NORMAN COLLETT ENGLISH FRUIT MARKETING LT LTD D The Chemical Company NATIONAL FRUIT SHOW 2014 2 Contents Bonanza Prize ...............................................................................................2 Prizes and Trophies.....................................................................................2 Introduction by Chairman of the Judges ..........................................3 Apple and Pear Competition Schedules (Classes 1-20) .......4 & 5 Apple and Pear Competition Schedules (Classes 22-26) ............6 Show Regulations (Apple and Pear Classes)..................................11 Guide for Competitors............................................................................12 Soft Fruit Classes (Classes 30-33)........................................................13 Cobnut and Walnut Classes (Classes 50-55) ..................................13 Show Regulations for Soft Fruit, Cobnuts and Walnuts............13 Tastiest Apple Competition..................................................................14 Five Heaviest Apples Competition – special prize single heaviest apple.................................................14 Five Heaviest Pears Competition – special prize single heaviest pear...................................................14 Tastiest Tomato Competition...............................................................14 Apple Juice Competition (Classes 40-42)........................................15 Entry Forms for all competitions ....................................................7-10 The 2014 Bonanza Prize Sponsored by: J.R. Breach DL Valois Desindo This year’s Bonanza Prize is made up of three elements and the winner of the draw will receive: • 1,000 Apple Trees • 1,000 Tree Stakes • Travel Voucher worth £1,000 to enable two people and a vehicle to visit France and Belgium to choose their trees and stakes. How to Qualify for the Draw Your name will be included in the Bonanza Competition Draw once for every three staged entries gaining a minimum of 85 points. Only entries in Classes 1-19 are eligible. The draw will be made at the Show Dinner at The Emson Building, Kent Event Centre, Kent Showground, on Wednesday 15th October. Best Tradestand Best Overall Tradestand and Best Machinery Tradestand - sponsored by SE Farmer Best Shell scheme stand (maximum size 4m x 3) - sponsored by Fresh Produce Consortium ® Apple and Pear Competition Classes – Championship Prizes and Trophies First prize winners in Classes 1-20 will receive one National Fruit Show Silver Teaspoon per winning entry. Entries in Classes 1-19 are eligible for Prizes 52-61; entries in Classes 1-20 are eligible for Prizes 62-72. Proud to sponsor the best all-round exhibit at the National Fruit Show with a cheque for £400 PRIZE NUMBER 52* 53 54 55 56 57* 58* 59* 60 61 62 63** The Covent Garden Market Authority The Roderic Sarson Memorial Trophy The Stokes Bomford Rose Bowl The Podger Norton Trophy The Bayer Rose Bowl The Fruiterers Company Medal The Fruiterers Company Medal The Fruiterers Company Medal The Fyffes Salver The UKF Fertilisers Cup The John Henshall Salver The Winch Memorial Challenge Cup 64** The John Thwaites Challenge Bowl 65 66 67 The Fiennes Cornwallis Trophy The Cantagrians Association Cup The JP Fruit Distributors Cup 68 The W Bruce Challenge Cup 69 71 72* 73 74 75* 76 77 78 82 The Dan Wuille Cup The R Mitchell Challenge Cup The BIFGA prize The John Acock Memorial Rosebowl The Norman Collett Memorial Trophy The John Breach Award The Joan Buttfield Trophy The Sue Daly Novice Trophy The CPM Ltd Trophy The John Bardsley Tankard PRESENTED FOR Prize Best all round exhibit in Show Best all round exhibit of apples Best exhibit of dessert apples Best exhibit of culinary apples Best exhibit of pears The most meritorious exhibit of dessert apples The most meritorious exhibit of culinary apples The most meritorious exhibit of pears Best exhibit of Bramley Best exhibit of Cox’s Orange Pippin or any Sport Best exhibit of any dessert apple grown in the UK outside Kent Exhibitor gaining the highest points total for Weald of Kent. Exhibits in all classes (restricted to exhibits grown in Kent, south of the M20 motorway) Exhibitor gaining the highest points total for all exhibits in all classes (restricted to exhibits grown in Kent, north of the M20 motorway) Exhibitor gaining the highest total of points in all classes Best exhibit picked and packed by a former student of Hadlow College, KFI or KHI Best exhibit of Cox’s Orange Pippin or any Sport in Class 20 (Dessert Apples, Exhibitor under 26) Best exhibit of dessert apples excluding COP or any Sport in class 20 (Dessert apples, Exhibitor under 26) Exhibit of culinary apples showing the best colour and skin for variety Best exhibit of any dessert apple variety introduced to the UK after 2000. Exhibit gaining most points entered by a BIFGA member Exhibitor with most points in Culinary Classes Panel Selection Best entry of Cheerfull Gold™ Best overall entry of strawberries Winner of Class 20 Best overall entry of raspberries Most Meritorious Entry of Cobnuts Note: Prizes marked * are to be won outright: other prizes on the list are to be held for one year. ** No exhibit scoring less than 80% of maximum points will count in the totals for Trophies 63 or 64. New opportunities WINN E R 20 14 On behalf of the Marden Fruit Show Society it gives me much pleasure to invite all growers, big or small, experienced or novices to enter this years National Fruit Show, there are classes that will suit every grower. As usual there are classes for Top Fruit, Soft Fruit, Nuts, Apple Juice and Tomatoes. Entry Forms, Show Rules and Regulations can be found inside this schedule, please take the time to read through them as they do change from time to time. This year the Show will be housed in a brand new pavilion with new bespoke staging to display the fruit. Last year was a challenge to everyone with the temporary siting of the old Kent Pavilion, so we look forward with excitement to our new home. This season looks like being one of the earliest on record following on from probably the latest season last year. The early season will mean early picked fruit will have to be held for a considerable time until the Show so it is worth making the effort to use the most suitable storage available. This year’s Bonanza Prize – sponsored by J.R. Breach, DL Valois and Desindo – is made up of three elements and comprises: 1,000 Apple Trees; 1,000 Tree Stakes; and a Travel Voucher worth £1,000 to enable two people and a vehicle to visit France and Belgium to choose their trees and stakes. The 2014 Festival of British Fruit After Show Event is going to London for the one-day Kennington Country Live event on Saturday 18 October. Thanks go to our dedicated band of judges who generously give of their time to support the show. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our many sponsors, the Society really appreciates their generosity and it is our aim that they receive the exposure and publicity they richly deserve. Finally my thanks go to all the growers who make the effort at their busiest time of the year to enter the show competitions and I wish them the very best of luck. Brian Tompsett, Chairman of the Judges CLASSES FOR TOP FRUIT AND SOFT FRUIT, APPLE JUICE, COBNUTS, WALNUTS AND TOMATOES Entry to all competitions is FREE CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: APPLE AND PEAR CLASSES WEDNESDAY 1 OCTOBER APPLE JUICE, SOFT FRUIT FRIDAY 3 OCTOBER COBNUT AND WALNUT FRIDAY 3 OCTOBER HEAVIEST APPLES, HEAVIEST PEARS WEDNESDAY 8 OCTOBER TASTIEST TOMATO WEDNESDAY 8 OCTOBER FULL DETAILS ARE GIVEN UNDER EACH HEADING ON THE ENTRY FORMS. Free Packaging supplied by Produce Packaging Ltd Free transport of top fruit entries from East Harling, Ledbury, Wisbech and Devizes courtesy of H.L Hutchinson Ltd. Free transport for Agrovista customers. SEE ENTRY FORM FOR DETAILS NATIONAL FRUIT SHOW 2014 3 NATIONAL FRUIT SHOW 2014 4 Apple and Pear Competition Classes 2014 – Closing date for entries Weds 1 October 2014 CLASSES 1–20 JUDGED AND DISPLAYED AT THE SHOW Each entry will consist of three 60cm x 40 cm trays. Fruit to be selected at the stewards’ discretion will be used for detailed examination by the judges Prizes: First £75 Second £50 Third £25 CLASS & PERPETUAL TROPHY (HELD FOR ONE YEAR) CLASS 1 Bramley 90-100mm diameter 1 The Alfred Shread Challenge Cup Classes 1-17 Open to All Growers PRIZE FOR BEST EXHIBIT PRESENTED BY Agrii Ltd 2 The Twyman Prize PRIZE MONEY FOR CLASS SPONSORED BY £ Scorpion Engineering Construction Ltd CLASS 2 Bramley 80-90mm diameter 3 Squire Salver 4 The FP Matthews Ltd Prize £ Marden NFU CLASS 3 Kanzi® 65-70mm or 70-75mm diameter 6 Richard Hochfeld Cup 6 Richard Hochfeld Ltd Prize £ Richard Hochfeld Ltd £ The Asplins Producer Organisation Limited 10 The Bayer CropScience Prize £ South East Farmer CLASS 6 Rubens® 65-70mm or 70-75mm diameter 11 A R Piller Challenge Cup 12 The Norman Collett Ltd Prize £ Norman Collett Ltd CLASS 7 Jazz™ 65-70mm or 70-75mm diameter 13 Fuller Water Systems Trophy 14 Worldwide Fruit Ltd Prize £ Worldwide Fruit Ltd CLASS 8 H Gala or any Sport of Gala 65-70mm or 70-75mm diameter 15 Pask Cornish & Smart Cup 16 Greencell Ltd Prize £ Greencell Ltd CLASS 9 H Russets: Egremont or St Edmunds 65-70mm or 70-75mm diameter 17 Foreman Salver 18 The Fruit Grower Prize £ The Fruit Grower 20 The Norman Collett Ltd Prize £ Norman Collett Ltd 22 Worldwide Fruit Ltd Prize £ Worldwide Fruit Ltd £ New Spitalfields Market CLASS 4 H Cox’s Orange Pippin or any Sport of Cox 70-75mm diameter 7 Systhane Cup CLASS 5 H Cox’s Orange Pippin or any Sport of Cox 65-70mm diameter 9 Vernon Hayes (Seeds) Ltd Challenge Cup CLASS 10 H Cameo 65-70mm or 70-75mm diameter 19 Cornwallis Cup CLASS 11 H Braeburn or any Sport of Braeburn 65-70mm or 70-75mm diameter 21 The WASP Bin Trophy CLASS 12 H Any Other Variety of Dessert Apple Small fruited varieties 65-70mm or 70-75mm diameter Large fruited varieties 70-75mm or 75-80mm diameter 23 George Harlow Cup 24 Invicta Petroleum Shield 8 The Landseer Ltd Prize The New Spitalfields Market 25 Prize Please remember to write the name of any sport or variety on the entry form and on the end of each tray. Show regulations and further information for competitors are on pages 11 and 12 Apple and Pear Competition Classes 2014 – Closing date for entries Weds 1 October 2014 CLASS & PERPETUAL TROPHY (HELD FOR ONE YEAR) PRIZE FOR BEST EXHIBIT PRESENTED BY PRIZE MONEY FOR CLASS SPONSORED BY CLASS 13 Comice 70-75mm, 75-80mm or 80-85mm diameter 26 Ernest White Cup 27 Richard Hochfeld Ltd Prize £ Lambert & Foster CLASS 14 Conference 60-65mm or 65-70mm diameter 28 AMG Trophy 29 Chingford Fruit Ltd Prize £ Chingford Fruit Ltd CLASS 15 Concorde Fruit must be 60-65mm or 65-70mm diameter 30 East Kent Packers Cup 31 UNIVEG UK Prize £ UNIVEG UK CLASS 16 Any Other Variety of Pear 60-65mm, 65-70mm, 70-75mm, 75-80mm or 80-85mm diameter 32 Segro Salver 33 NFU Sittingbourne Prize £ Hadlow College CLASS 17 Any Other Variety of Culinary Apples 80-90mm or 90-100mm diameter 5 Dufaylite Developments Cup 34 Construction Ltd Prize £ Scorpion Engineering Construction Ltd Scorpion Engineering If you have not won a First Prize in the last 5 years why not put an entry into one of these classes? Entrants in Classes 18 and 19 may also enter Classes 1-17 but must not have won a first prize in the relevant show class for the previous five years. CLASS 18 H Dessert Apples Fruit for this class must be within the size for the variety as listed in classes 4-12 36 Henshall Rose Bowl 37 The FP Matthews Prize £ ICA Ltd CLASS 19 Pears Fruit for this class must be within the size for the variety as listed in classes 13-16 38 Horticultural Containers Wine Goblets 39 ICA Ltd Prize £ ICA Ltd Entrants under the Age of 26 Fruit for Class 20 must be within the size for the variety as listed for Classes 4-12. Entrants do not have to grow the fruit to enter this class. They may seek advice but must pick, select and pack the fruit themselves. The name and date of birth of the individual entrant must be completed on the entry form. CLASS 20 H Dessert Apples – entrants under age 26 77 The Sue Daly Novice Trophy £ Haynes Agricultural (Kent) Ltd 41 Prize DSH Ltd Judges Score Card: Apples and Pears Freedom from disease and pest Freedom from bruise and other damage Internal condition (including bitter pit etc) Skin quality Uniformity of colour Uniformity of size and evenness of shape 20 20 15 15 15 15 100 Please remember to write the name of any sport or variety on the entry form and on the end of each tray. Show regulations and further information for competitors are on pages 11 and 12 NATIONAL FRUIT SHOW 2014 5 NATIONAL FRUIT SHOW 2014 6 A G R O v I S T A R E G I O N A L C H A M P I O N C U P Co un tie s and Wes t The grower from Easte rn ints wi ll each receive the Midl ands wi th the most po e pio n Cup (awarde d for on Ag rovista Regio nal Cham 00. ye ar) plus a cheque for £1 red by the Agro vis ta The ge ographic areas co ve e: Re giona l Ch ampion Cup ar rfolk, Su ff olk , Es se x, a) EASTERN COUNTIES – No ck inghamshire, , Bu He rt fordshire, Be df ordshire nshire do ing nt Hu d Cambridge shire an rdshire, War wick shire, b) WEST MIDLANDS – Oxfo ref ordshire, , He Glo uces tershire, Wiltshire e and St af fordshire hir Worces tershire, Shrops represen tative to colle ct If yo u require an Agro vis ta rm . k the box on the en tr y fo yo ur fr uit en tr y ple ase tic e , bu t yo ur co un ty is no t on red ide ns co be to sh wi u yo If nt ac t the sh ow of fice. of th ose name d, ple ase co Classes 22-26 Long Term Farm-Stored Classes – Closing date for entries Early 2015 JUDGED AND DISPLAYED AT THE 2015 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Prizes: First £75 Second £50 Third £25 Landseer Ltd will also award a special prize of £50 to the Store Operator of the first prize winning entry in each of these classes. The Ron Tassell Trophy is awarded for the Store Operator of the Best All-Round Exhibit in the LTFS classes. CLASS & PERPETUAL TROPHY (HELD FOR ONE YEAR) PRIZE FOR BEST EXHIBIT PRESENTED BY CLASS 22 Gala or any Sport of Gala PRIZE MONEY FOR CLASS SPONSORED BY 47 The ICA Ltd Prize £ ICA Ltd 49 The ICA Ltd Prize £ ICA Ltd 51 STS Ltd £ STS Ltd 52 STS Ltd £ STS Ltd 53 Scorpion Engineering Ltd £ Scorpion Engineering Ltd CLASS 23 Bramley 48 Farmura Trophy CLASS 24 Any Variety of Dessert Apple except Cox’s Orange Pippin or any Sport of Cox CLASS 25 Cox’s Orange Pippin or any Sport of Cox 50 The Marks & Spencer Trophy CLASS 26 Pears Long Term Farm-Stored Classes 22-26 – Growers wishing to enter these classes are asked to put a quantity of Class 1 fruit into their own store in September/October. In the following February/March, some time prior to the Marden Fruit Show Society’s Annual General Meeting, one 30lb box of fruit should be delivered to East Malling Research, where the fruit will be judged by a member of the Research Station staff, plus one other judge appointed by the Society. Please contact the Secretary for an entry form for these classes. You will be contacted again early in the new year to ascertain whether you still have fruit available for entry. Packaging will be available for collection at the Show Office. ENTRIES WILL BE ON SHOW AT THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, TOGETHER WITH INFORMATION CARDS AND SCORE CARDS. Judge’s Score Card: Long Term Farm-Stored Apples Judge’s Score Card: Long Term Farm-Stored Pears Ground colour of skin Absence of shrivel or greasiness Firmness of flesh Absence of disorders and rots Ground colour of skin Absence of shrivel Firmness of flesh Absence of disorders and rots Ripening of fruit at 18°C 25 25 25 25 TOTAL 100 25 25 15 15 20 TOTAL 100 NATIONAL FRUIT SHOW 2014 ENTRY FORM - TOP FRUIT Exhibitor’s Name/Trading Title Name of contact, if different Address Postcode Tel Fax Email To whom should any prize money cheques be made payable? I wish to enter the competitions indicated below and agree to abide by the relevant rules and regulations. Signed Date TOP FRUIT – CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES WEDNESDAY 1 OCTOBER 2014 CLASSES 1 – 20 Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary CLASS NO VARIETY AND SPORT Total no of entries CLASS 20 NAME OF ENTRANT Tick if you are entering for the first time DATE OF BIRTH Tick if you are a BIFGA member Tick if the picker and packer of the entry is a former student of Hadlow College, KFI or KHI Tick if the fruit entered has been grown organically Please indicate which depot you would like to collect your competition packaging from: East Harling Marden Ledbury Wisbech Devizes NB: Fruit entries being delivered to East Harling, Ledbury, Wisbech or Devizes must be arranged in advance. Fruit entries being delivered to the Kent Event Centre, Kent Showground, should arrive by 3pm on Monday 13 October otherwise will not be accepted. Each tray should be clearly marked with the exhibitor’s number and sport details where applicable. No other means of identification should be on the entries. Tick if you are eligible for the Agrovista Eastern Counties/West Midlands award and would like your entry to be collected These Entry Forms can be photocopied or downloaded from our website: Please send your entry to: The Show Secretary, The National Fruit Show at Marden Fruit Show Society, Bradbourne House, East Malling, Kent ME19 6DZ, or Fax to: 05600 760808, or email NATIONAL FRUIT SHOW 2014 7 NATIONAL FRUIT SHOW 2014 8 NATIONAL FRUIT SHOW 2014 HEAvIEST AND TASTIEST Exhibitor’s Name/Trading Title Name of contact, if different Address Postcode Tel Fax Email To whom should any prize money cheques be made payable? I wish to enter the competitions indicated below and agree to abide by the relevant rules and regulations. Signed Date HEAVIEST APPLES, HEAVIEST PEARS VARIETY (IF KNOWN) CLASS FIVE HEAVIEST APPLES FIVE HEAVIEST PEARS Entries must be pre-registered and delivered to the National Fruit Show at the Kent Event Centre, Kent Showground, Detling: Apples and Pears on Monday 13 October 2014 between 1-3pm. TASTIEST TOMATO Maximum of two entries per class. Each entry should consist of 2 x 500g punnets or a minimum of 6 fruits, and must be clearly labelled with the grower’s name and the variety. VARIETY VARIETY BABY OR SMALL (INC CHERRY) CLASSIC COCKTAIL BEEF Entries must be pre-registered and delivered to the Tomato Steward at the National Fruit Show at Kent Event Centre, Kent Showground on Tuesday 14 October 2014 between 1-5 pm. These Entry Forms can be photocopied or downloaded from our website: Please send your entry to: The Show Secretary, The National Fruit Show at Marden Fruit Show Society, Bradbourne House, East Malling, Kent ME19 6DZ, or Fax to: 05600 760808, or email NATIONAL FRUIT SHOW 2014 SOFT FRUIT, COBNUTS AND WALNUTS Exhibitor’s Name/Trading Title Name of contact, if different Address Postcode Tel Fax Email To whom should any prize money cheques be made payable? I wish to enter the competitions indicated below and agree to abide by the relevant rules and regulations. Signed Date SOFT FRUIT – CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES FRIDAY 3 OCTOBER 2014 CLASSES 30 – 33 CLASS NO VARIETY TOTAL NO OF ENTRIES Soft Fruit entries must be delivered to the National Fruit Show at Kent Event Centre, Kent Showground, Detling, between 3.00 – 8.00 pm on Tuesday 14 October or 8.00 – 9.30am on Wednesday 15 October 2014 COBNUTS AND WALNUTS – CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES FRIDAY 3 OCTOBER 2014 CLASSES 50 – 55 CLASS NO VARIETY (IF KNOWN) TOTAL NO OF ENTRIES Cobnut and Walnut entries must be delivered to the National Fruit Show at Kent Event Centre, Kent Showground, Detling by 11.00am on Tuesday 14 October 2014 These Entry Forms can be photocopied or downloaded from our website: Please send your entry to: The Show Secretary, The National Fruit Show at Marden Fruit Show Society, Bradbourne House, East Malling, Kent ME19 6DZ, or Fax to: 05600 760808, or email NATIONAL FRUIT SHOW 2014 9 NATIONAL FRUIT SHOW 2014 10 NATIONAL FRUIT SHOW 2014 APPLE JUICE Exhibitor’s Name/Trading Title Name of contact, if different Address Postcode Tel Fax Email To whom should any prize money cheques be made payable? I wish to enter the competitions indicated below and agree to abide by the relevant rules and regulations. Date Signed JUDGING WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE NATIONAL FRUIT SHOW ON MONDAY 13 OCTOBER 2014: All apple juice entries should be pre-registered and delivered to: THE SHOW SECRETARY THE NATIONAL FRUIT SHOW AT MARDEN FRUIT SHOW SOCIETY Bradbourne House East Malling Kent ME19 6DZ To arrive no later than 2pm on Friday 10 October 2014 APPLE JUICE – CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES FRIDAY 3 OCTOBER 2014 Please indicate if the juice entered has been produced organically and/or has been pressed on-farm. CLASS NO VARIETY/VARIETIES OR TYPE OF FRUIT PLEASE CIRCLE CORRECT DESCRIPTION 40 Cloudy/clear Sweet/Medium/Dry 40 Cloudy/clear Sweet/Medium/Dry 41 Cloudy/clear Sweet/Medium/Dry 41 Cloudy/clear Sweet/Medium/Dry 42 Cloudy/clear Sweet/Medium/Dry 42 Cloudy/clear Sweet/Medium/Dry ORGANIC PRESSED ON-FARM Total no of entries: (MAXIMUM OF 2 ENTRIES PER CLASS; A MINIMUM OF 2 BOTTLES TOTALLING NO LESS THAN 1.5 LITRES) These Entry Forms can be photocopied or downloaded from our website: Please send your entry to: The Show Secretary, The National Fruit Show at Marden Fruit Show Society, Bradbourne House, East Malling, Kent ME19 6DZ, or Fax to: 05600 760808, or email SHOW REGULATIONS: COMPETITION CLASSES 1 – 20 ENTRIES INDEMNITY 1 An exhibitor in the Open Classes may be an individual, partnership or corporate body, in whose name an exhibit has been entered, and must have grown the same. The exhibitor must also have been responsible for the cost of production of the same. The exhibitor may also be a student engaged in a full time education course either 9 Neither the Committee nor the officers shall in any way be responsible for any loss or damage, no matter from whatever cause, arising to competitors, their servants or agents, or to exhibits brought to the Show. a) on an accredited horticulture course b) an accredited horticulture course apprenticeship. JUDGING Such entries may be made either 11 Competent Judges will be appointed by the Committee. In the event of any of the Judges being unable to attend, the Committee reserve the right to substitute others. a) during the full time academic year/years, from the attended college fruit farms, or b) during the industrial year forming part of a full time course, from the commercial fruit enterprise in which the student is employed. 2 10 Each exhibitor shall be solely responsible for any injury or damage to his exhibit or for any consequential loss or damage, and indemnifies the organisers against all claims or legal proceedings and expenses arising therefrom in regard to such description. The above regulation does not apply to entries in Class 20 (The “Under 26” Class), which will be restricted to exhibitors who have not attained their 26th birthday by 1 November of the current year. 3 Entries in Classes 18 and 19 will be accepted only from exhibitors who have not been awarded a First Prize in any Show Class for that category of fruit (Dessert Apples or Pears), within the previous 5 years. This restriction does not apply to winners of the “Under 26” Class or the Storage Classes, nor to student entries submitted by a different individual. 4 No exhibit entered will be admitted for the competition unless the printed Entry Form be submitted properly completed and signed by or on behalf of the exhibitor. PACKING 5 Only containers (60cm x 40cm) and inner trays supplied by the Society may be used. Exhibitors will be notified of the arrangements for collection once their entries have been received. 6 Exhibitors must complete the identification panel stating the variety (and sport where applicable) entered, Exhibitor’s Number, Competition Class Number and size range of fruit. If more than one entry is made in any one class by the same exhibitor, the entries must be labelled “A”, “B”, “C”, etc after the Exhibitor’s Number. 7 All exhibits of fruit should be delivered to the Show at the Kent Event Centre, Kent Showground, Detling, Maidstone, ME14 3JF between the hours of 1pm and 3pm on the Monday before the Show. 8 The Committee will receive each exhibit from the exhibitors and will be responsible for staging. After delivery to the Show, exhibits shall not be touched by the competitor or anyone acting on his behalf until after the judging has been completed. 12 No prizes will be awarded to an exhibit which does not, in the opinion of the Judges, possess sufficient merit. 13 No interference with the Judges while making their decision will be allowed, and any such interference by a competitor or anyone acting on his/her behalf will disqualify his/her exhibit. 14 The Committee may refuse space for any exhibit that does not in their opinion reach a sufficiently high standard of merit or on which there is visible any name or mark which will enable Judges to identify the exhibitor. 15 Prizes will be awarded in classes of three exhibits or less if they receive 80 points or more and the Judges consider the entries are of sufficient merit. A Fourth Prize will be awarded in any class with twelve or more staged entries. 16 In the case of “ties” for First Prize, scores will be compared in the order which they appear on the Score Card. In the event that there is still a tie, a decision will be made by the Chairman of Judges or a Panel of Judges appointed by him. 17 The Committee proposes to accept the Classification of Apples as Dessert or Culinary as laid down by the Royal Horticultural Society. Entries of Crispin apples will only be accepted for dessert classes. PROTESTS 18 The Committee reserves the exclusive right of management and display of all exhibits. All protests, objections and disputes as to such management or display will be considered by them. 19 Prior to the Show the Committee will elect a Sub-Committee to deal with any protests which may arise out of judging, marking or awarding of prizes. 20 Any objection or protest must be made in writing and delivered to the Secretary before 1pm on the first day of the show accompanied by a deposit of £2 which will be returnable in the event of the objection being upheld. If the objection is not upheld the deposit shall be forfeited to the Society. 21 The decision of the Committee or Sub-Committee so appointed as the case may be shall be final and binding on all interested parties. REMOvAL 22 Under no circumstances can any fruit be “bought back” or removed from the Show, before it goes for disposal. ALL ENTRIES OF PRODUCE IN THE COMPETITION CLASSES BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE SOCIETY NATIONAL FRUIT SHOW 2014 11 NATIONAL FRUIT SHOW 2014 12 GUIDE FOR COMPETITORS PACKING THE EXHIBITION TRAY FREEDOM FROM BRUISE AND OTHER DAMAGE All entries must be of a single layer of fruit placed in cells of the appropriate size. Please note different varieties of apples and pears will require different sized cells, which must be selected to suit the size of fruit entered. Marks are likely to be lost in proportion to the extent of damage. Slight hail marks, container marks which do not cause discolouration, and other slight damage, will not be so heavily penalised as bruising and picking marks. THE SIZE OF FRUIT IS MANDATORY IN ALL CLASSES, AS FOLLOWS: INTERNAL CONDITION, INCLUDING BITTER INTERNAL CONDITION, INCLUDING BITTER PIT ETC PIT ETC APPLES - 3 TRAYS PER ENTRY It is not essential for apples or pears to be ripe at the time of showing but they must be in such condition that a satisfactory stage of ripeness will eventually be reached. Points will be deducted if they are overripe or if, owing to their condition, they can never ripen properly. Bramley Other Culinary Varieties Kanzi® Cox’s OP Other Dessert Varieties Large Fruited Varieties Class 1 90-100 mm Class 2 80-90mm Class 17 80-90mm 90-100mm (fruit over 100mm will not fit into the tray) Class 3 65-70mm 70-75mm Class 4 70-75mm Class 5 65-70mm 65-70mm 70-75mm 70-75mm 75-80mm PEARS - 3 TRAYS PER ENTRY Conference Concorde Comice and all other varieties The fruit must be firm; the judges will use a penetrometer as part of their assessment. SKIN QUALITY This should be at least a minimum of Class 1 level and should be as uniform as possible within an entry. No other substance (such as wax or lacquer) should be applied to the surface of the fruit. UNIFORMITY OF COLOUR 60-65mm 65-70mm 60-65mm 65-70mm 70-75mm 60-65mm 65-70mm 70-75mm 75-80mm 80-85mm The fruit layer should be brought up to just below the level of the top of the tray by placing cell layers or other rigid packaging material beneath the fruit layer. Fruit must be displayed on its side, with stalk to the label end of the tray or to one side. For pears, a layer of bubble wrap may be placed between the cell and the fruit in order to accommodate all shapes and sizes. Trays may be covered in bubble pads to protect the fruit in transit to the Show. FREEDOM FROM DISEASE AND PESTS Spots due to any disease and scars caused by any pests are undesirable. In close competition it is necessary to take notice of very small blemishes. Anything affecting keeping quality is likely to be severely marked down. All fruits should be as alike as possible within an entry. The colour should comply with the Class 1 requirement for that variety. This includes background colour and reverse of the fruit. UNIFORMITY OF SIZE AND EvENNESS OF SHAPE All fruits within an entry should be as nearly the same size and shape as possible. The size range must be stated on the label. In ALL CLASSES there will be a quarter-point penalty for each fruit outside the size range up to a maximum of 15 points. IMPORTANT Fruit should not be handled/re-arranged once it has been placed on the staging at the show although it can be adjusted whilst on the floor prior to staging. Any infringement of these guidelines, such as displaying eye up or applying a substance to the surface of the fruit, will lead to a points deduction. MARDEN FRUIT SHOW SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP The Marden Fruit Show Society is a Registered Charity run by a voluntary committee who represent many different facets of the fruit industry. The aim of the Society is to promote the better growing, grading and marketing of fruit, and to this end the Society holds a two-day show and fruit competition in October at the Kent Event Centre, Kent Showground. New Committee Members and volunteers to help at the National Fruit Show are always welcome. ANNUAL SINGLE MEMBERSHIP £20 ANNUAL FAMILY MEMBERSHIP £20 FOR FIRST MEMBER, £10 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL MEMBER COMPANY MEMBERSHIP £100 FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT: The Secretary, Marden Fruit Show Society, Bradbourne House, East Malling, Kent ME19 6DZ Tel: 01732 874564 Fax: 05600 760808 Email: Soft Fruit Classes 2014 – Closing date for entries Friday 3 October 2014 CLASSES 30-33 JUDGED AND DISPLAYED AT THE SHOW. OPEN TO ALL GROWERS Packaging sponsored by K&S Fumigation Services Prizes: First £75 Second £50 Third £25 PRIZE FOR BEST EXHIBIT PRESENTED BY PRIZE MONEY FOR CLASS SPONSORED BY CLASS 30 Strawberries summer fruiting – any variety 74 Berry Gardens Ltd £ Berry Gardens Ltd CLASS 31 Strawberries ever bearers – any variety 75 Berry Gardens Ltd £ Berry Gardens Ltd 76 The Joan Buttfield Trophy presented by the Nuclear Stock Association for the Best Overall entry of Strawberries CLASS 32 Raspberries – any one variety 77 F Edmed and Sons £ F Edmed and Sons 79 CPM Ltd £ CPM Ltd 78 CPM Ltd Trophy for the best overall entry of Raspberries CLASS 33 Blackberries – any one variety Cobnut and Walnut Classes 2014 – Closing date for entries Friday 3 October 2014 Organised in conjunction with the Kentish Cobnuts Association and The Walnut Club CLASSES 50-55 JUDGED AND DISPLAYED AT THE SHOW. Prizes: Packaging sponsored by K&S Fumigation Services First £75 Second £50 PRIZE FOR BEST EXHIBIT PRESENTED BY Third £25 PRIZE MONEY FOR CLASS SPONSORED BY CLASS 50 Kentish Cobnuts 80 Kent Messenger £ Hadlow College CLASS 51 Cobnuts – any other variety 81 Judith Norris Ltd £ Associate Parliamentary British Fruit Group £ Bennett Opie Ltd 82 The John Bardsley Tankard for the Most Meritorious Entry of Cobnuts CLASS 55 Walnuts – (eight nuts in their shells unbleached) Open to commercial and amateur growers. 85 Bennett Opie Ltd Show regulations for Soft Fruit, Cobnuts and Walnuts classes. ENTRIES 1. Neither the judges nor their employees are eligible to compete in any of these classes. 2. All entries must be made on the printed entry form and no exhibit will be admitted for competition unless such an entry form has been properly completed, signed by the exhibitor or his agent and sent to the Show Secretary to arrive on or before the closing date for entries. Please ensure you complete the forms correctly. Errors may result in a significant points deduction. PACKING 3. Strawberries should be presented with the calyx and a short stalk, raspberries should be removed from the plug, blackberries should be removed from the calyx. Cobnuts should have the husks removed in three punnets and husks on it one punnet. 4. Each entry will consists of i. Strawberries and cobnuts – four 250gm punnets ii. Raspberries and blackberries – four 125 gm punnets iii. 8 Walnuts in a 250gm punnet. All exhibits must be packed in the standard packaging available from the Show Secretary on request. 5. All punnets except Walnuts must be filled as near as possible to the rim. EXCESSIVE OVER OR UNDER FILLING WILL BE PENALISED. No false bottoms may be used. 6. Each entry must be of ONE named variety only. 7. The name of the exhibitor must not Judge’s Score Card: Strawberries Eating quality Colour/uniformity of colour Fruit glossiness and calyx condition Size/uniformity of size Shape Freedom from damage Freedom from pest and disease Fullness of container Judge’s Score Card: Raspberries and Blackberries 20 10 20 10 10 10 15 5 TOTAL Eating quality Colour/uniformity of colour Size/uniformity of size Shape Freedom from damage Freedom from pest and disease Fullness of container 20 15 15 15 15 15 5 100 Judge’s Score Card: Cobnuts Fullness of kernel and internal condition Taste Freedom from pest and disease External Internal Attractiveness and uniformity of shell colour Size and uniformity of size appear on the package. Labels identifying the exhibitor number will be supplied by the Show Secretary and should be attached to the short end of each punnet. THE CORRECT NAME OF THE VARIETY MUST BE STATED ON EACH LABEL. 8. All questions in connection with the identification of varieties shall be decided by the Chairman of the judges. DELIVERY 9. All exhibits MUST be delivered to the National Fruit Show at the Kent Event Centre, Kent Showground, Detling by; Cobnuts and Walnuts 11am on Tuesday 14 October 2014. Soft Fruit beween 3pm and 8pm on Tuesday 14 October or between 8am and 9.30 am on Wednesday 15 October 2014. The Committee will receive each exhibit and will be responsible for the staging. After delivery to the Committee, exhibits shall not be touched by the competitor or anyone acting on his behalf. INDEMNITY, JUDGING AND PROTESTS 10. Rules 9-16 and 18-21 from the Show Regulations page 11 will apply. PRIZE PRESENTATION 11. The prizes will be presented at the main prize giving ceremony at the show. All entries of produce in the competition classes become the property of the Society. TOTAL 100 Judge’s Score Card: Walnuts 40 20 10 10 10 10 TOTAL 100 Size, uniformity and appearance Kernel percentage and appearance Shell thickness Taste Freedom from pest and disease 30 30 15 15 10 TOTAL 100 NATIONAL FRUIT SHOW 2014 13 NATIONAL FRUIT SHOW 2014 14 Tastiest Apple Competition – Sponsored by The Fruit Grower Prizes: £50 Winner £200Th the two runners up will receive prizes of £50 each The competition will be judged on the first morning of the show by a panel of judges invited jointly by The Fruit Grower and The Marden Fruit Show Society. The judges will taste samples taken from all entries in the show competition classes for named varieties of dessert apples (Classes 3 -11), plus varieties of these apples in Classes 18 and 20. No other entries can be accepted. The winner will be announced at the main show prize giving ceremony on the second day of the show. 2013 winner: Stevens Farm (Hawkhurst Ltd) • Rubens Competition for the Five Heaviest Apples – Sponsored by Channel Weighing Prizes: First £75 Second £50 Third £25 Special prize for the single heaviest apple £30 CONDITIONS: Five sound apples of any one variety for each entry must be pre-registered on the appropriate entry form and delivered to the Show at the Kent Event Centre, Kent Showground, Detling on Monday 13th October between 1pm and 3pm. All entries should be clearly labelled with the variety and the exhibitor’s name. 2013 winner: Derrick May (Farms) Ltd • Five Heaviest: 4.465kg • Single heaviest: 1.095kg (1997 World Record 1.675kg Loddington Farm Ltd) Competition for the Five Heaviest Pears – Sponsored by Chingford Fruit Ltd Prizes: First £75 Second £50 Third £25 Special prize for the single heaviest pear £30 CONDITIONS: Five sound pears of any one variety for each entry must be pre-registered on the appropriate entry form and delivered to the Show at the Kent Event Centre, Kent Showground, Detling on Monday 13th October between 1pm and 3pm. All entries should be clearly labelled with the variety and the exhibitor’s name. 2013 winner: L. Stevens & Sons • Five Heaviest: 3.245kg • Single heaviest: 710g Tastiest Tomato Competition – Sponsored by Marks and Spencer plc Prizes: £50 Winner £200Th the two runners up will receive prizes of OPEN TO COMMERCIAL GROWERS ONLY £50 each THE DAvID STAPLEY TROPHY WILL BE AWARDED TO THE WINNING ENTRY (TROPHY TO BE HELD FOR ONE YEAR). 1 x 500g punnet or a minimum of six fruits should be supplied. Tomatoes will be tasted by class: Cherry/Baby 35mm, Cocktail 35mm-50mm, Midi Plum 20mm-35mm, Classic 42mm-57mm and Beef 57mm. The tasting criteria are based on texture, flavour and overall quality. The top three in each class in the opinion of the judges will then be tasted against each other to find the Tastiest Tomato. Entries must be pre-registered on the appropriate entry form and delivered to the Tomato Steward at the Kent Event Centre, Kent Showground, Detling on Tuesday 14 October between 1pm and 5pm. All entries should be clearly labelled with the variety and the exhibitor’s name. The competition will be judged on the first morning of the show by a panel of judges invited jointly by The Tomato Growers’ Association and Marden Fruit Show Society. 2013 winner: Andy Roe - Flavourfresh Salads • Sweet Rosso - Baby The Taste of Kent Awards have introduced two classes for “Garden of England Champions – Top Fruit” to be judged at the National Fruit Show. Sponsored by: Sponsored by BTF Partnership, these prestigious awards will be made to the Tastiest Apple and Tastiest Pear grown in a Kent orchard. Judging will take place on the 2nd day of the show. Presentation of the Trophy and Certificate will take place at The Taste of Kent Awards dinner in March 2015. All fruit selected will be from Kent Growers. Apple Juice Competition 2014 – Closing date for entries Friday 3 October 2014 STAGED BY KIND PERMISSION OF AGRICHANDLERS (EMMA NASH LTD) OWNERS OF THE COPYRIGHT. Entries are invited from Britain and all countries in the EU for the 25th Competition to be judged at the National Fruit Show on Monday 13 October 2014. Prizes: First £75 Second £50 Third £25 PERPETUAL TROPHY (HELD FOR ONE YEAR) PRIZE MONEY SPONSORED BY CLASS 40 Blended Apple Juice (two or more named varieties) 83 The Four Jays Group Trophy £ Vigo Ltd CLASS 41 Single Variety Juice 84 The A&P Hill (Fruit) Trophy £ A&P Hill (Fruit) Ltd CLASS 42 Blended Juices* 85 The Crown Trophy £ Core Equipment Ltd *A FRUIT BASED BLEND, WHICH MUST HAvE A MINIMUM OF 50% ENGLISH APPLE/PEAR AND ANY FRUIT/FLOWER/vEG GROWN IN THE UK. THE GRAHAM AMOS TROPHY FOR THE BEST ALL-ROUND ENTRY OF APPLE JUICE RULES 1. The competition is open to any commercial producer. 2. Each entry will consist of two one litre bottles or cans of pasteurised juice, supplied and delivered at the exhibitor’s expense. A maximum of two entries per class is permitted. 3. The juice must be made only from sound fruit. Copies of the Code of Practice for the Production of Apple Juice, which outlines DEFRA recommendations are available from the British Soft Drinks Association Ltd, 20/22 Stukeley Street, London WC2B 5LR. The juice may contain only Vitamin C (L.Ascorbic Acid) as an anti-oxidant at a rate of not more than 0.5 grams per litre; no sweeteners of any kind are permitted. 4. The juice may be cloudy or clarified and must be pasteurised or equivalent but not UHT. 5. The juice must not have a pH greater than 3.8 6. The juice may not have been reconstituted from concentrates or powders. 7. The samples must all come from the same batch and be labelled whether “cloudy” or “clear” with the varieties of apple or types of fruit used (eg apple & raspberry). The bottles should have their normal proprietary labels affixed which will then be covered before judging. 8. At the tasting the labels or distinctive tops will be removed in order that the judges are tasting “blind”. The produce of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed entries will then be displayed at the show. 9. Judging will take place at Kent Event Centre, Kent Showground, on Monday 13 October 2014. All entries should be sent to National Fruit Show, Bradbourne House, East Malling, Kent ME19 6DZ to arrive by 2pm on Friday 10 October at the latest. Entries delivered after this time can only be accepted at the discretion of the organisers. Please ensure entries are adequately packed and allow ample time for delivery if sending by post. Entries arriving too late for judging will be disqualified. 10. Entrants agree to abide by the rules and accept the judges’ result and any other decision as final. The organisers will not enter into further correspondence. 11. Entrants must ensure that all entries comply with current food safety regulations. Points System Scoring Method (Copyright 1987-2007 Emma Nash Ltd) POINTS TO BE AWARDED TASTE 0 Poor 1-2 3-4 5-7 8-10 Mediocre Acceptable Commendable Excellent Characterised by vinegary, sour, old, unripe or immature fruit. Having an off-flavour, an unpleasant taste or poorly blended Bland, thin in flavour, inadequately blended or with a perceptible “stewed taste” With good flavour and without serious fault Well blended, pleasing to taste and with its own distinct character A delightfully harmonious flavour achieved by balanced blending giving a refreshing drink bordering on the qualities found in fine wine AROMA 0 1-2 3-5 Spoilt Good Excellent Mouldy, musty or acidic Fresh fruity bouquet Pronounced and characteristic of the varieties used Poor Mediocre Acceptable Excellent Over-oxidised, unpleasantly brown or almost totally colourless. Not corresponding to the fruits used Partly corresponding to the varieties used but lighter or darker Corresponding to the varieties used Characteristic and without fault COLOUR 0 1-2 2-3 4-5 HOMOGENEITY (“Cloudy” juice only) Evaluation will take place 15 minutes after the juice is poured into the glass. The juice will be shaken before first pouring 0 Poor Made from over mature fruit. Marked sediment and separation of fruit particles from the liquid 1-2 Mediocre Less sediment but still not homogenous 3 Commendable Homogenous with hardly any perceptible separation of suspended solids or colouring 4-5 Excellent Perfectly homogenous CLARITY 0 1-2 3 4-5 Poor Mediocre Commendable Excellent Cloudy without sediment Without sediment but clarity insufficient Clear without sediment Perfectly clear IN THE CASE OF A TIE THE JUDGES WILL vOTE FOR A STRAIGHT PREFERENCE TO BREAK THE TIE. NATIONAL FRUIT SHOW 2014 15 NATIONAL FRUIT SHOW 2014 16 The Marden Fruit Show Society, organisers of The National Fruit Show, would like to thank our sponsors LEADING SPONSORS BONANZA PRIZE J.R. Breach, DL Valois & Desindo PACKAGING, TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE Produce Packaging Ltd H L Hutchinson Ltd Agrii Ltd Roger J Brown Horticultural Packaging Agrovista UK Ltd CLASS AND PRIZE SPONSORS ACT Publishing Agrii Ltd Associate Parliamentary British Fruit Group BayerCropScience (Fruit) Ltd Berry Gardens Ltd BIFGA Opies Ltd Channel Weighing Ltd Chingford Fruit Ltd CPM Ltd Core Equipment Ltd Covent Garden Market Authority DSH Ltd UNIVEG UK F Edmed and Sons Ltd FP Matthews Ltd Fresh Produce Consortium Greencell Ltd Hadlow College Haynes Agricultural (Kent) Ltd A & P Hill Fruit Ltd ICA Ltd Richard Hochfeld Ltd Kent Messenger Lambert and Foster Landseer Ltd Marks and Spencer plc New Spitalfields Market NFU Mutual – Marden and Sittingbourne Norman Collett Ltd Judith Norris Ltd Scorpion Engineering Construction Ltd South East Farmer STS Ltd The Asplins Producer Organisation Limited Vigo Ltd Worldwide Fruit Yara UK Ltd vENUE SPONSOR Show Secretary, The National Fruit Show, Marden Fruit Show Society, Bradbourne House, East Malling, Kent ME19 6DZ Tel: 01732 874564 Fax: 05600 760808 Email: Registered Charity No: 259586
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