THE MESSENGER Published monthly by St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church 5709 Wedgwood Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76133 Sunday Holy Communion 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages: 9:45 a.m. In ministry in southwest Fort Worth since 1953 St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, organized in 1953 and a Reconciling in Christ congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is located at the corner of Granbury Road & Welch in southwest Fort Worth. The church office is open Mon.-Fri. from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. Phone: 817-292-1338 Fax: 817-292-3329 E-mail: Website: St. Matthew’s Greenbrier School 817-292-5592 Church Staff Michael Masterson, Pastor Jolene Webster, AIM, Director of Music Ministries John Parsons, Director of Youth and Family Ministries Hans Grim, Organist / Pianist Mary Nedde, Administrative Assistant Kelly Riddle, Office Assistant Kay Green, Sunday Nursery Staff Council and Commissions President: Claire Kirchhoff Vice-President: Kelly Riddle Secretary: Olivia Riddle Treasurer: John Creecy Financial Secretary: Eric Moeller Christian Ed.: Faye Youngblood Fellowship: (Open) Outreach: Bill Anderson Property: David Brown Stewardship: (open) Worship: Tim Knutson Youth: Beth Hummel Mission Statement Living in Christ through faith. Living for neighbor through love. October 2014 DATES TO KNOW FOR OCTOBER Wednesdays, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29: Fellowship Dinner, Choirs and Confirmation; (see information below re. Oct. 29) Thursdays, Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30: Women’s Study Group 10:00 am; women’s lunch out on Oct. 2 Saturdays, Oct. 4 and 18: Men’s Breakfast at Dixie House Café, 8:30 am Sunday, Oct. 5: Youth lunch at noon, then go to Main Event Saturday, Oct. 11: St. Matthew’s participates in a Habitat for Humanity house-painting event; Neighborhood Needs Food Distribution at Altamesa Church of Christ 8:30 am Sunday, Oct. 12: Petting Zoo Sunday School 9:30 am Saturday, Oct. 18: Congregation Game Night, 6:00 pm Sunday, Oct. 19: Council Meeting, 1:15 pm Sunday, Oct. 26, Reformation Sunday: European Choir Homecoming Concert 6:00 pm Wednesday, Oct. 29: Children’s Choirs Fallelujah Costume Party, 5:00 pm Chili Cook-Off for everyone! 5:30 pm Youth Lego Contest during the dinner hour OCTOBER 2014 THE MESSEN GER PAGE 2 EUROPEAN CHOIR HOMECOMING CONCERT SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2014 - 6:00 PM Come hear the inspiring choral selections the choir performed on their concert tour to central Europe FROM THE COUNCIL PRESIDENT “Are you a ‘Mary’ or a ‘Martha’?” My answer to that question is usually: “Samuel.” My first thought when the Nominating Committee asked me to consider serving as president was: “I’m not qualified.” A list of things I didn’t know (and am still learning) how to do immediately occurred to me: the parliamentary traditions at St Matthew’s, how to work with Mutual Ministry, how to make a church budget, how we relate with Greenbrier School, how we manage even the most basic of our functions from approving new members to repairing the front door…. I’m continuing to learn a lot about all of those particular topics, but I think what I am actually going to remember is that I can rely on the people of St Matthew’s. We all can. Our financial team is great (John Creecy and Eric Moeller): they are organized, realistic, and hopeful. We have a Stewardship Director (Liz McCarthy) with loads of professional experience in that realm. We have a huge, active Outreach Commission that Bill Anderson directs. We all benefit from the work of the Worship Commission each Sunday morning under Tim Knutson’s leadership. Our Youth and Education Commissions (Faye Youngblood and Beth Hummel are the directors) are working more closely than ever to ensure our church’s future. These are just a few highlights I am holding up – of course our Ministry team (Rev. Masterson, AiM Webster, and John Parsons) is amazing, and all of St Matthew’s members contribute to the life of our community in countless ways – some big, and some small… but they all add up and make a difference. At our last meeting, your Council made a commitment to keep St Matthew’s members even better informed about what’s going on in our church, and all the amazing things God is doing here. We think this is important because each one of us does, in fact, make a difference to our community, and we are all called to do so (even if we are initially a little reluctant, like Samuel). Part of this renewed commitment goes hand-in-hand with the mission of our Stewardship Commission, and this means you can look forward to more frequent and more detailed information about St Matthew’s finances and budget, as well as records of your own giving. I admit that I am intimidated by budget sheets and numbers (please tell me I’m not alone in this!), and making this topic more approachable – being intentional about continuing to talk about stewardship, making it OK to talk about numbers – is one way for us to be in better communication with one another, and for us to be even more aware of all the wonders God is working through St Matthew’s. Claire Kirchhoff, President OCTOBER 2014 THE MESSEN GER PAGE 3 Music Notes AiM Jolene Webster Director of Music Ministries Humans are musical beings. Survey results from a large sample of college-aged young adults revealed that they rated music higher than education, or housing, or even food on their list of priorities. When I meet with a bride for wedding-planning, the first order of business on her mind is music selection and ways it can help paint the picture she envisions for her special day. In planning for memorial services after the passing of a loved one, many times family members know exactly which hymns they want to include, even though they don’t always have an opinion about which scriptures are read. It has been said that after silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. Music speaks in ways that reach to our very core. We were created to be creative beings that appreciate and benefit from nature, and music, and all art forms. This is why we sing. This is why we play. It was Martin Luther who taught that we learn our theology from our hymns. This is the reason that music is central in our worship. Join in the singing. Open your hymnal and your soul to music, the vehicle carrying our worship to God. We invite you to attend the homecoming concert for our St. Matthew’s European Touring Choir, Sunday evening, October 26 at 6:00 P.M. Bring friends and family to share in this meaningful musical expression and thanksgiving for the incredible tour that holds so much meaning for those who traveled throughout Central Europe this past summer presenting the Word in song. If music be the food of love, sing on! - William Shakespeare OCTOBER 29: Full night of fun! Children’s Choirs Fallelujah Costume Party - 5:00 pm Come in costume! Chili Cook-Off - Enjoy good food and fellowship with St. Matthew’s family - 5:30 to 6:45 pm ALL chili entries are welcome!!! Watch for a poster in the narthex for you to sign up to bring a side dish. There will also be a Lego-building contest for our youth during the dinner hour. THE MESSEN GER OCTOBER 2014 PAGE 4 PETTING ZOO COMING TO ST. MATTHEW’S SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 - 9:30 am to 11:00 am Come and get up close to members of God’s creation, most of the 4-legged variety. October Anniversaries October Birthdays Jolene Webster Michelle Roupe Bruce Anderson Kathryn Sia Jan Bothun Catie Holub Anita Bodak Gary Christensen Dave Berry Chuck Brunnert Mary Watson Rande Wagner Richard Bodak Myrna Hund Taylor Washuta Danny Stroud Stephanie Moeller Oct. 7 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Oct. 10 Oct. 13 Oct. 13 Oct. 17 Oct. 18 Oct. 19 Oct. 22 Oct. 23 Oct. 26 Oct. 27 Oct. 27 Oct. 27 Oct. 28 Oct. 29 Volunteers Needed: Briarwood Our Mission Area camp is in need of painting assistance beginning Mon. October 20 through Fri. October 31. If you have a couple of hours to help with moving paint hoses and other items as needed, email Jean Oswald at the camp: jean@briarwoodretreat CONGRATULATIONS and BLESSINGS! Bob & Liz McCarthy Gary & Jody Schilling John & Lisa Reed Oct. 5 Oct. 16 Oct. 20 Reformation—Then and Now In three years, Lutheran churches throughout the world will mark the five hundredth anniversary of the Reformation. The anniversary remembers the year 1517, when Martin Luther posted his Ninety-five Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. That action sparked a series of reforms in theological understanding of grace, liturgical practice, accessibility of scripture in the common language, and much more. But the sixteenth-century Reformation was not a one-time event. Reformation is ongoing. The church of Christ always stands in need of reform. As in Luther's age, so in ours: God's word is alive, speaks truth, and surprises with grace. Ancient texts speak to contemporary contexts to enliven our faith. Jeremiah's vision of God's new covenant is seen this day at the table when the cup is raised. Paul's declaration of justification by faith is shared this day at the font. Christ's truth sets us free for mission and ministry in Jesus' name. OCTBER 2014 THE MESSENGER PAGE 5 Why Grace Scares Us Sin is an ever-constant part of our world. From littering to cheating on taxes, we all do it; we all sin and fall short of the grace of God. The funny thing is we all do it again. It’s like a particularly bad version of the song that never ends. We let our sins control and abuse us and we use other people’s sin to berate and belittle them, somehow making ourselves feel a little better. We live a life in bondage too sin; and we cannot free ourselves. But God can. He says to us – YOU with all your flaws and all your failures ARE still and always will be, forever and ever and ever, MY CHILD. Now, one would think that after encountering a God like that, one so forgiving, loving, caring and passionate about us, that we would turn from our sin and live the life that He intended for us. Instead, we become gate keepers. Mike Yaconelli writes in his book Messy Spirituality “Nothing in the church makes people in the church more angry than grace. It's ironic: we stumble into a party we weren't invited to and find the uninvited standing at the door making sure no other uninviteds get in. Then a strange phenomenon occurs: as soon as we are included in the party because of Jesus' irresponsible love, we decide to make grace "more responsible" by becoming self-appointed Kingdom Monitors, guarding the kingdom of God, keeping the riffraff out (which, as I understand it, are who the kingdom of God is supposed to include).” I think it is indeed ironic! Jesus love is so lavish and so counter cultural that when we encounter it, we get upset. It’s easier for us when God’s grace is something we have to earn. There is something very comforting about grace being hard to attain. Grace is so far outside the normal way we operate that it literally scares us. We have no frame of reference. It’s easier to understand and fit into our American values if we can say… I EARNED IT… THEY EARNED IT… WE HAVE TO EARN IT! See, the truth is, if we are forgiven, we feel just a little bit guilty because honestly we know that we are going to sin again. But maybe the point isn’t our sin or our guilt or even the fact that we are destined to sin again. Maybe the point is the act of God’s grace and how we are supposed to respond to it. We respond not by turning around and becoming the self-appointed monitors of the kingdom, but by becoming the welcoming committee. Even if God’s grace does scare us, maybe there is freedom in learning to forgive, maybe there is healing in the act of irresponsibly giving grace to others. Maybe all that kingdom-monitoring has made us tired and weary, maybe it’s time to forgive ourselves and others and finally find the freedom and peace that God desires to give us. John Parsons Director of Youth and Family Ministries Sunday, Nov. 2 - Briarwood Fall Festival: Everyone is invited for a fun-filled family day at Briarwood from 2:00 - 6:00 pm! There will be a games, treats, face painting, raffles, tours of the Streng and Trester Centers, and Briarwood’s Annual Meeting. A delicious cookout with hot dogs and hamburgers is scheduled from 4:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m., plus cotton candy, snow cones, popcorn, and sodas will be available throughout the afternoon. Please go to for more information. We will carpool from St. Matthew’s at 12:30 pm. All are invited - you will be able to see the new NT-NL headquarters building and the Mission Development Center that are under construction. OCTBER 2014 PAGE 6 THE MESSENGER We Remember in Prayer: Our Homebound Richard Bodak Craig Bridges T.J. and Dorothy Bridges Eva Clifton Joan Gordon Fay Hennig Helen Jackson Marjorie Jellison Charles and Winifred Mann Those ill, recovering or otherwise in need of prayer Newton Ceat Brother of a friend of Janice Kammer Sharon Marr Friend of Win & Sandy Heinrich Kayley Poteet Granddaughter of a friend of Debbie Morse Marianne Rugeley Those who mourn Dave Berry in the death of his sister Yvonne Elliott on Sept. 13 in Oklahoma Jackie Brinkman, David & Lois Foy in the death of husband and father George Brinkman on Sept. 15 Claire Kirchhoff, whose grandfather, Robert Kirchhoff passed away on Sept. 20 in Wisconsin Janice Breitenstine and her sister Linda Murphy; Linda’s husband passed away suddenly on Sept. 22 in Ohio OCTOBER 2014 NT-NL Synod Prayer List: We pray for these NT-NL Mission Area congregations and entities: Oct. 5 Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 26 St. Martin, Littlefield / San Gabriel, Alvarado / South Central Mission Conf. Rejoice, Coppell / First, Temple / Texas Lutheran University Resurrection, Plano / Resurrection, Haslet / College and Seminary Students Trinity, Miles / Indonesian Gethsemane, Allen / DiscipleLife Leadership We especially pray this month for the sustaining work of the NT-NL Mission Endowment Fund - assisting new mission starts, helping congregations with inadequate financial resources, and providing grants for innovative projects. CONGREGATION GAME NIGHT SATURDAY OCTOBER 18, 6:00 PM BRING A FAVORITE GAME TO SHARE SNACKS WILL BE PROVIDED We still need painters on Saturday, Oct. 11 for the Cowtown Brush-Up (10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.). We are particularly in need of people with ladders to help us reach the high points. If you are available to help that Saturday morning, please sign up in the narthex, or let Bill Anderson know (817-292-7691). OCTOBER 2014 THE MESSEN GER OCTOBER BIBLE READINGS October 5 Isaiah 5:1-7 Psalm 80:7-15 Philippians 3:4b-14 Matthew 21:33-46 St. Matthew’s, NT-NL Mission Area, and ELCA Websites: St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church: Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Mission Area: October 12 Isaiah 25:1-9 Psalm 23 Philippians 4:1-9 Matthew 22:1-14 October 19 Isaiah 45:1-7 Psalm 96:1-13 I Thessalonians 1:1-10 Matthew 22:15-22 October 26 PAGE 7 Briarwood Retreat Center Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) The Lutheran (Monthly magazine of the ELCA) Reformation Sunday Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalm 46 Romans 3:19-28 John 8:31-36 Women of the ELCA Northern Texas — Northern Louisiana Campus Ministry Trivia Challenge Do you like to laugh? Want a great meal? Enjoy testing your knowledge? Care about young adults? These all come together in this year’s LCM Trivia Challenge, November 9; 4:00 pm at Christ Lutheran Church in Dallas. All funds generated go to the NT-NL Campus Ministry Mission Fund, benefitting Lutheran Campus Ministry in the NT-NL Mission Area. Form a team of 8, design table décor that reflects your congregation or some aspect of campus ministry. Then register for lots of fun - a table of 8 is $120. Checks should be made payable to NT-NL CMMF (Campus Ministry Mission Fund) and sent by Sunday, November 2 to: LCM Trivia Challenge Christ The Servant Lutheran Church 2121 E. University Drive Denton, Texas 76209 This year’s meal is being catered by Chef Norman Isa of Briarwood Retreat Center. Contact Pastor Celene Welch by phone: 817-269-1229; or visit OCTOBER 2014 THE MESSEN GER PAGE 8 WELCOME BACK PASTOR MIKE & CHRIS The congregation formally welcomed Pastor Mike and Chris back from their summer sabbatical on Sept. 14. Pastor Mike presented to the congregation a triptych of a Celtic cross, a photo of the remains of the priory at Lindisfarne, UK and a saying: Christ be with me, Christ be before me, Christ be behind me, Christ be within me DAY OF SERVICE - SEPT. 7 Thank you to everyone who participated in the ELCA Day of Service on September 7. Nearly 40 men, women and children from St. Matthew’s helped with cleaning up the railroad right of way across Granbury Rd., sorting clothing and food at Neighborhood Needs, assisting teachers at Woodway Elementary School, meeting staff at our local fire station, and cleaning at the HOPE Center for Autism. The recipients of our work were very appreciative of the time taken to care about them! OCTOBER 2014 at St. Matthew’s Living in Christ through faith. Living for neighbor through love. Sun Mon Sept. 29 * Wednesday Activities High Five Choir 5:00 pm Girls’ Choir 5:25 pm Boys’ Choir 5:50 pm Fellowship Dinner 5:30 pm Madrigals & Confirm. 6:15 pm Chancel Choir 7:00 pm 5 Eucharist Eucharist Eucharist Eucharist 8:30 and 11:00 am Sunday School 9:45 am Handbells 12:15 pm Europe Choir Homecoming Concert 6:00 pm Fri Sat 6 7 8 * 9 10 Musikgarten 8 am-5 pm Musikgarten 8 am-1 pm Women’s Study Group 10:00 am Chapel for Greenbrier School 10:00 am Outreach Commission 6:00 pm GED Class 6:00 pm 6:00 pm GED Class 11 Food Distribution at Neigh. Needs 8:30 am Habitat for Humanity Build Day 13 14 15 * 16 17 Musikgarten 8 am-5 pm Musikgarten 8 am-1 pm Women’s Study Group 10:00 am Chapel for Greenbrier School 10:00 am GED Class 6:00 pm GED Class 6:00 pm 18 Men’s Breakfast at Dixie House 8:00 am All-Church Game Night 6:00 pm 20 21 22 * 23 24 Musikgarten 8 am-5 pm Musikgarten 8 am-1 pm Women’s Study Group 10:00 am Chapel for Greenbrier School 10:00 am GED Class 6:00 pm GED Class 6:00 pm Candleridge Garden Club 7:00 pm 25 27 28 Musikgarten 8 am-5 pm Chapel for Greenbrier School 10:00 am GED Class 6:00 pm 8:30 and 11:00 am Sunday School 9:45 am Handbells 12:15 pm Council Meeting 1:15 pm 26 Thu 4 Men’s Breakfast at Dixie House 8:00 am 8:30 and 11:00 am Petting Zoo Sun. Sch. 9:45 am Handbells 12:15 pm Youth & Edu. Mtg. 12:15 pm 19 Wed Sept. 30 1 * 2 3 Musikgarten 8 am-5 pm Musikgarten 8 am-1 pm Women’s Study Group 10:00 am GED Class 6:00 pm Outreach Commission Women’s First Thursday 6:00 pm Lunch 11:30 am GED Class 6:00 pm 8:30 and 11:00 am Sunday School 9:45 am Handbells 12:15 pm Youth Lunch and Main Event 12:00 pm 12 Tue 29 Musikgrtn 8 am-1pm 30 31 * Dinner = Chili Cook- Women’s Study Group Off-All Invited! 5:30 pm 10:00 am Lego Contest during the dinner hour GED Class 6:00 pm Children’s Falleluia Costume Party 5:00 pm Bishop’s Convocation - Briarwood Nov. 1 Men’s Breakfast at Dixie House 8:00 am LITURGICAL MINISTRIES OCTOBER 2014 Time 8:30 Sunday October 5 Sunday October 12 Reformation Sunday October 26 Sunday October 19 Cindy Kohn Steve Weis Gary Christensen Kelly Riddle Keith Thompson John Fitch Sandy Heinrich Tom Gluntz Renee Hill Phil Moroneso John Reed D. Brynell Marj Rudolph Ruth Vinciguerra Anita Bodak Patti Brunnert Tom Gluntz Phil Beckman Shawn Wagner Jim Gordon Faye Youngblood Robert Roupe Nick Washuta G. Christensen (Ushers) Ryan Ford Finn Riddle (Ushers) (Ushers) 11:00 Caleb Gonzales Jacob Gonzales Emerson Cunningham CHANCEL MINISTRIES 8:30 11:00 Marj Rudolph Faye Youngblood Marj Rudolph Faye Youngblood Nancy Teigen Faye Youngblood Nancy Teigen Faye Youngblood GREETERS 8:30 11:00 Mary Frances Page Congregation Mary Weis Chuck & Patti Brunnert Don Clifton Mike Haro Carol Washuta Congregation 8:30 Win Heinrich Cindy Kohn Mary Creecy Tom Gluntz Rande Wagner Win Heinrich Tom Gluntz Mary Creecy 11:00 Phil Moroneso Gary Christensen Phil Beckman (Alt.) David Brynell Phil Beckman Phil Moroneso (Alt) Gary Christensen Chuck Brunnert Kelly Riddle (Alt) Desiree Ford Kelly Riddle David Brynell (Alt.) Bob and Liz McCarthy in celebration of their 12th anniversary. Leah Kammer in memory of Don Kammer. Marianne Rugeley in memory of Tom Williams. Frank Wingard in memory of Mary Wingard. Kay Green Bethany Narvaez Kay Green Bethany Narvaez Kay Green Bethany Narvaez Kay Green Bethany Narvaez LECTORS USHER CAPTAINS 11:00 8:30 11:00 8:30 ACOLYTES COUNTERS CHANCEL FLOWERS Chancel flowers are given by… NURSERY CARE 8:15 through 12:15 Andrew Beckman Rayanna Morton Katie Beckman Ben McCarthy If you are unable to serve on your designated Sunday, please find a replacement and notify the church office: 817-292-1338 or Lectors: Assisting Ministers Acolytes: Greeters: Church Offc. Jolene Webster Kelly Riddle Church Offc 817-292-1338 817-223-1276 817-360-4584 (cell) 817-292-1338 Ushers: Chancel Ministries: Counters: Chancel Flowers: Nick Washuta Tim Knutson Church Office Church Office 817-732-7787 817-821-7940 (cell) 817-292-1338 817-292-1338
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