Busine ess License #________ ___________ _ Plannning and Devellopment Servicess Busiiness License A Application Date Busin ness Opened: □ New License (Feess Apply) □ Channge of Business Location □ Channge of Name/M Mailing Addreess BUSIN NESS INFO ORMATION N: □ COMMERCIAL C LOCATION □ INDUSTRIAL □ RESIDENNTIAL □ NON-RESIDENTT Incorporated ccompanies requirre a copy of incorrporation papers LICENS SEE NAME: (The “Liceensee” is normally y considered the peerson or business th hat is legally respo onsible.) (ie 1234556 BC Ltd.) TRADE E NAME: (The “Tradde name” is the naame the business iss “doing business as”.) a (ie. Smiley Joe’s J Pancake Houuse) BUSINE ESS LOCATIO ON (CIVIC): (Check thee location of your business b is zoned for your type of bu usiness) (MAILING): HONE#: TELEPH TYPE O OF BUSINESS POSTAL CO ODE FAX # EM MAIL: (Describe the t nature of yo our business an nd business acttivities): APPLIICANT INF FORMATIO ON: OWNER R/MANAGER NAME: N ADDRES SS (CIVIC): G): (MAILING TELEPH HONE#: POS STAL CODE: CELL #: EMERG GENCY CONT TACT TELE EPHONE # ADDIT TIONAL IN NFORMATIION: NUMBE ER OF EMPLO OYEES FLOOR F AREA A NUM MBER OF SEA ATS (including oowner) (S Sq mtr) (ie: reestaurant, pub, cofffee shop) NUM MBER OF VEH HICLES NON-PR ROFIT REGIST TRATION # (copy requiired) NUMBE ER OF VENDIN NG MACHINE ES: (if applicabble) May Requuire a Municipal Decal OWNER OF VENDING V MACHINES Will there be any building alteratio ons? I/We u understand that the pe ersonal inforrmation on this t form is collected under the au uthority of th he Community Charte er, Local Go overnment Act A and the City’s bylaw ws for the pu urpose of processing this applicatio on and for the admin nistration an nd enforcem ment. In acccordance with w the Freeedom of Infformation a and Protectiion of Privacy Act, th his application and asssociated doccumentation may becoome part of a public re ecord and m made routine ely availa able to the public p in a pu ublished listt and/or published on tthe City’s we ebsite. APPLIICANT’S SIIGNATURE E DATE E: Foro officeuse only Please P note applications a s are only aaccepted up to 4:30pm Category #__ ______ B.L. C Descriiption: _________________ _____ 1100 Paatricia Boulevaard, Prince Geoorge, BC V2L L 3V9 Telephone 250-56 61-7756 Faxx 250-561-77221 Doc 296864 4 Business License #__________________ Planning and Development Services Business License Application For a complete list of business permits and licenses you require please visit BizPal @ http://www.princegeorge.ca/citybusiness/bizpal/Pages/BizPaL.aspx This will site will identify all the applicable licenses and permits you require for your business A basic list of required information is below 1. Proof of incorporation, Ltd company, partnership or society registration Non profit copy of society act 2. Vehicle registrations if you have a commercial vehicle 3. Proof of certification licensing, (ie: plumbers, electricians, massage therapy, tattoo artists….) 4. Copy of Health approval (restaurants, massage therapy, daycares….) 5. Copy of Fire approval (restaurants, daycares, retail businesses….) 6. Liquor Establishments will require a copy of the liquor license Please note applications are only accepted up to 4:30pm 1100 Patricia Boulevard, Prince George, BC V2L 3V9 Telephone 250-561-7756 Fax 250-561-7721 Doc 296864
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