Programme 16 & 17 October 2014 Holiday Inn Hotel, Leiden The Netherlands

16 & 17 October 2014
Holiday Inn Hotel, Leiden
The Netherlands
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On behalf of the Netherlands-African Business Council and the African
Studies Centre, we warmly welcome you to Africa Works 2014!
This conference aims to connect the business, knowledge, government
and NGO sectors working in and with Africa. Each of these four sectors
wants to contribute to dynamic societies in Africa. It is in Dutch/European
interests to develop closer ties with Africa. No longer should Africa be considered as a place that needs assistance, but as a partner. This conference
is aiming to facilitate this kind of partnership. We have done our very best
to attract a lot of participants from Africa: we want to talk with Africa and
not just about Africa!
The interplay between the private sector and government and knowledge
institutions and NGOs has been intensifying over the past decade. NABC
has developed sector programmes in which all these stakeholders are
included. In addition, within these programmes, companies are more often also working together across value chains and this is an achievement
that NABC can be proud of. In the coming years, it is looking forward to
establishing more sector programmes and turning them into Africa-wide
platforms that can have a strong impact on economic relations and developmental goals. This conference can certainly play an important role
as an incubator of such new initiatives. The African Studies Centre is also
connecting much more than before with companies, NGOs and the public
sector, both in Africa and in the Netherlands/Europe and it wants to contribute to cross-agency and cross-country learning.
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In 2012, NABC and the African Studies Centre co-organized the first Africa
Works! conference. Its focus was on ‘21st Century Trends’ and the changing
image of Africa: from being a continent in crisis to becoming an ‘emerging’
or ‘rising’ Africa. This second conference, two years later, is trying to learn
from the many Africa-Netherlands and cross-agency partnerships that currently exist and hopes to develop foundations for new ones. Comparing
the 2012 and 2014 conferences, one can see that the themes are broader
this year and that the approach is more open to reflection, innovation and
debate. But this also has to do with current developments in Africa and
the world more generally. On the one hand, the debates about sustainable
development goals and the need for more inclusive development in Africa (and elsewhere) are encouraging, and Africa’s economy is continuing
to show relatively high growth. On the other hand, Africa is experiencing
challenges that were not yet very visible in 2012: the crises in Mali and
South Sudan, the Ebola epidemic in parts of West Africa, and increasingly
impatient youth with their demands for better lives. Opportunities are also
threats, and companies, government agencies and civil-society organizations require reliable information and knowledge about Africa.
Africa Works 2014 is a ‘crowd funding’ conference, where the combined
energy of many different partners will hopefully result in crowd learning.
Bob van der Bijl
Managing Director NABC
Ton Dietz
Director ASC, Leiden
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Thursday, 16 October
08:00 - 08:45
Room: Entrance hall
Holiday Inn Hotel, Leiden
08:45 - 11:00
Room: Plenary room
Holiday Inn Hotel, Leiden
Official Opening
Ton Dietz, ASC
Bob van der Bijl, NABC
Christiaan Rebergen, Deputy Director-General for International
Cooperation (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands)
Hon. Sabine de Bethune, Chairwoman of the Flemish Senate
Hon. Julia Duncan-Cassell, Minister of Gender and Development of the
Republic of Liberia
Miguel Pestana, Vice-President Global External Affairs and Media Relations,
Hans Ouwendijk, CEO, Vlisco Group & Monique Gieskes, Brand Protection
and Corporate Social, Investment Director, Vlisco Group
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Thursday, 16 October
11:00 - 13:00 - First workshop round
The Investment Balancing Act:
Increasing Trust and Reducing Risk
Inclusive Value Chains - Fact or
Room: Leiden
Room: Gouda
Invest in Africa’s Infrastructure
Power of Sustainable Finance
in Africa
by: KPMG & PharmAccess
by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
the Netherlands
by: BoPinc, IFDC, AACE Foods
by: ERM & FMO
Room: Wassenaar
Room: Utrecht
Africa Works! For whom?
- Companies and communities whose realities count?
Farming as a Business
Room: Amsterdam
Live stream workshop
Room: Rotterdam
Live stream workshop
Local Sourcing in Africa: definitely a
powerful driver, but how can hurdles
be lowered?
After the ICT Revolution: African
Youth Shaping Their Futures
by: Vlisco Group, Steward Redqueen, DEG
by: ASC, IICD, Leiden University,
VU University Amsterdam
Room: Haarlem
Room: Den Haag
Partnerships for Business and
Development in Complex/High-Risk
It’s the economy, stupid!
Room: Delft
Room: Alkmaar
by: EKN Nairobi
by: Oxfam Novib, ZELA, VU University
by: Woord en Daad & Incluvest
by: Clingendael, SPARK online, KPSRL
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14:00 - 16:00 - Second workshop round
Thursday, 16 October
Colloquium - Women’s Leadership in
Peace-Building: Zimbabwe,
South Sudan, Liberia
Inspiring Experiences:
Agri-Business Partnerships in Africa
by: NABC, Aerea Group, BeJo Zaden,
Netherlands Embassy in Ethiopia
Room: Rotterdam
Live stream workshop
Room: Gouda
Business Model Innovation for
Improved Healthcare in Africa
Ever Worked in a PPPLab?
by: Partnership Resource Centre, Aqua for All,
the Centre for Development Innovation
of the WUR, SNV
by: Philips, Amref Flying Doctors
Room: Den Haag
Room: Wassenaar
Ugandan Women Entrepreneurs at
Africa Works! Creating Business
Exploring African (Tax) Trends
Room: Amsterdam
Live stream workshop
Room: Alkmaar
Linking Knowledge From Business to
Business - Innovative Business Cases
by: Nuffic
Water Challenges of the
Maghreb Region - Meet & Greet
Algerian Delegation
Room: Utrecht
Room: Leiden
Decent Finance for Africa
New Business Models and Work
at the Bottom of the Pyramid
by: Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC)
by: ASC
by: ASC
Room: Delft
Room: Haarlem
16:00 - 18:00
Reception & networking activities, hosted by PPPLab
Partnership Dinner, hosted by Rabobank
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Friday, 17 October
08:00 - 08:45
Room: Entrance hall
Holiday Inn Hotel, Leiden
08:45 - 11:00
Room: Plenary room
Holiday Inn Hotel, Leiden
Ton Dietz, ASC
Bob van der Bijl, NABC
Mr Berry Marttin, Member of the Executive Board, Rabobank
the Netherlands
Stephen Ellis, Historian
Hon Betty Ogwaro, former Minister of Gender South Sudan &
Akinyi Walender, Director Women’s Leadership programme, Cordaid
Chaired by:
Prof. Joris Voorhoeve, Former Minister of Defence of the Netherlands
Ambassadors’ Panel
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11:00 - 13:00 - First workshop round
Friday, 17 October
Colloquium - Peace-Building in the
Joint ACP
Local Content – How to play the
win-win game
Room: Haarlem
Room: Utrecht
PPPs for Universal Health Coverage in
Africa: Dream or Reality?
Inclusive Development: partnering
for inclusion of marginalised
groups in businesses
by: Shell & PharmAccess
Room: Delft
by: Heerema
by: Light for the World, Liliane Foundation
Room: Alkmaar
Business Unusual - Doing Business in
Conflict Affected States
Africa on the move! - Logistics
Room: Wassenaar
Room: Gouda
Do’s, Don’ts and Matchmaking: Dutch
Good Growth Fund
Value Chain Development: Fruit
& Vegetable Market
Room: Rotterdam
Live Steam workshop
Room: Amsterdam
Live Stream workshop
by: RVO, Atradius, PWC
by: SDV
by: ICCO & Blue Skies Ghana
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14:00 - 16:00 - Second workshop round
Get Included, Get Inclusive
Friday, 17 October
Doing Business in Africa: Economic
Diplomacy Ready at Hand!
Room: Utrecht
by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
Room: Wassenaar
Europe-Africa Trade and Business
Cultural Entrepreneurship; Hypes,
Identity and New Markets in Africa
Room: Rotterdam
Live Stream Workshop
Room: Leiden
Roundtable: Frugal Innovation in
Fragile states in the International
Financial Architecture
by: Centre for Frugal Innovation Africa
by: ASC
by: The Dutch Advisory Council
Room: Delft
Room: Gouda
Finance Your Business by Rabobank
Decent Work Makes Business
by: Rabobank
by: CNV
Room: Amsterdam
Live Stream Workshop
Room: Haarlem
16:00 - 18:30
Closing reception hosted by Leiden City Council
Africa Thesis Award
Opening by: Ms. Roos van Gelderen, alderman in Leiden of Youth, Health and
Official Closing
Minister Lilianne Ploumen, Foreign Trade and Development
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“Business in Africa” Exhibition
1. Vice Versa
8. Pharmaccess
15. Sarost
22. MinBuZa
29. Agriculture
2. Cordaid
9. Food & Business Platform
16. Rabobank
23. Kenya
Country Stand
30. Port
3. Castor
10. Debate Tree
17. ASC
24. Uganda
Country Stand
31. Nigeria
Country Stand
4. Financial
11. SDV
18. Steder
25. Algeria
Country Stand
32. Melanie
5. Star Café
12. Agri ProFocus
19. NABC
26. Ethiopia
Country Stand
33. PWC
6. PUM
13. MDF Training
& Consultancy
20. SGS
27. Rwanda
Country Stand
34. Atradius
7. Light of the
14. VIA Water
21. Cameroon
Country Stand
28. Ghana
Country Stand
35. RVO
36. Elephas
The 2014 edition of Africa Works! also hosts the
International Colloquium on Women’s Leadership for Peace – Building
This is a follow up of the First Colloquium on Women’s Leadership in
Peace-Building in Monrovia, Liberia five years ago and a preparatory meeting in Zimbabwe just before this conference. The Colloquium brings together influential women (and some men) from Africa and Europe, including
Hon Julia Duncan – Cassell (Minister of Gender and Development, Liberia,
also representing the President of Liberia Ellen Johnson Sirleaf), Hon. Betty
Ogwaro (former Minister of Gender, South Sudan), Hon. Alhaji Muhammed
Mumuni, Secretary General of the ACP and former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ghana), Hon Sabine de Bethune (Chairwoman of the Flemish Senate),
Akinyi Walender (Director, Women’s leadership Programme, Cordaid), Joris
Voorhoeve (former Minister of Defence, the Netherlands), Simone Filipini
(CEO, Cordaid), Koos Richelle (former DG Europe Aid and Social Protection
and Employment, European Commission, Member of the Dutch Advisory
Council on International Affairs) and Mirjam van Reisen (Tilburg University
and Chair of the Advisory Committee for Development Co-operation of the
Dutch ACIA).
Next to Cordaid as main facilitator of the Colloquium, also the European
Commission, EEPA and Tilburg University are part of this partnership.
The International Colloquium contributes to Africa Works! by the keynote
speech of Hon. Julia Duncan-Cassell on the first day, and with two workshops: a first panel (on the afternoon of the first day) about the Role of
Women in Conflict Situations, and a second panel (in the morning of the
second day) about Peace-Building as a Central Element of the Post 2015
Development Agenda.
The participants will, together with many others at the Africa Works! conference, also contribute to the development of a Petition about the ebola
epidemic, that currently threatens the lives of so many in West Africa, and
threatens the economies of countries, which were successfully rebuilding
after the devastating civil wars of a decade earlier.
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Prinses Margrietplantsoen 37 (WTC)
2595 AM Den Haag
T: +31 (0)70 304 3618
- Company
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Pieter de la Courtgebouw / Faculty of
Social Sciences
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden
T: +31 (0)71 527 3372
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