2014SP Math 098 Intermediate Algebra Math Redesign Project Catalog Course Description This course is a study of the topics of algebra usually covered in the third semester of high school algebra. The course expands the concepts covered in elementary algebra and is a necessary prerequisite for college algebra. Credit and Contact Hours: 4 Prerequisites: Satisfactory placement test score or "C" or better in MATH 094 or equivalent. Required Books, Supplies, and Supplementary Materials A. B. C. MYMATHLAB (MRP JJC CUSTOM ED) ISBN: 9781269628693 MyMathLab is a required component for these courses. As long as you enroll in the Math Redesign courses, you will need to purchase the MyMathLab software ONLY ONCE. The Math 090/Math 094/Math 098 software can be purchased at the JJC bookstore. VIDEO NOTEBOOK (available on the MyMathLab site for our course) Other Required Materials ear buds or headphones, spiral notebook or binder with loose-leaf paper, folder, scientific calculator Methods of Instruction: Individual instruction. Instructor acts as mentor & tutor. Computer-based learning. NO LECTURE Last day to complete work before final exam: last day of class Student Learning Outcomes: General Education Student Learning Outcomes Objectives Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Factor polynomials using the following techniques: gcf, grouping, difference of squares, difference and sum of cubes. 2. Factor trinomials of the form x2+bx+c and ax2+bx +c. 3. Solve quadratic equations by factoring. 4. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational expressions. 5. Solve equations and formulas involving rational expressions. 6. Simplify complex fractions. 7. Solve word problems involving rational expressions. 8. Solve direct, inverse, and joint variation problems. 9. Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and composition of functions. 10. Perform operations of union and intersection on sets. 11. Solve compound linear inequalities and graph the solution. 12. Solve absolute value equations and inequalities where the expressions inside the absolute symbols are linear 13. Define relation, function, domain and range. 14. Determine whether a given relation is a function. 15. Use and understand function notation. 16. Evaluate a function for a given input. 17. Convert between radical form and rational exponent form. 18. Simplify radical expressions. 19. Add, subtract and multiply radicals. 20. Rationalize numerators and denominators of radical expressions. 1 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Solve equations with radicals. Add, subtract, multiply and divide complex numbers. Write a complex number in standard form. Solve quadratic equations by completing the square, square roots and the quadratic formula. Recognize and solve equations that have quadratic form by making the appropriate substitution. Solve max-min problems involving quadratic functions. Graph quadratic functions (including when written in standard form). Find and interpret the intercepts for quadratic equations in two variables. Solve quadratic inequalities in one variable. Graph exponential functions. Graph logarithmic functions Write logarithmic functions using exponential notation and vice-versa. Solve exponential equations. Solve logarithmic equations using the equivalent exponential form. Find the inverse of a given function. Topical Outline 12 Chapter 12 13 Chapter 13 14 Chapter 14 15 15.1-‐15.7 16 15.8 – 16.5 17 16.6 -‐ 16.7, 17.1 -‐ 17.3 Factoring Polynomials Rational Expressions and Equations Graphs, Relations, and Functions Radicals and Rational Exponents Radical and Quadratic Equations Polynomial Inequalities, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions To pass a Math Redesign Course, a student must complete all the associated modules. Graded Assignments and Policies Grading Grading is based on the following components: tests, final exam, attendance, and note taking. You will pass the course only if you complete all the modules for your given course. If you have completed all the modules for the registered course (Math 090, Math 094, or Math 098), your course grade is calculated as follows: Average of the Module Exams and Final Exams 90% Attendance and Note-taking 10% If you have not completed all the modules OR you miss more than two weeks of the class, you will not pass the course. If you complete less than three modules in the course, you will receive an F. If you complete at least three modules (but do not finish your course modules), your maximum grade will be a D. You can register again in the same Math Redesign Course the next semester and finish the remaining modules. At that time, your grade will be calculated as given above. 90 – 100% 80 – 89% 70 – 79% Grading Scale A B C 60 - 69% 50 – 59% D F A “C” or better is required to meet a math course requiring Math 098 as a prerequisite. 2 Continue On Policy: With MRP instructor approval, a student may start an MRP course where the student left off the previous semester. Specifically a student will start • After the last fully completed module • Only in the semester immediately following (Fall to Spring, Spring to Summer, Spring to Fall) Quizzes Quizzes can be completed outside of class. There are multiple versions of each of the quizzes. 80% or better is required to pass a quiz. If you do not pass the quiz the first time, you will be required to do the related mastery homework before attempting the quiz again. You cannot take a quiz more than three times without instructor intervention. Your instructor will determine what requirements and additional study are necessary before any possible additional retakes. Exams The examination for each Module will normally be taken in your classroom. With instructor permission, student can take tests in one of the other MRP classes or MRP flex-time. There are multiple versions of each of the module tests. However, if you do not pass the module exam with a 70% or better on the first attempt, complete the Mastery MyMathLab assignment, and retake the test. Final Exam A comprehensive department final examination will be given. The final exam is a paper/pencil exam using a scantron. The final exam cannot be retaken and counts as one test score. A calculator is allowed on the final exam. If you complete the course work and final exam review early, work with your instructor to make final exam arrangements. Testing Requirements • Students must have a photo id. • Contact the instructor or test proctor to gain access to the module exam. • No notes or additional resources (except a calculator when allowed) may be used on any exam. • Calculators are allowed on all Math 098 module exams and the Math 098 final exam. • You must allow at least one hour for any in-class exam. • You must complete the entire exam in one sitting without instructor approval. • You may only start a test when all the prerequisite video, homework, and quizzes have been completed. • Show all your work in your blue book. Work should be numbered. At instructor discretion, students can be given a zero for any question that does not show the related work. In case of computer error, these blue books will be the record of your test answers and supporting work. If you do not pass the exam with a 70% or better, your instructor will use these blue books to guide your review for the make-up test. Classroom Policies and Procedures Course Policy 1. Attendance is an integral component of this course. Class minutes will be determined as the attendance standard. Attendance will be taken daily using a computer sign-in. You must work in one of the Math Redesign classrooms during class or flex time. Coming in late or leaving early will be reflected in your attendance minutes. If you have not been in attendance for the entire required class minutes for a particular week, you will receive zero points for that week. If you are unable to attend a class session, please contact the instructor. Class minutes can be made up in other MRP classes or flex time in the same week. Instructor initiated withdrawal may occur for 3 or more absences. (Absence records are shared with the Financial Aid office on their request.) 3 2. Video notes are required. When watching a video, take notes. These notes should include any problems worked in the video as well as definitions and concepts. (Instructors will ask to see your notebook before answering inclass questions.) 3. The use of MyMathLab is required for homework completion. Students are expected to show all written work in their notebooks. (Instructors will ask to see your notebooks before answering questions.) 4. Instructor-led workshops may be formed to handle more difficult topics. These workshops will be announced via e-mail and in-class flyers. If you would like a study group to be formed on a particular topic, contact one of the Math Redesign instructors. These groups will be formed based on student need. 5. Students with a documented disability (including a learning disability) who require testing accommodations should identify themselves during the first week of class. Please make an appointment with the instructor or contact the instructor privately before or after class so your special needs can be discussed. If you need academic support, please contact Student Accommodations and Resources (StAR), Main Campus, 815-280-2230. 6. Familiarize yourself with the JJC Code of Conduct (http://www.jjc.edu/academics/academic-behaviorstandards/Pages/code-of-conduct.aspx). As a JJC student you are held responsible for knowing and following the Code. 7. Computer usage is limited to MyMathLab access in the lab during class and flex time. 8. Silence all cell phones during class/flex time. Text messaging is not allowed any time during the class session/flex time. When it is essential to be available to contact someone, talk to the instructor to discuss options. Assistance 1. Please feel free to ask questions in class, during flex time, in other Math Redesign courses, through the Ask Your Instructor MyMathLab link, and via e-mail. This course is designed to help you succeed and we look forward to your questions. 2. Meet your classmates and form study groups! Exchange contact information with at least one other person in class. Research has shown that students that communicate regularly with classmates and work together perform better. 3. If you need additional help, flex time is available. Flex time is open lab time where Math Redesign instructors are available to answer questions. Instructor-led workshops may be scheduled to handle more challenging topics. If you would like a workshop to be formed on a particular topic, contact one of the Math Redesign instructors. The flex time schedule will be posted in the labs and on the MyMathLab site. 4. Free tutoring is also available. Contact the following for more information: Math Learning Center drop-in tutoring 280-2823 Rm. C2019 Academic Skills Center by appointment 280-2261 (Main Campus and Romeoville) Project Achieve by appointment 280-2456 Rm. A1115 To find current information about these and other JJC support services, follow this link: http://jjc.edu/services-for-students/pages/default.aspx Homework and Test Completion All homework, quizzes, and tests must be completed by the last day of the regular semester. Final Exam Completion With instructor permission, the final exam may be completed before the end of the semester. There will be a dedicated date during final exam week to complete the final exam. Flex-Time Schedule A flex-time schedule will be available for both the Romeoville and Main campuses. These flex-times will include other MRP classes and open MRP labs. Flex-time is always monitored by an MRP instructor. There is no flex-time 4 during final exam week. Flex-time is not available after the last regular class day of your class. (This is the last day of your class before the final exam.) Attendance Policy Attendance is a crucial component of success in this course. Because of this, attendance and note-taking points are counted as 10% of your grade. Missed class time can be made up in other MRP classes or flex time. Attendance must be made up in the same week it occurs. The student needs to make up the missed class time; otherwise, that week’s attendance points will equal zero. (Note: there are NO partial weekly attendance points. You must meet the class meeting time requirement to earn any points.) If you miss more than the equivalent of two weeks of class (400 class minutes), you will not pass the course. Note-taking Policy The notebook points are counted along with attendance points as 10% of your grade. Instructors will overview notebooks weekly, provide example notebook pages, and advise students on note taking and study skills. Each week your instructor will give you points for note taking. (This is an important way for your instructor to check your understanding.) You will either receive ALL THE POINTS for the week or NONE OF THE POINTS for the week. To receive Attendance/Note-taking points you must do all of the following: • Meet attendance requirement for all classes in that week • Take written notes on videos and show work on homework • Meet the note taking standard set by your instructor Instructors will review notebooks weekly, provide example notebook pages, and advise students on note taking and study skills. Notes Requirements • You must TAKE NOTES for every video given in MyMathLab. • You must SHOW WORK on any problem requiring work to be completed. Need help with how to take notes for this class? Contact your instructor for more information. Make-up Policy There are multiple versions of each of the module tests. You can take the test up to two times without instructor intervention. Extra-credit Policy There is no extra credit for this course. Final Exam Information A comprehensive final examination will be given. The final exam counts as one test score. Academic Honor Code The objective of the academic honor code is to sustain a learning-centered environment in which all students are expected to demonstrate integrity, honor, and responsibility, and recognize the importance of being accountable for one’s academic behavior. Cheating in any form will not be tolerated. Cheating will immediately result in a zero on the given test and repeat of related module quizzes. Any cheating offense will be immediately reported to the Dean of Students. College Statement about grades of “F” and Withdrawal from Class Students may withdraw from a course by processing an add/drop form during regular office hours through the Registration and Records Office at Main Campus or Romeoville Campus, or by phone at 815-744-2200. Please note 5 the withdrawal dates listed on your bill or student schedule. Every course has its own withdrawal date. Failure to withdraw properly may result in a failing grade of “F” in the course. At any time prior to the deadline dates established, an instructor may withdraw a student from class because of poor attendance, poor academic performance or inappropriate academic behavior, such as, but not limited to, cheating or plagiarism. Intellectual Property Students own and hold the copyright to the original work they produce in class. It is a widely accepted practice to use student work as part of the college’s internal self-evaluation, assessment procedures, or other efforts to improve teaching and learning and in promoting programs and recruiting new students. If you do not wish your work to be used in this manner, please inform the instructor. Student Code of Conduct Each student is responsible for reading and adhering to the Student Code of Conduct as stated in the college catalog. Sexual Harassment Joliet Junior College seeks to foster a community environment in which all members respect and trust each other. In a community in which persons respect and trust each other, there is no place for sexual harassment. JJC has a strong policy prohibiting the sexual harassment of one member of the college community by another. See the Catalog or Student Handbook. 6
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