Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment 5.1 LITHOFACIES AND SOURCE ROCK FACIES The lithologic log used to characterize the lithofacies of the analyzed samples at the outcrop locations are shown in the base map (Figure 5.1). However, due to extensively erosion, only selected outcrops and sampling were recorded. The informations of Tungku Formation are also included as it unconformably lies as underburden rocks for the Dent Group sediments, so as to show the contact of unconformities. Rocks sampling are based on the sedimentological log and hand specimen description. These samples were used for the geochemical and petrological analyses. Four probable reservoir rock samples (e.g. sandstones and limestone) from Togopi and Ganduman Formations also were analyzed to determine possible secondary migration through oil-oil correlation. Selected sedimentological logs are presented in this section to describe the main lithofacies. The remaining of the sedimentological logs including abbreviations can be found in Appendix 2. Sequence stratigraphy is discussed in section 5.4 by integrating sedimentology, micropaleontology and palynology. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 81 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment N Legend Libung Fm Tungku Fm Ayer Fm Sebahat Fm boundary Ganduman Fm boundary Dent Heaven Togopi Fm boundary Gas Seepage Coast line Track Town Dip/strike Sampling location 5 km Felda Wilayah Sahabat Figure 5.1. Location of sedimentological log according to samples locality. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 82 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment 5.1.1 LITHOFACIES OF TUNGKU FORMATION The lithofacies of Tungku Formation comprise volcaniclastics, tuffaceous sandstone, and conglomerates. This unit unconformably underlies the shaly and sandy unit of Sebahat Formation. The volcaniclastic and tuffaceous sandstone occurs in Bagahak Palm Oil Plantation, which is not the map in figure 5.1. The conglomerate unit of Tungku Formation crops out at the abandon Ladang Sahabat 1 Quarry, at Locality 55 (Figure 5.2) and Ladang Ikhtisas Semporna Quarry (Stop 45). At Ladang Sahabat 1 Quarry, the excavated hill exposure shows more than 50m of conglomerate. The conglomerate is clast supported. The clasts are rounded and variable in size ranging from 5cm to 50cm. This conglomeritic unit of Tungku Formation is interpreted as alluvial deposit. Unfortunately, no clear contact of unconformity was observed between Sebahat and Tungku Formation at this locality, although, the Sebahat sediment was found about 50 meters away from the foothill (Figure 5.3). The presence of structural evidence for right lateral strike-slip faults is indicated by the dilation surface as shown in Figure 5.2-d. The orientation of the faults is 230/70 and 280/80. The fault orientation can be correlated to the major trend fault that trending NE-SW Wrench Fault (Tongkul, 1993) and NW-SE strike slip fault (Tokuyama and Yoshida, 1974; Figure 2.12). Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 83 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment a c NE-SW Brecciated zone b d Fault plane Cong Figure 5.2. Field photographs of Tungku conglomerate unit at Locality 55. a) Steeply dip angle (010/50) trending to the ENE. b) Close up of the strike-slip fault plane. c) Right lateral movement trending NE-SW. d) Dilation surface showing bidirectional of wrench faults. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 84 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment Lithofacies System Tract SR 37 Conglo VF SsT F SsT M SsT C SsT VC SsT Mud 50 m Formation Grain size Description ID GMd Depositional Environment TST Dark grey mudstone, Shelf - inner neritic calcareous concreation beds Boulder size clast 40 m (30cm-50m), clast 30 m Cong LST conglomerate, matrix Alluvial Channel, incised valley 20 m Tungku Formation supported consist of coarse 10 m sand grain, reverse 0m graded bedding Figure 5.3. Lithological log at Locality 55 which shows a very thick conglomerate unit (Abbreviation as defined in Appendix 2). * VF Sst: very fine grained sandstone; F Sst: fine grained sandstone; M Sst: M Sst: moderately fine grained sandstone; C Sst: coarse grained sandstone; VC Sst: very coarse grained sandstone; Cong: conglomerate; TST: Trangressive System Tract; LST: Lowstand System Tract. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 85 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment An angular unconformity between Sebahat and Tungku Formation was observed at Ladang Ikhtisas Semporna Quarry at Stop 45 (Figure 5.4). At this locality, the clast supported conglomerate unit is unconformably overlained by thick interbedded sandstone and siltstone. This evidence shows the abrupt change in depositional setting from non-marine conglomerate units to marginal marine sandstone/siltstone units with a clear erosional contact, which suggests an unconformity (Figure 5.5). This sandstone-siltstone unit is similar to that found at Bukit Marua quarry and upstream of Sungai Makua as previously reported by Ismail Che Mat Zin (1994). This angular unconformity is related to the Mid Miocene Unconformity (MMU) (Hutchinson, 2008) or Shallow Regional Unconformity (SRU) (Balaguru, 2006b). Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 86 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment a HMS Cong b Sebahat Formation Erosional unconformity Tungku Formation Figure 5.4. Field photograph of Tungku conglomerate unit at Stop 45 at Ladang Ikhtisas Semporna Quarry. a) Outcrops of conglomerate unit overlain by sandstone unit. b) Close up view showing an angular unconformity that separate the basal sandy unit of Sebahat Formation and conglomeritic unit of Tungku Formation as shown by erosional surface. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 87 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment Lithofacies Conglo VF SsT F SsT M SsT C SsT VC SsT Grain size Mud Formation 20 m System Depositional Description ID Tract Coarse grain sandstone, Environment Distributary with clay matrix, fining ChSSt upwards with cross bedding and cross bedding Thick sandstone TST R35 channel interbedding with thin mudstone, parallel bedding, rare bioturbations,disperse HMS plants fragments, erosional surface (angular 10 m unconformity SRU, Flood plain or levee? SEBAHAT 15 m 5m TUNGKU supported conglomerate, matrix consist of coarse Conglo LST sand grain, Coarsening upwards, Bed load structure, 0m Alluvial channel, incised valley Balaguru, 2006) Clast size (30cm-50m), clast high energy deposition Figure 5.5. Lithological log at Stop 45 outcrop at Ladang Ikhtisas Semporna Quarry (Abbreviation as defined in Appendix 2). * VF Sst: very fine grained sandstone; F Sst: fine grained sandstone; M Sst: M Sst: moderately fine grained sandstone; C Sst: coarse grained sandstone; VC Sst: very coarse grained sandstone; Cong: conglomerate; HMS; heterolithic mudstone and sandstone; ChSSt: channelized sandstone; TST: Trangressive System Tract; LST: Lowstand System Tract. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 88 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment 5.1.2 LITHOFACIES OF SEBAHAT FORMATION Outcrop exposures of the Sebahat Formation are very rare due to extensive weathering and erosion of the low resistance mudstones. The thickest outcrop (Locality 56) is 7m, which comprises dominantly of shelf sediment. Seismic section indicates the Sebahat Formation thickens in an offshore direction (Ismail, Che Mat Zin, 1994). Noad (1998) calculated the maximum thickness of the Sebahat sediments as 2500m thick. The lithofacies of the Sebahat Formation consist predominantly grey silty mudstone, with some interbedded thin siltstone and fine-grained sandstone. The lowest part of the Sebahat Formation is characterized by thin, coarse to fine grain sandstone units (Figure 5.4). The dark grey silty mudstone (GMd) with thin calcareous siltstone bed overlies this sandstone unit which can be found at Locality 56 (Figure 5.6 and Figure 5.8). The calcareous siltstones bed indicates marine environment. Most of the samples selected for source rock evaluation are grey mudstones or GMd facies of Sebahat Formation. There is not much variation in lithology towards the east which is still dominated by grey mudstone; however, the degree of bioturbation increases (Figure 5.7 and Figure 5.9). The upper most unit of the Sebahat Formation dominated by sandstone (Figure 5.10 and Figure 5.11) which indicate a transition from marine to coastal areas. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 89 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment B A GMd Calcareous concreation C GMd Figure 5.6. Field photograph of Sebahat Formation outcrop at Locality 56. a) Picture showing dark grey silty mudstone interbedded with thin siltstone. b) The siltstone beds often form as calcareous lenses. c) Examples of the dark grey silty mudstone (GMd) which was sampled for analyses. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 90 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment a GMd b GMd Figure 5.7. Field photograph of Sebahat Formation outcrop at Locality 6. a) Outcrop of highly bioturbated grey silty shale. b) Close up view shows the trace fossil possibly Ophiomorpha?, which indicates shallow marine sediments. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 91 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment Lithofacies System Depositional Description ID Tract Environment Dark grey 5m SEBAHAT mudstone, calcareous SR 37 GMd TST concreation beds, disperse organic matter 0m Shelf - Holomarine inner neritic VF SsT F SsT M SsT C SsT VC SsT Mud Formation Grain size VF SsT F SsT M SsT C SsT VC SsT Grain size Mud Formation Figure 5.8. Lithological log of Locality 56, Ladang Sebahat 1 Quarry (foothill, 50 m away from vey thick conglomerate unit of Figure 5.2) (Abbreviation as defined in Appendix 2). Lithofacies System Depositional Description ID Tract Environment Dark grey 5m SEBAHAT mudstone, consist of fossils GMd SR 2 TST shallow shelf brachiopods, molluscs, 0m gastropods Figure 5.9. Lithological log of Locality 6, nearby Telecomunication Tower at Chenderawasih town (Abbreviation as defined in Appendix 2). * VF Sst: very fine grained sandstone; F Sst: fine grained sandstone; M Sst: M Sst: moderately fine grained sandstone; CSst: coarse grained sandstone; VC Sst: very coarse grained sandstone; GMd: grey mudstone; TST: Trangressive System Tract. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 92 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment Sandy facies of Lower Ganduman Formation Onlapping sequence Muddy facies of Sebahat Formation Figure 5.10. Field photograph of Sebahat Formation outcrop at Locality 11. The sandy facies of Ganduman Formation was onlapped on the muddy facies of Sebahat formation. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 93 Lithofacies VC SsT VF SsT F SsT M SsT C SsT Grain size Mud Formation Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment System Depositional Description ID Tract 10 m LOWER GANDUMAN Silty sandstone, low Environment Estuarine angle cross SLSt lamination of the Early HST siltstone Lower dip agle (200) channel Estuarine-tidal bedding, heterolithic SR 9 HMS sandstone and mudstone, consist coaly fragments flat Higher dip agle (350) Estuarine-tidal 5m bedding, heterolithic SR 8 HMS Late TST sandstone and mudstone, consist 0m coaly fragments flat Figure 5.11. Lithological log of outcrop at Locality 11, Ladang Felda Sahabat 36 pass by (Abbreviation as defined in Appendix 2). * VF Sst: very fine grained sandstone; F Sst: fine grained sandstone; M Sst: M Sst: moderately fine grained sandstone; C Sst: coarse grained sandstone; VC Sst: very coarse grained sandstone; Cong: conglomerate; HMS; heterolithic mudstone and sandstone; SlSt: silty sanstone; TST: Trangressive System Tract; LST: Lowstand System Tract. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 94 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment 5.1.3 LITHOFACIES OF GANDUMAN FORMATION Pliocene Ganduman was deposited in a fluvio-marine environment (Haile and Wong, 1965). The unit is sub-divided into lower and upper parts based on sand content (Ismail Che Mat Zin, 1994). The Lower Ganduman Formation sediments contain greater sand content whereas the Upper Ganduman Formation greater has greater mud content. Lithofacies of Lower Ganduman are described in general here because Khalid Ali (2004) has previously done an extensive sedimentological study of these sediments, and described all facies associations. The sandy sediment of Lower Ganduman Formation conformably overlies the coastal plain sandstone facies of Sebahat Formation. At Stop 68, stacked channelized sandstones overlying interdistributary mudstone and flood-plain coal was observed (Figure 5.12 and Figure 5.13). The thick cross-bedded channelised sandstones are interpreted to represent the distributary channels. This facies comprises of channelized sandstone with fining upward sequences. Primary structures such as trough crossbedded and cross-bedding are common. The abundant of Ophiomorpha trace fossils in this sandstone facies indicates coastal plain environments. The coal seam occurring below the sandstone sequence has been interpreted as flood plain marsh or peat swamp deposits. The thickness of this coal seam is about 30cm thick. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 95 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment Following this sediment succession, the stacked channelized sandstone that indicates the coastal plain sediment is observed at Locality 3 (Figure 5.14 and Figure 5.15). This sandstone was interpreted to be deposited in a distributary fluvial channel. Through cross bedding and cross bedding is commonly found in this outcrop. Ophiomorpha trace fossils are commonly observed. Towards the east of the Sebahat Formation, the sediments are comprised of shorefaces sediments. At locality 26, the upper shoreface sediments were observed to be comprised of fine to medium grained thin lamination sandstone, with mud drapes within the bottom of layers (Figure 5.16 and Figure 5.17). The bioturbations are abundant with Ophiomorpha and Planolities which indicate near shoreline environment. The upper shoreface deposits that represent estuarine environment can be observed at Locality 15 (Figure 5.18). The thin interbedded siltstone and fine grained sandstone (GSMd) which indicate the estuarine tidal flat were capped by two thin coal seams of approximately 20cm to 50cm thick. The shoreface sediments change to a more marine as shown by thick shelf mudstone beds. This sequence indicates distal facies of lower shoreface deposits. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 96 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment At Locality 48, the lower shoreface sediment was observed (Figure 5.20). The sediments comprise of thick shelf mudstone (GMd), interbedded with thin siltstone and fine grain sandstone (GSMd) sequence. The bioturbations are abundant within GSMd facies which are associated with a lot of reworked amber and coal clasts. The GSMd facies was capped by coal seam which indicates the flooding plain area of probable mangroves swamp. In other localities, the GSMd facies contains abundant benthonic gastropods and mollusks fossils (Figure 5.21.1) that varies in size. The presence of benthic fossils is an indication of shallow marine environment with water depth less than 50 m. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 97 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment CHSSt SdCo GMd Figure 5.12. Field photograph of outcrop at Stop 68 shows stacked channelised sandy units (CHSSt) associated with interdistributary lagoonal mudstone (GMd) and flood plain coal seams (SdCo). The thick, cross-bedded channelised sandstones are interpreted to represent distributary channels of prograding deltas. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 98 Depositional Conglo VF SsT F SsT M SsT C SsT VC SsT Grain size Mud Formation Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment Lithofacies ID System Tract Description Environment Stack channelized 20 m sandstone, fining upward ChSSt Early HST cross bedding, through Distributary channel LOWER GANDUMAN 15 m sequence, common with cross lamination, abundant bioturbation common wirh 10 m Ophiomorpha Laminated mudstone with Lagoonal mud embayment 5m SEBAHAT GMd ChSSt C R57 SdCo disperse plant fragments sand channel Late TST Thin laminated coal Flood plain mud Marsh GMd ChSSt 0m Distributary channel sand channel Distributary channel Figure 5.13. Lithological log of outcrop at Stop 68 shows the maximum flooding surface, indicated by coal seam (Abbreviation as defined in Appendix 2). * VF Sst: very fine grained sandstone; F Sst: fine grained sandstone; M Sst: M Sst: moderately fine grained sandstone; C Sst: coarse grained sandstone; VC Sst: very coarse grained sandstone; Cong: conglomerate; ChSSt; channelized sandstone; GMd: grey mudstone; SdCo: Sandy coal; HST: Highstand System Tract; TST: Trangressive System Tract. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 99 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment A ChSSt B C D Figure 5.14. Field photograph of outcrop of stacked channelised sandstone (ChSSt) at Locality 3. a) Vertical burrows of Ophiomorpha. b) Cross bedding sandstone. c) Through cross bedding sandstone. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 100 Lithofacies VC SsT VF SsT F SsT M SsT C SsT Grain size Mud 23 m Formation Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment System Depositional Description ID Tract Environment parallel bedding of sandstone, bioturbation LmSSt by Ophiomorpha 20 m common Stack chanelize sandstone, fining-upward sequence, medium to 20 m coarse grained, cross bedded and through cross bedded are HST RS 4 common, bioturbation by Ophiomorpha common, 10 m Distributary channel 15 m LOWER GANDUMAN ChSSt pebbel clast observed at the bottom channel parallel bedding of LmSSt 5m 0m sandstone, bioturbation by Ophiomorpha Cross lamination of ChSSt sandstone, bioturbation LmSSt by Ophiomorpha parallel bedding of sandstone, bioturbation by Ophiomorpha common parallel bedding of ChSSt sandstone, bioturbation by Ophiomorpha Figure 5.15. Lithological log of multi-storey stack channelized sandstones at Locality 3 (Abbreviation as defined in Appendix 2). * VF Sst: very fine grained sandstone; F Sst: fine grained sandstone; M Sst: M Sst: moderately fine grained sandstone; C Sst: coarse grained sandstone; VC Sst: very coarse grained sandstone; Cong: conglomerate; ChSSt; channelized sandstone; LmSSt: laminated sandstone; HST: Highstand System Tract. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 101 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment a ChSSt LmSSt b Figure 5.16. a) Field photograph of outcrop at Locality 26 which shows the upper shoreface sediments. b) Thin laminated very fine grained sandstone and siltstone (LmSSt) with commonly observed mud drapes and Planolites and Ophiomorpha. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 102 Depositional VC SsT Mud Grain size VF SsT F SsT M SsT C SsT 30 m Formation Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment Lithofacies ID Description Parallel bedding of HMS Environment Lower Shoreface heterolithic sandstonemudstone, bioturbation by Ophiomorpha common Medium to coarse sandstone, fining-upward LmSSt 25 m sequence, cross bedded, through cross bedded,Ophiomorpha burrows Parallel laminated sst, Upper Shoreface intercalating with thin layers of siltstone.Bioturbation is 20 m abundant, common with LmSSt Ophiomorpha and 15 m LOWER GANDUMAN Planolites. Mud drapes are common indicates tidal influence parallel bedding of LmSSt Lower Shoreface sandstone, bioturbation of Ophiomorpha 10 m GMd lower shoreface delta plain mud Parallel bedding of heterolithic sandstone- HMS mudstone, common bioturbation of Ophiomorpha Parallel laminated sst, Upper Shoreface intercalating with thin layers 5m of siltstone.Bioturbation is abundant, common with LmSSt Ophiomorpha and Planolites. Mud drapes are common indicates tidal 0m influence Figure 5.17. Lithological log of outcrop at Locality 26. * GMd: Grey mudstone; LmSSt: laminated sandstone; HST: Highstand System Tract. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 103 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment a Co GSMd b Co Paleo Soil Co Figure 5.18. a) Outcrop at Locality 15 shows the heterolithic mudstones and very fine grained sandstone lithofacies (HMS) that capped by thin coal seam (Co). b) Close up view that shows the two layers of coal seam. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 104 VF SsT F SsT M SsT C SsT VC SsT Grain size Mud Formation Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment 15 m C SR 13 Lithofacies System Depositional Description ID Tract SLSt HST Co MFS PS Environment Top soil, Fine to medium grain silty sandstone Massive coal seam weathered Swamp Flood plain mud Green paleosoil Flood plain mud GMd Grey silty mudstone UPPER GANDUMAN MFS 10 m C C PS GMd paleosoil, Swamp plant Flood plain mud Grey silty mudstone Flood plain mud Estuarine tidal 5m GSMd 0m Massive coal seam Green rootlet Thin interbedded and HST (PS 1) mudstone sandstone, abundant of reworked coal and amber, high bioturbation flat (Upper shoreface) Figure 5.19. Lithological log of outcrop at Locality 15 (Abbreviation as defined in Appendix 2). * VF Sst: very fine grained sandstone; F Sst: fine grained sandstone; M Sst: M Sst: moderately fine grained sandstone; C Sst: coarse grained sandstone; VC Sst: very coarse grained sandstone; SlSt: silty sandstone ; Co: coal; PS: paleosoil; GMd: Grey mudstone; GSMd: grey silty mudstone; MFS: maximum flooding surface; HST: Highstand System Tract. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 105 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment PS6 PS5 PS4 PS3 GMd Book as scale PS2 PS1 GSMd Figure 5.20. The interbedded sandstone and grey silty mudstone with grey mudstone indicates lower shoreface deposits at Locality 48. This sediment indicates six set of parasequences (PS1-PS6). The Ophiomorpha burrows are common within the GSMd facies. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 106 Lithofacies ID VF SsT F SsT M SsT C SsT VC SsT Grain size Mud 20 m Formation Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment System Description Tract Dark brown massive fine grain ChSSt C SR 32 Co PS Depositional Environment Distributary HST sandstone coal seam MFS green paleosoil channel Swamp Flood plain Thin interbedded mudstone and GSMd HST (PS6) coal and amber, high bioturbation Dark grey shelf mudstone GMd GSMd 10 m UPPER GANDUMAN GMd sandstone, abundant of reworked HST (PS 5) Dark grey shelf mudstone GSMd GMd HST (PS4) Dark grey shelf mudstone GSMd Dark grey shelf mudstone GMd HST (PS 3) Thin interbedded mudstone and GSMd sandstone, abundant of reworked HST (PS2) 5m GMd Lower shoreface 15 m coal and amber, high bioturbation Dark grey shelf mudstone Thin interbedded mudstone and GSMd sandstone, abundant of reworked coal and amber, high bioturbation HST (PS 1) Dark grey shelf mudstone GMd 0m Figure 5.21. Lithological log of outcrop at Locality 48 (Abbreviation as defined in Appendix 2). * VF Sst: very fine grained sandstone; F Sst: fine grained sandstone; M Sst: M Sst: moderately fine grained sandstone; C Sst: coarse grained sandstone; VC Sst: very coarse grained sandstone; SlSt: silty sandstone ; Co: coal; PS: paleosoil; GMd: Grey mudstone; GSMd: grey silty mudstone; MFS: maximum flooding surface; HST: Highstand System Tract. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 107 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment a b c Oyster Figure 5.21.1. Fossil assemblages of benthic faunas within the GSMd facies of Upper Ganduman Formation which indicate shallow marine environment, particularly shoreface; (a) Smaller brachiopods and gastropods fossil; (b) Larger brachiopod? (c). Oyster fossils. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 108 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment 5.1.4 LITHOFACIES OF TOGOPI FORMATION The outcrops of Togopi Formation are mainly distributed along the most eastern part of the Dent Peninsula coastline. The age of the Togopi Formation ranges from Pliocene to Pleistocene (Walker, 1993). The outcrop exposures of this formation generally made up of transported limestone that consists of nodular clasts and fossil fragments supported by clay matrix. The fragments are made up of skeletal components, mainly of benthonic foraminifera, mollusk fragments, echinoderms and coral fragments. The facies is semi-consolidated and was interpreted by Ismail Che Mat Zin (1994) as transported limestone. At Locality 52 inside the Sahabat 47 limestone quarry, thick allochthonous limestone (8 meters) overlies fossiliferous consolidated marl (Figure 5.22 and Figure 5.24). The marl bed also is exposed at Locality 20, unconformably overlying the mudstone facies of the Upper Ganduman Formation (Figure 5.23 and Figure 5.25). The grey silty sandstone facies (GSMd) contains abundant mollusk and brachiopods fossils (Figure 5.24). This contact between the two formations is marked as Late Pliocene Unconformity (Balaguru, 2006b). Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 109 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment a UCLSt b c d CLSt UCLSt UCLSt Figure 5.22. a) The lithofacies of the excavated Togopi Limestone outcrop at Locality 52 in the Sahabat 24 limestone quarry; b) The upper part shows the consolidated marl (CLSt); c) Coral fragments inside the unconsolidated limestone (UCLSt); d) The nodular unconsolidated limestone. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 110 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment Togopi Limestone CLSt Sequence boundary Upper Ganduman Mudstone GMd Figure 5.23. Transitional contact surface between the Togopi Formation and Upper Ganduman Formation at Locality 20 indicates a possible unconformity. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 111 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment Lithofacies Formation Grain size System Depositional M SsT C SsT VC SsT VF SsT F SsT Limestone Description ID Tract CLSt 10 m Environment consolidated limestone Unconsolidated UCLst UCLst TOGOPI 5m Shallow marine limestone Unconsolidated TST CLSt limestone consolidated limestone Unconsolidated UCLst limestone Unconsolidated UCLst limestone 0m Figure 5.24. Lithological log of outcrop at Locality 52 (Abbreviation as defined in Appendix 2). 0m To Lithofacies ID System Depositional VF SsT F SsT M SsT C SsT VC SsT Description Tract CLSt UPPER GANDUMAN 5m Limestone Formation Grain size TST Environment consolidated limestone Dark grey mudstone, shallow marine Lower Delta consist of fossils GMd HST brachiopods, molluscs, gastropods Plain Figure 5.25. Lithological log of outcrop at Locality 20 (Abbreviation as defined in Appendix 2). Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 112 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment 5.1.5 SOURCE ROCK FACIES Six source rocks facies are identified based on the sedimentologic analyses and hand specimen description. Samples belonging to these facies were further analyzed to determine the source rock quality. The source rock facies are shown in Table 5.1 which are correlatable with depositional environments and System Tract. The main source rocks interval is within the Highstand System Tract (HST) and Trangressive System Tract (TST). The hand specimens photo of the source rock facies are as shown in Figure 5.26. Most of the analysed samples were taken from GMd facies. This facies is massive grey to dark grey mudstone, associated with very fine-grained organic particles which were interpreted to have been deposited during TST or late HST periods in the delta plains discussed in section 5.4.1. The grey silty sandstone facies (GSMd) is coarser grained and contain a lot of plant debris, coals fragments and amber clasts. These GSMd facies is sediments of heterolithic sandstone and mudstone association which were deposited in lower shoreface environment during HST periods. This facies is found in most of the Upper Ganduman sediments. The sandy coal (SdCo) facies is dull black coal associated with fine grained sands. This facies was deposited during HST as levee deposits in distributary lower shoreface channel. The coaly sandstone (CoSSt) facies on the other hand is a coastal plain sediment with some coal laminations. The coals (Co) facies shows a bright black colour, whereas the brown coal (BCo) facies is slightly brown in colour and intimately associated with some unlithified woody materials. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 113 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment Among the source rocks facies, two possible reservoir facies have also been analyzed (Figure 5.27). These samples are sandstones which were taken from the Lower Ganduman Formation and unconsolidated shallow marine limestone of Togopi Formation. These reservoir rocks are analyzed to determine the possible presence of migrated hydrocarbons. Table 5.1. Six source rocks facies and two reservoir rocks identified based on sedimentological description. No Source Rocks Facies Facies ID Environment of Deposition 1 Grey mudstone GMd Delta Plain 2 Grey Silty sandstone GSMd Shoreface 3 Sandy coal SdCo Levee 4 Coaly sandstone CoSSt Coastal plain 5 Coal Co Swamp 6 Brown Coal BCo Swamp 7 Sandstone SSt Fluvial 8 Limestone LSt Allochtonuous TST= Trangressive System Tract; HST= High Stand System Tract. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. System Tract TST/HST HST HST HST HST HST HST TST/HST 114 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment Amb GMd GSMd GMd Figure 5.26. Collected samples representing source rock facies for analyses. Amb: Amber clast, taken within grey silty sandstone facies (GSMd); GSMd: Facies of grey silty sandstone comprises coaly fragments and amber clast; GMd: Facies of grey silty mudstone. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 115 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment SdCo BCo Co SSt Figure 5.26 (cont.). Collected samples representing source rock and reservoir rock facies for analyses. SdCo: Sandy coal (carbagilite); BCo: Brown coal or lignites; Co: Bright-black coal; SSt: Medium grain white silty sandstone. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 116 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment CLst SSt ULst CLst Figure 5.27. Collected samples representing reservoir rock facies for analyses. CLSt: Consolidated limestone; SSt: Brown coarse grain bioturbated sandstone; ULSt: Unconsolidated silty limestone with vuggy porosity; CLSt: Consolidated fossiliferous limestone. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 117 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment 5.2 PALYNOLOGICAL ANALYSES Ten mudstone and siltstone samples from Sebahat and Ganduman formations were analyzed for pollen. The palynological analyses were used to determine type of vegetation in specific environments which could determine the source of the pollens that were transported by the river system. In addition, the likely depositional environments of the source rocks and probable condition of deposition could be determined. The palynomorph count data are in Appendix 6. The results of pollen counts for each sample are shown in Figure 5.28. The palynomorph data show significant amounts of mangrove pollen that were dominated by Rhizoporacea sp, Bruguera sp, with small numbers of Avicennia sp in both the Sebahat and Ganduman Formations (Figure 5.29). The significant abundant of mangrove pollen strongly suggest the contribution of mangrove swamp plants, thus indicates mangrove environment (Figure 5.30). The pollens can be transported from mangrove downward to the basin. Spores were also abundant with mangroves grass species as shown by monolete smooth spores, thus indicates most likely a constantly wet swamp. Rare numbers of the Dipterocarpaceae sp pollens were also preserved which could potentially influence indicate higher terrestrial plant input nearby. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 118 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment SR37 Sebahat Formation SR35 Sebahat Formation Abundance (%) 0 5 10 15 20 25 Abundance (%) 30 35 40 45 Rhizophor a Br ugeir a Avicennia f r r Sonner at ia alba Sonner at ia caseolar is Sonner at ia levipoli Excoecar ia agal. Nypa Br ownlowia Oncosper ma Celt is Calamus 90 Calamus 215 Calamus 346 Canar ium Caesalpiniaceae Dillenia Dipt er ocar pus Macar anga Mor aceae Blumeodendr on Calophyllum Cephalomappa 20 Cephalomappa 86 Dur io t p Sapot aceae St emonur us Cant hium dicoc t p Myr t aceae Pandanus Pomet ia Composit ae t ub Gr amineae Lit hocar pus Consent r icyst es cir s Randia Magnoliaceae Palmae Lyt hr aceae Juglandaceae Quer qus Acr ost hicum aur eum Acr ost hicum spec Lygodium scandens Monolet e smoot h Monolet e ver r ucat e Lycopodium phlegmar ia Pt er is ver r ucat e St enochlaena palust r is St enochlaena usmensis Cyclophor us Ilex For am t est lining Car ya Bar r ingt onia 0 5 10 15 25 30 35 GD1 Upper Ganduman Formation SR3 Sebahat Formation Abundance (%) Abundance (%) 0 Rhizophor a Br ugeir a Avicennia f r r Sonner at ia alba Sonner at ia caseolar is Sonner at ia levipoli Excoecar ia agal. Nypa Br ownlowia Oncosper ma Celt is Calamus 90 Calamus 215 Calamus 346 Canar ium Caesalpiniaceae Dillenia Dipt er ocar pus Macar anga Mor aceae Blumeodendr on Calophyllum Cephalomappa 20 Cephalomappa 86 Dur io t p Sapot aceae St emonur us Cant hium dicoc t p Myr t aceae Pandanus Pomet ia Composit ae t ub Gr amineae Lit hocar pus Consent r icyst es cir s Randia Magnoliaceae Palmae Lyt hr aceae Juglandaceae Quer qus Acr ost hicum aur eum Acr ost hicum spec Lygodium scandens Monolet e smoot h Monolet e ver r ucat e Lycopodium phlegmar ia Pt er is ver r ucat e St enochlaena palust r is St enochlaena usmensis Cyclophor us Ilex For am t est lining Car ya Bar r ingt onia 20 Rhizophora Brugeira Avicennia f r r Sonnerat ia alba Sonnerat ia caseolaris Sonnerat ia levipoli Excoecaria agal. Nypa Brownlowia Oncosperma Celt is Calamus 90 Calamus 215 Calamus 346 Canarium Caesalpiniaceae Dillenia Dipt erocarpus Macaranga Moraceae Blumeodendron Calophyllum Cephalomappa 20 Cephalomappa 86 Durio t p Sapot aceae St emonurus Cant hium dicoc t p Myrt aceae Pandanus Pomet ia Composit ae t ub Gramineae Lit hocarpus Consent ricyst es cirs Randia Magnoliaceae Palmae Lyt hraceae Juglandaceae Querqus Acrost hicum aureum Acrost hicum spec Lygodium scandens Monolet e smoot h Monolet e verrucat e Lycopodium phlegmaria Pt eris verrucat e St enochlaena palust ris St enochlaena usmensis Cyclophorus Ilex Foram t est lining Carya Barringt onia 5 10 15 20 25 0 30 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Rhizophora Brugeira Avicennia f r r Sonnerat ia alba Sonnerat ia caseolaris Sonnerat ia levipoli Excoecaria agal. Nypa Brownlowia Oncosperma Celt is Calamus 90 Calamus 215 Calamus 346 Canarium Caesalpiniaceae Dillenia Dipt erocarpus Macaranga Moraceae Blumeodendron Calophyllum Cephalomappa 20 Cephalomappa 86 Durio t p Sapot aceae St emonurus Cant hium dicoc t p Myrt aceae Pandanus Pomet ia Composit ae t ub Gramineae Lit hocarpus Consent ricyst es cirs Randia Magnoliaceae Palmae Lyt hraceae Juglandaceae Querqus Acrost hicum aureum Acrost hicum spec Lygodium scandens Monolet e smoot h Monolet e verrucat e Lycopodium phlegmaria Pt eris verrucat e St enochlaena palust ris St enochlaena usmensis Cyclophorus Ilex Foram t est lining Carya Barringt onia Figure 5.28. The distribution of palynomorph of the respective samples. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 119 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment R26A Sebahat Formation R26B Sebahat Formation Abundance (%) 0 5 10 15 20 Abundance (%) 25 30 35 40 Rhi zophor a Br ugei r a Avi cenni a f r r Sonner ati a al ba Sonner ati a caseol ar i s Sonner ati a l evi pol i Excoecar i a agal . Nypa Br ownl owi a Oncosper ma Cel ti s Cal amus 90 Cal amus 215 Cal amus 346 Canar i um Caesal pi ni aceae Di l l eni a Di pter ocar pus Macar anga Mor aceae Bl umeodendr on Cal ophyl l um Cephal omappa 20 Cephal omappa 86 Dur i o tp Sapotaceae Stemonur us Canthi umdi coc tp Myr taceae Pandanus Pometi a Composi tae tub Gr ami neae Li thocar pus Consentr i cystes ci r s Randi a Magnol i aceae Pal mae Lythr aceae Jugl andaceae Quer qus Acr osthi cumaur eum Acr osthi cumspec Lygodi umscandens Monol ete smooth Monol ete ver r ucate Lycopodi umphl egmar i a Pter i s ver r ucate Stenochl aena pal ustr i s Stenochl aena usmensi s Cycl ophor us Il ex For amtest l i ni ng Car ya Bar r i ngtoni a 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Rhi zophor a Br ugei r a Avi cenni a f r r Sonner ati a al ba Sonner ati a caseol ar i s Sonner ati a l evi pol i Excoecar i a agal . Nypa Br ownl owi a Oncosper ma Cel ti s Cal amus 90 Cal amus 215 Cal amus 346 Canar i um Caesal pi ni aceae Di l l eni a Di pter ocar pus Macar anga Mor aceae Bl umeodendr on Cal ophyl l um Cephal omappa 20 Cephal omappa 86 Dur i o tp Sapotaceae Stemonur us Canthi umdi coc tp Myr taceae Pandanus Pometi a Composi tae tub Gr ami neae Li thocar pus Consentr i cystes ci r s Randi a Magnol i aceae Pal mae Lythr aceae Jugl andaceae Quer qus Acr osthi cumaur eum Acr osthi cumspec Lygodi umscandens Monol ete smooth Monol ete ver r ucate Lycopodi umphl egmar i a Pter i s ver r ucate Stenochl aena pal ustr i s Stenochl aena usmensi s Cycl ophor us Il ex For amtest l i ni ng Car ya Bar r i ngtoni a SR17 Upper Ganduman Formation SR12 Upper Ganduman Formation Abundance (%) Abundance (%) 0 5 Rhi zophor a Br ugei r a Avi cenni a f r r Sonner ati a al ba Sonner ati a caseol ar i s Sonner ati a l evi pol i Excoecar i a agal . Nypa Br ownl owi a Oncosper ma Cel ti s Cal amus 90 Cal amus 215 Cal amus 346 Canar i um Caesal pi ni aceae Di l l eni a Di pter ocar pus Macar anga Mor aceae Bl umeodendr on Cal ophyl l um Cephal omappa 20 Cephal omappa 86 Dur i o tp Sapotaceae Stemonur us Canthi umdi coc tp Myr taceae Pandanus Pometi a Composi tae tub Gr ami neae Li thocar pus Consentr i cystes ci r s Randi a Magnol i aceae Pal mae Lythr aceae Jugl andaceae Quer qus Acr osthi cumaur eum Acr osthi cumspec Lygodi umscandens Monol ete smooth Monol ete ver r ucate Lycopodi umphl egmar i a Pter i s ver r ucate Stenochl aena pal ustr i s Stenochl aena usmensi s Cycl ophor us Il ex For amtest l i ni ng Car ya Bar r i ngtoni a 10 15 20 25 30 0 35 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Rhi zophor a Br ugei r a Avi cenni a f r r Sonner ati a al ba Sonner ati a caseol ar i s Sonner ati a l evi pol i Excoecar i a agal . Nypa Br ownl owi a Oncosper ma Cel ti s Cal amus 90 Cal amus 215 Cal amus 346 Canar i um Caesal pi ni aceae Di l l eni a Di pter ocar pus Macar anga Mor aceae Bl umeodendr on Cal ophyl l um Cephal omappa 20 Cephal omappa 86 Dur i o tp Sapotaceae Stemonur us Canthi umdi coc tp Myr taceae Pandanus Pometi a Composi tae tub Gr ami neae Li thocar pus Consentr i cystes ci r s Randi a Magnol i aceae Pal mae Lythr aceae Jugl andaceae Quer qus Acr osthi cumaur eum Acr osthi cumspec Lygodi umscandens Monol ete smooth Monol ete ver r ucate Lycopodi umphl egmar i a Pter i s ver r ucate Stenochl aena pal ustr i s Stenochl aena usmensi s Cycl ophor us Il ex For amtest l i ni ng Car ya Bar r i ngtoni a Figure 5.28 (cont.). Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 120 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment c b a e d f h g a: Avicennia sp; b: Rhizophoracaea sp; c: Sonneratia caseolaris; d: Psilasporaceae; e: Lithocarpus; f: Sonneratia alba; g:Malvaceae sp; h: Dipterocarpacea sp Figure 5.29. Photomicrograph of variaties of pollens that indicates different plant species and significantly dominated by mangrove plants. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 121 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment Specifics to each of the formation, the Upper Ganduman Formation most likely was deposited in a more proximal part of mangrove swamps as recorded by abundant of Rhizophoracea sp and Bruguera sp (personal communication, Azmi, 2008). The Sebahat Formation however is more distal parts which received lesser amount of mangrove pollens. Palynological analysis are compatible with the previous study of Ismail Che Mat Zin (1994) that interpreted the Sebahat and Ganduman Formations as a complete sequence of fluvio-deltaic environments (see section 5.4.1). However, the palynological interpretation is influenced by a wide range depositional environment where pollens were transported. Thus, by using the depositional model of Mazlan et al. (1999), a general interpreted depositional environment has been suggested that ranging from back mangroves to the shelf or beyond to the continental slope (as highlighted in red circle in Figure 5.32). Therefore, the foraminifera data is needed to establish how far the sediments were deposited in the shelf and the relative water depth. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 122 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment Distribution of Palynomorph in different depositional environments 250 200 Abundance SR17 SR12 150 GD1 SR3 R26B R26A 100 SR35 SR37 Mangrove Riparian Seasonal Montane Spore Carya Barringtonia Ilex Foram test lining Cyclophorus Stenochlaena usmensis Pteris verrucate Stenochlaena palustris Lycopodium phlegmaria Monolete smooth Monolete verrucate Acrosthicum spec Other Lygodium scandens Querqus Acrosthicum aureum Juglandaceae Palmae Lythraceae Randia Magnoliaceae Consentricystes cirs Gramineae Lithocarpus Pometia Compositae tub Pandanus Myrtaceae Stemonurus Canthium dicoc tp Durio tp Peat sw amp Sapotaceae Cephalomappa 86 Calophyllum Cephalomappa 20 Moraceae Blumeodendron Macaranga Dillenia Rainforest varia Dipterocarpus Canarium Caesalpiniaceae Calamus 346 Calamus 215 Celtis Calamus 90 Oncosperma Nypa Brownlowia Excoecaria agal. Sonneratia levipoli Sonneratia alba Sonneratia caseolaris Brugeira Avicennia fr r 0 Rhizophora 50 RiparianOtherCoastal Plant species in specific environment Figure 5.30. Stacked bar graph shows the distribution of different species of pollens in different depositional environments. Relatively, the pollens and spores are dominated by mangrove plant species. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 123 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment 5.3 MICROPAEONTOLOGY A micropaleontological study was carried out on 8 samples (5 samples from the Sebahat Formation; 3 samples from the Ganduman Formation). The foraminiferal assemblages are dominated by benthonic microfossils with significant numbers of planktonic microfossils were recorded (see Table 5.2). The foraminiferal assemblages were used to interpret the depositional environment and relative water depth. All the recovered microfossils were moderately preserved. The number of recovery assemblages could also be affected by the degree of weathering of samples. The samples from Sebahat Formation are relatively abundant of benthonic forams with Trochamina sp being the highest. The high numbers of agglutinated forams suggest the depositional environment is shallow water benthic zones, probably nearby brackish mangroves which received clastic sediments. The presence of floating microfossils such as Globigerina sp and Orbulina sp indicate the open sea area with water depth less than 50 m. Therefore, the marine environment was limited to an inner neritic zone. The rare numbers of benthonic foram in the Ganduman Formation sediment suggests the water level was slightly shallower than Sebahat Formation. This evidence is supported by the presence of macrofossils of benthic faunas. On the other hand, the significant number of planktonic foram of Orbulina sp (Figure 5.31) in the GD 1 samples indicates a deeper water depth. Therefore, the depositional environment possibly ranges from coastal plain to inner neritic (Figure 5.32). Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 124 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment Table 5.2. The assemblages of benthonic and planktonic foraminifera correspond with environments and water depth (after Phleger, 1960). Indeterminite benthic Diatom Ammonia sp Loxostomum sp 2 5 2 1 4 - - Sebahat - 2 - - - - - - Mudstone Sebahat 6 - - - - - 8 R 26 A Mudstone Sebahat 4 1 - 1 - - R 26 B Mudstone Sebahat 5 - - - - 6 GD 1 Coaly siltstone - 2 - - 7 SR 12 Siltstone 1 8 - 8 SR 17 Siltstone Upper Ganduman Upper Ganduman Upper Ganduman 2 5 - 1 SR 37 2 SR 25 3 SR 3 4 5 Lithology Silty mudstone Coaly siltstone Environment Water Depth (m) Preservation Bathysiphon sp 20 Sample ID Orbulina sp Indeterminite arenaceous Sebahat No Interpretations Globigerinoides sp Formation Ammodiscus sp Planktonic Trochamina sp Benthonic 9 3 Inner Neritic < 50m Mod - 1 Inner Neritic < 50m Mod 6 1 - Inner Neritic < 50m Mod 6 6 2 - Inner Neritic < 50m Mod - - 4 - 2 Inner Neritic < 50m Mod - - - - - 7 Inner neritic < 50m Mod - - - - - 3 - Inner neritic < 50m Mod - - - - - 2 - Inner neritic < 50m Mod Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 125 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment Figure 5.31. Image of Orbulina sp. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 126 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment Figure 5.32. Characterization of depositional environments in Malaysian Basin using foraminiferas and palynomorph (after Mazlan et. al., 1999). Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 127 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment 5.4 DISCUSSION 5.4.1 RECONSTRUCTION OF PALEO DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENT AS RESPONSE TO RELATIVE SEA LEVEL CHANGES. A depositional sequence is defined as a relatively conformable succession of genetically related strata bounded by unconformities or their correlative conformities (Vail, et al., 1977) which represent the record of one cycle of relative sea level. Figure 5.33 shows the reconstructed model of depositional environments of the Dent Group sediments as responsed to the relative sea level fluctuation. The reconstructed model is used to understand the source rock condition during deposition, especially in the Sebahat and Ganduman Formations. A global sea level curve of Haq et al., (1987) was used to correlate between the sediment deposition and relative sea level fluctuation. The model has also integrated with sequence stratigraphic concept, adopted from Posamentier and Allen (1999) to determine the depositional cycles and sequences, targeting to the source rocks facies description. The complete sequence and depositional environments are manifested in the proposed composite lithostratigraphic log (Figure 5.34). In vertical succession, all depositional sequences are composed of sequence boundary, lowstand systems tract, transgressive systems tract, highstand systems tract, and the following sequence boundary. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 128 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment As reported by Ismail Che Mat Zin (1994), the sediments of Sebahat and Ganduman Formations were deposited in a complete unit of deltaic sequence which represents the distal facies of the Sebahat Formation and the proximal facies of the Ganduman Formation, whereas the Togopi sediments were deposited in a shallow marine shelf as transported carbonates. Two complete depositional sequences are proposed that develop the Dent Group sediment. The first sequence was characterized by complete sequence of sandtone-mudstone deposition of fluvial-deltaic system of Sebahat and Ganduman Formations. The second cycles is completed by depositional of shallow marine Togopi formation sediments. The proposed depositional environment model to characterize the source rock facies of Sebahat and Ganduman formations from early Middle Miocene to middle Pliocene is displayed in Figure 5.35. FIRST SEQUENCE A. Lowstand System Tract (LST) The first sequence begins with lowstand system tract (LST), a relative sea level fall where active erosion and deposition occurred. Referring to the model in Figure 5.33-A, the conglomerate of the Tungku Formation was deposited in an incised valley of alluvial channel during the early sea level drop period. During this period, active erosion processes have eroded the conglomerates unit of Tungku Formation. Ismail Che Mat Zin, (1994) previously reported the erosion occurrences in the early Miocene of this sediment which was a result of major phase of uplifting. The erosional surface was later Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 129 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment unconformably overlained by thin coastal plain sandstone facies of Sebahat Formation in early tranggressive periods as shown in Figure 5.4. This field evidence clearly shows erosional contact between the conglomerate unit and the onlap sandstone unit on top of conglomerate as observed at Ladang Ikhtisas Semporna Quarry (Stop 45). The conglomerate unit was deposited as an alluvial deposit under high energy condition whereas the coarse-medium grained sandstone and mudstone units of the Sebahat Formation are relatively shallow marine sediments which lower energy condition. Microfossils study of a mudstone samples from Sebahat-1 Quarry reveal marine environment as shown by the presence of planktonic foraminifera such as Golobigerina sp and Orbulina sp. The abrupt change of depositional setting from high energy to low energy has suggested a possible sequence boundary or unconformity. This angular unconformity was previously interpreted as regional unconformity (MMU) that divided the Segama Group and Dent Group which occurred as a result of a major sea level fall during middle Miocene period (Balaguru, 2006b). Subsequently, the plants development during Neogene period that mainly distributed in coastal to coastal plain environments (Mazlan et al., 1999) has been eroded together with clastic sediments and deposited apparently in the fluvio-deltaic environment. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 130 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment B. Transgressive System Tract (TST). The transgressive systems tract consists of a retrogradational set of sequences. The lowest part of the first sequence is characterized by thin sandstone facies of Sebahat Formation. A relative sea level rise in the middle Miocene, probably started at 15.5 Ma (Haq et al, 1987) was thought to provide a major retrogradational event (landward movement) of deltaic mud from offshore. This period interpreted as Trangressive System Tract (TST) is typically characterized by the onlapping sequence of shelf mudstone (GMd Facies) of the Sebahat Formation to the conglomeritic unit or sandstone unit. The continual erosion of uplifted Segama Group sediments fed the shallow marine zones by the clastic sediments and a lot of organic debris from inland. As a result, the organic rich layer such coaly sandstone (CoSSt) was deposited in coastal plain environment. The retrogradational mudstone facies (GMd facies) at the same time was deposited in the offshore or transitional environment (Figure 5.33-B). This evidence is supported by the bimodal curved in the GCMS peaks (Figure 6.30) and Pr/nC17 Vs Ph/nC18 crossplot diagram (Figure 6.32) which significantly related to the transitional zone. The presence of planktonic foraminiferas such as Globigerinoides sp. and Orbulina sp. in the Gmd facies suggests the middle neritic environment with maximum water depth less than 50m (personal communication, Azmi 2008). The calculated Pr/Ph ratios range from 0.5 to 2.5 indicates the sediments were deposited under oxic to sub-oxic condition. Thus, the oxic to sub-oxic condition is thought not a suitable condition for the organic matter preservation where the biodegradation by bacteria actively occurred. However, rapid Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 131 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment sedimentation 300-1000 m/Ma (Noor Azim Ibrahim, 1994) could suggest the organic matter was well preserved. The varieties of plant input mainly terrigineous origin could potentially be a good organic sources for this source rock facies. Palynological analyses indicate the mangroves plant types are abundantly present which could contribute to Type II/III kerogen for oil or gas generation as reported in Mahakam Delta (Peters et al, 2000). Towards the land, the facies change to a mixed sand-mud facies which is related to the coastal plain environments. The thick channelized sandstones are interpreted to represent distributary channels. On top of this sandstone facies, thin coal seam (SdCo) of about 30cm thick was observed and interpreted as flood plain marsh or peat swamp lower coastal plain deposit. This coal layer characterized the flooding surface of the TST period. This is partly explained by petrographic analysis which reveals the coal facies accumulated within a mangrove peat swamp (see Figure 6.4 in section The maximum flooding surface is characterized by the presence of calcareous concretion which marks the time of maximum flooding or transgression of the shelf and separates the TST and HST (e.g. Helland-Hansen and Martinsen, 1996; and Nummedal et al., 1993). Most of the eroded sediments that associated with organic matter were sourced from marsh and mangrove swamps were transported into delta plain environments. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 132 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment C. Highstand System Tract (TST) The highstand systems tract consists of an aggradational set sequences (Figure 5.33-C). The trangression mud of Sebahat Formation was thought to cease when sediment accumulation rates exceed sea level rise and increase volume of sediment. These caused the inland sediment to prograde toward the nearshore-coastal plain environment. This prograding sediments is typically charecterized by the Lower Ganduman Formation sediments. The Lower Ganduman sediments contain greater sand content that represent proximal coastal plain facies whilst the Upper Ganduman sediments comprises muddy facies that represent distal part. Within this prograding sediments, several heterogeneities of facies were recorded such as channelized sandstone (ChSSt), silty sandstone (SlSt) and laminated sandstone (LmSt). However, this facies is not discuss in detail as the discussion is focussed on source rocks depositional setting. Abundant bioturbation within the sandstone facieses of the Lower Ganduman indicates it has been deposited in a coastal plain environment. Commonly, the burrow of Ophiomorpha sp. is found in both Upper Ganduman and Lower Ganduman Formation, while Planolites sp. found in Lower Ganduman. The sandstone facies composed of several sub-facies which are silty sandstones (SlSt), channelized sandstone with trough cross bedding and cross bedding (ChSSt) and laminated sandstone (LmSSt). As was mentioned above, this discussions focuses on the source rock facies; therefore, Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. the 133 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment heterogeneities of the sandstone facies were group into sandstone (SSt). The distributary channel sandstone and interdistributary mudstone with flood plain coal seam (Co facies) found at Locality 37 and Locality 3 are typical examples of lower delta plain succession. The distributary channel sandstone that shows fining upward successions with cross bedding and through cross bedding (ChSSt) is common. The coal seam was a peat swamp deposit and indicates the flooding surface. Coal facies description of the Upper Ganduman coals confirmed the development of paleomire was in a marsh and mangrove swamp environments (see Figure 6.4 in section This is supported with the cross plot of Pr/nC17 Vs Ph/nC18 which indicates a transitional environment (see Figure 6.32), and this will be discussed further in chapter 6. The shoreface sediments were deposited in the eastern part in Dent Peninsula. The upper shoreface deposits are characterized by thin parallel laminated sandstone intercalating with thin layers of mudstone as observed at Locality 26. The trace fossils are abundant with Ophiomorpha and Planolites. The mud drapes were commonly preserved which indicates tidal influence. Further to the east, the proximal lower shoreface facies can be found. This facies comprises of interbedded heterolithic mudstone and sandstone (HMS) and facies of grey mudstones which is an example of a parasequence set in distal lower shoreface deposits. These parasequences were deposited in the late HST period, which provides a lot of amber and coal clasts to be deposited in the lower shoreface. The HMS facies has also been considered as potential source rock beds as it is rich in amber and coal clasts. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 134 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment SECOND SEQUENCE D. Lowstand System Tract (LST) The second sequence is not discussed in details because the sediments are limited to the limestone and calcareous sandstone facies. Thus, these sediments are not of interest for source rocks evaluation, however they may act as good reservoir rocks. As these sediments were identified as reservoir rocks, some samples were analysed using GCMS to investigate if migrated hydrocarbons are present thus indicate migration could have occurred. The second sequence was developed during the Lowstand System Tract (LST) when the relative sea level falls during the late Pliocene tectonic event (Figure 5.33-D). A major uplift and erosion during this period caused the calcareous sandstone older than the Togopi Formation being eroded and deposited in a braided channel deposit (Balaguru, 2006a). This deposit was believed to be a remnant of incised valley fills fluvial system. Active erosion during this period caused most of the LST sediments being eroded. E. Transgressive System Tract (TST) to Highstand System Tract (TST) Relative sea level rise during this period provides an accommodation space for the shallow marine sediments to be deposited (Figure 5.33-E). The trangressive to highstand sedimentary packages consist of calcareous silty limestone with vuggy pores. This limestone is semi-consolidated and associated with abundant fossils and very loose. The limestone of Togopi Formation has previously been interpreted by Ismail Che Mat Zin (1994) as transported sediments, deposited in shallow marine environments. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 135 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment A. Lowstand System Tract (LST) : Progradational sequence Cong Cong B. Trangressive System Tract (TST) : Retrogradational sequence GMd Figure 5.33. The reconstructed model of depositional environments of the Dent Group sediments as responsed to the relative sea level fluctuation (modified after Noad, 1998 and ISIS, 2005). Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 136 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment C. Highstand System Tract (HST): Aggraditional sequence SSt D. Lowstand System Tract (LST) : Progradational sequence Figure 5.33. (continue). Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 137 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment E. Trangressive System Tract (TST) to Highstand System Tract (HST) : Retrogradational to Aggraditional sequences. Figure 5.33. (continue). Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 138 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment Legend HST Coastal plain sandstone C HST Coastal plain sand and peat swamp coals S e b a h a t TST Calcareous concreation Missing section Angular Unconformity U p p e r Maximum Flooding Surface Flooding Surface G a n d u m a n Shelf Mudstones C Middle HST Lower shoreface heterolithic sandstone and mudstone Late HST T o g o p i L o w e r Early HST TST T u n g k u G a n d u m a n Upper Shoreface sandstone TST Eroded LST Late HST LST Figure 5.34. Composite lithostratigraphic logs in the Dent Peninsula (not to the scale). Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 139 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment Inland Estuarine Coastal Plain Shoreface Inner Shelf Cong HMS Outer Shelf Slope Co SSt Cong GSMd SSt GMd Range of Sebahat sediments Range Ganduman sediments Back Inland Upper Delta Plain Coastal Plain sand Back mangrove/ Upper Estuarine Lower Delta Plain Shelf mud Front mangrove/ Lower Estuarine Distributary Mouth Bar Distributary channel Silty-Muddy sand/prodelta Figure 5.35. The proposed depositional environment model to characterize the source rock facies within Sebahat and Ganduman formations from early Middle Miocene to middle Pliocene (modified after Noad, 1998 and ISIS, 2005). Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 140 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment 5.4.2 PALEO VEGETATION AND ORGANIC MATTER INPUT The varieties of terrestrial plant type that grew throughout the Neogene developed mostly in coastal plains and lagoonal areas e.g. interchannel peat swamp and back mangroves swamps (Mazlan et al., 1999). A humid, ever-wet tropical climate ensured high terrigenous productivity during the deposition of the middle Miocene to Pliocene period. Based on the present day vegetation, the type of vegetation would be dominated by mangroves plants, since the spores and pollen preserved in these sediments are significantly comparable based on the palynological analyses. This terrigenous organic matter could be a potential organic source for the petroleum source rock facies. As discussed earlier, the reconstructed paleodepositional environment model indicates most of the source inputs to the deltaic system were originated from terrestrial plants organic matter. The marsh and mangrove of wet forest swamps have been suggested as the major source for the organic matter accumulation. This was revealed by the high abundant of plant pollens that originated from mangrove swamp such as Bruguira sp. and Rhizophora sp. with lesser pollen from rain forest plants, peat swamp, and coastal area. The erosional process occurred during early Miocene (Balaguru, 2006b) was thought to become the important agent draining the sediments together with these organic matter to delta plains. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 141 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment Similar evidence has been observed in Py-GC traces. Higher terrestrial plant organic matter is indicated by the presence of cadinane in coals (see Figure 5.36-a). Cadinane is a product of depolymerization and subsequent hydrogenation of polycadinene, a compound found in angiosperm dammar resin and in all the Dipterocarpaceae family plants that inhabit Southeast Asia (van Aarssen et al., 1992). The presence of Dipterocarpaceae plant type that is related to the cadinane compound also is supported by pollen analyses (Figure 5.36-b). Thus, the presence of Dipterocarpaceae pollen strongly suggests the paleo vegetation was also populated by angiosperm plant species. The TIC chromatograms of the deltaic sediments, mostly mudstone (GMd facies), show the abundance of higher molecular weight compounds (>nC25) especially the nC30 which typically related to the terrestrial organic matter (Figure 5.37). This nC30 compound originated from higher land plant (Hunt, 1995). Further investigations on the biomarker compositions within this nC30 region significantly show high abundance of Oleanane or Ursane (Figure 5.38). The presence of these terrestrial angiosperm plant markers suggest the palaeo vegetation was formed from Cretaceous flowering plant (Hunt, 1995). Another terrestrial higher plant compound is indicated by lup-20(29)-ene- 3-one. This compound is a progenitor of Lupane that contain in Tertiary brown coals, as previously was reported by Wang and Simoneit (1990). Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 142 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment Reworked amber clasts are embedded within the heterolithic mudstone and sandstone (GSMd) facies of the Ganduman and the Sebahat Formation. These amber clasts which are thought to originate from higher plant were further analyzed with FTIR to predict plant type. The FTIR spectrum of this transported amber indicates an angiosperm plant type as suggested by the similar spectrum of prime dammar resin from manila (Senftle and Larter, 1988). The spectrum shows a strong bond of CH2CH3 and CH3 aliphatic bending with relatively low olefinic bond (Figure 5.39), a typical characteristic for the angiosperm type resin. Response_ S ig n a l: S R 2 5 -1 S T . D \ F I D 1 A . C H 1.3e+07 1.25e+07 1.2e+07 b a 1.15e+07 1.1e+07 1.05e+07 1e+07 9500000 9000000 8500000 8000000 7500000 7000000 Pr Xy 6500000 6000000 5500000 5000000 3500000 3000000 C10 C11 C8 Phe 4000000 C12 C17 C14 Cad 4500000 C18 Ph C28 C20 C32 C24 2500000 2000000 1500000 1000000 500000 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 55.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 75.00 Time Figure 5.36. a) A Py-GC pyrogram of a coal clast within coaly sandstone shows the presence of cadinane (Cad); b) Dipterocarpacea pollen found within the coaly sandstone sample. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 143 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment Abundanc e T IC: R38_MdSt-Sb.D\ Terrestrial signal 5500000 5000000 4500000 4000000 3500000 3000000 nC30 nC24 Ph Pr 1500000 nC20 2000000 nC18 nC17 2500000 1000000 500000 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 55.00 60.00 65.00 T ime--> Figure 5.37. Total Ion Chromatogram significantly preserved terrestrial compound as indicates by extreme high nC30. Abundanc e Ion 191.00 (190.70 to 191.70): R32_MdSt-Sb.D\ DAT A.MS 17000 16000 15000 Olean-12-ene 14000 Hopane Oleanane 18000 13000 12000 11000 10000 5000 4000 Lupane Mo C31R 6000 C33S C33R 7000 C32R C31S 8000 C32S 9000 3000 2000 1000 48.00 50.00 52.00 54.00 56.00 58.00 60.00 62.00 64.00 T ime--> Figure 5.38. Mass fragmentogram of ion 191 shows the Oleanane and Lupane peaks as a terrestrial signals. Also shown is oleanane molecular compound. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 144 Chapter 5: Result and Discussion: Outcrop, Source Rock Facies and Depositional Environment 97.5 97 Amber sample 96 93 92 91 90 88 87 86 85 84 CH2CH3 Bending CH3 Bending Aliphatic band 89 %T Ester Carbonyl band 94 83 82 81 79.7 4000.0 3600 3200 Vinylidene 95 2800 2400 2000 1800 cm-1 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 650.0 Figure 5.39. FTIR spectrum obtained from reworking amber typically shows an angiosperm plant type as indicated by relative high CH2CH3 and CH3 Bending peaks and low vinylidene peak. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 145
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