Ontario Long Term Care Physicians (OLTCP) & Long Term Care Medical Directors Associaon of Canada (LTCMDAC) CANADIAN MEDICAL DIRECTORS 7th ANNUAL JOINT MEETING NOVEMBER 7, 2014 & 37th ANNUAL MEETING LONG TERM CARE FOR PRACTICING CLINICIANS NOVEMBER 8, 9, 2014 Sheraton Centre Hotel Toronto, Ontario ACCREDITATION This program has been accredited by the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Ontario Chapter for up to 16 Mainpro-M1 credits REGISTRATION & PROGRAM GUIDE—2014 OLTCP & LTCMDAC ANNUAL MEETING—NOVEMBER 7-9, 2014—PAGE 1 Dear Colleague, You are invited to attend Ontario Long Term Care Physicians’ 37th Annual Meeting, “Long Term Care for Practicing Clinicians” to be held November 8th and 9th and the 7th Annual Conjoint Meeting with the Long Term Care Medical Directors’ Association of Canada (LTCMDAC) on November 7th, 2014 at the Sheraton Centre Hotel, downtown Toronto, Ontario. This year’s program features three full days of clinical learning with a mixture of plenaries and small group workshops. Highlights include Acute Management of Severe Aggression, Ethics, Deprescribing, Psychiatric Disorders and End of Life Care. The workshops will cover a wide range of issues including a range of complex medical issues, quality improvement, and sexuality. We are offering an expanded Exhibit Hall this year, with more Exhibitors and opportunities for engagement and networking on the first 2 days of the conference. Many are returning exhibitors, continuing to support the meeting and our organizations. Some are new and are eager to meet the attendees and to take part in this event. It has been another productive year for the Ontario Long Term Care Physicians. In addition to organizing the clinical conference this coming fall we have successfully developed and delivered the first LTC Medical Director Training in Ontario. Over 60 Medical Directors attended the inaugural training in May and we are looking forward to continued development and implementation over the coming years. It has been a tremendous opportunity to work with such a dedicated and passionate group of practitioners working in an increasingly complex health care sector. We look forward to seeing you in Toronto this fall! Andrea L. Moser, MD , MSc, CCFP, FCFP President, OLTCP Dear Colleagues, The Long Term Care Medical Directors Associaon of Canada would like to strongly encourage you to consider aending its annual conjoint meeng in Toronto Friday November 7th 2014. It will precede the weekend meeng of the OLTCP on Saturday and Sunday (November 8/9 2014). This meeng will be of great interest and relevance to anyone who works in residenal care, nursing homes, personal care homes or any facility based care. The modern LTC medical director is expected to meet a wide range of expectaons from strategic planning and reporng to paent/family care to crisis management. Our one day conference will be held in a plenary format and will cover those issues that are most pernent to the physician leader in the nursing home. Our faculty has a keen understanding of the day to day challenges of LTC and will provide praccal answers and ideas to some of the most common areas of concern. We are especially pleased to have Professor Marn Smalbrugge visit us from Amsterdam to provide a profile of progressive LTC in the Netherlands as well as Dr. Susan Mitchell from Harvard to talk on end stage demena care. Our meeng is open to all but space will be limited. On behalf of our Board I thank you for your interest and look forward to meeng you in Toronto in the fall. Paddy Quail, MB President, LTCMDAC OLTCP & LTCMDAC ANNUAL MEETING—NOVEMBER 7-9, 2014—PAGE 2 ONTARIO LONG TERM CARE PHYSICIANS, BOARD OF DIRECTORS, 2014 OLTCP EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT PAST PRESIDENT TREASURER SECRETARY DR. ANDREA MOSER DR. EVELYN WILLIAMS DR. LYLA GRAHAM DR. RAMESH ZACHARIAS DR. J. FRED MATHER OLTCP CONFERENCE COMMITTEE DR. SID FELDMAN DR. LYLA GRAHAM DR. PAUL KATZ DR. FRED MATHER DR. CHRISTOPHER RAGONETTI DIRECTORS DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR DR. JULIE AUGER DR. STEPHEN CHRIS DR. SID FELDMAN DR. ROSS JOHNSON DR. PAUL KATZ DR. STEPHEN NG DR. CHRISTOPHER RAGONETTI ONTARIO LONG TERM CARE PHYSICIANS OFFICE, 2014 OFFICE MANAGER ELLEN MARACLE-BENTON MEMBERSHIP AND REGISTRATION MANAGER GEORGINA SMITH OFFICE COORDINATORS ELYSSA CODY KRISTA MARACLE OLTCP OFFICE 1143 Wentworth Street West, Suite #202 Oshawa, ON L1J 8P7 oltcp@eventsinsync.com T: 905-404-9545 F: 905-404-3727 www.oltcp.ca LONG TERM CARE MEDICAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION OF CANADA BOARD, 2014 BARRY CLARKE, HALIFAX SERGE GINGRAS, MONTREAL BRIAN LAURSEN, REGINA DEV MAHER, VANCOUVER ANDREA MOSER, TORONTO PADDY QUAIL, CALGARY DAVE STRANG, WINNIPEG OLTCP & LTCMDAC ANNUAL MEETING—NOVEMBER 7-9, 2014—PAGE 3 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE FRIDAY NOVEMBER 7 SATURDAY NOVEMBER 8 SUNDAY NOVEMBER 9 7:00 am—5:15 pm Registraon Open 7:00 am—5:30 pm Registraon Open 7:30 am—3:30 pm Registraon Open 7:00 am—8:15 am Connental Breakfast 7:00 am—8:15 am Connental Breakfast 7:30 am—8:45 am Connental Breakfast 8:15 am—8:30 am Opening Remarks 8:15 am—8:30 am Opening Remarks 8:45 am—10:00 am Concurrent Workshops 201A-210A 8:30 am—10:15 am Plenary Sessions 8:30 am—10:30 am Plenary Sessions 10:00 am—10:30 am Refreshment Break 10:15 am—10:45 am Refreshment Break and Exhibits 10:30 am—11:00 am Refreshment Break and Exhibits 10:30 am—11:45 am Concurrent Workshops 201B-210B 10:45 am—12:30 pm Plenary Sessions 11:00 am—12:00 pm Plenary Session 11:45 am—1:00 pm Buffet Luncheon 12:30 pm—1:45 pm Buffet Luncheon & Exhibits 12:00 pm—12:10 pm LTC Physician of the Year Award 1:00 pm—1:15 pm OMA Presentaon 1:45 pm—3:15 pm Plenary Sessions 12:10 pm—1:15 pm Buffet Luncheon & Exhibits 1:15 pm—3:30 pm Plenary Sessions 3:15 pm—3:45 pm Refreshment Break and Exhibits 1:15 pm—2:30 pm 3:30 pm Concurrent Workshops 101A-110A Closing Remarks 3:45 pm—4:30 pm Plenary Session 2:30 pm—3:00 pm Refreshment Break and Exhibits 4:30 pm—5:15 pm LTCMDAC AGM 3:00 pm—4:15 pm Concurrent Workshops 101B-110B 5:15 pm—7:00 pm Wine and Cheese Recepon 4:15 pm—5:30 pm OLTCP AGM 3:45 pm Conference ends 5:30 pm Free Evening OLTCP & LTCMDAC ANNUAL MEETING—NOVEMBER 7-9, 2014—PAGE 4 7th PROGRAM Annual Joint Meeting, 2014 FRIDAY NOVEMBER 7, 2014 CANADIAN MEDICAL DIRECTORS CONJOINT MEETING 7:00 am – 5:15 pm REGISTRATION OPEN 7:00 am – 8:15 am CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST 8:15 am – 8:30 am OPENING REMARKS CHAIRPERSON: PATRICK QUAIL MB, PRESIDENT, LTCMDAC 8:30 am – 9:30 am QUALITY OF LIFE IN THE NURSING HOME AND MDS Speakers: John Hirdes PhD, George Heckman MD Learning Objecve: An internaonal quality improvement collaborave (Seniors Quality Leap Iniave) that aims to improve the quality of life for Nursing Home residents using and sharing MDS data. 9:30 am – 10:15 am PROVINCIAL REPORT: DEVELOPMENTS IN LTC FROM ACROSS THE COUNTRY Speaker: Serge Gingras MD, Deviani Maher MD; Andrea Moser MD, Barry Clarke MD Learning Objecve: An update from across the country from LTCMDAC Board members on key developments in Long Term Care of interest to the Medical Director. 10:15 am – 10:45 am REFRESHMENT BREAK AND EXHIBITS 10:45 am – 11:45 am PALLIATIVE CARE FOR NURSING HOME RESIDENTS WITH ADVANCED DEMENTIA: WHAT PROVIDERS NEED TO KNOW Speaker: Susan Mitchell MD Learning Objecves: 1. Describe clinical course of advanced demena. 2. Present most common complicaons in the long term care seng. 3. Outline an approach to decision-making based on the best available evidence. 11:45 am – 12:30 pm POLYPHARMACY Speaker: Brian Steeves MD Learning Objecve: Of residents living in LTC, 61% receive 10 or more medicaons which is more than twice that of community-dwelling seniors. A Canadian iniave to reduce inappropriate medicaon use in the elderly will be pernent to the nursing home where paradoxically there is lile evidence for most drug use yet ulizaon is among the most intensive of all care sengs. 12:30 pm – 1:45 pm BUFFET LUNCHEON AND EXHIBITS 1:45 pm – 2:30 pm APPROPRIATE USE OF ANTISYCHOTICS IN LTC AND BEYOND: AN INITIATIVE OF ALBERTA’S SENIORS HEALTH SCN Speaker: Duncan Robertson, MD Learning Objecve: In Alberta 26.7% (a recent review of CIHI data from 5 provinces, ulizaon in Canada was 41%) of Nursing Home residents are prescribed anpsychocs without a diagnosis of psychosis. This session will describe an iniave that has successfully reduced ulizaon in test sites and is about to be generalized to the whole province. 2:30 pm – 3:15 pm HOW BC IS ENCOURAGING FAMILY PHYSICIANS TO WORK IN RESIDENTAL CARE Speaker: Larry Barzelai MD Learning Objecve: A key role for the Medical Director is physician resource planning i.e. recruitment and retenon. With the average age of the NH physician workforce in the mid-50’s and a looming need for medical care in the Nursing Home, this session will outline an iniave in BC aimed at rejuvenang their medical staff. 3:15 pm – 3:45 pm REFRESHMENT BREAK AND EXHIBITS 3:45 pm – 4:30 pm LTC MEDICINE: THE DUTCH EXPERIENCE Speaker: Marn Smalbrugge MD Learning Objecve: Holland has developed their own speciality of Nursing Home medicine. This session will outline their model with possible applicaon to the Canadian care seng. 4:30 pm – 5:15 pm 5:15 pm—7:00 pm LTCMDAC ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING WINE AND CHEESE WELCOME RECEPTION Open to all OLTCP and LTCMDAC aendees. OLTCP & LTCMDAC ANNUAL MEETING—NOVEMBER 7-9, 2014—PAGE 5 37th PROGRAM Annual Meeting, 2014 SATURDAY NOVEMBER 8, 2014 LONG TERM CARE FOR PRACTICING CLINICIANS 7:00 am—5:30 pm REGISTRATION OPEN 7:00 am – 8:15 am CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST 8:15 am – 8:30 am OPENING REMARKS Lyla Graham MD; Andrea Moser MD CHAIRPERSON: LYLA GRAHAM MD, EXECUTIVE, OLTCP 8:30 am – 9:30 am CARE AT THE END OF LIFE: AN EVOLVING CANADIAN LANDSCAPE Speaker: Jeff Blackmer MD Learning Objecves: 1. Be able to describe the current state of Canadian legal iniaves in the area of assisted dying. 2. Be aware of the different internaonal approaches to assisted dying. 9:30 am – 10:30 am PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS IN LONG-TERM CARE: CHALLENGES & OPPORTUNITIES Speaker: David K. Conn MB, BCh, BAO, FRCPC Learning Objecves: 1. Review the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in LTC Homes. 2. Provide an overview of the management of major psychiatric disorders in the LTC populaon. 3. Consider some of the unique challenges related to caring for this group of residents. 10:30 am – 11:00 am 11:00 am – 12:00 pm REFRESHMENT BREAK AND EXHIBITS VIOLENCE AND AGGRESSION IN LTC: PREDICTION AND MANAGEMENT Speaker: Kiran Rabheru MD Learning Objecves: 1. Develop an approach to the assessment of persons with aggressive behaviours in LTC homes. 2. Develop an approach to management of individuals with escalang aggressive behaviours with risk to self or others. 3. Be knowledgeable in pharmacologic strategies and appropriate use of psychotropic medicaons in the management of persons with aggressive behaviours. 12:00 pm – 12:10 pm LTC PHYSICIAN OF THE YEAR Presenter: Fred Mather MD 12:10 pm – 1:15 pm BUFFET LUNCHEON AND EXHIBITS 1:15 pm – 2:30 pm & 3:00 pm – 4:15 pm CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS (101A-110A) Please choose one session per me slot Note: Workshops are repeated at 3:00 pm (101B-110B) Session 101A—1:15 pm —2:30 pm Session 101B—3:00 pm—4:15 pm URINARY TRACT INFECTION IN OLDER ADULTS Speaker: Baldwin Toye MD Learning Objecves: Parcipants will be able to: 1. Describe the management of asymptomac bacteriuria and symptomac UTI. 2. Idenfy the challenge in differenang asymptomac bacteriuria from symptomac UTI in long term care residents. 3. List two negave consequences of overulizaon of anmicrobials for suspected UTI. Session 102A —1:15 pm —2:30 pm Session 102B —3:00 pm—4:15 pm BOTULINUM TOXIN IN ELDERLY PEOPLE WITH INCREASED TONE: INDICATIONS AND TREATMENT GOALS Speaker: Galit Kleiner-Fishman MD Learning Objecves: 1. Discuss spascity and use of Botulinum Toxin. 2. Discuss demena “epidemic” and burden of paratonic rigidity in people with demena. 3. Describe the results of pilot trial using botulinum toxin in people with demena, paratonia and involuntary postures interfering with care. OLTCP & LTCMDAC ANNUAL MEETING—NOVEMBER 7-9, 2014—PAGE 6 37th PROGRAM Annual Meeting, 2014 SATURDAY NOVEMBER 8, 2014 (Connued) LONG TERM CARE FOR PRACTICING CLINICIANS Session 103A—1:15 pm —2:30 pm Session 103B—3:00 pm—4:15 pm ANEMIA Speaker: Janet MacEachern MD Learning Objecves: 1. Provide common causes of anemia in the frail elderly. 2. Review appropriate invesgaons for anemia. 3. Recommend the appropriate use of iron and related therapies, transfusion and erythropoiesis-smulang agents. 4. Provide or elicit case-based examples. Session 104A—1:15 pm —2:30 pm Session 104B—3:00 pm—4:15 pm CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE Speaker: George Heckman MD Learning Objecves: 1. Advise on the resources for diagnosis and monitoring of CHF in LTC. 2. Give strategies to avoid transfer to ER. 3. Differenate between acve and palliave management. Session 105A—1:15 pm —2:30 pm Session 105B—3:00 pm—4:15 pm APPROPRIATE PRESCRIBING IN LTC Speakers: Joint Presentaon OMA/MOHLTC, speaker to be determined Learning Objecves: 1. To introduce the concept of appropriate prescribing in Long Term Care Paents. 2. To study the role of Academic Detailing and Audit and Feedback as techniques to improve prescribing paern in Long Term Care. Anpsychocs, benzodiazepines as well as anbiocs use in asymptomac bacteriuria will be used in the study. 3. To share evidence and ideas on risk and benefit of medicaon use in long term care residents with mulple co-morbidies and limited end of life care plans. 4. To seek input on Appropriate Prescribing projects which might improve paent care. Session 106A—1:15 pm —2:30 pm Session 106B—3:00 pm—4:15 pm CHALLENGING DERMATOLOGIC ISSUES IN LTC Speaker: Esiahas Amdemichael MD Learning Objecves: 1. To give an approach to blistering disorders with emphasis on bullous pemphigoid. 2. To outline the management of venous stasis/ulcers. Session 107A—1:15 pm —2:30 pm Session 107B—3:00 pm—4:15 pm RESIDENT RIGHTS IN LTC Speaker: Jane Meadus LL.B Learning Objecves: 1. Gain a broader understanding of the legislave requirements of the Residents Rights set out in Secon 2 of the Long Term Care Homes Act. 2. Understand how the Residents Rights intersect with the Health Care Consent Act, Public Health Informaon Protecon Act and the requirements under the Medicine Act and other relevant legislaon. 3. Understand the reporng dues under the Long Term Care Homes Act as they relate to abuse and neglect. Session 108A—1:15 pm —2:30 pm Session 108B—3:00 pm—4:15 pm SUPPORTING INTERDISCIPLINARY PRACTICE THROUGH UNDERSTANDING THE NEW BILLING CODES IN LONG TERM CARE SPEAKER: Andrea Moser MD Learning Objecves: 1. Understand the fee for service opons in LTC including fee codes outside of the monthly management fee. 2. To update on current OHIP codes and criteria. 3. To understand codes that support interdisciplinary care and quality iniaves. 4. To understand codes which may be used for high risk areas such as wound care and behaviour management. 5. To understand delegated acts within LTC. OLTCP & LTCMDAC ANNUAL MEETING—NOVEMBER 7-9, 2014—PAGE 7 37th PROGRAM Annual Meeting, 2014 SATURDAY NOVEMBER 8, 2014 (Connued) LONG TERM CARE FOR PRACTICING CLINICIANS Session 109A—1:15 pm —2:30 pm Session 109B—3:00 pm—4:15 pm TECHNOLOGIES FOR NEW MODELS OF CARE Speaker: Ron Riesenbach P.Eng Learning Objecves: 1. Get acquainted with a framework to beer understand emerging technologies for paent care. 2. See examples how telemedicine, mhealth and personalized healthcare are transforming clinical care. 3. Get hands-on experience with several emerging technologies in a “speed-dang” like seng. 4. Recognize where new technologies and service models can be applied in your pracce. Session 110A—1:15 pm —2:30 pm Session 110B—3:00 pm—4:15 pm EDUCATION IN LONG TERM CARE: CONNECTING MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE, MENTORSHIP AND STORY-TELLING Speaker: Doug Oliver MD Learning Objecves: 1. Show how a physician can be a role model for students, care providers and colleagues in LTC. 2. Present cases of the role of paent narrave in LTC. 3. Give examples of ethical decision making in LTC. 2:30 pm – 3:00 pm REFRESHMENT BREAK AND EXHIBITS 3:00 pm – 4:15 pm CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS (101B-110B) Please choose one session per me slot (See lisngs on pages 6, 7 & 8) Note: These workshops are repeated from the 1:15 pm me block 4:15 pm – 5:30 pm OLTCP ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 5:30 pm FREE EVENING SUNDAY NOVEMBER 9, 2014 LONG TERM CARE FOR PRACTICING CLINICIANS 7:30 am – 3:30 pm REGISTRATION OPEN 7:30 am – 8:45 am CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST 8:45 am – 10:00 am & 10:30 am – 11:45 am CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS (201A-210A) Please choose one session per me slot Note: Workshops are repeated at 10:30 am (201B-210B) Session 201A—8:45 am—10:00 am Session 201B—10:30 am—11:45 am NEW ORAL ANTICOAGULANTS: RISKS AND BENEFITS TO RESIDENTS IN LONG TERM CARE Speaker: David Newman MD Learning Objecves: 1. Review the indicaons and contraindicaons for use. 2. Review the benefits and risks of use in frail residents with mulple co-morbidies. Session 202A—8:45 am—10:00 am Session 202B—10:30 am—11:45 am “IT’S NOT THE RESIDENT, IT’S THE FAMILY”: COPING WITH CHALLENGING FAMILY MEMBERS IN LTC Speaker: Chrisna Van Sickle MSW Learning Objecves: 1. List the rights, responsibilies and limits of family members under the LTC Homes Act and Regulaons. 2. Understand factors driving family behaviour. 3. Apply strategies to minimize disrupve behaviour. 4. Engage challenging family members as partners in care. OLTCP & LTCMDAC ANNUAL MEETING—NOVEMBER 7-9, 2014—PAGE 8 37th PROGRAM Annual Meeting, 2014 SUNDAY NOVEMBER 9, 2014, (Connued) LONG TERM CARE FOR PRACTICING CLINICIANS Session 203A—8:45 am—10:00 am Session 203B—10:30 am—11:45 am “DYING NOT IN VAIN” : HOW LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE ONTARIO CORONER’S GERIATRIC AND LONG TERM CARE REVIEW COMMITTEE CAN IMPROVE OUR NURSING HOME CARE Speakers: Roger Skinner MD; Sid Feldman MD Learning Objecves: 1. List the problems that can lead to unnecessary deaths in LTC residents based on Coroner Commiee reviews. 2. Recognize issues in LTC that can potenally lead to unnecessary death. 3. Apply strategies to minimize the likelihood of unnecessary death in LTC. Session 204A—8:45 am—10:00 am Session 204B—10:30 am—11:45 am PRACTICAL QUALITY IMPROVEMENT IN LONG TERM CARE Speakers: Andrea L. Moser MD; Evelyn Williams MD Learning Objecves: 1. To be aware of the relevance of quality in LTC. 2. To apply common QI tools. Session 205A—8:45 am—10:00 am Session 205B—10:30 am—11:45 am “PLEASE KEEP ME OUT OF THE ER” A PALLIATIVE CARE APPROACH TO MANAGING ACUTE SYMPTOMS IN LTC Speaker: Daphna Grossman MD Learning Objecves: 1. Have an approach to managing common acute symptoms associated with malignant and non-malignant terminal illness. 2. Have an approach to managing palliave care emergencies. 3. Feel comfortable using palliave care tools to determine when residents are approaching end of life. Session 206A—8:45 am—10:00 am Session 206B—10:30 am—11:45 am SEXUALITY IN LONG TERM CARE HOMES: ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS AND BEST-CARE PRACTICES Speakers: Marcia Sokolowski PhD; Ken Schwartz MD Learning Objecves: 1. Increasing understanding of the concepts of sexuality, inmacy, expression of sexuality in older adults. 2. Raise awareness of demena-related sexual expression and the associated difficules and challenges for staff and families. 3. Examine ethical consideraons involved in intervenons regarding the expression of sexuality by individuals with demena. Session 207A—8:45 am—10:00 am Session 207B—10:30 am—11:45 am PREVENTION OF FALLS IN LTC Speaker: Sheri-Lynn Kane MD Learning Objecves: 1. Review risk factors for falls. 2. Give strategies for fall prevenon. 3. Address high risk situaons, for example Parkinson’s and Hunngton’s. 4. Provide or elicit case-based examples. Session 208A—8:45 am—10:00 am Session 208B—10:30 am—11:45 am CHALLENGING ORGANISMS IN CHALLENGIING ENVIRONMENTS: COPING WITH DRUG-RESISTANT BACTERIA IN LTC Speaker: Allison McGeer MD Learning Objecves: 1. Minimize the development of resistant bacteria in the nursing home through evidence based prevenon. 2. Divide paents into those who should be treated and those who should not. 3. Provide effecve therapy for common, serious drug resistant organisms. OLTCP & LTCMDAC ANNUAL MEETING—NOVEMBER 7-9, 2014—PAGE 9 37th PROGRAM Annual Meeting, 2014 SUNDAY NOVEMBER 9, 2014 (Connued) LONG TERM CARE FOR PRACTICING CLINICIANS Session 209A—8:45 am—10:00 am Session 209B—10:30 am—11:45 am INTERACT: A QUALITY IMPROVEMENT APPROACH TO REDUCE UNNECESSARY TRANSFERS FROM LTCH’S Speaker: Paul Katz MD; Angela Uy RN Learning Objecves: 1. Understand how PSW and nursing based communicaon tools can enhance physician decision making. 2. Describe how care paths and advance care planning impact on unnecessary hospitalizaons. 3. Understand the resources and infrastructure necessary to successfully implement INTERACT. Session 210A—8:45 am—10:00 am Session 210B—10:30 am—11:45 am OPTHAMOLOGY Speaker: Lawrence Weisbrod MD Learning Objecves: 1. Update in Glaucoma Management in the Elderly. 2. Ocular emergencies in LTC. 3. Common geriatric eye problems. 4. Tips and tricks for residents with demena who require ophthalmic treatment. 10:00 am – 10:30 am REFRESHMENT BREAK 10:30 am – 11:45 am CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS (201B-210B) Please choose one session per me slot (See lisngs on pages 8, 9 & 10) Note: These workshops are repeated from the 8:45 am me block 11:45 am – 1:00 pm BUFFET LUNCHEON 1:00 pm – 1:15 pm OMA PRESENTATION CHAIRPERSON: EVELYN WILLIAMS MD, VICE-PRESIDENT, OLTCP 1:15 pm – 2:00 pm SLEEP DISORDERS IN DEMENTIA Speaker: Brian Murray MD Learning Objecves: 1. Recognize and categorize common sleep problems in paents with demena. 2. Have an approach to the assessment of common sleep issues in demena. 3. Ulize non pharmacologic approaches to manage common sleep problems encountered in paents with demena. 2:00 pm— 2:45 pm DEVELOPING AND USING DEPRESCRIBING GUIDELINES: EXAMPLE PPI Speaker: Barbara Farrell Pharm.D Learning Objecves: 1. Discuss the applicaon and limitaons of current deprescribing research. 2. Explain the process of developing an evidence-based deprescribing guidelines for proton pump inhibitors. 3. Apply the PPI deprescribing guideline recommendaons to individual paent cases. 2:45 pm – 3:30 pm HOT TOPICS IN LTC: A CMPA PERSPECTIVE Speaker: Ross Berringer MD Learning Objecves: 1. To idenfy two medico legal risks when prescribing opiates and marijuana. 2. To be able to describe two areas of medical legal risk in the context of collaborave care. 3:30 pm CLOSING REMARKS OLTCP & LTCMDAC ANNUAL MEETING—NOVEMBER 7-9, 2014—PAGE 10 FACULTY ESIAHAS AMDEMICHAEL, CCFP, FRCP Dr. Amdemichael is a dermatologist in private pracce in Kitchener primarily interested in general dermatology. He is also a consultant Dermatopathologist. He received his MD from the University of Toronto followed by postgraduate training in Anatomic Pathology and Dermatology at the University of Toronto and University of Oawa respecvely. He has been involved in both undergraduate and postgraduate educaon and is Assistant Professor of Medicine (Adjunct) at McMaster University. He is acvely involved in various commiees of the Canadian Dermatology Associaon and is past secretary of the Canadian Dermatology Associaon. LARRY BARZELAI, MD Dr. Larry Barzelai has been a family physician in Vancouver for over 30 years. He also works on a geriatric rehabilitaon ward and in nursing homes. He enjoys teaching students, residents and IMG's. The Residenal Care Subcommiee of the Division of Family Pracce has provided a great opportunity to improve medical care in care facilies. ROSS BERRINGER, MD Ross Berringer graduated from the University of Brish Columbia in 1980. He completed a residency in emergency medicine in Jacksonville Florida in 1985. From 1985-2006 he worked full me as an emergency physician at St. Paul’s Hospital in downtown Vancouver. In 2006 he joined the CMPA as a physician risk manager. He connues to work clinically at the Oawa General Hospital. JEFF BLACKMER, MD, MHSC, FRCPC Dr. Jeff Blackmer currently serves as the Execuve Director of the Office of Ethics, Professionalism and Internaonal Affairs at the Canadian Medical Associaon, a posion he has held since 2003. He has previously served as the interim Director of Ethics for the World Medical Associaon in Geneva. BARRY CLARKE DAVID CONN, MB, BCh, BAO, FRCPC Dr. David Conn is the Vice-President of Educaon and inaugural Director of the Centre for Educaon & Knowledge Exchange at Baycrest. He is a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto. He is founding Co-Chair of the Canadian Coalion for Seniors' Mental Health and Chair of the Coalion’s Naonal Guidelines Project. BARBARA FARRELL, BScPhm, PharmD, FCSHP Dr. Barbara Farrell is a Scienst, Bruyère Research Instute, Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University of Oawa and Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Pharmacy, University of Waterloo. She is currently funded to develop, implement and evaluate deprescribing guidelines for the elderly, and works clinically in the Bruyère Geriatric Day Hospital. SID FELDMAN, MD, CCFP, FCFP Dr. Feldman is Medical Director of the Apotex Home for the Aged at Baycrest Health Sciences. He is an Associate Professor in the DFCM at University of Toronto and has served as a member of the Ontario Coroner’s Geriatric and Long -term Care Review Commiee since 2004. SERGE GINGRAS, MD General Praconer, Director of Professional Services Ste. Anne's Hospital (Veterans) Montreal Aending physician Long Term Care CSSS Dorval-Lachine-LaSalle Board of Directors Member CSSS Dorval-Lachine-LaSalle Founding Board Member LTCMDAC DAPHNA GROSSMAN, MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP Dr. Daphna Grossman is the deputy head of palliave care at Baycrest Health Sciences. She is an assistant professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine Division of Palliave Care at the University of Toronto. GEORGE HECKMAN, MD, MSc, FRCPC Dr. George A. Heckman is the Lead Geriatrician for the Waterloo Wellington LHIN and holds a Schlegel Research Chair for Geriatric Medicine at the UW RIA. He is an Associate Professor at the University of Waterloo, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences and Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine with McMaster University. OLTCP & LTCMDAC ANNUAL MEETING—NOVEMBER 7-9, 2014—PAGE 11 FACULTY JOHN HIRDES, PhD Dr. Hirdes is a Professor and Ontario Home Care Research and Knowledge Exchange Chair in the School of Public Health and Health Systems, University of Waterloo. He is the senior Canadian Fellow and a Board Member of interRAI, an internaonal consorum of researchers from over 35 countries. SHERI-LYNN KANE, MD, FRCPC Dr. Sheri-Lynn Kane is a Geriatrician at Western University. She completed her fellowships in both Internal Medicine and Geriatric Medicine at McMaster University. Her interests include demena and frailty. Dr. Kane works in both the outpaent, inpaent, and outreach sengs. She is Postgraduate Program Director for Internal Medicine at the Schulich School of Medicine and Denstry. PAUL KATZ, MD, FRCP Dr. Paul Katz is currently Vice President of Medical Services and Chief of Staff at the Baycrest Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, Ontario and is Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto. His research currently focuses on medical staff organizaon models and physician pracce paerns to long term care sengs. GALIT KLEINER-FISHMAN, MD, FRCPC Galit Kleiner-Fisman obtained her MD from McGill University, did her Neurology residency at Harvard in Boston Massachuses and a fellowship at TWH in Movement Disorders. She is on faculty at the University of Toronto and is the Medical Director at the Assisve Technology Clinic at Baycrest Hospital. JANET MacEACHERN, MD, FRCPC Dr. MacEachern is a graduate of the University of Toronto(1995) and completed her hematology training in 2000. She is a hematologist at the Grand River Regional Cancer Centre, Kitchener, Ontario. DEVIANI MAHER, MD, FRCPC Dr. Maher has a long standing interest in long term care that began as a teen volunteer in residenal care. She is a clinical geriatrician in Victoria and, as well, is involved in the Geriatric Medicine Outreach Clinic and LTC in Bella Bella, BC. As a Clinical Associate Professor with UBC, she also parcipates in medical educaon and her main academic interests are demena and bioethics. ALLISON MCGEER, MD, MSc, FRCPC Dr. McGeer trained in internal medicine and infecous diseases at the University of Toronto, then completed a fellowship in hospital epidemiology at Yale New Haven Hospital in 1989/90 before returning to Mount Sinai Hospital. Her research interests are in the prevenon of infecon in health care instuons and control of anmicrobial resistance. JANE MEADUS, BA, LL.B. Jane Meadus is a lawyer with the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly, where she has been the Instuonal Advocate since 1995. She was called to the Ontario Bar in 1993. Her pracce is restricted to represenng instuonalized clients (longterm care homes, hospitals, psychiatric facilies and rerement homes) with respect to related legal issues. SUSAN MITCHELL, MD, MPH Geriatrician and health services researcher, Professor of Medicine at Harvard and Senior Scienst at Hebrew Senior Life Instute for Aging Research in Boston. She graduated from the University of Oawa Medical School. Her research focuses on decision-making, outcomes, and resource ulizaon in advanced demena. ANDREA L. MOSER, MD, MSc, CCFP, FCFP, CMD President, OLTCP. Board member, LTCMDAC. Family Physician with focus pracce in care of the elderly, Cerfied Medical Director, Assistant Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto; Associate Medical Director, Apotex, Baycrest Health Services; BSO Primary Care Advisor, Central LHIN. BRIAN MURRAY, MD, FRCP(C) D,ABSM Brian Murray is an associate professor at the University of Toronto in neurology. His major interests are in neurological aspects of sleep medicine. He is currently the Director of Integrated Medical Educaon for the University of Toronto Department of Medicine and Chair of the Sunnybrook Research Ethics Board. OLTCP & LTCMDAC ANNUAL MEETING—NOVEMBER 7-9, 2014—PAGE 12 FACULTY DAVID NEWMAN, MD, FRCPC, FACC Dr. David Newman received his MD at Dalhousie University followed by training in internal medicine and cardiology at the University of Toronto. He trained in cardiac electrophysiology at the University of California San Francisco followed by basic research at Stanford University. He is now associated with the arrhythmia service at Sunnybrook medical center where he teaches fellows, and does ablaon procedures. He has a large community based outpaent arrhythmia focused pracce. DOUG OLIVER, MSc, MD, CCFP Dr. Oliver is an Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at McMaster University, where he serves as Care of the Elderly Curriculum Coordinator. He is the program director for a Long Term Care clinical rotaon in Family Medicine. Dr. Oliver’s clinical commitment to this paent populaon connues with weekly nursing home rounds and house calls to frail elderly paents. KIRAN RABHERU, MD, CCFP, FRCP, DABPN Professor of Psychiatry, University of Oawa. Medical Director, Geriatric Psychiatry and ECT Service. Geriatric Psychiatrist, The Oawa Hospital Program. RON RIESENBACH, BSc, MSc, MBA, P.Eng Ron Risenbach is the VP Innovaon and CTO of Baycrest Health Sciences, one of the worlds leading centres for brain science and care for the aged. He leads a diverse team developing novel soluons to support innovave clinical care, research and educaon. Prior to Baycrest, he was the VP of Emerging Business with the Ontario Telemedicine Network. DUNCAN ROBERTSON, FRCP (Lond. & Edin.) FRCPC, FACP Duncan Robertson is Senior Medical Director of Alberta’s Seniors Health Strategic Clinical Network Praccing geriatric medicine since 1976, he was formerly a Professor in Saskatchewan, Alberta, BC and Toronto where he was Director of the RGP. He contributed to establishing specialized geriatric services in eleven cies in four provinces. KEN SCHWARTZ, MD, FRCPC Ken Schwartz, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto is a group therapist and Psychoanalyst who works at Baycrest Psychiatric Day Hospital for Depressed Elderly and LTC homes. He has published and presented at naonal and internaonal conferences on group therapy, depression, sexuality and the Affect Educaonal Model. ROGER SKINNER, BA, MD, CCFP(EM) Dr. Roger Skinner is the Regional Supervising Coroner for Toronto West Region. He is the current chair of the Geriatric and Long Term Care Review Commiee of the Office of the Chief Coroner. MARTIN SMALBRUGGE, MD, PhD Dr. Marn Smalbrugge is senior researcher at the department of general pracce & elderly care medicine, VU University Medical Center (VUmc) Amsterdam and head of the vocaonal training programme for elderly care physicians of the same department. He is currently involved in several research-projects with a focus on problem behavior in demena, depression, apathy, psycholepc medicaon and pharmacotherapy, all carried out in the nursing home seng. MARCIA SOKOLOWSKI, CPsych, PhD (Phil) Dr. Marcia Sokolowski is Co-Director of Ethics at Baycrest Health Sciences and a member of the University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics. She is an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto , Faculty of Medicine. She is also a clinical psychologist, registered with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. BRIAN STEEVES, MD Brian Steeves is a family physician and Medical Director of a large nursing home in Nova Scoa. His areas of interest include developing guidelines to opmize medicaon use for Elders, creang posive social environments in LTC, and improving demena training for care partners. His group posts guidelines on the site polypharmacy.ca. BALDWIN TOYE, MD, FRCPC Dr. Baldwin Toye is a Medical Microbiologist and Infecous Diseases consultant at The Oawa Hospital, Associate Professor at the University of Oawa, and also a consultant for several hospitals in the Champlain Local Health Integraon Network. His clinical and academic interests include the diagnosis and management of anmicrobialresistant organisms. OLTCP & LTCMDAC ANNUAL MEETING—NOVEMBER 7-9, 2014—PAGE 13 FACULTY ANGELA UY, RN, MN, GNC(C) Angela Uy received her Master of Nursing from the University of Toronto and is a Cerfied Gerontological Nurse through the Canadian Nurses Associaon. Angela is Quality Partner to Baycrest’s Apotex Centre, Jewish Home for the Aged. She is Project Lead for implementaon of the INTERACT® quality improvement program. CHRISTINA VAN SICKLE, BSW, MSW, RSW Chrisna is the Professional Pracce Chief of Social Work at Baycrest and Unit Director in the Apotex, Jewish home for the Aged. Chrisna’s career has focused on the fields of mental health, addicons and geriatrics. Chrisna sits on the provincial board of directors for the Ontario Associaon of Social Workers. LAWRENCE WEISBROD, MD, FRCSC Dr. Lawrence Weisbrod is a lecturer in the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Toronto. He is on staff at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre where he trains Ophthalmology residents in medical and surgical ophthalmology. He also pracces at the Toronto East General Hospital and Kensington Eye Instute where he has a surgical interest in cataract and glaucoma surgery. EVELYN WILLIAMS, MD, FCFP, MHSc, CMD, CHE Dr. Williams is Head of the Division of Long Term Care, Sunnybrook Veterans Centre, and assistant professor at the University of Toronto. For the CPSO she is network lead for LTC peer assessors. She and Dr. Andrea Moser have developed and delivered the new OLTCP Medical Director Curriculum course. OLTCP & LTCMDAC ANNUAL MEETING—NOVEMBER 7-9, 2014—PAGE 14 HOW TO REGISTER EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION Applies to the Members (OLTCP & LTCMDAC) only! Register and pay by SEPTEMBER 15, 2014 and take advantage of the lowest fees and choice of your sessions for OLTCP or LTCMDAC members to aend the Conference. See Registraon form for fee schedule. GUEST POLICY Guests are welcome to the conference and may aend the Wine and Cheese Recepon for a small fee. Guests are not permied to aend any of the sessions, or aend any of the breakfasts, refreshment breaks or luncheons. Please see the registraon form to order ckets for the recepon for guests. HOW TO REGISTER Register 3 ways—All fees are payable in Canadian Dollars only. Online: www.oltcp.ca—Quick & easy and only by credit card Mail: Complete the registraon form, make the cheque payable to the Ontario Long Term Physicians, and mail to 1143 Wentworth Street West, Suite #202, Oshawa, ON L1J 8P7. Fax: 1-905-404-3727—Complete the registraon form and fax to the number provided. Sessions will not be confirmed unl payment is received and processed. PAYMENT Payment can be made by cheque or credit card (VISA, MasterCard. AMEX). Please note: Credit card payments will be processed by Events In Sync, Inc. Your statement will show Events In Sync, Inc. as the vendor. Events In Sync, Inc. is the managing company for the Ontario Long Term Care Physicians. CANCELLATION POLICY Cancellaons received prior to OCTOBER 10, 2014, are subject to a $60.00 administraon fee. Aer October 10, 2014, there will be no refunds however delegate substuon can be made unl FRIDAY OCTOBER 24 with no substuon fee. From SATURDAY OCTOBER 25, 2014 a $60.00 delegate substuon fee applies. OLTCP & LTCMDAC ANNUAL MEETING—NOVEMBER 7-9, 2014—PAGE 15 ACCOMMODATIONS Sheraton Centre Toronto 123 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5H 2M9 Telephone: 1-888-627-7175—Be sure to request the Ontario Long Term Care Physicians room block Online: hps://www.starwoodmeeng.com/Book/OLJ30A The Sheraton Centre Toronto is located near all of Toronto's aracons and connected to the financial and entertainment districts by way of the PATH, a 16-mile underground network of shops and services. Shopping, Mirvish Toronto theatres, world-class dining at downtown Toronto restaurants, and Toronto museums are steps away. Enjoy the largest indoor/outdoor heated Toronto Pool and stay cool with a drink and some snacks from the Splash Bar. Relax with the kids and enjoy the weekend poolside! A block of rooms is being held at the Sheraton Centre Toronto unl Friday, October 10, 2014. The Ontario Long Term Care Physicians and the Sheraton Centre Toronto cannot guarantee availability at any me. The applicable rate for these standard rooms is $199.00 per night plus taxes. All rooms are single or double occupancy and the rate is applicable for 1 night before the conference. Cancellaon Clause: A deposit equal to one night’s stay is required to hold each guest’s reservaon at the me of reservaon. Full refund of this deposit will be given to cancellaons received unl 72 hours prior to arrival. For cancellaons received within 72 hours of arrival, the deposit is non-refundable. Check In: Check in me is 3:00pm. Check out me is 12 noon. Parking: Self-Parking is available and is aached to the hotel, located under City Hall. Monday – Friday Day Maximum (7am - 6pm): $15.00 Night Maximum (6pm - 7am): $6.00 Saturday Day Maximum (7am - 6pm): $6.00 Night Maximum (6pm - 7am): $6.00 Sunday & Holidays Maximum (7am - 7am): $6.00 Or paral parking mes are $2.50 / Half Hour Valet Parking is also available at $50.00 per day including in/out privileges. Various street parking is also available around the hotel. The largest public parking lot closest to the hotel is aached to the Eaton Centre, 2 blocks from the hotel. OLTCP & LTCMDAC ANNUAL MEETING—NOVEMBER 7-9, 2014—PAGE 16 GENERAL INFORMATION DEADLINE DATES: Member Early Bird Rate Ends Monday September 15, 2014 Regular Rates Apply Up to Friday October 24, 2014 Hotel Cut Off Date for Room Reservaons Friday October 10, 2014 Cancellaons Accepted, with a $60.00 Fee To Friday October 10, 2014 Delegate Substuon Policy Applies, no Fee Up to Friday October 24, 2014 Delegate Substuon Policy Applies, $60.00 Fee From Saturday October 25, 2014 Late & Onsite Rates Apply From Saturday October 25, 2014 REGISTRATION AT THE CONFERENCE The OLTCP registraon desk will be located on the Second Floor. Please register at the OLTCP registraon desk to pick up your badge and conference material. BADGES Once registered, please ensure you wear your badge for entrance to all sessions, meals and recepon. Your badge must be visible and worn throughout the event in order to have access to the program. PRESENTATIONS AVAILABLE TWO WAYS All aendees will be provided with a USB sck upon registraon at the Conference. On the USB you will be provided with all of the presentaons from speakers that have provided their authorizaon to reproduce their presentaon. Aer the conference, all authorized presentaons will be also be posted on the website and will be password protected for all of the conference aendees only. There is no opon to purchase handout binders for the 2014 conference. CONCURRENT WORKSHOP CHOICES When selecng your workshop choice, and it appears that your choice is not available, that indicates the choice you are making is full and not available. Please move to another choice listed, which is sll available. The online system automacally removes the workshop from the selecons once full. If registering by fax or email, the office will nofy you directly by email if you have selected a Workshop that is full and you will be given the opon of others that are sll open. Please note: The Workshops are repeated twice to maximize your opons of choosing topics. OLTCP & LTCMDAC ANNUAL MEETING—NOVEMBER 7-9, 2014—PAGE 17 REGISTRATION THANK YOU FOR REGISTERING FOR THE 2014 CONFERENCE. PLEASE COMPLETE BOTH PAGES OF THE REGISTRATION FORM IN FULL AND READ AND ACCEPT THE CANCELLATION CLAUSE. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE AT oltcp@eventsinsync.com OR 905-404-9545. 1. CANCELLATION POLICY: Cancellaons received prior to OCTOBER 10, 2014, are subject to a $60.00 administraon fee. Aer October 10, 2014, there will be no refunds however delegate substuon can be made unl FRIDAY OCTOBER 24 with no substuon fee. From SATURDAY OCTOBER 25, 2014 a $60.00 delegate substuon fee applies. I HAVE READ AND ACCEPTED THE CANCELLATION CLAUSE: 2. REGISTRATION THREE WAYS: Online: www.oltcp.ca—Quick & easy and only by credit card Mail: 1143 Wentworth Street W. Suite 202, Oshawa, ON L1J 8P7 Fax: 1-905-404-3727—Complete the registraon form and fax to number provided. Sessions will not be confirmed unl payment is received and processed. 3. MEMBERSHIP: If you are a current OLTCP or LTCMDAC member, please choose the member rates on page 20. If you are not a member, please choose the non-member rates. If you want to join now and take advantage of the member rates, check the appropriate box under this secon or go to www.oltcp.ca and join. I am a current OLTCP member LTCMDAC member I am not a member and will choose the non-member rates I will be joining now 4. DELEGATE REGISTRATION INFORMATION: One form per person. Photocopies are accepted. Status: choose one: Please circle one: Medical Director Dr. Mr. Physician Mrs. Pharmacist Nurse Praconer Medical Resident Other________________ Ms. First Name: ______________________________________________________Last Name: ______________________________________________________ Long Term Care Facility Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: Home Office ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________________________Province: _____________________ Postal Code:_________________________________ Email: (please print clearly)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tel:_____________________________________________________________Fax:_____________________________________________________________ DIETARY, ALLERGIES OR OTHER SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: If requesng Kosher or other special meals which must be brought in from outside the facility, there will be a 'upcharge' to cover addional cost including the cost of delivery. List here: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS Concurrent workshops must be chosen with registraon. If you do not choose your sessions, there is no guarantee that your choice will be available onsite due to room capacies. Please choose one per me slot: - Circle your choice SATURDAY NOVEMBER 8 SUNDAY NOVEMBER 9 1:15 PM: 3:00 PM: 101A 101B 102A 102B 103A 103B 104A 104B 105A 105B 106A 106B 107A 107B 108A 108B 109A 109A 110A 110B 8:45 AM: 10:30 AM: 201A 201B 202A 202B 203A 203B 204A 204B 205A 205B 206A 206B 207A 207B 208A 208B 209A 209B 210A 210B 6. WINE AND CHEESE RECEPTION—GUEST PURCHASE TICKETS ONLY—REGISTRANTS FEE INCLUDES THIS EVENT Friday November 7, 2014—5:30 pm—7:00 pm. Guests must purchase a cket to aend this event. Choose the appropriate box on the registraon form for payment. Yes, I will be purchasing a guest cket(s) for this event: $25.00 before October 24; $35.00 from October 25. See form to purchase. Guest First Name: __________________________________________ Guest Last Name:________________________________________________________ OLTCP & LTCMDAC ANNUAL MEETING—NOVEMBER 7-9, 2014—PAGE 18 REGISTRATION—Page 2 REGISTRATION FORM CONTINUED 7. PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR NAME ON THIS PAGE TO ENSURE YOUR REGISTRATION FORM REMAINS TOGETHER: First Name __________________________________________ Last Name: ___________________________________________ 8. CHOOSING REGISTRATION FEES: CIRCLE YOUR CHOICES AND TOTAL Registraon fees are categorized by member fees, non-member fees and resident fees. Members (OLTCP & LTCMDAC) fees include all categories of membership—Regular, Pharmacists and Nurse Praconers. Early Bird Fee Applicable to Members Only: Choose early bird fees if registering before and including September 15. Regular Fee Member: Choose regular fees if registering between September 16 and October 24, inclusive. Non-members or Medical Residents: Choose regular fees to October 24. Late & Onsite Fees: Choose late & onsite fees if registering from October 25, or any date aer and throughout the Conference. If you are not a member, and want to join now for member fees, please choose this opon under #9—Fee Totals. EARLY BIRD FEE TO SEPTEMBER 15 REGULAR FEE SEPTEMBER 16—OCTOBER 24 LATE & ONSITE FEE FROM OCTOBER 25 THREE DAY CONFERENCE PACKAGE—NOV 7– NOV 9 785.00 835.00 935.00 LTCMDAC DAY ONLY—NOVEMBER 7 295.00 345.00 445.00 OLTCP ANY ONE DAY—NOV 8; NOV 9 (Circle one day) 280.00 320.00 420.00 ANY TWO DAYS— NOV 7; NOV 8, NOV 9 (Circle two days) 515.00 565.00 665.00 REGULAR FEE TO OCTOBER 24 LATE & ONSITE FEE FROM OCTOBER 25 MEMBER FEES REGULAR, NP, PHARMACISTS NON-MEMBER FEES THREE DAY CONFERENCE PACKAGE—NOV 7– NOV 9 NA 930.00 1,035.00 LTCMDAC DAY ONLY—NOVEMBER 7 NA 440.00 545.00 OLTCP ANY ONE DAY—NOV 8; NOV 9 (Circle one day) NA 415.00 520.00 ANY TWO DAYS— NOV 7; NOV 8, NOV 9 (Circle two days) NA 660.00 765.00 REGULAR FEE TO OCTOBER 24 LATE & ONSITE FEE FROM OCTOBER 25 MEDICAL RESIDENTS FEES Proof of Residency is Required THREE DAY CONFERENCE PACKAGE—NOV 7– NOV 9 NA 560.00 655.00 LTCMDAC DAY ONLY—NOVEMBER 7 NA 210.00 310.00 OLTCP ANY ONE DAY—NOV 8; NOV 9 (Circle one day) NA 195.00 300.00 ANY TWO DAYS— NOV 7; NOV 8, NOV 9 (Circle two days) NA 365.00 465.00 9. FEE TOTALS Registraon fees as selected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _____________________ Guest Recepon Ticket, before October 24_______# ckets x $25.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _____________________ Guest Recepon Ticket, from October 25 _______# ckets x $35.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _____________________ OLTCP Membership Fee, Regular, $250.00 - Join Now—New Members Only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _____________________ OLTCP Membership Fee, Associate (NP, PHARM, PA), $200.00 - Join Now—New Members Only . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _____________________ TOTAL FEES: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ _____________________ 10. PAYMENT A. By credit card: FAX TO 1-905-404-3727: VISA _____ MASTERCARD _____ AMEX ____ Credit card payments will be processed by Events In Sync, Inc. and your statement will show Events In Sync as the vendor. Events In Sync, Inc. is the managing company for the OLTCP. NAME ON CARD: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NUMBER: ______________________________________________________________________________________EXPIRY _________ _________ CVN ________________ SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ B. By Mail: With cheque payable to: Ontario Long Term Care Physicians, 1143 Wentworth Street West, Suite 202, Oshawa, ON L1J 8P7 11. QUESTIONS? OLTCP Office: T: 905-404-9545; oltcp@eventsinsync.com OLTCP & LTCMDAC ANNUAL MEETING—NOVEMBER 7-9, 2014—PAGE 19
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