EDN-HE(17)-63/2013-Voc. Office of the State Project Director, RMSA Himachal Pradesh Dated: Shim1a -170001 the 9th October, 2014 To The Principals, Govt. Sen. Sec. Schools (100 New Vocational Schools), Himachal Pradesh To introduce National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) under CSS "V ocationalization of Secondary Education" w.e.f. 2014-15. Subject Memo; In continuation to this office letter No. EDN-HE (17)-85/2014-Voc-NSQF dated 22nd July, 2014 on the subject cited above. In this regard it is to inform you that Vocational Trainers of Agriculture & Tourism under NSQF are being recruited by the different VTP's authorized by the NSDC to your school. Therefore, you are directed to allow the joining of vocational trainer in your school from 9th October, 2014. The list of selected candidates of tourism & Agriculture subject by Gram Tarang & B-Able are enclosed herewith for your ready reference and the same are also available in RMSA website hp.gov.in/ssa. 'VlJ _ ~IJ- HImachal Pradesh St.ate ProjeCt Oifector, ~~-S~ Ends; "Annexure-A & B" Endst. No.: Even Dated Shimla-171001 9th October, 2014 Copy for information & further necessary action to: 1. The Principal Secretary (Edu.) to the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh. 2. The Director of Higher Education, Himachal Pradesh 3. Sh. Basab Banerjee, Head-Standard & QA NSDC. 4. Sh. Ajay Mohan Goel, Director-Skill Colleges Wadhwani Foundation. 5. The Sector Skill Councils of Agriculture & Tourism. 6. All the Dy. Directors of Higher Education, Himachal Pradesh. 7. All the VTP's concerned. 8. All the DPO/Distt. Coordinators under NSQF. ql ~1'~ · Gmail - Trainer List_Tourism & Hospitality_Gram Tarang Page 1 of 1 f1 JJ A 414 L~X lA,tC ·-_A GIRIJA NEELAM <girijaneelam13291@gmail.com> l-<,'Coogk Trainer List_Tourism & Hospitality_Gram Tarang 1 message Sudhansu Mishra <sudhansu@gramtarang.in> Thu, Oct 9,2014 at 12:16 PM To: dir.edu@rediffmail.com Cc: Shahbaz Mohd Khan <Shahbaz.Khan@nsdcindia.org>, nveqf hp <sreejit.nair@wadhwani-foundation.org>. GIRIJA NEELAM <girijaneelam13291@gmail.com>, Abhinav Madan <abhinav.madan@gramtarang.in>, Nabin Dash <nabin.dash@gramtarang.in>, Vinay Verma <vinay.verma@gramtarang.org.in>, Hpclsunil Nayyar <hpclsunil.nayyar@gmail.com>, hansrajdhingra@gmail.com, ATUL SOOD <atulsood753@gmail.com> Dear Sir, One of our trainer denied to join at GSSS Hobbar, Chamba. This is the revised list trainers with their locations selected for Tourism & Hospitality from the interview conducted by us on dated 28.09.2014. 1. Vivek Sharma, S/o Sh.Arvind Sharma - GSSS(G) Una, Una 2. Abhishek Sharma, S/o Sh. Kaman Kumar Sharma - GSSS(B) Santoshgarh, Una 3. Dr.Dinesh Kumar Dhiman, S/o Sh.Kishori Lal Dhiman - GSSS Rakkar, Kangra 4. Chirag Sharma, GSSS Dalhousie, Chamba 5. Deepti, Wlo Sh.Surender Koundal - GSSS Chachian, Kangra 6. Kanika Sood, D/o Sh.Kuldeep Sood - GSSS New Kangra, Kangra 7. Manoj Kumar, S/o Sh.Garib Dass - GSSS Dadasiba, Kangra 8. Sandeep Kumar Soail, S/o Sh.Labhu Ram Soail - GSSS Mubarikpur, Una 9. Kamal Kishore, S/o Sh.Jagat Ram - GSSS Holi, Chamba 10. Devender Sharma, S/o Meli Ram Sharma GSSS Killar, Chamba 11. Sourabh Kumar, Sio Sh.Onkar Singh Bhagrotra - GSSS Hobbar, Chamba 12. Chandrika, D/o Sh.Ramesh Chandra - GSSS(G) Nurpur, Kangra 13. Akhil Vyas, S/o Sh.Tilak Vyas, GSSS Raipur Maidan, Una 14. Abhinash Thapa, S/o Sh. Ramesh Kumar Thapa - GSSS Tundi, Chamba 15. Neeraj Dhiman, S/o Sh.Ramesh Chand - GSSS Raja-ka-Talab, Kangra 16. Akshay, S/o Sh.Kishori Lal, GSSS Gangath, Kangra We would request your approval for the selected trainers enabling us further action at our end. Thanking you. Sudhansu Sekhar Mishra Sr. Manager(Project) Gram Tarang https:llmail.google.com/maiUu/0/?ui=2&ik=9123df4068&view=pt&search=inbox&th= 148f3a8f57067 ebO&sim ... 10/9/2014 Diploma ? BSe B.Se B.Sc B.Se BR. Thakur Specialization Address Subhash Relu Ram Chand Biharilal Kaka Ram Ashok Dula Kumar B.Sc Baldev Suneet Chand Puri MA PANJGAIN Purshottam Dutt Suresh Kumar PD. Sharma Prem Lal Sonia Minhas MATIANA LAMBLOO B.Se KUMARSAIN Chandan Bishma Oevi Kumar Kinnaur Mehra KOTHI NERWA B.Sc MSe KHALAG MAHARAL Vikas Pawan Narendar Bhatia Kumar Kumar M.Sc --Distt. -Khurd, CHIRGAON NALTI Medical Horticulture GSSS JHANDUTTHA TELKA JAUREAMB DANGAR DULEHAR Pratibha Hitaishi GSSS KATGAON GHANARI Mohan Lal Una BEHDALA Kailash Kumar Shailza Sharma BANI Nikhil Kumar B.Se M.Se Balwant Pratima Ohiman Naik Natural KIANI KAKIRA Resource M-Phil Graduation! Seed Science M.Sc Horticulture Chamba DHAMI Shimla & Tech VPO -PO. Ratti,Teh-Balh, Distt.-Mandi. Avantika Puri Genetics and Plant Vill-Aleo,PO &Singh Tel:l-Manali,Distt-Kuliu. Suresh Kumar ViII & -Singh Surara, .GSSS GEHARWIN Vill&PO-Batseri,Teh-Sangla, Distt.-Kinnaur District Father's Name Vill-Ozer, PO. Mashobra, Shimla. Vill-Kotlu,PO-Galnila,Teh-Balh, Mohalla Surara, Chamba. Mandi. Vill-Kandhi,PO-Gamla, TBilaspur. eh-Balh,Distt-Mandi VPO-Jhabola, TTeh-Sunder eh-Jhanduttha, Bilaspur. Vijay Pal Singh R.C. Lakhanpal Vill-Kalpa,PO-Kalpa, Gopal Chherring Lal Teh-Kalpa, Kinnaur. Qualification ViIL-Janheri,PO.-Rajhana, Shimla. JSSS SAHO 11Kamsari, PO-Naggar, -Kullu. Roop Singh VPO Vill-Santwan,PO UNA(BOYS) Bir Jai Singh Neelghat,Dullawala Devi, Kandor,Fatehpur, Nagar, Bazar MandL Una. Kangra Neter Singh Viii-Kolar, PO Oachghat, Distt. - Hamirpur. Solan. Dev Roy Building, Laxmi Nagar, Shimla English Rajinder Vill-Nihan, Samoh, Vill-Badsai, Ghumarwin, Bilaspur. Vi Sunder Karam Megh Nath Singh Singh Priyanka Gitanjali Lakhanpal Thakur Sangeeta Kumari Sandeep Kumar Plant Pathology Wagendra Ravinder Negi Kumari VPO, ~idhya Tehsil-Rajgarh, Jeet Distt. -Sirmaur Shilpa Nematology Hamirpur Chemistry Diploma Naya Nagar,Bank/Colony, Hamirpur. Rajesh Bilaspur Botany Posting School Agriculture Extension Pankaj Kumar Agriculture Bilaspur Forestry Marketing and HR MBA Geology H.No.31 ,Ward NO/1,Anu Plot No. 12 Sarita Vihar, Solan. Botany House No.-98,Pratap Nagar, Hamirpur. IIDistt.-Chamba. Vill-Dhurdhala, PC;>-Naloh, Chamba. Location 11 Specialization h IPG\ ~ ed Candidates ~'{\r'--7 \,~ ~' Highest BC~A-l3~ A·'lJOtJLX U~~ - f3 (r
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