|N Nanskis Sacco 67,1 00 Nanvuki Express Sacco Narok Line Servrces Lrmrted Narok Safans Sacco Lrmrted Narokhne Servrces Narugr Sacco Nasamkr Sacco Nawasuku Nazigr Sacco Nbr Krruline Neema Travellers Neno Sacco Societv New Classrc T Sacco New Nbi-Naivasha Unrte New Travellers Sacco Nerv Classic Travellers New Ennus Sacco New Kasese Sacco Newlot Travellers Nqokana Sacco Limrted Ngons Travellers Ngumoline Nienea G Nmoa Sacco Nnk Shuttle NNUS North-Rift Shuttle Sacco Ntk Travel Services Nucleur lnveshnents Nunsuni Exoress Nvakaskr Transoort Sacco Nvakatr Sacco Nvamakrma Sacco Nvambunwa Nyanza Shuttle Nvena Sacco Nyerr Shuttle C)nsata Ronsai On sataline TrasDorters Orokise Co-oo Savine and Credit Oromats Sacco Outer Circle Outreach Travel Co. Lrmrted Pakin-Alicra Savinss and Credit S Peia Travellers Pelo'fech Company Limited Peter Philin hnDolnt Premium Travetlers Prestise Shuttle Prime Transcrtv Lunited Ouaser Shuttle Oue Sacco 259.1 50 222,650 98,5s0 I 97.800 r60.600 93.950 291.650 222.850 18.250 147.000 735.r 50 3.650 29.200 7.300 54.750 98.550 63,900 l5,750 54,300 29.200 445,3fi 3.650 222.0N 131.000 555,9s0 897.800 3'10.250 445.300 I I 3.100 r 0.950 I I 3.150 l 16.800 26,250 r8.250 109.500 12'7;750 249,8N 96.100 199.1 50 56.1 50 5,250 I 78,500 19.850 42.000 190.250 8.900 21.800 t2l.5m 18.250 103.750 I23.5m 36.500 25.550 2750 THE KENYA GAZETTE Satco Amount Raha Exnress Sacco 9l 250 Rasasr 52.500 Rembo Shuttle Sacco Rengcom Lrmrted Rikana Ros Travellers Sacco Ronsai 3 t Sanan Sacco Sasahne Classic Satima Sacco Saven Seater Sacco Savrnss and Credit Societv Lrmrted 1.950 46. r 00 1.650 2 14.000 280,1 50 I 3.650 43.800 322.150 25.550 I 37,350 42.000 210.000 Semaka Sacco 110.650 5.250 Semastase Senzo Travellers 10.950 Senan Sacco 363,r 50 Sinan Snowball Sacco Sonv Tradrns Companv Lrmrted South B Travellers Sacco Lrmrted South Rift Transport Southb Owners Sacco St Marvs Sacco Stahito Sacco Starbus Comoanv (K) Lrmited Sunbird Super Coach 3.650 40;750 52.500 Suoer Hishwav 45 Sacco Lim(ed l 485.750 102.2N Teachcrs'l"r.sporters Agency t21.200 14,500 Team Fergre TransDorters 45.650 3,650 Tel Aviv Sacco 2. All labeli of pgst control products affected by which have bgen approved by the Board for other amended by lnsephg the statement "Not for fohar frurts and vegetables" followed by a photograph of with a red X sign below the statement, in the primary label, and the label shall be submrtted to the Board approval withrn two weeks of the pubhcatron of this All companres deahng havrng the above pest control stock shall declare the quantities rn stock wrthrn 30 date of publication of this notice. Dated the I st October, 201 4 FAITH R. M GAZETTE NoncE No. 7l 99 THE I,ABOUR RELATIONS ACT (No 253.000 14 oJZOO1) AMENDMENT OF THE CPNSNTUNON AND RULES OF I members of Seafarers Ur pursuant to sectron 27 (4) Of the Labour Relations Act, change of the Constrtution bf the unron has been recerved NOTICE is grven to {ll Any person or membe{ intending to ralse any obJect of the coilstitftron of the unron rs requr requred wntrng any objections afainst alainst the amendment of of the withrn twenty-one (21) dals from the date hereof. The amendment open for scrutiny from the f.rndersigned offices dunng Dated the 8th v Octoberj2ol4 ,I 2t.500 MR/5834381 \ 120.450 E. N. Regrstrar oJ r 145.100 3.650 GAZET|E NorrcE 102.250 336-250 463,650 l8 8.450 32-850 15,250 No. l4,of.2o07) areucnrfix 316.700 3.650 32,850 197.r00 Z-Travellers Sacco 10.950 I l5.5tn 49,757.X0 GREGORY SILVANUS MWAKANONGO, C ounty Exe c utive C ommittee Me mbe r, Finance and Economrc Planrung. RBcrsri.,,trioN NOTICE ,, g,l"o i Relatrons Act, to all'. oF TRADE to se-itron 14, 15 and 17 Unions, Federation of T Federatron of receipt of regrstratron ofthg 252.850 212.950 842,2sO RELATIONS ACT THE 86,950 Tiza No.rl') I 38 r .650 Tripole S Services Co.Limrted MR/5834380 Prodr Dimethoate or its metabolites, Omethoate, and control productg c0ntainrng chlorpyrifos on vegetables 59.500 Suoreme Shuttle T; \me"d Coach Wamasaa-TraveUers Sacco fohar uses of Dimethoate Pest Control 622.9N 62.050 t05.850 3,650 Utimo Sacco Walokana Multioumose Sacco ttgl SUSPENSIoN t. IT IS notified for general rnformatron and for the i holders of certificates of registration and their agents Control Prodicts Board hai, in exercrse of powers regulation 1 I (2) (i) of the Pest Control Products Regrstratron) Rogulations, with rmmedrate effect 313.900 Suoer Premium Suoercoach Safarr Umoinner Sacco Limited Umowa Sacco Unswana Sacco Unified Intematronal Usafin Travellers . 36.050 124.100 403 350 168.000 Thrka Falls Sacco Thika Road Transporters Thika Travellers Sacco Thomat Sacco Tours Ana Travel Transline Classsrc Travel Mart Limited (Sub 41 r .550 178.850 Zun Genesrs Co Totals | 77.500 Sema Stase Owners Sacco Sema Sacco Welkan Sacco lVt*tMEkznlara THE PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS (CERTIFICA REG IST.R,ANON) R EG U LATIONS 3 t'72,900 89 Qap.3a$ 5.0(n l57.5tn Ronqao Sacco Rukasina 44 Sacco Limrted Runa Runa Sacco Runka Servrces Sacco Safan Luxury Shuttle Warukana NorcE No. 7l Oc THE PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ACT 49.250 3.650 Sacco Limited Super Metro GAzErrE l0th Kenya Unrorof Kenya Fgotbalen The notrce ,is given the followitg registered T Employers Organizatiohi l. Kenya Union of ic, Hotels, Educational Hosprtals and 2. Kenya Union of to submit rn wntlng fourteen ( 14) days from tl l'i Dated the 8th Ocpber h objectrons against the date of publication of this 14. E. N. GM.EmENorrcd. No 7192 Cause No -18of2014. Whether debmr's or THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (Cap 53) bonkrupttt.- Inabrlrty A( t or aLts of Date RECEIVING ORDER AND CREDIToRS, MEETING oJ treditor's petitil)n -Deblor's petttron. kt st d a1, of fi I m g p rooJ Debtor's name.-John Addre s s. Kllo - Date of filmg Nthiwa. Time Court.-High Court of K A.'t or Date acts oJ orlcreQr's petilon. -Debtot's l-1. No 7I95 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT p€tihon (Cap.53\ debts. RECEIVING ORDER AND CREDIToRS, Venle.-Sherra House Debtor's name -Jrlilus Kahindr Ng'ang'a. Addre s s. -P.O. Box 56020-{0200. Narrobr. Floor. Time.-2.3O. p.m. Dated the 30th July, De MARK GAKURU, MR/5834156 De p u t."^ Offic ia I Re ce ive r sc nptto n. - Busrnessman. Date offilmg pentton -6th June,20l4 Court.-Hrgh Court of Kenya Date No (Cap 53) No. (Under Rule 145 ofthe Bankruptct' Rules) Angwenyi Samuel Aunga. 201.1 bankruptry Date oJcreditors' meetrnq petilnn.-Debtor's petltron Inabrlrty to pay debts. -25th August,20l4. ktst dat- oJfihng prooJoJdebtforms -26th August,20l4. Ve -P.O. Box 5062-O0506, Nairobr. s c ription. -Buslnessman. Addre s s. l9 of oJ at Mrhmanr. 27th June,20l4. Whether debtor's or creditor's Act or octs RECEIVINC dADER AND CREDTTORS' MEETING De oforder. Cause NKRUPTCY ACT - nue. - Shern House, Ground Floor. Tme.-2.30. p.m. Dated the I lth July. 2t) 14. Date of filing petition.-2'7th June, 2014. MARK GAKURU, MR/5834156 Court.-Hrgh Court of Kenya at Nairobr. Dare of Dep ur 1* Offi t u I Re c e we r. order.- I lth July,2014. Cause No.-2O of 2014. GAZETTENOTICE NO 7196 Whether debior's or credilor's petitnn.-Debtot's petltion. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT Act or acts of bankruptcy.-lnabrlity to pay debts. Date MEEINC (Under Rule 145 oJthe Bankruptcy Rules) last day of filing prooJ otAebt forms.-24th September, 2014 name. 14 MARK GAKURU, Depury'Ofiaal Recewer. GAZET"TE NoTICE. credirors' meetintf-2sth September, 20 l4 Debtor's 7th September, 20 ya at Nalrobl oI bankrutt$-lnability to pay GAZE.TTE NoTIcE. I 3O p m. No.-17 of2O14 Whether tlebtor's - M25834 r 56 th January,20l4 Date of order.-25th Ju Cause -2 Dated the .10th July. 20 Busrrl.ess pettion.- oJ de bt ;fornt s. llenue -Sher,a House. Ground Floor. -P.O. Bor 509!-{0200, Narrobi, Descrrpian. to pay debts credttors' meettng.-l8th September, 2014. oJ cre dr tors' me (Cap.53) enng,- l0th September, 20 I 4. Inst day of filmg proof of debt RhcEr v rNc ORDER AND CREDrroRs' MEETTNG Jorms.-9th September, 2014 (UnJrr Rule 145 oJ the Bankruptcy Rules) Venue.-Shena House. Ground Floor. Debtor's name -Bemard Njoroge Wachai. Address.-P.O. Box I 621 I -{0 100, Nairobi. Time.-230. p.m. Dated the 30th July, 2014. MARK GAKURU. Depu4,Officrul Rece*,er MR/5834156 De sc riptrcn. -Buslnessman. pewnn. Date oJfhng lTth March.20l4. Court.-Htgh Court of Kenya at Mlhmanr. GAZErIENoTICE. No.7I94 Date of order THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (Cap.53) \ Act (Under Rule 145 ofthe Bankruptc'y Rules) Dak Address.-P.O. Box 50988-0O20O, Narrobr. :- *s&&ripttoz. -Businessman. tin s p edib+jle#qf, -zeth May, 20 4. Cozrl.-llrg! Court of Kenya at Nairobr. -^ 1 *:r#''P'"-:j:',f'- l Tth March, 2014. tlebtor's t,r croditor's petitton. .Debtor's petition. Whe'ti:her REcEr!'INc ORDER AND CREDTToRS' MEETTNG name.-Chistopher Otreno Agonda. - Caure No.-9 of20l4. otactief Ins t oJ ban!'-.;prt t,.-lnabrlrty to pay. clebts. credilors-' ngeang,;3!1h July,20 l4. day<f$l*garoof Venue. - ef*btforut**J*. _. 2,0 14* Shell.a House, Ground Floor. 1' Ttme.-2.3l. p.m. Dated the llth July,2014. MARK GAKURU. MR/5834156 Deputv Olfual Recewer. THE KENYA GAZETTE 2752 GAZE'I-TE NOTCE. NO. Narrobr Crty 7I97 2.0 (Cap.53\ (Under Rule 145 of the Bankruptcr- Rules) -P.O. Box -00 00. Nairobi. ss. tptto tt. -Bustnesslady. e sc r 1 62 1 l 1 - Cause No of 2014. -8 Date oJ oJ nue. 4 bankruptcy -Inability I.500 2.2 to pay debts. MARK GAKURU, MpJs834156 Deput-v Oficrul Receiver 7I98 THE WATER ACT KARURI WATER AND SANITATION COMPANY LIMITED REGULAR TARIFF ADJUSTMENT THE Water Servrces Regulatory Board pursuant to sectron 73 (5) of the Water Act, 2002, approved a Regular Tariff increase for water services for Karun Water and Sanitation Company Lrmtted. Under the powers granted under sectron 73 ( I ) and (4) of the Water Act,2OO2, and section 120 (l) of County Governments Act, 2012, Athi Water Services Board in conjunction with the County Govemment of Krambu do hereby grve a notlce to all exrstrng and potentral water customers of Karun Water and Sanltatlon Company Limited of the new adjusted water tanffs effectrve from lst November, 2Ol4 and will be revrewed on I st October, 20 17. Water Tanff Sfucture for Year 201412015,2015116 and 2A16117 ide nt ru l/ G ov e t nme n t Consumptnn Block m m3 Current Approved 0-6 55 65 80 300 and above 33.33 50 65 80 100 130 0-6 JJ.JJ 7-ZO 50 65 80 110 7-20 50 2 5 1- 100 l0 300 00 20 140 CommerciaVindustnal 2l -50 5 1- 100 l0l -300 300 and above consumption ls ltss than 50mr Bet'teeen 50nr' and l00mt Ber*-een l00m' and l50m' More than l50m' 1.000 2.000 2.500 3.000 3000 5000 metres oJ20l2) 17 10.000 Water Krosks where anticipated monthl more than 10 cubic meues Bar, restaurant and lodgings more than 15 cubu THE COUNTY GOVERNMENTS ACT (No consumlns more than 200 cubic metres Retail shops. workshops and offices consuminl (Ntt 8 oJ2002) Institutnns 1.500 Domeshc consumer (single connection servinl more than one single dwelhng rncluding flats Dated the I lth July.20l4. Re s 4pproved (K9t.. Connection Type Domestlc consumer (srnele dwelline) Time.-2.3O. p.n . Deposits Water Deposit Sheia House, Ground Floor. GAzE-mE NoT]CE No. ( KSh.l 250 250 250 450 450 800 petttnn -Debtor's petrtron. credfiors' meeung.-30th July, 2014 - 50 50 3', ktst day of filmg proof of debtforms.-29th July,2014 Ve lnnroved t12' 3/4" 2U2" 17th March, 20 I 4. Whether debtor's or credfior's Act or acts hze ( Inches) ltl Date of filing penilon -l7th March, 2014. Court.-High Court of Kenya at Mlhmanr. Date oJ order Meter rent per month Meter Rent btor's name.-Lydia Wanjiru Nduma. D MrscellaneousCharges 2.1 RECEIVING ORDER AND CREDIToRS' MEETING Addre Water Comoanv. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT De 10th October, 2014 65 75 90 100 r30 130 150 35 35 40 80 50 90 26.57 r00 Hotel class'A' and'B'less than 150 cubic metres Hotel class'C' and'D'more than 150 cubic metres Hosoitals more than 150 cubrc metres Minor construction site (temporary connectron) lesr than 200 cublc metres Large construction site (temporary connecuon more than 200 metres Lieht rndustnes less than 200 cubic metres Medrum rndustnes 200 to 300 cubic metres Heavv rndustnes more than 300 cubic metres Health centres/drspensanes less than 150 cubir 10.000 15.000 20.000 10,000 50.000 r0.000 15.000 20.000 metres 5000 Schools/colleges/other institutions more than 2U cubic metres Schools less than 200 cubrc metres 10.000 5.000 The actual cbst subject to I Topprng up of consumer deposrt after drsconnectior based on actual average consumption for domestu ninimum cott ol ? 5no oo consumers 2.3 Other Charges Approved (KIh.) 200 Servrce For speclal reading of a meter For cuttlng off the supply at the request of 2m thr consumer 2N For turnrng on the supply otherwise than in respec of a first connectron 500 For turning on the supply after a disconnection fo non navment Water Bowserl own transDort)Der cu.m 180 Water Bowser bv WSP 2500 For teshng a meter at the request of the consume The actual cost where it is not found to reglster incorrectly to an' subject to a mrnrmum ch&ge degree exceedrng 5 per cent of Standoroes/krosks Exhauster Services (Company Exhauster) Pubhc schools, universities and coller,:s 0-600 601-1200 1200 and above Bulk ourchase fron t20 30 t Private Exhaustcrs (Dumping rnto the company's sewer syste -500.0O 5,000.00 for dthel customers ad 4,000.00 for informal sefflemenl 15,0O0.00 pcr Truck oer mmth 2753 THE KENYA GAZETTE l0th October,2014 GAZET"TE NoTICE Approved (KSh.) Penalttes No. 7I99 Self reconnectron after cut off for nor 5,000.00 and billing to b( payment backdated from date of cu THE COMPANIES ACT (Cap.486) off Surcharge for rllegal connection 10,000.00 and Domestic regularisr Surcharge for illegal connection: CommerciaV schooV college/ hospital Surcharge for illegal connection Construction site Surcharge for illegd connectlon Industry Illegal connection sewerage LIMITED 40,000.00 and regulansr IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAIROBI connectron and regularisr 500,000.00 and regulansr 100,000.00 Charges equal to those o illegal connections of wate for tampering with meter 5000 removal reversms of meter. etc) Surcharge for direct suction of wate 10.000 from the sunolv line usrns a DumD Surcharse for meter loss or damaqe Cost of the meter Analysrs of Cost Structure 2014/15 5 r .815.821 2.002.280 Malntenance Resulatoro I evv Licensee Remuneration 67 | .895 20t5/t6 56.679.417 2.200.508 698.895 201 6t t7 59.036.876 2.420.559 730.402 Mrnor Investments Total Costs Prolected Rev. (KSh.) Total Cost Coverase (qol 2,735,885 3,875,000 61.100.880 6l.814.313 lOlVo 1.777 R2t I,500,000 64.856.U2 65.696.154 lOlVo 4,188,489 3,000,000 69.376.326 69.388.220 l00Vo 4.0 Conditions atqchcd to the tariff approval KAWASCO will becxpected to meet the targets below: Tareel Water Coverase (7o) standard (o/.\ Non Revenue Water (9o\ Hours of Suonlv (Hrs) Staff oer 1000 connectionr Metenns ratro (Vo\ Collection Effi c Resale at Kiosk ( And the said petitron is drrected to be heard before the court sitting at High Court of Kenya at Narobr, on the 14th November, 2014 and any credrtor or contnbutory of the sard company desirous to suppo( or oppose the making of an order on the said petition may appear at the tlme of hearing rn person or by his advocate for that purpose and a copy of the petitron will be fumished by the undersrgned to any credltor or contributory of the said company requiring 9o\ 2014/ 15 2015t16 2016/ t7 6070 62Vo 65% 100% compliance with the quality standards ANJARWALLA & KHANNA, GAzE-mENoTCENo 72OO 2790 269o t2 l3 t4 THE COMPANIES ACT 6 93 6 95 6 (Cap.486) 9'7 94.00 95.00 95.00 Regulate resale by kiosk vendors at Ksh 2 per 20-litres. Tanffs at kiosks must br displayed at strategic pourts for publir IN THE MAT'TER OF KAMPALA COACHS LIMITED IN THE HIGH COURT OF KENYA AT NAIROBI MILIMANI COMMERCIAL COURTS WINDING-UP CAUSE SPA Revision: the clause on tariffs and lrcensee remuneration levy whrch rs the equivalent Of clause 9 of the Model Servrce Provrsron on "Tanffs, Remuneratlon and for the Petitioner, Any person who rntends to appear on the hearing of the said petitlon either to oppose or support lt must serve or send by post to the above-named notrce ln wntlng of hrs rntenhon to do so. The notice must state the name and address of the person, or, if a frrm, the name and address of the firm, and must be srgned by the person or firm, or his or their advocate, rf any, and must be served, or if posted must be sent by post. in sufficient time to reach the above named not later than 4.00 p.m. of the l3th November, 2014 29Vo Performance Evaluation: Performance targets to be met and ascertained by WASREB, at the end of the l st year of the tariff period. Non achievement of thc sct targets wlthout Justrfiable cause shall lead to penalty. No 14 oF 2OI3 wrndrng-up petition in regard to Kampala Coachs Lrmrted presented to the Hrgh Court of Kenya at NOTICE was grven that a Nairobr on the 23rd August, 20 I 3, vide a court order dated 10th April, 2014, Douglas Wekhomba is appointed as the interim liquidator of the Kampala Coachs Lrmrted penduig hearing and determination of the petltlon. Financral Arrangements",) shall be amended to conform wrth the approved tanffs: The agent shall rcioit fixed annual payments to Licensee, which shall be paid on equal monthly rates, at the end of respechve months according to the amount in sectron 3. Regularory lzvy. the WSP shall remit the regulatory levy on monthly basis being I per cent of the brlling as per Legal Notice No. 36 of 2008 Arrears of the levy shall be pard up by lst Dccember, 2014. Dated the 6th October, 2014. MALAQUEN MII.GO, ChieJ Executive Oficer, Ath Water Services Board. Approved: MR/5834295 Aclvocates NOTE awareness. Agreement (SPA) such copy on payment of the regulated charge for the same. MR/58341 35 Fees Water quality PURSUANT to section 218,219 (e),22O (b) and Rule 2l of the Companres Wrndmg-up Rules, notrce is given that a petrtron for the wrndrng-up of the above-named company by the Hrgh Court of Kenya at Narrobl, was on the 29th September,2014, presented to the sard court by Mrho Intematronal DMCC, of P.O. Box 340581, Almas Towers, 40th Floor, Jumerrah Lake Towers, Dubar, Unrted Arab Emrrates. Below is the summary of the cost structure that makes up the total costs incurred by Karuri Water and Sanitation Company limited: Item Onerati PE'nnoN FoR WINDTNG-up oR SupERVrsoRy ORDER connmtron (this to rnclude meter 3.0 WINDING.UP CAUSE NO. 16 OF 2014 connectlon Der catePorv. Surcharge IN THE MATTER OF OPEN ENERGY LIMITED INDUSTRIES connectlon ROBERT GAKI.TBIA, C hieJ Exec utive OlJi c er, Water Servtces Regulatory Board. Dated the Sth October,2014. SAGANA, BIRIQ & COMPANY, Advot utes lor the Petitilmer, P r udentia I As sur anc e Bu ildin g, 4th Floor, Wabera Street, P.O. Box 51100-00100, Narrobi. MR/5834353 NoTE Any person r'lJ rntends to appear on the hearing of the said petltlon must serl'. or send by post to the above named notice in wntlng hrs lntentlon so to do The notice must state the name and address of the person, or rf a firm the name and address of the firm and must be signed by the person or firm or his or their advocate, if any, and must be served, or if posted must be sent by post, rn sufficient time to reach the above named not later than 4.00 p.m. on the 3lst of October,2014. THE KENYA GAZETTE 2754 ' October, 2014 GAzEmE No,I.ICE No. 72OI THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT ACT (No t7 ollot2j THE GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES) PURSUANT to the powers conferred upon the County Government by vrrtue of Anicles 183 and 186 of the Constituti the County Govemments Act, and such other Legrslatron for the tlme belng rn force, the County Govemment of Trans facilrtres wrthrn Trans Nzola County as per the schedule hereof. TRANS-NZOIA COUNTY HEALT}I FACILITIES C h e r an g' ant S ub - Co u n r 1- Cheransanv Health Centre Nzoia Health Centre Motosiet Health Centre Cheosiro Health Centre Suwerwa Health Centre r Kiotenden Drsoensa Suwerwa Health Centre Health Ccntre Endebes Sub-Counn" Mt Elson Natronal Park Mt. Elson Natronal Park Andersen Medrcal Centre Kv,unza Sub-County Kwanza Health Centre Mandadr RCEA Medrcal Centre Bidu Health Centrc Krminini Health Centre Kwanza Sub-Cour Kaisapat Health Centre Bwayi Dispen Mandadr RCEA Dispensarl Krminini Health Centre Kiminrni Cottage Hosprtal Tulwet Health Centre Weonra Dr Grtwamba Health C"ntre Grtwamba Health Centre Bondeni Health Centre 1': Kenli, section 3t the health 2755 THE KENYA GAZETTE tober, 2014 1Oth Summam Type ofFz ility Countv HoiDitals Sub- Counw Hosortals Health Ceibes Dispensafi 2 6 22 40 70 Total Dated tbe 2nd September, 2014 PATRICK SIMIYU KHAEMBA. G ov er nor,'fran s N zo ru C o u n 4n MR/s834316 Increased solid No.6937 CAzET-tE waste. Use of an lntegrated solid ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND CO.ORDINATION ACT (No.8 of 1999) land filhng, ATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY AL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT BUILDING TOWER FOR JABAV VII,LAGE LIMITED IN UPPERHILL. NAIROBI ON 'h PLor L.R. No. 3ll219 . Private waste drsposal company to be contracted to transport and drspose the solid wastc from site. . Provrde facilities for proper handling and storage of cclnstruction materlals to reduce the amount of waste causcd by damage or exposure to the elements. ' Stockprles ENV POSED COMIUERCIAL FOR INVITATIoN oF PLIBLIC CoMMENTS Air pollution PURSUANT to regulatron 21 of the Envrronmental Management and Co-ordinahon (Impact Assessment and Audrt) Regulations, 2003, the National Envrronment Management Authority (NEMA) has received an Envirorimental Impact Assessment Study Report for the dust generatron areas on polluUon control measurers . Norse pollutron . Sensihze workforce rncludrng dnvers of construction vehrcles Install sound barriers for pile dnvrng actlvlty . Install portable barriers to 002 ha). shreld compressors and other small stationary equlpment where necessary The design for the commercral building tower provides for the construction of four components; a commercial component of about 30,000 square meters of total floor area, a residenual component of about I 0,000 square meters of total floor area, a hotel of about 1 5, 000 square meters of total floor area and a rctall component of maxlmum 15,000 square meters. Thrs rnake the total planned development to have an accumulated total area of 7O,0OO square metres. The . Put up slgns io indicate consl'uctlon achvitres. Workers ur the vrcrnity of high level noise to wear safety and protective gear. Dustcenerat'Ion followrng are &e anticipated impacts and proposed mitigation measures: : r#'T::rffi"**;:'";.",, elevated areas to ground. Possible Impacts . Milryation tneasures Increased storm water,' runoff aod sorl erosron . . Control earthworks. A storm water manqemeni pl?il that minrmrzcs rmpervious area rehiLlitrl by use of recharrgc'atta<-a;-- at; cf detention and/or relETrti,r. ttuh 1- a-- graduated trutla .r -ct, * I,rovide dust masks lbr the persounel in . Sensitlze corstructron rvorkers The Proponent, Jabavu Vrllage Limrted, ls proposrng to construct a Commercial Burldrrig Tower on Land Trtle No.Nairobi/ Block 3ll2l9 at the junction of Upper Hrll Road and Harle Selassre Avenue. The project will entail putting up a multiple use premise(45-storey buildrng) that wrll comprrse of two towers; one approxrmately 212.4O meters hrgh and another one of about 137.40 metres high and associated facilitres like parking bays. The project plot area measures (l of earth should be sprayed wrth water or covered durrng dry season s. . above proposed prolect. about 2.5 acres waste i.e through a hrerarchy of ophons l Source reduction 2. Recychng 3 Compostrng and reuse 4 Contbustton 5. Sanrtary management system generation n *,*--tr.dt!iF!d!-.,, . wl rdtil.r.#t:drrF .i_. +-i r.}.*r ' other loose r4aterials - _r :- - 1;. . :. - '. necessary. -te ?ersonal .ftUectire equrpment to wom alwavsrvhen at work olace. L :ExiausfErrusire ' ,. I - Vehrcteidling time shall be minimrzed t' ' - E.. a,$.!y :,^nrr{q+-. E. Install drarnage structures properly *-Sanagement of *: '-' excavatton I-rquid wase relcase ffi#tr:f,.*S3scapiug of itisfr{bed iucas Cover all trucks hauhng soil, sand and the Provide dr[q6@n a' *$ltrifi,atfe-$ where fgq,lfgd, *antf- * -gonstrug;pl equipment shall be.used where feasible . Equipment shall be properly tuned marntained. l6to.. environment i" Provide adequare and sats_rtneanl-of halr{lrng hquid waste ar the 4fl, ffmiseif - 2756 THE KENYA GAZETTE . Conduct regular inspections for prpe blockages or damages and fix them appropnately. of Environmental Management and Co- ordination(Water Qualrty)Regulations 2006 . sanitary facilities/Sewerage park, fully fitted kitchen,single room servants' quarterc, and solar water heaters The following are the anhcipated impacts and proposed mlhgahon . Comply with the provisions Site cleanlhess and measures: Potential Impact MitiBotion Measure Sewage and effluent . . Garbage shall be drsposed hovrde solid waste recept8cles and storage containers, particuletly for the disposal of plastic bags boxes, so as not to block drainage system and to prevent littering of the site. off periodrcally. . . Road safety and traffic Road slgns on marn roads. Enforce speed hmlts for construction Sorl Erosron Public health and occupational safety Implement Traffic Management Plan. . Ensure dustbrn cubicles fie infiltration of storm water into the soil. protected site. covered. safety gear for Ensure that any compacted zlreas are ripped to reduce run-off. all personnel. Storm water drainage lines be well constructed ve ge'ia'iion dis'rurbance : ;r:J*#i:'::,i#it:,,"," ",. to in Arr pollution Designate access routes and parkmg within the site. Resources, Nairobi. of Avoid excavation works dry weathers. in site. Watering open soil or storage sites. Mombasa Road, Selecting transportatron routes. kovide worker with dust masks. Environment and Mrneral NHIF Building, Community, P.O. Box 30521, Nolse generatron Sensitize construction drivers to avoid of vehicle engines or hootrng especially when passing through gunnlng as (c) County Director of Environment, Nairobi City County. sensitive areas such The National resrdential areas and hospitals. Environment Management Authorrty invttes nembers of the public to submit oral or written comments wtthln th,dy (30) days from the date of publication of thrs nottce to the Director-General, NEMA, to assist the Authonty rn the decisron mat.. vehicle or machinery not berng used. Ensure that all heavy duty equipment are insulated or placed in enclosures to minrmize ambient noise levels. z. o. ouMA, Jor Director-General, Natronal Environment Management Authority. GAzE"mE No'ncE No Measure to ensure that noise levels does not exceed 75dB(A) 69-18 of any sound that may Aftenuation affect the inner ear by use of earplugs THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND CO-ORDINATION ACT (No.8 of t999) THE NANONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF 42 MAISONETTES ON PLOT NO. KISUMU NYALENDA 'B'/663 KISUMU MUNICIPALITY, KISUMU COUNTY IN!'ITATIoN oF ILtsLIC CoMMENTS PURSUANT to regulatron 2l of the Environmental Management and Co-ordrnation (Impact Assessment and Audrt) Regulations, 2003, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has received an Envlronmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the above proposed project. churches, Sensitize construction vehicle dnvers and machinery operators to switch off '-ocess of the plan. MRt5749420 extremely Controlling the speed of vehicles on the The full report of the proposed project is avarlable for rnspectron during working hours at: off reduce incidence of Sprinkle water on graded access routes each day to reduce dust gcneration by construction vehicles. after construction. (a) Drrector-General, NEMA, Popo Road, P.O. Box 67839-00200. Nairobi. to pounding and flooding. landscaping Programme help revegetation of part of the prolect area (b) Principal Secretary, Ministry measures the project srte to Ensure that construction vehicles are restricted to existing graded roads to avoid soil compaction within the pro.;ect animals. rains and are well . Provide suitable of reduce run-off velocity and Increase Ensure proper solid waste dlsposal and collection facrlities from Apply soil erosion control such as leveling vehrcles. . . Provlde adequate sanitary fecilrties for workers. Special attention shall be paid to the sanrtary facrlrties on site rn liason with the County Govemment. system 10th October, 2014 and earmuffs. Safety and security Ensure the general safety and security at all trmes by providing day and nrght secunty guards and adequate hghtrng withrn and around the constructlon slte. The Contractor should ensure smct safety management through close attention to desrgn, work procedures, materials and equipment. Develop a srte safety action plan detailing safety equipment to be used, emergency procedures,restrictions on site, frequency and responsrble controls. All personnel for safety inspecbons and i I workmen should be provided with The Proponent (Hippo Park Propertres Lrmrted) is proposrng to develop 42 Marsonettes on Plot No. Kisumu Nyalenda 'B'i663 Kisumu Municipalrty, Krsumu County personal protectlve equipment (e.g. nose masks, ct muffs,heknets, ovcralls, rndustrial boots, ctc). The proponent intends to construct 42 maisonettes that will include spacrous rooms with master en-suit, large lounge, dining room, car There should be rcgular site reporting on health, safety and cnvironm cnt (HSE)} lssues by an appointed representative, darly srte HSE lnspectlons . Construct, operate and maintain one 132 kV single crrcurt overhead power transmlssron hne over approxrmately 35 km from the Meru Substatron to the new proposed Maua Substatron The hne wrll requrre acqulsltron of about 105 hectares of Rrght of Way. . Consruct, operate and marntarn one 132133 kV substahon at Maua. The substation wrll requrre approxlmately 2 hectares of should be done to ensure safe work practrces are adhered to. All rnlurres that occur on srte must be m the accrdent regrsters and correctlve actrons for thelr preventron be rnstigated as appropriate (Sectron 62 of the Factones and Other Places of Work recorded land. The equrpment in the substatlon wlll lnclude transformers, bus bars, circurt breal<ers, lsolators and Act) swrtchgears. Provrde adequate number of appropnate Fire hazards 2757 THE KENYA GAZETTE l0th October.20l4 firefightrng equrpment as well as fire The followrng are the antrcipated rmpacts and proposed mltigatton exlt optrons measures Ensure lnspectlon and marntenance of Posstble lmpat'ts frre equrpment Impacts on land Train staff on fire management. Proposed Mingatnn Impacts agncultural . and any loss assoclated Frre management response should be . and an emergency assembly pornt should be clearly generation Provrsron of drn brns al strateglc points of the compound and each respective house. . . . . . Ventrlatron Impacts on drarnage. surface waters and water resources . Posrtlonlng of towers away from natural drarnages and floodways. Posrtlon towers so as to' leave a of 15 m at nver and Dlsposal at the designated stte protection zone Awareness creatron among the burlding streams occupants Channel effluents to sephc tank and runoff from work surfaces to a retalnrng pond. Prachce re-use and recychng methods as much as possrble where apphcable. Encourage the use of NEMA approved rvaste handlers to manage waste Potentral aesthetrc lmpacts Enough space must be provrded within the premrses to allow for adequate natural ventllatlon through circulation of Most of the transmrssron llne route is away from marn roads. The full report of the proposed prqect ls available for rnspectron dunng workrng hours at. NEMA, Popo Road, Box 67839 00200, Narrobi. (.7) Drrector-General. The OHTL routes have been established so as to meet the co-rnhabrtancy requrements rmposed by the natural landscape fresh arr, P O. of the access roads requlred dunng proJect lmplementatron should be Some rehablhtated. rndrcated. . Sohd rvaste off Electrrc and magnetlc frelds The Natural vegetatron Clearance dunng construction be done Mombasa Road, (b) Prrncrpal Secretary, Mrnrstry of Envrronment and Mrneral Resources, NHIF Building, Communrty, P.O. Box 30521, electro-magnetrc field (EMF) decays very raprdly wrth drstance from source and there should be no potentral health nsks for people hving outsrde the 30 m rvrde way leave corrrdor manually without buming the cleared Narrobr. (c) County Drrector of Envrronment, Kisumu County The Natronal Envrronment Management Authorrty rnvites members of the pubhc to submit oral or wntten comments wlthln thrrty (30) days from the date of publcatron of thrs notrce to the Drrector-General. NEMA, to asslst the Authonty rn the decrsion vegetatron. makrng process of the plan. RAP recommendatrons. Vegetatlon clearance wlthrn the forest areas be done under supervrsron of KFS staff Compensate value trees accordtng to Z. O, OUMA. Jor Dtrector-General, MR/58-3,4097 GAZETTE NoTICE rvrth compromrsed land productivity avarlable to everyone on site at all hmes. . A fire escape route KETRACO to provrde monetary conrpensatron for cessation of land use N ationu I Environme nt Manage ntent Authorir*. Compensatory plantrng of trees. Fauna No. 69J9 THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND CO.ORDINATION ACT To be mrtrgated at specrfically rdentrfred locatlons by use rnstallahon of colored warnrng spheres on the ground conductors atop the towers rf found necessary later during operatron Install danger srgn and mtr-chmbrng (No.8 of t999) barbed wrre for safety purposes on every steel tower. THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Ensure a safety officer is present at all the tlmes during the construction phase. Land excavatlon. access ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY REPORT FOR THE PROPOSED MERU _ MAUA I32 KV ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION LINE roads and campsite Rehabrlrtate temporary access roads after completion of works. INVITATIoN oF PUBLIC COMMEN.IS Mrnrmrze the number PURSUANT to regulation 2l of the Environmental Management and Co-ordlnatlon (Impact Assessment and Audlt) Regulahons, 200-3. the Natronal Envrronment Management Authonty (NEMA) has recerved an Envlronmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the proposrng to: of new roads requ rred. Locate the campsrte rn such a way that they can have resrdual values Lke tumrng them rnto schools and other above proposed project The Proponent (Kenya Electncrty Transmlssron Company) Desrgning transmtsslon hne route close to existing roads pubhc facrlrtres. rs Sotl erosron Restrict use of heavy machinery and THE KENYA GAZETTE 2158 1Oth October, 20 ' Equrp Substatlon wrth vehrcles to desrgnated work areas. of awareness, prevention and treatment to be underlaken among thc workers control durrng workrng hours at (a) Drrector-General. NEMA, Popo Road, P O tsox 67839{X)200. Natrobt. agarnst suhstance abuse 1b.1 constructron sltes, contractor's Prrncrpal Secretary. Ministry of Envtronment and Mlneral NHIF Burlding, Communrty. P.O. Box 30521, (c) County Dtrector of Envtronment. Meru County Re-use some of the excavated sotl fbr backfrlhng rvhrle the re\t to be dtsposed off at destgnated nrakrng process of the plan. areas The Natronal Dated the I lth August, 2014. Drspose of rvaste in accotdance wrth thc NEMA gurdehnes lmpact on ambrent atr. dust . Set the route away from dense Z, O, OUMA. ftrr Drreclor-Generul, MR/58343 t0 N u fi o n al of dust to rvorkers at htgh Manage dust through use suppressants. . Provide asprrators GAZETTE Authorl^'. STARTRUCK AUCTIONEERS . DISPoSAL OF UNCOLLECTED GOODS Install warnrng spheres in areas close to Meru natronal park Precautionary measures for any future development . A number of hazard management mechanrsms could be devrsed to prevent and control potential hazards along the transmisslon hne corrrdor and tn the substation. These include prevention, control and management mechantsms. If noted durrng op€ratron. . Erect perchrng platforms Bird stnkes nrcn t NonCE No, 7202 dust generatlon points. Potential hazards Enttronmen t Mo rutge settlements. . Impacts on aviation and communrcatron Mombasa Road, Envtronment Management Authonty lnvltes members of the public to submit oral or wrltten comments wlthin thrrty (-10) days from the date of pubhcation of thrs notice to the Drrector-General, NEMA. to asslst the Authortty tn the dectston the communlty. Solid waste off Resources, Natrobt accommodatron areas. ofTices and store lacrlity to havc slandard \anrtation. Employ non skrlled labour from wtthrn Monttor number of ftre outbreaks The full repon of the proposed proJect is avatlable for inspectron Sensltlzatron and educatton campalgns The Undertake regular fire drills. ' ' construction, Mount rntenslve campatgn approprlate frrefighttng equlPment Install sorl prolectlon works in arer: sensitive to erosron pflor to undertaktng Substance abuse and communrcable dtsease l4 Further, notlce rs grven that unless the goods are collected wrthin on top of pylons. . NOTICE rs grven pursuant to sectlon 6 and 7 of the Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act (Cap. 38) of the laws of Kenya to Navaho Enterprises tradlng as Club Ntyce to collect the following goods: gas cyhnders, deep freezer, blender, cooker. weight machine. water drums, charcoal 1tko, mtcrorvave, food warmer. computer. office landhnes. pnnter. muslc system, generator, television sets, chairs, sofa sets. tables, foot rests, beers crates, soda crates, safe, all lyrng uncollected at the premises known as Leon House, Ronald Ngala/Tom Mboya Streets. lst Floor, Nairobi Mark some of the wtres to make them thlrty (30) days from the date of publrcatlon of thts notrce and upon payment to Startruck Auctroneers storage charges and any other incrdental cost includlng the cost of publishing thrs notlce. the same shall be disposed by rvay ofpublc auction without any further nottce. more vrsrble to brrds Monltor number of electrocuted Increased cases Engage the publrc to report vandalrsm through uqe of manned hotltnes. of vandahsm MR/5834328 GAZETTE NoTICE Raprd response to det!-r any reported of rmpedrng vandahsm. Consrder use of advanced technology to deter vandahsm by product modtftcatton or enhanced detection Lobby the Government to elevate the vandahsm of electrrcal lnstallatlon to the level of econonrtc cnme of sabotage Monitor number of attempted and accomphshed vandaltsm setup ' Rarse publrc a\\'areness on the values of culture No. 7203 MBOI-KAMITI FARMERS COMPANY LIMITED ( Incorporated rn Kenya) Head Offrce. P cases Interference wrth cultural GERALD MUTAHI THUITA, Slorlruck Auctnneers brrds and those lost to colhsron and compare wrth pubhshed data to made dectston on effechveness of measures taken. Loss Shure Certtftate No O Box .3(X)-00900. Ktambu OF SHARE CERTIFICATE 1257O m the name of Rrchurd Thumbr. APPLICATION has been made to the company for the tssuance of a duphcate of the above-numbered share cenrflcate, the orlglnal havrng been reported lost or misplaced, notice ls Slven that unless oblection rs lodged to the contrary at the office of the company wrthin thrrtl' (-j0) days from the date of thrs notrce. a duphcate share ccrtrficate wrll be rssued rvhich wrll be the sole evtdencc of the contract. B, G, MWANCI & COMPANY. Adrocates for Rrchurd Want'o*e Thuntbt MR/57493.1n Support socral actlvrtres that promote the local cultures through the CSR G^ZETTENoTICENO 7204 avenues, Rrsk of frre outbreaks Marntaln the rvay-leavcs free of MBOI-KAMITI FARMERS COMPANY LIMITED ttre (lncorporated rn Kenya) fuel. Head Partner wrth other agenctes such as KWS and KFS rn frre surverllance and fire frghtrng Prepare a fire preparedness and response plans the substatron and tratn members for Offrce PO Box 300-00900. Krambu LOSS OF SHARE CERTIFICATE Share CerttfiLute a No 14316 rn the nunre oJ Joseph Ndungu Ngung,a. APPLICATION has been made to the company for the tssuance of duphcate of the above-numbered share certlflcate, the ortgrnal 2759 THE KENYA GAZETTE lOth October, 20 l4 havrng been reported lost or mrsplaced. notlce rs grven that unless obJectlon rs lodged to the contrary at the office of the company wrthrn thrrty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duphcate share certrflcate wrll be rssued which will be th sole evidence of the contract. GM,ETTE NoTICE No. 7208 CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED Head Office P.O. Box 30364-{0100. Nairobi Dated the 29th September. 2014. Loss oF PoLICY MBIYU KAMAU & COMPANY. MR/5834036 Advocates Jor Joteplt Ndun,qu Ngun,qu No. 7205 GAZETTE NoTICE MBOI-KAMITI FARMERS COMPANY LIMITED (lncorporated rn Kenya) Head Offrce: P O. Box -100-{0900. Krambu Poltct'No.6928751 m the nome and on the hfe of Patriua Wako Chortt y* Kugv'e APPLICATION havrng been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is grven that unless oblcctton ts lodged to CfC Life Assurance Lrmrted wrthrn thrrty (30) days from the date of thrs notrce. duplicate pohcy will be issued, and shall be used as the only vahd document by the company for all future transactlons Dated the I lth September.20l4, LoSs oF SHARE CERIFICATE ROSELYNE KHAMALA. Share Certtficate No. 5355 rn the name of Beatrice Wambut Kamont (Deceased). WHEREAS Beatrice Wambui Kamoni (ID/1190850/60), died on 24th December, 1996. at Kenyatta National Hosprtal, rvas a resident of Krambaa Locatron. Krambu County rn the Repubhc of Kenya. was reglstered propnetor of one ordrnary share No. 5355. with MborKamrtr Farmers Company Lrmrted. and whereas the beneficraries of the estate of Beatrice Wambui Kamoni, have with all due efforts in search of the sard share certrflcate come to conclusion that the sald share certificate rs lost, notrce is grven that after the exprry of thrty (30) days from the date hereoi the general manager of Mbor-Kamrti Farmers Company Lrmited shall rssue a replacement of the aforesard certrficate provrded that no objectlon has been recerved wlthln that penod. Actmg Head of Customer Service, CFC Life MR/583401 8 GAZETTENOTICENO 7209 CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED Head OfTice. P.O. Box 30364-{)10O. Narrobr Loss oF PoLICY Poltcy No. 6946526 m the name and on the life of David Walter Ngure. APPLICATION havrng been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered pohcy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to CfC Life Assurance Limrted wrthin thirty (30) days from the date ofthrs notrce, duphcate pohcy will be issued, and shall be used as the only vahd document by the company for all future transactrons. Dated the 8th October. 2014 RUMBA KINUTHIA & COMPANY. MR/5834341 Dated the I lth September, 2014 Ad|ocates ROSELYNE KHAMALA, Acting Head ofCustoner Service, CFC MR/5834018 Lfe GAZETTENoTICENo 7206 CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED No, GAZETTE NoTCE 72 IO Head Office. P.O. Box 30364-{0100, Narrobi CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED LOSS OF POL1CY Head Offrce. P O. Box 30364 {0100. Narrobr Polic.y No. 8149124 m the name and on the Nt'antrka. lfe oJ As1'lme Kayoka APPLICATION havrng been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numbered pohcy. notrce is grven that unless objectron rs lodged to CfC Lrfe Assurance Lrmrted wrthrn thlrty (30) days from the date ofthrs notlce, duphcate pohcy wrll be rssued, and shall be used as the only valrd document by the company for all future transactlons Dated the I lth September. 2014. Loss ot. PoLICY Pohty No 6981535 rn the nante and on the hfe ofNubtl Ahmed Saleh APPLICATION havrng been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numbered polcy, notice ls glven that unless ob.lectron rs lodged to CfC Lrfe Assurance Lrmrted wrthrn thrrty (30) days from the date of this notrce. duplicate policy u,rll be issued. and shall be used as the only vahd document by the company fbr all future transactlons Dated the I I th September, 2014 ROSELYNE KHAMALA. Acting Head of Custonrcr Sert'ice, CFC Ltf? MR/5834018 GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 7207 ROSELYNE KHAMALA, GAZETTE NoTICE CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED Head Offrce P O. No 72I I CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED Box 3036.1-{0100, Narrobr Head Offrce P.O. Box 3036-1-00100. Narrobr LoSs oI,PoLICY LOSS OF POt-tCY Polu't, No.8119140 tn the nanre und on the ltfe of Putrtcru Mbinge Polu't,No 8101365 rn the natne and ott the ltfe of h't'Chepkoech Duvies Ka"'hangukt APPLICATION havrng been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numbered polrcy, nohce ls glven that unless ob.;ectron ts lodged to CfC Lrfe Assurance Limrted rvrthin thlrty (30) days from the date of thrs notrce. duplicate policy rvrll be issued. and shall be used as the only vahd document by the company for all future tran\actlons. APPLTCATION havrng been made to thrs company on thc loss of the above numbered polrcy, notice ls grven that unless obJectlon rs lodged to CfC Life Assurance Lrmrted within thrrty (30) days from the date of thrs notrce. dupllcate pohcy wrll be issued, and shall be used as the only valid document by the conrpany for all future transactlons. Dated the I lth September. 201-l Dated the I lth September. 2014. ROSELYNE KHAMALA. MR/583.1018 At ting Head of Custoner Sert'ice, CFC Ltfe MR/58-1401 8 Atting Head oJ Customer Sen'rce, CFC Ltfe MR/58-14018 ROSELYNE KHAMALA, Artrng Head oJCustonrcr Servu'e, CFC Ltfe 2760 THE KENYA GAZETTE GAZETTENOTICENO 72I2 l0th October, 2014 No. GAZETTE NoTIcE 72 I 6 CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-0010O, Narobr Head Offrce. P.O. Box 30364-{O10O, Narrobi LosS oF PoLICY LoSs oF PoLICY Polrcl' No 8108655 in the name and on the Mulwa lfe oJ Catherute Mbrthe Polrcy No.8115740 m the natne and on the hJe APPLICATION having been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numbered policy, nohce is given that unless oblection is lodged to CfC Lrfe Assurance Lrmrted wrthrn thlrty (30) days from the date of this notrce, duplicate policy wrll be issued, and shall be used as the only vahd document by the company for all future transactlons APPLICATION havrng been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is grven that unless objectron rs lodged to CfC Lrfe Assurance Limrted wrthm thlrty (30) days from the date of thrs notice, duphcate policy will be issued, and shall be used as the only vahd document by the company for all future transactrons. ROSELYNE KHAMALA, ROSELYNE KHAMALA, Acnng Head ofCustomer Sert'tce, CFC Lfe. MR/5834017 Acnng Head ofCustomer Serrrce, CFC No. GAZETTE NoTICE GAZETTENOICENO 72I3 CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED Head Offrce: P.O. Box 30364-0010O, Nairobr Head Office P.O. Box 30364-{0100, Narrobr Loss oF PoLICY LOSS OF POLICY in the name and on the ltJe of Susan Ndunge Muthrke. APPLICATION havrng been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numbered polcy. notrce rs grven that unless objectron rs lodged to CfC Lrfe Assurance Lrmrted wrthrn thirty (30) days from the wrll be rssued. and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactlons date of thrs notrce, duphcate pohcy Poltcy No.8143855 m the name and on the life of Sarah Wanjtru Mungu. APPLICATION havrng been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered pohcy, notice is grven that unless objection is lodged to CfC Lrfe Assurance Lrmrted wrthrn thrrty (30) days from the date ofthrs notice, duplicate policy wrll be rssued, and shall be used as the only vahd document by the company for all future transactions. Dated the 23rd September, 2014 Dated the 11th September, 2014. ROSELYNE KHAMALA. MR/583401 8 Acnng Head of Customer Ser\tce, CFC Ltfe ROSELYNE KHAMALA, Acnng Head oJCustomer Sen'ice, CFC L{e MR/5834017 GAzE-mE NoTIcE No. GAZE.I-rE NoTICE Lfe 72 I 7 CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED Poltcy No. 813092 Meshack Dated the 23rd September, 2014. Dated rhe I I th September, 2014. MR/58340r 8 ofJoel Seng,e. 72I8 No. 7214 CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED Head Office P.O. Box 30364-{010O, Narrobr Head Office. P.O. Box 303621-{0100. Narobt LOSS OF POLICY Loss oF PoLICY Poltcl' No.8121934 m the name and on the life of Andrew Kenana Polrcy No.8136242 m the name and on the life oJVrgtniah Gathoni Kabochi. APPLICATION havrng been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numbered pollcy, notrce rs grven that unless oblection rs lodged to CfC Life Assurance Lrmrted wrthrn thrrty (30) days from the date of thrs notice, duphcate pohcy wrll be rssued, and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future transactions. Parsankul APPLICATION havrng been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is grven that unless objection is lodged to CfC Lrfe Assurance Limrted wrthin thrty (30) days from the date of this notice, duphcate policy will be issued, and shall be used as the only vahd document by the company for all future transactions. Dated the 23rd September, 2014 ROSELYNE KHAMALA, Dated the I lth September,2014. ROSELYNE KHAMALA. Acnng Head of Customer Serwce, CFC Ltfe. MR/5834018 GAZETTE NoTcE No. 72I9 GAZETTE Nol.ICE NO, 7215 CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED Head Offrce PO Box 30364-00100, Polx-y No 6960351 m the nanp and on the Loss oF PoLICY Policl, lfe oJ Jmtnoon Rapla. APPLICATION havrng been made to thls company on the loss of the above numbered pohcy, notrce is given that unless oblection rs lodged to CfC Lrfe Assurance Lrmrted wrthrn thlrty (30) days from the date ofthls notice, duphcate polrcy will be issued, and shall be used as the only vahd document by the company for all future transactlons. Dated the I I th September, 20 Head Office: P.O. Box 30364-{0100, Nairobr Narrobr Loss oF PoLICY No 8113930 in the name and on the liJe oJ Hosea Ktmotho Wanytn. APPLICATION havrng been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered pohcy, notice rs grven that unless objection is lodged to CfC Life Assurance Lrmrted wrthin thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, duphcate pohcy will be issued, and shall be used as the only vahd document by the company for all fuore transactions Dated the 23rd September, 2014 14. ROSELYNE KHAMALA, MR/5834018 Acting Head of Customer Service, CFC Life MFJ5834017 Acting Head oJ Custonrcr Ser\'rce, CFC LrJe ROSELYNE KHAMALA, MPJ5834017 Acnng Head oJ Customer Semice, CFC Ltfe GAZETTE NoTIcE 2761 THE KENYA GAZETTE 10th October,20l4 No. 7220 GAZETTE NoTIcENo.7224 CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 303621-$100, Narrobi Head Officc: P.O. Box 3036440100, Nairobi Loss oF PoLlcY LosS oF PoLICY Polk'y No.8107074 in the name and on the life of Inrnah Wangari Policy No.8141577 in the name and on the life of Victor Obote Ng'ani. Njonge. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numb€red policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to CfC Life Assurance Limited within thirty (30) days from the date ofthis notice, duplicate policy will be issued, and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future transaetions, Dnted the 23rd September, 2014, Dated the I 7th September, 20 ROSETYNE KHAMALA. Acting Head oJCustomer Sen,lce, CFC Lile, MR/s834017 APPLICATION hoving been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given thut unless objection is lodged to CfC Life Assurunce Limited within thirty (30) dtrys from the dcte of this notice, duplicate policy will be issued, and shall be used as the only valid document by the company for all future transrctions. GAzEmE NOTICE No. 722I ROSELYNE KHAMALA, Acting Head oJCustotner Servirc, CFC LiJe. MR/s83401e No. 7225 OAZETTE NoTICE CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED O Bor 30164 tn 100, Nalrobl Head Offlce: P Head Offlce: P.O. Box 30364:00100. Nairobt Loss or PoLrcY Loss op PoltcY Pttlttt' N0.6969691 in th? ndhru dnd oh the ltJc tf Altollo Muttr\ra Munde. APPLICATION havtng been made to thts eompdrly on the loss of the above hutnbercd polley, notlee ls glyeh that unless obje€tioh ls lodged to CfC Llfe Assutenee Llnilted rvithlri thlrty (10) days frorn the ddte df thls ndtlee^ dupliedte poliey wtll be lssued, dnd shdll lle us€rl ds the otrly vdlid do€ufteht by the €ompdhy for all tutute trdnsd€tiorls. Ddred the lTth septefiber,2014. Ptrlicl, 1116.698-19t7 th tlte natne and on the ltle of Janer Muhoro Ctchoht APPLICATION having been hiade to this €oihpdily on the loss of the above hutnb€red pullcy, hotlee is glyeh thdt unless 0hje€tlofl ls lodged to CfC Ltte Assutance Liiflited wlthlfl thlrty (30) ddys frorn the date ofthls hdtice. dupliedte poltey wtll be lssued. and shall be used as the dhly valid dtieurherit by thd Eoihlidily fot all future tfdflsd€tlohs. Ddted the lTth seprembef, 2014 ROSELYNE KHAMALA. Actihg Head tf Ctijto^er S*rite. CFC LIfu MR/5834019 14, ClAzErtENoTlCtNo lzZ) ROSELYNE KHAMALA. Artlh! Hedtl df Cultotilpl Sty\,lce, CFC LW MR/sE34019 GAzEtfENoTICENd 7226 CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED Head Office: P.O. Box 30364{)0100, Narrobr Head Offrce P O Box 30364-{01fi). Narrobr LosS oF PoLICY Loss oF PoLIcY Poltcy No.8131404 rn the nurne and on tlrc hfe oJ Mrllrc-ent Wantbura PolrcyNo 8120365 m the name and on the ltJe o;f Elsheba Akello Achola Ogon1. N1agt. APPLICATION having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is grven that unless oblectron rs lodged to CfC Lrfe Assurance Limited wrthrn thirty (30) days from the date ofthrs notice, duplicate policy will be rssued, and shall be used as the only vahd document by the company for all future transactions Dated the lTth September, 2014. APPLICATION havrng been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numbered pohcy, notrce ls glven that unless obJectlon ls lodged toCfC Life Assurance Lrmrted wrthrn thrrty (30) days from the date ofthrs nohce, duplrcate policy wrll be issued, and shall be used as the only vahd document by the company for all future transactions. Dated the lTth September,20l4 ROSELYNE KHAMALA, MR/-5834019 Actng Head oJCustomer Servtce, CFC LrJe. GAZETTE NOTICE NO. 7223 ROSELYNE KHAMALA. MR/5834019 GAZETTE Acting Head ofCustonter Servrce, CFC Ltfe. NOTICENO.722l CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED Head Office P.O Box 30364 {0100. Narrobr Head Offrce. P O. Box 30364-O01ffi. Narrobr LoSS oF PoLICY LOSS OF POLICY Polict' No.8122421 m the nante and on the liJe of Charles Mw'rchigr Policy No.8120776 m the nante otd on the ltfe of Gtlhert Muturt Kamuchto Grkunt. APPLICATION havrng been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is grven that unless obJectron rs lodged to CfC Lrfe Assurance Limrted wrthrn thrrty (-10) days from the date of thrs notrce, duphcate policy wrll be rssued, and shall be used as the only vahd document by the company for all future transactions Dated the lTth September, 2014. MR7s834019 ROSELYNE KHAMALA. Acnng Head ol Customer Serlre, CFC Ltfe. APPLICATION havrng been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numbered pohcy, notrce is grven that unless oblectron rs lodged to CfC Life Assurance Lrmrted wrthrn thrrty (30) days from the date of thrs nohce, duphcate polrcy wrll be rssued, and shall be used the only vaLd document by the company for all future transactions. as Dated the lTth September, 2014 ROSELYNE KHAMALA. MR/5834019 Acnng Head ofCustonter Serwce, CFC LiJe. 2762 GAZETTE THE KENYA GAZETTE NOICE No. 7228 lOth October, 2014 GAZETTE NoTICE No THE JUBILEE INSURANCE COMPANY OF KENYA LIMITED CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED (Incorporated rn Kenya) Head Office: P O. Box 30364-00100. Narrobr Head LosS oF PoLICY Poltcy No. 8l2l3ll in the nante and on the 72.]2 lfe of Zaka,o Office P.O. Box 30376 {0100, Narrobr LOSS OF POLICY Oryara Polrtt'No.194839 ur the ndme oJSuresh Kuntur Deyshr Bltudru. Moemt APPLICATION havrng been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numbered pollcy, notlce rs given that unless obJectlon rs lodged to CfC Lrfe Assurance Lrmrted wrthrn thrrty (30) days from the date ofthis notlce, dupllcate pohcy will be rssued, and shall be used as the only vahd document by the company for all future transactlons. Dated the lTth September, 2014. ROSELYNE KHAMALA. MR/5834019 Acttng Head of Custonrcr Serrk'e, CFC GAZETTE NoTrcE Lfe No. 7229 Dated the 9th September,20l4 ALEX MWANGI, MR/5834064 LtJe Deportment GAZETTE NoTICE CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED Head Office. P REQUEST has been made to thrs company fbr the rssuance of duphcate of the above-numbered polrcy, the orrgrnal havrng been reported as lost or mrsplaced Notrce rs glven that unless oblectron rs lodged to the contrary at the offrce of the company wrthrn thrrty (30) days from the date of thrs notrce, duphcate pohcy wrll be rssued, whrch wrll be the sole evrdence of the contract. O Box No, 7233 THE JUBILEE INSURANCE COMPANY OF KENYA I-IMITED -10-164-O0100, Narrobr (Incorporated rn Kenya) LoSs oF PoLICY Head Offrce O P Polrcy No. 8125252 in the nante and. on the ltfe of Colm Kurut Machana Poluy APPLICATION havrng been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numbered pohcy. notlce ls glven that unless obJectron ts lodged to CfC Lrfe Assurance Lrmrted wrthrn thlrty (30) days from the date ofthrs notlce, duphcate pohcy rvrll be rssued, and shall be used as the only vald document by the company for all future transactlons Dated the lTth September. 2014 ROSELYNE KHAMALA. MR/58340r9 Acting Head of Customer Seryrce, CFC LrJe GAZETTENonCENo 7230 No l9-1832 rn the none of Morrts Nyru Nt'aga REQUEST has been made to thrs company for the rssuance of duplcate of the above-numbered pohcy, the orrgrnal havrng been reported as lost or mrsplaced Nottce ls grven that unless ob.;ectron rs lodged to the contrary at the offtce of the company wlthrn thtrty (-30) days from the date of thrs notrce, duphcate pohcy wrll be rssued, whrch rvrll be the sole evrdence of the contract Dated the gth September, 20 14. ALEX MWANGI. MR/583.106.1 Lrfe Departntent GAZETTE NoTICE CFC LIFE ASSURANCE LIMITED No 723.+ OLD MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Head Office P O. Box 3036.1-{0100. Narrobr (Incorporated rn Kenya) LoSS oF PoLICY Head Offrce PO Box 30059-{0100. Narrobr Polrcy No. 1000015 m the name and on the ltfe of Judt' Jentutat Che stre. LOSS OF POLICY Polrct' APPLICATION havrng been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numbered pohcy, notrce ls glven that unless obJectlon rs lodged to CfC Lrfe Assurance Lrmrted rvrthrn thlrty (30) days from the date ofthrs notlce, duphcate pohcy wrll be rssued, and shall be used as the only vahd document by the company for all future transactrons Dated the lTth September. 201.1 MR/5834019 Box 30376-00l0O. Narrobr LOSS OF POLIC't' ROSELYNE KHAMALA. Atting Head of Customer Serr,rce, CFC Lfe No 3701528.1/3700328O rn the trune oJ lrene Mugure Nderilu APPLICATION has been made to thrs company for the rssuance of duplcate of the above numbered pollcy, the ongrnal havrng been reported as lost or mrsplaced Notrce rs glven that unless objectron rs lodged to the contrary at the office of the company wrthrn thlrty (30) days from the date of thls notrce, duplcate polcy wrll be rssued, whrch rvrll be the sole evrdence of the contract. Dated the I 9th September, 20 14. DAVID KOICI. MR/57.1932.+ GAZE.MENOTICENo 7231 GAZETTE NoTICE THE JUBILEE INSURANCE COMPANY OF KENYA LIMITED No 723.5 CORPORATE INSTTRANCE COMPANY LIMITED (lncorporated ln Kenya) (Incorporated rn Kenya) Head Office: P.O. Box 30376-00100. Narrobr Head Offrce: P LOSS OF POLICY O Box 3Lll72. Narrobr LoSS oF PoLICY Poltrl,No 193854 m the name of George Haptsu Oyan$o REQUEST has been made to thrs company for the rssuance of duphcate of the above-numbered pohcy, the orrgrnal havrng been reported as lost or misplaced Notrce is glven that unless ob.;ectron rs lodged to the contrary at the office of the company wrthrn thrrty (30) days from the date of thrs notice, duplicate pohcy wrll be rssued, whrch wrll be the sole evrdence of the contract Dated the l2th September, 2014 Polttt'No CUl2l6686 ut the name and on the l(e oJ Ahmed Raza A.slam APPLICATION has been made to thls company for the rssuance of duplcate of the above numbered polcy, the orrgrnal having been reported as lost or mrsplaced. Nottce ls glven that unless objection rs lodged to the contrary at the offlce of the comp.ny wrthin thirty (30) days from the date of thls notrce, duplicate pohcy wrll be rssued, whrch wrll be the sole evrdence of the contract Dated the 29th September,201.1. ALEX MWANGI. MR/5834064 Officer, Clauns Ltfe Deparnnent MR/5834056 JOAN NJUKI. LtJe Manager GAZETTE NoTIcE 2163 THE KENYA CAZETTE lOth October.2014 No. 7236 GAZETI.L, NoTICE BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED No. 7240 BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED (IncorPorated In KenYa) Head Offrce. P (Incorporated in Kenya) O Box 30375-([l(X). Head Offrce P O Box 30-175-O0100. Narrobr Narrobr LoSS oF POLICY Polu r No 162-111 ut the trune attl on tht ltfe LoSs oF PoLICY Polrcy Nrr.;160-1263 tn the tuune otd on the hJe oJ Lutt WanTku Mury Kalulu Waa o.f REPORT havrng been made to thrs companv on thc loss of the above numbered polrcy. notrce rs glven that unless ob.;ectron rs lodged to Bntrsh Amencan Insurance Company (K) Llmrted wrlhrn thlrty (30) days tiom the date of thrs notlce. a duphcate pohcy wrll be rssued and shall be used as the only vahd documents by the company fbr all future tran\actlon\ J K MITEI. MR/5ll34l 5u Ndung,u REPORT havrng been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notlce ls grven that unless oblechon is lodged to Bntrsh Amencan Insurance Company (K) Lrmrted wlthln thrrty (30) days from the date of thls notlce, a duphcate pohcy wrll be rssued and shall be used as the only vahd documents by the company for all future transactrons Underx'rimg Manager, Lrfe. U n tl t MR/5U3.11 58 GAZETTENoTIcENo 7237 (Incorporated rn Kenya) O Box -10375 {0100, Polrct'No 163-1751 m tlrc nonu'utl on the (lncorporated rn Kenya) Narrobr Head hJe of Jane WunTru Mrchukr REPORT havrng been made to thls company on the loss of the above numhered polcy, notrce rs glven that unless ob.lectron is lodged to Bntlsh Amencan Insurance Companl' (K) Lrmrted wlthrn thlrty (30) days from the date of thls notrce, a duphcate pohcy wrll be rssued and shall be used as the only vahd documents by the company for all future transactlons Dated the 29th September,20l.l J K MITEI, U nrle nv nt rn g Mu na ge MR/5834158 r, Life Offrce P.O. Box 30-175 {0100. Narrobr LoSS OF POLICY Polrct No. ll2-1839 ut the nutne uul ort the life of Ernest Watteru Muchur REPORT havrng been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numbered pohcy, nofice ls glven that unless ob1ectlon ls lodged to Bntlsh Amerrcan Insurance Company (K) Llmited wrthin thrrty (-30) days from the date of thrs notrce, a duphcate policy wrll be rssued and shall be used as the only valrd documents by the company for all future transactlons. J. K. MITEI, Manuger, Lrfe. U nderwnltng MR/57'19332 GAZETI'I] NoTICE No 7238 BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED No 7242 BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED (lncorporated rn Ken) a) (Incorporated rn Kenya) Head Head Offrce. P.O. Box 30375-00100, Narrobr Oftrce P.O. Box -10375 00100. Narrobr Loss oF PoLrcY LoSS oF PoLICY Polrct' No 160-194{) m the nante atul on tlte Mulet l(e of Charles Ndaia REPORT havrng been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numbered pohcy. notrce ls glven that unless oblectron rs lodged to Bntlsh Amencan Insurance Companl' (K) Lrmrted wlthrn thlrty (30) days from the date of thls notlce, a duphcate polrcy wlll be rssued and shall be used as the only vald documents by the company for all future transactlons Polttl'No. 1634214 tn tlrc nom? arul on thc lfe of Patruk Mv'angi Munukt REPORT havrng been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numbered pohcy, notice is grven that unless ob.;ectron rs lodged to Brrtrsh Amencan Insurance Company (K) Lrmited wrthrn thrrty (-10) days from the date of thls notrce, a duphcate pohcy wrll be rssued and shall be used as the only vald docurnents by the company for all future transactlons J. K. MITEI, Urtdenrrilmg Manager. LrJe. J K MITEI. Underx'ntmg Monager, Lfe MR/583.1158 GAZETTE NoTICE J. K. MITEI. g Ma n a g e r, Ltfe BRITISH AMERICAN INSTJRANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED LoSs oF PoLIC\. GAZL,.I.TE NoTICE ut GAzET'rr, Norr('E No. 72.11 BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED Head Offrce. P rv,ril MR/57.r9-332 GAZETTE NoTI(.E No. 7239 No. 7243 BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED (Incorporated rn Kenya) (Incorporated rn Kenya) Head Offrce. P Head Offrcc P O Bor 30375 {01ff). Narrobr O Box 30375 {X]100. Narrobr LoSs oF PoLICY LOSS OF POI,ICY trt tlte nurnc'arul on the ltfe oJ Mark knrutht Polrcy No 161 1588-t trt thg rutme and on the ltfe of Andre*'Musentbr Dott. REPORT havrng been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numbered pohcy, notlce ls grven that unless oblectron ls lodged to Brrtrsh American Insurance Company (K) Limrted wrthrn thrrly (30) days fiom the date ofthls notice, a duplrcate pohcy urll be rssued and shall be used as the only vahd documents by the company tor all future transactions REPORT havrng been made to thrs company on the loss of the above numbered pohcy, notrce ls glven that unless ob.;ectron ls lodged to Bnrrsh American Insurance Company (K) Lrmited wirhin thirty (30) days from the date of thls notlce, a duphcate pohcy rvrll be rssued and shall be used as the only vahd documents by the company for all future transactions Polut'No lll-200{O Ndethiu. Dated the 22nd September, 201.1 Dated the 29th September,20l;l J K MITEI, MR/5834158 UndervrtttnS Munger, LtJe MR/57.19332 J. K, MITEI. Unde rwrr trn g Manuger, LrJe. THE KENYA GAZETTE 2764 Ca*$ rvoncE No. 7244 1Oth October, 2014 GAZETTE N0I1CE No. 7248 BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED CHANCE OF NAME (lncorporated in Kenya) NOTICE is given thatby a deed poll dated l5th July, 2014, duly executcd and registered in the Registry of Documents at Mombasa as Presentation No, 455, in Volume B-13, Folio 1115/8254, File No, 1637. by our client, Josephine Mayeye Marcotte, of P.O. Box 5568, Diani Beach in the Republic of Kenya, formerly known as Josephine Head Office: P.O. Box 30375{)01fi). Nairobi LoSs oF PoLICY Policy No, 163-12391163-28251163-1399 in the name and on rhe o! Wash liJe ington Ki n gur u Kah uro, REPORT having been made to this company on the loss of the above numbered policy, notice is given that unless objection is lodged to British American Insurance eompany (K) Limited within thirty (30) days from the date of this notice, a duplicate policy will be issued and shall be used us the only valid documents by the company for all Adhiambo Mayeye, formally and absolutely rcnouneed and abandoned the use of her former name Josephine Adhiumbs Mayeye, and in lierr thereof'assumed and adopted the name Josephine Mayeye Marcotte, for all purposes and f,uthorizes and requests all persons at all times to designutc, descibe and address her by her assumed name Josephine Mayeye Mrrcotte only, Datcd the I 5rh July, 20 future ttansactions. PAULA C. NG'ETICH. Dated the 22nd September, 2014, J. K. MITEI. U n d e rwr i t i n g Ma na He r, Lile, MR/5749332 14, MR/s834040 CAZEI'l E Advocates for Josephine Maveve Marcotte, ,fbrmerlv knort'n at Jotephine Adhiantbo Mayeye, NorlcE No, 7249 CAZBTTE NOIICE No. 7245 EHANOE OF NAME BRITISH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (K) LIMITED (lncorporated tn Kenya; Head Office: P.O. Box 10175-00100, Nalrcbl Loss oF PoLICY Pttltt' No. 16-1 E-12 th thp ndne dhd iln the l$v oJ Merc\' Nt'rtnchatna Nyantbane. REPORT hdving beeh ttldde to this cotripatry dn the luss of the above nutnbertd pohey, hotleB is glveh thdt Uhles\ ubje€tioh is lodged to britlsh Ainettean Insuranee eottrpatry (K) Ltrhlted wlthin thtrty (30) days Aorir the ddte 0f thls hotlee; d dupliedte poltey wtll be issued ard shall be used ds the ditly valld docurnetits by the eompany fot all ftitufe ttansaetiuti\. Dated the 22fld Septeihber, 2014 i. MR./-i749i32 U hd e rh, rt tt h t{ MrTEl. g Mdnt B e t- ttle NOTICE is glven thdt by a deed poll dated 26th Auguit, 201-1, dtrly executed ahd rcgistered ln the Reglrty of Doeurrentr at Nalrobl, as Prerentailon No. 974. In Volunie Dl, Follo 21t12170, FIle No. MMXIV. by ortr cllent. Eonny Jlmmy Okorno, of P.O. Box 20303: 00200, Ndtobl tn the Republts of Keflya. fomerly known as Dan Ooko. forrnally and absolutely rchoufl€ed end abantloned the use of hlr formet name Dan ooko, ahd Ih lleu thereof assumed and ddopted the flafte Biihrly Jlmrny Okorno, for all purposes dnd duthotites dad rcquest\ all peisons dt dll ttines to deslgndte, desctlbe dnd dddrebs hlm by hls assrtrned nanre Bonny Jlrnrny Okomtr only. MRJs83402 WACHIRA NDT,NOU & COMPANY, Adt'ttcatu t lttr Bohn\' J bhn\' Okdfiut I frrytti1ll\.knot'n ds Dan Ooktt. r cAzbttb Notee N0 2250 CI]ANCE OF NAME GAZETTE NoTICE No. 7246 CANNON ASSLTRANCE LIMITED Head Office P.O. Box -10216 {0100. Narrobr LOss oF PoLICY Polrrt'No 121 !102939 m the name of John Kanau Rufus Mwun,q. IT IS reported to the company that the above numbered hfc pohcy is lost or stolen Notlce ls grven that unless objechon is lodeged to the contrary at the head office of this company wrthrn thirty (-10) days from the date of thrs notlce. a specral polcy u,rll be rssued to the hfe NOTICE is given that by a deed poll dated 6th October,20l4, duly exccuted and regrstered rn the Registry of Documents at Nalrobl, as Presentatron No 535. rn Volume Dl. Foho 238,'3173. Frle No. MMXIV, by Paul Wanyorke Crtongr (guardran), on behalf of Florence Wambur Wanyorke (minor), of P.O. Box I180, Rurru rn the Republlc of Kenya, formerly known as Florence Wambur Wan1rru (mrnor), formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of her former name Florence Wambur Wan1rru. and in heu thereof assumed and adopted the name Florence Wambur Wanyoike, for all purposes and authonzes and requests all persons at all hmes to designate, descnbe and address her by her assumed name Florence Wambui Wanyorke only. Dated the 7th October,20l4. assured. PAUL WANYOIKE GITONGI, Dated the 25th September. 2014. . MR/5834152 O MAGOIYA, Operatrons Manager, Ltfe Busrness Guardrun for Florente lYambur Ll'anyorke (Mrnor), MR/58-14291 fornterlt'knovtn os Florence Wambut Wanjtru (mtnor). GAZETTE NOTICE NO, 725 I GAZETTENoTICENo 7247. CHANGE OF NAME CHANGEOFNAME NOTICE rs grven that by a deed poll dated Sth July.20l4. duly executed and regrstered ln the Reglstry of Documents at Narrobr. as Presentation No. 1736, rn Volume DI. Foho l4ll221z, Frle No. MMXIV, by our chent, Alpa Bachulal Karia. of P O Box 401-00606. Narrobr rn the Republic of Kenya. formerly knorvn as Alpa Kaushal Sanghvr, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of hrs former name Alpa Kaushal Sanghvr, and in heu thereof assumed and adopted the name Alpa Bachulal Kana, for all purposes and authorrzes and requests all persons at all times to designate, describe and address hrm by his assumed name Alpa Bachulal Kana only. Dated the 22nd September, 2014. MP.t5749345 JUDY THONGORI & COMPANY. Advocates for AIpa Bachulal Karia, formerb knonn as Alpa Kaushal Sanght't. NOTICE rs grven that by a deed poll dated l2th August, 2014, duly erecuted and registered rn the Regrstry of Documents at Narrobi as Presentatron No 3114. rn Volume DI. Foho 20812633, Frle No. MMXIV, by our chent, Trevor Koroner Lopokoiyit Ruto, of P.O. Box 30000 00100, Narrobr m the Repubhc of Kenya, formerly known as Trevor Koroner Lopokoryrt, formally and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of hrs former name Trevor Koroner Lopokotyit and rn heu thereof assumed and adopted the name Trevor Koronei Lopokoryrt Ruto, for all purposes and authortzes and requests all persons at all trmes to desrgnate, descrrbe and address him by hir assumed name Trevor Koroner Lopokoryrt Ruto only Dated the 8th September, 2014 MUTHOGA GATURU & COMPANY. MR/5834336 Advocates -for Trevor Koroner Lopokoit'i Ruto, formerll'known us Trevor Koronei lnpokon'il. lOth October.2014 2165 THE KENYA GAZETTE NOW ON SALE THE NATIONAL POVERTY ERADICATION PLAN (1999-201s) Price: K,Sft. 500 2010l20tt ANNEX OF ESTIMATES OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE OF STATE CORPORATIONS OF GOVERNMENT OF KENYA FOR THE YEAR ENDING 3OTH JUNE, 2011 Price: KSh.250 PUBLIC SECTOR WORKPLACE POLICY ON HIV/AIDS RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING POLICY FOR PUBLIC SERVTCE Muy, 2005 Price: KSh.250 SESSIONAL PAPER NO. 2 OF 2OO5 On Development of Micro and Small Enterprises for Wealth and Employment Creation for Poverty Reduction Price: KSh.300 SESSIONAL PAPER NO. 9 OF 2OO5 ON FOREST POLICY Price: KSft. 300 April,2005 Price: KSh.300 E.GOVERNMENT STRATEGY The Strategic Framework Administrative Structure, Training Requirements and Standardi zation Framework STRATEGY FOR REVITALIZING AGRICULTURE (2004-2014) March,2004 Price: KSh.200 March,2004 Price: KSh.300 ECONOMIC RECOVERY STRATEGY FOR WEALTH AND EMPLOYMENT CREATION (2003-2007) Price:KSft. 500 REPORT OF THE JUDICIAL COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO THE GOLDENBERG AFFAIR October,2005 Price: KSft. 800 2766 THE KENYA GAZETTE IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS TO, THE KENYA GAZETTE NOW ON SALE ECONOMIC SURVEY,2OII Price: KSft. 1,000 THE FINANCE BILL,20L4 Price: KSh.235 lOth October, 2014 THE follo|rng notes are for the gurdmce of persons \ubmlttlng "copy" for tnclusron tn lhe Kenya Gqaette. Supplemenl, etc ( I ) The Ken1,a Ga;eile contalns Notrces of a general nature whrch do nol affect legrslatron They are, therefore, submrtted to the Govcrnment Pflnter drrectly (2) lzgtslutt|e Supplentent contarns Rules md Rcgulatlons whrch ruo by the Central Govemment Because ot thls. they must bc submrtted to the Govemment Pnnter through the offrce of the rssued Attomey-General 201u2012 ESTIMATES OF RECURRENT EXPENDITURE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KENYA FOR THE YEAR ENDING 30TH JUNE,2011 VOL. 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