! ! ! Global Awards for Student Entrepreneurs Arrive in Manitoba! Oct. 9, 2014 Winnipeg – The Winnipeg chapter of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization is pleased to announce that the prestigious Global Student Entrepreneur Awards are coming to Manitoba. College and university students who own and operate a business during their studies can now apply for the GSEA, a program widely considered one of the world’s premier business award competitions for student entrepreneurs. More than 1,700 student competitors from more than 32 countries have participated in the global EO GSEA since its launch in 1998. ! “The Winnipeg chapter of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization is proud to bring the Global Student Entrepreneurs Awards to Manitoba so we can annually showcase and formally recognize the entrepreneurial spirit, drive and talent our students have been demonstrating for decades,” says Laura Lomow, the Area Director for the Winnipeg Entrepreneurs’ Organization.! The winner of the Manitoba GSEA Competition, held on Nov. 20, 2014 in Winnipeg, wins a trip to Toronto to compete at the GSEA National Competition in Feb. 2015. That finalist will attend the GSEA finals in Washington, DC to compete with the world’s top student entrepreneurs and for the chance to win more than US $20,000 in cash and donated business services. ! Eligible students must be currently enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student of a recognized Manitoba college or university. Students need to be primarily responsible for the operation of a business that has been operating for no less than six consecutive months. ! Manitoba student entrepreneurs have until Nov. 3, 2014 to enter online at www.gseawinnipeg.org for the Manitoba GSEA Competition. Selected applicants will compete on Nov. 20 in Winnipeg, where they will be required to give a presentation to a panel of entrepreneur judges.! About the Entrepreneurs’ Organization! The global Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) was founded in 1987 and today has more than 10,000 members in 144 chapters in 48 countries. EO enables small and large business owners to learn and enjoy greater business success. EO is the world’s only global network exclusively for entrepreneurs.! About the Global Student Entrepreneur Awards! The Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA), the premier global competition for undergraduate and graduate students, represents more than 1,700 student entrepreneurs from more than 32 countries. Built on a mission to inspire students to start and grow entrepreneurial ventures, GSEA brings global visibility to pioneering student business owners. The EO took leadership of the GSEA in 2006 to offer student entrepreneurs access to a global network of mentors, resources and connections from the most influential community of entrepreneurs in the world. ! Media Contact For media interviews or to attend the Manitoba GSEA Competition, contact Laura Lomow, Area Director, Winnipeg Entrepreneurs’ Organization 204 228-8422 laura@aqgroupsolutions.com! Social Media! Twitter: @GSEAYWG | Facebook.com/EOWinnipeg | LinkedIN Group: EOWinnipeg! Winnipeg Entrepreneurs' Organization 140 Linacre Road Winnipeg, MB R3T 3R6 www.gseawinnipeg.org
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