The “N rth”ern Exposure N o r t h S h e l b y S c h oo l D i s t r i c t ~ P r o v i d i n g P a t h w a y s f o r S u c c e s s f u l L i v e s October/November 2014 From the Desk of the Superintendent The 2014-15 school year is off to a great start in the North Shelby School District! The building looks great; the softball/baseball field renovation is complete; and the much anticipated elementary playground equipment is installed. We are blessed to live in a community that supports our school district. When the call went out for volunteers to assist with the elementary playground and softball/baseball field renovation, several parents/grandparents/patrons gave of their time and their talents to see these projects through to completion. If I try to thank every person who volunteered, I will leave someone off the list, but on behalf of the North Shelby School District—THANK YOU!! Children learn by example, so it is important they learn what it means to be a member of a community. North Shelby School District recently received their Annual Performance Report (APR) from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, and once again, we have much to celebrate. We earned 96.1% of the points possible on the state’s scoring guide for schools. North Shelby believes in setting high expectations for its students and teachers, and this tradition of excellence will continue in to the future. Our teachers are dedicated to improving their instructional practices, and this is not an easy task with all of the changes occurring in education at this time, and our students consistently rise to meet the district’s high academic expectations. Congratulations to the administration, faculty, staff, and students for this honor—this is truly a team effort. Before I close, I want to take this opportunity to express what an honor it is for me to serve as your superintendent. I take great pride in being a Raider and will work tirelessly to see that North Shelby continues to “Provide Pathways for Successful Lives.” “Once a Raider, Always a Raider,” Kim Gaines North Shelby Activity Calendars The Senior class still has school activity calendars available: wall calendars ($12) and pocket planners ($8). All proceeds go toward graduation and senior trip expenses. Please call 573-633-2410 if you would like to purchase one. The Novel The Novel Class will again be reading the Gateway Award Nominees. The class members will write book reviews and submit those to the Shelby County Herald. The class members are Amber Vannoy, Caitlin Rupert, Lane Kemp, and Ana Gomes (AFS student). There are 15 books, and students will be able to vote in March for the winner. Students are required to read at least 3 books to vote. However, the Novel Class students will read all 15. We hope you will find the reviews helpful and entertaining. Booster Club Welcome to the 2014-15 North Shelby sports seasons! The North Shelby Booster Club consists of members just like you: Parents, alumni, teachers, administrators, coaches, community leaders, business owners, and fans of the Raiders and Lady Raiders, who want to make a difference and assist with the student-athlete experience of North Shelby students. Each parent/guardian who has a child participating in any sport is considered a member of the Booster Club and is asked for their participation. Our membership dues are low, and everyone is encouraged to attend meetings, and all members get a vote. While athletics is a core component of our mission within the Booster Club, we want to help make a difference and assist in the education of our student athletes through learning, athletics, service, community, and family. It is with these elements in mind that your involvement as a Booster will help promote more participation in our North Shelby community, whether your child is directly involved in athletics or not. We need volunteers to help with fundraising projects, concessions, and other duties related to running a Booster Club and having a top notch athletic program. Our primary fund raising project is that of operating the concession stand at all home football games for varsity, junior varsity, junior high, and elementary teams. We realize that everyone has very busy schedules, so your involvement as a Booster could be served in a variety of ways, such as: Volunteering to work in the food stand Bringing Raider burger (5 lbs. juicy burger) Set-up & clean-up at the food stand Taking money at the gate of elementary games As you decide what service works best for you and your family, please contact Amy Presson for scheduling and payment of dues. You can also find scheduling information, requests for Raider Burger, requests for volunteers, and other helpful information on our North Shelby Athletic Booster Group Page on Facebook. If you sign up as a worker in the food stand, please arrive one (1) hour prior to game time. If you are bringing Raider burger, it also needs to be at the stand at least one (1) hour prior to game time. You may send it with your child or bring it to the school and give to Denise Shockley, Kathy Jackson, or Cristy Jones to be placed in a refrigerator. North Shelby Booster Club Membership Please fill out this form and return your membership dues and detached portion of this form in an envelope marked Athletic Booster Club with your child to school, or bring it to the concession stand at any of our home football games, or mail to Amy Presson, treasurer. Our 2014-15 Officers and contact information President: Tim Shockley ................................... 660-651-3736 Vice-President: Roy Cochenour ....................... 660-216-3720 Secretary/ Treasurer: Amy Presson .................. 660-676-6503 On behalf of the North Shelby Booster Club, we thank you for your support through your participation and contributions to all of our student athletes. It is with much enthusiasm that we anticipate a great year serving through the Booster Club! If you have any questions or ideas, please contact our officers or bring them to our meeting. We look forward to seeing you at the games in support of our North Shelby teams. GO RAIDERS!! Detach here Name(s):________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Phone:__________________________________________________________ Email address:__________________________________________________ Annual Membership Fee: $15.00 per family Cash: $_________ Amount of check: $________ Check #:_______ PUBLIC NOTICE All responsible public agencies are required to locate, evaluate, and identify children with disabilities who are under the jurisdiction of the agency, regardless of the severity of the disability, including children attending private schools, children who live outside the district but are attending a private school within the district, highly mobile children, such as migrant and homeless children, children who are wards of the state, and children who are suspected of having a disability and in need of special education even though they are advancing from grade to grade. The North Shelby School District assures that it will provide a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) to all eligible children with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 21 under its jurisdiction. Disabilities include autism, deaf/blindness, emotional disorders, hearing impairment and deafness, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairments, specific learning disabilities, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, visual impairment/blindness and young child with a developmental delay. The North Shelby School District assures that it will provide information and referral services necessary to assist the State in the implementation of early intervention services for infants and toddlers eligible for the Missouri First Steps program. The North Shelby School District assures that personally identifiable information collected, used, or maintained by the agency for the purposes of identification, evaluation, placement or provision of FAPE of children with disabilities may be inspected and/or reviewed by their parents/guardians. Parents/guardians may request amendment to the educational record if the parent/guardian believes the record is inaccurate, misleading, or violates the privacy or other rights of their child. Parents have the right to file complaints with the U.S. Department of Education or the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education concerning alleged failures by the district to meet the requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The North Shelby School District has developed a Local Compliance Plan for the implementation of State Regulations for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This plan contains the agency’s policies and procedures regarding storage, disclosure to third parties, retention and destruction of personally identifiable information and the agency’s assurances that services are provided in compliance with the General Education Provision Act (GEPA). This plan may be reviewed during regular school hours in the office of the North Shelby Superintendent. This notice will be provided in native languages as appropriate. S.T.A.R.s Shine in the Elementary The S.T.A.R. (School’s Top Achieving Raiders) program is a new addition to the North Shelby Elementary curriculum. Students in this enrichment program qualified by earning top scores on past achievement tests as well as scoring in the gifted and talented range on an individually given intelligence assessment. The group meets one hour each week under the direction of Paula Perry, elementary guidance counselor. An ongoing S.T.A.R. project is publishing the North Shelby Elementary Raider Ramble, a newsletter focusing on elementary happenings and articles submitted by the group members. Book studies and other projects will also be a part of the enrichment curriculum. Musicians’ Corner The North Shelby Music Students have been making lots of music already this school year. In Elementary Music, students have been studying beat and rhythm through movement, music reading, and recently prepared and performed music for our new playground dedication ceremony. Thirteen 5th grade students have just started Beginning Band, and eleven of our elementary students from last year are also continuing their instrumental music studies. In General Music, all 7th Graders have been exploring music through listening as well as performance and are currently composing music for rhythm instruments. The High School Choir has already been busy performing the National Anthem at home varsity football games. Two members, James McKenzie and Houston Bichsel, were selected by audition to the 2014-15 Northeast Missouri All District Junior/Senior Choir. They were selected from over 500 area students auditioning for the two choirs. They will prepare music and perform in concert on November 1 at Moberly High School and are now eligible to audition for the Missouri All State Choir. Something new on the vocal music front this year is Tuesday Morning Choir, open to all high school students wanting to sing but aren’t able to take choir class due to scheduling conflicts. This eight member group will be integrated with the B2 choir class for concerts and other special events. And last, but certainly not least, the North Shelby Marching Raiders, Indoor Drumline, and Indoor Colorguard have been extremely busy preparing and performing at local venues, including the Shelbyville Old Settlers Reunion, the World Sheep and Fiber Arts Festival, and our own North Shelby varsity football games. All three of these groups will be traveling soon to compete in the 2014 Carrollton Band Day, CMU Band Day, and Hannibal Band Day Marching Festivals. NON PROFIT North Shelby 3071 Hwy. 15 N Shelbyville, MO 63469 CAR-RT-SORT PERMIT NO. 1 SHELBYVILLE MO 63469 ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER Project Playground North Shelby Elementary is very excited to announce the completion of the new playground addition! Pre-K through sixth grade children have enjoyed the variety of different activities and exercise opportunities provided by the large modular structure. The colorful structure was purchased with money provided by the NS School Board, community donations, local grants, and various fund raising events. The new playground surface was made possible through a grant the school received from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Solid Waste Management Program. Community volunteers worked together to install the 3” rubber tiles made from 100% Missouri recycled tires. The tile installation was the last step in the process to finalize the completion of North Shelby’s “Project Playground.” A grand opening celebration was held the morning of Friday, September 12. Parents, community members, volunteers, board members, staff, and students attended the celebration. Elizabeth Meyers and LaLaine Treasure had the honor of cutting the ribbon for the ceremony since they submitted the winning persuasive essays stating why they should be chosen for the job. Second and third place winners, Cheyenne Phillipe and Andrew Wiley, held the ribbon. Students closed the celebration by singing “God Bless the USA.” The students and staff of North Shelby Elementary are so grateful to everyone who helped make “Project Playground” a success. What a blessing for the kids who are getting to play on the new playground now and to those who will get to enjoy it in the future! Recycling Assembly Elementary students participated in a recycling assembly presented by Wendeline Brumbaugh immediately following the playground grand opening. Mrs. Brumbaugh encouraged kids to “reduce,” “reuse,” and “recycle.” The recycling symbol was shown to students so they would easily be able to recognize products which could be recycled. Students left the assembly with a variety of objects made from recycled materials that had been donated by the Solid Waste Management District. An iPad was also donated by the SWMD. Fourth through sixth grade students have been challenged to write an opinion essay about why it’s important for everyone to recycle. The winner of the essay contest will receive the iPad. Principal’s Posts Kerri Greenwell The North Shelby 2014-2015 school year is off and running, and I hope all of your children have had a great start to the new school year. As we move forward into this year, I would like to reiterate North Shelby has a long history of strong academic performance, and our administration, teachers, and support staff will continue “Providing Pathways for Successful Lives” by committing to offer the best possible school experience for the students we serve. We appreciate the supportive parents and community members who help make North Shelby the school that it is. We would like to welcome our AFS Exchange Student, Ana Gomes, from Brazil. Ana is living with Cindy Carlyle and her daughters, Paige and Megan. Ana is a junior, and she is waiting to see snow for her first time. If you do not receive the high school bulletin, please contact Brenda Rogers at to be added to the community list. Also, the Lumen Parent Portal address is https:// Your login and password are the same as last year. If you are having any problems, please call or email Brenda. I look forward to working with each of you as the year continues.
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