12 Say You Saw it in The Monadnock Shopper News, October 15 – October 21, 2014 5#12-.*#)1 DJ’S ROOFING & HOME REPAIRS For All Your Home Improvement Needs =>BC:N GAUCHE Syndrome Sufferers ~ You Are Not Alone Let me begin by stating unequivocally that I love is just a mild annoyance, with random thoughts of !F?;HCHA1?LPC=? >G:.=G:6I autumn. It has a lot going for it – sunny days, crisp firewood interrupting the last few barbecues of the Dutch Maid APTS., HOMES, MOVE OUTS Windows & Doors 4MBUF8PSLt%FDLTt4UBJST 3PPmOHt.FUBM8PSL Chimney Builds & Repairs )NSUREDs&REE%STIMATES Free Estimates/Insured 603-242-3811 603-762-9261 30 Yrs.’ Experience WE FURNISH OUR OWN EQUIPMENT DON’T WAIT - Prevent Chimney Fires! Rainguards, Relining, Repairs & Problems Solved. Chimney Cricket Sweep EST. 1982 (603) 239-4636 nights, no bugs, and vibrant foliage, to name a few. Of course the apples, fresh cider, and donuts (not necessarily in that order) are a big attraction as well. But even though I am a big fan of fall, I am not afraid to point out its shortcomings and the dangers that are hidden within every pumpkin patch. Because no matter how joyous an occasion it is to take my kids apple picking or on a hike through a Technicolor carpet of leaves, a dark shadow always manages to cast a cloud over each memorable autumn moment. I cannot shake it, no matter how many jack-o-lanterns I carve. After many hours of exhaustive Internet searching I have come up with a plausible self-diagnosis. I am a textbook example of someone who suffers from the little-studied but pervasive Guilt over AUtumn CHorEs (GAUCHE) Syndrome. GAUCHE Syndrome usually kicks in around early September, often triggered by the passing of Labor Day or the swamp maples turning red. At first, the malady Piggy’s FINE REPURPOSED GOODS Consignment Tools & Home Furnishings 6OJPO4Ut1FUFSCPSPVHI/) "DSPTTUIFTUSFFUGSPN/BUVSFT(SFFO(SPDFS 603-924-0909 A DIVISION OF ED CSENGE & SON LLC High-Pressure Sewer Line Jetting Services %BJMZ 4VOEBZ/PPO $MPTFE8FEOFTEBZT Free Fuel Deliveries From the Fuel that Last Forever UÊ,iÛiÃÊÕ`Õ«ÊEÊiLÀà UÊ i>ÀÃÊ"LÃÌÀÕVÌà UÊ ÕÌÃÊ/ ÀÕ} Ê/ÀiiÊ,Ìà UÊÃÕÀiÃÊ i>À]ÊÀiiÊÜ} À>>}iÊ*«ià Rebates and Tax Incentives Available Now Choose the company with over 15 years of solar experience and over 80 years of roofing experience. s www.septicmanager.com SERVING THE MONADNOCK REGION FOR OVER 30 YEARS Commercial & Residential Solar Specialists the Melanson co, inc. www.SolarSourceNE.com ~ 603-352-4232 summer. As time goes on, the thoughts begin to multiply, the chores stack up, and it seems that each falling leaf symbolizes one more thing you need to do before – shudder – the first snow falls. %L??H +IH;>HI=E with Richard Popovic Extreme sufferers report hearing a ticking clock whenever they dare to pause and enjoy the season. Not much is known about GAUCHE, but it seems to affect individuals differently, depending on their personality and lifestyle. There is only one symptom which is a constant among everyone – the list. At some point or another, every victim sits down, pen in hand, and makes a list of what needs to happen before – another shudder – the snow flies. These lists are highly personal in nature and often embarrassingly ambitious in scope. Most are quickly pulled down from the fridge if a visitor happens to stop by. But in an effort to let other poor souls out there know that they are not alone, I have decided to share mine. I usually do not get this raw and personal in my columns, but I can smell the Pulitzer, so I am pulling out all of the stops. OK, deep breath, and here I go – “Autumn Chores: remove and clean AC, mow lawn, compost leaves, finish building playhouse, tend garden beds, clean out shop, clean out shed, clean out basement, stack firewood, move raspberry bushes, repair stone wall, remove screens, clean windows... ” At that point my hand was shaking too much to continue writing and my teardrops made the ink run, so I stopped. But I could have kept going, even though that partial list alone will never get completed in time. Is there a cure for GAUCHE Syndrome? No miracle drug that I know of, but I have found that eating a lot of cider donuts helps to quiet the clock in my head. Other than that, be sure to include a lot of small things on your list, so you can cross off at least one thing each day and trick your brain into thinking you are making real progress. Other than that, keep working until – final shudder – the first snow falls. For that is the only true cure for GAUCHE Syndrome. Once it snows, you are finally free to toss up your hands, throw your list in the woodstove and take a nice, well-deserved nap. Richard Popovic is a musician and freelance writer who lives in Nelson in an efficient little house he built in 2007 where he spends most of his time attempting to convert run-on sentences into a viable source of clean energy. .F;=?MI@Worship “I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord.” Psalm 122:1 Learning God’s Truth. Living God’s Love. Sunday: 9:30 am Worship Service 10:45 am Bible School for all ages Grace Bible Fellowship “Pressing on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Phil 3:14 Sunday Worship ServicesAM Teaching Time AM www.gbf4hisglory.com %LM3Ts7ALPOLE Small groups throughout the week Youth Group - Sundays at 6-8 pm All Are Welcome! Come As You Are! Rev. Stephen Aldrich Senior Pastor STURTEVANT CHAPEL &*LVh]^c\idc6kZ#@ZZcZ(*,#()(% www.sturtevantchapel.org 6iV XgdhhgdVY4 B6EH8djchZa^c\HZgk^XZh (**"'')).')"'')% lll#bVehc]#dg\ Landscaping & property maintenance EXCAVATION SITEWORK DRIVEWAYS WALKWAYS PATIOS STONEWALLS PLANTING PRUNING MOWING Spring & Fall Cleanups Residential & Commercial Competitive Rates 668 Chesham Rd., Harrisville 603.827.3019 “Life with Christ” A biblical study of the Apostle Paul’s Epistle, Colossians 2:6-15 Rev. Dr. John F. Reilly, Pastor Sunday Worship: 10:45 am Christian Education for all ages: 9:30 am Keene Church of the Nazarene xxÊ>«iÊÛiÕiÊUÊiiiÊUÊÈäÎÎxÇx£ää “Solving Your Water Quality Problems” 52#0 20#2+#,2 1#04'!# Over 24 Years’ Experience SALES OF NEW SYSTEMS Most Existing Systems Serviced s7ATER3OFTENERS s.EUTRALIZERS s)RON&ILTERS 888-679-6059 or 603-756-4398 DAN WATERMAN
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