D – 14 O
er 2014
Bellbrae Blues If you love the bluess and want to join in a relaxxed monthly JJam session. B
BYO instrumen
nts, voice andd favourite blu
ues songs to sh
hare. Meetin
ng once a month at Bellbraae Heart space
e 3rd Wednesday of tthe month @ 7.30pm (15 O
Contacct Liz Hamilto
on 0400 7806
680 or 'like' th
hem on Faceb ook 'Bellbrae
e Blues' You arre cordially invvited to attend the ANNU
NG of the Winchelsea Comm
munity House
e, Inc. 10.00 am – 12.00pm
m Thursday, 16th October 2
2014. nchelsea Community Housee, 28 Hesse St. (rear of Tea Rooms), Winchelsea. At Win
Guest Speaker –SCSS Cr. Heather W
Wellington Morning Tea at 10am da items include: *Annu
ual reports fro
om the Comm ittee of Manaagement [inclu
uding annual sstatement of income and Agend
diture], Manaager, Co‐ordin
nators and Ausspiced groupss. *Nominations will b
be called for Executive and members of tthe Committe
ee of Managem
ment. business relevvant to the AG
GM will be allo
owed. *Any b
NOTE: Voting is resttricted to mem
mbers of the a
association. M
Membership m
may be arranged prior to th e meeting. e RSVP by 13 O
October 2014 to manager@
@winchhouse..org.au or pho
one 5267 2028
8 Please
d from the 80``s and 90`s haas reformed and doing a re union show at the Torquay
y Hotel this baand is called IN
R THEY will be
e performing aat the Torquayy Hotel on the
e 17th Oct 2011. To commem
morate the occcasion they hhave released a new album called “SOMEETHING IN THE WATER”. Lorne
e Fashion W
Weekend. Lorne’s iconic Moun
ntjoy Parade ccomes alive on
n Friday 17 annd Saturday 18 October from 10am‐5pm
m. Grab some ffriends, take aa drive njoy a weeken
nd of sophisticcated shoppin
ng in Lorne. Viisit www.lovelorne.com forr all your accoommodation a
and dining neeeds. and en
More D
Details go to P
Page 39 The Torquay Cowrie M
Market commiittee welcomes you to the 2014/15 on of marketss!!! season – the 17th seaso
he new marke t season backk again. Yay..w
we can play! We are exxcited with th
We fee
el that the maarket is maturring into a love
ely warm, insppiring and beaautiful place to be. It is the market thatt everyone pu
uts into their d
diary. Sunda
ay 19 Octo
ober!! Remem
mber to please spread the TTorquay Cowrie market joyy far and wide
e, and let othe
ers hear aboutt the specialness of this maarket, this waay the markett continues to
o grow and pro
osper. Check out updates o
on the new fa
acebook page too!!! CARU
US THOMPSSON BAND ssupported b
D First caab off the rank for the new
w Wolseley sea
ason 2014‐20015, is the well known and rrocking Carus Thompson, supported by tthe equallyy fabulous Cat Canteri. Both artists will be suppported by their own bands.
Originaally coming to
o prominence as part of the
e explosion off the roots sce
ene, Carus Thompson is a ggifted songwrriter and storyyteller. He travvels, he obserrves and he w
writes it all dow
wn, but he is nno disengaged
d cynic. His en
nergetic, passiionate and ge
enuine pub‐rock approaach to perform
mance, sets him apart from
m the majorityy of singer‐son
ngwriters. He's no show gazzer. He gives e
every gig his aall, and he’s bu
uilt a legion a fans through Europe and A
Australia becaause of it. Worldwide, Carus TThompson hass sold over 30,,000 albums i ndependentlyy and supported luminariess such as Dave
e Matthews, D
Damien n Butler, Xavieer Rudd and TThe Waifs. He’s wowed auddiences at all the major festtivals Rice, Jack Johnson aas well as good friends John
o albums conttinues to hold a well earnedd reputation aas one of this country's harddest working and best acou
ustic and affter five studio
artists. One of the feew truly indep
pendent Australian troubaddours to have
e a carved a fu
ull time living ffrom his craft, years of touring o draw hundreeds of people anywhere he
e goes. have aassured Thompson the enviiable ability to
ANTERI No strranger to Wolseley, multi‐instrumentalisst Cat Canteri is best known
n as the singe r‐songwriter, drummer in aalt‐
countrry group The SStillsons. 2014
4 sees Canteri swapping druums for a guittar, to launch and tour her debut album ‘When We W
Were Young’. Producced by ARIA award winner Craig Pilkington, ‘When Wee Were Youngg’ has a rare combination oof emotional vvulnerability and musicaal accomplishment. Cat’s ch
harismatic voccal tones delivver her unique, and highly personal storyytelling songss, with an easyy, pop sensibility. mes have started....Doors o
open at 3pm.
NOTE!!! Summer tim
Music starts at 4pm
Y, Hendy Mainn Road ‐ SUN 19th OCT. WE ARE BACK! Celeb
brate Childrren’s Week on the Surff Coast This ye
ear’s theme iss Renew Reusse Recycle, making little grreen steps to support children’s future. The Su
urf Coast Shiree is working co
ollaboratively with 5 townsships in celebrrating Children’s Week withh the support of the Departtment of Education and Eaarly Childhood
d Developmen
nt. ay 20 October: Lorne Bike Park (Otway Street and Cyypress Avenue) from 2‐4pm
m Monda
ay 21 October: Torquay Ele
ephant Walk 10‐1pm Wedne
esday 22 Octo
ober: Moriac Newling Rese
erve 10.30‐122.30pm Thursd
day 23 Octobeer: Winchelse
ea Uniting Chu
urch hall 1‐3ppm Fridayy 24 October: Deans Marsh
h Playground 1
11‐1pm Childre
en’s Week is aa national pro
ogram recognising the talennts, skills, achievements and
d rights of youung people. Itt is based on tthe articles expressed in
n the United N
Nations Conve
ention on the Rights of the Child, highlighting play, weellbeing and p
protection. ore information about Chilldren’s Week go to v.au/childrenssweek #child
For mo
In case
e of bad weatther, the even
nts will be can
ncelled. M
More Details ggo to Page 40
ong Cup Day Ladies Luncheon
Winchelsea Commu
unity House is holding a Gee
elong Cup Dayy Ladies Lunch
heon on Wednesday 22 Occtober, 2014. ould love you to come along and feel free to bring youur friends also
o. We wo
Ticketss MUST be pu
urchased priorr to the event for catering ppurposes. Please
e contact me aat Winch Housse if you woulld like to purcchase a ticket. Hopingg to see you o
on the day. Wendy, Winche
elsea Communnity House ‐ 5267 2028 M
More Details ggo to Page 30
Sing llike Nobodyy’s Listeningg / Singing for Fun 24 Octtober 2014 @
@ Bellbrae Haall 6pm – 8pm We are
e not a choir b
but a one‐off monthly grou
up (each nightt is different) tthat gets toge
ether to sing foor the fun of iit. You don't h
have to book, jjust turn up, b
blokes too. Att Bellbrae Hall ‐ School Rd, Bellbrae $10//$7 concession, which incluudes an easy FFriday night m
meal of delicio
ous home‐mad
de soups, crussty bread and dips and fressh fruit, tea an
nd coffee. So com
me along, brin
ng a friend or m
make a new o
G. Especially if you thin
nk you can’t ssing. No need to boook, but any en
nquiries ring M
Michele 526144807. un ‐ uplifting ‐‐ have a go an
nd enjoy. Last Friday of the month!!!!! A vocaal Nosh event!!! Everyone iss welcome! Fu
Lorne Parent Club
b are hosting a party calle
ed “Celebratte 135” on Satt Oct 25 to ccelebrate thee 135th anniversary of thee school. M
More Details ggo to Page 36
N TO OZ..... New w
wave balladeers Victoriana Gaye return to Australia aft
fter 4 months touring Europ
pe and the UKK. Jeff Raglus a
and Vicki Gayee Philipp
p peddled their lo‐fi indie so
ounds to Lond
don, Brighton,, Southampto
on, Liverpool, Glasgow, Edinnburgh, Copen
nhagen, Berlin
n, Leipzigg, Amsterdam
m, Bordeaux, B
Bayonne and b
beyond to incllude many tow
wns along and
d around the CCote de Basqu
ue . Not on
nes to rest on their laurels, the pair are ccurrently writiing songs for ttheir 4th album
m and have la unched straigght into a strettch of Victoriian shows, eager to flex theeir ‘gig fit’ muscles..... OCTOB
BER 17th ‐ Fri. The Dayleesford Hotel . . Daylesford. 7pm ‐10pm
20th ‐ Mon
n. The Geelong Folk Club. EElephant and C
Castle. 8pm.
d Dining. Westt Melb. 8pm. 26th ‐ Sun. Gosling Cree
ek Winery. M urroon. 1pm.. 25th ‐ Sat. Hotel Speencer Bar and
Sun 2n
nd. Wolseley W
Winery with Lisa Miller 4p
pm. $15. Sat 15th. The Retreaat. Front bar. More Details go to Page 41 The A
Anglesea Arrt House Op
pen weeken
nd , Sat 25
5 & Sun 26 Octtober. Memb
bers will be deemonstrating ttheir expertise in their vari ous mediumss over the wee
ekend, 10am ‐‐4pm both days. One of thee highligghts will be the Surf Coast M
Mayor, Rose H
Hodge, havingg her portrait p
painted on the Sat At 1.30ppm. Camerron Road (PO Box 86) Angleesea 3230 www.aanglesaarthou
use.com.au Mo
oriac Community Garagge Sale Traiil National Garage SSale Trail is beeing held across the country
y on Saturdayy 25th Octoberr. It encourages Austtralians to de‐‐clutter, reusee, recycle and to shop conscciously. Indivviduals, schoo
ols, communitty groups, or o
organisations can register ttheir garage sa
ale online, and
d shoppers can createe a trail aroun
nd their area. SSellers can listt the items they will be selling to encourrage buyers to
o visit. Registration is nd easy. free an
Moriacc will be holdiing its own co
ommunity gara
age sale at Neewling Reserve, with a varie
ety of stalls alrready online. It is a great ch
hance for cre
eating neighbo
ourly connections, offer buyers some ba rgains, and faamilies can have a great dayy out at the ne
earby park. Moriac Communityy Garage sale is on Saturda
ay 25 October.
r. Newling Resserve, 830 Hendy Main Rd,, 9am‐1pm. Fo
or more info o
or to ur sale (FREE!)) contact Aliso
on at dayanda
al@hotmail.coom join ou
To register your eveent online, or to view itemss available for purchase, you can also visit garagesalettrail.com.au 2
hwater Creeek Steiner SSchool Sprin
ng Fair Saturrday 25 Octobber from 10am
m. The Sp
pring Fair is a ccelebration fo
or school families who invitte neighbours and visitors to join them a nd take in the
e atmosphere of Cafe, along witth homemadee savoury food
their b
beautiful school. Parents an
nd children bake cakes to e njoy at Chai C
d and the goo
od old fashioned sausage ssizzle with sau
usages made ffrom biodynam
mically raised meat. Homemade lemonaade, jams and preserves willl be ble for purchaase, along with
h organically ggrown producce. oop stall offerrs goods made
ol community.. This e by hand wit h natural matterials, display
ying the talentt of the schoo
The school’s craft co
owcase quality, handmade,, natural and ssustainable go
oods. stall w
will also sell seccondhand Steeiner toys. A vibrant markettplace will sho
and buskers w
m children, loccal musicians a
will provide a melodious backdrop as visiitors browse tthe stalls, or sit to Acousttic music from
nd refresh theemselves. In th
omes’ gold, fissh for brightlyy coloured fish
h, and e to dig for gno
rest an
he free gamess area, childreen will be able
ment go hand
on and excitem
mes to suit all aages. Educatio
d in hand: a dissplay of youngg native animals; the Vikingg tents play a range of gam
n Guard (aka TThe Vikings in Geelong); building a birdhoouse with the
e Geelong Eastt Men’s of the DubhLinn braanch of The New Varangian
CFA and theirr truck. hwater Creek C
Shed; and the Fresh
pportunity forr families to fi nd out more about Steinerr education annd the unique way it engages the Spring Fair and Opeen Day is an op
nds ents will be av
vailable to ansswer question
d’, ‘heart’ and ‘hands’. Teacchers and pare
ns. The Wetlan
whole child – working with ‘head
nd enrolment packs. Room will feature a display of children’s work,, along with innformation an
mpus water Creek Stteiner School is an indepen
utiful rural cam
ndent, nondennominational primary schoo
ol that is locatted on a beau
ded by a thriving wetland an
nd farmlands. bound
om Playgroup to Class 6.Thee school is in M
McIntyres Roa
ad, Freshwateer Creek. . Forr further or children fro
The school caters fo
More Details ggo to Page 37
mation, contacct Nicky Pelletier, on fwcss@
@gmail.com oor 0409 025 910 M
Deans Marsh Co
ommunity C
Cottage Hey evveryone, well it has alreadyy been 3 montths since the CCottage re opened and wha
at a huge 3 moonths it has b
been. w term We haave been inund
dated with su
upport from th
he communityy and so manyy great ideas tthat we culmi nated into terrm 3 and now
ur local 4 proggrams. The ressponse to worrkshops, coursses and activitties has been terrific and w
we are so imprressed with th
he talent of ou
community membeers! age 22) and drop in to let uus know what you would likke to Don’t fforget the nexxt Deans Marssh Market on Sunday 23rd November(Pa
Donna see at The Cottage.......Ruth and D
4 Opening Ho
urs & Fri 9am ‐ 2pm, Sat 100am ‐12noon
Term 4
ours Tues, Thu
OPEN : Introd
duction to photography workshop Saturd
day 25th October 10am to 1p
pm Deans Marsh Comm
munity Cottagee Come along and leaarn how to takke better phottos. 14 FREE Book by 200 October 201
ber Senior Citizen’s Halll, McMillan Stt. Anglesea 00pm Open tto the public 110.00am ‐ 4.0
demonstrate oor display If you have Art or C
Craft that you wish to sell, d
ed $10 Contacct the Lionesss Club to bookk a table. Each selling table will be charge
ne 04488442776 More Details go to Paage Ϯϵ
031117 or Jun
nstrations or display only w
Doreen 04290
will be free. BOOKINGS : D
Winchelsea Unitting 15th An
nnual Art &
& Photograp
phy Show!
Winchelsea Uniting Church will hold their 15th
h Annual Art &
& Photography Show on the
e weekend 311 October – 3 November in the Globe Theatre, Willis St. Winchelsea. Friday 31
1 October, is O
Opening Nightt at 7.30pm w
when Cr. Heathher Wellington will officiallyy open the Show. Our guest, Judge Aman
nda Hyatt willl be attendingg to participate in the proce
eedings. This w
will be an opp
portunity to converrse with Aman
nda on her lovve of watercolour media. how will close on Monday 3
dents free. Devvonshire teas available durring the weekeend. A at 4pm. Admisssion $5. Stud
The sh
3 November, a
erful opportun
nity to apprecciate the amazzing local tale nt in art and p
es close on Friday 17 O
October . Co
ontact Jean ette for dettails. 04094
418766 or jeeanettemc0
06@gmail.ccom More D
Details go to P
Page 31 Bookin
ngs are now o
open for stall h
holders for the
e Fig Tree C
Community House Car Boot Sale t o be held Sunnday 2nd November ‐ Melbo
ourne Cup Weeekend Stalls cost $20 per spacee – have a spring clean, grab a friend andd BOOK NOW! To boo
ok please conttact Katy at th
he Lorne Community Housee – 5289‐2972
2 More Details ggo to Pageϭϵ
The Figg Tree Community House TTerm 4 Progra
am is availablle now!! Aireyys Inlet Christmas Tree
e Festival! Follow
wing the fabulo
ous success off last year’s Christmas Treee Festival, this event will be taking place on the weeke
end of Saturdaay 29th and Su
unday 30th of November att the Aireys Inlet Hotel. 3
Individuals, community groups, clubs, businesses and schools are invited to get their creative hats on to create an entry ‐ perhaps something that promotes your group or just your own very personal work of art.! Last year saw about 500 people viewing 46 entries and this year the organisers plan for an even bigger and better event.! The trees will be judged and the public will be invited to vote for the People’s Choice Award. This event is sponsored by the Uniting Church in Aireys Inlet and supported by the Surf Coast Shire. See Entry forms below.! For more information see <surfcoast.unitingchurch.org.au> Joan Richardson 52897029,<lrichardson@iprimus.com.au> or Edie Barton, 52897415, <jebarton@westnet.com.au>! More Details go to Page 20/21 November 2014 & Beyond PATHWAYS in PAPER, PEN & INK – New Works by Jenny Laidlaw 1‐28 November 2014 Eagles Nest Gallery, 50 Great Ocean Road, Aireys Inlet www.eaglesnestgallery.com.au More Details go to Page 44 PRINT EXCHANGE 2014 EXHIBITION Anglesea Arthouse – 1&2 November ( Melbourne Cup Weekend) 10am – 4pm An inspired active group of 13 Printmakers led by teacher/mentor Lee Powell, have chosen to do a “Print Exchange.” This requires each to produce a set of 13 similar prints, each printmaker then receives one from each other, which is then put together as aset. A delightful reciprocal gift of each other’s work! This will be celebrated with a PRINTMAKERs’ Exhibition of this and other print work at the Anglesea Art House. During the weekend there will also be demonstrations of printmaking. Anglesea Arthouse, Cameron Road, Anglesea www.angleseaarthouse.com.au More Details go to Page 42 Qdos Arts & Sculpture Park – feature artist of the month – October Nicky Perkins – breathing space Matthew Fagan returns with his new show 'Virtuoso ‐ a Homage to my Ancestors! Saturday 8 November – 8.15pm Qdos Art Courses 2014 Workshops Bronze Casting Course Anton Hassel, popular and humourist tutor. Again back by popular demand, Anton shares his wealth of knowledge and stories whilst working at Meridan Foundry Melbourne, in his student days to his own journey with bell making and the creation of Federation Bells at Birrarung Marr. Using the Ceramic shell process, students will create a wax and follow the progress Of their sculpture through to the finished bronze. Casting In Bronze in 2 parts November 6, 7 and Nov 20, 21 $850 per student Or create your own stone sculpture from Castlemaine sandstone with Anton BUY A GIFT VOUCHER FOR A FRIEND For further information please visit www. Qdosarts.com or call Graeme on 0438742095 Qdos Arts & Sculpture Park, Allenvale Road, Lorne Vic 323 ph 03 52891989 qdos@iprimus.com.au www.qdosarts.com www.woodfiredceramics.com.au
More Details go to Page 22‐26 TORQUAY THEATRE TROUPE Torquay Theatre Troupe will present "Cosi" by Louis Nowra directed by Michael Baker November 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22 at 8.00pm and November 16 at 2.00pm at 16 Price Street, Torquay. This hilarious comedy is set inside a psychiatric institution where Lewis, a university student has been employed to direct a show. The zany and lovable residents make his directorial debut a bit disconcerting to say the least! Purchase tickets at the Torquay Visitor Information Centre ‐ open 7 days a week. Ticket prices: Adult $20, Student/Concession $17 plus a $1 booking fee per ticket. Phone 5261 4219 for information. More Details go to Page 27 The last show was sold out ‐ don't wait. TORQUAY LIBRARY, Beach Road, Torquay More Details go to Pages 33 on LEARN iPAD BASICS (eKnow How poster attached) Find out why iPads are so popular and learn some secrets to help you get the most out of your device. Bring along your own iPad or use one provided by the library. Thursday 6 November 2.00‐3.00pm Bookings required AUTHOR EVENT – JACKIE HOSKING – THE CROC AND THE PLATYPUS Join the author of this delightful children’s book as she talks about her Australian re‐imagining of Edward Lear’s nonsense poem The Owl and the Pussycat… “The croc and the platypus trundled off in a rusty old Holden ute. They took some damper and tea in a hamper and bundled it up in the boot.” Join Jackie, Croc and Platypus for an Australian Outback hullabaloo! Wednesday 19th November 4.00‐5.00pm Bookings online 4
ommunity C
Cottage Deans Marsh Co
Hey evveryone, well it has alreadyy been 3 montths since the CCottage re opened and wha
at a huge 3 moonths it has b
been. We haave been inund
dated with su
upport from th
he communityy and so manyy great ideas tthat we culmi nated into terrm 3 and now
w term 4 proggrams. The ressponse to worrkshops, coursses and activitties has been terrific and w
we are so imprressed with th
he talent of ou
ur local community membeers! nd drop in to let us know w
what you would like to see aat The Don’t fforget the nexxt Deans Marssh Market on Sunday 23rd November an
Cottagge......Ruth and
d Donna Term 4
4 Opening Ho
ours Tues, Thu
urs & Fri 9am ‐ 2pm, Sat 100am ‐12noon
‘Mixed Dozen’ Co
ommunity Plaanting & Lun
nch Thu, 6 November 20014 11am ‐ 1pm munity Cottagee Deans Marsh Comm
unity lunch & ‘expect desse
ert!’ Join uss for a commu
Lunch sponsored byy Mixed Dozen Grants FRREE Chainsaws for Chiicks Saturd
day 8 Novemb
ber 2014 Time TBA Parkerrs Rd Co
ost $30 per peerson Bo
ook by 1 Noveember 2014 First A
Aid Course Tuesdaay 11 Novemb
ber 2014 9am ‐ 3pm
m Deans Marsh Comm
munity Cottagee Cost $60 per person
Book by 4 November 20
014 Cushio
on Cover Basics Saturd
day 15 Novem
mber 2014 noon 10am ‐ 12n
Deans Marsh Comm
munity Cottagee n cushion inseert included Bo
ook by 10 Novvember 2014
Cost $10 per person
5000 Poppies Projject: Craft W
Workshop Lea
arn to Crochhet Tuesdaay 18 Novemb
ber 2014 6pm ‐ 8pm
m Deans Marsh Comm
munity Cottagee Brring along redd wool & croch
het hooks
Book by 111 November 2
2014 FREE
Food Handling Co
ourse Tuesdaay 25 Novemb
ber 2014 2:30 pm 9:30 am ‐ 2
Deans Marsh Comm
munity Cottagee Co
ost $35 per peerson Bo
ook by 22 Novvember 2014 Surf Coast Arttists and EEvents in other plac
es…. Poetrry Worksho
op Join award‐winnin
ng poet‐ Jullie Maclean Exercisses to stimulaate your imagiination Write to surprise an
nd delight o sharpen your poems Tips to
m Sat Oct 25 Belmo
ont Library Geeelong $20 Please book to reserve placee ‐Limit 15 : ggeelongwriters@gmail.com
m M
Bring a
along a small object or pho
otograph that represents orr engages you. More Details ggo to Page 45
5 Best in Show Four A
Award Winnin
ng Plays Eightt Award Winn
ning Actors Tw
wo performan
nces only! 24//25 October @
@ Courthouse ARTS Theatree These engaging, enllightening, fun
nny and poign
nant gems havve all been mu
ulti‐ award‐wiinners at one‐‐act festivals tthroughout Viictoria. ne, final, glorio
ous outing. Now itt’s time for on
Come on this theatrrical journey aas we explore the human coondition, the canine condittion, work, lovve, loss, sex, h
happiness, joyy, hole shebang.. sadnesss, and the wh
have you laugghing, crying, tthinking, barkking, ponderin
ng, wandering and everythi ng in between
n! Besancon, Rosse Musselwhite, Julie Frym an, Lina Libro
oaperto, Maryy The acctors – Iris Waalshe‐Howling, Janine Mackkenzie, Philip B
en and Christin
ne Davey Hotel – by Raimondo Co
The plays: Ellephant Counttry – by Christtine Davey
Rain – by D
Daniel Keene
ortese ng At The Moo
on – by Christtine Davey Howlin
More D
Details go to P
Page 38 In t he Lyons Den ANN
TION Geeloong Sculptorrs inc. The an
nnual sculpturre exhibition is being held in Geelong’s CCity Hall foyer on Gheringha
ap st until the end of Octob
ber. This ye
ear’s title and theme has ussed a word‐play on Geelongg’s current mayor’s name, but is a celeb ration of the diversity and vitality of Gee
elong and its ssurrounding reegion. Expectt to see sculptture in a varieety of medium
ms expressing tthis theme in a number of literal and lateeral ways. Me
ediums included in past ye
ears exhibitions have been: steel, timberr, stone, glasss, bronze, ceraamic, mosaic, found objectss, paper, textile and more.
Geelong Sculptors inc. has been together since 2001. The group’s main aim is to encourage and promote sculpture in every medium
and sculptors at all levels. Our members are spread around our incredible region. From the Surf Coast we have: Cinnamon and Rowan Stephens, Melinda Solly, Sue Corbet, Joy Beeby, Caroline Hawkins, Geo. Francis and Bill Jackman. From the Bellerine: Noel Read, Julie Shaw, Carolyn McKinnon, Laurie Close We have Ade Loe, David and Lyn Dickson, Betty Collier and Lucy McEachern from the Golden Plains and Edward T. Guida, Margit Bischof, Ray Luke, Daphne Mackinnon, Beryl Stott, Darren Matthews, Laine Hogarty and Dani Salvo representing Geelong. The exhibition is free to view and is open business hours Monday to Friday until the end of October. All sculpture will be for sale. For more information contact Cinnamon 0400 436 308 Regional Opportunities – near and far!! Artists from Queenscliff Rural Australians for Refugees are presenting a community awareness exhibition in Geelong, aimed at stimulating change around asylum seeker issues: ‘OUT OF THE DARKNESS’ 11‐19th October 10 am to 5pm. Wesley Church Hall, 100 Yarra Street, Geelong FREE ENTRY The exhibition is presented as a large installation combining paintings, fibres, graphics, photography, sculpture and text. The artists hope that this powerful and beautiful exhibition will encourage us to re‐affirm our commitment to our core values, to honour the UN Refugee Convention that Australia has signed, and to confirm that we, as a humane and caring society, can shine a light in the darkness. This is the fourth installation in a series created by the Queenscliff RAR artists since 2004. These exhibitions travelled throughout regional Victoria and metropolitan Melbourne, attracting many thousands of visitors, and played a significant role in bringing about community awareness and stimulating change around asylum seeker issues. The inspiration for these exhibitions came from witnessing the heartache and despair faced by asylum seekers who had been imprisoned in Australia's notorious Immigration Detention prisons. The first exhibition ,"Pillows of Tears", told the stories of those whose voices could not be heard from behind the razor‐wire. Subsequent exhibitions ,"Beyond Tears" and "Tears from the Heart", focused on other aspects of Australia's refugee policies: the cruel Temporary Protection Visas with no family re‐union; the forced returns to danger; the plight of those trapped in dangerous homelands; and the reasons for seeking asylum. In these dark times where new legislation currently before Parliament, the Asylum Legacy Bill, is designed to strip away the already limited safeguards for people seeking asylum, it is vitally important that we inform ourselves. See summary at http://www.refugeecouncil.org.au/n/mr/140926_AsylumLegacyBill.pdf More Details go to Page 43 Art@Wintergarten Waites Robson Stonemasons Art Prize at art@wintergarden Waites Robson Stonemasons’ are celebrating 150 years of service to the community by hosting an art prize in conjunction with art@wintergarden Geelong during the month of October. The prize was open to all Australian residents and will be an acquisitive first prize totalling $4000 along with a People’s Choice Award of $1000. Artists entering The Waites Robson Stonemasons Art Prize were asked to consider the long history of Waites Robson Stonemasons, the memorialisation and celebration of life. Just as aesthetics are considered in all monuments the prize challenged the artists to provide their own interpretation through mediums such as painting, sculpture, drawing and printmaking. Established in 1864 Waites Robson Stonemasons has had a proud history in the Monumental industry. In 2014 Waites Robson Stonemasons who have offices in regional Victoria and New South Wales will be celebrating 150 years in design, manufacture and installation of cemetery monuments and headstones. art@wintergarden is proud to be participating in the 150th anniversary events for Waites Robson Stonemasons. Exhibition runs to 3 November, 2014 Sunday 23 November As normal the card tables are $50 with the larger table being $70.The market runs from 10am ‐ 4pm. A new permanent feature of the Gallery are regional ceramics including Limoges porcelain, crystal glazing, domestic wear and hand decorated vases and bowls by Brian Keyte ‐ Ana Maria Hernandez y Jensen ‐ Deb Taylor ‐ Dianne Kirk. Shop 5, Wintergarden, 51 McKillop Street, Geelong Victoria 3220 P 0401 160 430 / www.artwintergarden.com.au Open daily 10am – 4pm Follow us on Facebook ‐ art wintergarden Metropolis Gallery: COLLECTORS SHOW 11‐ 25 October Metropolis is proud to present selected works sourced for this show directly from the art estates of Len Annois, Kenneth Jack and Ludmilla Meilerts, together with works by Rick Amor, Joseph Banks, Charles Blackman, Peter Booth, Arthur Boyd, Jazmina Cininas, Sybil Craig, Lawrence Daws, Russell Drysdale, George Colville, Graham Fransella, Robert Ingpen, Robert Jacks, David Larwill, Michael Leunig, Lionel Lindsay, Marco Luccio, John Olsen, Ian Parry, Lloyd Rees, Garry Shead, Constance Stokes, Eric Thake, Brett Whiteley, Fred Williams, Joseph Zbukvic and many more. Two major paintings by Judy Watson Napangardi and Kudditji Kngwarreye are also being made available from a private collection, together with other indigenous works from Papunya Tula, Tjala Arts and the Hermannsburg watercolour artists. Metropolis Gallery,64 Ryrie Street Geelong Phone: 5221 6505 Open: 9 – 5.30 Weekdays, 10 – 4 Saturday info@metropolisgallery.com.au www.metropolisgallery.com.au www.facebook.com/metropolisgallerygeelong 6
ek porcelain until 30 Novemb
ber Drawn
n from the Galllery’s renown
ned collection
n, this exhibitioon of exquisittely handcrafted decorativee porcelain produced by Ireeland’s Belleek Pottery inclu
udes examplees of the facto
ory’s signaturee shell forms aand filigree ba
askets as well as delicate te
ea wares embellished with Iriish shamrock motifs. Manyy of the objectts are notable for their distinctive ivory‐ccoloured, subttly iridescent glaze. works, this charming exhibition showcasses the masterworks from tthe Gallery's ccomprehensivve and acclaim
med Featurring some 40 w
Belleek holdings alo
ong with one w
work, which h
has been loaneed from a privvate collection
n. Director of Geeelong Galleryy said, 'The Gaallery has an o
outstanding co
ollection of Beelleek potteryy—one of the largest Geoffrrey Edwards, D
in the southern hem
misphere—thee depth of which is largely ddue to the generous gifts of Dr Robert annd Catherine Edwards, Lynette met, and the descendants off James and A
Amelia Riches..' 'This exhibition reveals th
he superb crafftsmanship of Belleek Potteery, Hamm
which has been Irelaand's pre‐emiinent ceramicc manufactoryy for almost 16
60 years,' Mr Edwards expllained. ory of Belleekk Pottery begins with the inheritance by Irish landown
ner, John Caldw
well Bloomfieeld (1823–189
97), of the Casstle The sto
ell estate at B
Belleek in County Fermanaggh in 1849, at a time when Ireland was in
n the grip of a disastrous po
otato famine. With the losss of nearly a quarter of thee County’s population throuugh migration
n or death by starvation, Joohn Bloomfield
d’s concern fo
or the plight of his tenantss inspired a plan to establish a business—
—a commerciaal pottery as itt transpired—
—that would create jobs forr the local community.
Geelong G
Gallery, Little M
Malop St, Geeelong Art an
nd Craft @ Wholefood
ds Café A great range of opp
portunities! Arts and Eventts: 5221 6044 Contacct Diversitat A
2 Bayl ie Place, Geelong ONG
……………. SINGIN
CE “Singging at the SShed” Torquaay Communityy Men’s Shed have added tto their prograam and aftern
noon of “Singing at the Sheed” on each M
Monday at 1:330pm. The Sh
hed is located at the rear off Torquay’s Olld Police Station at 18 Pricee Street Torquaay. The aim is to harness th
he therapeuticc value of singging and we are keen to add
d to our numbbers. All men aree welcome to join us. UNIV
OOVES Bringin
ng World Mussic and Dance to the Surf Co
oast supporteed by Surf Coaast Arts and Re
egional Arts VVictoria Interacctive performance with local performerss and internattional guest arrtists in song, dance and muusic, byo instrruments or hire availab
ble. Go to Universal Groovees on the Surff Coast on Fac ebook for all updates, videos and photo s of past even
nts or see the Wild Movess blogspot. WILD M
ARK, 100 Dufffields Rd corner Fernbach'ss Drive 6.30pm
m: Drum circlee: African stick and djembe
e drumming foor all adults att various levels. 7.30pm
m: Stylin' Afriq
que Dance for all adults at various levelss of fitness M: 040
09 025 062 ww.wildmovess.com @wildmoves.co
om Evvery TUESDAY
Y E: jacqui@
W: ww
ovansky Meemorial Australian Academy of Daancing (BMA
AAD) syllabus training , undder the directiion of Marilyn
n Jones O.B.E. and the Ausstralian Instituute of Classica
al Dance (AICD
D) ‐Beginners (3+ yearss) to Advanceed with a dedication to excellennce TORQUAYY, LORNE & DE
EANS MARSH ‐Fully aaccredited teaaching staff w
ments open no
ow! Phone
e: 0432 829 4552 www.eleveeballetstudio.w
wix.com/eleveeballetstudio email: eleveballetstudio@gmail.ccom PR
RINCIPAL: Eboony Groten, A.AICD, BFA Da
ance, BHSc MSST, Dip. Rem. Therapies. For W
Winchelsea an
nd Deans Marsh Region: At Marlene's "Jazz It U
Up" Colac Schoo
ol of Dance we don't just teachh our students how to move their bodies. W
We firmly believe that there is m
more to dancingg than just movving, and teach all our studentts the importannce of respectin
ng themselves, respecting eachh other, and living in a manner that will be beneficial to th
hemselves and ttheir wider com
mmunity..... beccause Dancing is not just how
w you move, it iis how you live.. Our da
ance school  offfers Dance Tu
uition in Balleet (Classical, Po
ointe & Conteemporary), Taap(Industrial and Theatrical ), Modern Jazzz, and mix some Hip Ho
op, Funk and Break Dance iin with it all to
oo.  offfers VCE Dance and Dance
e Exams (American Jazz Dannce and Austrralian Theatriccal Dance Inc) .  haas Professionaal Annual Perrformances th
hat are not jusst a Dance Reccital or a Scho
ool Concert ‐ t hey are fully cchoreographeed and co
ostumed productions with m
motivational sstorylines tha t convey a me
essage to our students and audiences whilst showing the caapabilities of o
our dancers.  su
upports Local Community EEvents ‐ is ofte
en invited to pperform at special functions for the Colaac Otway Shire
e and other lo
ocal orrganisations. is involved in the deelivery of Activve After Scho
ool Communitties programs :Contact 0417 146 425 w
Inclusive Arts Network which is a website to promote artists with disability, more information on this website can be found at http://www.ian.org.au. They would like artists with disability to have access to arts opportunities that are available within your region. We can promote your available opportunities via a free listing on our website. You can either email directly with opportunities as they arise, or If you have a mailing list for any of your art opportunities would you be able to add the Inclusive Arts Network to the mailing list ‐ the email is ‐ info@ian.org.au. VISUAL ARTS Surfcoast Images Gallery carries an extensive range of West Coast photography from The Apostles to The Bellarine Peninsular by Kevan Way. Large high resolution panoramas are a specialty and can be printed in‐house to any size. Kevan was a Commercial Photographer in Melbourne for 30 years, and has been based in Torquay for 8 years. He also carries a wide range of landscapes from Australia, Art Photography, and imagery from around the world. He represents surf photographer Peter 'Joli' Wilson and abstract small wave photographer Deb Morris exclusively in Torquay. Surfcoastimages Gallery 2b Gilbert Street, Torquay 5264 8338 kev@surfcoastimages.com.au http://www.surfcoastimages.com.au/ Art Exhibition Space in Torquay The Torquay Lions Village has opened its Community Centre for exhibitions of local artists’ paintings. According to Lions Village Torquay Chairman Phillip Newson, opening the Village Community Centre for the display of local art serves at least two purposes. “First. it provides an opportunity for local artists to have their paintings displayed to the public as they are on display seven days a week. As well, Village residents are able to see a variety of artworks every couple of months without having to travel to other venues.” Other Torquay artists are invited to take advantage of the space available at the Lions Village Community Centre. “Anyone interested in exhibiting in the Village should contact Jenny Tresize on 52648755.” Ginkoh Free Range Jewellery Studio/ Gallery Jewellery Designer, Metalsmith, Artist‐ creating bespoke pieces for the individual. Australian handcrafts produced onsite in studio gallery featuring Jewellery, Pottery & Figure Drawing. 3/57 Geelong Road Torquay 3228 Open 7 days 10‐4pm www.ginkohjewellery.com Anglesea Art House, Cameron Rd Try a new skill, meet new people and have fun. Ongoing Regular classes, held throughout the year during school term time: Mondays Beginners WATERCOLOUR 1pm ‐3pm cost $12 Tutor Louise: 0409199178 Life Drawing. Friendly, relaxed group. All skill levels welcome. Easel provided. BYO drawing materials, paper and board clips. 7‐9pm. Cost $12. Contact Julie 0412003759 Tuesdays MOSAICS From 10.30 am Materials available to purchase at a reasonable price. Experienced members available to help with tuition if needed. Great fun. POTTERY Studio Open Wheels and Kiln Available. Materials available to purchase. Enquiries Bev 52631726. GLASS FUSING AND SLUMPING Glass Fusing and Slumping Enquiries Gwyn 52672995 Wednesdays PRINTING From 10.30 am Bring your own materials. Printing press and enthusiasm supplied. Contact Jill – 5263 2038 Thursdays WATERCOLOUR 10am ‐12pm cost $12 An exciting class which caters for all abilities A variety of technique and subject matter. Tutor Louise Price Enquiries Louise: 0409199178 FIBRE ARTS (Dyeing Felting,Weaving,Spinning,Knitting, Embroidery, Patchwork etc) Enquiries Adele: 5263 3496 4th Thursdays of Month 1pm onwards :Come and share your knowledge with like minds or learn from them Fridays PAINT IN ANY MEDIUM Fridays 10am ‐12pm The Friday Art Group – Do your own thing Tuition if required Tutor and Enquiries Jan Dick 5261 5573 For general enquiries and membership information Pat McKenzie pat_mckenzie@bigpond.com.au : 5289 7041 0418 179554 PO Box 86 Anglesea 3230 www.anglesaarthouse.com.au Welcome to the Bell Street Art revolution Artspaces to visit in Bell St, Torquay ‐ stroll and enjoy the local artists and photographers’ works Bell Street Gallery ‐ Artscapes/AtmosMedia Shop 3, 15 Bell st WaterMarks Photo Gallery Barrie Sutherland ‐ 2, 38‐40 Bell St 5264 7232 Tigerfish ShoP 12, 15 Bell st 5264 7271 www.tigerfish.com.au 8
COMMUNITY HOUSES ANGLESEA AND DISTRICT COMMUNITY HOUSE For program and updates go to www.anglesea.org.au/ Pages 12‐15 Winchelsea Community House – 28 Hesse Street, Winchelsea 3241. Ph: 5267 2028 Fax 5267 2753 Email: education@winchhouse.org.au Floristry, Youth Work, Cheese Making, TOY LIBRARY –http://winchhouse.org.au/ WINCHELSEA COMMUNITY HOUSE TOY LIBRARY NOW OPEN *** MONDAYS 9.00 am ‐ 12.00 noon *** (not during school holidays) Borrow toys for babies to school age. Saves you money and storage space at home. It gives your child an amazing experience with a variety of educational quality toys assisting in co‐ordination, imagination, balance, role playing, problem solving and FUN!. They even learn basic life skills like sharing, respect for toys, how to socialise with other children and the parents meet new friends too. Each week we put on an activity corner too, so your children can play and you can spend some time meeting new parents. Open: Mondays 9.00 am ‐ 12.00 noon (not during school holidays) Cost: FREE MEMBERSHIP and costs $2 for 2 toys for 2 weeks. Enquries (03) 5267 2028 Mon ‐ Fri 9am ‐ 2pm Winchelsea Community House, 30 Hesse Street, Winchelsea VIC 3241 (behind the blue stone tearooms) SPRING CREEK COMMUNITY HOUSE 14 Price Street Torquay Phone: 5261 2583 COURSES AND ACTIVITIES Ongoing through School Terms except if otherwise specified. For program and updates go to www.springcreekcommunityhouse.org.au ART and CRAFT COMMUNITY ART STUDIO Acrylics and Watercolour ‐ Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:00 – 3:30pm Jan Dick artist in residence Tuesdays and Pat McKenzie Artist in Residence Thursdays. Inquiries: 5261 2583 $7 tutor fee per week ($20 non refundable deposit on enrolment) QUIRKY CRAFT – Coffee Morning All welcome – come along and work on projects together – sewing machines available. Wednesdays 10:30am – 12:00 noon PAINTING with PARKINSON’S People living with Parkinsons. Have fun and discover your creativity and the art of exercise through painting. 1st Friday of each month 10:45pm – 12:45pm $10 per session Inquiries: Fiona 5261 2583 SIT AND SEW This new group welcomes all for a sew and chat. 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month 1:30 – 3:30pm $3 per session Contact: 5261 2583 CARDMAKING FOR BEGINNERS: Learn and make 3 to 4 cards every class. Make Christmas Cards in the last 2 classes Fridays from 24 October to 14 November 7:00pm – 9:00pm Cost $90 SCRAPBOOKING FOR BEGINNERS: Learn the basic tips and tricks of scrapbooking. Fridays November 21 – December 7:00pm – 9:00pm Cost: $60 Contact Helen 0400 271 462 LIFE STYLE SATYANANDA YOGA accredited teacher. Combining a balance of Asana (postures), Meditation and Relaxation. For new and current practitioners Fridays 9:15 ‐10:30am $12 casual $10 conc. Enquiries 5261 2583. YOGABIRTH Yoga for pregnancy with Maureen Finemore (midwife and Yoga teacher). Tuesdays 6pm ‐7:15pm $100 for 6 classes or $18 casual. BYO pillow and blanket Ph:0400 534 534 maurfin@tpg.com.au WELLBEING AND MEDITATION Mondays 1pm – 2pm 6 October – 1 December Gold Coin donation Registration: Text Nikki or 0400 497 024 or 5261 2007 MEDITATION AND PHILOSOPHY Thursdays 10:30 am – 12:30pm. Gold Coin donation. Enquiries Jean Bohuslav 5264 7484 Health and Wellbeing Course Learn techniques to manage stress, prevent illness and maintain a happy, healthy life. Saturdays 1 November – 6 December . Cost $80 Contact: Nikki 0400 497 024 CHILDREN MORNING ACTIVITY PROGRAMME – MAP Morning Activity Programme for kids and parents Monday: Little Da Vinci's Pre schoolers 9:30am ‐ 10:00am Painting, drawing, clay, playdough ‐ prepare to get messy Tuesday: Bells and Beats 0 ‐ 5 yrs 9:30am ‐ 10:00am 0 ‐ 5 yrs 10:15am ‐10:45am Songs, music, movement dance and fun with instruments Wednesday: Romp Stomp and Sing Pre schoolers 9:30am ‐ 10:00am. Favourite songs, action and activity. Thursday: Music and Movement 0 – 5 yrs 9:30 ‐10:00am Songs, music, movement dance and fun with instruments $3 donation per child ‐ Grandparents welcome all MAP activities admin@springcreekcommunityhouse.org.au or visit our web page PERSONAL POWER 4 KIDS A program for primary School Children; builds skills and resilience, increased self awareness, promotes self esteem through discussion and play. Mondays 4 – 5:00pm from 13 October $190 Enquiries Kate Marshall 0409 074 137 GUITAR 4 KIDS Introduce your child to music basics and playing guitar in a fun and easy going way. Sarah is a qualified music teacher with 15 years experience. Wednesdays 3:45 – 4:45. Thursdays 3:45 – 5‐45pm $12.50 for half hour session. Contact Sarah 0466 113 138 BIG CONCERTS FOR LITTLE PEOPLE – Special concert for families with children 0‐5 years. Friday 5 September 1.30 – 2.30pm $15 per child $5 an extra child. 9
THE COTTAGE NEWS Leap right in…. Deans Marsh Community Cottage Inc. Deans Marsh Community Cottage 10 Pennyroyal Valley Road, Deans Marsh, Victoria, 3235 5236 3388 cottage@deansmarsh.org.au www.deansmarsh.org.au Office Hours ‐ Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9‐2pm ‐ More Details go to Page 28 Fig Tree Community House ‐ Connectedness ‐ Community Spirit ‐ Lifelong Learning ‐ Wellness ‐ Sustainability Fig Tree Games Group Every Thursday afternoon 1‐ 3.30pm All Welcome Lorne Fig Tree Occasional Care Mondays 9am‐2pm and Fridays 9am‐2pm Call on 5289 2972 to secure your position. Lorne Carer Support Group @ Fig Tree First Tuesday of the Month 1:30 – 3:30pm. The Lorne Carer Support Group enables carers of all ages to have some time off to share experiences and support each other in a relaxed nurturing way. All welcome, enquiries contact Heather Ramp on 5289 4315 Playgroup @ Fig Tree All parents and their kids are welcome to come along and join our weekly session of playgroup at 9.30am‐11.30am every Tuesday. Cost: $3 per family per session. Co‐ordinator Fig Tree Community House Mon, Tue, Wed 52892972 fig.tree@bigpond.com More Details go to Page 16‐19 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES Lorne Historical Society Founded in 1969. Committee meetings on the second Friday each month, at 1 pm, at Fig Tree House. The Annual General Meeting is held in November. President: Gary Allen Secretary: Will Beale All correspondence to P.O. Box 145, Lorne, Victoria 3232. Photographic display location: Fig Tree House, Lorne (opposite the Visitor Information Centre) Open 1st Sunday each month, 1 pm to 4 pm. Website is currently under construction. Anglesea and District Historical Society – History House Ph: 5263‐1249 http://home.vicnet.net.au/~angen/ E‐mail: bodman@netspace.net.au The Anglesea and District Historical Society, McMillan St, was founded in 1980, to foster interest in the pioneering and contemporary history of the Anglesea, Aireys Inlet, Fairhaven, Moggs Creek and Eastern View localities. General meetings are held every two months on the 1st Sunday at 2pm, usually with a guest speaker – Visitors are always welcome. Extensive photographic collection of Anglesea and Great Ocean Road. Publications on many historical (Local) topics for sale. Family History sub‐group was established in 1999. An extensive library and access to overseas and national archives is available. Open for family research on Tuesday and Saturday mornings. Anglesea Historical Society Museum, 5a McMillan St, Anglesea, Victoria. (Entrance 4 of the Anglesea Community Precinct. Melway map 514 (was 196) E7 The Surf Coast Family History Group Ph: 5289 6686 http://home.vicnet.net.au/~angen/fh_home.htm Email:pathugs@hushmail.com The Family History Group is situated at the Anglesea and District Historical Society, McMillan St., Anglesea – follow the signs!! Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 10am. Research can be conducted on Tuesdays: 10:30 am ‐ 1:00 pm. Wednesdays: By appointment. Saturdays: 10:30 am ‐ 1:00 pm. (Closed during school holidays and public holidays.) Address as per Anglesea and District Historical Society Torquay and District Historical Society Secretary Lorraine Marshall, Secretary Tel, 0409 212 479 email lmarsha1@bigpond.net.au Open Sundays 2‐4 18 Price Street, Torquay Group has a collection of photos and memorabilia and history of Torquay. Monthly meetings held on the last Monday. History walk around Torquay and the history of Bells Beach and Bell Family, tracing the Cobb and Co Coach Trail. http://torquayhistory.com/ Located at TOPS, 18 Price Street, Torquay. Open Sunday afternoons 2pm – 4pm. LIKE them on Facebook Winchelsea and District Historical Society Like them on Facebook!! Ph: 5267 2494 or 5267 2363 E‐mail: hissoc@internode.on.net Web: http://home.vicnet.net.au/~winchsoc/ Historical Society rooms are in the old Shire Offices, Hesse Street, Winchelsea. Open Wednesday 1‐ 5 pm, or other times by appointment. Collection of photographs, books, documents, family histories etc pertaining to the history of the district. Research aids include Winchelsea and Barrabool Shire rate books, parish plans, family histories, cemetery records, various indices etc. 10
And in GEELoNG Geelong Fine Art School – 560A Latrobe Boulevard, Newtown. Phone: 5221 8874 or 5264 1523 Founded in 1988 by Geelong Based artists Robert Drummond and Patricia Semmler has become a centre for students, artists and art interested people. The school offers quality part time art courses for adults, teenagers and primary school aged students. Painting, drawing, 3D, art history lectures, an annual student art exhibition are just some of the things on offer at this unique and innovative artist run school housed in an historic warehouse by the Barwon River. Beginners and advanced students welcome. Art is...Studios & Gallery 64 Little Malop Street, Geelong 3220 Art is… was founded by Debra Jackson and Jan Synot after they graduated from the Advanced Diploma of Visual Art from Brougham Art School. They wanted to create a hub for artists in Geelong. Currently there are five resident artists working out of the studios. Enquiries about studio space may be made through Deb and Jan– see CONTACTS below. Our Gallery is in the Arts Precinct of Little Malop Street, in the Geelong CBD and is available for hire. It is an intimate and welcoming environment for community groups, emerging artists, students and artists who want to have a small exhibition at an affordable rate. For Gallery Hire rates and conditions, contact Jan and Deb or call in to Art is…You are welcome to drop in. Work is for sale and Lay‐by is available. Art is...gives you the opportunity of purchasing art directly from the artist, without the expense of a commercial gallery.
http://www.art‐isgeelong.net/ Business Hours: 11‐3 weekdays, or by appointment Email: jansynot@optusnet.com.au Enquiries: Jan Synot 0421 969 230 Debra Jackson 0414 763 065 CITY OF GREATER GEELONG Weekly Arts Bulletin………….. Dear Arts Bulletin Readers All entries are made via our online submission form, so please submit your articles - . http://www.geelongaustralia.com.au/community/arts/submission.aspx *Don’t forget to upload an interesting colour photo to your listing if you have one.’ And Beyond….. Dear SHOUT! Extra Reader, Over the last month have you been to a group music making event? Why not let us know what happened! We are now looking for articles to be submitted for future SHOUT! and SHOUT! Extra newsletters. While we don’t mind articles/stories about past performances we are looking particularly for short articles/stories about group music making events. The articles need to be between 150 – 220 words. A photo needs to be included with the article. The editor has the right to edit and select the most appropriate articles for SHOUT! and SHOUT! Extra. So while you might submit an article we can’t guarantee that it will be included into the newsletter. We eagerly look forward to you submitting your articles! As usual if you have any advertising material for future SHOUT! & SHOUT! Extra newsletters please send them (and articles) in text or word format to shout_cmv@netspace.net.au . Please find a form attached to this email in word format to help guide you with your advertisements for future SHOUT! And SHOUT! Extra newsletters. For deadlines for articles and advertisement material please see first page of SHOUT! Extra. https://www.facebook.com/cmv.music Email: shout_cmv@netspace.net.au Victorian Music Library, sheet music to our members throughout Victoria. The music collection includes orchestras, preserves and provides for loan a collection of over 60,000 items of string ensembles, brass bands, school music departments, musicians, performers, students and music teachers. Membership is available at a reasonable rate and allows multiple loans from our collection along with other benefits. We provide a postal service and longer loans for rural and regional members. Address: 64‐66 Orrong Road, Elsternwick, Victoria 3185. Tel: (03) 95283135 Email: musiclib@vicnet.net.au Website: www.vicnet.net.au/~vml/ Opening hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays – 10am until 4pm. FUNDING Festivals Australia is an Australian Government funding program designed to assist the presentation of arts and cultural activities at Australian regional and community festivals. The emphasis is on supporting new projects, which add to the quality and diversity of the arts and cultural programming of regular regional and community festivals. http://www.australiacouncil.gov.au/grants/2014/festivals‐australia ARTS VICTORIA HAVE REVAMPED their funding – online applications ! http://www.arts.vic.gov.au/Funding_Programs The next funding round opens online July – closes – August 29!! Funding opportunities – always worth perusing….. Surf Coast Shire some websites include www.rav.net.au 1 Merrijig Drive (PO Box 350) http://www.arts.vic.gov.au/Funding_Programs Torquay Vic 3228 www.philanthropy.org.au (03) 5261 0645 0419 152 520 http://www.australiacouncil.gov.au/ jdyer@surfcoast.vic.gov.au http://www.vichealth.vic.gov.au IF YOU WISH TO BE REMOVED FROM THIS MAILOUT http://www.creativepartnershipsaustralia.org.au/ PLEASE REPLY NOTING YOUR NAME AND ADD http://grants.myregion.gov.au/ "REMOVE" TO SUBJECT http://www.ausindustry.gov.au/search/results.aspx?k=grants http://www.ourcommunity.com.au/best_practice/gnv/resources#general http://www.australiangovernmentgrants.org/qas.php?id=government‐grant
October—December 2014
Courses &
All courses and activities will be delivered at the
Community House, unless otherwise stated
Garden Design & Maintenance
‘My Place’ Writing Workshops
Health & Wellbeing
Lotus Yoga & Riverbank Yoga
Great Ocean Yoga
Yoga @ Aireys Inlet
Pilates Matwork
Music & Movement
Computers & Technology
Facebook Basics
Mastering Microsoft
Intro to Blogging
Intro to iPad
Music Apps
Apple Mac Computers
Bringing up Great Kids
Arts & Crafts
Wednesday Stitchery
Surfcoast Probus Quilters
Anglesea Needles
Accredited Training
First Aid & Perform CPR
Food Safety/Food Handling
Garden Design & Maintenance
with Peter Shaw, Ocean Road Landscaping
The garden course you have been waiting for! Spring has sprung and it is
time to get outdoors and start that garden project you have been dreaming
about. Does your garden need a makeover? Or perhaps you are starting
from scratch with a new garden? This comprehensive course will cover all
sorts of vital information to help you start and complete your garden project
x Why is soil so important to a good garden?
x Plants—philosophy behind plant selection
x Design—simple ideas that work
x Planning and managing a home garden
x Garden tours and inspiration sourcing
When | Saturdays 9.30 am—1.30 pm for 5 weeks commencing
8 November
$80 or $65 concession
‘My Place' … writing workshops with Janet Brown
For people who are interested in exploring the creativity of writing about
places and environments that are special to them. Places in your memory,
places that you dream about, or the place where you live or holiday. What
do you cherish? What are your memories? What are the challenges? What
are the joys and your future aspirations for that place?
These workshops would interest new writers and experienced writers – all
are welcome. It could be as personal as reflecting on your photos, buildings
or objects, and as broad in scope as speculating about the sustainability of
the Surfcoast environment and lifestyle. Whether you are interested in
writing for your blog, for performance, interviewing other residents for their
stories and history of a town, or a series of letters to your children… the
creative potential is entirely up to you.
When |
Saturdays 10.00 am—3.00 pm for 4 weeks commencing
8 November
$80 or $65 concession
Health & Wellbeing
Lotus Yoga
Tutor | Jannie Kemp
This very popular class will
enhance your fitness through
yoga poses and stretching.
Learn breathing, relaxation and
meditation techniques and
wash those everyday stresses
When | Fridays 9.30—11.00am
10 Oct—12 December
Cost | $110 for 10 weeks or
$13 casual
Riverbank Yoga (beach end)
8.30—9.30 am daily
27 Dec—7 Jan, then every Wed
& Sun until 25 Jan
Cost | $8 casual
Inquiries to Jannie Kemp
52 631 536
NICFIT – Don’t just get fit,
Tutor | Nicky Friel
Qualified and Registered
Personal Trainer
Group Fitness/Circuit Classes
Improve your fitness in this feel
good class that includes cardio
and resistance training, boxing,
fitball and circuit work. Have fun
while improving your mental and
physical wellbeing.
Where |
Anglesea Hall
Tuesdays 7.00 pm &
Saturdays 8.30 am
10 classes for $120
or $14 casual
Great Ocean Yoga
Tutor | Evelyn Switajewski
Enjoy the benefits of correct
posture, building muscle strength
and awareness of your breath.
This class aims to leave you
feeling relaxed and more aware
of your body.
General classes – during school
When | Mondays 6.00–7.30 pm
Tuesdays 9.30–11.00am
Cost | $15 per session
Contact Evelyn 0423 768 979
for further information
Yoga @ Aireys Inlet
Tutor | Shane Lewis
Beginners and general classes.
When | Mondays 6.00—
7.30pm at the Aireys
Inlet Community Hall
Suitable for all levels of fitness.
Bring a bottle of water and towel/
Outdoor classes commencing in
NICKY 0403 779 084
| $10 per week
Contact Shane on 52 896 862
for further information
Music & Movement for
Kids—with Michelle Drury
For toddlers and pre-schoolers,
this active and entertaining
session is great fun for kids and
parents alike.
Guaranteed to get everyone
dancing and involved.
When | Wednesdays 9.30—10.00
Cost | $3 per child or $5 family
Tutor | Andrea Lloyd
Come and enjoy an awesome workout tailored for all levels, including
those who have muscle/joint imbalances and/or aches and pains.
Benefits include longer, leaner muscles, core strength & stability, injury
prevention, relief from stress & back pain, better posture, improved
balance & co-ordination & overall feeling of health and well-being.
When |
Wednesdays 10.15—11.15 am and 7.00—8.00 pm,
from 24 Sept to 3 Dec (no classes on 8 Oct)
$15 per class (casual) or $100 for block of 10 classes
Andrea is a qualified & registered Pilates instructor—Matwork & Reformer—the
Pilates Hub, NEW Pilates studio in Anglesea
For further information and bookings call Andrea on 0488 318 222
x Courses will only proceed if
sufficient enrolments are
x Full payment is required at least
1 week prior to course starting
x Cancellations must be advised
at least 72 hours prior to
starting date to receive a full
Facebook Basics
Computers & Technology
Tutor | Erin Merry
Is Facebook still a mystery to
you? Would you like to know the
basics of creating a personal
Facebook account, how to share
information, chat and messages,
how to upload photos and create
And equally importantly—what
not to do on Facebook? This one
day introductory course will
demystify and explain.
When | Fridays 21 & 28 Nov
from 10 am—12.00 pm
| $65, plus $5 for manual
Mastering Microsoft
Word, Excel, Publisher, PowerPoint, Access, Internet & Email and
Touch Typing
Tutor | Ann Wingad
(Basic computer skills required)
Whichever program you choose to learn, you will cover the basics
and be supported every step of the way by your tutor, as well as
comprehensive learning materials. Come along and improve your
knowledge and confidence to enable you to carry out all those tasks
which may have been beyond your reach in the past. Over 6 weeks
you will cover all the essentials to operate the program of your
When | Thursdays 6.30—9.00 pm for 6 weeks beginning 6 Nov
Cost | $80 or $65 concession, plus $5 for instruction manual
Introduction to iPad—BYO iPad (not suitable for other tablets)
Tutor | Paul Jones
These popular classes are still in demand so we have Paul returning
for another term.
Learn how to navigate through the various screens on your iPad,
control the settings so they work best for you, make the best use of
contacts, maps, email, your calendar, notes and a variety of preinstalled apps. Discover some wonderful apps that can make your
life even more fun and exciting.
No prior knowledge required. Just bring along your iPad for two
hours of discovery each week.
When |
Wednesdays 2.00—4.00 pm for 4 weeks
from 22 October
Cost |
Intro to Blogging
Music Apps for iPad and
Tutor | Paul Jones
Learn how to access music from
your iPad or iPhone, create
playlists, download albums or
stream your favourites. Discover
new artists that suit your style and
even record tunes to share with
Spotify, Pandora and iTunes are
just the start. Just bring along your
iPad or iPhone for two hours on the
magical mystery tour.
When | Wednesday 16 November
Discover ‘Blogging’, and build your
own Blog using WordPress. Learn
how to write and publish blog
posts, add images, links, menus
and format the layout.
By the end of this workshop you
will have a working website!
When | Saturday 8 November
10 am—1.00 pm
| $55
Basic computer
skills required
2.00—4.00 pm
Cost |
Apple Mac Computers for Everyone
With a focus on desktop computers and notebooks these informal
group sessions are aimed at the everyday person – to share
information and learn from each other. Bring along your questions,
and your notebook/laptop.
When | 1st Thursday of month, (school terms) from 1.00—2.30 pm
Cost | Gold coin donation
Bringing up Great Kids A 6 week program for parents of children aged 5 to 12 years
Parenting is a two-way learning journey with lots of challenges and rewards along the way. This program will
focus on parenting styles, communication, respect and gaining insight into the issues of today such as the
constant presence of technology in our lives. How do you find that balance between ’screen time’ and
meaningful communication and interaction? How do you better equip yourselves and your children to manage
the complex issues around safety and security on the internet and social media? These topics as well as many
others will be discussed over six weekly sessions.
Register your interest and availability by calling 52 632 116. Cost is $20 or $6.50 concession.
An initiative of the Department of Education & Early Childhood Development, delivered by City of Greater Geelong
Arts & Crafts
Anglesea Needles
Come & join our group each Wednesday 10.00 am—12.00 pm
The ‘Needles’ are Anglesea’s
long running group of
embroiders, meeting on the
second Saturday of each month
10.00 am to 4.00 pm.
If you need advice, or you are skilled with any handicraft, or just
want to chat. Our ladies quilt, knit, do applique, tapestry and cross
-stitch or anything else! All welcome.
Surfcoast Probus Quilters
Wednesday Stitchery
We meet the fourth Monday of
each month, 9.30 am—4.00 pm.
All welcome.
Accredited Training
Apply First Aid & Perform CPR Training (includes defibrillator training)
With Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) - every minute counts. People who collapse with SCA only have a short 10
minute window of survival. With every passing minute, the chance of survival reduces by 10%. First Aid training
programs provide you with the knowledge, understanding and confidence to make a difference.
When |
Saturday 18 October, 9.00 am—4.00 pm (full course) or 9.00 am—12.00 pm for CPR Refresher only
$160 for full program (Level II First Aid— renewal required every 3 years)
$65 for CPR Refresher (renewal required every 12 months)
Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA)
Food Safety/Food Handling
This course meets the requirements for workplaces
in the hospitality industry and sporting clubs.
(Statement of Attainment).
This course meets the requirements for workplaces
in applied food handling within the hospitality
industry (Statement of Attainment).
When |
Friday 5 Dec 9.00 am—1.00 pm
When |
Friday 28 Nov 9.00 am—4.00 pm
Entrance 4, 5 McMillan St
Anglesea, 3230
p: 0352 632 116
e: courses@anglesea.org.au
Direct Debit details:
Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633 000
Acc. No. 126493535
Cheese making workshop
ipad Basics
Saturday 15th November
10.00am – 4.00pm
$150 per person inc ingredients, notes & cheese!
Wednesday 10th December
1.00pm - 3.30pm
Free – please RSVP to secure your spot
Ever wondered how cheese is made?
Find out why iPads are so popular and learn some
secrets to help you get the most out of your device.
Come along to this full day workshop with professional
cheese maker Charlene Angus and discover how easy it
is to to make haloumi & goats cheese at home.
Bring along your own iPad or use one provided by the
A workshop with Bellarine Cheese Maker Charlene
Angus including all ingredients, details notes and
cheese to take home!
A great day of learning and laughs!
Bookings & payment required by 1 November
Aimed at Victorian Seniors’ Card holders, this session
is presented by the Geelong regional
Library Corporation and is associated with
the Victorian Tech Savvy Seniors Program,
a partnership between the Victorian
Seniors’ Card Program and Telstra.
Please rsvp 5289-2972 by 1st December
Anxious Bird
WiFi Wednesdays
Wednesday 12th November
6.30pm – 8.30pm
$10 per person
10am – 2pm
Gold coin – printing additional
Big wings little wings
Every time we flap our wings in a wild anxious way,
little people are watching. They learn from us.
Women, mums daughters.
Bring down your phone, ipad, android tablet or laptop
and make use of WiFi at the Community House.
Join us to hear Jules Haddock’s experience
ce with
rategies you
anxiety and find positive and effective strategies
n endeavour
can implement in your everyday life, in an
to reduce Anxiety and restore your wingss for flying
into positive realms of recovery.
Jules shares her personal experiences from
m a women’s
d to attend.
perspective although men are encouraged
Bookings & payment required by 1 November
A hot cuppa, web surfing, email & chats all included.
Printing and large downloads at charge.
No bookings required
Coming soon ……… Lorne Community Calendar and Community Directory
The Lorne Community House is developing a new website. One of the aims of the site is to
strengthen community ties by
providing current local community
information to all.
As part of our website we will
include a community directory, an
interactive calendar for Lorne
activities and a notice board to share
information, requests or just connect
with others in Lorne.
We would love for all community
groups and community service
providers to supply us with your
current contact details and
upcoming event info! Sports clubs,
book clubs through to community
service providers – even milestone
To help everyone identify with the
site, it would be great to have photographs of local friends participating in various community
events to be included. Please make sure you have the ok from those involved. If your group has
some good quality photos from Lorne community gatherings & events that we could use on
the site, please forward them too!
Community Directory – return to Lorne Community House or fig.tree@bigpond.com
Group/Organisation name
Contact name
Information - Services offered, activities & aims, meeting times, costs, number of members, resources
required etc (approx. 50-80 words)
Upcoming events/meetings
… Supplied
… To be supplied
…Logo not available
… Permission is granted to use the attached images on the website
Mondays Tuesdays and Wednesdays
9am - 2pm
Now taking bookings for January Program
with casual bookings welcomed and
permanent Term 1 2015 bookings.
Child Care Benefit available
Please call 5289-2972
Toy Library
1st Saturday of each month
2nd & 4th Thursday
10am – 10.30am
Become a member of the Lorne Toy
Library and enjoy access to over 100 new
toys. Just like a book library members can
borrow quality items, return and borrow
Catering for children from 5 months to 5
years and memberships will be open to
the whole community, including parents,
grandparents and carers. Ph 5289-2972
Thursdays 9:30—11:30am
Our morning playgroup is where you can
share the joys and challenges of
parenthood while your children engage in
play and creative activities. All parents
and their kids are welcome to come along
and join our weekly session of playgroup!
Accredited training
If you or your staff require accredited
training such as First Aid Certificate, RSA
or food handlers please let us know. We
can also arrange accredited Certificate
and Diploma courses, all subject to
participant numbers. Let us know what
you’re interested in!
Tutors required
If you have a skill to share with our
community please contact us. We are
particularly after a Windows 8 tutor, craft
and business skills.
Tuesdays - 6.00 – 7.30pm
$90 6 week course or $17 causal session
Join Swami Samadhijyoti for yoga and
meditation. Bookings required please
Expressions of interest sought for 4pm class
Tuesdays – please let us know if you’re keen
Support for locals in need
If you are facing temporarily financial
stress and would appreciate an
emergency food parcel or referral for
other kinds of support, help is available at
Lorne Community House.
Please phone or call in to speak with Katy
at Lorne Community House
Financial counselling
Free financial counselling service available
soon. Please contact us for further info.
Games group
Thursday afternoons 1-3.30pm
Mah Jong, Cards & Scrabble
Come along and enjoy a cuppa, a chat and
take your pick from a fun game of Mah
Jong, Cards or Scrabble.
Gold Coin fee
Meeting facilities & Computer Access
Meeting room and business facilities
Very affordable rates.
Wireless internet, LED Smart TV, data
projector, & screen,
DVD Player, amplifier & whiteboard,
Skype, laminating, scanning, computers
access, WiFi & USB colour laser printer
Available for one off occasions and regular
Lorne Community House will again
support Student Life with an evening
alcohol free “drop in zone” during
Daisy & Olive Garden
Watch out for our local foodies getting a
green thumb as they take on care for
parts of our garden and a ‘bush tucker’
section growing soon.
Office Open 10am – 2pm Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri
16 Mountjoy Parade Cnr Otway Street
5289-2972 fig.tree@bigpond.com
aireys inlet
christmas tree festival
29th-30th NOVEMBER 2014
Aireys Inlet Uniting Church invites you (or your group)
to be part of a Christmas Tree Festival at the Aireys
Hotel. A Christmas Tree Festival
is a community event, celebrated in
centres all over the world, in the lead up
to the Christmas season.
It will take the form of an exhibition of
innovative dressings of Christmas Trees (certainly not
only traditional firs) by individuals and community groups,
(churches, clubs, businesses and schools) invited to design
and produce their special creations.
For further information contact
Joan Richardson Ph. 5289 7029
Edie Barton Ph. 5289 7415
For community groups
here is a chance to createa wonderful tree
(providing an alternative on our Surf Coast to visiting
Myer’s windows) and at the same time publicise your business
or your group’s activities.
Trees will be judged.
You can also have fun
voting for your favourite
tree in the Popular
Trees must be able to stand independently, firmly and safely.
Trees must be no taller than one metre
Trees may have a title;
one with a maths theme might be a GEOMETREE
one with a culinary theme might be a PASTREE
Trees must be registered (see ENTRY FORM) and lodged at
the Aireys Inlet Hotel between 4.00.pm and 4.30.pm
on Friday, 28th November.
Care will be taken of the trees but no liability will be accepted
for damage or loss of entries.
After the exhibition you (or your group) may wish to display your
tree at your business, club room, church or school.
Perhaps you would like to bring Christmas cheer by donating your
tree to a family having a hard time, an aged care establishment,
a hospital or someone living alone.
Then again, after creating your entry you will probably wish to
take it home to be part of your Christmas decorations.
In any case, please collect your tree from the exhibition at the
Aireys Inlet Hotel by 5.00.pm on Sunday, 30th November.
(For ideas to fire your imagination Google CREATIVE CHRISTMAS TREES TO MAKE
aireys inlet
christmas tree festival
entry form
(Entries close on Monday, 3rd November)
NAME (Group) .......................................................
(Group contact)............................................
NAME (individual)................................................... ADDRESS................................................................
TREE TITLE............................................................
If desired a brief advertisement of your group may be included in
program notes. Early registration (email preferably) will help us to adequately
prepare space for your exhibit.
Please send your entry form to -
P.O.box 245 Aireys Inlet. 3231
or Email to <lrichardson@iprimus.com.au>
Thank you for at choosing to join our fun and informative art intensives.
If you choose to stay with us in one of our luxurious Treehouses,
a special nightly rate of $160 is offer to students that includes a
set breakfast with the Tutor in our café.
Breakfast will be served from 8:00 am – 9:00pm
Check out is 5:00 pm the end of the day and course.
For another accommodation options.
Please call Lorne Visitors Centre 52891152
Day One of any course is 9:00 am
Registration, morning coffee and Tutors introduction.
Course starts at 9:30 am SHARP
The following days start up is 9:00 am to finish around 4:00 pm
Complimentary lunch breaks; generally around 1:00 -1:45 pm
Please see the list of the Courses available and the prices
Including lunch,
morning coffee and afternoon tea
ACCOMODATION (if required)
GIFT VOUCHERS………treat a friend.
Payment 50% deposit to be paid on enrollment,
(please return this form completed with your payment)
balance due the morning of registration.
Payment Options are cash, cheque, card or direct deposit.
For direct deposit…
By Post
Westpac Bank Lorne
BSB: 033 637
ACC No: 106890
P.O. Box 59
Vic 3232
By cash or card ……Call by or call 52891989
The tuition fee does not include materials
(with the exception of the bronze casting course, all you need is an idea)
Students will receive a list of materials required for their class upon
Qdos reserves the right to cancel any course due to unseen circumstances.
Should this occur all fees paid would be refunded.
Qdos management may refund part or the entire fee where unforeseen
circumstances have led to a student’s cancellation.
Thank you and we look forward to sharing this creative time with you.
autumn red #3 oil on canvas 102 x 102 cms
Interior space #1 oil on canvas 102 x 102 cms
breathing space
painƟngs by
nicky perkin
feature arƟst of the month for october
qdos arts allenvale road lorne
hours 9.00 am—5pm
5289 1989
ART / CRAFT SALES & DISPLAY FOR BOOKINGS AND INQUIRIES: DOREEN 042 9031 117 BETH 5236 1329 Anglesea Lioness Club is Hosting an Arts & Craft Day. Saturday 29th November. At the Senior Citizens Hall McMillan St. Anglesea. Ope
n to the public 10.00 – 4.00pm. If you have Art or Craft that you wish to sell, demonstrate or display, contact the Lioness Club to book a table. EachSellingTablewillbe
Winchlelsea Tea Rooms
Wednesday Oct 22rd
Geelong Cup day Ladies Luncheon 11 to 2 pm
Tickets on sale now at Winchelsea Community House or email manager@winchhouse.org.au
$30 per head BYO (alcohol or non alcoholic beverages)
So come on girls grab
your friends, dust
off the fascinators
and have a great day
out this year
Races streamed live
Guest speaker
Fashion parade
Lucky tickets , door
and lots of free give
Winch House would gratefully like to thanks
the following sponsors
Pastoral Pork
Barwon Lamb
Sarah & Hayden Stocks
Winchelsea IGA
Winchelsea Tavern
Winchelsea Pharmacy
Winchelsea post office
The Black pearl take away
Winchelsea Tea Rooms
La hoot Café
Dinny Goonan Winery
The Vault
Bunnings Torquay
Beach Club clothing
Gity of Greater Geelong
The body shop
Claire Saxby, one of the creators of Big Red
Kangaroo, will discuss her latest book, Emu. Here
she will discuss the adventures of emus from their
granite green eggs to the dangers faced by little
hatchlings. There are many hazards in the forest for
these unusual families. Ages 4+
Thursday 23 October
Torquay 4.30-5.30pm
Praise for Big Red Kangaroo:
"An innovative addition to the children's nonfiction
genre and a great way for children to learn about
one of Australia's iconic animals"
– Bookseller + Publisher
Bookings: Online www.grlc.vic.gov.au/events
In person at any branch, or phone 5272 6010
Join the author of this delightful children’s book as
she talks about her Australian re-imagining of Edward
Lear's nonsense poem The Owl and the Pussycat…
”The croc and the platypus trundled off in a rusty
old Holden ute. They took some damper and tea in
a hamper and bundled it up in the boot.” Join Jackie,
Croc and Platypus for an Australian outback
Wednesday 19 November
Torquay 4.00-5.00pm
Text copyright © 2014 Jackie Hosking
Illustrations copyright © 2014 Marjorie Crosby-Fairall
Reproduced by permission from Walker Books Australia
Bookings: Online www.grlc.vic.gov.au/events
In person at any branch, or phone 5272 6010
Tuesday 16 September 2.00-3.30pm
Wednesday 15 October 2.30-3.30pm
Thursday 30 October 2.30-3.30pm
Wednesday 5 November 2.30-3.30pm
Tuesday 2 September 10.30-11.30am
Tuesday 7 October 10.30-11.30am
Tuesday 4 November 10.30-11.30am
Tuesday 28 October 10.30-11.30am
Wednesday 26 November 10.30-11.30am
Tuesday 16 September 2.00-3.00pm
Monday 6 October 10.00-11.00am
Wednesday 19 November 2.30-3.30pm
Monday 6 October 2.00-3.00pm
Monday 10 November 2.00-3.00pm
Monday 1 September 2.30-3.30pm
Monday 6 October 2.30-3.30pm
Monday 3 November 2.30-3.30pm
Monday 17 November 10.00-11.00am
Monday 17 November 2.00-3.00pm
Tuesday 2 September 2.00-3.00pm
Thursday 11 September 2.30-3.30pm
Thursday 2 October 2.30-3.30pm
Thursday 27 November 2.30-3.30pm
Tuesday 23 September 2.30-3.30pm
Tuesday 14 October 2.30-3.30pm
Tuesday 11 November 2.30-3.30pm
Tuesday 18 November 2.30-3.30pm
Monday 8 September 1.30-2.30pm
Tuesday 14 October 2.00-3.00pm
Monday 10 November 2.00-3.00pm
Thursday 30 October 6.00-7.00pm
Monday 8 September 11.00am12.00noon
Tuesday 23 September 2.00-3.00pm
Tuesday 21 October 2.00-3.00pm
Monday 13 October 10.00-11.00am
Tuesday 18 November 2.30-3.30pm
Tuesday 21 October 2.00-3.00pm
Tuesday 25 November 2.00-3.00pm
Monday 17 November 10.00-11.00am
Online www.grlc.vic.gov.au/events
In person at any branch
Phone 5272 6010
Tuesday 9 September 2.30-3.30pm
Tuesday 28 October 2.00-3.00pm
Tuesday 9 September 10.30-11.30am
Wednesday 17 September 2.00-3.00pm
Thursday 11 September 11.00am12.00noon
Monday 6 October 2.30-3.30pm
Thursday 9 October 6.30-7.30pm
Wednesday 15 October 2.00-3.00pm
Thursday 6 November 2.00-3.00pm
Wednesday 5 November 2.00-3.00pm
Tuesday 25 November 10.30-11.30am
Wednesday 10 September 2.30-3.30pm
Wednesday 1 October 2.30-3.30pm
Wednesday 5 November 2.30-3.30pm
Monday 8 September 2.30-3.30pm
Thursday 11 September 2.00-3.00pm
Thursday 25 September 6.00-7.00pm
Thursday 18 September 2.30-3.30pm
Tuesday 30 September 6.00-7.00pm
Tuesday 18 November 6.00-7.00pm
Tuesday 21 October 6.00-7.00pm
Tuesday 7 October 2.00-3.00pm
Thursday 9 October 6.00-7.00pm
Monday 13 October 2.30-3.30pm
Thursday 23 October 6.00-7.00pm
Wednesday 17 September 6.00-7.30pm
Tuesday 16 September 2.30-3.30pm
Monday 3 November 2.30-3.30pm
Tuesday 25 November 2.00-3.00pm
Tuesday 25 November 2.30-3.30pm
Tuesday 7 October 2.30-3.30pm
Thursday 20 November 11.00am12.00noon
Friday 12 September 4.00-5.00pm
Monday 15 September 1.30-2.30pm
Tuesday 16 September 6.30-7.30pm
Thursday 18 September 4.00-5.00pm
Thursday 6 November 10.30-11.30am
Thursday 18 September 2.30-3.30pm
Thursday 16 October 2.30-3.30pm
Thursday 20 November 2.30-3.30pm
Book a 30 minute one-on-one session
with a librarian and gain assistance with
library services, resources and digital
devices. Enquire at your local branch.
This year’s theme is Renew Reuse Recycle,
making little green steps to support
children’s future.
The Surf Coast Shire is working collaboratively with 5 townships in celebrating Childrens
week with the support of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.
Monday 20 October:
Lorne Bike Park (Otway Street and Cypress Avenue)
from 2-4pm
Tuesday 21 October:
Torquay Elephant Walk 10-1pm
Wednesday 22 October:
Moriac Newling Reserve 10.30-12.30pm
Thursday 23 October:
Winchelsea Uniting Church hall 1-3pm
Friday 24 October:
Deans Marsh Playground 11-1pm
In case of
weather, th
events will
Children’s Week is a national program recognising the talents, skills, achievements and rights
of young people. It is based on the articles expressed in the United Nations Convention on
the Rights of the Child, highlighting play, wellbeing and protection.
For more information about Children’s Week go to
OUT of the
11th-19th October 2014
10am - 5pm
Wesley Church Hall
100 Yarra St. Geelong
‘Out of the Darkness’ combines
paintings, fibres, graphics,
photography, sculpture and text.
This powerful and beautiful exhibition
encourages us to uphold the UN Refugee
Convention and confirm that we, as a
humane and caring society, can shine a
light in the darkness.
Presented by Queenscliff RAR
Hosted by Wesley Uniting Church
Poetry Workshop Join award‐winning poet Julie Maclean Exercises to stimulate your imagination Write to surprise and delight Tips to sharpen your poems 2‐5pm Sat Oct 25 Belmont Library Geelong $20 Please book to reserve place Limit 15 : geelongwriters@gmail.com Bring along a small object or photograph that represents or engages you.
Julie is the author of ‘When I saw Jimi’ (Indigo Dreams) and ‘Kiss of the Viking’ (Poetry
Salzburg). Shortlisted for the Crashaw Prize (Salt), Whitmore (2010, 2014) and Press Press
prizes, and joint winner of the Geoff Stevens Poetry Prize (UK), her poetry and short fiction
features in leading international journals and The Best Australian Poetry (UQP).
Forthcoming in Poetry (US).
Blogging at www.juliemacleanwriter.com
Facebook and Twitter