! ! F riday, O ctober 3 3:00-5:30 Conference Registration K T 200 3:30-5:00 Robin Wilson KT 216 6:00-6:45 Late Registration Walb Union ± International Ballroom A 6:00-7:00 Cocktail Hour Walb Union ± International Ballroom A 7:00 ! ! Banquet (reservations only) Walb Union ± International Ballroom A Saturday, O ctober 4 8:00-8:45 Registration and coffee 8:45 Official Welcome SB 176 Contributed Talks 9:00-9:20 9:20-9:40 9:40-10:00 10:00-10:20 SB 168 SB 185 F undamental G raphs for Binary M atroids Xiangqian Zhou Wright State U Strongly C hordal k -trees Art Busch University of Dayton Unichord-F ree G raphs versus C hordal G raphs Terry McKee Wright State U H amiltonian edge-connectivity of 2-tree-generated networ ks Mohamad Abdallah Oakland University Supereulerian digraphs Mansour Algefari West Virginia U M y debt to Lowell Arthur T. White Western Michigan U C ycle cover of strong tournaments Khalid Alsatami West Virginia University T he representation number of certain sparse graphs Reza Akhtar Miami University 10:20-10:40 !"##$$%&'$()% 10:40 ± 11:40 H arary L ecture: Robin W ilson, O pen University, E ngland 11:40-1:10 !"*#$'$*+$%,-"."%(*/%01*+-%2'$()% SB 178 1:10-1:30 1:30-1:50 SB 168 SB 185 SB 178 P4 -decomposition of A Ramsey version of graph saturation Elyse Yeager U of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Modular L eech trees David Leach U of West Georgia regular graphs and multigraphs Michael J. Plantholt Illinois State U Perfect M atching Covers of C ubic G raphs Jiaao Li West Virginia U Spectral conditions of 1:50-2:10 2:10-2:30 k -factors in regular graphs Xiaofeng Gu U of Wisconsin-Superior Packing T wo G raphs with Bounded Sum of E dges and M aximum Degree Derrek Yager U of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 2:30-2:50 2:50-3:10 T he L ights O ut G ame on Subdivided C aterpillars Darren Parker Grand Valley State U 3:10-3:30 Reversible Peg Solitaire on G raphs John Engbers Marquette U 3:30-3:50 K night Tours on T riangular and H exangonal Boards Allen Schwenk Western Michigan U 4:35-4:55 4:55-5:15 O n proper path-colorings in graphs Elliot Laforge Western Michigan U T he strong chromatic index of subcubic planar graphs Michael Santana University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign !"##$$%&'$()%% A generalization of the Lovász Local L emma A. Yu. Bernshteyn U of Illinois Urbana-Champaign A note on the L aplacian spectral radius Miaomiao Han West Virgina U E igenvalues and Spanning T ree Packing of G raphs Hong-Jian Lai West Virginia U &'$()% 3:50-4:15 4:15-4:35 A Bichromatic V iew of M atchings Daniel Johnston Western Michigan U C hoosability of graph powers Benjamin Reiniger U of Illinois Urbana-Champaign T he M ixing Rate of Nonbacktracking Random W alks on G raphs Mark Kempton U of California, San Diego Surviving rate of planar digraphs Jiangxu Kong ! Unit vector flow with rank at most 2 and nowhere-zero 3-flows Jian Cheng West Virginia U O n the Rank of (W eighted) G raphs Aimei Yu Geijing Jiaotong U V ector Space Secret Sharing Scheme and E fficient Secret Share Computing Mustafa Atici Western Kentucky U H amilton cycles in 3-connected claw-free and net-free graphs Keke Wang West Virginia U T he independent set sequence of trees David Galvin U of Notre Dame Spanning trail with Independence number Meng Zhang West Virginia U V ertex colorings induced by edge coloring and total coloring Rong Luo West Virgina U On k -maximal diagraphs Janet Anderson West Virginia U Lower bound of k -maximal diagraph Murong Xu West Virginia U
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