7 Annual SCIENTIFIC MEETING Crowne Plaza,

Australasian College of Toxicology and Risk Assessment
Early Meeting Notice, Call for Papers and Registration
Crowne Plaza, Coogee Beach Sydney NSW
Wednesday 8th October 2014 - Workshop
“Advances to Alternative Methods for Toxicology
in Chemical Health Risk Assessment”
Prof. Mark Cronin, Liverpool John Moores University, England
Thursday 9th and Friday 10th October 2014
7th Annual Scientific Meeting
Prominent speakers:
Emeritus Professor Beverly Raphael
Dr Harold Willaby
Conference themes:
isk Perception and Risk
Professor Simon Chapman
ir Pollution
Professor Guy Marks
• Nanoscience
Professor Lidia Morawska
• Other submitted papers
We are seeking abstract submissions from researchers,
practitioners and government professionals.
Why present at the ACTRA ASM?
Presenting a paper at the ACTRA
ASM is an opportunity for you to:
• share your research findings and field
• build your personal and company
profile as a knowledge leader in
your field of expertise,
• n
etwork with your peers during
the event,
• m
eet other academics and specialists
from other disciplines and find a broader
audience for your work,
• b
e influential in setting the agenda
in your sector, and
• have your contribution read by a
wide online audience.
Who will attend?
The ACTRA ASM should attract
attendance by toxicologists
(academic, industry and government),
epidemiologists, environment health
risk assessments professionals,
analytical service providers, consultants,
contractors, engineers, environmental
managers, financiers, hydrogeologists,
industrialists, legal practitioners, local
government officers and officials, policy
makers, property owners and developers,
regulators, researchers, scientists, site
auditors, site operators, technology
providers and urban planners.
The “bluesalt” Experience on the
9th October 2014.
bluesalt Restaurant offers an extensive
menu of innovative modern Australian
cuisine, featuring the freshest local
seafood, meat and produce.
We are offering a full dining
experience, including alcohol,
predinner canapés, share platter
followed by three course meal.
How to submit a paper
Your abstract can be up to one
A4 page in length, no more than
200 words and needs to clearly
state the objectives and content
of your proposed contribution.
It may include figures, tables,
diagrams and illustrations but not
photos and the file size cannot be
any more than 2 MB.
When you are sending your abstract,
please include the following
information in your covering email:
• the paper title—please keep this as
brief as possible so that it will fit into
the limited space allowance of the
printed program
• your name or the name of a suitable
contact person
• your company or organisation name
• your email address
Please submit your abstract by
email to secretariat@actra.org.au
by Friday 8th August 2014
What happens next?
You will be notified in mid-September
2014 whether or not your abstract
has been accepted into the program.
If it is an accepted presentation,
the title will be included in the
published preliminary program
and the abstract will be published
in the event booklet.
If you have any queries, please do not
hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,
ACTRA Secretariat
Karoline Willis
Ph 0423 082 521
40 Hoddle St
Robertson NSW 2577
ARE YOU INTERESTED IN ATTENDING? Please register your interest with our secretariat by clicking HERE
a 40 Hoddle St Robertson NSW 2577
p +61 2 423 082 521
e secretariat@actra.org.au
w www.actra.org.au
One Day Workshop:
“Advances To Alternative Methods
For Toxicology In Chemical Health
Risk Assessment”
Prof. Mark Cronin, Liverpool John Moores University, England
Session 1: P
rinciples of Integrated Testing Strategies as a mechanism to reduce/replace animal
testing for toxicity evaluation of chemicals
• Principles of Integrated Testing Strategies (ITS) and
Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment (IATA)
- Definition of an AOP. Concepts underpinning the AOP,
how they are developed, recorded and evaluated.
Relationship between the AOP for an effect or endpoint
and the ITS.
- Definition of ITS and IATA. Context within which they were
developed and are used.
• Information within a ITS
- Type of information that may be considered within an ITS.
Sources of information.
Principles of Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs)
• Using ITS and Assigning Confidence for Prioritisation,
Classification and Labelling and Risk Assessment
- Concept of differing levels of confidence. When high
confidence may be assigned to an ITS evaluation
Session 2: F
rom in vivo to in silico: How and why computational toxicology can be used to
reduce/replace animal testing
• Principles of computational toxicology
• Applications for regulatory purposes
- Definition of (Quantitative) Structure-Activity Relationships
((Q)SARs).Linkage between chemistry and toxicology.
Appropriate endpoints for computational models.
• Focus on grouping and read-across
- Use of computational methods by regulatory agencies
worldwide. How computational methods are applied.
• Available computational toxicology tools
- Examples of freely available (e.g. OECD QSAR Toolbox,
ToxTree, OncoLogic) and commercially available (e.g.
DEREK Nexus, MultiCASE) computational tools for
predicting toxicity.
- Methods to form a group (or category).
Performing read-across. Strengths and weaknesses.
Session 3: From in vivo to in vitro: Principles for in vitro testing, status of tools
validation for different hazard endpoints
• Principles of in vitro testing for toxicology
- Introduction to in vitro methods. Principles of
development. Relationship of in vitro methods to
the key events defined by an AOP. Defining the
relationship from in vitro to in vivo.
• Validation of in vitro methods
• Current status of validation for in vitro methods
- Overview of in vitro methods under validation.
Status of in vitro methods as realistic alternatives
for toxicity tests.
• Extending in vitro toxicology to 21st Century
- Principles for validation of in vitro methods.
Agencies (ECVAM, ICCVAM, JACVAM etc)
- Introduction to 21st Century Toxicology.
Implementing information from AOPs, mechanisms
of action and biokinetics to predict hazard.
Session 4: A
pplying ITS principles to assess the skin sensitisation hazard of
chemicals: current status and future directions
• An ITS decision tree for skin sensitisation
• AOP for skin sensitisation
- Using information in a logical manner to make
a decision e.g. existing knowledge, in silico
predictions and profiling, in vitro test results.
- Mechanism of action of skin sensitisation.
Definition of the OECD AOP for skin
• Mapping in silico and in vitro approaches onto
the skin sensitisation AOP
• Future of ITS for skin sensitisation
- In silico models for the molecular initiating
event e.g. for protein reactivity and for
sensitisation itself. In vitro models for the
key events in the AOP e.g. DPRA, HCLAT,
dendritic cells.
a 40 Hoddle St Robertson NSW 2577
p +61 2 423 082 521
- Implementing the ITS. Further improvements.
e secretariat@actra.org.au
w www.actra.org.au
ACTRA 7th Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM)
Wednesday 8th to Friday 10th October 2014
Registration Form/Tax Invoice
This form becomes a Tax Invoice (ABN 26 970 065 392) on completion – please keep a copy.
All prices are in AUD and include GST. Please complete all details and return to ACTRA (details below).
Badge name_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Job title_________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City_________________________________________________ State____________________Postcode___________________________
Country _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone ____________________________________________ Fax________________________________________________________
E-mail __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Include name/institute on delegate list?
Cost ($/
Non Member
Non Member
Cheque Please make your cheque payable to:
Australasian College of Toxicology and Risk Assessment.
Bank transfer Please transfer funds in Australian dollars to:
National Australia Bank Account Name Australasian College of Toxicology and Risk Assessment Inc
BSB 083 153 Account no. 79647 6337.
Credit card (we accept Visa/Mastercard/AMEX)
Please note: Visa, Mastercard and Amex transactions incur a $4 transaction fee.
Non Member
Thursday night dinner
I authorise Australasian College of Toxicology and Risk Assessmentto charge
the total amount on the credit card, details of which are provided on this form.
My signature is for this authorisation. I acknowledge that Australasian College of
Toxicology and Risk Assessmentis not required to produce a copy of a signed
and validated sales voucher to obtain payment.
Name on card _________________________________________________________
Non Member
Expiry Date / Thursday night dinner
Non Member
ASM (2 days)*
WS/training (1 day)
ASM (1 day)
ASM (1 day) & WS (1 day)
ASM (2 days)* & WS (1 day)
Card Number ________________________________________________________
Signature _____________________________________________________________
*Two day ASM registration includes dinner on Thursday
Early Bird registration 10% off total cost by 1 September 2014. Groups of ten (10) or more from the same organisation additional 10% if registrations
are received and paid by 27 June 2014
Special requests, eg allergies, food requirements, etc
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ secretariat@actra.org.au – www.actra.org.au
ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SPONSORING? Please contact Peter DiMarco on PDiMarco@golder.com.au
Any enquiries please contact the secretariat, Karoline Willis at secretariat@actra.org.au
Ph 0423 082 521 40 Hoddle St Robertson NSW 2577