PLANET HUMAN SHAMAN EN MAGISK OG EKSPLOSIV DANSEFORESTILLING I SPÆNDINGSFELTET MELLEM BREAKDANS, NY DANS OG CIRKUS A MAGIC AND EXPLOSIVE DANCE PERFORMANCE FUSING BREAK DANCE, NEW DANCE AND CIRCUS Tirsdag - torsdag kl. 20, fredag d. 3. maj & 10. maj kl. 20 Fredag d. 26. april kl. 14, lørdag & søndag kl. 14 BILLETTER 120,- 60,- og 35,- TEATERBILLETTER.DK Tlf: 7020 2096 og ved indgangen 1 time før forestillingen Tuesday - Thursday - 8 pm, Friday May 3 & May 10 - 8 pm Friday April 26 - 2 pm, Saturday & Sunday 2 pm TICKETS 120,- 60,- and 35,TEATERBILLETTER.DK Phone: 7020 2096 or at the entrance one hour before NEXT ZONE PLANET HUMAN & SHAMAN er to magiske og eksplosive danseforestillinger der sætter fokus på truede kulturer og hylder menneskets diversitet. Forestillingerne henter inspiration globalt i forskellige kulturer fra den urbane breakdance kultur til regnskovsindianernes shamaner. Breakdansere, en rulleskøjtemester og et slangemenneske forvandler sig til dyr, figurer og utæmmelige naturfænomener i et ekstremt koreografisk sprog. PLANET HUMAN er en tankevækkende, ritualistisk og rå forestilling som afspejler menneskets drifter, originalitet og enestående evne til at forholde sig til naturens kræfter på i ekstreme naturområder såvel som i menneskeskabte millionbyer. SHAMAN er en kraftfuld forestilling som har fokus på truede kulturer, deres spiritualitet og respekt for alt levende. Two magic and explosive dance performances PLANET HUMAN & SHAMAN celebrate human diversity and the importance of endangered cultures. The performances are inspired by different environments and people of the world from urban breakdance culture to shamans of the rainforest indians. Breakdancers, a skating champion and a contortionist transform into animals, characters and untamed natural phenomena in extreme choreographic languages. PLANET HUMAN is a thought provoking, ritualistic and raw performance reflecting human nature, originality and unique ability to deal with extreme natural and urban environments. SHAMAN is a powerful performance, focusing on endangered cultures, their spirituality and respect for all living creatures. LENE BOEL REX CASSWELL LYSDESIGN/LIGHT DESIGN JESPER KONGSHAUG IDE OG KOREOGRAFI/CHOREOGRAPHER MUSIK/MUSIC DANSERE/DANCERS ADRIEN MORNET, RAFAEL SMADJA, ABDERRAHIM OUABOU, FREDERIC LATASTE, XUAN LE, HENNA KAIKULA KOSTUMER/COSTUMES DORTE THORSEN MALTHE HAUGAARD STUART MCINTYRE GRAFIK/GRAPHIC DESIGN MALENE HENSSEL PR OG PRESSE/PR AND PRESS TINA KRISTENSEN CHEFTEKNIKER/CHIEF TECHNICIAN FOTO/PHOTO Produktionerne er støttet af Statens Kunstråds Scenekunstudvalg, Augustinus Fonden, Statens Kunstfond, Tuborgfondet, Toyota-Fonden, Bikubenfonden, Wilhelm Hansen Fonden og Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond. Tak til Dansens Hus og Nationalmuseet. NEXT ZONE has produced performances and films since 1997 and has received funding from The Danish Arts Council since 2001. Instincts, the body and emotions are the basic elements in choreographer Lene Boel’s unique NEXT ZONE vocabulary of movement. Her choreographic language ranges from delicate gesture to extreme physical movement. In her latest productions she has chosen to work with dancers from break dance, circus and new dance to use their special technical skills to explore and develop new choreographic territories. She has achieved wide recognition for her ability to create aesthetically beautiful and integrated performances in which light, sound and dance are equal partners in creating a unified artistic force. LENE BOEL er uddannet i New York & London og har danset i adskillige danske og udenlandske kompagnier. Siden 1997 har Lene Boel været den kunstneriske drivkraft i Next Zone og i kompagniets regi skabt ensemble koreografier, soli samt dansefilm. I Danmark er hendes forestillinger blevet vist på Kalejdoskop K2, Dansescenen, Statens Museum for Kunst, Hofteatret, Kultur Centret Assistens, Archauz, Bora Bora, Musicon, Stærekassen og på Nationalmuseet. Siden 2010 har hendes forestilling Ritual turneret i Grønland, Island, Færøerne, Sverige, Åland, Frankrig, Rusland og hendes koreografier er desuden blevet præsenteret på festivals som f.eks. Dance on Camera Festival på Lincoln Center, New York, Festival Fabbrica Europe Firenze (Monaco Dance Forum, Festival de la Nouvelle Dance Uzés (Frankrig), Karavel Festival (Lyon), Festival Rencontres de la Villette, Paris (2009), Festival Open Look (Sankt Petersborg/Rusland) og Festival Hautes Tensions på La Villette, Paris i 2012. LENE BOEL is educated in New York, London, and Holland, and has performed in both Danish and foreign dance companies. Since 1997 she has been the artistic leader of Next Zone and with the company has created numerous ensemble choreographies, solos and dance films. Her work has been performed throughout Denmark and presented internationally in Greenland, Faroe Island, Iceland, Sweden, Åland, France and Russia, and at festivals such as Dance on Camera Festival at Lincoln Center, New York (USA), Festival Fabbrica Europe Firenze (Italy), Monaco Dance Forum (Monte Carlo), Festival de la Nouvelle Dance Uzés (France), Festival Karavel (France), festival Rencontres de la Villette, Paris (France), Festival Open Look (Sankt Petersborg / Rusland )and Festival Hautes Tensions in La Villette, Paris in 2012. REX CASSWELL (DK/England) Rex Caswell har arbejdet med komposition og improvisation i over 20 år. I Manchester var han med til at starte “Sampedelic group Stock, Hausen and Walkman” og har været medlem af improvisationsgruppen BARK! siden 1993. I 2001 vandt han Statens Kunstfonds komponist konkurrence “Extremes”. Han har komponeret musik til Next Zone / Lene Boels produktioner siden 2001. REX CASSWELL has been working with composition and improvisation for over 20 years. In Manchester he cofounded the “Sampedelic group Stock, Hausen and Walkman” and has been a member of the improvisation group BARK! since 1993. In 2001 he won The Danish Arts Councils composer competition “Extremes”. He has composed music for Next Zone/ choreographer Lene Boel since 2001. JESPER KONGSHAUG har i de sidste 28 år tryllet med lyset på en lang række scener i teatre, på fjernsyn og i arkitekturen. Opgaver i udlandet har bragt ham til San Francisco, Boston, Lyon, München, New York, Moskva m.m. Han er fast gæst på Det Kongelige Teater, hvor han bl.a. har skabt lysdesign til Figaros bryllup, Tryllefløjten og opsætningen af Wagners Ringen. Lene Boel og Jesper Kongshaug har arbejdet sammen siden 2001. JESPER KONGSHAUG has conjured with light for 25 years working within theatre, television and architecture. His work has taken him to San Francisco, Boston, Lyon, Munich, New York, Moscow etc. He is a regular guest at The Royal Theatre, where he created the light-design for “The Wedding of Figaro”, “The Magic Flute” and Wagners ”Ring Cycle”. Jesper Kongshaugs collaboration with Lene Boel began in 2001. HENNA KAIKULA (Finland/Australia) graduated as circus artist/contortionist from “Cirkus Cirkor” (Sweden) in 2003. She has worked around Europe, Asia and Australia in over a hundred projects and productions from large scale shows to experimental pieces in the fields of contemporary circus, dance, theatre, film, cabaret and TV. FREDERIC LATASTE (France) started dancing in 1998 and has experience from dance companies such as “revolution” (urban ballet)” and “Käfig” (Boxeboxe). He dances a mix of experimental and abstract style. XUAN LE (France) was part of the “Cirque Eloize” (France) in 2010-2012 and represented Canada at the World Expo in 2010 (Shanghai). He won first prize at the solo dance competition “Voiron” (France) in 2009, became champion of France in the Freestyle Slalom Competition the same year and was ranked number 6 in the world. ADRIEN MORNET (France) has been dancing since 2001. He has performed for the “Jeunes Ballet d’Aquitaine” (Bordeaux), The National Theater of Capitole (Toulouse), the Cie ECO at “Theatre de Chaillot” (Paris) and for various film projects. ABDERRAHIM OUABOU (France) started dancing in 2007 and has participated in many break dance battles nationally and internationally. He loves competing and to push the limits always seeking originality. RAFAEL “TENSEÏ” SMADJA (France) has been dancing since 1999. He is part of the Cie As2Danse from Chambéry (France) and created the dance company Cie Tenseï in 2011. In 2003 he founded the “SFS” a HipHop culture association.
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