Welcome to our School Newsletter Thursday 9th October 2014 Follow the links to your articles of interest Principal’s Report Deputy Principal Religious Education Student Wellbeing Office Year Prep Years 1 & 2 Years 3 & 4 Years 5 & 6 Physical Education Music iLearning Centre Grounds & Facilities Canteen Parish FOMM Wider Community Dear Parents and Children, Welcome to Term 4. Term 4 always promises to be an exciting time in school life. Our children are faced with the challenge of continuing their full commitment to their learning over the period of the term. This can be a challenge when we experience many distractions – graduation, long weekends, assessments for reports, excursions and incursion and then the excitement of Christmas and the school holiday period. Through working together we can ensure that our children continue to commit to our high expectations. MMPS Dates & Events (Web Link) 2015 Class Placements: Today in the newsletter I have provided a guideline that is an indication of the process that is applied to the development of grade structures and student placement in grades. If you have information that could impact on your child/children’s placement for the 2015 school year, please forward your information, in writing to myself, Principal, by no later than Friday the 31st of October 2014. Parent letters should be based on individual student needs and not requests for preferred teachers. These letters generally will be forwarded on to staff for consideration when placing students. The class placement process for staff will begin next week and will be finalised during November, approximately. Therefore letters received after this date will not be considered. As professionals, our staff use academic, behavioural and social issues, both past and present, to ensure there is an effective balance within grades and across a level to provide the optimum learning environment for your child and all students. Please be aware that your letters are not guarantees, they inform a process. Staff then considers this information in light of all the information they have regarding all students. As stated in these guidelines “Parent letters regarding factors to be considered are based on individual student needs and not requests for preferred teachers”. This guideline also states “Student placement in classes will be formed on the basis of providing a balance between the intellectual ability of children, their social development, gender, previous class and friendship groupings and any other known factors that may have an impact on the class grouping. Individual needs and a whole school perspective must be considered.” Staff will always consider that a student needs to be placed with a child in which they have a positive relationship. This does not always mean that it will be their best friend or friends. Staff have worked with your children for the period of the school year and are aware of a child’s friendship groupings and the potential positive, or negative, impact that placement with particular students may have. Through this thorough process staff considers the needs of all the children and then provide for the best learning environments. Ultimately for parents this is a process of trust and possibly an opportunity to build your child’s resilience through how you choose to respond when notified of your child’s 2015 placement. Guidelines for Class Placement: • Children's learning is enhanced when classes are arranged with recognition of students varying abilities and behaviours and to optimise staff skills. A clearly defined, collaborative process for the placement of children into classes will lead to greater efficiency, increased understanding, and improved opportunities for learning. Aims: • To provide each child with the opportunity to be part of a class of children that will allow them the optimum opportunity to learn • To form well balanced classes of children that take into account the social, emotional, academic and physical characteristics of each child • To ensure that optimum use is made of the existing knowledge that teaching staff, as learning professionals, have of each child prior to class placement • To support a culture of trust in the role, knowledge and professionalism of staff • To provide an opportunity for parents to communicate additional information for consideration Implementation: • Expressions of interest will be sought from staff members via the Annual Review Meetings, as to possible grade teaching placements they would like to be considered for • An ‘intention to return slip’ will be published in the school newsletter late Term 3, early Term 4 to inform enrolments for the following year • The Principal will formally seek input regarding factors to consider in relation to the placement of a child within a grade via the newsletter at the beginning of term 4 • All parent factors to be considered must be directed to the Principal and placed in writing by the end of October/early November. The factors to be considered must be based on individual student needs and not requests for preferred teachers. This written note indicating factors for consideration will help inform the process – it does not guarantee student placements • These letters of input will be considered for the following year only • The Principal will inform staff of parent input prior to the formation of classes • Parent letters after this time will not be considered • Under exceptional circumstances the Principal may re-organise classes throughout the year • The principal, in consultation with the Consultative Committee, and all staff; and after considering the educational philosophies of the school, student numbers, and the effective balance of social, emotional, academic and physical needs will determine the number of classes, the type of class groupings and class sizes for the following year • Class groupings will be formed, depending upon the number of staff and school enrolments. The school will maximise the use of available rooms and staff to form class groupings • These decisions will be based within Catholic Education Commission of Victoria awards and agreements as well as allocated staffing and funding arrangements as provided through the Catholic Education Office • Student placement in classes will be formed on the basis of providing a balance between the intellectual ability of children, their social development, gender, previous class and friendship • • • • groupings and any other known factors that may have an impact on the class grouping. Individual needs and a whole school perspective must be considered The allocation of children and class compositions are ultimately the responsibility of the Principal and staff Staff members will not disclose the composition of proposed grade structures prior to any formal announcements Staff members will not disclose student’s placement in classes prior to any formal announcements Children who enroll at the school during the year will be temporarily allocated to classes, with the possible need to alter the placement once further information regarding the child is known Intention to return Slip: Attached to this newsletter is also an intention to return slip. Student numbers can impact significantly on staffing levels and grade structures for the following year. If you are changing schools in 2015 please complete this intention to return slip or email mglass@marymacnarre.catholic.edu.au School Times: A reminder to all parents and children that the official start time for school is 8:55am. Children should all be in class ready to start their day by this time. Classrooms are generally open from 8:45 allowing children an opportunity to come in and get organised for the day. Teaching staff are in the room supervising children during this time. The children can then go outside or remain in the room. Before school supervision on the yard begins at 8:30am and finishes at 8:55. Music is played, just prior to the 8:55 bell as a reminder to the children to begin to make their way to class. Once staff is on duty, children can sit in the courtyards, play basketball on the basketball court and on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays all children are encouraged to walk or runs laps of the small oval. In the near future we also have some grade 5 students who have asked to coordinate some skipping before school in designated courtyard areas. We hope that this will start about week 2 of term. Children cannot play on the adventure equipment. For pedestrian safety reasons we do not allow any ball games in the court yards and on the small oval before school. As a general rule, children should not be arriving before 8:30am, however if they do arrive early, they are asked to sit in the central courtyard by the Year 1 and 2 classes and the school admin block. Staff members are on duty after school until 3:35pm. All children should be collected by this time. We understand that there may be times where families may be slightly late, however if you are consistently late collecting your child you will need to register them in the After School Care Program (ph 0419 573 185). After school children are to move directly to the pickup lane for supervision until collected by their parents or carers. Children leaving through Lowry Court are also to wait with the supervising teacher until collected by a parent or carers. Again for safety and supervision reasons no sporting or playground equipment is to be used after school. Children collected by parents after school are under the direct supervision of parents; however we also request that no sporting or playground equipment is used at this time. This expectation also applies to those families using the Latter Day Saints Car Park. Our school timetable is as follows: Sunsmart : A reminder that all students are to wear their school hat when outside in term 4. Please ensure that they are CLEARLY NAMED. Children not wearing hats will be asked to move into shaded areas of the school. RESPONISIBILITY Students Bell Times 8:30 AM Before school playground supervision 8:55 AM School Starts - Learning time begins 10:55 - 11:05 AM Recess – Staff supervised eating time 11:05 - 11:25 AM 1st Play Time 11:25 AM Learning time 1:05 - 1:15 PM Lunch - Staff supervised eating time 1:15 - 1:55 PM 2nd Play Time 1:55 PM Learning time 3:15 PM Dismissal 3:35 PM After school pickup lane supervision finishes Summer School Uniform Reminder: The MMPS Summer school uniform consists of the following: Girls Boys Summer - September to end of April Summer - September to end of April MMPS summer dress MMPS navy windcheater MMPS navy bomber jacket Above ankle plain white socks Black school shoes MMPS bucket or broad rimed hat MMPS school bag MMPS polo shirt MMPS Year 6 polo shirt MMPS navy windcheater MMPS navy bomber jacket Navy tailored shorts Above ankle plain navy socks Black school shoes MMPS bucket or broad rimed hat MMPS school bag Students are responsible for ensuring they are wearing the school uniform at all times. Parents Parents must ensure that children come to school in the correct school uniform at all times. On rare occasions where this is not possible, parents must write a note addressing the reason to their child’s teacher. Parents and students are responsible for naming all items of clothing. This will allow for lost items to be quickly returned to their owner. Staff members will at all times encourage students to wear the correct school uniform. Staff will communicate with the affected family when a student is out of uniform. Staff may contact the school Principal if the situation is not rectified. Staff will ask students to remove jewellery, including rings, that is not detailed within this policy due to OH&S. These items will be returned to the student at the end of the day for them to take home. Staff School Sports Equipment at Playtimes: Earlier this year we asked that children do not bring their own sports equipment to school. As a school we have purchased over 400 items including balls, hoops, cricket bats etc. for use at recess and lunchtimes. This equipment is colour coded to reflect each level. Levels are working on a borrowing system to ensure children have enough equipment to play with at recess and lunchtimes. Walk to School Month: Today a letter will come home to the eldest child in each family promoting Walk to school Month. Walking – like all physical activity – is great for children's health and wellbeing. Through Walk to School, VicHealth encourages Victorian primary students to walk to and from school with their parents every school day in October. Children could also ride bikes or scooters. If riding bikes or scooters children should be wearing helmets. Children who walk to school can create an account to tally their walks or we have tally sheets at school. Please consider getting involved. <Back to Contents> the newsletter in the weeks ahead for specific details of what will be happening in your child’s grade. Logo Design Competition th ? 2015 will be the 20 anniversary of the opening of our school. The Anniversary Committee are inviting all students and families to design a logo for this year long occasion. There will be a number of community events throughout the year celebrating our milestone. It is envisaged that the new logo will be used on anniversary publications and newsletters to mark and promote community recognition of events and news. Entries with your name included should be returned by Friday 24 October addressed to Mrs L Privitera, Anniversary Committee. On Thursday 30 October the school will hold an “Arts Celebration Day.” This will include the prep, one and two Grandparents Day Mass in the school hall at 9:15am followed by morning tea for our grandparents and a whole school performing arts concert. For families who may not be able to attend during the day, we will continue celebrations into the evening, with art displays around the school, a performance from our school band and choir and FOMM will provide BBQ sausages and drinks for families to purchase to complete the evening. Please note the day down in your calendar as we would love families to come along and join in the celebrations. ARTS CELEBRATION DAY- THURSDAY 30 OCTOBER 2014 Term 4 Whole School Concept This term across all year levels in our school, student learning will connect to an aspect of the concept Our Physical World. Each year level plans according to the AusVELS curriculum and incorporates areas such as: english, science, humanities, history, the arts, technology, information and communication into the concept learning. The following focus area for each level for this term is listed below. Teachers will send home curriculum term outlines in week 2 of this term, which outline in more detail concepts and skills students will be learning about this term. Year prep - Local neighbourhood and environment Year 1&2 -Simple systems and machines, how they move and help people in their lives EVENT TIME & VENUE P-2 Grandparents Day Mass 9:15am in the school hall Morning Tea for grandparents ( provided by the school) 10:30-11:30am in the school gym Whole School Performing Arts Concert 11:30-1:00pm in the school hall Visual Art Display 2:00-3:15pm and 5:00-6:00pm various locations around the school Band and Choir Performance 6:00-6:30pm in the school hall FOMM BBQ- sausages & drink available to purchase 6:30-7:30pm Year 3 & 4 -Changes in local landscapes and local natural disasters Year 5 & 6 -Earth and Global Physical changes <Back to Contents> Arts Festival Week This term our school will celebrate “The Arts” with a focus on the arts over a two week period beginning on Monday 20 October to Thursday 30 October. (weeks 3 & 4 of this term) During this time we have numerous whole school and level events. Many levels have incursions booked and all students will work with an artist Kevin Weeks to produce art work. Please read level sections of Term 4 School/Class Mass & Class Reconciliation Roster: Parents, families and friends are welcome to attend and celebrate with staff and students during the following Eucharistic and liturgical celebrations. DATE Mass Celebration (Thursdays 9.15am in Hall or as indicated) Reconciliation Celebration (Thursdays 10.00am in stage area of Hall) 16th October Year 6 S-TV 23rd October Middle Level - Years 3 & 4 @ OLHC 9.30am - 30th October Prep, Year 1 & Year 2 - Grandparents Mass & Farewell to Fr Sabu - 6th October - M-DB 13th November Year 1 M-VW 20th November Year 2 M-KW 27th November Prep M-SL 4th December J-MV & S-HF M-CP 9th December Year 6 Graduation Mass @ OLHC 7.00pm - 11th December Whole School @ OLHC 11.00am - Sacrament of Confirmation: Fifty-three students from our senior level will be celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation within one of the four Parish Masses, commencing tomorrow evening and during the weekend. The Sacrament of Confirmation is the third of the three sacraments of initiation. In Confirmation, the grace given at Baptism is sealed and strengthened. By choosing to be confirmed, these candidates are saying yes to being a disciple of Christ and to being an active member of the Catholic Faith. We pray for all who will be confirmed that they be examples in word and deed of the living Gospel of Christ. Knitting Group members were busy during Term 2 and 3 learning how to knit and producing a number of knitted squares. As a volunteer group, participant's support and enthusiasm is greatly appreciated. Every square made, goes into a blanket and we thank Mrs Zuzanna Ryan for helping out at the sessions and also for stitching a numerous amount of squares together. The Ryan family together, sorted the squares into appealing patterns. Three lovely blankets were produced. Many thanks to all children, families and friends who contributed to the finished pieces. Students, along with their parents, from the Knitting Group who attended the Cultural Threads Workshop are advised that the Big Knitted Welcome Mat is now on display to the general public at Dandenong Civic Square. The Mat is located in the ground floor window of the Dandenong Library. It will be on display in this space until mid-November and will then be exhibited at the Paddy O’Donoghue Centre in Noble Park. Congratulations to all on the creation of such a beautiful work that Greater Dandenong community will appreciate and enjoy. Stephanie Sacco - Project Support Officer, Arts & Cultural Development, Greater Dandenong. Mary MacKillop 2014 Card Design Competition winners were announced at assembly last term. The following students were awarded Best Entry for each year level. Each student received a printed set of their card design, a Riot Gift voucher, a Mary MacKillop medallion, and a certificate. BEST ENTRIES PREP - ANANYA KHALMY P-LF YEAR 1 – AYEN MACHAR J-JB YEAR 2 – JAYDE CARR J-BB YEAR 3 – RAMAEL JUMA M-JG YEAR 4 – HOLLY ATHANASOPOULOS M-VW YEAR 5 – KEALY DWYER S-ES YEAR 6 – TAMEKA PAYET S-TK The following students were finalists for each class. Each student was presented with a certificate and a Mary MacKillop Holy Card. FINALISTS CELINA BRAMLEY P-LF, ELI SHARBELL P-RJ, JOY KOH P-RJ, EBONY PRICE P-RS, ELIZA STEWART P-RS. GABBY BOYLE J-MV, RYAN WOLFF J-MV, LUKE OLD J-JB, RAPHAELL WAGNER J-TC, ELEKTRA PAYET J-TC, HANNAH DOBSON J-BB, ZACK PARKER J-EO, ALEXANDER GIAMPA J-EO, GRACE KAIN J-CM, PHOEBE DOYLE J-CM. CHLOE HIGGINS M-CP, MARIANA CASTANO M-CP, MASON MCNAMARA M-JG, ANNE KOH M-KW, JULIA GIANNONE M-KW, EVAN CHRISTODOULOV M-BR, KARLA ILOVAR M-BR, SELINA CHUNGUE M-SL, ANGELINE PAVIC M-SL, MIKAELA RYAN M-DB, BEN WOLFF M-DB, LORENA SAN MARTIN M-VW. HAYDEN MOSELEY S-HF, VINCENT GIAMPA S-HF, NATALIE MONTALTO S-ES, KRISTEN MONTIBELLER S-TV, DEAN GAROFALO S-TV, GABI MAJSTOROVIC S-TK, HAYLEY LEACH S-KL, JULIA SPOREA S-KL, JESSICA POSTREGNA S-SR, THILARA HERATH S-SR CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL STUDENTS. World Mission Day is celebrated every year in every country wherever there are Catholics committed to building a better world for all of God's people, a world where everyone has all they need to live a dignified and fulfilling life. This year World Mission Day is Sunday 19 October 2014. It is the day on which we reflect on the urgency to proclaim the Gospel in our times. Catholic Mission around the world has the responsibility of promoting a dignified and fruitful celebration of World Mission Day. This year, parishioners and school children across Australia are invited, as part of the Catholic Mission World Mission Appeal, to reach out to support the crucial work of the Jamaican Catholic Church in helping people turn away from violence and crime to seek a new future through the power of education and the spirit of Jesus Christ. The whole month of October has been dedicated to reflection in the hope that all the baptised will be always more committed to Christ's mission of salvation for the world. Class programs aim to help provide opportunities for students to deepen their understanding about issues of mission and justice. Each of us is invited to be involved in the work of global mission and share the loving grace of God with all. MMPS Bi Annual Mission Day Fete will be held on Friday 21st November 2014. Our senior students are working towards this fun-filled fundraiser for Catholic Mission. Mission boxes are available in each classroom during the month of October. Students and their families are invited to contribute whenever you can. Thank you, in advance to our school community of generous givers whose faithful prayers and support have helped children in need. Open Days at Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre: 2014 Special Weekend Openings will be held on 18 October and 29 November. Saturdays from 10.00am to 4.00pm. Visit website for further information www.marymackillopheritagecentre.org.au Social Emotional Learning- Building the Emotional Learner Last term in the Newsletter I made reference to the importance of teaching and learning life skills that are needed in every aspect of daily life. This term, in the coming newsletters, I will continue to address each of the core components of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) In recapping from last term, ‘Self-awareness’ is the ability to accurately recognize one’s emotions and thoughts and their influence on behaviour. This includes accurately assessing one’s strengths and limitations and possessing a well-grounded sense of confidence and optimism. (Casel) Responsible decision-making -Children often focus on immediate wants and don’t consider the long term consequences. They need adult guidance to develop their decision making skills. Effective decision making is a skill that children learn and as parents and teachers it is important to model this skill in everyday situations. Rather than provide children with the answer or ‘fix’ the problem for them as adults we need to model the decision making steps that will allow students to work through a problem. This does not mean that children are simply sent off with a ‘you solve the problem’ but are supported through the process step by step to allow them to internalise, learn and understand the importance of solving problems at the level they are able to. In teaching children these skills they are ‘empowered’ so that when situations and life gives them challenges they are able to optimistically and confidently stop, think and make decisions that will support them rather than defeat them. Confirmation Prayer God, our Father, we ask you to bless all candidates who are now preparing to receive the spirit of your love in the Sacrament of Confirmation. May the gifts within each one be touched by your Holy Spirit and become blessings for our parish family. Bless, too, our parents, our sponsors, our teachers and Catechists, and all those who have been the reflection of your son’s love for us. Come Holy Spirit! Fill our hearts with your gifts and kindle in them the fire of love. Amen. <Back to Contents> Effective decision making allows children to: Recognise when there is a choice for them to make. Understand that they are responsible for making the decisions Take other’s needs into account Think of different possible choices and solutions and decide which is best. Learning the Steps – Helping children make informed decisions and take responsibility Steps for decision making Example 1. What do you have to decide Deciding what to do after school. about? 2. What choices do you have? Go and play with friends. Stay home and do homework. Watch TV Play computer games. Get angry and cry. 3. Weigh up the pros and cons of Going to a friend’s house is more fun than each option and choose the best homework. Watching TV is fun and relaxing. one. I like computer games better than homework. If I get upset I’ll get out of doing my homework. I’ll get into trouble if homework is not completed. 4. Put your choice into action and Do homework as soon as I get home from school so that I can watch TV or play on my then check how it works out. computer or do both. If my friend calls I am free to go and play. I am relaxed and my mum is too. My teacher said I did well in my homework. <Back to Contents> GOING AWAY ON A HOLIDAY DURING THE SCHOOL TERM? Due to new roll recording requirements, we ask that you send a note to the office, at least two weeks before you leave, stating the dates your child will be away from school. This will be forwarded to the class teacher. Alternatively you can send an email to mglass@marymacnarre.catholic.edu.au TERM 4 SCHOOL FEE ACCOUNTS School Fee Accounts are to be finalised for payment by Monday 27 October 2014, unless a current direct debit arrangement is in place. If you are experiencing difficulty in finalising your fee account for 2014, please contact the office to make an appointment to discuss available options to support you with your fee commitment. Families with current fee arrangements are requested to contact the office early in Term 4 to make an appointment with the Principal to discuss options for 2015 and finalise fee arrangements for 2014. <Back to Contents> Congratulations to the following students on receiving Learning Awards: Tiago Barros and Zoe Niezgodka. Wow! Here we are in the last term of Grade Prep already! Term 3 ended in high spirits with all of the children participating in their very first Mary MacKillop Footy Day. It was fantastic to see everyone proudly wear their team colours! The Preps loved running around the hall to their teams anthem, participating in footy rotations run by the Senior students, having a delicious sausage sizzle lunch and of course, laughing at the teachers trying to play footy! Things are certainly looking exciting this term too, particularly with our whole school Arts Festival commencing in Week 3. We will begin to prepare for our festival next week through participating in Arts Sessions with the Prep teachers; Mrs Stewart will run visual arts sessions, Mrs Fonti will run drama sessions and Miss Joachim will run music sessions. In Week 3 we are looking forward to meeting artists, watching music performances and learning some fun dances! To help us prepare for the Arts Festival, we ask that you send in any recycled materials you have at home that you feel would be useful for creating an instrument; we are particularly after cardboard rolls (excluding toilet paper rolls), tin cans and plastic containers. Thank you in advance! PMP will recommence next Monday the 13th of October. If you are able to volunteer your time to assist with these sessions, we ask that you please add your name to the helpers list outside your child’s class. This term there will be orientations for Prep children commencing school in 2015. Through our discussions with you, we have decided that a Q&A session with Kindergarten parents and yourselves would be beneficial in the orientation process. If you are interested in assisting with this, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can start to liaise with each of the Kindergartens to arrange this. Just a reminder that students will need to wear their hats this term. Please make sure your child’s hat is clearly labelled as they tend to easily go missing! <Back to Contents> our classrooms. Students from JJB recorded 90 wrappers in their lunchboxes on one day alone. These wrappers end up in our green bin, which ends up as landfill. Junior classes will continue to explore the amount of rubbish produced and how we can reduce this. Where possible, learning in Mathematics is related to real life situations. Footy fever at the end of last term was the perfect vehicle to engage students in all areas of Mathematics. Students graphed their favourite football teams (data and graphing), explored favourite footy players and their jersey numbers (place value), measured the length of their kicks (measurement) and more. Students have begun to be introduced to our new concept ‘Our Physical World’. This concept promises to be an exciting one. Next Thursday teachers will consider students prior knowledge and wonderings as they plan this unit. <Back to Contents> Congratulations to the following students on receiving Learning Awards: Jasmine Lim, Dominic Teaia, Amrith Jayasuriya, Sophie Postregna, Ryan Wolff, Angelique Brown and Dominik Marki. Congratulations to the following students on receiving Learning Awards: Welcome back to Term Four. It’s wonderful to see students return to school in good health, well rested, and bubbling over with news of their many holiday activities. This week learning about ‘Aboriginal Life’ concluded with an excursion to CERES (Community Environment Park). In preparation for this excursion students revisited the questions / wonderings they had at the beginning of their term. Students recorded the few questions that remained unanswered and looked forward to exploring these areas further during the excursion. At CERES, students explored indigenous plant species to learn about their use for food, drink and medicine. They also found out about Aboriginal ochre techniques and symbols used in rock painting and had lots of fun learning how to throw a boomerang. It was great to see how engaged the children were, which was evidenced by the level of knowledge they were able to bring to the learning experience. Religious Education this week explored the Catholic Social Principle ‘Distribution of Universal Goods’. In practical terms, this is about how we care for God’s creation. Each week our Whole School Assembly begins with a prayer acknowledging our Indigenous Heritage. In this prayer we recognise and thank our Aboriginal elders for their care and protection of the land. Students have explored how Aboriginal people didn’t overfish or overhunt an area and how being nomadic supported them in this. Students have begun exploring how they too care for our environment. Discussions have followed with questions raised on the amount of rubbish (waste) we produce in Vaughan Azzopardi, Kaylah Hancock, Chloe Higgins, Eleni Antonopoulos, and Jorja Green. It is hard to believe we have commenced Term 4! We have already completed so much and are looking forward to the exciting learning planned to finish off the year. Please remember, all student are to wear a hat during play times and when participating in outdoor sport activities throughout Term 4. You may begin to feel the excitement in the air with the upcoming Arts Festival taking place during the next few weeks. The middle level will experience a Multicultural Infusion incursion where students will participate in African Dancing & Drumming, Austrian Schuchplattler Volkstanz dancing, Bollywood Infusion, La Vida Loca Spanish dancing and Chinese Fan Dancing. Students will also research an actor, musician or artist and participate in level rotations covering visual and performing elements. We will see many performances by the school band and choir and all students will be part of a whole school concert on Thursday 30th October. Students will also experience other planned events including The Arts Festival Open Night, which will take place on Thursday Evening from 5-7pm, so please book this fun occasion in your diary. We look forward to seeing many parents and friends on the night. Earlier in the week all students received a notice regarding a Mass celebration at Our Lady Help of Christians Parish Church, Narre Warren on Thursday 23rd October commencing 9.30 am. If you are able to assist and travel on the bus on the day please indicate this on your child’s permission slip and return to the classroom teacher. All permission slips are to be returned by Thursday 16th October. We warmly invite all parents, relatives and friends to come directly to the Church to celebrate Mass with us. The next set of homework tasks will be handed out on Monday 13th October and completed tasks are due Friday 24th October. Please remember, four tasks are expected to be completed, as well as eight 10 minute reading sessions, which are to be acknowledged by a parent’s signature. These things include plastic, paper and foam cups, packets of popping corn, brown paper bags, straws, plastic spoons, stickers, packets of small toys from Kmart or Reject Shop, party prize packs, small soft toys/teddies, cordial, popcorn and stationery. We also need the loan of some pop corm making machines. Please keep checking the newsletters as we may need to add to this. We thank you in advance for supporting this great initiative. With graduation fast approaching, there are things that need to be organised in advance. Any student, who was not at Mary MacKillop in Prep, is asked to promptly bring in a Prep photo of themselves to be used in the Graduation PowerPoint. Term 3 learning journals will be handed out to students shortly. We ask that these are returned back to classroom teachers for report writing purposes. <Back to Contents> All Year Four students will shortly begin a Leadership Development program to prepare them for their senior years at the school. The Young Leaders Program develops confidence with personal and public leadership and provides a greater understanding of leadership in general. <Back to Contents> DIVISION ATHLETICS Congratulations to the following children who participated in The Casey North Division Athletics in the final week of term 3. The 18 children (a record for our school) who finished first or second in their event have qualified for the Southern regional carnival on October 16th: Congratulations to the following students on receiving Learning Awards: Bradley Casse, Abby Cornell, Kaseb Elhage, Trinity Walter, Mark Beshay, Rachel Delahoy, Andre Soff, Crystal Usatov and Aden Wylie. Despite only being the first week back for Term 4, there are still many things happening in the senior level. Many students will be receiving the sacrament of Confirmation this week. Rehearsals will be taking place on Wednesday and Thursday at 7.30pm in OLHC Church while the confirmation masses will be held on Friday evening, Saturday morning and afternoon, and Sunday afternoon. In the lead up to being confirmed, students have been designing posters of a chosen saint. The posters are of a dove and include the picture of the student and of their saint. There is information about the saint and how they followed Jesus in their life. The school’s Mini Mission Day Fete will be taking place on Friday, November 21. Students are currently organising activities and will require donations for their stalls. Adam Booker – 1st Long Jump, 1st Triple Jump Josh Booker – 3rd – 4x100 m relay, 6th 100m, 6th – 200m, Adam Castricum- 1st – Hurdles, 5th – 800m Kiaya Chamberlain – 1st shotput Emma Cornell – 7th – 4x 100m relay Jayden Ede – 1st – 4x100m relay, 4th- Hurdles Paige Ede- 2nd 4x100m relay Dion Ermidis- 1st 4x100m relay Gar Yi Fong- 3rd – 4x100m relay Kira Hamilton- 6th hurdles Dakota Hanula- 3rd- 4x100m relay Steven Jansz- 1st – 1500m, 3rd- 4x100m relay Ellie Keen- 7th – 4x100m relay Tahlia Lane- 1st – 1500m, 3rd- Triple Jump Caydn Lane – 1st 1500m, 1st- 800m, 1st- 4x100m relay Sami Lane- 5th 1500m, 5th- Triple Jump Teo lantouris- 2nd – 200m, 3rd- 4x100m relay Ricky lantouris- 3rd- 4x100m relay Mach Machar- 4th – Discus Brady Niezgodka- 3rd – 4x100m relay Lucas Noronha- 6th – Hurdles, 3rd- 4x100m relay Matthew Orford- 2nd- 800m, 6th- 1500m Jessica Postregna- 3rd- 1500m, 7th- 4x100m relay, 7th – 200m Talyssa Route- 2nd – 4x100m, 7th- Hurdles Christian Sammut – 5th – 1500m Tori Santoro – 1st – 200m, 7th- Hurdles Brooke Smith- 2nd 200m, 2nd- 4x100m relay, High jump- abandoned due to weather Trinity Walter – 2nd – 4x100m relay, 7th- 800m Lucas Whiteside- 1st – 4x100m relay, 5th- 200m Ben Wolff- 1st- shotput, 1st- Discus Kirah Zietsman- 1st- 200m, 7th- 4x100m relay, High Jump- abandoned due to weather. <Back to Contents> Term 4 is always very busy 'canteen wise'! The weather gets warmer (meaning increased counter sales with fruit tubes etc) and many of our regular volunteers who work part time have increased work hours leading up to Christmas). It is never too late to see a new face in the canteen, and any contribution of help, no matter how small, is very appreciated! I sincerely look forward to meeting a few new faces in our final term of the school year! Even if a 'help needed' is not listed on the roster, we can always use an extra hand. Sometimes things pop up and our rostered volunteers are not able to do canteen duty. An odd hour or so to help in the morning goes a long way! Regards! Annette Friday 10th October Monday 13th October Friday 17th October <Back to Contents> Annette Ladlow Karinne Pidgeon Imaculada Mesquita Sandra San Martin Anna Hennett Annette Ladlow HELP NEEDED Penny Bourchier Annette Ladlow Melinda Price HELP NEEDED Christina Casse Mary Rose Bourke NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER AND FASTING FRIDAY 10 OCTOBER for the Synod on the Family. The Bishops of Australia invite us all to pray earnestly for the Synod on the Family taking place in Rome 5-19 October and especially to join in a National Day of Prayer and Fasting on Friday 10th October. BIBLE STUDIES will be held on 15th October at 7.00pm. FARWELL TO FR SABU It is with a sense of sadness that we will say goodbye to Fr Sabu. On the 5th November he will return to his community in India where he will receive a new appointment from his provincial. This completes the three year contract that Fr Sabu accepted from the diocese. We are very grateful for his ministry among us and are all the richer for the many gifts that he has shared with us. He goes with our prayers and blessing as he continues to build the kingdom of God. The administrator and consultors have made the following appointment. Fr Babu Antony VC will come to OLHC Narre Warren. We look forward to his time with us and pray that we will all be enriched by his time in our community. YARRA THEOLOGICAL UNION (YTU), a Catholic College of the University of Divinity is holding an OPEN DAY on Sunday 19th October 2014 from 2 – 5pm. Undergraduate and postgraduate courses are available. All welcome 98 Albion Road, Box Hill Ph: 9890 3771 or email: admin@ytu.edu.au Website: www.ytu.edu.au LAUNCH OF WORLD MISSION MONTH On the weekend of October 4/5th, Wonthaggi Parish will be hosting the Diocesan Launch of the annual Catholic Mission World Mission Appeal. This year we are invited to reach out and support the crucial work of the Jamaican Catholic Church in helping people turn away from violence and crime to seek a new future through the power of education and the spirit of Jesus Christ. The whole Diocese is invited. Please let St Joseph’s know if you plan to attend (5672 1111) and bring a small plate for Morning Tea. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Student/s who WILL NOT be returning to Mary MacKillop School in 2014 Family Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Child’s name: ……………………………………………………. Current Class: ……………………………………. Child’s name: …………………………………………………… Current Class: ……………………………………. Reason for Transfer: ……………………………………….………………………………………….………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Destination School: ………………………………..…………………………………………………………….……… Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Or email mglass@marymacnarre.catholic.edu.au <Back to Contents> Book club is a fantastic way to get kids interested in and excited about books. Your issue 6 catalogues have gone home today. Please get your orders back to the school by Monday 20th October. Icy Pole Day: Recommencing next week, lemonade icy poles will be available from the canteen each Wednesday at lunchtime for $1.00 each. School Disco: Friday 28th November. Please put this date in your calendar. Next FOMM Meeting: Tuesday 21st October at 7pm in the staffroom. Thursday 23rd October at 9am in the staffroom. <Back to Contents> Intention to return Slip Important School Events This Term 8th November First Eucharist 6:00pm Date 10th October Event Confirmation 7:30pm 9th November First Eucharist 11:30am 10th November Year 5/6 Learning Assembly 2:30pm 11th October Confirmation 10:30am & 7:30pm 11th November 2015 Prep orientation 9:15am – 10:30am 12th October Confirmation 3:30pm 12th November First Reconciliation 7:00pm 13th October S-TV reconciliation 10:00am 13th November Year 1 Mass 9:15am and M-VW Reconciliation 10:00am 15th October First Reconciliation 7:00pm 15th November First Reconciliation 10:30am 16th October Regional Athletics 17th November Prep Learning Assembly 2:30pm 16th October Year 6 Mass 18th November FOMM Meeting 7:00pm 18th October First Reconciliation 10:30am 18th November 2015 Prep Information Night 7:30pm Working Bee Week (families invited to attend school at any time during 20th November Day FOMM Meeting 9:00am school hours to complete tasks) 20th November Year 2 Mass 9:15am and M-KW Reconciliation 10:00am 13th – October 17th 19th October Working Bee 12:00pm 21st November Mission Day fete 20th October Year 6 Graduation Photo 24th November Year 3/4 Learning Assembly 2:30pm 20th October Arts festival begins 25th November School Board Meeting 7:00pm 20th October Flying Book Worm Incursion – Year 1/2 27th November Prep Mass 9:15am and M-SL reconciliation 10:00am 21st October Cultural Arts Infusion Incursion (Prep, Grade 3,4,5,6) 28th November FOMM - School Disco 21st October FOMM Meeting – 7:00pm 29th November First Eucharist 6:00pm 23rd October FOMM day meeting – 9:00am 30th First Eucharist 11:30am 23rd October Year 3/4 Mass at OLHC – 9:30am 1st December Year 1/2 Learning Assembly 2:30pm 25th October First Eucharist 6:00pm 2nd 2015 Prep Orientation 9:15am – 10:30am 26th October First Eucharist 11:30am 4th December J-MV and S-HF Mass 9:15am and reconciliation M-CP 28th October School Board Meeting 7:00pm 9th Graduation Mass 7:00pm at OLHC 30th October Grandparents Mass – Year P – 2 9:15am 11th December End of School Year Mass 11:00am at OLHC 30th October Whole school Performing Arts Concert – Parent Invited 11:30am 12th Reports to go home 30th October Arts Festival Celebration – Evening Events 5:00pm – 7:30pm 16th December Graduation Dinner 5:00pm 17th Last Day of School For Students 3:15pm finish 3rd November School Closure Day - No school for Students 4th November Melbourne Cup Day – No School for Students 6th November M-DB reconciliation 10:00am 6th November T 20 Cricket Carnival 7th Prep and Grade 1 and 2 Athletics Day November November December December December December 29th & 30th January 2nd February 2015 Student Assessment Days First Day of school P-6
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