The Westfield Wire October 2014 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 29 October 2014 The Westfield Wire Westfield Baptist Church Volume 9 Number 10 Return Service Requested Westfield Baptist Church 700 North Ashe Avenue Dunn, North Carolina 28334 Phone: 910-892-2216 Fax: 910-892-4399 E-Mail: Trunk-or-Treat is Wednesday, October 29 at 6:00 p.m., taking the place of our regular Wednesday night activities. This is a fun, safe way for us all to participate in the Halloween tradition while reaching out to neighbors. To do it, we need you! There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the Education Wing - we need vehicles, we need candy, and we need people at their vehicles to pass out candy! Add your name to the sign-up sheet or call the church office to volunteer. Vehicles will be parked near the Fellowship Building and should be in place by 5:45 p.m.! FOR WORLD HUNGER October 12 Westfield Staff Pastor Rev. Jeff Johnson Phone: 910-620-9482 Associate Pastor Rev. Chris Cottingham home: 892-2214 cell: 864-420-6221 Secretary Organist Page 8 Marian Honeycutt Joyce Ballard October 6 Children’s Ministry Team 12 World Hunger Cookie Walk, Baptism Deacons Meeting 19 Business Meeting 29 Trunk or Treat!! November 1 Children’s Missions Day (CBFNC) at Zebulon Baptist 1-2 Homecoming (50th!) 9 Deacon’s Meeting,OCC Shoebox Dedication 16 Business Meeting, Baptist Children’s Home, covered dish 22 Pig Picking 26 No Wednesday Activities 27 Thanksgiving Day Vision Statement To share Christ with all by leading and nurturing through a Ministry of love, fellowship, Bible study, prayer, worship, praise and proclamation of the Gospel; to seek God’s guidance as we respond to needs and serve as missionaries to our community and beyond. The Westfield Wire October 2014 “Turning 50” From the Pastor’s Pen One of the things that connected me to Westfield when I arrived was the realization that we were both turning 50 this year. My birthday was in August and yours is in November, so I beat you to the mark by a few months and a few weeks. Even though I’m not a big celebrator of birthdays, I’m glad that we are planning a weekend of celebration for our 50th year of life as a church. These “zero” birthdays should not come and go without some personal reflection, so if you’ll indulge me to connect some of my birthday experiences as our big day approaches next month. Time for a check up – I did my annual physical and the doctor noticed my birthday. He asked about some routine examinations that come at age 50. I followed up on one, and the other one I’m getting my courage up for. We took a congregational “physical” this summer as we examined the vital signs of a healthy church. The next steps will involve some follow-up “examinations” of our current vision, mission, and ministries. The good old days – there are so many memorable milestones that are 50 years old this year. The debut of TV shows like “Gilligan’s Island”, “The Munsters”, “Flipper” and “Bewitched.” Iconic products like Pop Tarts, Lucky Charms, G.I. Joe, Diet Pepsi and the Ford Mustang were introduced. Sports gave us a confident Cassius Clay claiming the heavyweight boxing title and the Yankees World series dynasty ended on the arm of Bob Gibson and the St. Louis Cardinals. At the movies, we watched Elvis Presley in “Viva Las Vegas” and Clint Eastwood in “A Fistful of Dollars.” On the national stage, Martin Luther King, Jr. won the Nobel Peace Prize and America entered the Vietnam War. For some of us, this all seems like yesterday. As we move toward Homecoming and reflect as a church on turning 50, I know Westfield Baptist had many good old days. Days of meeting in the first building in 1964, which is now our fellowship hall, and dedicating the new sanctuary three years later. Days of peak ministry in those golden years of Baptist life in the 1970’s and 80’s. Days of mission projects around the community during Operation Inasmuch and Page 2 October 2014 The Westfield Wire Sunday, November 2— WBC’s 50th Homecoming WMU OCC Shoeboxes are still available for pickup. The dedication for the shoeboxes will be Sun- Save the date! A covered dish meal will follow worship. You are all invited! Please help us spread the word to former members who’ve moved away, and please call the church office if you are coming so we can plan enough food! day, November 9. We encourage all Westfield families to participate. Children’s Missions Day There will be a Children’s Missions Day at Zebulon Baptist Church for 1st—6th graders on Saturday, November 1 from 9:30 am—3:15 pm. For more info, go to Our Members at Home Lynn Blackley Apt.#248, Abbottswood at Stonehenge 7900 Creedmor Rd, Raleigh NC 27613 Evelene Gardner Harnett Woods room 217 604 Lucas Road through September 28, 2014 Budget Requirements General Fund Offerings Difference $149,176 108,600 ($40,575) O.W. “Bill” Godwin, Jr. 1505 Lakeshore Drive, Dunn 892-7347 Page 7 The Westfield Wire October 2014 Deacon of the Week *Joe Carr Ronnie Autry Sylvia Campbell Angela Godwin Steven Moore Oct. 5 Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 26 Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Children’s Church Chris Cottingham Children’s Church Trent Carpenter Children’s Church Joe Carr Children’s Church Melissa Scott Charlie Carpenter Oct. 5 Edwin Bass 894-1899 Oct. 12 Steve Cooney 270-307-3451 Oct . 19 Lucy Simpson 892-3620 Oct. 26 Sylvia Campbell 894-8893 Nov. 2 Charlie Carpenter 892-7029 Nov. 9 Abe Elmore 892-6661 Nov. 16 Trent Carpenter 891-5670 Nov. 23 Brinson Hunter 892-0376 Nov. 30 Edwin Bass 894-1899 Oct. 5 The Lord’s Supper Oct. 12 Jackie & Abe Elmore Oct. 19 Lisa & Gary Holbert Oct. 26 Elva Wilshire Nov. 2 Charlie & Midge Carpenter Nov. 9 Ronnie & Jeanne Autry Nov. 16 Abe & Jackie Elmore Nov. 23 Abe & Jackie Elmore Nov. 30 Angela & Terry Godwin Nursery Workers Oct. 5 Lisa & Gary Holbert Oct. 12 Paula Jones & Kim Carpen ter Oct. 19 Sander & Deanna Kedich Oct. 26 Kristy & Adam Carter Page 6 Nov. 2 Lisa & Gary Holbert Nov. 9 Paula Jones & Kim Carpenter Nov. 16 Sander & Deanna Kedich Nov. 23 Kristy & Adam Carter Nov. 30 Paula Jones & Kim Carpenter October 2014 The Westfield Wire Christmas in August, and ministry efforts at Baptist Children’s Homes, bingo at the Senior Village, food distribution at Grace Chapel. Days of fun on youth retreats and senior adult trips, and days of learning in Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. The challenge for our time will be dreaming, planning and working to create good new days of life-changing moments and memories at Westfield, finding the avenues of ministry and missions that will reach the Millennial generation and those following them through the 21st century. How time flies – I have noticed a lot more lately how long ago things happened and they seem far away in time. When I was a boy, I remember wondering about the year 2000 because it was always associated with science fiction and the distant future. At the time, I thought to myself: “I’ll be 36 years old in the year 2000 and that’s so old!” I couldn’t imagine ever being any older than that. Now 36 is fourteen years in my rearview. This past Sunday at a restaurant in Dunn, the TV was showing an episode of the Love Boat. I said to Jenni, “Do you realize that show came on 30 years ago?” I’ll hear a favorite song from the 70’s and think “That song is 40 years old.” Time certainly does fly. As I get older, I’m trying to focus less on the past, more on the future, and the most in the present. We cannot change the past, but we can celebrate and learn from it. We cannot control the future, but we can prepare and live into it. The present is a precious gift and what we do with it reflects what we consider most important in our lives. I was talking to a woman in our church today about great scripture texts and Hebrews 11 came up, that famous chapter on the meaning of faith. She said, “Do you know what the most important word in that whole chapter on faith is? It’s the first word – NOW.” We must live faith now. Let’s live the present moment and every moment as if we are in the presence of God, because we are. Then whether we’re turning 50 or 150, Westfield Baptist will have fulfilled God’s mission for us here to love God and follow Jesus. Can’t wait for you to join me at the half-century mark. We’ll make the turn together. ~Jeff Page 3 Westfield Baptist Church 20 14 SUN 5 6 C h d r M i T e 6 p 3 3 5 5 5 8 9 9 11 12 13 14 20 22 23 24 25 29 Timothy Bass Thomas Bass Ronnie Autry Logan Barefoot Bebe Melvin Abe Elmore Rodney Clayton Steve & Terri Crisp Brinson Hunter Evelene Gardner Betty Riddle Opal Kathryn Colville David Rose Anna Bass Jennifer Smith Holland David & Nancy Rose Elva Wilshire Jeanne Autry October 12 OctoberOctober MON 7 i l e n ’ s n i s t r y a m m 13 B a p t i s m C o o k i e W a l k ! 20 6:30 pm 26 WED Silent Prayer 7-7:30 p.m. THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 Trunk or Treat!! 31 7 pm : College Bible Study 14 Silent Prayer 7-7:30 p.m. 7 pm : College Bible Study 6:30 19 TUE WMU Meets 27 21 Silent Prayer 7-7:30 7 pm : College Bible Study 28 Silent Prayer 7-7:30 7 pm : College Bible Study Sunday Schedule 9:15 a.m. Bible Study for all ages 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Wednesday Schedule 5:45 p.m. K.I.S.S. 6:30 p.m. Dicipleship for All Ages 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir Practice
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