September/October 2014 Volume 27 Issue 1 President’s Theme “Let Us Sow Seeds By Being Informed, Involved, And Invested” Green Thumb Fort Lauderdale Garden Club, Inc. Est. 1927 President’s Message WOW – where did the summer go? Hopefully, you had many good times with family and friends whether you were in South Florida or somewhere up North!! Thanks for showing your support for me as I continue as your President for the 2014-2015 year. It was not my plan to be in this position for a third year but sometimes “things happen for a reason.” We are very lucky to have Andrea Hellman as our Vice-President. Andrea is a member of the Miami Beach Garden Club and also FLGC and has a wealth of knowledge which she so generously shares!! Thanks Andrea for stepping up!! Thanks also to Bob Lynch, Treasurer; Jane Lusk-Smith, Secretary; and Virginia McCormick, Corresponding Secretary for continuing in their respective positions. I couldn’t do it without you!! Andrea Hellman, our Vice-President of Programs has worked very hard to present an interesting slate of programs for the 2014-2015 FLGC year. Our first General Meeting program on Friday, October 10 will be “Desert Roses in Xeriscaping” by Robert McKee. Robert is one of only several U.S. breeders of this captivating plant. His nursery is named the “Lucky Sumo Sanctuary” and he will show us new adeniums that he is propagating and will bring a variety of specimens for us to see. Our November 14, 2014 meeting will feature Al Salopek, Program Director of “Bee Understanding”, a non-profit organization for the education of children about honey bees. He will bring a buzzing hive and his delicious honey for sale. Jan Miskin and Donna Parker will be presenting our monthly horticulture studies classes on the Monday following the General meetings each month. This is a great opportunity to get “INVOLVED” in Fort Lauderdale Garden Club, Inc. These meetings will start at 9:30 A.M. The District XI Fall Meeting hosted by the Pompano Beach Garden Club will be held on Tuesday, October 21st at John Knox Village in Pompano Beach, Fl. If you want to attend this event the deadline for reservations is Friday, October 10th. Pat Baumer is planning our annual holiday luncheon which will be held at Coral Ridge Country Club on Saturday, December 6th. Please mark your calendars for this fun event which is sure to get you in the holiday spirit!! Thank you for your support this year – it promises to be an exciting year!! Tamara Pope, FLGC President First General Meeting 2014-2015 FLGC Fall Plant Sale! Friday, October 10th 10:00 am Saturday–Sunday, November 8–9, 2014 9:00 A.M. to 3 P.M. Glenn F. Bates Garden Center Program: “Desert Roses in Xeriscaping,” We are getting excited about our Fall Plant Sale! We have some great plants and more are coming… We want your donations of plants or garden items to sell. Bring your sale items to the October or November general meeting – or one of the workdays (listed in the calendar on page 5). We need volunteers for both days (work shifts are from 8:30 a.m. to Noon, and from Noon to 3:30 p.m.). Call Donna Parker at 954-464-3928 to volunteer or if you have questions. Glenn F. Bates Garden Center by Robert McKee of Lucky Sumo Sanctuary Design Lesson: “Tray Design” by Andrea Hellman Horticulture Lesson: “Gesneriad…It’s Not Your Grandmother’s Plant Anymore!” by Jillian Cain Hostess: Bayberry Garden Circle Green Thumb Page 2 Moringa’s Mostly Green and White Sale Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Glenn F. Bates Garden Center 6:30 pm Preview Items 7:00 pm Auction Begins FLGC Yearbook Soon you will receive your copy of the 2014-‐2015 FLGC Yearbook from your Circle President or MAL Liaison …please forward any corrections to Gene Cain, Editor at (or give him a hand written note)! Corrections will be listed in the next Green Thumb Welcoming our Visitors and Prospective Members By Sybil Henry The Fort Lauderdale Garden Club is about to start a new season, and your Membership Committee (Maggie Dunn-‐Parkinsona, Gretchen Reiger-‐Moringa and Sybil Henry-‐Cordia) has been working on many enhancements to the membership process over the summer. Maggie facilitated our planning meetings and coordinated the updating of all our membership forms and sign-‐in information, and we all worked on the revised FLGC Brochure with our President, Tamara Pope. Gretchen has worked with Jillian Cain, our Webmaster, to develop a user-‐friendly Membership section on the FLGC website (go to and click on Join Our Club for all the requirements for membership), and Gretchen is exploring increasing our social media presence (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to increase branding of FLGC. I worked with a local publisher to print a ¼ page FLGC Programs advertisement, designed by our own very talented Kristine Blake. The ad will appear in targeted neighborhood magazines published every other month in Harbor Beach, Rio Vista, Coral Ridge Estates and Bay Colony & the Landings from October, 2014 through March, 2015. We expect this to support and reinforce our branding message and encourage more community members to attend our wonderful FLGC programs and join FLGC. Most of all, we need you, our current members, to greet and engage our guests and visitors who will all be wearing name tags. Help them feel welcome, answer their questions, tell them how much the garden club experience means to you. Personal contact is always the best marketing tool! Here’s to a great year ahead. Green Thumb Page 3 Fun at Camp Wekiva! And Youth Gardening News… We (and that means You!) sent 43 happy campers to beautiful Camp Wekiva in Central Florida this summer. Our young gardeners experienced a full week of nature hikes, crafts, swimming, and environmental programs – all without phones, TVs, or computers of any sort! I rode up on the chartered bus and stayed the week with our 36 junior gardeners (3rd thru 6th grade – 15 boys and 21 girls), and the intermediate gardeners who won camperships attended various other weeks for tent camping or canoeing. All the kids really did enjoy and appreciate their Wekiva experience – many thanks to all of you for your support! There will be some adjustments to the Youth Program this year – we will be handing out fewer plants, but doing more actual gardening at schools and clubs. The Youth Flower Show will be a section of the Adult Show in March, rather than a separate entity. And I would like to put together a Youth Gardening Team of those members who enjoy working with the kids from time to time and can assist me in notifying the general membership of youth gardening opportunities. If you have an interest in being part of this team, please please please contact me – call, text, or email! Thank you all for making Youth Gardening such a vibrant and successful program for FLGC! !PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Register with the Broward County School Board ASAP!! You must be registered to volunteer, so if there is even the slightest chance you can help out, please register online…very easy at: Thank you everyone for making youth gardening such a vibrant and successful program for FLGC – the kids love you all! Joy Litton FLGC Youth Coordinator (954) 806-6391 A Thank You Note! Dear Ms. Jackie, Thank you so much for organizing the garden show and therefore allowing me to go to Camp Wekiva. This year was my third year as a camper and I loved being there. In fact, going to Camp Wekiva has been the highlight of my summer. I learned so much at camp such as how to be more environmentally friendly and about hydrolic water fracking and communication skills. This year I saw a ton of deer and wildlife and almost a bear while canoeing! Again thank you so much! Love, Bianca (This note was received by Jackie Schoettle from Bianca Davis (4-H). Bianca was a 8th grade 2014 Wekiva EE/Canoe camper) Green Thumb Page 4 Moringa Memorial Tree Plantings Submitted by Rose Bechard-Butman We had a lovely turnout for the dedication of Bob Haehle’s trees at Bonnet House. Thanks to all of you that showed your love and support. Maggie Dunn created a beautiful table arrangement for the reception table that at which Bonny Cole greeted everyone. Sharon Bogard and Joan Czukor served mimosas. M.E. DePalma & Hadny Fayyaz directed those who signed up for the tour to the ticket booth. Bonnet House was extremely gracious to us for this event. Bob had given garden tours there for many years. You can see more pictures on Moringa’s website We are now in the process of planting for 5 more memorial trees! The trees at The Lighthouse of Broward will have Braille botanical signage. I will be back in touch with you all when we have the dedication dates. Most likely some time toward the end of October. David McLean was such a spicy guy that we felt a Moringa tree was appropriate for him and for Skippy! David’s tree was donated by Sylvia Gordon of Landscapes by Sylvia. Tom Chancey let me borrow his huge dump truck to pick up the 12-14’ trees in Miami this week. Gene Dempsey will be planting the trees at Hortt Park. Tom Chancey will be planting the trees at the Lighthouse. Hadny Fayyaz helped with securing the location through her HOA for the trees at Hortt Park. We are planting two trees for David McLean. One will be at Hortt Park in Shady Banks where he lived with his wife Penny. The other will be at the Sensory Garden. The two Moringa trees at Hortt Park will be dedicated to David McLean and Skip Mackey, “the Voice of NASA”, who was married to M.E. DePalma. In addition, we will be planting an Allspice tree for David in the Sensory Garden at the Lighthouse of Broward County that Jesse Durko donated. David had volunteered there with me for over 20 years. He was one who helped Mary Secrist establish the Sensory Garden. The Lighthouse is paying for the Braille signage for the trees dedicated there. The FLGC has graciously donated for the signage of the trees at Hortt Park. I am grateful as Moringa’s funds go primarily for the trees, their transport, and planting. We will also be planting 2 Ylang Ylang trees in the parking area at the Lighthouse of Broward County for my mother, Rose Béchard, who recently passed. She only wore Chanel No 5 and the essence of the Ylang Ylang blossoms are used in that perfume. The memorial tree plantings are possible through Moringa Garden Circle’s Memorial Tree Fund and through donations of Fort Lauderdale Garden Club members and friends of the deceased. Additional donations have been by The Fort Lauderdale Garden Club, Jesse Durko, Landscapes by Sylvia Gordon, L. Thomas Chancey, and Cheryl Ricker of Dynaserv. Please support those vendors who support us. I appreciate all of your help and generous donations that keep this lovely program going. If you would like to donate, please send your checks made out to Moringa Garden Circle to our treasurer: JANICE JOHNSON, 4757 North West 49 Court,Tamarac, FL. 33319-3674. I love the living tributes and look forward to enjoying my mother’s scent every time I volunteer at the Sensory Garden. It will make working there all the sweeter. Rose Bechard-Butman: Memorial Tree Chair Moringa Garden Circle Friends of Bob Haehle toast his memory at the tree dedication near the South Entrance of the Bonnet House Green Thumb Page 5 The 2014 Fall FFGC District XI Meeting The 2014 Fall FFGC District XI Meeting will be held on October 21, 2014 at John Knox Village in Pompano Beach, FL. Deadline for registration is Thursday, October 9, 2014. The cost is $24.00 which includes Registration, Continental Breakfast, Lunch and Program. This is a wonderful opportunity for FLGC members to meet our State Officers who will be attendance: Sue Angle, President; First Vice-President, Arlene Rand; Second Vice-President, Claudia Bates; and Third Vice-President Al Latina. Let's have a good turnout for this fun meeting. If interested -- please get your registration in today! Contact Becky Schuberth at 954-463-4511 or email her at For Information About the District X Tropical Short Course Go to District X: or FFGC: Go to these pages to read all about the two day course which will be held January 28-29 at Mounts Botanical Gardens in West Palm Beach. The registration form for Tropical Short Course is available on these same webpages. Checks can be sent to Registrar Dale Hesser at the indicated address. Seating will be assigned by date of received registration so it's to your advantage to sign up early! For More Garden Club News and Information, Go To Your Garden Club Web Site! Green Thumb Gene Cain, Editor Fort Lauderdale Garden Club, Inc. Est. 1927 Glenn F. Bates Garden Center Hugh Taylor Birch State Park 3109 E. Sunrise Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304-3313 Mailing Address P.O. Box 4114 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33338-4114 ! October 2014 1 Wed 3 Fri 10 Fri 10 Fri 13 Mon 21 Tue 22 Wed 31 Fri District XI Design Guild Meeting, 9:30 a.m., Garden Center Grounds and Shadehouse Workday, 9:00 a.m., Garden Center FLGC Board Meeting, 8:30 a.m., Garden Center FLGC General Meeting, 10:00 a.m., Garden Center Horticulture Study Group, 9:30 a.m., Garden Center District XI Fall Meeting, 651 SW 6th St., John Knox Village 33060 Grounds and Shadehouse Workday, 9:00 a.m., Garden Center Grounds and Shadehouse Workday, 9:00 a.m., Garden Center November 2014 5 Wed Grounds and Shadehouse Workday, 9:00 a.m., Garden Center 5 Wed District XI Design Guild Meeting, 9:30 a.m., Garden Center 6 Thur Grounds and Shadehouse Workday, 9:00 a.m., Garden Center 8-9 Sat/Sun FLGC Plant Sale 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Garden Center 12 Wed Moringa’s Mostly Green and White Sale 6:30 p.m., Garden Center 14 Fri FLGC Board Meeting, 8:30 a.m., Garden Center 14 Fri FLGC General Meeting, 10:00 a.m., Garden Center 17 Mon Horticulture Study Group, 9:30 a.m., Garden Center 17 Mon District XI Florida Flower Show Judges Meeting, Emma Lou Olson Community Center, 1801 NE 6th St., Pompano Beach, 10:00 a.m. DECEMBER 6, 2014 SATURDAY HOLIDAY LUNCHEON, 11 a.m., Coral Ridge Country Club PHONE: 954-561-8475 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! IN MEMORIAM Elke Kurtz of Bayberry Garden Circle Elke served as President of Bayberry !
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