E-Connections L Blessing of the Animals - 2014

October 9, 2014
© 2014 St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 294 Main Street South, Woodbury, CT 06798 • (203) 263-3541 • st.paulswoodbury@stpaulswoodbury.net
Blessing of the Animals - 2014
In This Issue:
Pg 2 - Tom Calkins
Pg 3 - 5K Harvest
Pg 4 - Coffehouse
Pg 5 - Service of
Pg 6 - Readings
Pg 7 - Holiday
Pg 8 - Pastoral
Pg 10 - Participating
ast weekend in observance of the feast day of St Francis, St. Paul’s will have a Blessing
of the Animals at all three services. Thank you Barbara grant for sending us several
pictures. (More inside).
Oct 11
Oct 12
Oct 13
Oct 14
Wednesday Oct 15
Thursday, Oct 16
Saturday Oct 18
Oct 19
5:00 pm
Holy Eucharist
18th Sunday after Pentecost
8:00 am
Holy Eucharist
9:45 am
Church School
10:00 am
Holy Eucharist
6:15 pm
Christian Yoga, Pearson Room
6:30 pm
Finance Committee
7:30 am
Holy Eucharist, Seabury Room
12:00 pm
Men’s Lunch, Charcoal Chef
10:30 am
Bible Study, Louise Smith’s home
5:00 pm
Holy Eucharist & Healing
19th Sunday after Pentecost
8:00 am
Holy Eucharist
9:45 am
Church School
10:00 am
Holy Eucharist
ast year's inaugural Harvest Walk to End Hunger was
successful in helping raise over $3,000 for the food banks
in Woodbury, Southbury and Waterbury!
This year, the 5k Harvest Walk to End Hunger will start Nov.
2 at the Southbury Town Hall. Registration starts at noon and
the walk along Main St. starts at 1 pm.
Please join us again for this opportunity to support local food
banks and to increase awareness of food security issues in our
area. The fee is $20 per person with a free T shirt to the first
300 registrants! Children under 12 are free and the maximum
per family is $50. You can register on-line and learn about us at
our new website www.swim-ct.org and please visit us on
Blessing of the Animals - 2014
Be On the Lookout For….
Who: Pete Miserendino, Adam Scherer,
Dan Krugman, Mike Lategano
What: Coffee House
When: October 25, 2014
7:00 pm-9:00pm
Where:St. Paul’s Church
Why: Fundraiser for Safe Haven, sponsored by
St. Paul’s Youth Group. Admission fee is $10.
Stay tuned for more information on our musicians next week!
precede and follow is, that we may
continually be given to good works.”
e pray that God’s grace “may always
We must
not allow that grace to surround us like a
protective bubble and insulate us from being
“mindful of the needs of others.” But the
paradox is, the more we break out of the bubble
to care for and about others, the more flexible
and God-enriched the bubble becomes!
t. Paul's is
pleased to
announce the introduction of an electronic
option for making regular offerings and
special donations. Contributions can now be
debited automatically from your checking or savings
account or processed using your credit or debit card. Our
new electronic giving program offers convenience for you and
much-needed donation consistency for our congregation. When contributions are
automated, the church receives funds on a steady, uninterrupted basis. You have
the choice of contributing on a weekly, monthly or one-time basis. You can set
up your donations by clicking on the green button to the left, or if you'd rather
stop by the church office for an authorization form.
To set up your electronic donation from our website:
1) Go to StPaulsWoodbury.org or click on the Online Giving button above.
2) Click on the Create Profile button, then
3) Follow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your
Service of Intercession for the British Commonnwealth
ith last week’s article about our Ten Commandments, we ran the accompanying
photo from 1940. Lois Zane, our parish historian, provided us with more
information in case you were wondering about the large flags (you were wondering, right?).
The date was Sunday, September 15, 1940 and we were hosting a Service of Intercession
for the British Commonwealth of Nations. Europe was already involved in World War II
and it would 15 more months before the U.S. would declare war.
Here is an account written by Betty Heard Wardsworth of Norwalk, CT the day after the
service: “Yesterday as four o’clock tolled
from the belfry of St. Paul’s Church,
Woodbury, a thousand earnest people
knelt in prayer for Great Britain and her
people. They prayed, not simply for peace,
but for the triumph of the right over
wrong; not for a temporary truce and
cessation of brutalities but for the victory
of Christianity over the forces of paganism.
It was a stirring and beautiful service ....
“In the chancel of this old New
England church, built by our sturdy
pioneer forefathers, the brilliant flags of
Britain and her Dominions stood unfurled
beside our own Stars and Stripes.
Canadian an Scottish uniforms mingled
with those of our own war veterans and nurses. A feeling of kinship between the peoples of
these two great English-speaking nations welled up in each and every heart. There was a ring
of warm sincerity in those thousand voices as they asked God to protect gallant young King
George, now, in very truth, the “Defender of the Faith.” One thought poignantly during this
prayer of the hallowed quiet of Sunday afternoon in this New England village and of the din
of screaming bombs in London where Sunday was just another day for Hitler the Hun to rain
hell from the sky -- another day in which to try to break the stoic courage of an indomitable
“There was a hush as the Very Reverend Dr. Frederick W. Beekman, Dean of Holy Trinity
Pro-Cathedral of Paris ... arose to tell how strongly he feels that churches throughout the
nation must take a strong and definite stand and send their prayers for a British victory
ringing over all the land. After listening to the Dean’s pronouncement, there could not be a
fragment of doubt left in anyone’s mind but that this battle of Britain is also to battle of
America and of every God-loving corner of the earth, as surely as if Hitler’s planes were
actually at this moment darkening the clear blue sky above us...
“As the united voices of the vast throng surged through the church and the quiet countryside in the singing of ‘God Save Our Gracious King.’ it was my earnest hope and prayer that
this service would be, like the church in which it was held, a pioneer, and that it would be but
the first of many more all over the country - until that day of victory, which must eventually
dawn, when we may, once again, as we sang together, ‘let our ordered lives confess the beauty
of His Peace.’ ”
Stewardship Reflection
“And my God will supply every need of yours…” - Philippians 4:19
od really does provide for those that are grateful and
generous. This is very difficult for people that don’t live a
stewardship lifestyle to believe. People are skeptical and say it’s
just coincidence. If you are skeptical, try living a stewardship
lifestyle for just one month - be generous with your gifts of time,
talent and treasure and see how God provides for your needs.
Pumpkin Carving at St. Paul’s
ome One, Come All! Autumn is here, and with it
comes pumpkins. On October 26th the Sunday
School and Youth Group will again offer Christian Pumpkin
Carving as a joint church activity, and we would love it if you
would consider joining us, too! All you need is a large pumpkin, carving tools, and enthusiasm. Stencils will be provided
for those interested in challenging themselves to create a more
intricate pumpkin pattern. The event will start at 9:00 am.
This Weekend’s Readings
Ready or Not
Exodus 32:1-14
he people worship an idol, but Moses’ prayer saves them from the Lord’s
Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23
An affirmation of God’s righteousness and favor toward those who love the Lord, and a
confession of sins present and sins past.
Philippians 4:1-9
In his letter to the church at Philippi, Paul invites the new disciples to exult in joy in the
Lord who is near at hand, and he thanks them for their most recent gift.
Matthew 22:1-14
Our gospel reading presents a parable about those who declined invitations to a marriage
feast and others who were then invited, followed by the story of the guest who came without
wedding clothes. As the evangelist presents the parable of the feat, it is an allegory about
the rejection of the Jews and the acceptance of Gentiles into the kingdom. At another level,
the story suggests that God’s kingdom will become known whether people are prepared for
it or not. It is a divine gift.
Included will be all kinds of
people, many of them not
considered worthy by worldly
standards. The second
parable, originally a separate
story, makes the point that one
must be ready for the kingdom
at all times; the invitation
comes unexpectedly.
Days to
Until December and the
Annual Woodbury Christmas Festival
and our
St. Paul's Fabulous Holiday Bazaar
on Saturday, December 6th
We hope this early notice will excite you and prompt you to think about
how you can support this wonderful event. Our Bazaar includes:
A splendid Silent Auction
A gorgeous Themed Basket Raffle
A glittering White Elephant Christmas Shoppe
Baked Goods
Christmas Crafts
Youth Group Activities
and for our visitors: Complimentary Cookies, Coffee and Cocoa.
It's a really beautiful Winter Wonderland, made possible by the generous, diverse and creative
donations from our parish famly. Here are some ideas to get your "thinking cap" ticking.
*Are you downsizing? *Are you moving? *Are you redecorating?
* Have you received gifts you don't need or use?
*Do you have
lovely, exciting, enjoyable, interesting things you haven't used in years?
These could be wonderful gifts or treasures for someone else!
(Tax acknowledgement for donations gladly provided.)
If you have items (for all ages and interests) in your home that could be
Bazaar donations, please forward them to us as soon as possible. You
can bring them to the parish hall and leave them under the coat rack,
CLEARLY LABLED BAZAAR. If you have any questions, call Mieke
Weggeman 203-263-4147, or Maureen Well 203-263-4892.
We thank you in advance for your always-generous support !!
Men’s Group
ach Wednesday at noon the men’s group, a
growing and informal gathering of men, has been
meeting for lunch at the Charcoal Chef.
Please join us next week!
Thank you Janet Congdon for these Progressive dinner potos!
Participating in the Services
Saturday, October 11th
5 pm
Dale White
Jeff Leavenworth, Karen Nash
Gaby Drews
Saturday, October 18th
5 pm
Jeff Leavenworth
Lis Blum, Barbara Grant
Norma Leavenworth
Sunday, October 19th
Sunday, October 12th
8 am
Colin Harley, Dick Leavenworth
Brenda Weir
Brenda Weir
Dick Leavenworth
10 am
Connie Baldwin, Heidi Szobota
Toni Foster, Duke Breon
Chalicers Monireh Dezhbod, Debbie Rising
Phoebe Hale, Owen Hale
Intercessor Ed Hord
Ron Roberts
Altar Guild: Connie Baldwin, Judie Ferris,
Karen Nash, Peg Robinson
Lay Eucharistic Minister: Peg Robinson
8 am
Mike Davies, Kathie Nichols
Brenda Weir
Beverly Deickler
Mike Davies
10 am
Julie & Tom Calkins
Betty Lou Bowles, Tom Calkins
Ed Hord, Mieke Weggeman
Anna Culkin, Chris Culkin,
Maille Kimble
Intercessor Peter Bowles
Peter Bowles
Altar Guild: Sue Dierks, Bonnie Leavenworth,
Kathie Nichols, Carol White
Lay Eucharistic Ministers: Mike Davies,
Nancy Twinem, Brenda Weir
Please remember to arrange for your own replacements and to keep the office informed of
any changes at st.paulswoodbury@stpaulswoodbury.net.
Oct 12
Oct 19
Kathy & Rich Baird
Barbara Elmore
Hebrews 13:2 - Do not neglect to show
hospitality to strangers, for thereby
some have entertained angels unawares.
St. Paul’s Church
294 Main Street South
Woodbury, Connecticut 06798
Office: 203-263-3541
Website: stpaulswoodbury.org